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>tfw Canadian money

Americans, how does it make you guys feel to know your money not only has the value of trash, but looks like trash too?

>Minimum wage is higher in Canada then the us
>Live on border town
>Go to U.S. to buy groceries
>Canadian money is taken at par.
>Cashier and people in line always fawn over my sweet 50's like savages who have never seen a nice bill
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>Tfw motherfucking money window
Monopoly money must be fun to carry around, do you have the board too?
Is that Lenin on your fiddy?
Damn Canada, get it together you pussies.
>>4455340 (OP)

Hahaha, This fuckin guy.

5 star post my nigga.

Also, you amerifats really need to think about getting rid of that one dollar bill, fucking useless as shit.

If anything, American money is monopoly mother, as it's practically worth that much nowadays.


So does that mean pretty is better then ugly because pretty girls can't possibly have value?
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>>4455340 (OP)
Yes... Good Canada

Spend all your money in American stores, never buy Canadian
>you amerifats really need to think about getting rid of that one dollar bill, fucking useless as shit
Not it's not you dumbass. It's great for small purchases and riding the bus.
>>4455340 (OP)
Fuck canadians. I work at a resturant thats in a town on the border and you people dont tip for shit since your minimum wage is so high.
just admit it amerifats

we canadians = better then you
>comparing money to people
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Well it IS cheaper and it only costs 3$ for bridge fare. We save like 200$ every time we go. Mind you, everyone knows the milk and meat is way unhealthy in comparison, but a gallon of milk here is 6$


>Doesn't know what a coin is.

My sister's U.S. friend says Canadians tip her more at her job.
I guess it depends.

We go to Sault ste Marie, maybe you're getting south ontario canadians?
Our money sure is gay..
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So in other words all your money is ours now

All of mine? Sure, I don't mind where my money goes.
Taxes on merchandise is even cheaper, too, here, we pay 13%
Europoor here.
You Canadians sure have nice-looking money.
I now call upon anons from other countries to disregard females and post currency so I can see if anyone beats that.

captcha: circulation NSursel

At this point, I don't think any country has cooler money then Canada, except that one country that has Pokemon dollar coins.

Our money is plastic, can't even rip it.
I've lived in both Canada and the US and I'd like to say that Canada's money is the best. I got a job in fast food during my time in Canada wherein I had to handle a lot of cash, and holy shit.

Holy shit.



Do you know how fucking NICE it is for money to be multi-colored monopoly money shit? I never accidentally gave somebody a 20 instead of a 5, EVER. Not a single goddamn time. I always, ALWAYS got people their change properly.

Also 1 dollar coins are stupid. Fuck coins. Loonies and Toonies (fucking Canada) are stupid as all fuck.

But seriously, all the bills? Shit is so Cash.
Dear op, why do you have to be such a shit posting cunt? You boast about canada's higher minimum wage, yet you cross over to murika because everything is more expensive where you live.
>im pretty sure you can tell where im getting to
>>4455340 (OP)

Don't blame them op, Their treasury is privately owned.
>Implying thin pieces of paper that can fit easily into a wallet aren't vastly superior and more convenient than bulky annoying ass coins.

Yeah, this, sometimes I've almost grabbed the wrong bill when I have U.S. money, sometimes it just takes a second of being absent-minded.
With the Canadian money, that never happens

I can't stand when I go to the U.S. and get change and I wind up with like a million dollar bills, I'd rather have a few toonies and loonies. The dollar bills take up way too much room

I'm not boasting about it's higher minimum wage, I'm boasting that because the cost of living is more expensive in Canada, we get a higher minimum wage BUT, going to the U.S. is like a cheat-code since many places take our money at par.

Have you SEEN a U.S. dollar bill? Those things get so clustery and messy and gross and wrinkled and fuck they suck.
>1 dollar coins
How do strip clubs work in Canada?
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>Implying US money won't be superior in a few years
Does Canada even have strip clubs? I would think Canadian feminists would have had those outlawed years ago.
>having a nigger on your money
lol, maximum pleb tier money.

Lol that shit looks like fucking crap.
I do quite like Canada's money.

STRAYAN here, I like our $100 bills. Pic is just the notes I had in my wallet.

By the way OP, we printed your notes, cunt.

Funny think is, at the border in Sault ste Marie, on the American side you cross and there's a nice big university, then you go over to the Canadian side and there's the strip club and the slums of the city.
>implying american bills aren't the ones that look like monopoly paper
>implying bland, colorless, weirdly-sized, print that looks drawn-on, shit paper quality isn't shit-tier bill
have you is even ever played a monopoly, cute anon? so kawaii desu nee~
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And I didn't post a pic.
>implying us dollars aren't worthless

>I never accidentally gave somebody a 20 instead of a 5, EVER. Not a single goddamn time. I always, ALWAYS got people their change properly.

Yeah I've never done that either. Because I'm not a complete fucking retard, that's why.

Fuck me why?
I only care about insulting the U.S. bills.

> o's instead of zero's
>Still worships the queen

Everything you say is null and void.
Oh yeah, man! US Dollar is such shit. The Canadian dollar is so much better

>>4455340 (OP)
>my paper is better than your paper

Well shit. Wait- no, ours have better pictures.
Checkmate, faggot.
Fuck. I never noticed that.

>Takes orders from a Nigger

>Doesn't know what respect is.

No, our independence was given to us, which is cool, we didn't have to fight for it like war-hungry faggots, so we pay fucking respect. No reason not to.

This has to be a joke. There's no fucking way anyone supports Obama taking George Washington's place on the 1.
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>not tricking foreign countries into accepting Canadian Tire money

I used this a couple times in Egypt and they just assumed it was a dollar
A country that's outlawed "hate speech" and jumps through hoops to appease faggots, sand niggers and feminists is going to judge us for having a black president? LOL

And a country that allows hate speech is a good country?
I feel much more free here then I ever would in MURRICA.
If I go out for a walk tonight and some drink driver slams into me and drives off, I don't have to pay thousands of dollars to stay alive.

Australian money is best. You can make the Queens neck look like a whale eating a dick.
Do I even have to explain why hate speech laws are bad?
Have fun wallowing in your PC dystopia while I'm allowed free thought and expression.
>allowed free thought and expression.
implying money is made out of paper

>Free thought and expression

Yelling at gays for being faggots isn't thought, it's being a retarded fuck, why SHOULD you be allowed?

Have fun living in a country that will charge you 40,000$ to stay alive if you can't afford insurance.
daily reminder 1 US dollar = 1.0016 Canadian dollars
candadians in charge of shitting up my favorite board
Or maybe your just shitty at your job.
Pics of queen neck fellatio whale
>minimum wage is higher
Minimum wage is high in Australia too and all their shit is expensive as fuck. Higher minimum wage isn't anything to brag about.
Yes, here in America we're allowed to say uncomfortable and politically incorrect truths and jokes without fear of prosecution. Try that in Europe or Canada.
holy shit i spelled that so wrong but you get the point
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If you're the kind of loser that starts country war threads, you're really just a kid.
It's pretty easy. On the other hand if you say niggers are dumb someone might get upset.
Don't forget you're the ones who had the daniel tosh rape joke fiasco.
>why SHOULD you be allowed?
Why should someone be locked in a cage at the tax payers expense for OFFENDING someone.
Where you fucking people not taught sticks and stones when you were kids?

Also hate crime laws outlaw far more than being a bigoted asshole, it outlaws saying uncomfortable truths such as 3rd worlders flooding into your country is a very bad thing. Just look at what they tried to do to Geert Wilders.
>Don't forget you're the ones who had the daniel tosh rape joke fiasco.
Daniel Tosh wasn't arrested nor did he lose his job. It would've been a different story in Canada or Europe.
YES! Please, America, start printing liberal circlejerk money. I would very much like to watch conservatives lose their shit over this. Have one that says 'in happy holidays we trust'.

Sincerely, an amused europoor.
No it wouldn't, you really overestimate these things. The thought police don't lurk at every corner waiting for you to eat pork, shit the county council of cambridge is openly racist. They decry gypsies in council meetings and their policies are so clearly borne of hate.
American here. Why are we so reticent torwards one dollar coins?

We've all seen how much money they'll save on a sturdier coin instead of single bills.

I can easily carry around a large stack of ones. You just can't carry around a ton of large coins.
A gallon of milk is $6? where the fuck do you live?
It's $4.50 here in BC
haha you're so funny op.

Everyone knows Canadians trade in beaver skins, not currency.
Why are you carrying around sacks of one dollar anything? Once you have five (be it coin or note) switch it for one note.
I'd be okay with it if the dollar bill changed with whoever was the current president.
>tfw the new 20s aren't out yet

I hope the queen croaks the same day they're in the wild so they have to change it to King Charles right away
>tfw USD is the basic measurement when dealing with international transactions EVEN IF NEITHER PARTY IS AMERICAN
>That Feel when Amerifats will never know about glorious Australian money.

No penny master race reporting. Also No need to tip master race.
>No need to tip master race.
Enjoy your mediocre service.
The Euro surpassed the Dollar back in 2006 and still remained the highest traded currency until last measured in 2011.

Of course that'll change next year or the following when the Euro is officially disbanded and each Nation goes back to it's own currency.

Then it's just a matter of waiting to see if the Chinese construction bubble bursts. If it does, the American Dollar will once again be the world currency. If not the Yuan has a fighting chance.

We're probably going to look at another 5 years of American dominance but I'd expect some radical changes within the decade.

Who knows we might even set up a digital only currency that automatically just converts the dollars as they cross borders accordingly. That'd be my guess at least.

0/10, my 4 year old cousin can do better.
It's just cute that foreigners think we don't know whats going on.
They all know and we know they all know.
It's ok though, no hard feelings, we just fuck you over in subtle ways all the time.
>tfw I'm American and I totally agree with every foreignfag in this thread that our money is shit.
>tfw all we have to do is make at least part of it shiny to be god tier.
>inb4 thread derailed by retards arguing about tipping
I met an australian, he was quite friendly but very racist and his taste in beer was terrible.
his most redeeming feature was he called Belgians clogwogs.
i agree, american money is honestly just too damn boring

and personally, i like coins theres no better feeling than slamming some coins on the counter

not to mention the "in god we trust" bullshit
Tipping incentivises waiters to not fuck our orders up, to be friendly and generally do a great job. I'm not saying you'll get shit service in countries that don't have tipping but you're not going to get the same god tier service us Americans enjoy at even our most low class restaurants.
Why are Amerifats so completely devoid of responsibility. Everywhere else in the world, if you don't do your job or make a subpar effort with it, you get fired. But in the land of lard it's considered reasonable to have to bribe people into what they should be doing anyway?
The $ goes in front of the value, for example: $6.00
kind of. I'm American and a lot of these younger people who wait tables act entitled to the tips and consider it a part of their normal wage regardless.

I mean even if you get the shittiest of service plenty of kids still get pissed if you don't tip. Even when you under tip they get mad. When I was last at Chilis we waiting for 20 minutes before she came over. The only thing she got right was the drinks. And she spent the entire time texting or flirting with the guy working the bar. Barely noticed our drinks or gave us refills. We didn't tip and she actually had the mind to follow us out the door and ask where the tip was. My step dad explained that the service wasn't acceptable and she flipped her shit. She even threatened to call the manager and said to our face in an entirely serious way that tipping is required. My mom just laughed, said no dear it's not, and the waitress called the manager. The manager actually had to reexplain to the waitress that tipping is in fact not required by the customer if they chose not to. Then the waitress, again in front of the manager, told us we were never allowed to come back. The manager just told her to go back in and apologized to us and ensured us that our family was still welcomed there and that we could request a table not in her station if we would like.

The reason I told that story is I'm finding behavior like that more and more common.
Not losing your job incentivises waiters everywhere else.

Besides, your argument rests on the assumption that in countries that don't require tipping, no one gets tipped. If a waiter does a really good job and goes out of his way to do the job really well, I'll give him a tip.
>yfw you smell it and it there's a hint of maple syrup
America doesn't require tipping, and other countries don't tip as much and as often as we do.
I also hear stories all the time from people who traveled around Europe, especially Britain, and they all complained about how awful the service was.

Waiters expect tips because they're underpaid and they have bills to pay, but your waiter did sound like a massive cunt. I've never had that problem before.
The service was bad not because the waiters were bad but because the customers were american. Protip: No one likes americans. just stay in your country where you belong
>America doesn't require tipping,
Okay, change required to expected and the point stands.
>and other countries don't tip as much and as often as we do.
Because in your country it is expected. To the point where the customer is guilted into tipping by workers earning most of their money through tips.

>I also hear stories all the time from people who traveled around Europe, especially Britain, and they all complained about how awful the service was.
I've heard stories that Americans never landed on the moon and 9/11 was an inside job. I've heard stories about magical dragons and shit.
>>4455340 (OP)
Hey OP, keep telling yourself whatever you need to heal that wound.

You were so close to being born an American. So close!

>God-tier service.
>At even our most low class restaurants.

Dohohooo, You're fucking funny.

You probably haven't even been outside of your state, let alone your country. Service is shit in america. Besides, the rest of the world knows you don't need to include the tip on the bill, if you do a good job you will EASILY get your 15% and then some.
Couple arrested for not tipping...

Jesus, who designed your money? The local preschoolers?
>Because in your country it is expected.
It's only expected so waiters can be underpaid.
>Of course that'll change next year or the following when the Euro is officially disbanded and each Nation goes back to it's own currency.
lel like that's gonna happen
what makes you so sure it'll happen next year?
What is the average age of Canadian posters? 12? Why so obsessed with America? Are all of you asspained about the furpuck lockout? You realize the only people who care about Canada in America are the type who already like Canada, right?
>tfw you realize your country is a massive asshole
>You realize the only people who care about Canada in America are the type who already like Canada, right?
This is the most retarded statement ever.

>1 post about USA

How old are you? Are you stupid? Do you suffer from severe autism? Something has to be wrong with you. Go see a psychiatrist.

>1 post
>implying that Canadians don't bitch and moan about the US non stop

I don't get it, Canadians are always complaining about the US and trying to act/be more European. What'd the US do to Canada recently? I've seen tons of passive aggressive hostility from Canadians online all the time and I just don't get it. I mean there has to be a reason for it, right?
Obviously the only people in the USA who care about Canada are people that like it you shit cunt

You can say the same except replace the countries with Macedonia and Japan.
>>4455340 (OP)
They're interested just because it's foreign, bro. It's like how they pass out Japanese yen to 1st graders.

Yes you fucking autist, what I'm saying is why be mad at America in the first place since most people here don't give a shit about Canada. Americans will make fun of the Chinese, Brits, Russians, and French but nobody talks bad about Canada. Most people here don't give two shits about Canada so why all this massive butthurt and angst towards the US?
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I love being able to tell where you mongoloids will take a thread
I don't have any butthurt about the USA its the same fucking country as up here essentially.
i be rollin in loonies and toonies feeling like scrooge mcduck
I like that we're going Aussie with our bills.

Seriously was jelly of Australians and their fancy money.

We need plastic 10's and 20's now.
20's come out in a few days
10's in March I think then 5's in September 2013
I was actually working at the place that printed the new Canadian notes (in Australia) when they were printing the 10s. A fucking moth got caught on one of the rollers and as a result there was a little white dot (where the ink didn't take) on the maple leaf in the top left corner. For two weeks I had to go through thousands of sheets of the shit, checking for that dot. If you get a ten and it has a dot, fuck you idgaf.
...our money is printed in Australia? THE FUCK???

Do you have any pics of the new 10s? There aren't any images of them anywhere
Yeah, Australia has been using plastic notes for ages and have the capabilities to print some of the best security features on notes. The company I worked at printed shit for a few SE Asian countries, Romania (or something like that) and even shit like birth certificates for some shitty African country (I think it was Kenya).

I don't know if we printed all of your money, or if we just printed some to help take the work load off the Canadian printers.

Security was extremely tight at the place and one of the biggest things was you weren't allowed a camera while on site. Even if your phone had a camera you had to either leave it in your car or put theses plastic clip things they had over the camera.

Either way I wasn't working in finishing. I was working with the notes when they were blank, just with the security features printed, as well as the green maple leaf border.

Actually thinking back I'm pretty sure it was the 20s that had the moth fuck up. Pretty sure the 20s are green.
Yes the 20s are green. What do the bills look like when they're blank? Just transparent?
Nah they're white with clear windows. They also have the green maple leaf border already printed on them. Anywhere that has things like the silver insert in the OP pic also starts with just a clear window, then the silver insert is heat treated onto it. That was actually one of my duties, checking the windows in the lab to ensure they had enough of the shiny shit they put on it, to ensure the inserts would stick.
Oh also, to all the Americans in the thread: we also made prototype plastic American money. I saw the ten dollar one. It was really fucking cool. It wasn't something actually being introduced, though. Just something the company made to send the US government as a sample to show them what it'd be like (trying to rope them in as customers).
Cool stuff thanks for the new knowledge
>implying I want obongo on the $1 bill
>implying I care about what money looks like
Neat to know. I hope that they change it to something neat, but...how would they implement the change, do you think?

>Tricking Egyptians into taking Canadian Tire money

Something about that sounds hilarious to me.
This. If you walk into the money room in a bank, it'll literally smell like a maple syrup factory.
>implying any of these currencies with be worth anything in ten years

Krugerrand masterrace reporting in.
It's called a loonie rain

You literally throw loonies at the stripper.

It's fucking hilarious just don't throw hard or a bouncer will fuck you up.
>>4455340 (OP)

Our new money is ugly as fuck. Sticks together, doesn't fold, and it feels like shit.
Uhm...if minimum wage is high, it means the value of the dollar is lower. Just saying.
>tfw plastic 20's came out a few days ago

I'm soo stoked for the 10's and 5's next year.

ya man its actually hilarious, like sometimes they'll have little cups on their crotches that you try to get the money in, ive been to a place where u try to actually get it inside the vagine.
nope companies are acting the loonie only worth 60 cent to the american dollar.
>gas is more expensive in Calgary than montana or washington
Canadian Dollar is on par with American, and our minimum wage is much higher.

Maybe you just have a shitty country.
>Implying we tip the strippers

This isn't Amerilard, our strippers get a proper wage so we don't feel compelled to tip them. I only tip servers who go above and beyond.
You don't throw loonies at the whores?

Poor form
But they ARE out. I just got one yesterday.
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> tfw Ausfag plastic money is the master race of money
wait wait wait,

do you live in Windsor, too? We should meet.
>buy me free beer bro

Its perfectly easy. I sayoffensive shit all the time. You act like I'll get arrested fo telling my friends tard stories
I wish my shitty american money was that fucking awesome looking.

Nope, I live in Sault ste Marie.
Doesn't Windsor take you to shit-tier Detroit?
This isn't Sweden, we have more freedom in our strip clubs than Americans do. Strippers can get fully nude and we can enter at younger ages as well.
canada prints their own notes dipshit, at least check your facts if your going to make an insult
My local strip club in Ontario has girls eat each other out on stage and use dildos on each other
Yesss, I just got a new twenty today. Naturally, I immediately tried to rip it in half. It didn't work.
Plus in Montreal, you can get really touchy-feely with them.

For $15 I spanked one, licked her titties and semi-fingered her. I'm not sure how it is in the rest of the country though.
>$15 for that

you go to a ghetto club? were they black? pig disgusting
>>4455340 (OP)
where can i get the glow in the dark dinosaur coins?
.... do you go to the university?
my canadian brother were do you live, i must go to this strip club
>>4455340 (OP)
our money is actually still worth more than yours. it takes 1.0009 of your dollars to make one of ours.
enjoy your bagged milk faggot
Apparently, that's only an Ontario thing.
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>tfw canadians have to use different color money because they're too stupid to read numbers
Lol, yeah. You guys are so advanced and so much better than the USA. lol k.
>>4455340 (OP)
Your national anthem is almost as bad as your beer.
There are no 'ghetto' clubs in fucking Montreal. It's just a huge part of their nightlife, not hard to find a good strip club in Montreal for cheap price.
I'm in the GTA and in the clubs I've been to you're allowed to get touchy-feely as well, it's sort of liek the dancers giving you free samples.
well i'm just surprised

not even street whores are that cheap
You plebs will copy us and our superior money won't you?
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etbbroa son
>>4455340 (OP)
Most of the pathetic Americans on /r9k/ will never even see 4 50s at the same time in their life

Enjoy your unhealthy, hormone-pumped milk fag.
what's a milk fag?
It wasn't really a "ghetto" club. It wasn't the classiest place in town, and there was one black stripper nobody wanted lapdances from her but $15 seems to be the going rate for a lapdance there. It also costs $10 to get into the club, $6 for the mandatory beer and a minimum tip to the waitress of $1 for bringing the beer, so when all was said and done it was more like $32 (but I got a pint of beer). I think the stripper was just a freak.
>Not being able to glance at your wallet and know how much money you have almost immediately

It's just convenient.
>Not just knowing how much money you have in the first place.

really though dude, what is a milk fag?

Everyone knows American beer is the shit beer of the world.

There's actually 10 50s there, they're just layered on top of each other.

It's when a faggot pours milk in his anus and lets in leak out back into the container before it's sold.
This is what US milk is.
That makes Canadian beer the donkey shit beer of the world then?

There's actually 500$
And since many of said pathetic persons live in their parents basement, probably not.

But we were talking about pathetic virgin neckbeards who think it's ok they don't work because they are unhappy with the idea of an honest living.
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Master Race Mississaugan here. Our mayor Hazel McCallion has been in power for 33 years since 1978 and she won the last election with a 76% majority without even needing to campaign. How does that make you Americans feel with your new President every eight years?
While American money doesn't look great, it's also extremely hard to counterfeit.

>that cotton paper

Glad we don't have to deal with a woman in power for 33 years.
That's close to 400 periods you've had to live through.
>mayor =/= president
I don't get the hate here either.
I guess some people just want to hate on America, they've run out of things to complain about, so they've started talking about our currency.
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>be poor American


Oh... that place brings back memories of sex in bushes next to a main road and... stuff :(
shut the fuck up you moose fucking bastard. on the back of our dollar bil, we hav te eye of lucifer, our god. we americans love money. money is our god. hail Satan.

OP here.
I don't actually hate America, but their currency IS shit as fuck.

I actually like when I cross the border, mind you, it's probably pleasant because I don't go to a big/main city.
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>tfw accidentally left your plastic money out in the sun
>>4455340 (OP)
So nigga, your minimum wage is higher than US's but cost of living is higher than US's?

Aside from the fact that you border hop to buy groceries, you have no advantage over Americunts.

I'll agree with you though. Americunt money looks like trash and is worth less. Goddamn America.
love you
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>Master Race Mississaugan here.
lol nigga fuck off

I live in montreal, it's nice to actually live in a REAL city

The feel of the paper, it's almost always in bad condition, it looks like shit too, practically all look the same.

Technically I do have an advantage - minimum wage is more but I go buy american merchandise instead of expensive canadian merchandise. The actual cost of apartments and shit is usually the same, it's good and milk and meat and luxury and clothes stuff that's more. I get that all in America thus overall, I am left with more money then an american.
>Be canadian
>when I was a kid my dad drove my brother and I out to edmonton to see our uncle for the summer
>after stops at gas stations and many bottled waters later it got dark and we had to find a place to sleep
>Dad wants us to experience the "Dirt nap"
>I say fuck no, I don't wanna be eaten by bears
>Dad calls me a wuss, I say It's pointless to sleep on the ground which he quickly replies the one and only answer for everything that follows "I can't do X."
>"Well son, your ancestor Caveman Collins did it."
>we find a nook far off the highway
>Dad makes a final remark saying that I'll starve to death in the truck if smokey the bear comes and eats everyone
>I laugh at him and get to sleep
>Next morning we pack up and get back on the road
>2 minutes of driving a fucking massive sign with big capital letters scream "BEAR WARNING"
>Dad laughs his ass off
>from this point on he refuses to let me hear the end of it, as we arrive in edmonton my dad tells everyone that I'm a "Bear-detector"

Fuck you dad I was eight.

>Be much younger, tike sized rambunctious canadian boy
>Mom hands me the phone, says it's my aunt from Seattle, and to say hello
>Aunt asks me if I like maple syrup, "Yes."
>Aunt asks me if I have a radio, "Yes?"
>Aunt asks me if I live in a freezer, which by now I'm confused
>Aunt asks If I'm a lumberjack and if I'm okay.
>I'm really confused and looking at my mum for answers while my aunt howls on the phone in laughter
>my mum grabs the phone and listens for a moment and quickly begins laughing just as hard
>Years later I hear the monty python gang sing "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay!"

Aunty Joan that wasn't funny

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