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  • File :1244632250.jpg-(738 KB, 724x1014, 14768_PICT9568_122_1110lo.jpg)
    738 KB Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:10:50 No.4429573  
    The "unpopular" nerds and geeks are among the most under-appreciated members of the human race. If it weren't for nerds, we wouldn't have computers, cellphones, iPods, spaceships and airplanes, science and technology, not to mention countless other things people take for granted every day. Without them, there would be no innovation; everyone would just be boring Joe Schmoes. Hell, we'd probably all still be living in caves hunting animals with clubs. It's so unfortunate that being labeled a "nerd" or a "geek" carries such social stigma. It seems nerds are always the ones left on the sidelines while the more "conventional" men (read: jerky alpha-cocks) get all the action, so to speak. I mean, how many times have you seen a tall, skinny, socially-inept nerd with glasses in the company of a smoking-hot blonde girlfriend? In my 28 years, I don't think I've ever seen this. Society really is fucked up
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:11:49 No.4429586
    And without the alpha males you nerds wouldn't know your place.

    See, I walk the line between geek and popular, attractive guy.

    Girls fucking LOVE me but I can write code.

    You fags WISH you were me.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:12:58 No.4429608
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:13:22 No.4429614
    Nerds are ugly and nobody likes ugly people.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:14:12 No.4429624
    We are all human beings and have different personality traits. Are women this hard and unforgiving of a man's "flaws"? Do they despise nerds? And don't give me that evolution crap.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:16:43 No.4429646
    I am curious is their anything out there whether it is medical or natural that lowers or eliminates ones sex drive, googling the solution proved useless.

    I am pretty much at the moment trying for the last remaining single woman I know and if or most likely when that will fail I think I will start seeking means to reduce my sex drive as my sex drive is just distracting my life too much, every single moment there is a lustful thought in my head followed by an instant moment of failure and depression followed by rants to friends which are getting tired of it.

    I really need a solution as clearly getting sex via traditional means has failed and getting by paid means did not work out well for me before...

    maybe it might go with age as I am only 23 but seriously years of this I simply can not take any more..
    >> The Gay Science !!EMvvyNDhzDm 06/10/09(Wed)07:17:33 No.4429653
    The bitches only want to have sex with alpha males.

    They cannot understand or even comprehend the language of the geeks and nerds. Also, the bitches want to fuck 24/7.... Geeks and nerds are always too busy with their jobs, computers, programming or whatever. Bitches feel that they have attained self-actualization by fucking all day and night.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:18:03 No.4429658
    I sometimes feel the same way, but you should not be ashamed of the fact that a you are a man, with physical needs ie. sex with women. I too get depressed about my dreadful luck with women (I am 40), but don't blame youself, for something that is not your fault.

    You mentioned that you were disappointed when you saw a hooker? May I ask was it with a young or mature age hooker?

    My advice to you would simply be focus and improve the things in life you do have control over eg. your career,finances,health and wellbeing, taking up fun hobbies, and travel. etc. If you meet a woman, great that's a bonus, but don't let women define who you are as a person.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:18:18 No.4429661
    The girl in OPs pic is perfect. Got any moar?

    I wonder what kind of a man one has to be to get a pretty thing like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:19:56 No.4429675
    Op is full of bullshit. Blaming your social standing on your nerdiness is utter bollocks. You can be inteligent and outgoing. Most innovators have to sell their ideas, this means knowing people and getting your stuff seen. Without any personal courage or push to get their new technology out there and used we wouldn't progress.

    >I mean, how many times have you seen a tall, skinny, socially-inept nerd with glasses in the company of a smoking-hot blonde girlfriend?

    >socially-inept nerd
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:31:12 No.4429758
    hot women are extremely hard to pick up, unless you are very good looking,rich/or famous. Plus most people only date other people within their level of physical attractiveness, ie. a woman who is 9 to 10 out 10, is not going to date a man who is a 1 to 2 out 10 (like me for example), because she has so many better options that are open to her. That cruise I went on back in 1992 with my jock friend is a classic example.

    The way the women see it, "why should I fly economy, when I can fly first class" or, "why drive a Ford, when I can drive a Rolls Royce". Yes, I have a lot to offer woman, but unless she is willing to give you a chance, you have no chance.

    Sorry for the negativity, and yes, you should adopt a positive attitude, but at the same time, you also need to be realistic and know your limitations.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:36:26 No.4429794
    confidence and personality are the go buttons for attracting people first, then looks. anyone can make themselves look decent if they try
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:40:25 No.4429818
    Suck it up. The socially retarded nerds never got anything done; it was all the charismatic nerds, and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:41:42 No.4429827
    They have meds for delusions.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:42:53 No.4429832
    hahahaha keep on dreaming boy. nerds are the fuckups who leech of new technology developements. scientists and nerds aren't even in the same fucking category. it's just that neds cling to anything that looks even remotely science-y to justify their fucked up mind and behavior as "oh i'm just scientifically minded, yeah that's how I roll, deal with it".

    Newsflash: memorizing all the pokemon and learning trivial bullshit facts about the creator of some obscure anime or game isn't even remotely indicative of anything but patheticness
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:43:44 No.4429838
    I want intelligence. Nerds and geeks are very often bright people. What I do not want is whining, bitching and low self esteem. Nerd often possess these traits too, unfortunately. It's that easy.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:46:49 No.4429854
    look at this pathetic idiot, just look at him, trying to kill off all he is just because he's a loser. though he was no man but a boy anyway, but still, goddamn that's pathetic, at least have the decency and fuck a hooker once in a while
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:48:39 No.4429870
         File :1244634519.jpg-(170 KB, 516x374, harden_up2.jpg)
    170 KB
    Take responsibility.

    It's not the meds/your parents/the society/the media/the culture/George Bush/Obama/the republicans/the democrats/THE MAN that's making your life miserable, it's just yourself. All your failures and shortcomings can almost always be attributed back to you. Suck it up, make peace with your past and be responsible in the future. Be a man. YOU have to be the immovable stone in the strong river current of our world, and not be someone who sees such a stone in his friends. That doesn't mean you have to become emotionally dead or stoic, learn to accept your feelings and emotions and filter the ones you want to let outside. DON'T BE PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE! If I see that sticky note one more time....

    You get the gist of it. So now HARDEN THE FUCK UP!
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:48:52 No.4429871
    I don't understand, I am tall and good looking also I am majoring in physics I am a nerd for sure but I don't look like a socially inept loser who can't dress nice or can't hold a normal conversation. Most nerds that fail socially due so because they suck and are assholes.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:50:18 No.4429890
    electrical engineer here
    you are so wrong hahaha
    also stop taking credit for others work cockass you are without a doubt nothing like the great men of science
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/10/09(Wed)07:50:35 No.4429893

    Sad truth, especially in high school where nerds are treated like shit because unlike the popular (wealthy and athletic) students, they're not into sport, dating, underage drinking and sexual intercourse and such.

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