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  • File :1244398854.jpg-(57 KB, 399x234, sxe1.jpg)
    57 KB Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:20:54 No.4400440  
    Sup robos.
    sXe fag here.
    I dont do drugs. I dont smoke. Hell i dont drink.
    Last night i slept with a girl i've known for like less 24 hours...
    I just keep breaking my edge everytime I go to a non-hc gig.
    Any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:22:48 No.4400461
    Stop being sXe?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:23:32 No.4400470
    stop pretending you're special? sxe is the dumbest thing i've ever heard.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:24:10 No.4400481
    Stop trying to suppress your natural urges and just enjoy life?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:25:35 No.4400496
    Try thinking for yourself, and exploring the possibility that the problem with drugs, alcohol, and sex lies not in the substance or acts, but in the motivation behind the use. And the person using.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:26:25 No.4400503
    Enjoy your shitty fall from a retarded ideology.

    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:26:52 No.4400510
    Stop being a massive straight edge faggot?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:27:31 No.4400512
    Easier said than done.
    After refusing to drink (I was a pretty heavy drinker, getting trashed a lot before) so many times, you are either an EDGE or a PANSY in the hc community. PANSIES arent treated very well.
    And I am felling a lot better, without drinking (even beer). Not to mention the boost in my testosterone level, that has helped me a lot.
    There are a lot of non-hc gigs around, so i just visit them with a few friends from time to time when we bored. Most of the time I end up making out with a chick/sleeping with one.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:27:31 No.4400513
    sXe is stupid as hell.

    Just drop it. Have sex, drink, smoke and do drugs if you want to.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:29:51 No.4400527
    don't call yourself sxe.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:30:04 No.4400530
    Oh, you base your life on the acceptance of others.

    In that case, you should really just kill yourself.

    As soon as you start identifying yourself with a culture/subculture, you sell your individuality.

    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:30:52 No.4400537
    >Last night i slept with a girl i've known for like less 24 hours...
    I wish I could just END UP fucking some chick. "Oops"
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:31:03 No.4400540
    What are you talking about? no one at a hardcore show has given me shit for drinking or smoking. There have been people smoking pot in the damn crowds. youre just an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:34:35 No.4400561
    You haven't lived until you've gotten spun on Molly at a concert, blown a hundred bucks sharing primo weed with people you don't know, and fucked some random hot slut who's name you are unsure of, because you were giggling too hard when she told you.
    >> The Gay Science !!EMvvyNDhzDm 06/07/09(Sun)14:37:58 No.4400581
    >I dont do drugs. I dont smoke. Hell i dont drink.
    >Last night i slept with a girl i've known for like less 24 hours...

    you're in the wrong forum bro
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:38:32 No.4400586
    That depends on your location.
    In here there are sXe fags (us), hc tough guys, hc normal guys.
    Noone bothers sXe fags, but tough guys (political scum) often messes with other tough guys or with the apolitical fags. So if I dont want to end up, fighting with/against some WHITE-POWER Oiers or ANTIFAs, or end up getting beaten because i am apolitical, you go sXe
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:41:03 No.4400596

    Oh, we see now. You're a pussy. Fair enough.

    You make Moot look straight.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:44:34 No.4400623

    Wow, you're acting like your childish music scene is some fucking hierarchy. Just do whatever the fuck you want, I'll personally pay you for your medical bills if you get beat up for drinking.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:45:56 No.4400630
    where do you live? It all sounds ass backwards
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:54:45 No.4400696
    Girls don't sleep with you

    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)15:01:14 No.4400739
    Try being real hardcore (whateverthefuck)Xe. It's the club that lets you fuck, but doesn't let you drink, do drugs or smoke.
    >> Strungout !!siIyP6rDebk 06/07/09(Sun)15:07:12 No.4400770
    How about you take advantage of all the moist pussy in the room? Why the fuck do you have to live by others rules?

    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)15:10:39 No.4400797
    Being sXe because you don't want to get into fights is bullshit. In fact sXe itself is bullshit.

    And all this hardcore tough guy and normal shit is retarded. Gratz on destroying everything punk stood for.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)15:14:41 No.4400833
    you are an idiot and the only solution is to stop being a straight edge faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)15:15:19 No.4400836
    sXe is the dumbest idea in the world, trust me, they dont exist once you get 23+

    called natural instinct bro, dont fight it, enjoy it
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)15:15:39 No.4400839
    How about you stop fucking being sXe and following a scene. How about you practice what you wanna practice? You don't wanna drink and smoke? Don't do it. You wanna fuck? Fuck all you want.

    Be yourself and do what you want, stop following bullshit "punk" scenes. Being yourself is more punk than any of that shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)15:31:13 No.4400947
    Is this some kind of abstinence program in disguise invented by some smartass priest? I haven't noticed any sub culture like this around my parts.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)15:41:28 No.4401007
    I dont get WTF OP is talking about with all this tough guy/pansie shit and all the fighting and whatnot. I used to go to hardcore shows a lot when I was younger and never once had to deal with any sort of that shit and nobody ever wanted to start a fight with me. I minded my own business and they minded theirs, we were at a show to enjoy music, energy, and the fun not some roidrage dick measuring contest. Enjoy the knowledge that you are one of the most pathetic losers who ever posted on here because you live your life in a way dictated by others. Also sXe kids are idiots
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)15:42:12 No.4401012
    die you fucking normalfag piece of shit
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)15:48:22 No.4401083
    It's pretty stupid to adhere to morals you can't follow. I don't like straight edge kids because they're generally assholes. There was a time in my life where I didn't take drugs, drink or have sex but I never said I was straight edge because I was doing it for personal reasons, not to comply with an ideology.

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