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  • File :1244168315.jpg-(41 KB, 604x453, n1521570548_30126800_1082.jpg)
    41 KB Rape Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:18:35 No.4373430  
    The kid in the picture on the side, Andrew, is a rapist. Back in January he raped a girl that I will call Jen. For the next few months he continued to harass Jen. It was only until recently that Jen told a few people about what happened.

    Now it gets better. Andrew is now going out with one of Jen's close friends, Chelsea. This forces Jen to continue to be friends with her rapist. Jen can't really do anything right now without going through a lot of trouble and putting herself in the spot light, which is something I am sure she doesn't want to do.

    I know Andrew personally. I want this kid to rot in hell for what he did and what he is still doing. I think rape is one of the worst crimes a person can commit. There is no justification for holding a girl down and forcing her to have sex.

    I'm in a an angry mood and would like to take it out with some gold old vigilantism. I think the easiest way to fix this situation is to try to social destroy Andrew. However I need a good plan before doing anything. I was thinking about e-mailing Chelsae's parents from an anonymous email address about Andrew being a rapist. Other ideas would be great too.

    On a lighter note, Andrew isn't to bright. He would have gotten away with what he did with almost no one knowing except that one kid, Paul, who knew confronted him and threatened him. Andrew reported Paul to campus security instead of keeping quiet. This ended campus security finding out about the rape and Paul getting off with a slap on the wrist.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:21:17 No.4373449
    rape is a myth
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:23:18 No.4373461
    Cut his brake line in his car.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:24:01 No.4373469
    Hire an STD positive prostitute to sleep with him. Make sure she makes him eat her out and rides him bareback. AIDS is best.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:24:48 No.4373472
    yeah i find this higschool drama about Andrew and Jen and Paul and Biff and Scooter really interesting tell me more
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:24:59 No.4373474
    Wait, the campus security didn't contacted the cops when they were told about the rape story?

    Anyway, just buy:

    a) Mask
    b) Stun Gun
    c) Tonfa

    Wear mask, stun Andrew, hit him in the floor with a huge metal stick. All the stuff can be reused later for more vigilantism.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:25:22 No.4373475
    raping him is the obvious response a rational adult would perform
    >> NameFag !!LGTzyzElejl 06/04/09(Thu)22:25:27 No.4373477

    Paul, is that you?

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:26:07 No.4373482
    Hey Tyler.

    How's NF and the blender doing?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:28:29 No.4373488
    what? he raped a girl and is now goin out with one of her friends? why would someone go out with someone who raped a friend?

    this makes no sense
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:28:52 No.4373489
    This begs the obvious question, why didn't Jen call the cops? If there's traces of semen found + signs of struggle it's a done deal.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:29:10 No.4373491
    He's cute! But look at that girly bedroom, gosh. No wonder he turned out to be a rapist.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:30:19 No.4373494
    OP, you have us confused with someone who cares. Don't worry, it happens all the time.
    >> NameFag !!LGTzyzElejl 06/04/09(Thu)22:31:45 No.4373497

    This is /r9k/, we've been over this.

    A very large number of girls are shallow bitches.

    CUMDUMPSTERS NOTE: I did not say all, just a very large number of you.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:32:14 No.4373500
    Either Jen is lying.
    Or her friend is a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:32:19 No.4373501
    by rape you probably mean

    "I slept with him and now I regret it so I'm gonna call it that to reconcile with myself tee-hee"
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:33:49 No.4373511
    Well, at least Andrew got his dick wet, which is more than 95% of /r9k/ will ever achieve.

    Now, you are butthurt and want to get back on him, that's understandable, but always remember, OP, you fail at life and will never be able to do anything, you are a loser, a fat basement dweller, a neckbeard, someone who will never be accepted by society.

    So best will be if you off yourself. Do it for teh lulz.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:34:08 No.4373513
    Many girls don't tell people about the rape....though...obviously this one did....hence the story
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:34:36 No.4373515
    if you post rapist dox, people will post NYPA but they still will be. watch.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:35:30 No.4373521
    OP, how close are you to this circle of people?
    Also, are you absolutely positive this is the course of action you want to take?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:35:37 No.4373523
    Never met her friend, but I'm guessing she's a really shallow bitch or doesn't know the whole story.

    Jen waited 4 damn months before telling anyone. Apparently she was really depressed about it thought it would be easier to deal with it by not talking about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:37:22 No.4373534
    Look, faggot, do you want me to tell you how to do this or not? Stop trying to make your case.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:38:15 No.4373540
    he looks pretty handsome, she should be thankful
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:38:27 No.4373541

    I know Andrew, he's a cunt. Also know Paul and I've met Jen.

    Also This is the second rape I've had to deal with. Rapists just piss me off to no end. While I want to rip Andrew a new one, I don't want to be associated with anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:38:59 No.4373547
    Why not let the law take care of this asshole? Rape IS a crime, you know.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:40:55 No.4373559
    >Jen waited 4 damn months before telling anyone.

    More like "Jen hoped for 4 months that Andrew would be her steady boyfriend, but when she discovered he was interested in another girl she called RAEP to get her little revenge"
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:42:06 No.4373568
    Is this incident widely known about? I.E. There could be a potentially large amount of people with the same train of thought as you at the moment?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:42:28 No.4373572
    this. women are all fucking stupid whores.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:43:05 No.4373576

    hence posting his dox on an ANONYMOUS board
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:44:30 No.4373590
    Post all dox

    I'm bored, i will gladly spam all the dox everywhere
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:45:51 No.4373598

    Word got to a few more people after campus security got involved. There's probably a dozen people who weren't involved that know about what happened. I was thinking if more people knew it would socially wreck Andrew.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:45:54 No.4373600
    Why does everyone keep suggesting his name/phone number be posted? OP presumably lives on a college campus, and could very easily assault him and make it look like a mugging.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:45:58 No.4373601
    Stop being a niglet white knight and listen to this man, OP. sageru~
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:47:41 No.4373612
    enticing story compatriot.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:48:24 No.4373621
    Why socially wreck him? Physically disable him.
    Unless of course you're a coward, and from the direction this thread took, I don't think you have the balls for it.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:48:41 No.4373627
    Cut his dick off.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:50:32 No.4373636
    Nothing a bullet to the brain can't fix
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:52:38 No.4373653
    If your friend won't go to the police after being raped she's either (a) lying or (b) the biggest fucking dumbass in all the land.

    I believe Andrew is a douchebag, and maybe even he really did rape Jen, but that doesn't excuse her unbridled idiocy.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:55:16 No.4373661
    These. College 'rape' is nothing of the sort. He probably didn't even hold her down. The worst he did was likely making out with her which led to feeling her up which led to sex and didn't explicitly ask 'Are you consenting to sexual intercourse with me in this specific manner?'.

    tl;dr Jen is a lying slut who just doesn't want to be perceived as one.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:57:11 No.4373674
    beat the darn crap out of him.
    Then everyone will be all like "whoa why did you beat the darn crap out of him?" and you'll be all like "oh he raped some girl" then you can be an IRL white knight, the noblest and highest order of white knights
    >> Johnny !DEEPERyoEs 06/04/09(Thu)22:57:16 No.4373676
         File :1244170636.jpg-(231 KB, 2265x2415, 1265236430.jpg)
    231 KB
    stop deluding yourself OP

    you're never gonna do anything, just seethe in anger at your failure to get into Jen's pants after failing to white-knight her would-be "rapist"

    Fucking failuretastic
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)22:59:12 No.4373698

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:03:27 No.4373723
    I don't want to get too involved. I want to help but I don't want to put myself in the middle of this situation.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:08:23 No.4373774
    Psst. OP.
    This thread is gonna go FUCKING NOWHERE until you post something useful. If you leave it as is, it is just another shitty theoretical advice thread, where all the BAAAAAWfags will sage because they hate women and suck each other's internet dicks.
    Grow some balls. Post the dox and, because we're assholes, we will wreck him.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:13:19 No.4373809

    Andrew Couture
    Is currently moving from Texas to Troy, NY

    Chelsea Lennon
    Lives in Midland Park, NJ

    I can try to get some phone numbers in a while
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:19:20 No.4373867
    Any girl who gets raped was always asking for it.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:22:25 No.4373887
    Then shut the fuck up. If you're going to complain/stand by and not take any action, you're just as bad as the person doing it. To be clear, you seem to wanting an absolutely passive aggressive way of dealing with the situation, through either humiliating him, or otherwise making him regret what he has allegedly done.
    If you actually wanted to act on these feelings (and were they actually strong enough to act on, and not just typical internet white knightery bullshit) then there's a very obvious course of action to take.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:24:30 No.4373911
    Ok, now go and post this very same stuff on /b/. If you want raids you go to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:28:50 No.4373949


    Absolutely positively. If she had been raped she wouldn't be able to deal with seeing him regularly. This was a regret and post facto "rape" claim and you're a moron for enabling her.

    Oh, and as an aside- white knights never get laid.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:29:40 No.4373962

    Your friend gets fucking raped and you don't want to "put yourself in the middle of the situation"? Wow.
    >> sage sage 06/04/09(Thu)23:35:12 No.4373975

    aand /thread

    sage goes in every fieldblox
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:42:07 No.4374021

    Post that ginger faggot's phone and address and I will destory him. He looks like a fucking tool.

    I hope he gets raped by a HIV postive, Russian man.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:43:49 No.4374030
    She's not my friend. I know Andrew and I'm pissed at him for being an ass. I want to hit him where it hurts for being a scumbag.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:43:53 No.4374031
    Post flyers around your campus and alert the local angry, lesbian feminists. They are your personal army.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:47:34 No.4374064
    Then. Do. So. You. Cunt.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:49:26 No.4374070
    Don't have his # and he is currently in the middle of moving from texas to Troy NY.

    Some random info:
    Aim: Synth3ticGod
    Email: coutua@rpi.edu

    School: Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute

    Full name: Andrew Alexander Couture
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)23:54:44 No.4374088
    Got his number
    972 989 5563 - cell
    >> !jyk/HkHe/o 06/04/09(Thu)23:57:20 No.4374110
    Andrew has 532 friends.

    I guarantee you the girl he "raped" is still in his friends list
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:01:58 No.4374131
    Fucker is besmirching the good name of my alma mater.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:11:06 No.4374168
    Besmirch lol
    Sorry if you're serious, it's just such a ridiculous sounding word.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:13:29 No.4374186
    If you really care about justice, you'll fuck the consequences of you getting in trouble.

    You are putting revenge above law, take your idealogogy to it's logical conclusion.

    And rape, it very likely has to be rape to fit the retributionist concept of 'desert'.
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 06/05/09(Fri)00:14:46 No.4374196
    ITT: we act like white knights because some claimed rape.

    Seriously you fucking retards. We have a system set up to deal with crime and punishment. You know, the cops and judicial system? So stop trying to be a badass and break his kneecaps and tell your friend to fucking report the rape. Not reporting it is just going to make him think he can get away with it again, if he even really raped her. Since so much time has passed it probably can't even be proven that he did rape her. So you fail on all accounts. And because this is all common sense, here's your sage.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:16:36 No.4374218
    Awwwww, sounds like OP is looking to one day in the future being accused of "rape" by Jen.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:20:27 No.4374245
    Hey guys, if we get this guys info, can we figure out who OP is? Because he like totally raped me and deserves to be socially destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:24:45 No.4374272
    lolling at all the future rapists in here

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