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  • File :1244086933.jpg-(16 KB, 400x304, angryteacher.jpg)
    16 KB Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)23:42:13 No.4364708  
    who was your worst teacher, /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)23:45:58 No.4364750
    Mrs. Unangst, my 5th grade reading teacher. she kicked me out of class for reading "Cujo", and forbade us to read "A Wrinkle in Time"
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)23:47:33 No.4364762
    Gough, a man whose head resembled a penis and who quite literally skipped a third of the science curriculum for the year because he was too buy yelling daily.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)23:48:58 No.4364779
    Dude I thought A Wrinkle in Time was required reading for everybody, ever. It was pretty badass too.

    Also Cujo was lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)23:49:33 No.4364787
    Ms. Wilson. Grade 9 English.

    Fucking old bitch she was. Around 60, obese, ugly and the personality of a freshly neutered puppy. This bitch was going to fail 2/3 of the class in the middle semester (in my school each year was split into 3 semesters, got a report card at the end of each one). A group of us had to talk to the principal cause something was not right when people who were in AP English the year before were failing her class.

    She stuck me in a project group with 2 of the biggest morons in the class. I basically did the whole thing, they didn't even know what the fuck was happening. She gave them 0% and failed me with something around 40% even though most people agreed it was a good presentation, especially since only 1 person did the whole project. In the end I got a C or something, didn't really care about grades in high school.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)23:55:46 No.4364843
    Mr. Cotton: Algebra 3-4. At first he was cool and funny. He was a stereotypical black man. Than he started to teach. All he did was write down equations, went over what he did in minimal detail, than sit in his chair. He would talk on his cellphone during lectures, take "naps", play his iPod on one of those iPod stereos. His class was the first time I got an "F" since 4th grade. Nobody learned in his class. It got so bad that he had to bump the whole class 10%. He's tenured so he is essentially a lame duck teacher.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)23:59:41 No.4364852
    My 2nd grade teacher called me an idiot for not knowing my phone number.

    God damn it bitch I'm 7 what the fuck do I need a phone for?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:06:23 No.4364902
    Ms. Wells. Stereotypical black woman. That is to say, nigger. Went to Fisk, which is a hive of niggerdom and vileness. She was my 10th grade English teacher. Basically, she is the most retarded person I have ever met, other than people who have an actual condition like down syndrome or something. She made absolutely no effort to teach us, and I'm pretty sure half the class's parents (except for the black people, who she doted on, even if they were not niggerish) complained at some point. I mean, shit, she somehow gathered that all Islamic people sacrifice a goat a day, and vehemently tried to prove to an Islamic friend of mine that it was true. I mean, shit. I've had some bad teachers, but nothing is worse than a nigger who texts, gives out bad grades to white people, and doesn't even speak proper English. One one of my papers I wrote something like "I went to the store." She changed it to "I done gone to the store." Literally. I showed it to my vice principal, and she was told to stop investigating the teacher's incompetence by the (black) principal, who was a sorority sister of the nigger in question. I hated that fucking bitch of a teacher.
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 06/04/09(Thu)00:07:07 No.4364907
    >Grade 9 English.
    >people who were in AP English the year before

    You had AP English in the 8th grade?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:09:12 No.4364919
    My fourth grade teacher assigned our class a bunch of work in the morning and then ignored us, so once we finished our work we got to play for the rest of the day.

    My poor work ethic has persisted to this day.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:11:28 No.4364939
    Yeah, in Vancouver we went to high school for 5 years grades 8-12. I think that's how it is in BC, rest of Canada uses US system I think.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:12:32 No.4364944
    I went to a small academy school, and there was this one teacher who really didnt like me for some reason. Her grandaughter was in my class and it turns out the teacher was an alcoholic. This was like 3rd grade. She hands out a picture of a blank elephant to everyone, tells them to color it in. I color it my favorite color ever, blue. She walks around looking at everyones, comes to me and says "blue?! I've never seen a blue elephant in my life, have any of you? *class in unison* nooooo. (me 5 mins later)...*cry*.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:12:36 No.4364945
    My history teacher in freshman year of high school gave me bad grades because my papers were unbiased, which meant they did not agree with her personal opinion that America should invade the rest of the world. She told me that my sources were "communist propaganda."
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:13:29 No.4364954
    Grade 12 Biology teacher: Mrs. Isajev

    Half the time she was teaching us things that were just plain wrong. Like when we were learning about the kreb's cycle she told us that energy in a chemical reaction came from bond formation rather than bond breaking. That screwed us up for a bit until our awesome chemistry teacher set us right.

    The other half of the time it seemed like she was teaching herself while teaching us. We once had a student teacher in and he had to correct some of the things she told us.

    We were all pretty dissatisfied with her. Several kids walked out of her class and our student president even made an insinuation about her being a bad teacher in his valedictorian speech.

    She had an arbitrary marking system where she would draw a huge number over the question she was marking. She didn't write anything about why we lost marks. She didn't tell us how many marks the question was out of. It was just a number.

    Once, on our ISU where basically EVERYONE got 4.0 on, I had a friend who got a 3.0. Now, the thing was: everyone had typed it on a computer but my friend had handwritten it. It was kind of ridiculous because when he confronted her about it, she was just like: I don't think you did a very good job of explaining things. The thing is, I had a friend who basically copied the whole assignment from wikipedia (about enzymes btw) and it was so obvious (since wiki says things in a completely roundabout and convoluted way) but she got 4.0. Arbitrary, much?

    Her class was the only class I got below 90 (final grade of 89) and I was the one who graduated with the top average of my year. FFS my bio mark increased when I got to university
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:14:49 No.4364970
    Mrs. Cox
    1st grade. I always did pretty well on the assignments I did decide to do. I used to act out a lot and apparently first grade is all about perfect conduct, so I almost got sent to special education because I always got an F for my conduct, Checks, S's, and A's on all the other assignments mind you.

    Now in University with the top Freshman GPA after my first year. That bitch could have ruined my life....
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:15:19 No.4364972
    Mr. Mahar, 9th grade English.

    Guy was a strict "military" sort. One time I was reviewing the book we were being tested on in class waiting for him to call my name to come up and get the test, and he just came over and yanked it out of my hand. Another time after class I asked him about something and his response was, "Yes, I said that in class!" and I said, "No, you said X!" A couple sentences later, in the same conversation, he walked away, right when I was in the middle of talking to him.

    I recently saw him at my job, and he looked at me like he recognized me, then turned away. Apparently some of the students liked him, but he was the biggest colossal dick to me for no fucking reason and I still hate him for it. I don't think teachers realize how much the rude shit they say and do sticks with students; I mean here's people telling stories about shit that happened to them in 4th or 5th grade. Or if they do realize it, they sure don't care.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:15:41 No.4364975
    My kindergarten teacher. Punished me more than other kids, excluded me from school trips even when I paid for them already, yelled at me for knowing how to read when apparently I shouldn't have. Fucking cunt.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:18:08 No.4365000
    My highschool Spanish teach was probably the worst. I don't actually remember learning anything in her class. We would go into class, get the assignment (she literally went through the book page by page and had us do every exercise) and then she sat in her desk and graded papers while we worked. Overall, she was just lazy and either took a month to hand back a single test or assigned homework and forget about it the next day. She was also easily manipulated and had no spine. Her favorite students would always convince her to push back test dates and let us watch moves. I don't even think she even knew my name until the end of the year because in the rare instances that we went up to the board to write down answers I was never chosen. And for our final exam, she allowed us to bring cheat sheets.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:18:42 No.4365007
    Oh god. It has to be my 7th grade science teacher. I forget her name, but I remember her fat, wrinkly face.

    There was a science project coming up and you could pick anything you had an interest in and write about how it works, what makes it work, who invented it and how they come up with it, ect. ect.

    Being the nerd I was (and still am) I chose the progression of technology in videogame consoles. I was going to write about how they worked and went from pixeled blobs on screen to 3D models and all that.

    We had to run the idea by her first and she said with her strong southern accent, "That's stupid. We all know how they work. You move the joystick and thing on the screen moves."
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:22:38 No.4365057
    In my freshman year of college I took a literature class. The professor was retiring at the end of the semester. He was so tired and sad, he frequently missed class and gave up on class discussion in favor of watching film versions of everything we were supposed to read. I think I had to write two in-class essays the whole semester, and that was the extent of the work.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:25:09 No.4365072

    Ah dammit. I mean to say she taught us bond formation required an energy input.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:26:57 No.4365084
    I've had several poor to shitty ones, but one event that stuck out in my memory was my sixth grade science teacher. She didn't actually teach and played clear favorites-- once I wrote up the results of an experiment and what they meant, and since I had no spine, I let one of the other guys in class copy it. She gave mine a glance and gave me an A, and then gave his a glance and gave him a C. He was understandably pissed, and I was annoyed that I had a teacher who didn't even evaluate what I did, but I didn't bother going to a vice-principal about it because I knew I'd get chewed out for letting him copy in the first place.

    Come to think of it, I also hated my eighth, ninth and tenth grade science teachers. I definitely got screwed in that aspect, because I probably could've done well in an science area if I wasn't constantly discouraged by retards.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:27:11 No.4365087
    i forget her name, but some cunt said I had to many pencils.

    Whatever she probably has lung problems from living in vegas.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:27:19 No.4365090
    7th grade, I had major depression and crippling social anxiety, just moved to a new state & school. Teacher needed my phone number for some reason, and I told her I didn't know it because I had just moved in. "YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR OWN PHONE NUMBER? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -rest of the class joins in-" Fuck you bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:29:02 No.4365110
    Community College... Programming teacher... it wasn't his method, it as just his thick ass Indian accent... I couldn't understand a word he was saying and consequently I failed and never tried my hand at programming again.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:29:49 No.4365117
    He raped my sister so I killed him.
    >> The Red Barron 06/04/09(Thu)00:32:44 No.4365149
    Preschool, I had a teacher who yelled at me until my nose bled then didn't tell me

    1st grade I had a teacher who rubbed a kid's nose in pee for pissing

    2nd grade I had Ms. Camp. The dumbest teacher you ever fucking met. Also fat.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:41:49 No.4365198

    oh god this is going to bother me. Didn't tell you waht?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:42:13 No.4365201
    i hated my 2nd high school's band directors; Joe Nunez, scott anderson, rylon guidry, and chris brannan. I used to love band a lot. Now I'm doing music in college so it doesn't matter about high school. But they just treated me like shit. Actually, they treat everyone like shit. I honestly don't know what they're trying to get at. I guess the brownnosers got special treatment or if your mom was a band parnent or something.
    I also hated every english teacher i've had except for grade 12.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:43:05 No.4365207
    It's kind of a tie. Honors Government teacher. Can't even remember what her name was now, but she was awful. Her primary qualification was that she was the gym teacher's wife or something. She got the names of several then-current politicians wrong but damned if she wasn't proud of herself in that puffed up feminist bullshit way. Her perspective on government was like a Reader's Digest version. And by that I mean it was like later in life and well after college she read some interesting lists of factoids in Reader's Digest about historical figures and decided it was her kind of thing. INSTANT HISTORIAN!

    She's tied with Mrs. Morris, a fat, slow, unbelievably dull-brained algebra teacher. She actually opened the first class with a frank disclaimer about how a lot of students before thought she couldn't teach. She said as this was not true. It was true. She had that sort of attitude that what's missing in education anymore is a stern hand from the teacher and a lot less coddling. I tend to think that's true, but she had no idea what that ought to consist of. "Coddling" seemed to include such things as telling the class what the hell the stuff was supposed to mean. Instead, just take a group of arbitrary problems culled from the homework and throw them on the overhead with a "y'alls supposed to know this so y'alls better get it in your heads" in that toneless crow voice every day.
    On the other hand, she did end up having to spend an inordinate amount of time refereeing the numerous dumbasses and cokeheads in the class. But she did that pretty shitilly too. She never did anything conclusive about any of them. She'd just bounce whatever they said back with a "no y'all ain't". A hundred times.

    As American public school teachers of course, the most important issue on all their minds was "the government should be paying us more because we are the shepherds of the leaders of tomorrow!"
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:47:10 No.4365235
    reminds me of Mrs. Bambico
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:51:01 No.4365269
    Mr. Lee. He was my grade 6 teacher, and I swear to God, that man was a pedophile. The way he stared at girls sometimes... What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)00:57:42 No.4365289
    I had a Biology teacher in the 10th grade who was a Born-Again Christian. He didn't stupid shit and said idiotic things but to be honest I really don't feel like taking the time to type them out.

    Oh, the year I had him was the last year he taught at my school because he was moving on to bigger and better things, and by that I mean he works at Home Depot now.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)01:01:55 No.4365323
    She wasn't my teacher, but in 4th grade we had 1 main teacher and then we rotated to different classes for 1 class with another teacher. (So like, first 6 weeks we had body parts or something, second 6 weeks we had grammar).

    One day I forgot my bookbag at home, and I was all upset and told the office and they wouldn't let my mom come give it to me. I got "homework slips" for my missed homework, which made sense since I didn't have it. This bitch of a teacher (who was not my main teacher) gave me 5 homework slips just for forgetting my bookbag. I didn't even have homework in her class :(
    >> Part 1 Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)01:01:57 No.4365324
    Ms. Zimmer. 7th grade Pre-Algebra.

    Bitch was fat, ugly, and basically the devil in 'human' form. She had long red greasy hair and a fat face with an expression that invited a sledgehammer.

    First off, we had these 'composition books' where we'd write our notes and shit. On the front inside cover, we had a long purple sheet. On this sheet we were made to write down the daily assignments, in full, complete with date, page, points worth, and problems. When we got the assignments back, we were expected to go back and write our grade. Now, these are eleven, maybe twelve year olds. These kids didn't want to, couldn't, or just wouldn't do this. At the end of each quarter, she'd check these, and they'd be about 5% of our grade. No, we weren't allowed to copy others' work.
    Speaking of notebooks, we would take copious notes on every facet of pre-algebra, and these would also be checked every quarter. If one poor soul didn't have his notebook, he'd be marked tardy.
    Tardies in our school were rewarded with a detention, stacking up until the fifth tardy in a quarter meant a two-hour stay after school on Friday.
    >> Part 2 Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)01:03:27 No.4365334
    She was also mean to individuals. A raised hand from one of her least-liked students would be skipped over. If you didn't participate enough, you'd lose points.
    Bitch was also just plain stupid. She'd frequently misspell things on assignments, and sometimes she'd forget that she gave us a day off homework, claim we were lying, and take points from the class.
    One last thing: Half of her assignments had jack shit to do with math, or were ridiculously complicated for seventh grade. We had a polling project in which we'd interview people based on different criteria. Another, we had to build a mobile for our final project. The fuck do either of those have anything to do with math?
    The worst part is that she managed to FOLLOW MY CLASS. She took a job teaching regular algebra in eighth grade, and she TRANSFERRED TO MY HIGH SCHOOL to teach Geometry AND Algebra 3-4. My friend Max had her for three years straight before filing a complaint.
    I kept a record of all the shit she did in that class in the back of that notebook, but I burned it to ashes after the year ended.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)01:04:06 No.4365338
    My first grade teacher, Ms. Colette. She was a bitch. I remember her yelling all the time.

    She was just very angry should have retired earlier. She would smooze to the wealthy parents kids and treat everyone else like shit. My younger sister also had her and blamed her for something my mom and two other parents saw she didn't do. The first weeks she had her, my sister wet the bed.

    Just a really bitchy woman.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)01:08:59 No.4365379
    >I swear to God, that man was a pedophile

    Said the man posting on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)01:11:05 No.4365398
    Just thinking about this sonnuva bitch makes me angry

    Mr. Wall, Gr. 11 Computer Animation

    At first he played the cool teacher who was into the latest stuff and new about recent films and shit like that.

    Well, the stupid part was that he wasn't all that cool with anything we did. He was also incredibly sarcastic and rude about everything we did. He would be all smiley (there was always something off about his smile) but then in the middle of his smile his tone would change and it would be low, and threatening. Like our first time on the computers, he was telling us how to get on and all of a sudden he says, "These computers were networked by me and if you so much as try to access the internet I will assume you were downloading a virus and tell the principal. This is a serious offense and you will get expelled with potential legal action"

    The way he said things told us, "I am not your friend. I am your teacher. You will respect me."

    One incident: Y'see, that old bastard was really sticking it to us about following instructions. Well, my friend and I were on the computers working on the modeling project. Basically drawing shapes with CorelDraw's pen tool. One of the instructions was that you should use the least number of nodes as possible. So, my friend (who was a bit less experienced than I cuz I used PS on a regular basis) attempts the shape. He uses ONE node more than he needed and he knows it. So he goes to correct it when the teacher comes over to check our work. We were like, uh...this is what we've done so far.

    So he looks closer at the screen and then he says in this over friendly voice, "Oup! what's this I see? Is that an extra node? I think it is. Everyone come over here." And the whole fucking class comes and surrounds our computer. Meanwhile I'm just facepalming at how embarrasing it was.

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)01:18:40 No.4365476

    So the old bastard just keeps on saying, " This is EXACTLY what I DON'T want you to do. This is why I want you to read the instructions carefully. DON'T do this because this will lead to...blah blah blah" He went for quite a while like that. It was ridiculous.

    It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't pull this shit ALL THE TIME with everyone who went above the radar. He was rather threatening and cruel.
    >> Part 1 !l6aiEdTxng 06/04/09(Thu)01:22:30 No.4365505
    1st Grade- Mrs. Sodano - We had an in-class assignment to spell elephant (relating to a story we read), She wrote it out incorrectly after we handed in our papers as the "proper" spelling. I corrected her and she yelled at me. My parents almost ended up getting her fired for screaming at a 1st grader for making an observation. I spent the rest of the year going to the "bathroom" and wandering the school, she never noticed.

    2nd Grade - Ms. Enrico. My god, she was fucking stupid as hell. She didn't know which directions were North/South/East/West. Also, she brought in her boyfriend almost every day of the last 3 months, left us alone, and went and made out with him outside. She was caught one day by the principal and fired. It was her first year there, so no tenure. <3

    4th Grade - Ms. Fares - Okay, this was my worst teacher, ever. She was one of those "I AM GAY YOU CAN'T STOP ME ALL MEN ARE EVIL" women. She used to yell at the guys all the time. In fact, she outright refused to let boys play board games. She called it "Girls' rights, because you boys have more rights than us already." She also made us read a book (and do a huge-ass report) about a girl who was sexually abused by her drunken father. Now, my parents didn't take a liking to this at all, so my mom looked up the name. It turned out that you can only get the book from a psychiatrist if you were sexually abused by a parent. My parents immediately questioned where she got them from (like 40 copies), and she told us she paid for them by herself from a friend to make sure kids knew how evil some men are. She was fired as well.
    >> !l6aiEdTxng 06/04/09(Thu)01:23:54 No.4365520
    Also, for some reason, mootblox.
    5th Grade - Mrs. Ward - This bitch hated me. I went to the nurse with a migraine at the beginning of the day, abd got back to class like an hour later. It turned out we had our final math test that day, and when I got back, the class had about 4 minutes left. She told me I had 4 minutes left as well because I "tried to dodge taking it". I got a C in math that year because of that bitch.

    7th Grade Biology - Mrs. Ambos - She was a short, angry, and very old woman who barked at you if you were too loud. Luckily, she liked me as a student, so I got an A and a science award. Even though I did well, she was fucking batshit crazy and racist.

    7th Grade History - Mr. Zubia - This guy never did any work, at all. He just sat in the back and drank coffee, and had a student teacher teach us everything. He was funny, but a horrible teacher.
    >> Part 3 (Sorry, I forgot to put Part 2 on the 2nd) !l6aiEdTxng 06/04/09(Thu)01:24:43 No.4365527
    7th & 8th Grade French - Mrs. Budd - She hated me. Absolutely hated me. She even told me flat-out to my face that she disliked me. She threw away my projects, homework, and tests. She even managed to "lose" my final. She retired the year AFTER I fucking graduated.

    8th Grade Algebra - Mrs. Clother - It was her first year working there. Two of my friends were walking to her class and the bell rang as they were in front of the door. She gave them both detentions. Both of those kids switched out of that class for another teacher. She then went on a power trip and made up do all of the work and present it twice in a row up on the board. We all refused and she left the school one day. Eventually she discovered she could just go and talk with the other female math teacher for 20 minutes every day, leave us to work on things she wrote on the board, and get paid. She was fired 2 years later for being late every day.
    >> !l6aiEdTxng 06/04/09(Thu)01:25:32 No.4365537
    Mootblox again. ;_;
    9th Grade Geometry - Mrs. Dilling - She spent 4 out of 5 days of the week talking about her college life. The other was spent giving us a test on things she never spoke about. She is now (somehow) the Visual Basic teacher because the other teacher is too busy teaching AB/BC Calc to teach VB. She apparently doesn't teach shit and lets you cheat.

    9th & 10th Grade French - Mrs. Kessler - She was fucking evil. She always made fun of kids for no reason, and let her favorites listen to music and play vidya. My friend ended up writing a whole paragraph in her yearbook about how she had ma unique style of teaching. Every first letter of every first word in every sentence spelled out "FUCK YOU CUNT". She never figured it out.

    9th Grade Bio - Mr. Maiorrino - This guy was completely nuts. He was a power-hungry nerd. Imagine the Angry Videogame Nerd, but with teaching power, and had studied martial arts. Yeah, that guy was completely insane. He once tripped on a kid's bag and kicked it out of the window down 3 stories onto some bushes.

    10th Grade Chemistry - Ms. Cangelosi - She had power issues. She didn't let us leave until she permitted us to do so. We also had to wait for her outside to let us in, so I'd go and talk with a friend down the hall until she opened it 1 minute before class. She'd always yell at me for not going in when she opened it and asked "WHY ARE YOU OVER THERE GET IN" and I'd respond "It's the hallway, and the bell hasn't rung yet?". She couldn't do anything to me so she had to deal with it. She also took my phone in the hall when I was checking the time. I didn't even open it, it had an LCD on the front. I got it back in 20 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)01:25:40 No.4365539
    Not really a "bad" teacher but just a weird/funny story.

    My 10th grade chem teacher, Mr. Toburen, used to be a preacher before he became a chem teacher. Well, one day he was at the church when his wife's boss' wife calls and tells him that her husband and his wife are having an affair. He kinda chuckles to himself, offers to pray with her and goes home. He sees his wife and tells her about how her boss' wife said they were cheating. Well, turns out she was. He broke his fist by punching the refrigerator (which he shared with us).

    So, that's why he essentially became a chem teacher.

    So the last 3 days of class or so, he decides to preach to us. He starts off his lecture with "now, it's prom weekend....and I don't want you guys to be unprepared. You guys might think you know how to use a condom, but let me tell you, I know how to use condoms and I've had 3 mist-....children born because the condom didn't work. So while you guys are out there fumbling around with a condom, just remember, it doesn't always work!"

    Those three days were the most awkward days of my life. Complete with diagrams and quizzes on our sexual style.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)01:25:55 No.4365542
    Mr. Perez, my American history teacher from community college. I worked during the day so I had to go to night school with a bunch of midlife-crisis-having failfucks in their late forties. So, not only were there no hawt chicks or possible new friends, but the teacher completely sucked. First off, the class was supposed to run from 7:00 - 9:50 (remember, this shit is pm). However, instead of not being the worst teacher ever, he often kept us til 10:30 or so. For fuck's sake, I've been working all day, I just wanna go
    home man. He also had the weirdest fucking lesson plan I've ever seen which consisted of what he called "learning modules." Each module contained two 30ish page selections from one of our textbooks as well as another 30ish page selection from our other textbook, but the way he attempted to convey this shit was unbelievable to the point that I can't even really explain it to you here. Suffice to say that many people showed up to class having read the wrong chapters.
    >> horror-chan !!D+sifih/QGB 06/04/09(Thu)01:27:56 No.4365563
    Some 65+ year old english professor

    That bitch was fucking out of her mind. We had a test on some Shakespeare shit and some of the questions were "on what line did [character] say [dialog]? Who in there fucking mind could memorize hundreds of lines of dialog from a Shakespeare play?

    Bitch also kept telling us about sex. I never want to here a 70+ year old bitch talk about sex again.

    I dropped that class and took it in the summer with a cool guy teacher and proceeded to get a 99% in the class.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:10:34 No.4367164
    In 2nd grade I desperately needed to take a piss.The bitch of a teacher wouldn't let me, and I ended up pissing myself.
    I later left that school because of it.I have no regrets.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:23:11 No.4367584
    >>energy in a chemical reaction came from bond formation rather than bond breaking

    it does

    It TAKES energy to break bonds, hence the activation energy, making bonds releases energy.

    and you blame your teacher, shit
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:58:13 No.4367803
    We had one hot female teacher that would always make sexual innuendos and hint towards how she's going to fuck her husband.

    We were in 8th grade. I think that was the first time I wanted to fap in class.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:01:12 No.4367822
    Spanish teacher junior year, don't remember the bitch's name. SHe was new to teaching and was overcompensating like a madwoman for her inadequacies. She gave us "spanish" names and we were not to acknowledge each other by our english names, which she would yell at us for. ITS MY FUCKING NAME BITCH, I'M NOT CARLOS. One policy of her's was that we bring a journal every day to class so we could write in it. Fair enough. The first test rolls around and half the class shows up without the journals because what do we need them for? We take the test and leave, just like every other class in our highschool. She expected us to have them so she could grade them and look them over, and those unfortunate enough to not have them were given a 0. On one of the two tests of the semester. Mind you, she didn't tell us anything beforehand, we were supposed to be psychic or some shit.

    My freshman bio teacher, motherfucker didn't have a clue. Got terms wrong all the fucking time. He had us teach each other on sex ed cause he was a lazy sack of shit. One time we were going over a test he had made, and everyone got a multiple-choice question wrong. Everyone in the class. He goes down the choices and suddenly realizes that none of the answers he provided were right.

    We ran both teachers out of the school within a year.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:45:41 No.4368118
    Mr. Hudson, computer repair. That class was essentially 4 months of "make a boot disk" and him talking out of his ass and making shit up because he stopped learning about computers in the 80's and had no clue about windows 98. Also, he lived in his van in the parking lot of the school. On the plus side, he was completely oblivious so sitting in for roll and then skipping out was easy.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:12:38 No.4368314
    Mr. Jenkins. He never taught us anything, and we're pretty sure he faked his degree. He was supposed to be a philosophy teacher but instead he spent entire lessons talking about the ten years he spent living in a cave in Siberia with a buddhist monk who made really good tea. Half the time he'd show up with his girlfriend's dog, who'd just sit in the corner staring at us miserably.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:19:32 No.4368353
    he sounds like the greatest teacher ever. we demand his dox and for you to write an entire 500 page novel about him.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:25:31 No.4368402
    My current game theory teacher. She hasn't played a single video game, ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:31:34 No.4368446
    Mr Harvey

    Had it in for me for the rest of my time at high school because i called his wife ugly. Its not my fault you married a gorgonite you redfaced, dorito eating fuck
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:33:18 No.4368459
    He was a fucking odd one. He also claimed to have walked across the Australian outback with only his "spirit guide" leading him onwards. He came out with all kinds of weird shit during lessons, too - he insisted that Nietzsche shot himself in a hotel room in Chicago in 1944, that "tabula rasa" was a misspelling in our copy of The Republic and it was supposed to be "tapula rusa", and that Plato had visited Scotland and Ireland. Lessons consisted of powerpoint presentations he'd nicked from some American university. The generally accepted theory is that he went on a bender for ten years and magically blagged his way into getting a job at our school. He mysteriously disappeared in the last term of our A-level year - at the time, officially he was "ill" but it later came out that nobody had any clue where he'd gone.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:35:12 No.4368470
    Pretty much every Irish language teacher I have had.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:35:49 No.4368478


    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:36:48 No.4368481
    Ms. Thompson, i had long during school and it seemed to warrant the whole school getting on my back and giving me shit about it. She was my form tutor, told her and she did shit. Also a feminist,some girls tried giving me shit so i gave it them back, one instance i called her cotton tits, she said go get your hair cut and a shag to drop your balls you squeaky cunt. Apparently only what I said was sexist, and not her.
    Doesn't matter though, she died of cancer about 9 months later. Bitch deserved it.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:38:21 No.4368489
    Miss May. She was an ex-nun and a lesbian at my strict Catholic school.

    Once I threw a fake piece of shit at her and she was fucking fuming, from then on she hated me.

    Then when she found out my mum has mental health problems she suddenly became very very nice to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:41:29 No.4368520
    Every single teacher I have ever had. Because they were all fucking stupid. However my pre-school teacher Ms. Grey was so fucking hot. She also always wore these grey stretchy pants. During nap-time I could never sleep and she would put me on her lap and one time she put duct tape over my mouth which was extremely kinky. She was joking around of course. To bad she's got to be in her 40's by now.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:42:17 No.4368524
    Worst faggy teacher?
    MS SOMETHING. Dont remember her. White young female. Maths teacher. I studied my ass whole year, i got 5 (our grading system is 2-6) i was like "ok i failed, i will study hard the next semester". I busted my ass i got like a 4, that fucked my grades and she was going to give me a 5 again and i was like "wtf?" she said something like "the way you solve problems is just lame, but i will let you try again". She gave me the hardest problem EVER, noone solved it, she tried but failed at the calculation. So she wrote me a 5 again. At the end of the year, she asked us to write review about her. My exact review was "FUCKING BITCH I HATE YOU, I HOPE YOU DIE IN A CAR FIRE" etc. Two a4 papers. I thought i was going to be moved to another sc00l for this, but i was RAGING LIKE SHIT at the moment (not to mention the principal was RAGING at me for beating this HC kid that was messing with me for being an sXe fag). The next year they fired her. Then the best fucking math teacher came!
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:42:19 No.4368525
    Mr. Richie, my maths teacher, he was like a mix between Jim Carrey and John Cleese. The class was usually extremely quiet, then he'd start singing or making chicken noises randomly, and he'd give you a warning for each time you laughed, 3 warnings and you'd get a letter home to parents 4 warnings and it was the time out room and another letter home, just looking at him was enough reason to laugh.

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:42:56 No.4368530
    6th grade english teacher, Mrs. Vorheis or some shit like that. She was a fucking sexist bitch, all of the girls at B+-A+ while every single boy had a B or below. When a new kid came in about halfway though the year (he was kinda slow, like retarded slow) she yelled at him on the second day for not finishing his homework. He ran out of the school crying. She was also a christian extremist type. If you said anything even slightly atheist sounding, she would flip on you.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:43:03 No.4368531
    1st Year Uni Teacher,

    Would just put on a video tutorial explaining todays class and when the video was finished, repeat exactly what they just taught....

    I come to this class why?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:10:07 No.4368704
    I'm using this thread as a guide for how I should NOT teach once I get out of college. I want to be a badass teacher so people don't have to suffer in at least one class.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:17:35 No.4368765
    Year 8 (6th grade) I had a history teacher called Miss Easton. But she got knocked up and left for the rest of the year. So we had a substitue called Mr Shrimpton. He had no control over the class, and just shouted history at us.
    He often pussied out and called in the next person I'll talk about

    Mr Blanford was a history teacher for 2 years in the school. He was strict as fuck, and often came in wearing a "salmon" pink shirt. He had a dog called "Benji", and gave us questions on him. He'd give you tips for the test to "Flow like Benji". One girl got everything wrong except the question about his dog, and got 12 marks. Yes, 12.
    If you're wondering, I'm in year 9 (7th grade I think), in Halewood College in Liverpool.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:23:08 No.4368814
    A librarian at my old school is a fucking ngiger.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:26:50 No.4368840

    That is awesome.

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:28:04 No.4368851
    this asshole in the ninth grade, he punched me in the face.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:29:26 No.4368858
    If you didn't know, it's The Troubles in Ireland.
    That's really just it. North vs. South, then explosions.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:32:27 No.4368870
    > (7th grade I think)
    So you're 13?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:35:49 No.4368890
    >One girl got everything wrong except the question about his dog, and got 12 marks. Yes, 12.
    If you're wondering, I'm in year 9 (7th grade I think), in Halewood College in Liverpool.

    What the fuck does any of this mean? What does 12 marks mean? You're a 7th grader in college? Or are you saying the College has grades 6-8 attending(typical for Liverpool)
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:38:34 No.4368911
    I don't know what grade Year 9 is equivelent to in America, my guess is 7th. Seems to me like 8th, though... :/
    I attend a secondry school, it's just called a college.
    I'm 14, in before underage b&.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:47:43 No.4368994
    Same here. This thread is great.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:50:48 No.4369016
    In our school, there was 1 IT Teacher. The year I had him teaching me, I got As all through the year.

    The next year, however, we got some newfag media teacher who'd lied about being an IT teacher as well, in order to get the job at the school. Me and my friend pretty much had to explain to him what we had to do, and he'd then teach the class what we'd just told him.

    He left our class after his first half a term, and we were left teacherless for the rest of the year. He was a bellend.

    Also had a maths teacher in my final year who was a right pushover, as long as you could shout at her. So a stupid cunt of a girl managed to get through the whole year doing no work and talking very loudly about the most innane bullshit, and whenever she was told off, she'd just yell at the teacher. Whenever I spoke (normally when I'd finished the work or when little miss whorebitch was busy droning on) the teacher'd yell at me. Fair enough I was talking but it was infuriating that I was the only one in that class who warranted any discipline.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:11:33 No.4369128
    Let's see.

    7th Grade. Ms. Hill, Language Arts
    The bitch was weird, she'd randomly start singing, and dancing. She also had a weird voice.

    10th Grade. Coach Mason, World History.
    The bastard would never teach us. All he would do was sit in his desk, talking on the phone.
    For exams, he'd give us the test, and another paper that had all the answers, all that you really needed to do was some reading.
    What makes me even angrier is the fact that there were people who fucking failed.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:28:40 No.4369184
    there was one crazy black woman sub who claimed that africans invented the atom, and that the black panther movement influenced the bill of rights. one teacher i hated was teaching this new medical science class for the first year, and she didn't know a god damn thing about the male reproductive system and spent all one day explaining that the uterus was magical. at one point, she tried to show us where this joint in your crotch is and started basically fingering herself.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:33:33 No.4369204
    Mrs Rider. She was a French teacher at my middle school, and her son was in my class. Even though their family was common-as-shit British, she insisted they all spoke in french to one another because she was a total fucking francophile. She'd pretend not to understand her kid if he spoke to her in English.

    She was always a bitch to me in particular. I'd spent five years living in the US. I'd never learned any French, so when we suddenly moved back to the UK I had only a few words. At the age of eight, I was dropped into her classes with no idea what was going on. On my first day she announced me as "the American" (I'm english by birth) and told me to decline aller in the present tense, and encouraged the rest of the class to laugh at me when I couldn't. That single lesson made me into a social pariah for five years.

    Whenever I put my hand up to ask for help she'd say shit like "stop asking questions; if you're too slow to keep up with the rest of the class maybe you should pay more attention." I once had my hand up for an hour and a half in one of her classes, desperate to go to the loo. She kept glaring at me, and when the class was finally over she kept me for another 15 minutes to bitch at me for putting my hand up when I clearly had nothing useful to say. I was so fucking tempted just to piss myself there and then to teach her a lesson. One day I managed to get to the front of the breakfast queue for the first time EVER, and I was leaning against the door. When it opened, I stumbled and she grabbed me by the collar and wouldn't let me into breakfast because she thought I was fucking around. Fucking whore.

    She actually lost her job in my final year there, which caused everyone to start being really nice to her son even though most people considered her a foul harpy of a human being. I took the opportunity to tell the guy she deserved it and that he was a brainless shit birthed from a poison womb. So fucking satisfying.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:38:29 No.4369231
    >I took the opportunity to tell the guy she deserved it and that he was a brainless shit birthed from a poison womb
    You just made my day.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:42:43 No.4369247
    A retard in university. He was insulting to the students. I was always a very quiet person, and actually had no friends to converse with, but I've seen him attack others. I mean really attack. Run shouting at them and interrogate them: What's your name? Where do you live?

    Always hated that kind of violent authority. Be it cops or teachers.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:51:36 No.4369292
    Wood shop class teacher.

    He was not a *teacher*, just a critic, and a fucking bad one at that. I was pretty bad at wood shop, but he would just tell me that what I had made was bad, or wrong, and would never try and fucking *teach* me how I could improve.

    Eventually I couldn't take any more of his "It's just bad!". I asked him what was wrong about a plan I had made, which he dismissed and told me to do it over. "Well, *how* should I do it over? What's wrong?" "It's just bad!", etc. etc. so I started laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation - yes, my 14-year old self found it extremely funny that a grown man lacked rational arguments for his opinion (god damn I must have been an annoying little bastard) that I just laughed in his face and met his "Don't laugh at me!" with even more laughter.

    After that, he hated me.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:55:40 No.4369311
    In the first few days 5th grade, the class was talking and the teacher threatened us with a butcher knife.

    I thought it was funny, but my mom made me transfer.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:02:45 No.4369341
    Have a much harder time finding good teachers in my memories than bad ones. Too many teachers that gave misinformation, were bad at giving information, went off topic, were douchebags, didn't teach properly, were highly opinionated, etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:06:10 No.4369365
    Wow, I'm surprised you all put up with half the shit your horrible teachers gave you. I never took any shit from any teacher and have spent a generous portion of my High School career out in the hall.

    I don't mean I was loud and interrupted all the time, but when someone was being an unfair dyke then I was always the first to stick my dick in their asshole soup and tell them why they're wrong. GOTTA STICK UP FOR YOUR SCHOOL HOUSE BROS.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:06:27 No.4369368
    Frogatt, who ruled the art department with an iron fist, demanded more research than was reasonable of barely-pubescent kids, got annoyed if you didn't produce your art the way he wanted you to (he would lean over and edit it himself to ensure it looked the same as every other student's), wore shitty pretentious ties based on art by Munch and Van Gogh, and sounded like Dale Winton.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:07:11 No.4369375
    that's great how you totally stuck it to the man instead of getting an education.

    What do you do for a living now?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:09:56 No.4369391
    mr headly, 7th grade tech ed

    first day he started yelling at me for thinking he was joking or something and made me come in during lunch (i was shy and quiet in 7th grade, i was just sitting there)
    he tore up a friends library book that he was reading after a test and my friend had to pay for it. we werent allowed to do anything after tests for some reason

    he threw away another friends assignment notebook because he was drawing in it in front of the whole class

    we called him hitler, he looked like hitler too if hitler wore flannel shirts and had glasses
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:10:50 No.4369398
    My 11th grade (junior year) AP English teacher was the absolute worst teacher I've ever had in my life. He frequently gave point-of-view essays, that didn't necessarily help us prepare for the AP exam. We weren't graded according to how we supported our position, rather, we were graded on how he viewed our opinion. I still have one of my papers where he wrote "no" next to my thesis, and wrote down his own.

    We neglected preparation for the AP exam all year. the course consisted of us reading books that he liked and then writing an essay vaguely comparing them. I failed the class and was required to complete summer school in English. When my results on the AP exam came back as a 5, my parents pressured the school to fire this teacher. My school didn't, I left the school.

    Now I'm at an Ivy League.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:15:27 No.4369435
    My 4th grade teacher tried to choke me in front of the whole class (think bart simpson) when I forgot to read a book for some stupid book project.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:18:19 No.4369460
    i had a super hot guidance counselor in high school, then she got on survivor but moved the year after back to chicago... oh how i missed her...
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:24:53 No.4369509
    My 8th grade homeroom, English, and history teacher told me oil was two syllables, taught me former and latter the other way around, and accused me in front of the whole class for forging a signature.

    He also went on about how great his Italian wife was.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:28:42 No.4369534
         File :1244132922.jpg-(19 KB, 220x330, blaj.jpg)
    19 KB
    funny i found a picture of her too, i guess she was on survivor panama

    oh how i wanted a piece of that in high school...
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:45:50 No.4369625
    History/English, 9th grade.

    The guy was an ex-officer, so he was strict as hell. We did never do anything at his lessons, all we did was watching old movies about the war between Finland and the Soviet Union. Not any documentary films, but rather a mix between Charlie Chaplin and Saving Private Ryan.

    Spanish, 10th grade.

    Could barely make herself understandable, and she'd have us work just for the hell of it when there wasn't anything more to learn. I recall that I met her in the corridor a few minutes before the national tests, and I asked her if we where supposed to be in the western building (we have three; south, north and west) and she replied yes. When she didn't show up I rang my friend, who said that we where in the northern building. When I arrived and asked her why she told me that we where in the western building she said that she never said anything about that.

    Science, 6th Grade

    She takes the price. Stupid and angry, and she never understood herself what she was talking about. Most of her lessons where like this:

    "This is a water molecule. It looks like Mickey Mouse."
    "Uh, i dunno."
    >> part 1 Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:46:06 No.4369628
    Some of these teachers are not that bad, but some are fucking loco.

    Here's my worst:
    3rd grade teacher: Mrs. O'connell. Angry and old, and absolutely loathed me for some reason. She wasn't shy about showing it, either. I once nearly got recommended for suspension because of her inability to count how many demerit points (or whatever they were called) I'd gotten, it took the entire class to convince her she was wrong. Another time, another student (one of her favourites) had a nap in class during work time, and she was all "<3". A few weeks later (I'd had about 4 hours sleep the night before because I had to finish some lame assignment), I took a nap during recreation time. I'd nearly drifted off when she wanted to show the class something outside. When I didn't move, she started trying to get the class to mock me for "sulking", as I waking back up. Most of them mumbled uncomfortably. In hindight, I realise that most of them must have felt sorry for me - you've gotta be pretty blatantly unreasonable to get a bunch of 8 year olds to show empathy..).
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:46:31 No.4369631
    Funny how you like to think an education is passing exams whilst a teacher goes power tripping on his class.
    >> part 2 Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:48:00 No.4369646

    She also had some weird rule about getting books out of our desks in record time, but I was the only one who ever got in trouble for not being fast enough (often when I wasn't even last, or close to last). She was also blatantly biased marking my work. I'd always get below average marks, despite being an above-average student. I figured this out pretty quickly, so after a little while I made a habit of swapping my homework with my friend (who wasn't as bright). He got good marks, and I got the shitty marks I was going to recieve regardless. We had fairly similar handwriting, so she never called us on it.

    I also had a bad sixth grade teacher (same story). Apparently, years later, she had a nervous breakdown (when someone's parents confronted her during a parent/teacher interview for being biased towards their child). But, her nephew (who was in my grade and went to both my primary and secondary school) was always really nice to me, so I don't feel as uncharitably towards her as I do my 3rd grade teacher.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:49:16 No.4369657
    Grade 7 teacher, she was a horrible, unbearable harpy of a woman. Played favourites, often sent kids out into the hall only to forget about them and leave them there for the entire day sometimes. If you did something wrong, she'd keep you for up to an hour after class and then make you call your own parents and tell them how bad of a student you were.

    She also had gigantic tits that she could never quite conceal, no matter what she wore. Had a really sweet butt, and would sit on the edge of your desk if she was helping/lecturing the person in the desk next to you. Needless to say, friends would often ask alternating questions back and forth just to see the view. Fresh out of teacher's college, too. Despite how shitty she treated absolutely everyone, I find it impossible to hate her, looking back.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:49:29 No.4369660
    math teacher in 9th grade left for a year because she had a kid. took the first month off because she couldn't ge pregnant, then fucing never came in even during like the early months when she would have been exactly the same, and waited until the same month of the next year to return. ho got paid for all of th time she was out.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:59:58 No.4369727
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:00:03 No.4369729
    but oil IS two syllables
    >> Pretentious. You Illyrians make me sick! A fine tripfag of Slavonic descent. !nzcH8FLamA 06/04/09(Thu)13:06:35 No.4369751
    Seventh Grade Teacher, he was pissed off at the world because he had a fat wife, retarded daughter, and his wife had a miscaridge before that. I'm too tired to go on now, but my friends Dad came to school to tell said teach to go easy on him, as his Grandmother had just died. He told my friend to stay in class when everyone else was playing sport. He yelled at my friend saying that his Grandmothers death was his fault, while he threw chairs and desks around the classroom, than told him to not talk to it about anyone. Another unrelated incident I can think of is when I was fighting in third grade with some Indian kid who kept giving me shit all the time. He literally spent half the day yelling at me, and spitting all over my face while he did it instead of teaching. He told the Indian kid to keep an eye on me, as I was 'uncontrollable'. To this day I still can't hit someone back if they hit me. That Indian kid was able to push me around since then, and there was nothing I could do about it. I learnt to just take shit from people for a long time after that. He used to call people out for literally just mock insulting their friends, just to yell at them non-stop as loud as he could, and make up that you've done things wrong (eg. not paying attention when you're looking right at him)
    Needless to say, he was ginger, and a Christfag.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:08:51 No.4369756
    Ms. Courbat; not bad, just hilariously stupid and gullible. We got her to believe that the air conditioner would catch on fire if it got too cold and would get out of doing homework by convincing her that she never gave us any.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:11:21 No.4369769
    senior english. teacher's mom dies at the start of the year, she takes off to go grieve and such, never comes back the entire year. we end up with about 6 different temporary substitutes. one was a smoking hot aussie with massive tits, one was a creepy old man and the other was a strict british lady who taught english at the prison.
    >> Raynor !bMAVf8U0jw 06/04/09(Thu)13:18:51 No.4369845

    Funny how you didn't answer the actual question.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:26:05 No.4369919
    Correct pronunciation: "oyle"
    Incorrect: "Oy-ul"
    >> Pretentious. You Illyrians make me sick! A fine tripfag of Slavonic descent. !nzcH8FLamA 06/04/09(Thu)13:32:44 No.4369975
    Oh yeah, and in high school I was made to go to the special education room, and be taught how to organise myself because my locker was messy, like everyone elses was. I think he was pissed off at me because I smoked a little pot (outside of school, Mum freaked out and told him), and this was at a time when other kids were getting drunk every weekend, getting into fights, endangering others with their drinking etc... One student actually died from choking on their own vomit, teachers still didn't say a single thing about the dangers of alcohol.

    Christian education: shit's bad, seriously.
    >> Pretentious. You Illyrians make me sick! A fine tripfag of Slavonic descent. !nzcH8FLamA 06/04/09(Thu)13:35:17 No.4369993
    by he I mean the principal, not the teacher in my other post. Forgot to add it in or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:35:24 No.4369994
    German. Mrs. Macdonald, or "Frau" as most people referred to her. She was a crazy bitch who yelled at people for not knowing crazy grammatical rules in German II, even though she never taught us anything. People mainly took German to go to Germany and get crazy drunk legally for two weeks. All the antisocial 4channers ate in her room at lunch and loved her, so I wouldn't be surprised if some of them saw this. Oh well, I had a life, I didn't associate with them.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:36:37 No.4370003
    Mr Lane: language teacher (french/german) he had a toy stuffed monkey, a limp and was unable to control the class - he got suspended for a while after slamming a kid into a filing cabinet, and to this day he posts on friends reunited (having signed on as a fake student)

    Although it was pretty funny when some kids put laxatives in his coffee....
    >> Raynor !bMAVf8U0jw 06/04/09(Thu)13:41:47 No.4370039
    I don't really remember a specifically bad teacher, just a bad grade.

    Fifth grade.

    All of the teachers seemed to be obsessed with getting us prepared to go to middle school, and assigned massive, massive amounts of homework and in-class work, because, according to them, 6th grade and all the years afterward would be worse. The work they assigned nearly made me insane; I worked on homework HOURS each night and over the weekend.

    I haven't had that much homework, or even work in general, since.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:02:06 No.4370124
    6th grade English teacher. She was an old, fat, crotchety bitch who was overtly racist. She had the creakiest voice imaginable and couldn't even spell correctly. She segregated the class between blacks, whites, and Mexicans (I was put with the mexicans becuase I was the only asian). She only ever picked on the black students. At least once a week she would send one of the black students to the office for the dumbest reasons. I even tried writing in a textbook right in front of her face and she still didn't write me up. All we ever did was grammar exercises from some workbook that wasn't even part of the curriculum. She graded terribly and, as a straight A student at the time, I was pissed that I got B's and C's. I hope she's dead.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:18:28 No.4370241
    Mrs. Block, my 5th grade teacher.

    She was the biggest cunt in the history of cuntdom. First day of school, she sent out the syllabus. It required the signatures of both parents on notes from school ranging from late homeworks to permission slips to absence notes.

    My parents were divorced and my dad was a drunk at the time. My mother told the teacher that the second signature would sometimes take an extra day or so.

    Block said: "Oh.... Well I've had THOSE before."

    Thus began the worst year of schooling in my life. She went out of her way to embarrass me before the class until I had no friends (I didn't have many to begin with because I was a strange only child). Even when I had but one friend in the class who sat next to me, she moved him to the opposite side and moved one of my worst enemies next to me. She was always assigning me extra homework and projects and sending me to the principal for no reason.

    Another example: First few weeks of school, she handed out classroom jobs for extra credit. EVERYONE GOT A JOB BUT ME. 40 jobs, 41 people in the class. Bullshit. She told me that I "wasn't ready for a job yet."

    Another Example: I had made the best project EVER. It was about the Amazon rainforest. It was on one of those tri-fold boards. 7 page paper glued around the 2 sides and a lush rainforest floor in the middle replete with realistic fake plants, insects, cacao pods, etc. It looked real. She took my grade down to a 70 instantly because she said it was too big, then she dropped me down to 60 (a failing grade) because she said it went on too long (it was supposed to be a 5 minute presentation, it was 5 minutes and 10 seconds). She then stuffed it all into a trash bag, smashing it all up, a project that took me upwards to a week of hard work to make. She demolished it in seconds.

    Biggest cunt ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:32:42 No.4370308
    9th grade algebra teacher.

    I did the same quality of work but i always got bad grades on homework (what the fuck i did it correctly you dumb cunt this isn't 1/10 work) but i got c's on tests (what the fuck nice job teaching us) and i got every "study session" question correct for every test

    I thought i understood the material exceptionally well because i did good on the chapter reviews (according to the back of the book) and the non-graded papers but i did horribly everywhere else. I talked to ehr about it and she just kind og nodded her way through a whimpering explanation.

    she was a terrible teacher. not stupid, just a terrible teacher.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:35:19 No.4370324
    My high school had this really crazy substitute teacher named Mr. Botta (as in bought-a-car he would always say) the guy was stone cold crazy and would do or say the weirdest shit in class. When he was instructing the class he was by and large okay, but he would start to tell stories about when he was a kid. The same two stories he would tell included:

    - How he was born and raised on a raft. He lived on a raft as a child.
    - How everybody would call black people Coon Ass where he came from and then he explained an acronym that they used for it that involved him writing Coon Ass on the blackboard and leaving it there all class.

    He was also a total pushover. One time, most of my math class was away on a field trip for something else so there was only like 8 people in class that day- mostly the worst students. He tried to teach for like 10 minutes and then people starting saying FUCK or BONER as loud as they could to interrupt him. Then, as dude is trying to explain math stuff, three guys stand up on their chair in the middle of class and try to stand up for as long as possible. They totally ignored him and tried to stay stone faced. This went on for like 5 minutes- the teacher totally didn`t know WTF to do. Then they pushed all their desks together and started playing cards loudly while dude is trying to teach. He eventually mans up and takes the cards away, puts them in the teachers desk and goes back to teaching. They just get up, open the teachers desk, take the cards back and start playing again.

    At this point I left and started wandering around the halls. A random teacher caught me and brought me back to my class telling me `You`re going to get detention for wandering around the halls like this` Then I explained that I had Mr. Botta as a substitute and she just goes ``Oh.... okay.... Go back to class then`` and just walks away.

    He died two years ago. Turns out he had a PhD and wrote a book about food additives.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:35:50 No.4370327
    1. Elementary school music teacher.
    I went to a private school from 2nd-8th grade. All through elementary school we had to take music class, which basically consisted of us singing songs and playing the recorder. Shitsuxed. Worst part was, of course, my teacher. She was batshit insane. She made us sing these morbid songs about throwing bowling balls at people and shit. She got fired when I was in 7th grade for hitting a kid. A year later we heard on the news that she had met a friend at a mental hospital, thought her friend was stalking her daughter, and held her friend at gunpoint for 6 hours while her husband beat her with a baseball bat.

    2. 10th grade Spanish teacher
    This woman was just plain stupid. She once gave us a project where we had to research Frida Kahlo and, when talking about the project, said "Some would describe art as ... creative and ... historic." No shit, bitch. Her assignments were borderline retarded. At the end of my junior year, I was at a school event and she came up to me and said "Are you enjoying your senior year?" I said, "Uhh... well I'm a junior. I'm looking forward to my senior year." Then she blabbered on for a few minutes about college (I played along) and said "Don't forget to come back to school and visit." Stupid bitch, I'm coming back next year...
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:49:38 No.4370399
    Mrs. Hembree, my sophomore english high school teacher.

    This woman is unbearable. She would give out the fucking worst quizzes, and taught us the most unimportant aspects of literature. For example, on my midterm that year, there was a big section to devoted to naming the authors of every short story we read. Yes, not even novel's authors; these were authors of short stories that had been compiled with many other authors. There were about 20-30 questions, and they weren't multiple choice. We were simply given the title of the story, and expected to write down the author's full name. Half credit if you only remembered the last name.

    On a separate quiz, she decided that "whatever answer the class decides is right, will be the right answer". Well, the class had indecision over one question. The book we were reading was about the holocaust, and how a lot of families got broken up. The question was true/false "This part of the book emphasizes strong family values". Well, the main character and his father stayed together, so on that side, it was true. However, another character and his family had abandoned eachother in favor of every-man-for-himself, which made the question false. The teacher proceeds to shit over everyone who answered "false" and say that the answer is "true". Too bad, your opinion actually doesn't matter. We go through a few more questions and the class decides on an answer. She goes, hmm, I don't think that's right, and says we're all wrong. If you're going to let us pick the answers, let us; otherwise, just do a normal fucking quiz like every other teacher.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:51:12 No.4370407
    For a project we had to do on social injustices, she said we could "do whatever kind of visual we wanted". She told us, "BE CREATIVE!!!" On the paper accompanying the assignment, she included no sort of grading rubric for the visual, just a note saying "be creative". I chose transexual/transgender rights, and since I'm a girl, decided to crossdress as a male for my visual. We get the grades back and she has this little grading sheet and I got a 10/30 on my visual aspect of the project. Would've been helpful to have had a copy of this before I started, since apparently "be creative" means do a poster or a powerpoint.

    Even more infuriating is some kid who did a powerpoint never presented his project, due to computer problems. He got a 30/30. We still laugh about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:54:40 No.4370431
    >cont again

    My class specifically wasn't that bad. The senior class she had, though, holy shit. She made them do a "paper doll" project--take a metal coathanger and create a paper doll of the main character in the book. Simple enough, huh? No. Some people used plastic coathangers. They got 10 points off their final grade. Does she need the metal ones to do abortions or something? Someone else went above and beyond the expectations, and made a cloth doll, with sewn clothes, and it was AMAZING, and better than all the other ones. The teacher does not accept it, because she said TO MAKE PAPER ONES OOOMGMGg

    This is a world literature class. She made them do a charity project, cuz, it has 2 do w/the wororld and stuiff!! When confronted about the project not having to do anything with literature, she made a personal attack on the student and called them uncharitable and greedy etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:57:04 No.4370447

    Mr. Duncombe, or dun-*picture of comb*. Best sub ever.

    I don't know what was so cool about him, but he was this frail, 80 year old guy that used to live in england. So he had this accent that was ever so slightly brittish but still american.

    So it was like a normal substitute (no work) except his voice didn't suck and he was an entertaining person. He was also extremely laid back.

    Awesome teacher.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:58:45 No.4370463
    The most retarded class I've ever had was probably 10th grade english. For the first two weeks all we fucking learned about was nouns. "Proper nouns are capitalized class, do you know what a proper noun is?" Middle of the third week: "Okay next week we'll be learning about verbs, do you think we can handle that?" Thankfully I transferred out of there and went to college prep english.

    Pissed me off too, because I was crushing hardcore on one of the girls in there.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:04:39 No.4370506
    >cont again again, sorry i'm spiteful

    The best part is that the teacher is a feminist, and constantly tries to push her personal views upon all the students. She always talks about how supportive she is of holocaust survivors, and does a gigantic unit on the holocaust. She made us read "A Separate Peace", which is about kids our age realizing how stupid and immature they are and maturing into great adults. She pointed out her favorite line: "I realized then that sarcasm is the language of an immature coward." or something similar. She also chose the books "Bound" and "No. 1 Woman's Detective Agency", the first one being about foot binding in China and the other being about a large black woman who does detective work in Africa.

    She also did a question on homework: "Who would you send to a concentration camp, and why (be sure to include yourself)?" and "Bring in the items you would bring to a concentration camp (make sure you bring your underwear)." She got bitched out good for those.

    Oh, by the way, the school has tried to fire her for being a shitty teacher before. But she claimed they were firing her because she's a lesbian. We have 2 more lesbian teachers working at the school, by the way, both of them completely fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:06:20 No.4370515

    Survivorfag here. You're lucky as shit. "Sally" was a goddess on Survivor.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:13:58 No.4370554
    We once convinced our maths teacher to go to the computer room for a maths period. We had no real reason to go there but we were bored.We continued to have a classwide game involving the teacher over the school network, of Duke (fuck year) 3D. Shit was so cash. I spose he was a bad teacher cause we didnt learn anything but man it was the best maths ever. So many laser mines.....
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:19:41 No.4370582
    8 grade, Mrs. R-something.

    wrinkly old lady who dresses 'chic' and smelled like a decomposing corpse. She'd always pick on me due to the fact i was reading on a 11th grade level and very fast at that. She'd alway say "Anon, if your so smart, teach the class!" One day, when were finishing off the Outsiders (great book by the way), she had me go up and give a summary, which i did, then sent me to the hall for "making things up" BECAUSE I HAD INCLUDED THE ENDING. GODDAMN.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:26:40 No.4370626
         File :1244143600.jpg-(35 KB, 665x435, fields2.jpg)
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    Mr Fields...Worst Headteacher evarrr. Also, he looks like principal prickly off of recess...I took this photo, put it with the pic of prickly and it spread around my school like niggers around a possible rape victim.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:27:23 No.4370638
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    >>4370626 Moar prickly
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:28:28 No.4370645
    If you were a "how could you not know what was on page 67? so stupid lol" fag then you deserved it.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:30:49 No.4370656
    hello americans
    calling your teachers by their last name must be horrible.

    My awesome bio teacher not only taught me so much i got an A on every test given without sweat, he also taught me how to play rock and took me and some from the class to the record studio. good times man
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:33:30 No.4370667

    >reading on a 11th grade level

    I hope English is not your first language
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:36:26 No.4370687
    Not really. In fact I think it would have been very awkward to call my teachers by their first names. I didn't really want to be quite that familiar with them.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:38:01 No.4370699
    ITT: tl;dr

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:39:30 No.4370707
    Imo i think its a sign of submission.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:42:56 No.4370720
    i went to a quaker high school; nobody called anybody by their last names. my relationships with my teachers (some of them at least) were more meaningful than with most of my friends. i still exchange goofy limericks with my advisor.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:52:00 No.4370764
    Two years into highschool I moved to Oakland (niggertown) and went to a shitty public school for my sophomore and senior years.

    Unsurprisingly, the smartest most talented man of the faculty was a substitute teacher. He could give a near perfect definition of almost any word in the dictionary, and any word he didn't know off of the top of his head, he would compare to possible latin roots or olde english words and come up with a very accurate definition.

    So every time we had the good fortune of having him as a substitute, he'd introduce himself, and then present us with his challenge. Find a word he could not define that is NOT a technical word from advanced branches of science, and he would let you out 15 minutes early.

    After a few months, he realized that the niggers stood no chance, so instead he proposed a new challenge. The next time he showed up, he proposed two options: Beat him with a word he doesn't know, or beat him in an arm wrestling match.

    That smug motherfucker, he looked at least 55, the strongest jock niggers would shoot up from their desks and line up to show this guy their strength. And one by one, he'd clasp their hands, get into position, and then chuckle while turning his head around. He'd remind them that they weren't going to win, each time, and each time he'd slam their knuckles into the table, send them back to their seats to resume study.

    He wasn't using any cheap gimmicks to win, he just had incredibly strong arms, you'd have never noticed over his long sleeve shirts, but the guy could probably pry a bag of cheetoes from a black woman's steel grip.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:59:15 No.4370797

    Did that man happened to be a Mr. Fishman by any chance?

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