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  • File :1244060242.jpg-(60 KB, 734x453, future_city_downtown.jpg)
    60 KB Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:17:22 No.4361289  
    lets hear some of /r9k/'s realistic prediction's for what kind of technology we'll have and how we'll be living 100 years from now.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:18:33 No.4361302
    The world will end in 2012 brah.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:19:17 No.4361311

    already ended in 2000
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:19:55 No.4361316
    In one hundred years, the singularity will have occured, and to speculate beyond that point is folly.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:21:15 No.4361330
    In 2030, China will expand over the whole world.
    After that, the progress will completely stop since they won't have anyone to steal new technology from.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:28:19 No.4361353
    oh hi ISM
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:29:57 No.4361361
    we're on the verge of creating the gasoline powered sandwich
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:31:40 No.4361377
    The cyberdyne will destroy the world
    the terminators will kill us all!!

    on a serious note though i think that genetic engineering would be pretty common, we will still have windows and people will complain like never before, and chips that monitor though and alter your mind has been invented and used on criminals (actually that might happen in 30-50 years)
    >> Derp !!BsBXC+5ESqr 06/03/09(Wed)16:32:38 No.4361392
    Sex for free?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:34:30 No.4361408
    I think we'd need better science and computers to have more widespread or commercial genetic engineering, then again in 100 years who knows what kind of technology we'd be using
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:36:26 No.4361421
    Half the world would be cyborgs. Which would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:37:03 No.4361428
    I read that the military is designing boots that allow troops to walk on walls, target date 2040
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:37:51 No.4361432
    islam will be much more widespread - and seeing as that relegion is from the 7th century you can do the math on that one

    also guilt ridden american liberal white people being the retards they are and not breeding enough, non whites to take them over

    it's alright if it's the asians taking over but, better them then arabs or niggers

    either that or 2012 occurs and whatever the mayans see happening happens - sif anything will happen, they probably just ran out of space to write and stopped writing - then retards went "omg end of the world!"
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:38:42 No.4361435
    No flying cars. No cure for cancer or AIDS. Average human lifespan increased by no more than 10 years.
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 06/03/09(Wed)16:40:03 No.4361441
    Greater danger from climate change, resource wars, population boom ends, greater equality will exist for LGBT, women, minorities, singularity ends up being a big fizzle yet AIs automate a lot of industry, greater reliance on alternative fuel sources, at least a small nuclear exchange has already occurred, something akin to the American Union has become a reality, something akin to an African Union has formed, major powers in the world are in this order China, India, AU/EU, Brazil, Mideast countries who have failed to diversify their goods beyond producing Oil face collapse, Palestinian state long since created and gone to war with Israel
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:41:00 No.4361447
    computer chips in everyones brain, that hold information on everythuing, thus creating a race of superhumans, these chips will also connect to a network, thus eliminating computers, as everyone can talk to each other and shit in their head
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 06/03/09(Wed)16:44:29 No.4361479
    Oh, yeah, and dramatically superior health care appears in the form of gene therapy and bio-nanotech, cancer, MS, AIDs, Paralysis, neurological disorders and a myriad of other currently debilitating diseases become treatable and manageable if not entirely curable.

    Hell, MS and HIV are almost manageable diseases now.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:45:08 No.4361489
    pessimistic anon is pessimistic
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:45:59 No.4361497
    Weird countries coming from the developing world's slums, leading most of the cities to become corporation-states.

    Lots of advances in food production and housing, due to a ginormous population.

    We still won't have decided between developing full-out androids and g-mod'd creatures.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:46:51 No.4361505
    all public transportation in cities.
    all in one passport and phone ect on the same device
    dna registry at birth
    no more coal power plants
    non lethal laser guns replace bullets.

    extinction of labor jobs and blue collar lifestyle (fuck yeah suck it rednecks) due to advances in machinery
    (see Honda's robots) no more independently owned farms, all 'necessary markets' nationalized, i.e. food/water/power/fishing/just about everyting.

    mechanized limbs for amputees Just-like-luke-skywalker's hand

    violent crime reduced to non existant

    suits that can increase your strength

    this is all based on technology already in development by the way. this is stuff that WILL happen without a doubt.

    also english will become the only language spoken in the world, all other languages will become extinct and relics for history professors to dawdle over with no practical use (Its happening take a look around)

    USA switches to metric

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