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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1243915533.gif-(13 KB, 416x192, sleep-position-personality.gif)
    13 KB Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:05:33 No.4344304  
    /r9k/, what's the best sleeping position?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:07:08 No.4344317
    my personal is a combo of the foetus, the yearner, and feeefaller.
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 06/02/09(Tue)00:07:17 No.4344322
    I fall asleep in foetus and wake up in freefaller. Every day.

    To each his own.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:07:32 No.4344325
    Currently I sleep either in to Foetus or Freefaller position, it's comfortable at least for me, especially the 2nd one since I have a bad lower back.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:07:44 No.4344327
    this anon is correct here i have to say
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:07:50 No.4344333
    I do freefaller, and I hear its the best according to my one health teacher. Apparently, it resets the pelvic/spine joint to the opposite position to slouching while you sit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:08:06 No.4344336
    Is there a specific one that's good for your back?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:08:51 No.4344341
    Foetus or freefaller, most definitely.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:09:50 No.4344348
    I fall asleep with my hand on my dick. Where is that one in the OP pic?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:11:03 No.4344365
    When I'm alone it's a combination of Soldier & Freefaller, when I'm with my girlfriend, it's a whole production whereas the idealist in me starts out with my left arm under her head and right arm around her body in Yearner position, but my left arm falls asleep and my right arm gets tossed around al ot and I end up in some sort of modified Soldier position with her wrapped around me.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:11:06 No.4344366
    i sleep like a freefaller which gives you wrinkles. the best position to sleep on is your back because it gives you less wrinkles and helps your posture.
    >> Platinum Spork !!vpKT5J5SqKu 06/02/09(Tue)00:25:47 No.4344451
    for women, the freefaller. so i can ram my dick up their ass when they're trying to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:28:07 No.4344468
    Personally I'm a freefaller.
    but I pull my right leg up so it looks sort of like a triangle and my foot rests on the side of my knee.

    I also pull my arms under me. [=
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:28:08 No.4344469
    Log. Obviously.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:28:29 No.4344471
    over Op's mom
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:28:34 No.4344472
    Cross between Soldier and Starfish. I usually have my hands at chest level on top of the comforter.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:28:47 No.4344474
    I do a foetus, but in a freefaller direction.
    >> !7/F3j1PV0k 06/02/09(Tue)00:29:07 No.4344477
    Usually a combination of Fetus, Soldier, and Yearner.
    I move around a lot in my sleep.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:29:34 No.4344483
    I always fall asleep in freefaller and wake up in a combination between foetus and yearner.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:30:00 No.4344487
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:30:23 No.4344489
    freefaller is where it's at. sometimes a mix between yearner and foetus is acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:31:24 No.4344500
    Favorite? Freefaller. Hurts my face though. Usually opt for the log instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:32:29 No.4344506
    Either the foetus or yearner.
    I usually have to be holding onto one of those squishy pillows to fall asleep.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:32:46 No.4344510
    Yearning strafish.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:33:23 No.4344515
    I use frefaller
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:34:14 No.4344524
    Fall asleep in Foetus, wake up in Soldier.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:38:37 No.4344566
    foetus yearner for shizzy
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:39:18 No.4344570
    on your back with jailbait riding your dick
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:39:32 No.4344572
    I cannot fall asleep in any other position besides soldier. I usually wake up in the same position, unless I'm really cold, in which case it's the foetus.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:40:54 No.4344589
    I usually do this thing where I stretch one of my arms out under my pillow, and beyond, and put my head ontop of the arm... kinda on one side on my stomach.

    Or the Foetus, with the bottom hand under the pillow.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:40:54 No.4344590
    I do the yearner
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:53:37 No.4344681
         File :1243918417.png-(337 KB, 420x411, spoon pillow.png)
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    yearner via spoon pillow of ultimate roneryness
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:02:47 No.4344734
         File :1243918967.jpg-(65 KB, 550x526, CactuarBack.jpg)
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    Exactly like this.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:04:43 No.4344746
    The only way I can fall asleep is in the freefaller or the foetus.

    Most of the time it's freefaller though.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:12:42 No.4344828
    That Iooks so comfy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:13:58 No.4344837
    Foetus, the others look so unnatural except for maybe the freefaller
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:14:04 No.4344838
    I did the log until one day, when I was 12, I woke up and the arm I'd been laying on was completely numb. Like it was so much uncooked meat sticking out of my shoulder.

    Then I thought of those people who suffered spinal damage and "could never walk again," and realized my arm was in a similar condition. Being who I am, I thought, "fuck that, I'll prove I'm better than those people by moving my arm."

    So I sat there, trying to move my arm. After a few moments I got it to do one strong twitch... so I tried the same thing harder. A couple moments later I was successful! So successful that I punched myself directly in my eye.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:22:17 No.4344892
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    update block
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:23:50 No.4344900

    I sleep with my arm wrapped around a pillow at my house. At other people's houses i just sprawl out on my back.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:25:04 No.4344910
    my bf has a pillow like that when he sleeps. I try to steal it, comfy as hell
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:25:12 No.4344911
    I sleep with my body clutching a really long pillow. It's for comfort and safety reasons, I don't hump it or anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:26:11 No.4344915

    thank you, i was going to post this.
    >> NameFag !!LGTzyzElejl 06/02/09(Tue)01:28:15 No.4344941

    You steal his security pillow?

    You bitch!
    >> Nainsell 06/02/09(Tue)01:31:22 No.4344959
         File :1243920682.jpg-(22 KB, 767x679, sleep.jpg)
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    This is how I sleep. Top arm under head, bottom arm reaching around my head onto my face or pillow, on leg completely stretched out, and one bent inwards.

    Feels good, man. Especially face down or sideways.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:33:07 No.4344968
    I wish I was a guy so I could sleep freefaller without hurting my tits.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:33:21 No.4344970
    I sleep with a pillow case over my head cause my little brother came into my room last fall at night and fapped on my face. he did it a bunch of times, mostly in my hair, but i woke up and finally caught him. it was gross and i sleep like this to stop him.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:37:48 No.4344986
    I sleep on my back, with my arms crossed. Like a mummy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:40:16 No.4345002
    from Foetus to Freefaller to just being sprawled out completely. But mostly it's just me tossing and turning..
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:40:27 No.4345006
    Fetus tends to be my position of choice.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:41:18 No.4345014
    Freefaller, except I end up kinda cupping my hands over my balls. I'm sort of embarrassed about it, but my room mate does the same thing (except he does a foetus with balls-cupping so it's almost weirder) so I guess it's not too abnormal (or is that an "uncle frank's pancakes" error?).
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:41:34 No.4345018
    When falling asleep, usually soldier, maybe turned a little bit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:43:58 No.4345045
    I wish I was a girl so I could sleep freefaller without hurting my dick/boner
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:46:03 No.4345077
    seconded. and the log does the trick for me after tossing and turning for a while
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:46:06 No.4345080
    I fall asleep in the yearner or a variation of the soldier and wake up in starfish or yearner.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:47:10 No.4345092
         File :1243921630.jpg-(4 KB, 165x236, bed.jpg)
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    Lay on side.
    Top hand/arm rests on hip.
    Bottom arm makes a 90 degree; hand points towards pillow.
    Legs slightly bent, one bent more than the other so that knees don't touch.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:48:04 No.4345100
    I wish I could sleep in the freefaller position, but for some reason I'm horrendously uncomfortable in it and can't sleep.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:49:13 No.4345115
    Freefaller with one knee bent
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:51:05 No.4345137
    I sleep in pretty much all of those. I move around a lot at night. My foetus position is somewhat looser though, like it was halfway between foetus and log.
    >> dolphins !!knCuXM0b+X3 06/02/09(Tue)01:53:27 No.4345155
    Either foetus of freefaller with one hand under pillow. I have to have one hand under my head or pillow, does anybody else do this? I also like having a pillow on top of my head sometimes too.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:56:02 No.4345184

    I put my hand under the pillow, just to give more leverage, hate waking up with a sore neck the next day.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:58:17 No.4345203
         File :1243922297.jpg-(9 KB, 424x203, rtsht.jpg)
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    I call it: RUNNING MAN. Others deem it the ultimate sleep-rape position, however.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)02:00:09 No.4345220
    Free faller 95% of the time with one leg higher than the other, one hand under the pillow and one over.

    I can only sleep belly up if im drunk. I dont know how people do it sober.
    >> cinnamonroffles !!jhvwe662HCn 06/02/09(Tue)02:06:12 No.4345264
    Fetus. I have...issues.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:31:20 No.4345833
    i do the same shit.
    i sleep on my stomach though, im not sure what your stick fucker is doing.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:33:39 No.4345846
    foetus + yearner and alot of the time the freefaller

    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:35:55 No.4345857
    Yes i love putting my arm under pillow
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:37:02 No.4345866
    I cant stand sleeping on my front because it means I can feel my heart beating, weird sensation
    >> WHYYOUTROLLIN 06/02/09(Tue)03:39:24 No.4345887
    That is how I sleep.
    It has been fucking my shoulders up though :/
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:40:30 No.4345895
    Soldier or starfish. Especially starfish now that i got my new huge bed, it's the best way to sleep during hot summer nights.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:43:06 No.4345911

    Every guy does this. Gotta make sure theyre safe ya know?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:43:44 No.4345913
         File :1243928624.jpg-(17 KB, 436x158, T_rape1.jpg)
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    I choose 4-chan position
    with anal yearner
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:44:44 No.4345920
    i sleep like this except the arm on top goes on my inner thigh.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:46:15 No.4345935
    freefaller at night (most of time)/yearner during nap time. On rare occasion starfish.
    >> The Red Barron 06/02/09(Tue)03:47:31 No.4345938
    Freefaller, hands under pillows

    Sometimes on back, because I like waking up in the same position I fell asleep in
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)03:52:17 No.4345960
    Freefaller. I always end up with numb arms when I try other positions.
    If you have problems with tits try tempur or a similar adaptive foam mattress.
    If you are male and have a boner just try to think about Hillary Clinton.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:01:50 No.4346021
    I go to sleep on my back with one knee up the air or my legs bent or crossed.

    Wake up in all sorts of positions, usually freefaller.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:01:51 No.4346022
    Starfish, every night

    I have a few layers of very thin pillows underneath my back, neck and head so my upper body is ever so slightly elevated. It's like lounging in a chair on the beach.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:14:51 No.4346113
    I'm usually the Foetus or Freefaller, occasionally a yearner.

    I usually have my pillow between my shoulder/arm and my head. Anyone else do that?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:38:24 No.4346211
    Freefaller with both arms under the pillow or one at my side and the other hanging off the bed.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:45:19 No.4346249
    Foetus cross Freefaller.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:47:57 No.4346262
    I fall asleep in Foetus or Freefaller, I always wake up in Starfish position.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:49:15 No.4346265
    Used to be foetus, started getting really bad headaches and back pain from being curved over like that, swapped to soldier and it went away.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:50:41 No.4346275
    I always sleep on my back and cross my arms flat on my chest.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:51:11 No.4346281
    Fetus, facing the wall, as close as I can get to the wall without making out with it. If I'm on a couch, I face the back of the couch. This makes me feel secure, for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:52:19 No.4346290
         File :1243932739.jpg-(54 KB, 481x191, untitled.jpg)
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    and face down
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)04:53:28 No.4346298
    All of them except freefaller, i need to fall asleep in a different position every night.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)05:20:51 No.4346481
    I sleep standing up Coneheads style.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)05:30:31 No.4346567
         File :1243935031.jpg-(20 KB, 625x190, sleepingpositions.jpg)
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    Go to sleep and dream of Hitler!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)05:37:48 No.4346616

    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)05:39:13 No.4346626
    Freefaller, but I always put my arms under the pillow. Does that even mean something?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)05:40:13 No.4346632
    You really need a hug. Get an alsatian.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)05:45:33 No.4346667

    Are you being an ass, or does having your arms under the pillow actually mean you need a hug?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)05:48:33 No.4346687
    You have pent up hug energy and nobody to expend it on.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)05:52:23 No.4346717
         File :1243936343.jpg-(24 KB, 640x480, 1195565888018.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)05:57:19 No.4346764
    Same here. I never sleep or lie like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)06:02:38 No.4346807

    Thats scarily accurate. Thank you for this information, kind anon.
    >> Wittich !vPfIGqvzrU 06/02/09(Tue)06:08:51 No.4346848
    If I sleep on my back I jolt up a couple of minutes after falling asleep and wake up. This always happens if I don't sleep on my side or front.

    I guess Foetus is my most common though.

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