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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1243857142.jpg-(72 KB, 732x897, report card.jpg)
    72 KB Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:52:22 No.4337259  
    Every word you write here on 4chan tonight could have been put into one of your assignments instead. Imagine how quickly you'd get shit done if you were that motivated.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:53:14 No.4337267
    Fuck no, I just woke up, and only make an average of 10-15 posts per day anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:55:17 No.4337274

    >Option 1
    Spend hours working on assignment, spend free time 4channing, hand in assignment, get decent marks.

    >Option 2
    Spend hours on 4chan, start on assignment the night before, hand in assignment, get decent marks.

    I know which one I'll be choosing.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:55:19 No.4337275
    Its funny you say that, I'm procrastinating right now. It's 11:55pm, I've done half my assignment and its due at 9am. Life is grand.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:55:40 No.4337279
    Glad I'm finished college.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:56:30 No.4337282
    I had my last final 6 weeks ago.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:56:36 No.4337286
    Same. Graduated summa cum laude in bio.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:57:16 No.4337294
    I'd rather post in that 'how do you shower' thread than work on a paper dissecting lines from Hamlet.

    God I hate opinionated teachers wanting their students to validate their own abstract view about what a certain fucking passage by Shakespeare means.

    Also, I really like the 'how do you shower' thread in case I came off as being negative toward it. :3
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:58:02 No.4337303

    avg of 10-15 posts? I average around 4. Someone needs a life.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:59:01 No.4337313

    Someone on 4chan telling a person to get a life
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:59:23 No.4337316
    I could use the robot telling me when I do stuff that is NOT ORIGINAL CONTENT YOU BITCH *slap*
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:59:27 No.4337318
    uh yeah i actually would probably be a lot less stressed to be honest
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:59:57 No.4337323
    Yes. Yes I certainly do.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:03:52 No.4337351
    I have an assignment I should be doing. Someone please motivate me.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:04:40 No.4337354
    Say that to my face not online fucker and see what happens. Go on, I dare you. Muther fucker.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:05:45 No.4337361

    In the grand scheme of things what difference is one shitty assignment going to make. Go smoke a bowl or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:05:55 No.4337363

    OP here. Hello fellow NZfag. I have a 4000 word assignment due in tomorrow at midday. ~ 1000 words done so far. Gonna be here til fucking 6 am finishing this shit, then preparing for a presentation on a different topic for Wednesday.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:09:48 No.4337391
    >Go smoke a bowl or something

    lolno. faggot stoner.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:14:40 No.4337432
    Good, i was really curious
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:15:00 No.4337435
    I write distinction worthy 2000 word essays in 2 hours max. With no study.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:15:05 No.4337437

    Mine's an assignment for property law, I only have 900 words to go and could probably get it down within the next hour if I applied myself, which I won't. After this I'm free, no exams this semester :3
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:16:01 No.4337445

    The fuck is distinction? Use real grades faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:16:53 No.4337451
    You need to find the strength to go on doing what you did today and have been doing for much too long, find the strength for all that stupid running around, those projects that come to nothing, those attempts to escape from crushing necessity, which always founder and serve only to convince you one more time that destiny is implacable, that every night will find you down and out, crushed by the dread of more and more sordid and insecure tomorrows.

    There, hope that helped :)
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:19:32 No.4337480

    Lol coincidence. Mine's on Family Law. I'd finish quicker, but it turns out after I chose my topic that the lecturer is one of the big authorities on the subject. Trying to make it sound like I've not just copied her work.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:21:28 No.4337497

    Oh lawd, good luck with that broseph. University per chance?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:22:05 No.4337503

    Waikato. You?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:23:09 No.4337511

    Otago, just checked who took the family law paper here to make sure you didn't attend here :p
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:24:06 No.4337525

    Hah, I was in Otago for 1st year. Switched back to here cause it was costing too much. Actually prefer it here, so all good.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:24:59 No.4337536

    You're third year? If so, I was in your law class in first year :3
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:25:12 No.4337539
    Yeah, but fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:25:50 No.4337546

    Nope, 4th. Not that you get to know too many people in a class that size anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:27:40 No.4337557

    I'll have you know I was on first name terms with all ~800 people :p

    Wise choice moving away from Otago though, Dunedin fucking sucks. Though Hamilton can't be too much better =/
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:29:56 No.4337570

    Ah, it's home. But I'll be moving after graduation, 21 years is enough. Only big advantage: my flat isn't a total shithole.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:31:12 No.4337576
    Unemployed, you stupid faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:31:22 No.4337578
    I have typed 3 sentences on 4chan over the last 3 days. So, fuck you, i'm too lazy to even respond here.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:33:55 No.4337598

    My flat is a total shithole and I have another three years to go after this one. lol LLB+BA(hons) >_>

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