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  • File :1243842212.gif-(8 KB, 265x214, inlibswetrust.gif)
    8 KB Liberal Demorcrats. Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)03:43:32 No.4335508  
    Liberal democrats, aside from the green party (who do not have a chance in hell) are the only party that are in favor of the legalization of cannabis.

    The liberal Democrats also had the smallest expenses claims out of all the big three, 1000 pounds compared to Labour's 80000 and the Conservative's 40000.

    Makes sense to vote for a party who aren't bastards.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)03:45:33 No.4335522
    Except it SHOULD be illegal.

    Fucking stupid pig.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)03:47:25 No.4335540
    Give me a reason why it should be legal, if you're gonna keep alcohol and tobacco legal?

    More deaths a year are caused by those two above than cannabis.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)03:48:47 No.4335548
    Most people who would typically vote left wing would be more suited to vote Lib Dems. Unfortunately, people in general are also kind of stupid and vote against a particular party (i.e. the tories) rather than for a party whose policies they support.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)03:53:17 No.4335563
    The libs have a lot going for them, i think if they got in however, they would shit themselves. So I'm voting for them just to see what happens.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)03:53:20 No.4335564

    Learn how2 Supply&Demand fagoot!
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:01:06 No.4335625
    There's a lot of vote libral signs where i live, hardly any tory and labour ones. I think the whole expenses thing really shined a light on which parties aren't thieves and liars.

    go go power liberals.
    >> Black ✭ Star !x8ngkAZjXE 06/01/09(Mon)04:10:11 No.4335669
    I keep forgetting this is eurofag time.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:15:31 No.4335715
    Don't post this on /weed/... please... just stay away.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:23:33 No.4335763
    Librals need more propaganda... the problem is, no one knows who nick clegg is
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:24:22 No.4335768
    No, I want all of them illegal.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:27:05 No.4335778
    Libfags want to scrap uni fees, thats cool
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:27:53 No.4335786

    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:28:02 No.4335787

    Yeah, better make nyquil and robitussin illegal too.

    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:33:00 No.4335815

    Oh, I see an idiot who can't drink a beer without finding it too strong for him.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:42:33 No.4335871
    I can't see a reason not to vote lib if >>4335768 is the anti-lib
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:44:44 No.4335882
    >Makes sense to vote for a party who aren't bastards.

    Then vote Green.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:48:02 No.4335901
    British National Party will sweep this election

    (bnpfag here)
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:50:23 No.4335916

    I can't wait until after the election when you cunts can collect your 1% of the vote and shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:53:22 No.4335936
    havent noticed the uptrend aye? BNP is here to stay mate. We're only getting stronger
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)04:58:41 No.4335969
    Social democrats are communist scum. Enjoy your police state
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:02:48 No.4336426
    and more homoerotic. go back to the 'berbs in your doc martens and piss on each other
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:07:19 No.4336456
    God I hate these people they just seem to nice. Anyway the more liberal a party the more laws and restrictions they make THEY WOULD BAN 4CHAN and most porn for example I'm sure.


    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:11:01 No.4336477
    Lib Dems are ultimately in favour of real Liberalism - Minimum government. They have even suggested abolishing the NHS and making all healthcare private. Not even tories suggest that.
    Noone ever would though, too much a part of britain
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:13:52 No.4336503

    Where's your coolface.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:17:51 No.4336523
    The liberal democrat anti-corruption and civil liberties mentality plus conservative economic and defence policies would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:20:19 No.4336551
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:23:26 No.4336573

    They should have less government where less government is needed. The NHS is one of the things we still have over America.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:27:34 No.4336604

    Mainly the freedom for the very rich to get richer and the very poor to be very poor. Under a conservative government the big companies will simply gain more power and dictate more government policy. We have quite enough of that as it is.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:30:38 No.4336624

    Couldn't agree with you more brother. I wish I could show some of the BNP supporters how utterly useless their local councillors have been when they have tasted election success. Isolated, whiny and negative, despised by their peers and shunned at every gathering. It's hilarious to watch them fail so hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:34:19 No.4336651
    You honestly believe that? Both just want to pass laws that promote their agenda. The only difference between the two is which agenda they have and what kind of laws they'd pass to promote it.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:41:00 No.4336691
    >despised by their peers and shunned
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:45:22 No.4336721

    Conservatives want less laws In England and less Tax and feel like LABOUR has in fact made to many laws regulations and league tables. Security cameras anyone?

    Liberals want to make our lives better because they are nice people la la la. NO they want to force this on people. PEOPLE ARE LAZY AND MADE FROM SHIT and I love them for this. Liberals always have to force people to live up to their abstract ideals and what the media says. OMG SUZY FELL DOWN STAIRS AND SHE IS THE DEAD... BAN STAIRS ok now we need to have handrails on all stairs or you get fines. USE HAND RAILS OR PRISON ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD HURR HURR


    Crazy yeah but you get the idea. History proves me right.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:46:20 No.4336725
    I hope the liberals get in cuz I want freedom lick Muslimes deserve freedom an I wanna get high. Shitwould be cashy 4 sure an bein concerative just ain't cool. They ar lame as shit. Liberal all the way.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:47:52 No.4336736
    I don't think you should deplete your intelligence any further.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:51:00 No.4336763
    >The liberal Democrats also had the smallest expenses claims
    Because they do jack shit. Local, maybe, to keep Labour out. General, fuck no.

    Wow it's like I stumbled into the mind of a slack jawed council house dweller.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:55:47 No.4336796
    green > labour > tory > libdem > bnp

    this isn't debatable.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:58:43 No.4336812
    Tory will win next election, you know this to be true no matter how much Labour cry's.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)06:59:23 No.4336816

    Erm ... was there an argument in there somewhere?

    Lrn2 debate.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:02:24 No.4336837
    Politics student? Pretending to miss the point like you would pretend to forget someones name? You have a bright future ahead of you son.

    Its still true what he said though.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:04:02 No.4336847
    Umm well you know normally for a debate you need to have a counter argument which you seem to have failed to produce...

    Nice one.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:08:02 No.4336883
    Not only are you a communist but you are a retarded communist, Lib dem is closer to your ideal than labour.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)07:59:02 No.4337314
    Becasue they're not bastards.

    Conservatives do nothing, and just build moate round their houses on the tax payers money.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:07:30 No.4337376
    I dont think they will, I just think bnp voters=normal working class are more vocal atm. I doubt they will actually vote. and I think those that do vote, will still vote within the main parties. some will still vote labour too >.<
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:09:23 No.4337386
    i didn't actually even know this, and i love the lib dems like a child. even better. i really hope they do well off the back of all this expenses bollocks/angry people not voting how they normally do
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:17:03 No.4337455

    Hehe - No I'm not a politics student (35 y/o professional)


    I see your point.

    What I meant was, the user's style was "Throw out random statements mixed with CAPSLOCK" without joining up any of his ideas. I was attempting to raise the standard of the conversation. I clearly failed.

    My apologies.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:19:46 No.4337481

    BNPfags will make sweeping statements with no justification.

    BNP voters will sweep up in the rooms where the ballots were counted.

    BNP candidates will sweep out of the car park claiming victory for having gained half a dozen votes.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:21:41 No.4337499
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:24:12 No.4337528

    BNP aren't normal working class people, the British working class have traditionally been left wing except for in London and some of the other bigger cities where they get more attention.

    The BNPs Nick Griffin is a traitor and should be sewn in a bag with poison snake, a child molester and girugamesh and thrown in the Thames, imagine the joyous street parties!
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:51:17 No.4337741
    SPOILER: The BNP are a third position party, which still makes them closer to the left than any other UK parties apart from the communists. Labour becoming a right-wing pro-capitalist party is turning the working-classes into national socialists.

    gg labour
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:57:17 No.4337786
    bnp = british national part
    nationalism = right wing
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)08:58:59 No.4337798
    >poison snake
    Not only would it be hard to find one of the two only poisonous snakes in the world but he'd have to eat it. Let's try a venomous one instead.
    >> Wittich !vPfIGqvzrU 06/01/09(Mon)09:03:43 No.4337834
    Is it surprising that BNP is popular on 4chan?

    They're pro-CP. They could write almost anything else into their manifesto and still get votes on this.

    I don't know who I'm voting for though. Maybe the green party.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:04:04 No.4337836
    Greens policies are retarded, unless you feel knee jerk reactions at the word nuclear to appease the ignorant middle class housewife are a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:05:58 No.4337851
    i'd quite like to see the greens in power because they wouldn't have a fucking clue what to do when they got there
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:06:58 No.4337862
    The Green Party sucks. Want to know who to vote for? Look at their god damn policies.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:08:10 No.4337873
    the BNP are pro-CP????
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:08:49 No.4337875
    If he CP he means Capital or Corporal Punishment, then yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:09:54 No.4337883
    what a disappointment
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:10:47 No.4337893
    Agreed. The BNP are hardcore Christians so endorsing child porn would be quite the surprise.
    >> Wittich !vPfIGqvzrU 06/01/09(Mon)09:11:27 No.4337901
    Just looked at the green party website:

    >Tough licensing on guns, cutting off the gun supply to the UK and banning the sale of replica guns will bring down violent crime.

    Way to lose my vote in one sentence.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:13:43 No.4337917
    British National Party will slowly but surly take over. The liberal media has kept them hushed up the past few years and the idiot masses are finally taking notice of what's going on. BNP owns
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:13:53 No.4337920
    Good. Now vote for the Lib Dems so we can get rid of this fucking ID card + database bullshit that Labour are forcing us into.
    >> Wittich !vPfIGqvzrU 06/01/09(Mon)09:18:08 No.4337944

    Are lib dems opposed to nanny-state/1984 style government?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:18:33 No.4337947
    I'd vote Green if they had UKIP's stance on immigration. BNP's is nice but slightly extreme.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:24:18 No.4337982
    Yes. Lib dems polices are to scrap ID cards, scrap tuition fees, establish better trade with the EU (bring those goddamn stupid huge eu taxes down which are killing our industry) and to legalize weed.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:25:27 No.4337985
    Last time I looked, yes they were.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:26:15 No.4337993
    Truly the best party we have. The best of the worst, that is.
    >> Wittich !vPfIGqvzrU 06/01/09(Mon)09:28:15 No.4338006

    >scrap tuition fees

    Damn it.

    Slightly too late for me.

    I will vote for Lib Dems.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:28:42 No.4338007
    Damn We might actually have a libdem in power ... A nice change after Labour and conservative for the last 70 or so years.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:28:57 No.4338010
    cut the military even further, that can't possibly go wrong
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:32:43 No.4338036
    Well we don't exactly need much of a military if we're not at war with anyone. Just keep the military guarding our tiny island and we'll be fine. Fuck Afghanistan and Iraq, etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:33:42 No.4338041
    The lib dems are always in power in my city. And Labour hasn't controlled my county for years, it's always conservative for some reason. Fucking farmers.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)09:34:45 No.4338048
    Then what about the Falklands, Gibraltar, etc?
    We have territories other than England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland you know.

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