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So I've just got my internet back after being hit by hurricane Sandy. There's probably quite a few of you robots who were affected but I took some pictures and hopefully you guys will be interested in seeing them.
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This sign I found quite interesting, considering they had nothing but garbage around their house.
That's fucking metal.
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A bunch of firefighters on foot because the roads were too blocked off.
>Obama hates white people
Where u at OP?
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Cars piled up on the side of the road. Most of these are waterdamaged beyond repaid and need to be scrapped.
Should have stolen their cross.
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Long Island and Rockaway.

Lines of cars everwhere, trying to get past intersections and debris.
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Sanitation trucks stretched for miles, trying to get to the heaviest debris zones.
>>4328473 (OP)

You can have my internets for the OC, bot. Good luck in the recovery.
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This car washed out from the street and into a tree. Police cordoned it off when and why I don't know, I've seen about three uniformed officers and one cruiser since Monday.

hahahaha. dat number plate.

taps into the little-used part of my brain. What is it called?
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In case you can't tell, the house on the right is leaning backwards. Into the water, at about a 30-40 degree angle.
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Forgot I had a better shot of the angle.
An interesting thread? Aw shit.

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People's entire lives are out on the street, now junk and garbage.
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This is the first of many boats that washed ashore.
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The walkway to this house built on stilts was no longer accessible.
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This one doesn't have a walkway anymore.
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It also had a backhoe in it's front yard.
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Don't know what happened to this car but note the garbage in the backround. It's everwhere.
fascinating thread idea OP jolly good show. any other americans with OC of the 'disaster'?
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There was some siphoning of gas out of tanks.
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We had a similar thing January last year OP
Storm conditions became so bad in south-east Queensland, all along this one particular river the water rose SO GODDAMN HIGH
And up in the valley to our west huge storm torrents made rushing rivers out of streets.
Luckily where I live, we were up higher so our house wasn't affected by water, but 5 minutes down the road where all the local business was (grocery stores, fast food, pretty much every store in our suburb) was flooded by roughly 3-8 meters of water. Same deal all along the river at some points.
Here's a pic of the Ipswich suburb.
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I didn't even know the DSNY had these bad boys. But they were picking up literally anything from the street and dumping it.
Looks like the Apocalypse nigga.
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This boat is roughly a quarter of a mile inland. Just in the middle of the street.
It gets worse.
Hope you weren't affected too badly OP, nice pictures. Where abouts are you located?
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A pretty ubiquitous sight.
I'm glad you're okay, OP. I love you.
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And here's a video of the rushing torrents of water.
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These pictures are coming from Broad Channel and Rockaway, Queens, NY.
Shit looks terrible.

This is of a soup kitchen/food place. Everyone's eating for free, helping for free, all with no electricity, hot water or cell service.
You've seen the gas lines on the north shore?
Shits crazy
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I've seen them on the south shore. People are lining up for empty stations.

This is right by the beach. It felt like it'd snowed, with everything literally plowed. Even the distribution along walkways and in the middle of streets felt the same.
Yeah man. We recovered fully in about a year, but still. It was pretty terrifying being so close to something that you have no control over. Something that could easily take everything you have. World's getting worse, I swear it.
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The basements of these three family homes were completely flooded, even today. They had a bucket train, carrying out a gallon or two of unrecognizable slop from their home.
>just outside of AC
>house fine
>flood water got pretty close, down the road got trashed by water/trees
>lost 1 tree out of like 30
>drive 20 mniutes to mystic islands (near tuckerton NJ)
>every house got flooded on the lagoons
>huge piles of furniture and kids toys on the sidewalks being picked up by big front end loaders
>all dem sad people
A-are you a-alright, O-OP-chan? ;_;
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This is a four lane street.
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This is a boardwalk.
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I know man, I know. Everything's changed.
I'm okay.

More of the boardwalk.
jesus christ
damn this is insane
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Concrete > Storm Surges

Can't say the same for wood though. Or metal fixtures. Or houses. Or concrete that's not anchored in twenty feet.

Also the beach used to be another hundred feet from the edge of those concrete anchors.
These photos are really cool OP. This thread made me want to visit /p/ and see some of the stuff people post there. I'd never looked at /p/ before.

The first thread I saw was about a guy who found a dead cat in his back yard so he attached it to a giant pop tart and took pictures

Pretty deep stuff.
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Hey Gary. You were probably a cool guy. Your work lasted 45 years.
That's g-great!~ :3

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The boardwalk makes a right turn up here, around the hockey rink. The rink itself is actually blackish blue, but it's full of sand right now. And some other unidentifiable things.
>niggers tagging it

oh god, murrica strong.
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Somehow nature is still beautiful though. The water looks harmless and pristine now.
I'm out in mid-Suffolk, we lost power for all of five seconds. Most of my relatives and friends around the island are still in the dark.

This gas shortage sucks.
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Fallout: New York.

Niggers tag everything in Queens, you must not be familiar with nyc at all.
How much has gas gone up there?
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These stairs used to lead up onto the boardwalk that's now currently 30 feet from where it's supposed to be.
South Jersey, Cumberland county here. My friend works at wawa, and a bunch of north jersey and shore faggots drove all the way here to fill up like, 40 gas cans. We were completely unaffected. We've seriously had thunderstorms worse than Sandy. My family went out to the diner during it. Meanwhile, I hear the shore is just gone. It's become part of the Atlantic. AC boardwalk, gone. Cape May, gone. OC, devastation. The President was in Brigantine and met with Governor Fatwad over it.

The chairs on my patio didn't even tip over.

Hope you enjoy your new houseboats.
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It hasn't gone up because it doesn't exist.
thanks for sharing OP. Looks like the apocalypse.

Not OP but Queens NY fag, gas shortages here are unbelievable. Dunno the price but people line up for miles to get gas rations here.
Hey op. Did any of your shit get wrecked or fucked up? Or are you out of the way of all that. Also how did you cope without internet?

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