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  • File :1243786331.jpg-(45 KB, 600x736, calculus.jpg)
    45 KB lol, math Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:12:11 No.4327506  
    post other funny math macros
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:13:23 No.4327524
    >>OP's image = calculus

    GOD....DAMN... TROLLS...
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:19:15 No.4327577
    There's a missing step in that equation, where it divides by zero. It's just a trick.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:20:51 No.4327599
         File :1243786851.png-(128 KB, 600x736, 1229100338972.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:23:59 No.4327622
    here's the next step up for you kids
    from Euler's identity:
    e^(i*pi)= -1
    (e^(i*pi))^2= (-1)^2
    e^(2i*pi)= 1
    ln(e^(2i*pi))= ln(1)
    so either 2=0, i=0, or pi=0
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:28:25 No.4327667
         File :1243787305.jpg-(23 KB, 640x480, 1210251987565.jpg)
    23 KB

    Brilliant.jpg. But are you math enough to solve this problem?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:36:16 No.4327708

    correction: ln is multi-valued
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:39:36 No.4327750
    x-7 = 19 + x

    x = 26 + x

    0 = 26
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:39:40 No.4327752
    Anime does maths.png
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:39:51 No.4327755

    You don't even have to divide by 0, it just becomes 0 = 0.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 05/31/09(Sun)12:40:11 No.4327758

    Eliminate 7 and add 7 onto 19 to make 26. So x=26. It's simple if you know basic algebra.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:41:39 No.4327772
    I laugh at you dumb Americans calling that calculus.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:45:20 No.4327794
    Agreed. That's basic algebra.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 05/31/09(Sun)12:45:42 No.4327796
    calc blew my mind because we were always taught in high school that you cant divide by 0.

    Then I got to L'Hospital's Rule and found out that 1/0 = infinity.

    I shat bricks.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:47:40 No.4327808
    This poster is American. I can tell because of the pixels and I have seen many Americans in my time.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:47:41 No.4327809

    x - 7 = x + 19

    x = 26 + x (disregard improbability for the moment)

    Substitute on left side of the equation.

    (26 + x) - 7 = x + 19

    x + 19 = x + 19

    0 = 0
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:47:59 No.4327811

    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:50:03 No.4327831
    No, 2pi = 0. l2radian
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:52:41 No.4327857
    What the fuck? You didn't do anything useful there at all, you may as well just have written x - x = 0.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 05/31/09(Sun)12:52:48 No.4327859

    Correction, sin(x)=sin(x+2kpi), but x =/= x+2kpi

    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:53:10 No.4327862

    It's obvious that 1/0 = infinity
    take the y = 1/x graph for example
    1/0 is an asymptote and therefore +/- infinity
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:54:26 No.4327873
    How is that parametric?
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 05/31/09(Sun)12:54:39 No.4327876

    but growing up my simple mind did not understand that.

    it's like my mind had a total mathematical epiphany when i saw that.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:55:05 No.4327878
    i wat'd for a second there
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:55:42 No.4327880
    No, it isn't. 1/0 = infinity leads to contradictions such as the bold hypothesis where you can 'prove' that any number equals any other number. So 1/0 = infinity can't be true.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:56:36 No.4327893
    x/0 is undefined; it MAY be infinity, but it doesn't always need to be.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:56:52 No.4327897
    I've never heard of l'hopital's rule or whatever the fuck that is, doing A-Level maths (Year 13 in britfag land, also exam tomorrow, done nothing for it, o shi-), and i've realised for years that 1/0 = infinity

    am i a genius or are you slow :|
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:57:23 No.4327905
    Yeah :D
    A friend and myself discovered this a little while ago, when a teacher said think in radians we were like that too :P
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:59:06 No.4327926
    L'Hopital's rule states that the value of a function at a certain point is equal to the limit of the function approaching that point from both directions, where both directions equal the same value.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:00:19 No.4327943
    OP is a troll. This post was just on /v/ and a bunch of people there believed it.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:00:45 No.4327950
    I believe you are not a genius because 1/0 =! infinity.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:01:41 No.4327959
    See: >>4327880
    I have that exam tomorrow too, Core 4 right? Gonna be easy peasy :D
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:03:25 No.4327973
    yeah sounds about right. Honestly, this math meme bullshit like OP's pic is really annoying. Not only because it's wrong and not calculus, but because someone seriously made it and thought they were correct and thought it was calculus.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:08:38 No.4327995
         File :1243789718.gif-(13 KB, 172x167, 1218773342559.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:11:54 No.4328015
    but ln(e^(2i*pi))=/=2i*pi because the complex exponential is not a bijection (you cant define the ln function on the whole complex plane). Actually the complex ln is so that ln(e^(2i*pi))=0 and thus... everything went better than expected.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:16:02 No.4328052
    Can you explain that in more detail please?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:32:06 No.4328210
    Yeah, urrite.

    Only need 38% for an A, but I've still done literally fuck all for it, now would probably be a good time to start doing something
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:33:33 No.4328233
    well it's basic complex analysis. ln have to be holomorphic but if you define it over the unit circle, the integral over the cicle is not equal to 0 (as an holomorphic function, it should be), mainly because of ln(e^(2i*pi)) being not equal to ln(1). So you can only define ln on C\(a), (a) being a "path" from 0 to infinite. As a consequency, ln(exp(x))=x only if the complex part of x is between 0 and 2i*pi.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:34:37 No.4328246
    It's pretty basic stuff to be honest. I did the paper (not including comprehension bit) in half an hour and got 70/72. Not bad eh :D
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:39:19 No.4328292
    Well, compared to the ridiculously easy bullshit in all the other modules preceding it, it's reasonably challenging

    That said, if I didn't fall asleep and actually did work, I'm sure I could ace it!
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:40:20 No.4328298
    I'm an A2-level student, complex analysis is way above me. I guess I'll just have to wait to find out what you mean (I'm hoping to do maths at uni).
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:52:36 No.4328424
    i don't know how is works in your country, i'm studying in france and i saw this after 3 years of maths at university (i was 21). now im gonna be a math teacher and complex analysis is one of the worse things i've experienced so far.
    the ln(exp(2ipi)) thing is very challenging btw, because everybody can spot the problem but you have to be pretty much experienced in maths to understand why it's false
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:57:27 No.4328466

    Above you? Nothing is above you with the existence of the internet.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)14:01:23 No.4328509
    Already tried looking it up, didn't understand it :P
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)14:03:36 No.4328528
    integrate a 1/x curve with x>1
    now find the volume of revolution

    the resulting horn has infinite length,
    but finite volume

    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)14:06:20 No.4328563

    That does not mean you should admit it, especially on /r9k/ of all places. What you should do is reword the wikipedia article and post it.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)14:11:41 No.4328607
    I see no problem here, except the stupid x>1 condition : since 1/x is symetrical relatively to the y=x curve, it's easy to see that you could even interate from 0 to infinite and still get a finite volume for the resulting trumpet ;D
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)14:14:50 No.4328627
    No it doesn't... the volume works out to be -pi + pi/0. If it's got an infinite area, it's going to have an infinite volume.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)14:21:59 No.4328702
    but the volume is finite with 1/x^2 instead of 1/x, with still an infinite lenght
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)14:26:11 No.4328768
    How? You still get something over x, so when you put in 0 it still won't work.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)14:32:44 No.4328864
    Riemann proved a few centuries ago that 1/x^2 has a finite integral, i'm not going to do it again for you.

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