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>"there are people out there with worse problems and harder lives than yours!"
Please explain to me how the suffering of others should make me feel better. I don't understand.
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>>4317108 (OP)
this being muted shit is so aggravating
Lick up their delicious tears.
Nobody can say this to me. I made sure that had the hardest life I could possibly have. The result is that I end up doing 20x more work than anyone else, and get nothing in return. I just look like an idiot for pushing myself to my limits.

Although, I now realize that the human zone for comfort is much wider than most people accept. I think that if we all pushed our limits and accepted a little more responsibility I think we could all progress further as a society. I mean do we really need 2 day weekends? I would feel fine with 1 day.

Its just this entitlement of slack and comfort in lives, is what really holds us back. But what do I know
Because your problems are a bullshit excuse for you to not apply yourself to anything
Most people have a worse and harder life than mine, which makes me feel even shittier about being so depressed.

>tfw white male
>tfw uppermiddle class
>tfw born in the first world
>tfw great loving parents who never abused me
>tfw fairly smart and healthy

>tfw when I'm still not happy because I'm a manlet with no gf

Honestly, I feel like such a whiny bitch for not being happy because I know 99% of people would trade places with me in a second
Your life isn't that hard because you chose for it to be hard.
No. I really did do some hard shit in my life. Mainly in the line of work I did. And the amount of work I did in school, was alot more than most people in my peer group would think was sane. It did pay off: money, education. But I think I may have overdone it, by other peoples standards
Its not supposed make you realize your problems are pretty minor and not to be worked up over them.
>>4317108 (OP)

Jokes on you, I never complain so I've never heard this.
Yeah? So what? Why should I care about them? I care about my own issues. I'm the one who lives my life.
is it a legit response if i say, "what if i'm just weaker" ?
Just because other people feel worse than me doesn't mean I don't feel bad.
The sad thing is I can always make sure I have a worse life than over 99% of the people on earth.

Really more than 99%, but 0.001% do in fact have a worse life than mine, and well I'll give them that.
not if they had regular sex
That's the first of these things I've ever found myself agreeing with.
Only if you are, weakling.
how does one measure emotional strength..
>>4317108 (OP)

So somewhere, out there, an AIDS ridden, malnourished toddler who was repeatedly raped by her father, and has four different types of brain cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, and Autism, is the only individual on earth entitled to being unhappy with their ilfe?

Go fuck yourself with a rake.
I hate it when I bring up any complaint and people tell me how it could be worse. Hell, I know it could be worse, but c'mon...
>"man, I wish I was a better artist"
>"Well at least you have hands and eyes! Stop complaining! There are some people out there who are blind with nubs for hands!"
>>4317108 (OP)

And there are people with less problems and easier lives than me.

What exactly is your point?
I only say this to people who dismiss my problems because theirs are worse.

Like "Oh, you're sad because you lost 50 bucks. WELL I LOST 100 YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE SAD."

Working hard =/= having a hard life
By the fact that your problems are other people's goals.

>Can't get a job
>At least live in a first world country with social safety nets

>Can't get a gf
>Have friends and porn

>Too stupid to actually figure this out for yourself
>Access to internet so that I can explain it to you

Some of you guys need to humble yourselves
I hate this too. Especially when people pull the third world country card out
>man, this medicine tastes repulsive. Ugh. Do I have to take it?

It's like saying
>2 weeks without food. Someone gave me a loaf of bread to last my family and I a few months. Ugh. I wish I had more food, this just won't do

Just because other people have it shittier doesn't make your situation any better.
It's not about making your situation better, it's about being thankful for what you do have; it's about being conscious instead of a whinging little shit. The thing is, I bet if some little kid said he hated his iphone 4 and hated his parents for not buying him an iphone 5, you would think "what a spoiled and ungrateful little shit", which is the same principle
>>4317108 (OP)
There are also people out there with better problems and easier lives than mine.
I don't give a fuck about the stupid niggers in Africa who can't get water, I will never pay, nor should anyone else for jungle bunnies to live, let them starve and die of sickness/child warfare and be done with it.
>>4317108 (OP)
Doesn't make my life any easier.
>that feel when death, hopelessness, rejection, disappointment, confusion and loneliness basically define my life and who i am today, even worse because it wasn't always like this.
Graduating this year will be the happiest thing that will have happened to me in 6 years.
ITT: no one understands perspective
This is really crappy (but common) logic.

You could literally say this line to a starving child and Africa and still be correct -- there are people worse off than starving Africans.

Worse yet: it encourages a bad attitude.

"Just do your job, Marcus. There are people in this world who have it a lot worse than you do. Be happy with what you have."

"Fuck you, Rita. If humanity stuck with that mentality, we'd never have gotten past clubbing each other with sticks."

It's a device to promote a servile attitude in a person, and, ultimately, it's just a red herring.

So you can just throw that right out the window.
The best thing to say is "There are people happier than you, so you have no right to be happy."
They usually shut the fuck up.
>>4317108 (OP)

Actually you see this used in sociologically discussions of oppression and other shit.

Basically one trauma doesn't negate another trauma. Just because some dude got stabbed doesn't mean someone didn't get shot or raped.

It's the idea that by reminding you shit could be worse you'll feel better about your situation and go "hey it's not so bad."

The problem is this often gets internalized into "Jesus christ, the fuck is wrong with me. Shit is worse for other people and I can't push through. I'm scum."

Wow... Just wow. I made myself sound like a dumbass in the first sentence.

why have i not heard of that one before
I want to be white

how the hell did michael jackson get away with that change?
He looked pretty nasty. Women still wanted the dick, of course, but only because he was rich and famous.
magic, motherfukaaaaaa
>>4317108 (OP)
Those people are seriously fucked then.
>>4317108 (OP)
Yeah, but they are most likely going to die soon (Le african kids face), I'm gonna be around longer and you'll have to put up with my whining longer so do something to help me out

Its true though. There is a video on youtube of this artist who paints with his feet, he said he does it to show people there are no limitations.

Is it not true that if you had no hands or eyes it would be a very difficult situation. Now you say you are a bad artist, that can be improved and is nothing to worry about.
it's such a strange way to tell someone " you can do it" by saying "others have done it/more"

if you're encouraged by that line, all the more power to you.

Well thats because you know whats right. There is no need for you to be sad, give thanks for what you have and be a blessing to others.
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>implying you have no free will
>submitting to your weaknesses instead of allowing yourself to grow
as i see it, it's not unlike people who envy those that are easily amused or leaning towards risk taking behavior. like the miserable nerd vs partyhard jock.

the nerd could try to partyhard, but it's just not..right. s/he has to find amusement and fulfillment another way
You're still telling someone not to feel the way they do, and no one wants to hear that; there's this thing called tact.
That just make me feel worse, despite having what could be considered by many an ideal life, I still feel miserable. At least if I was completly miserable I would think things would get better by getting money or whatever

How is that metaphor for giving up vs solving your problems
more of an adopting practical value set vs resisting alien motivation/perceived emotional manipulation
>>4317108 (OP)


But if you ever tried to argue the point with anyone, that your suffering, to you, is just as bad as some kid starving in Africa, what would people think?

They'd think you're a whiny, delusional, self obsessed dick. They'd think you're completely incapable of being able to see and appreciate the good things in life. They'd think you have no perspective and no empathy for other people at all.

No one's going to have sympathy for someone who's that much of a self absorbed, whiny cunt.
>>4317108 (OP)

Joke's on you, my main problem is exactly that I can barely achieve anything while people out there with worse problems are kicking my ass at life.
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People having greater problems than you doesn't render your own, lesser problems insignificant.

Jesus Christ. That guy is a total retard. Then again:

>having abstract problems that last for more than 2 months (in the case of mourning your relatives, for example).
>not being able to solve your own problems, or don't give a fuck when you can't.

That's because you are a whiny bitch. But I guess than being brought up with all those luxuries didn't really help either.

If you can't handle your emotions and can't solve abstract problems, you're pretty much a kid.
>"there are people out there with worse problems and harder lives than yours!"
I actually really doubt that. Anybody who really has a shittier life than mine has almost certainly committed suicide. I've never heard of anybody living a worse life than mine, all things considered. inb4 "third world" starving africans.They have family and community. Support networks and relative freedom.

Then, robot, tell me about your life. Of course, all problems related to >tfwnogf, asshole parents or inability to perform in social situations don't really count.
Are you seriously suggesting that if you're not starving to death and you're complaining about a problem, then you're a whiny cunt? So if someone gets fired from their job or they're going through a divorce, then they should just shut up because at least they're not starving? Or do you just say that about people with problems you don't have any sympathy for?

If you're whining about it in order to get some sympathy, you're a whiny cunt. If you're simply fixing your shit up and when you REALLY need emotional support you call up your best bud and talk about that with some beers and shit like that... I guess it's just healthy venting. Of course, that only applies to one of your examples: divorce, because for some people it's really fucking sad and you can't handle your emotions. Losing your job doesn't deserve to vent, shit happens and that's just the system, deal with it.
i think it's fascinating how we in the developed world are so hung up on 'promoting happiness' on both a global and personal scale.

why is life about happiness?

You could life without being happy, but nobody wants it. Then again, happiness is not solely about acquiring wealth and fucking bitches, at least for most.
right. nobody wants it. and life is about giving in to our 'wants'. our culture really is diseased.


It's late, I'm so sorry
>could live without happiness
i'm suffering major depressive disorder and wat

the way i see it, people are addicted to serotonin or dopamine or w/e that things is.
if people didn't have that, everyone would kill themselves. i figure
>implying I complain

What kind of fucking baby do you take me for

I consider that valid. It seems to me you already had your answer, though, lol.
guy you're replying to isn't the guy you were replying to

Ow. My bad then, sorry.
The only good post in this thread and no pussy has bothered to contend with it ie that one faggot tripfag who's blowing hot air up everyone's ass in this thread.

Good job bud.
mate, if she said that to me my hands would be wrapped around her neck and maybe i could do to her what my own family did to me.
"And I thank God every day that I'm able to have these problems. I would much rather have losing internet connection my biggest problem than not knowing if I'll get to eat today."

Usually my response.

Honest, at least. I admire that.
I highly doubt it.

I don't have much to lose, as my family is so fucking poor. My father is fucking asshole, who drinks every money he get from work, and then beats me. Why?

The point is I'm deaf. And I have hearing aids. Which needs batteries, that are pretty expensive. I save every money to buy them, so I can hear, because my father won't buy them, and if I request some money on them, he goes apeshit and he beats me...

I have like 2 full batteries. Every single time I go back from school, I turn off my aids, just to save the energy in them. I can hear like from 8am to 3pm, then I'm forced to hear nothing.Nothing. Because of my dickhead father...

I don't have much to lose, as my current batteries are dying, and one pair lasts like 1 week. I can't get any job, as they require full hearing (mcdonalds, shop assistant, waiter), and stealing batteries is fucking impossible because cameras everywhere.

I don't know what I will do when I run out of batteries AND money. I will be unable to interact with anyone else. No school, no job, no life, no hope.

1 week and I'll be deaf. Forever.

if you're deaf then how did you type that, huh?


Dude. I'm not lying, why I would do that? I can even fucking timestamp by hearing aids.

I lost faith in my life and this world.

maybe an hero.
yeah but how do you know what im saying

He was joking. Anon, you really need to learn how social interactions work...

Still, I feel with you and your issues. Not a lot, your not dying of fucking cancer while being raped by Mandingo, but I certainly feel for you. I'd like to help you, but I'm barely surviving too, money-wise.
>And I have hearing aids. Which needs batteries, that are pretty expensive.
Wear a shit hearing aid with an external unit that runs on normal rechargeable batteries. The tiny fancy in-ear stuff is literally designed to siphon money from people in your position (as well as the tax money if it's funded or subsidized etc.), it's just a corporate scam.

If only I could afford that. Everything I have is few ruble in my pocket and few days, before all batteries run out.

As I live in Russia, my state gives me few buck per year, and they go directly to my father, who just buy vodka with them...
>tfw at least starving nigger children in africa have a family who love them and friends who they hang out with while finding maggots to eat
If you dwell on your problems you make them worse.

I think about people that have it worse that I do when I'm feeling down.
"Well, atleast I'm not that poor cunt.
Come to think of it, I'm pretty rad"
>be average person
>live in third world country
>daily life is complete shit
>anything that will improve my situation will yield vast rewards
>the reward for working hard is considerable improvements to me and my family's quality of life

>be average person
>live in first world country
>life is neither good or bad
>"improving" my situation yields nothing good or bad
>the reward for working hard is more work

I recently figured out the reason first world life is such a pile of shit is because there is no real reward for anything you could ever do, as you are born at the top of the pyramid of social mobility the average person is allowed to have.
>>4317108 (OP)

"I don't care"

Those people annoy me. There are people with shittier lives but that doesn't really make our lives any better does it?
>as you are born at the top of the pyramid of social mobility the average person is allowed to have.
Why not become NOT AVERAGE? Too lazy?
>>4317108 (OP)
When I feel down I think about women who have been raped. Some great news stories out there if you search.
The only people who aren't average were born that way.

Believing otherwise is simply falling victim to the lie that is social mobility in the first world.
You compare yourself to people you're surrounded with, not to a 20 years old Nigerian rape baby dying of AIDS.
Sorry, but it's all subjective.
Oh wow, why not just kill yourself if you're this apathetic? Have you ever worked for anything in your life lazy piece of shit?
>>4322460 apathetic
Sounds like you don't really know what that means.

See also: >>4322338
>the reward for working hard is more work
>Please explain to me how the suffering of others should make me feel better. I don't understand.

You're completely missing the point.

Everyone in this world suffers.
There are people who deal with the same trials and hardships you do and actually do something about it.

There are people in worse off situations that actually get up everyday with a smile on their face and work to improve their situation.

While you (not you, but the consensus of /r9k and 4chan in general) live on the internet wasting your lives.

When will you stop sulking and face your problems HEAD ON?
>>4322484 There are people in worse off situations that actually get up everyday with a smile on their face and work to improve their situation.

Whereas you, citizen of the first world, cannot actually improve your situation. As social mobility is a lie.
>>4322484 When will you stop sulking and face your problems HEAD ON?

My current problem is the rich and powerful have created a system where the average person (that's you, by the way) can never accomplish anything beyond wage/debt slavery. Where the only reward for working hard is more work. Whereas people who have never worked a day in their lives are constantly rewarded with less work.
>Whereas you, citizen of the first world, cannot actually improve your situation.

No, this right here is a lie. You won't deal with your problems by avoiding them.
What evidence do you have that social mobility isn't a lie?
Bill Gates. Your move.
>>4322542 man in the right place at the right time in a period of great economic growth proves social mobility

If anything it proves its a lie fed to the common man (again, you, by the way) in order to keep him working towards nothing.
Never discussed social mobility though.
If you aren't content being a middle-class citizen or even a low-class citizen, You might be more concerned with status than actual problems in life.

>My current problem is the rich and powerful have created a system where the average person (that's you, by the way) can never accomplish anything beyond wage/debt slavery.

This is simply not true.
You need to manage your money more wisely.
Show me your bank account or your receipts of the last couple of major things you purchased and I'll show you where your heart is.

>Where the only reward for working hard is more work. Whereas people who have never worked a day in their lives are constantly rewarded with less work.

Covetousness is Death.
How do you make yourself even more miserable? Compare yourself to others. That's how.

You need to work on you. Your definition of 'success' is extremely flawed.
You simply are not content as you are now and in cases like this, if you don't sharpen up, you never will be. Death
>social mobility isn't a lie
>you just need to redefine what you consider to be social mobility!
You could be a life coach.
>"there are people out there with worse problems and harder lives than yours!"

yes, and those people I'll never meet or even experience what they experienced. so why bother wasting a single thought on it? gets in your very own way anyhow.

not triyng to sound heartless btw but I mean what gives? you can be glad that you don't have to deal with ALL of life's bullshit. you already have enough of your own and have to look out for yourself and that ain't easy either
What gives you the idea the working class citizens are working towards nothing though?

I don't get it. Unless you're implying that everyone in those brackets are up to their necks in debt working to pay them off. Which simply isn't true.
>>4322613 Which simply isn't true.
Only because the baby boomers are throwing off the average. Once they start dying out, the current face of america will be revealed.
>living life according to society's standards
how discouraging.

Live a little.
Bill Gates was born into a family of millionaires. He was set for life regardless. All that proves is that it's easier to make money when you have money
That is probably the most hypocritical possible response to that post. As the post it was replying to was entirely about
Yea, he didn't even have to invent planned obsolescence in order to live comfortably for his entire life.
While I think the saying generally applies to silly and small problems such as the remote being 3 metres from the couch and having to stand up to get it, the saying first world problems is really stupid as many people have pointed out, just because somebody has problems worse than you doesn't mean your problems are negated by larger problems and if anything getting people to just accept their problems does, as someone else suggested promote a servile nature within people, if you just accept your problems then they won't go away.
I hate this argument. This just implies that because someone is having it worse, I shouldn't complain about anything.

>giving a fuck about poor people
>not even once
It's not a real argument, it's just bullshit.

P.S. my life is pretty great, but only because I work hard at it, but I won't listen to that bullshit argument.

Lots of buttflustered edgy socialist in here.
There are lots of people that have it way better than me with way less problems

Therefore I can complain about everything
The real hypocrisy is that normalfags (sorry for the word) are just as likely to bitch about their problems without doing anything. I agree that everyone of us could do with a bit less of self-pity, in particular because nobody cares about your problems, but this accusation promote willful ignorance of this problem.

Also, even if it solves nothing, even if it's a pain in the ass for everyone around you, the fact is that anybody deserve a bit of attention from time to time. Happiness isn't a simple problem that we should solve alone, hating ourselves when we can't find it. Everybody deserves some support, and even moreso because, paradoxically and surprisingly, an objective increase in our quality of life doesn't lead to an healthier mindset.

Society as a whole is too materialist, too covetous, too obsessed with perfection. In some rare ways, it's even a good thing. How would you react if you were forced to align your standards of living on the poorer people on this planet (and once again, stating that the entire third world is hell on earth is a great big lie)? You would think the ones insisting you do it have an agenda. Complaining is a distateful but necessary tool in the struggle for power and ressources, both economically, socially and emotionally.

When people dismsiss your attitude as unhealthy and your problems as your faults, when they assume you just like complaining, they are partially right (and certainely closer to the truth than the ones that assume they're hopeless), but they are NOT delivering some live-changing advice, because it is in fact banal and egocentric.

Everybody has the right to be a little pussy from time to time, including those who are deemed as "weird" by society (because let's face it, they would have an easier time sympathizing with you if they could actually relate to your problems).

Everybody has the right to bitch for petty (or not-so-petty) reasons, because literally everyone already does it.
>How would you react if you were forced to align your standards of living on the poorer people on this planet (and once again, stating that the entire third world is hell on earth is a great big lie)?
I wouldn't care if I wasn't bombarded with American neoliberal propaganda 24/7. I am one of the poorer people on this planet, and it's hell on earth ONLY because of the media and the internet and everyone's dreams being completely unrealistic to their environment. If I could just live a simple life without the shit influence of the west, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but you people have ruined everything forever, and it's not going to get better until the end of the world.
If we can't feel sad because there are people whose life is much worse, we can't feel happy because there are people whose life is much better than ours.

What you should do is stop comparing yourself with other people at all because that won't help you in any way to get a better life yourself.
>>4317108 (OP)
Yep I got an easy life, what you gonna do about it?

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