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    74 KB 'Power' move by male students ruffles U. of C. Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:08:23 No.4295589  
    A group of University of Chicago students think it's time the campus focused more on its men.

    A third-year student from Lake Bluff has formed Men in Power, a student organization that promises to help men get ahead professionally. But the group's emergence has been controversial, with some critics charging that its premise is misogynistic.

    Others say it's about time men are championed, noting that recent job losses hit men harder and that women earn far more bachelor's and master's degrees than do men.

    "It's an enormous disparity now," said Warren Farrell, author of "The Myth of Male Power" and former board member of the New York chapter of the National Organization for Women. He noted, among other things, an imbalance in government and private initiatives that advance the interests of women and girls.

    >> how do i tripped fag? !TK/UA49EzE 05/28/09(Thu)11:09:24 No.4295594
    >But the group's emergence has been controversial, with some critics charging that its premise is misogynistic

    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:10:26 No.4295598
    Pussies and boobs are cool though. I'd rather be around some vaginas and titties than dicks.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:10:31 No.4295599
    Young gay college guys are soooooooooooo hot!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:11:10 No.4295608
    But if women did this it would be heralded as a great step forward towards equality

    Fuck feminism is bullshit
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:12:21 No.4295615
    A society to help people get ahead professionally, that only lets men in? Yeah, that's not going to raise red flags or anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:12:37 No.4295620
    Fucking feminists. Women shouldn't have rights in the first place, whores. Ever notice how all attractive women are obedient and feminists tend to be ugly as fuck?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:12:54 No.4295623
    Men are still more powerful. The situations did not start out equally. You have no sense of context.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:13:37 No.4295629
    I doubt these "men's" rights groups are really there for real men as they are merely pawns for raging feminists and closet homosexuals.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:13:47 No.4295631
    You misunderstand cause and effect. To you, apparently, the only women who are attractive are subservient.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:13:55 No.4295633
    when o when will people realize that men, who earn more than women for the same work, and are in control of business and goverment, are an oppressed group?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:14:51 No.4295641
    WTF are you talking about? Also, how are homosexuals not real men?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:15:11 No.4295647
    I understand that men are more powerful and yadda yadda, just the double standards when it comes to this kind of thing gives me the shits.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:15:12 No.4295648
    >Saltarelli said some 125 students -- including a few women -- have joined the group
    >including women

    Reading comprehension fail.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:17:11 No.4295666

    Homosexuality is a mental disorder.

    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:17:38 No.4295669
    This is like how black people can't be racist.


    Guy starts a Get unemployed male students employed group and everyone's like, "NO WOMEN? MISOGYNY! MEN ARE SCUM. JOIN MY WOMEN ARE THE BEST GROUP."

    You see, this is why we can't have nice things.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:18:12 No.4295674
    Digging out my old tripcode for this.

    I understand your concerns about affirmative action and that, on the surface, it seems like an untenable double standard, but it will need to exist until true equality is reached, in my opinion.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:19:04 No.4295680
    Wouldn't it have been easier for them to help everyone unemployed and not talk about sex at all?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:19:20 No.4295684
    4chan is my main source of misogynistic news
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 05/28/09(Thu)11:19:49 No.4295686
    I realize there is no need for this group, but I find all the rage it must cause in feminazi circles to be amusing. I think that's just the 4chan in me talking.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:21:17 No.4295699
    nice strawman of feminism
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:22:17 No.4295705
    Men are not stopped/dissuaded from getting an education, women usually are. The whole reason for the disparity is because now boys are being told from a young age all they should care about is getting pussy and looking cool.

    Men only have them selves to blame for being idiots.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:22:41 No.4295707
    Understandable. However, saying that it's misogyinistic isn't an unreasonable concern.

    The thing that really annoys me about men's rights groups like this is that none of them are focusing on the area where men really need more rights: they're more trapped in traditional gender roles than women are. And even their purported "rights" groups are doing nothing to help this, instead saying that men have been forced out of their traditional role of dominance and that they need more support to compete with women.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:23:30 No.4295715
    This is pretty much what I'm talking about when referring to the problems with men's rights groups in >>4295707
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:24:00 No.4295720
    There are already other 'neutral' groups, not to mention targeted groups. I see nothing wrong with this.
    Nice way to not bother making any actual arguments against it.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:25:55 No.4295736
    There's no need for it to exist either. Also, strawmen aren't worthy of arguments being made against them. Suffice it to say that you're either talking about the lunatic fringe of feminsim or you're heavily distorting what female support groups are actually saying.
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 05/28/09(Thu)11:26:26 No.4295740
    You're right, it's totally reasonable, and it's glaringly obvious the group is misogynistic, which is why the OP brought it to /r9k/.
    >> Exec !!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/28/09(Thu)11:26:55 No.4295744
    There have been several incidents of this sort of thing over the past few years, and it has been met with the same BAWWWWWWWW-based rhetoric by women and minority groups.

    The pendulum has swung too far the opposite direction - males, specifically white and to a lesser extent asian males have far fewer resources for their success then women and other minorities. Less scholarships, less organizations dedicated to pushing them ahead, less collegiate programs. Its time that white men stand up to say that they are being discriminated against because of the errors of their forefathers, and an erroneous fallacy that being white and male somehow makes you part of a WASPy, country club ruling class.

    Good on ya.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:27:52 No.4295751
    They still have old power on their side. The pendulum won't fully swing until all of it is gone.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:29:17 No.4295761

    Everyone should just chill the fuck out and realize that 99% of people aren't sexist and don't assign gender roles, then slap the 1% that do. This shit is forced down our throats daily. PANDER MORE TO FEMALES BUT DON'T PANDER MORE TO FEMALES OH GOD
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:29:26 No.4295763
    >Misogyny is hatred (or contempt) of women. Misogyny is parallel to misandry - the hatred of men. Misogyny is also comparable with misanthropy, which is the hatred of humanity generally. The antonym of misogyny is philogyny, love towards women...

    >Sexism is the belief or attitude that one gender or sex is inferior to or less valuable than the other and can also refer to a hatred or distrust towards either sex as a whole (see also misogyny and misandry), or creating stereotypes of masculinity for men or femininity for women. ...

    Food for thought. I also lol'd how 'misandry' is considered a spelling error by firefox.

    >Misandry is hatred (or contempt) of men or boys. Misandry is parallel to misogyny - the hatred of women. Misandry is also comparable with misanthropy which is the hatred of humanity generally...
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:29:28 No.4295764
    Also, people will need time to realize that the power structures aren't what they used to be.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:30:33 No.4295773
    >99% of people aren't sexist
    I'm not sure if I should be heartened or saddened by your optimism.
    >> Exec !!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/28/09(Thu)11:31:41 No.4295779

    No, they don't. Or rather, 99% of them don't. I imagine you're looking at old money Bush family kind of "white male power structure", right? Well, most white males aren't in that exclusive little club.

    Besides, its insane having broad policies that basically oppress anyone just because there may be a tiny imbalance of fairness somewhere. Its like saying we need to keep affirmative action until "everyone stops being racist". You can't get EVERYONE to do anything - they'll still be some store owner in alabama who doesn't want to hire any darkies, but that doesn't mean that less qualified blacks should get into an Ivy just to be "progressive".
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:32:16 No.4295784

    I'd like to see America crumble due to the extreme liberal humanistic policies that they enacted. All these bullshit "women/minority appeasement groups" are designed only to bash white (and to an extent, Asian) males, redistribute wealth to groups that clearly don't deserve the goods (in case, their spoils), and drag our nation down as a whole.

    If there was a nation-state where the populace embraced and cherished a purely objectivist philosophy that embodies meritocracy above all else, I bet that nation-state would trump all others on planet Earth due to the great accomplishments they would achieve. Hard work = great payoff.
    >> Squeegee !5RRtZawAKg 05/28/09(Thu)11:32:21 No.4295786
    Shit, I wish I had old power on my side. I can't find a job or anything. Maybe you can direct me to where this beacon of old power rests, so that I may tap it's energies?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:34:15 No.4295794
    Hey bitch, GTFO the internets that the man invented, stop wasting electricity that man invented, walk down the pavement that man laid, go in to the building called "job centre", that man built, and get a fucking job, from a company a man built up.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:34:31 No.4295795
    It's true that they're not, but the utter destruction of that club would be an excellent step forward. White men are tainted by the power of their forbears, but again, people won't just stop being racist, and this is a battle that likely will take longer to be won than the battle against mainstream racism/sexism.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:35:34 No.4295801
    Well, then. If you're so powerful, why whine about men not having more support? Go revel in your superiority and boast about how you don't need it.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:36:45 No.4295818

    Hey feminist, why don't you go out and ACCOMPLISH something instead of BLAMING other people for your failures.

    You don't speak for ALL WOMEN. Some women are happy in the kitchen, some women like having a career, some women like having a family and living life happily with their husband. Let them live their life.

    For the love of fucken Zeus, go out and CREATE something grand, CONTRIBUTE to society, instead of bitching at males for your failures. There is no oppression of women, it's all in your head, you're MAKING this up. It's YOU that's the problem.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:38:10 No.4295831

    We are all so powerful. Its just annoying when the superior white man has to put up with all this PC bullshit trying to make things fair for shitter races, by giving them jobs/support, and not giving white men any.

    Double standard fuckers.

    You'd be fucking no where without us. Just accept your role in the world, and live it.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:38:32 No.4295835
    Obviously you missed my last thread. I don't blame specific men for oppressing women, I understand that some people are happy with existing gender roles which is fine by me as long as they don't force them on anyone, and I'm not using past oppression as a crutch. I promise you.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:38:57 No.4295837

    Yeah same here. Hey Actual Feminist, can you direct me to this beacon of power?
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:39:50 No.4295846
    If you're so powerful, crush us.

    However, you're wrong about there being no societal overall favoritism of men over women.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:40:32 No.4295851
    Alabama. South Carolina. Texas. Somewhere in that zone.
    >> Exec !!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/28/09(Thu)11:41:37 No.4295864

    This is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. In an effort to get after the 1% who have that sort of power, you're making 99% suffer? That suffering will create more ill will towards women and minorities. Look at this board - there are lots of guys in their teens, twenties and thirties here who feel, and rightly so, they've been stepped on. Don't you think they'll be more willing to be angry or misogynistic in the future given their current treatment? This kind of thing creates anger and ill will. You're exactly like those people who believe "HURR DRURRR maybe if we bomb those muslims and kill their families, that will teach them not to be suicide bombers anymore. Plan can't fail DURRRR"

    Besides, if you're talking about equality, why should anyone be judged by the actions of a different person, including their forefathers? Your argument is completely invalid if you believe that punishing people today for things their ancestors did is a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:42:02 No.4295867

    All right, great then. According to the US Constitution's "freedom of association," it's okay by me that you can create your cute little "women support group."

    But don't go around and bash other males for creating their own group as well. If you believe women are equal to men, then why don't you create your own corporation, your own little utopian society, and your own power structure where you can exclude men.

    Oh wait, women don't have the capacity to do such things. I guess they aren't so equal to men after all. My bad!
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:43:23 No.4295874

    Yea, I think "no sense of context" is the problem that most middle class white boys have. They just have no fucknig clue about the impact of sexism/racism/classism whatever. MAYBE if you are lucky they have some idea about the impact of homophobia since its been in the news lateley. Other than that, its like they are in a little bubble of their own making.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:43:24 No.4295875
    There's ill-will, but in my opinion most of it is undeserved. There are no, to my knowledge, major policies anywhere that are designed specifically to harpoon white males. They may not be being actively lifted up anymore, but I believe that it's going too far to say that they're being stepped on.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:44:28 No.4295885
    According to you, we already are.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:45:11 No.4295890
    We don't want to, or need to. We are happy with women doing jobs, as long as they are the best for the job, and don't just get it cos they have a set of tits, and pissflaps.

    Just don't start crying to become an equal race, when it's quite clear when you look around, a white man has made everything.

    We made all the most important inventions
    We descovered the most important things
    We built all the infrastructure (thanks to other men races as well) for women to use freely as well.

    We haven't even heard of a thank you either. All we get is some moaning bitches wanting more. Typical.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:46:24 No.4295907
    once again, i feel the need to point out that so long as people keep talking about equality, it will never happen. the only way people will ever be equal is to forget the existence of inequality.

    i'm sure some will say i'm an idiot, full of shit, etc.
    >> Exec !!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/28/09(Thu)11:47:00 No.4295915

    First of all that still isn't the equal treatment that feminists claim to want. Secondly, that exact same rationalization was used in the past by white males "Its not that there's a policy against women in the workplace, we'll just hire men"

    A de facto standard is still a standard. Ignoring one group while helping others isn't fair or equal, if that's what you're going for. Its simply a more cowardly form of discrimination.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:49:17 No.4295933

    You're an idiot and full of shit. We Democrats need to continue victimizing minority groups and point out the inequalities and injustice in this world so we can continue to get elected, bribe for votes, and suppress the oppressive majority.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:49:42 No.4295934
    Yes, and women kept the whole thing running while men went off and attacked each other in the name of metaphorical penis-measuring contests.
    To put it in less inflammatory terms, men tend more towards extremes of any scale, while women prefer balance. Men also tend to be more innovative. This is probably why most large good things and practically all large bad things have been done by men; what history doesn't show is how important women are to actually keep society stable.

    Of course, with the erosion of traditional gender roles, this may all change.
    >> Exec !!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/28/09(Thu)11:50:55 No.4295941

    This is in a way, what I was getting to about my pendulum analogy. You can't simply give one group than the other preferential treatment. You have to STOP it from swinging by creating fair, common sense plans NOW and tell people that the past was wrong, and we corrected that, but we're not going to give anyone a chance to be "on top" just because they were discriminated against in the past. That just continues a vicious cycle.

    The problem is that most people crying for equality really don't want equal treatment, they want their turn "on top" to make the previous oppressors pay, even if those oppressors aren't even part of the system anymore.

    That's the crux of the issue.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:51:51 No.4295950
    The difference here is that now, the discrimination is moving against the historical imperative, and the ends, although the means may be disputed, are significantly more equal than they used to be.
    I believe that the affirmative action movement is losing steam as it becomes apparent that the need for it is steadily decreasing. Eventually, it can be removed altogether and things will be more-or-less equal.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:53:11 No.4295963
    How's that then? By using ingredients to make food, that a male farmer had grown?
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:53:29 No.4295966
    I think that it's fallacious to say that you can tell the motives of the majority of people crying for equality. I also do like your end result, but just stopping things where they were wouldn't help anything. There needs, or perhaps needed, to be something to redress the balance before that balance can be maintained, otherwise it's just maintaining an imbalance.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)11:54:13 No.4295973
    You've never been on a farm before, have you?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:54:20 No.4295977

    >erosion of traditional gender roles

    Women will always want to be in the kitchen.

    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:56:29 No.4295997
    I hope it does. I hope that in the future, the majority of leaders will be women, because they aren't as likely to go, "OH, YOU HAVE NUKES? WE HAVE MORE NUKES! LOOK AT MY NUKES!"

    Women and men are simply more suited to certain roles than others, but not as drastically as it has been in the past. I'm not suggesting that women should be housewives and men should be breadwinners, but rather that, due to human nature, women should take plenty positions of power (as long as they aren't going through menopause... I fear what my mother would do with a country), and men should take more positions that require brilliance and originality. GENERALLY. I AM SPEAKING VERY GENERALLY, BECAUSE CLEAR STEREOTYPES DO NOT FIT HERE.

    Women are more likely to cradle a nation in their arms while cooing soft music to it. Men are more likely to take their nation out hunting and kill deer.
    >> Exec !!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/28/09(Thu)11:57:05 No.4296004

    I agree that more people are "waking up" and seeing it isn't necessary, but to be honest it probably could have been done away with entirely in the 80s certainly. Admittedly, after something as caustic as the civil rights movement, there did need to be some legislation to keep people from fucking around with integration. I just think it, and most of these other "leg up" programs have way overstayed their welcome.

    The workplace today is formed of generally, equal measures of all races and genders. This doesn't mean everyone has exactly the same number of each race/gender, but it is within a close enough percentage that you see everyone represented.

    We're years and years away from women getting the vote, being allowed in the workplace etc.. and we still have some of these policies and "special help" like they just won the right to wear pants (literally).
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:00:10 No.4296026
    Many programs have outstayed their welcome, perhaps, and gently phasing them out now or soon is probably a good idea. What isn't a good idea is things like the incident in the OP's article, which just makes the feminist side more dug into the idea that their programs are necessary, because misogyny is still being institutionalized.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:01:20 No.4296034
    An addendum: Institutionalized discrimination is mostly a thing of the past. Where the feminist movement needs to focus now is social attitudes which can't be as easily solved with legislation.
    >> Exec !!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/28/09(Thu)12:03:51 No.4296056

    Well, I can tell by the policies that people ask for: "We want extra this" "Make sure there are X amount of us in the workplace or college, regardless of how many apply or their qualifications" "We need a special group that gives us money and teaches us how to succeed over everyone else"

    Those aren't the policies of equality, those are the policies of attempted domination. Not that that impulse isn't a natural one, but we should really be moving away from institutionalizing revenge.

    Policies of equality, true equality, lead to equality. It may not give the "3 white men, 3 white women, 3 black men, 3 black women" that some people want to see as partners in a law firm TODAY, but it will lead to qualified people in the future. Policies forcing you to make 6 black women partners, doesn't really solve the problem, it just moves it and causes strife.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:03:52 No.4296057
    womym have been oppressed since the beginning of recorded history the degenerate rapist patriarchy is the most horrific social institution ever created, worse than slavery, worse than the holocaust.

    womyn have struggled since time immemorial for equality and are still slowly crawling towards that goal. and equality is not something that men have the power to bestow upon us for we are already equal, it is men who need to take their blade from our necks and repressing us sexually, socially, and economically.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:04:45 No.4296066

    >Where the feminist movement needs to focus now is social attitudes

    Or even better, lobotomize everybody in the world so that they're just a mentally retarded as you.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:04:47 No.4296067
    What a bunch of faggots.
    I am male. A heterosexual male of average shape, size, intelligence and demeanor. I do not hate women because they are not a threat. They are at most, a nuisance. A public rentable fucktoy that whines a lot.
    Now men are real threats. Men are at a constant war with each other. The pecking order is more dynamic than you think.
    At a different level, men are more likely to be a physical threat.
    I hate men.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:06:10 No.4296078
    I'm curious now: What would your policies of true equality look like? What would your plan be to phase out what you now view as damaging discrimination?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:08:11 No.4296095

    It's too bad that lots of the policies and programs you've championed in the past work directly against changing societal attitudes.

    Protip: Alienating 99% of men in order to demolish the structures that keep the top 1% in power is not such a great idea.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:09:40 No.4296106

    You're absolutely right, it is the men who are the real threat and the ones that enabled the feminists of today.

    There was a study done where a father that had more daughters had a higher probability of being a Democrat.

    Think about it. It is not the females themselves that are promoting feminism. It's the (bitter) males behind the scenes that are upset that they didn't have any sons to expand their kingdom. Thus they exploit our democratic structure and legal system to get their revenge.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:10:06 No.4296109
    That's why I now advocate phasing a lot of them out. They've pretty much done their job and done it well.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:12:15 No.4296130
    Sounds fair to me. Historically men may have had an advantage, but those days are long past, and the scales have definately tipped in women's favor, with so many support groups and the like.

    I don't see anything wrong with a male equivelant to the millions of feminist/womens support type groups that exist out there. But of course there are people complaining that it's misogynistic or whatever. Fuck em.
    >> Actual dog 05/28/09(Thu)12:12:51 No.4296133
         File :1243527171.jpg-(131 KB, 640x480, p-mandy-yawn2_000.jpg)
    131 KB
    Cats, because of their forefathers, are often very brooding and individual and because of this they act extremely greedy. Think of anything a cat has done; it is entirely motivated by self-preservation and greed.

    Dogs are simply more loyal, and as such, better. They are also more social animals. And probably more intelligent. I think that because of this, people don't expect dogs to create groups such as the Dogs in Power. It is also a common misconception that dogs won't bite each other and fight over toys.

    I think that this is important for dogs to create a community. Just because cats aren't necessarily expected to be more unified and powerful without activists, I think that dogs should have the chance to promote their species as well.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:12:58 No.4296136
    It doesn't help anything. It'd be better to take down some of the female support groups than add male ones; the latter just has a polarizing effect.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:14:12 No.4296145
    I doubt an international father of daughters association sat around a table and planned out the feminist movement. You may not think this way, but you worded it out so cartoonish.
    But yes, fathers who want the best for their children, obviously want their daughters to be better than other unrelated men. It's understandable, even if it irritates me having a daddy's little girl boss me around at work goddamnn.
    >> Exec !!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/28/09(Thu)12:14:14 No.4296148

    Very simple - no qualifications of race or gender at all. No additional scholarships given on the basis of race, no mandatory "you must have X women and X blacks/hispanics to qualify for this small business tax break"

    An elimination of race-based benefits or detriments. We already legally have the framework in place for equality (Ie. everyone can vote etc.), and it would only be an issue of bringing it up in cases of proven discrimination. We would also eliminate frivolous lawsuits about discrimination by removing most of those policies above, since people could no longer say a company was in error simply because they didn't have the requires "profile", and the "guilty until proven innocent" policy regarding anything where a white male could considerably be in a place of power.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:17:03 No.4296167
    How would companies be proven guilty if they were found to have practiced discrimination if physical evidence that could help prove it is no longer admissible?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:17:45 No.4296173

    Well, perhaps you and your fellow feminists should begin there then, instead of getting upset that aggrieved men have started taking their cues from what you've done.

    Not to be a jerk, but if feminists are getting riled up by a bunch of UC idiots that start some silly group which won't be around a year, then they are being oversensitive children.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:19:22 No.4296186
    What do you expect? It's a polarizing concept, and what's more, it was probably meant to be polarizing. It obviously looks misogynistic, and it's perpetuating the same discrimination that you're against.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:21:27 No.4296196
    >>because they aren't as likely to go, "OH, YOU HAVE NUKES? WE HAVE MORE NUKES! LOOK AT MY NUKES!"

    i believe they are actually more likely to do that.

    I believe politicians in general behave as women in general.. filthy, backstabbing, untrustable gossip queens with no code
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:23:13 No.4296210
    You and everything you stand for are polarizing.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:23:38 No.4296215

    You have really well-thought out arguments. Do you know any books on feminism you can recommend?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:23:54 No.4296217
    Society was much more functional when niggers, whores and fags were kept in line.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:25:57 No.4296239
    Full Frontal Feminism, by Jessica Valenti. It's very eye-opening, albeit rage-inducing, and focuses mostly on societal issues.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:26:42 No.4296246
    You are a child. I am a man and I am aware that those are qualities intrinsic to all intelligent life.
    There are no psychological differences between men and women.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:32:16 No.4296294
    >no psychological differences between men and women.

    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:32:25 No.4296296
    Also, thank you. I retain hope that not everyone here is a troll, and I do what I can to limit misconceptions that are spread by trolls, because I know how much spending time here can damage one's perception of humanity.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:34:34 No.4296310
    No, sir. It was simply more comfortable for us white men.
    My only beef with feminism and anti-racism is that it gives me less people to feel superior to. I hate having a female boss for the simple reason that it is demeaning having an incompletely developped human telling me what to do.
    Men's movements would only appeal to men who are tired of feeling subordinate to women. But who are those people? Weak men.
    Honestly. The proponents of men's rights tend to be effeminate whining men who inspire no confidence. They are not the ones they claim have built the western world.
    And they are angry for it.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:34:48 No.4296313

    I guess I expect that rational feminists would take this to be exactly what it is - a bunch of no-power college dumbasses doing what college dumbasses do best, which is be assholes - and then laugh it off appropriately.

    Really, this is the problem with the feminist movement - no sense of scale, no sense of degree, no attachment to any notion of class, and barely a nod at race. It's just a bunch of upset ladies who still think it's the 1950s and that men are trying to push them back into the kitchen. (We'll leave out the fact that the feminist heroines at schools like Wellesley more often than not end up married to a fellow Ivie, and being a housewife. Hey, real life isn't exactly like a women's studies class tells you it is, I guess.)
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:38:53 No.4296333
    There's a sense of context-inspired paranoia floating around, I agree. Although you might have missed the part where it was endorsed by a famous author who sounds a lot like a douchebag.

    I also don't know where you got the parts about class and race from. Mainstream feminists (who, thanks to the lunatic fringe, often don't call themselves feminists) generally believe that these are also important issues.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:39:02 No.4296334
    are you fucking kidding me? my ex wife had me booted out of the house, so she could fuck the babysitter. she's certifiably insane, is on disability for it. she's fucking agoraphobic. she takes anti-depressants and emotional stabilizers for it. she also has random "pain" and gets to smoke government weed. (lol, so the government is letting a certifiably paranoid woman smoke lots of free legal weed).

    I'm level headed, have a job, have a circle of friends and MY SON WANTS TO LIVE WITH ME -

    a female custody evaluator and a female judge looked at our situation, and awarded custody to my son's mother. my son shows up with little bruises on him. when I call CPS, the female caseworker fails to maintain my anonymity and threatens to revoke visitation rights if I keep calling them.

    here's the irony, actual feminist. this entire scenario? is ensuring that my son grow up to be just as misogynist as I've become over the last 10 years.

    good going bitches, way to see the big picture 'n shit.

    in 100 years, no American man will ever truly love a woman - unless clubs like the one OP linked to start forming. so what do you want. do you want power? or do you want the pretty little love scene your demograph yearns for so badly in all those romantic comedies y'all love to watch? because you're creating a society where you won't be able to have both.

    and of course, you understand that when you cling tenaciously to unfair gender roles in the home, that the old white men in power in the corporations will continue to cling tenaciously to the unfair gender roles in the businesses they own. you do understand this, right?

    if you want to be treated equally in public, then you need to start demanding women treat men equally in private. stop supressing your children's fathers. stop feeding your sons pills just because the energy of their youth disturbs your soap operas and boxes of red wine.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:40:01 No.4296342
    So just because we're from the South, we're all fucking sexist?

    I was prepared to give your views some consideration, not anymore.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:41:10 No.4296348
    Your story is unfortunate. It's also anecdotal and I have no reason to believe it's typical, and you seem to be drawing far too many conclusions from your own circumstances.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:42:13 No.4296364
    I never said everyone was sexist. I said it was a place where the pro-white male power structure was more firmly entrenched than it is in many other places.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:47:01 No.4296396
    It's more common than you think, albeit a bit insane.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:48:03 No.4296406

    See, the thing is, they don't believe they're important issues. They might say they do, but their actions speak otherwise. There is no comparison between the powerlessness of a son of a coal mining family in West Virginia and the daughter of an investment banker in New York. Yet the latter receives much, much more attention than the former.

    Really - if feminism is about tearing down power structures, how about it actually does that instead of just building new power structures for women, and then complaining when men attempt to do the same? Feminists are the worst kind of hypocrite.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:48:52 No.4296412
    I don't know about that. I personally think those stories are the ones more widely reported, while the ones about "WOMAN GETS CUSTODY OF CHILDREN DUE TO SPENDING MUCH MORE TIME WITH THEM" are ignored because they're boring.

    That said, that one guy's situation is what men's rights groups should be addressing, instead of crap like the OP's one.
    >> Exec !!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/28/09(Thu)12:48:59 No.4296414

    Proper evidence would be admissible, but it would be rightly more difficult than saying "OMG HE'S WHITE". Like any other legitimate suit, the prosecution would have to find actual evidence that X person specifically was discriminated against, not allow circumstantial issues like the amount of minorities at a company into the case.

    Eliminating the policies I've mentioned would also serve an important social function, by eliminating the "S/he only has the job because of XXXXXXXX social program"
    >> keki 05/28/09(Thu)12:49:47 No.4296420
    Thread is pretty much BAWWWWWW DOUBLE STANDARDS.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 05/28/09(Thu)12:50:16 No.4296423


    >Wouldn't it have been easier for them to help everyone unemployed and not talk about sex at all?

    Sure is missing the point.

    If women make empowerment groups for women they are congratulated for it. If a man makes an empowerment group for men, they are clearly sexist, chauvenistic scum.

    This is equality how, exactly?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:50:37 No.4296425
    my story is far from anecdotal. its typical. there a ton of fathers' rights organizations which have been formed over the last 15-20 years, because my story is the industry standard.

    any woman knows just how much long term revenue can be made if you just squeeze out a kid then keep the father at arm's length for the next 21 years.

    I stopped giving a shit about feminism a long time ago. y'all are hooked the fuck up, and you know it. you don't need equal pay in the workplace, because you have an opportunity to make ridiculous sums of money on the side from Support Enforcement.

    shit lady - I even know of a judge here in town who said to the father (in reference to the father's life insurance policies) "frankly I believe you'd be worth more to your child dead than alive" ..
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:52:04 No.4296433
    I want to ignore you because of the way you throw the term "feminists" around as a huge and inaccurate blanket, but there's a grain of truth to your statement and I want to address it.

    The feminist fringe is purely a one-issue group, that's true. Most feminists are liberals (instead of left-wing conservatives) and are for racial and economic equality as well, they just have one issue that they like to focus on. Likewise for the ones who specialize in racial and economic equality who believe that sexual equality is important but focus on a different issue.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:54:55 No.4296449
    lrn2historical context, I'm not repeating myself again.

    Honestly, I think the reason that mothers usually get custody of their children is because they have a greater emotional bond with them, and the ones who use that perception to jack money from men are the vast minority.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:56:36 No.4296459
    Whatever woman. I suppose the power centers of the Northeast and West Coast are admissible because they aren't dominated by white males, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:57:24 No.4296466

    No, they way I use the term is quite accurate. In fact, it's exactly why most women reject the label feminist.

    Another reason to reject the term is because, of race, class and gender, the third has become nearly irrelevant in terms of most metrics of inequality, if not giving a slight edge to women. So, feminism as a movement is not a useful tool for addressing these issues.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:57:47 No.4296469
    The ones who have the most power are still white males, but the social structure in general is more equal, true.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 05/28/09(Thu)12:57:54 No.4296470

    Historical Context doesn't mean jack shit you fucking bitch. Historically womens movements have ended up with women getting back in the fucking kitchen, every single time they've tried a push for 'equality' (you're beyond equality, use your looks to get whatever you want.)

    The entire 'womyn' movement is made up of butthurt females who can't accept that no one wants to fuck them so they can't get a free ride in life, and thus resort to being giant pains in the ass, even on the internet.

    So, shut up and look pretty or become fat, get a dyke haircut, and picket 'terrible males who are keeping you down'.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)12:59:22 No.4296477
    It's still an unfortunate term redefinition and I believe that mainstream feminists should reclaim it.

    And your statement about "metrics" is admittedly telling. When it comes to numbers, sex is indeed the least discriminated against in modern times. As I said, feminism needs to focus more on attitudes and less on laws.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:59:45 No.4296480
    Feminists are wastes of life. They resemble parasites that siphon men's hard work and spirit. Shit, I don't even open doors for bitches anymore. They're "independent" or whatever the fuck that is. And also women in America don't smile or anything anymore, they all walk with that perma scowl while they waddle to the nearest McDonald's or doing womanly shit. All women are good for nowadays are being fat, taking no responsibility for themselves, and dick receptacles to trap another man being the harpies that they are. Lol women rights.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:00:46 No.4296486
    And you go into attacking appearance and are therefore not worth listening to.

    You're the sort of person who makes women want to be feminists. Congratulations.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:01:26 No.4296490
    Way to be a pussy, josh.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 05/28/09(Thu)13:02:19 No.4296501

    >Attacking appearance

    Oh right, because there's all of those women who don't care about the appearance of men in as far as a social situation. Silly me, I completely forgot you can look like absolute shit and still get any woman you want. My bad, you're right, that's inequality.

    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:03:30 No.4296507
    Lots of insecure males in here today, then again this is 4chan. I love it when your authority gets challenged, then you bitch about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:03:57 No.4296508
    And here the feminist shows her true virtue. Power in the hands of anyone is fine as long as its not the white man, so you can take your turn at stomping on the face of rest of humanity with your boot.

    But what do I know, I'm just another unenlightened woman hating white trash Southern hick.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 05/28/09(Thu)13:04:21 No.4296511

    I dont post as anon u faggot

    Hey Faggots,

    My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

    Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:04:32 No.4296513

    I just think it's interesting how you condemn "blanket terms" for feminists, but then go ahead and make huge generalizations yourself that aren't even really that convincing. Your "white corporate male" argument is about as convincing as "the man" for the hippies; it's just some distant entity for you to rally against.

    I don't disagree with the feminist movement, two of my ex's were, in fact, outspoken feminists and I did agree with what they had to say. But they did it in such a way that didn't condemn and exclude vast demographics of people who often didn't have anything to do with the problems women were facing.

    I was under the impression that women's rights were about empowerment of women, and that this was not mutually exclusive to the empowerment of men.
    >> ZombieGirl !!e6T5ZD0Trva 05/28/09(Thu)13:04:32 No.4296514
    It's about fucking time that there was a group like this. Fucking women's groups are all over these days. Feminists and their like act as if they're fighting for equality, but often, it sure doesn't fucking seem like it.

    Fucking hell.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:05:01 No.4296518

    I'm sorry, but that statement didn't seem to follow mine in any logical sense... are we in different discussions?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:05:27 No.4296523
    I don't really see how this is inherently misogynistic, I don't think the creator of the organization intended for it to be.

    It's not like they're having he man woman haters meetings in there.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 05/28/09(Thu)13:06:06 No.4296531

    Classic feminist 'LALALALALAALALALAA I CANT HEAR YOU LALALALALALALALA' response to a valid counterpoint argument.

    It's impossible and pointless to argue with these women, they're both dumb and ugly.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:06:59 No.4296538
    People just like to complain about anything these days.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:07:09 No.4296541
    I... don't think I used the "white corporate male" archetype in my arguments. If I did, it was stupid and I apologize.

    And I agree that empowering women and empowering men are not mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, many people believe they are, including many of the people in this very thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:08:18 No.4296550
    >The ones who have the most power are white males

    >The ones who have the most power are white males

    >The ones who have the most power are white males

    >The ones who have the most power are white males

    >The ones who have the most power are white males

    >The ones who have the most power are white males

    >The ones who have the most power are white males

    Where is this power I have that you speak of? I'd spend more time searching for it but I have to get back to looking for a job. I guess you don't care since I am neither a woman or a minority.

    Fucking cunts can't even see their own disgusting bias. HEY WHITE MALES HAVE ALL THE POWER SO THE WHITE MALES THAT DON'T HAVE ANY POWER CAN GO DIE! GIRL POWER!
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:08:29 No.4296553
    Hilarious that women keep complaining about things like this and will NEVER be in position of power. Never. It actually happened once in the UK, years ago. It was the worst government in the history of Great Britain.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:08:32 No.4296554

    Allow me to clarify. I don't think that white men are bad. I don't think the fact that they have more power is inherently bad in and of itself. What I'm against is preventing others from attaining that power.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:09:20 No.4296558
    I'm referring to the ultra-rich here. I'm sorry if the way I phrased it made it seem like all white males had that power, instead of a few.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:09:23 No.4296559
    a greater emotional bond. laffs.

    fine. and men make more money in the workplace because we have a greater analytical mind.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:10:27 No.4296566
    As a male, I find it disheartening that we need a pointless "male rights" group. Sounds like a bunch of pussies afraid to get off their asses. Hopefully this is all taken as a joke.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:10:43 No.4296570
    The problem is, women are just not interested in politics and no one other than white men have good ideas. Me; prove wrong.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 05/28/09(Thu)13:11:04 No.4296572

    So you're saying you, like all women, are subservient and protective of the white males position of dominance in the world? That's pretty cool, you'll be wearing your yellow rubber gloves and scrubbing the tub while getting fucked in the ass in no time!
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:11:35 No.4296574
    Actually, this isn't necessarily because women are better at it. A large part of it is due to traditional gender roles that many men remain trapped in, along the lines of "caring for children isn't manly and women should do it."
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 05/28/09(Thu)13:12:58 No.4296580

    >caring for children

    >men lack a womb and breasts capable of lactation

    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:13:14 No.4296582

    >like all white males had that power, instead of a few.

    Your affirmative action programs and quotas make it seem that all white males have this power. Please explain your blatant hypocrisy when you promote unqualified women over qualified White males just because of their gender.
    >> Popular・ิ_・ิTripfag !mG5O0Tff5s 05/28/09(Thu)13:13:53 No.4296587
    I think you're confusing rich men with all men.

    Favoritisim of men over women? I could just as easily say that we are. I could even say that men promoting men would get chastised, something that actually happens. Anything along these lines can't be used in an argument about gender as the little research behind they have a limited scope.

    Generalisations, good job. Ignoring the sexist drafting policies of the army along with WW1 and 2 where women did play a major role in maintaining the country (which makes sense, as they were almost th eonly people there.) It isn't women who keep the world running, it's low paid workers that used to comprise mainly of women - it only has the facade of a gender issue. Today, women hold the majority of life sciences research jobs in Britain and the US (not sure about other competetive and 'innovation' industries.) It's not the 1930s anymore, today it is about who's capable and who isn't when it comes to a job - minus discriminatory hiring policies enforced by the government.

    This is a good point, but as long as feminist groups actually pursue the issue poorly it will only perpetuate the existance of groups such as the OPs. As you said, many need to be dismantle, but unless this action comes from women within these groups (unlikely) then people outside of these groups will have to. No politician will touch this. Any man who touches the issue will be chastised by a PC knee jerk into his stomach. No women will touch the issue because they don't care, will be accused of hurting the womens movement or are actually for the existance of the group as it is beneficial to them.

    There's no simple way to dismantle politically charged groups. There will always be calls of discrimination that government bodies will rally behind, because the only votes they'll loose are the minority that is being attacked by the women's groups.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:13:59 No.4296588
    Agree with the kids thing, aka mothers end up sacrificing a lot for their kids, often even their job, and end up spending way more time taking care of them. 90% of the time, a kid ends up rushing to his mommy when he gets hurt.

    Whether it is because women biologically want to sacrifice in order to provide for their kids, or becaues they are pushed into that role by society (or some mixture of the two), the result is the same.

    Guys shouldn't complain about not getting custody as often until they also quit their jobs and become SAHDs as often, and other shit like that.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:14:38 No.4296591
    I don't. I've stated repeatedly that sex-based affirmative action programs can probably be phased out by this point.
    >> Popular・ิ_・ิTripfag !mG5O0Tff5s 05/28/09(Thu)13:15:07 No.4296594
    While this is only one case, and on an anonymous message board, the sentiment is typical. Father who is likely to be a better parent is ousted by the mother, because one of the main reason a the man is a better parent (responsible, has a job, earns money) is seen as a disadvantage to parenting as it takes time away from the child. A non-working woman may have mor etime to spend with a child, but not all time is equal. Who would be a bette rinfluence on a child - someone who works to support society or someone who's purpose is to be supported by society while it looks after children that want to and can be looked after by a better role model.

    It's heart renching and it's an issue, but again it's politically charged territory. Any male attempt to rally around this cause has painted them as mysoginistic. Women just latch onto the fact the husband probably detests their wife and just labels them as a mysogonist. This crap genuinly makes me rage, but while moderate femenists may agree with injusticed men they don't get behind the issue, which makes their support useless at the level of activism.

    This idea rings true throughout a lot of things. Moderate femenists, such as Actual Feminist, do not get behind issues that would equal the playing field for men, rather they just stay out of them altogether. This doesn't help anyone. You can't say you care about equality if you don't work on both sides of the issue. This is why I find any sort of male or female based groups horrible. It should be working towards equal rights, not being a battle of resources and politics between to extreme sides of the issue. This isn't the situation we're in though. Right now, if either sides startsdismantling it is seen as a weakness that must be exploted to further the ideals of the other group. Truely a disgusting state of affairs caused by sexism, femenism and then the improper perpetuation of gender rights groups.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:16:01 No.4296600
    >>PC knee jerk

    go back to relego unpop, no one cares what you say.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:16:39 No.4296607

    You're absolutely right, and women should learn to be in their place.

    I don't get this, you point out that there are differences between male and female, but yet you champion for "equality" and bite anybody that suggests there are absolutely *any* difference between men and women.

    However, if you think women are superior to men. Well then, that's a whole 'nother fish to fry.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:16:51 No.4296608
    you've got to be fucking kidding me. seriously. who teaches junior how to ride a bike, how to throw a fast ball, how to pop an ollie, how to change the oil...

    you realize I was trolling you in my last comment, right? men are no more and no less "analytical" than women and both deserve equal pay in the workplace.

    women are no more an no less "emotionally bonded" to their children and both deserve equal consideration in custody cases.

    the two discrepancies really do tend to balance each other out.

    so if you want true equality, you have two choices - either acknowledge the overwhelming misandry in the family law court system, thats so rampant in the minds of single moms everywhere, and police your friends ...

    or suck it up, keep your shit wages for doing the same exact job I'm doing, and pop out a kid and fuck over a dad if you want to supplement your shitty wages.

    by clinging to the "we have a stronger emotional bond" meme, you inadvertently retain the "we do not have sufficient time in our day to dedicate to our jobs, so we deserve lower pay" meme.

    I mean - I'm just sayin, yo..
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:17:32 No.4296611
    >I'm referring to the ultra-rich here
    It's fucking bullshit though. Only about 1% of white males have this dominant power you like to rage against. Most of you feminists seek to equalize that 1% across gender and in the process try to fuck over the other 99% of white males who just want to work without being hassled with your anti-misogynistic rants and politics.

    It doesn't have a damn thing to do with equalizing power across society it's only about trying to grab at the elitist pie. Feminism is just an extension of the natural greed that middle and upper class women display day to day.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:17:59 No.4296614
    You seem to have a preference for Hillary stomping on our faces with her high heels over Dubya's cowboy boot, just because she's a woman from New York, while he's white, male from THE FUCKING SOUTH.

    Ah, yes the South. That monolithic cultural bloc of high moral values, Christianity and bitter gun-totin' woman-hatin' xenophobic rednecks. Where Dallas and New Orleans are the same as Lubbock and Provo when it comes to thinking.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:18:13 No.4296617
    It's not economical to hire women over men. Women can get pregnant and then you're out of a worker for months at a time. Men only get a brief period of time off before having to come back to work and it's much shorter than that of a woman's time off.

    Also, men are better suited for jobs involving manual labour because no matter how strong a woman is, she isn't stronger than a man. Women are not better than men at any job, whereas the reverse is true.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:19:23 No.4296628
    Give me a second. I'm a bit deluged and trying to find an order to respond in.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:19:39 No.4296631

    >can probably be phased out by this point.

    Great, we have a feminist that is actually using his/her/its brain and understands what true equality means. Now if we can get all the other dumbfuck feminists to get along, I can safely ignore all of your bitching without getting economically hurt.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:19:41 No.4296632
    Well, they keep talking about white people becoming another minority. If that's the case, then you're going to have to get used to white advocacy groups becoming at least as acceptable as feminists, black panthers, and the Puerto Rican Day parade.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:19:59 No.4296635
    I stopped listening to you the moment you mentioned something earlier about current men "being tainted by power structure" or something. Very Biblical, like we all bear the mark of Cain, the sins of the father are the sins of the son. All that does is keep your ideas locked in the past. It likely causes you to either invalidate arguments presented by men, or tarnishes them makes them more easily dismissable to you, since we are "tainted" and cannot see things as lucidly as you do.

    Are you worth listening to? Not really. Most modern feminists aren't. Through my own experiences, those that put themselves under the "feminist" banner are those that wish to use the existing power structure as a retributive tool towards men and create a system that caters to women, and increasingly at the expense of and discrimination towards men. You will probably lable these women as "not true feminists." That doesn't matter; what does matter is that these women are the loudest and most visible, so like it or not, they are becoming the face of feminism today.

    The one good point that you made that I read was at some point, you mentioned that a lot of these men's groups don't form to address issues in which men are disadvantaged--say, father's rights and other divorce-related issues. I think this is a lack of clear leadership more than anything else. And for the ones that advocate returning male dominance and female subservience, well, they won't get very far.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:20:26 No.4296637
         File :1243531226.jpg-(430 KB, 924x1344, he-man.jpg)
    430 KB
    This is He-man. He has the Power. Maybe you should be directing your hate towards him.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:21:22 No.4296648

    OMG it all fits mootblawks
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:23:02 No.4296663
    My job was given to a women because the few women at her workplace threatened to sue since they only made up 10% of the workers. It was obviously because our boss was a chauvinistic male pig (there words not mine) *rolls eyes*

    The woman who took my job nearly burned down the building two weeks later, despite her claim that she had all the qualifications to handle the equipment. They had to fire 200 employees last month, and the women all got together and threatened expensive lawsuits if it wasn't all men they got rid of to harmonize the workplace numbers. Typical women. Fuck them.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:23:40 No.4296665
    This is a problem with the system, yes. Men deserve more paternity leave.

    I'm not saying women are superior when it comes to rearing children, I'm saying that men often don't do it as much because of traditional gender roles. I do admit that there's a certain element of misandry that should be taken out.

    The thing about low-paid worker jobs is admittedly interesting, but I was also referring to the job of bringing up children, which for a long time men had practically no part in.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:26:10 No.4296686
    I never said the thing about being tainted was a good thing. I'm saying that it's a problem of perception and, in fact, a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:26:41 No.4296689
    The problem with the system is women demanding equal pay for unequal work. Two people in the exact same job should be able to earn exactly the same, I have no problem with this. I have a problem with people, no matter what color they are or gender, trying to fuck over others because they are physically or mentally (education wise) unable to keep up with the demands.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:30:27 No.4296700
    Rearing children is no longer the mother's job. It's the grandmother's.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:31:22 No.4296705
    What feminists refuse to acknowledge is that in the quest for equality POOR white males are worse off then poor minorities and women.

    Poor white males aren't competing for CEO or Senator positions like rich white males, but they get the shaft at the entry level because of hiring practices that favor quotas of minorities and women even if they don't make up a proportional percentage of the labor poor in that job field. The end result is that a poor white male has zero connections, zero additional scholarships for education, zero advantages during the job application process and is worse off in opportunities than everyone else. Now you can argue about urban and cultural disadvantages but in reality poor white males have a shitty trailer park culture keeping them down too.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:33:34 No.4296719
    My solution to this problem would be to have both men and women receive paid maternity and paternity leave for a generous length of time. That way, they would have equal pay and neither one would be taking off more time than the other.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:34:37 No.4296727
    Being poor and white sucks more than anything else since the world acts like I have no right to complain about my misfortune. As long as my skin is as pale as the guys running corporations I am supposed to shut up.

    Well where the fuck is this piece of the power pie that I, as a white male, am supposed to have. I keep looking in the mail for a check but it never comes :/
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:35:08 No.4296731
    As for this (sorry about my constant double posting), it's true and it's unfortunate. The reason for this, I suspect, is because economic initiatives are less socially acceptable, mostly because the people who try are greeted with cries of "ZOMG SOCIALIST!!!!" This problem does indeed need to be remedied.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:35:40 No.4296737

    >because they are physically or mentally (education wise) unable to keep up with the demands.

    Ever thought about how minorities and women have fewer advantages in the education system and life in general? It is the rich white males that get sent to the prestigious boarding schools and get superior education. Look at Chief Justice John Roberts. That piece of shit was sent by his parents to a boarding school, got top of the line education, and is now arguably the most powerful man in the U.S.A.

    You don't see any Hispanics, females, or gays/lesbians getting the same treatment. Look in your own mirror before you criticize somebody else you fucking shithead.
    >> Popular・ิ_・ิTripfag !mG5O0Tff5s 05/28/09(Thu)13:36:46 No.4296745

    Just because a man spends less time with a child doesn't mean he isn't raising him. It's impossible to acctually quantify how much influence early 1900's husbands had on their children. The act of earning money, providing for a family and being a role model of responsibility is a potentially powerful image to a child.

    Even then, this is similar to the confusion between low paid workers and women workers. Yes, the majority of women played the traditional gender role of maintaining a household, which includes careing for children. But, this was a gender role! Men raised children too and where perfectly capable at it as well.

    It's a non-issue. Women arn't important to a society - people are. You need childcarers, you need plumbers, you need mechanics and you need nurses. I know you were just responsing to a troll, but people tend to miss this idea.

    People matter. Gender and race issuses are now just vessels for political pandering and for regular peopel to become pseudo-useful. Everyone's trying to perpetuate their lifestyle, I just think people who take sides on this issue don't want to create equality, rather they want to create their percieved level of treatment that amounts to equality for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:37:12 No.4296749
    >I'm not saying women are superior when it comes to rearing children, I'm saying that men often don't do it as much because of traditional gender roles.

    Oh hello stereotyping by people against stereotypes! nice to see you in here!

    1 - its incredibly racist to say that black people are pre-disposed to crime because of their race. the facts don't support this.

    2 - its even worse to say "so this is why we should keep all black people in the ghetto and out of the cubicles in skyscrapers downtown" .. this is anything *BUT* "progressive"

    1 - its sexist to proclaim that "most" dads are uninvolved in their childrens' lives. there are no valid statistics to substantiate this absurd claim - you want to talk anecdotal evidence, saying you believe this tripe because a lot of the moms you talk to whine that they do "more" of the child rearing or have a "stronger" bond is pretty fucking anecdotal. statistically speaking, ask any kid who do they love more mommy or daddy, and 99% of them are going to say "I love them both just the same".

    2 - its anything *BUT* "progressive" to cop-out and say "so rather than do what we can to help elevate the emotional bond between father and child, I think its best we keep the dads at arms length"

    I'll say it again. if you want middle class white guys to help ensure equality in public life, you need to help ensure equality in private life. right now, I'm just not seeing any women out there championing this.

    and honestly, sweety, to proclaim that you just don't know very many spiteful single moms actively working to alienate their childrens' affections with their fathers .. well, to call that "obtuse" is to put it pretty lightly.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:37:26 No.4296750
    Become a socialist. As I said in >>4296731, you'll be called it anyway. Economic disparities are way harder to legally fix than other disparities, especially since you're not being discriminated against legally (much, at least). It's more a lack of connections.

    I have socialist sympathies myself, but introducing that to the US is going to be way harder.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:40:09 No.4296771
    >>White men are tainted by the power of their forbears
    There's your exact words right there, and from the rest of the context, you don't believe its a good thing. My whole point was that your belief that that is the case is not only unfair towards men but that its a logical fallacy (guilt by association), its an outdated mode of thought (likening it to the "mark of Cain" and "the sin of the father is the sin of the son" themes from the Old Testament of the Bible), and speculating that even holding that belief warps your perspective of men and the arguments they make that oppose your views.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:40:10 No.4296772
    >Ever thought about how minorities and women have fewer advantages in the education system and life in general?
    Man that's bullshit and you know it. Women and minorities have just as much chance to go into science classes but they don't. We're not talking about private schools, asswipe.

    >That piece of shit was sent by his parents to a boarding school, got top of the line education, and is now arguably the most powerful man in the U.S.A.
    And if he were a woman, they would have had the opportunity to do the exact same thing. Same with being black, asian, whatever.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:42:07 No.4296785
    I find it easier to believe that men are adhering to traditional gender roles (this is not the same as saying they're inherently inadequate at raising children) than to believe in a misandryist conspiracy. I will, however, admit that this is very likely changing and that the cultural perception, like always, is slow to catch up. To be honest, the main reason I say what I did is because I'm heartily sick of people on 4chan claiming that it's an evil feminist conspiracy.

    This is a fair position to take, but it's so much easier to group by gender roles that are easy to see. I will say that I agree with you about all this, but dropping one's affiliation with sides in this debate is something that very few will do, I think.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:43:01 No.4296790
    You see, the thing is, most men don't care if a woman is in charge if she is capable. We hate dumb men being in charge too, don't think we judge other guys less harshly just because we don't talk to you women about our stupid male bosses.

    Just because a vocal minority of men wants you back in the kitchen doesn't mean the majority of men think this way. You have two vocal minorities in a shouting match today (feminists and traditionalists) and I think watching them slug it out hurts women more than men simply because nostalgia is hard to fight. If you just had traditionalists going on their little tirades while no one responded we would just shrug out shoulders and they would be ignored. But when two groups and fighting each other it is hard to ignore and I believe it hurts the women's case against men since the laymen will interpret it as an attack on them personally.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:44:37 No.4296806
    All right. I'll use less poetic words to say this:
    They are perceived to be guilty by association, but are actually guilty of nothing at all. I'm agreeing with you here.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:46:33 No.4296824
    It's hard, sometimes, to determine how much power traditionalists really have. They, unfortunately, are energized by the lunatics, and their actions lead to the moderates standing beside the lunatics to fight the traditionalists, because we know that the lunatics are as ineffectual as you believe the traditionalists to be. But from our positions, neither of us can see the truth.
    >> The big four Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:50:36 No.4296854
    Paternity leave.
    Custody of children after a divorce.
    Negative action against white males r.e. jobs.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:53:26 No.4296866
    but you do find it easy to believe in a misogynist conspiracy holding back your paychecks? what, so women don't conspire, its only the white men that conspire?

    hehe, ok.

    no, but seriously, you seriously don't see that there's an entire industry built upon the foundation of divorce, and maintaining animosity and disproportionate parenting time..

    whatever. I guess I don't see the reasons you cite for disproportionate paychecks. maybe you just need to knuckle down and work a little harder, tootsie..
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:55:28 No.4296875
    I laughed so fucking hard.

    You're not a man, you're a fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:56:16 No.4296879
    Your original statement implies that you believe "White men are tainted by the power of their forbears" to be truth, yet this last reply nullifies that, and you say that agree with me that "White men are tainted by the power of their forbears" is a false belief. What is your actual stance on this?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:57:40 No.4296887
    Anything to crush feminism. Feminism is one of the greatest threats to our society today. No wonder things keep getting shittier and shittier.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:58:24 No.4296896
    I can't take feminists seriously until they get TV to stop women from slapping men all the damn time.

    My ex slapped me once and I slapped her right back. The look of shock on her face as I responded to her violence instead of 'taking it like a man' was damn priceless.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:58:55 No.4296902
    You missed the part where I said that I don't believe in patriarchal conspiracies either, and haven't said a thing about wage gaps. Read harder.

    I'm for paternity leave, the custody thing I addressed already, the third is what this whole thread is talking about, and the fourth is also a perception that women are too weak, so it's not really favoring either side.

    Also, I've gotta go now. It's been interesting, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:59:13 No.4296904
    You are trying to get logic from a woman. You'll find it easier getting water from a stone.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)13:59:50 No.4296911
    I think it's a false belief.

    And I have to go now, so farewell.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:00:13 No.4296914
    Good riddance. Of to go ruin some guy's life?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:13:06 No.4297010
    In my experience, married men, especially ones with kids, can effectively use that to their advantage to get out of a lot of work. Naturally they can't spend their free time off jacking off or lurking 4chan.

    I have yet to see or experience 'reverse discrimination' on any level. No one cares if you lost your grocery-bagging job to someone that was willing to do more for less, next time you have a chance at life, pay attention in school or something you dumbasses. If there is some sort of imaginary 'quota system' in place to ensure women are employed in jobs that fucking matter, they aren't exactly working as intended.

    Conscription is a bullshit practice that should be ended or made gender-neutral; it has been demonstrated to be amazingly ineffective in foreign wars that are unpopular enough to prevent volunteer armies from meeting goals, and if America is under attack, women, as American citizens, should accept the responsibility of the nation's common defense. Furthermore, gender should not be a major factor in deciding child custody; there are way too many single mothers out there as it is.

    I see nothing misogynistic about this group. People with nothing better to do when there isn't some media frenzy to pretend to care about, tend to search for bias or slant or hidden agendas or the 'story they wouldn't tell you' where it doesn't really exist; this is why organizations like MoveOn and conservative talk radio are so damn successful.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:18:45 No.4297069
    Politics is a game that ultimately must yield to logic and information. If she wants to participate in that, she needs to be able to state her belief and stick to it, barring a change of opinion due to an introduction of new information that will change her opinion. No such new information was provided--she simply changed her stance, which I find suspicious because it happened the moment someone challenged it.

    My guess is that she probably believes it to be somewhat true, but won't admit to it because admitting it will almost certainly invalidate all of her arguments with this audience and undermine the whole point of her arguing here in the first place. Notice that the moment I told her to stick to one of the other, she left. Perhaps it is coincidince, perhaps it is not. At least she seemed to have some knowledge of gender politics and could compose herself, that's more than can be said by most feminists.

    Also notice that she never responded to or even refuted any of my other claims. Makes me curious what she thinks on that issue.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:21:11 No.4297094
    Good to see /k/ isn't the only board being ransacked by trolls. Goddamn summer days.
    >> Actual feminist !hdwrehqOns 05/28/09(Thu)14:25:52 No.4297129
    My trip was aborted.

    I never believed that in the first place. It was, admittedly, my fault for using a clumsy phrase. What I should have said is that white men are perceived to have been tainted by the sins of their forebears, and I never believed that it was actually true.

    As for the rest of your points, I believe that fact that they are seeming to become the face of modern feminism is heavily unfortunate. Revenge is a natural impulse, and redressing the balance is a good thing, but they've gone too far on both counts.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:30:02 No.4297175
    I skimmed this thread and didn't see any note of the gender gap in education. I feel like it should probably be mentioned, here's an old article about it http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2005-10-19-male-college-cover_x.htm
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:09:08 No.4297551
    >I never believed that it was actually true.

    I very seriously doubt that.

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