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    61 KB Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:37:21 No.4295387  
    Anyone who's a shut-in at home? I'm close to either becoming an hero or being one. I have anxiety disorder and lately, it's been getting worse ever since my college sent me out as an intern at some company. It's been going on for about a month now, with everyday consisting of me battling with my own mind. I just can't get it to stop once it becomes a full-blown panic attack. And there's lots of factors that can trigger it at my workplace. Now, my parents said they will be supportive if I decide to quit school and wait till I see a psychiatrist before going back. But here's the problem. I'll probably feel fucking out of place and uneasy that I don't think I'll ever get my diploma which kills any potential for future jobs.

    And then I can tough it out and go back to work tomorrow, but then I'll be in a bad mood and keep whining and shouting to the people who care about me. I don't want to be a bother to anyone anymore and here's where the option of becoming an hero comes in. I'm too much of a coward to do it right now but although death is scary, it's better than living in constant fear, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:38:30 No.4295396
    You're going to die someday.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:40:19 No.4295411
    yeah. shit sux bra but at least im not as fucked as you thats a relief
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:43:33 No.4295438
    Find a new job.

    Or drugs. It's better than killing yourself.

    If you ever do really, really feel like killing yourself, fake your death* and run away. Think about it - it doesn't hurt your family any more, but you don't have to die. You can go try to live in a forest or something.

    *leave a suicide note saying you're going to drive to the ocean (or whatever) and drown yourself. Leave evidence that you did so.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:45:57 No.4295458
    Yes. That's why i'm unsure whether I should be gong through all this shit in the first place
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:47:17 No.4295464
    Listen to some brilliant music with me OP, Pachelbel Canon in D major. Then we'll talk.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:02:07 No.4295552

    I don't get it


    ...how am I going to survive in the forest? ALONE?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:03:41 No.4295559
    with an mp3 player full of immortal, burzum and darkthrone.

    dont you know anything? fuck, what a failure.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:05:39 No.4295574
    >find a new job

    Oh and I forgot to mention. Since it's an internship given out by the school, I can't change or refuse it. And I'm really hesitant about quitting school too since I have been enduring shit like presentations for the last 5 years and it just doesn't feel right to give up now. I have two conflicitng options, in other words.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:05:55 No.4295575
    Hey, worst-case scenario, you die.

    But you can pick up a few books beforehand from the library or whatever. Hell, you can even buy camping supplies and whatnot. And it was just an example. I mean to say, go on an adventure. A lot of people never do, because they're too afraid to die, but if you were going to kill yourself anyway, you ought to have some fun first - and if you're prepared, you'll almost certainly survive anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:07:06 No.4295581
    I'm getting a degree in mathematics concentration on computer science, but I'm pretty sure I'll end up keeping my current nursing home job the rest of my life. I know I can never have the balls to work in a company where I have responsibility and manage other people. I'd rather have the degree but live a simple life. I bring transport old people and play cards with them for $10 an hour. Any other job I'd have constant panic attacks.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:08:23 No.4295588
    Do not quit school retard. The economy is terrible. Go to the doctor about panic attacks and make sure he know's it's serious so you get some good sedatives. Since you're in school the university will pay for it. If you drop out you'll have no health insurance (assuming you're in US).
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:29:39 No.4295765
    OP, go see a cognitive behavioural therapist. It's the best kind of therapy available, it'll do you good. Do it soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:32:53 No.4295790
    You sound as bad as me except I have no idea what a panic attack is meant to be like.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 05/28/09(Thu)11:36:01 No.4295809
    The economy is however recovering as of March 9, 2009. But it will take two consecutive quarters of growth (six months), before any company starts hiring again.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:39:28 No.4295842
    I'm sick of these "OMG I'm going to kill myself!" threads.

    If you were going to kill yourself, you'd have already done it, you wouldn't have posted on r9k about it. You want us to give you encouraging words to pull you through.

    On the other hand, if you really wanted to kill yourself, you'd be dead right now.

    Have a shitty life? Fucking deal with it. Everyone has struggles, and yours are far easier to overcome than others, judging by the fact that you have internet access.

    Go get help for your anxiety and learn to live with it, and you can live a happy life.

    Now go get off 4chan and take care of yourself, for fuck's sake.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:44:59 No.4295888

    >go to the doctor

    meds take about 2 weeks to "load". I don't think I can stand it much longer
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:48:52 No.4295930

    He will probably give you some xanax or something to tide you over till the meds kick in.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:09:00 No.4296101
    how are the meds? are they any good? and about xanax, any side effects or does it make me feel like a worthless shitbag afterwards?

    I haven't been relying on meds at all. Just trying to use my brain to curb the primal feelings of fear
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:19:16 No.4296184

    xanax is good for that time when lie down in bed at night to sleep and start thinking about how shit everything is. You shouldnt take them long term.

    Antiderpressents suck, but if you have serious depression they will put you on the road to recovery. I don't know what the deal is with anxiety and panic attacks though, see a doctor bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:23:13 No.4296211
    Go see a psychiatrist, anxiety is very treatable. Benzo's and SSRI's in the short term, cognitive behavorial therapy for the long term. It has the best prognosis of any mental disorder.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:23:17 No.4296212
    You are playing a game of "I can't because".
    Go to hell. I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:25:45 No.4296238

    my next appointment is in a month. I don't think I can get it any sooner. What should I do in the meantime? Try to endure for another month? And I doubt there would be much progres from just one session. I had been reading self-help anxiety books for a year now. shitsux

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