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  • File :1243484148.jpg-(22 KB, 400x298, hugh_laurie_02_1.jpg)
    22 KB Why do people hate drug addicts? Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:15:48 No.4291276  
    I never got it. For some reason it's okay to drink, smoke, and maybe smoke pot, but if you pop a few pills, snort some heroin/coke you're degenerate scum.

    Why? I keep my recreational drug use controlled. I started with vicodin at age 16 and am using Oxycontin at age 25. I use every week, or every other week if I can get some. I pop Klonopin 3x a week as well. Never had withdrawals from stopping.

    If I tell any girl this, 80% think I'm a scumbag and a loser. But they think getting wasted is fine. I do that too, but what the fuck is the difference? Alcohol causes more problems than Opiates, save for risk of OD.
    >> CG !ZiOlXCRNAs 05/28/09(Thu)00:24:47 No.4291339
    There's no difference. Those people you talk about are faggots, that's all there is to it, they are wrong faggots.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:27:47 No.4291354
    it's because most drug addicts or "hard" drug users don't know how to manage their shit. and that's why everyone thinks they're dumbasses.
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 05/28/09(Thu)00:27:51 No.4291355
    Alcohol is what we call 'socially acceptable.' That does not make it safer, or you're addiction right or wrong. It just is a remnant of history and current society. Now move along.
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 05/28/09(Thu)00:30:19 No.4291381
    >you're addiction

    english whoops
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:30:39 No.4291389
    its because of the ease that alcohol and pot is obtainable.
    any other drugs that they dont hear of really is bad because they dont know about it.
    they see it as if you dont like getting high or stuff from that, and you need something different its wierd,

    cause they see all other drugs being bad like crystal meth.
    its stupid, i dont mind drug addicts
    thyre prety cool people :D
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:31:07 No.4291390
    Addictions generally indicate a lack of self-control and an abundance of self-interest. Individuals with these qualities tend to be less desirable, both by women and in polite society.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:32:14 No.4291405
    fear of the unknown mostly. think about it, before you did some of these drugs, you probably feared them too. its completely irrational, and its been proven that people like this view people that do drugs as subhuman
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:32:50 No.4291412
    Depends on how functional you are. And most hard drug users are fucked up in the head.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:33:00 No.4291414
    This sums it up. Alcohol and weed are have become acceptable because they're not addictive, and can easily be used in moderation.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:36:09 No.4291428
    What do you mean by self interest?

    Alcohol IS physically addictive and you can die from withdrawals. Heroin withdrawals are less dangerous than Alcohol WDS.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:38:13 No.4291434
    What are you kidding?
    Alcohol is VERY addictive.
    Thats why fucking AA exists
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:38:57 No.4291440
    Insulin addicts are the worst. They all whine like little bitches when they go through withdrawal.

    This is a drug free workplace - I can't make exceptions for anyone.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:38:59 No.4291441
    >Heroin withdrawals are less dangerous than Alcohol WDS.
    Great news for me!
    Goooooo heroin!
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:39:21 No.4291445

    >save for the risk of OD



    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:39:49 No.4291450
    Same reason why people call 9//1 truthers conspriacy theroists they have been brain washed and pre conditioned by the media to think this way
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:41:10 No.4291456
    weed is addictive, trust me.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:42:28 No.4291472

    Should have phrased that better: interest in immediate gratification.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:43:25 No.4291480
    I have known enough people who let their addictions control their lives to know its not something I want to deal with. And while you may be able to control your use (I find this hard to believe), many can not.

    I have the same problem with alcohol, cigarettes, and weed as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:45:59 No.4291504
    Enjoying the effects of something and blaming constant use on addiction is not the same as physical addiction.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:55:23 No.4291571
    There is always the often unspoken but very real issue of where to draw the line between use and misuse. Enjoyment and dependence. The user is always inclined to exaggerate in their favor, and the observers are always inclined to exaggerate against them. Are there people who use addictive substances specifically for their psychoactive effects and don't ruin their lives because of it? Yes, of course. However, regardless of the reasons behind this, the number of people who can control themselves is far less than those who cannot.

    Anyway, I guess my point is that no one can objectively say at what point a person is addicted or at what point it becomes a problem. Because of this, there will always be a taboo.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:58:36 No.4291592
    OP, I wouldn't be surprised if shit went wrong and you became an addict of some sort. Don't get me wrong, it's not impossible you live your entire life without getting hooked on hard drugs, but I wouldn't going to gasp if you did. It really depends on who you are as a person, but a sudden or gradual change in psychological state could cause you to fuck it up.

    Anyway, as far as your why, that's just the general perception people have, as has been established by the media, war on drugs, movies, television, etc. I mean, how many movies have depicted coke or heroin fucking up people's lives? I'd be lying if I said Trainspotting or Traffic didn't make me shun particular drugs like heroin. Fuck, even a netural movie like Fear and Loathing made drug use look pretty shitty. Am I misinformed? I actually don't know. Is it retarded to form my opinion based on movies? Yes.

    I'll just stick to marijuana for now though.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)01:03:11 No.4291625
    >Why do people hate drug addicts?

    Because you're breathing up all our air and generally stinking up the place. Not to mention most of you are uglier than that wart on your momma's ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)01:04:39 No.4291636
    >For some reason it's okay to drink, smoke, and maybe smoke pot

    Not by me. I'm not going to nag anybody about it, but I don't understand the trade-offs made for recreational drug use. For the most part, the drug user stereotype is more true for the personality traits which usually lead to drug addiction than the other way around, and those traits are not very desirable. Addiction, if it gets to that point, will eventually kill any relationship down the line anyway. Short of that, the needless monetary cost of recreational drug use turns most non-users off and may lead to conflict in the future. That, and I hate babysitting grown ass people.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)01:05:13 No.4291640

    You are a waste of human potential.

    You have nothing to offer.

    Your drugs rule your life, and you disgust us.

    You could be following my orders instead of chasing the next buzz.

    Fuck off.

    You and your kind will not be allowed into the grand palace.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 05/28/09(Thu)01:06:30 No.4291657
    I suppose a better analogy would be: Controlling drugs for recreation is like saying you can keep from ripping open an 8 year old with your cock. Sure, it can probably be done, but people are going to dislike you anyways for your habits.
    >> Mew? 05/28/09(Thu)01:06:38 No.4291659
    Your House #2, so your ok in my book
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)01:33:03 No.4291853
    I don't trust someone who do almost no or no psychoactives. They usually have something wrong that they try to hide to others by always keeping control of their mind and body.

    And I don't trust someone with no addiction either. They are always people who don't know how to love.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)01:42:47 No.4291933
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    Part of it is jealousy, really. The addict allows himself to fall into his addiction while the normal person experiences the inherent discomfort of resistance. The rest of it is probably pity.

    Idunno. People are weird.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)01:44:30 No.4291948
    Aww look, it's someone who thinks love is mindless dependancy. Isn't that cute in a naive, "the world is gonna destroy you" kind of way?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)02:02:07 No.4292085
    because smoking and drinking are enjoyed in social situations and are often shared among friends, even strangers.

    no druggies wants to share their shit. ever. pot would be the only exception.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)02:04:20 No.4292094

    Wait what?

    So for you, making an argument involves taking all I say, changing it completely, and tell the straw man version back with a misinformed condescending tone?

    I have yet to see a counter-example: those who can't need a dependency can't love a person. I did not say that my addiction to coffee is how I see love.

    If you dig the subject of the psychoneurology of sexuality, you'd notice there are numerous parralels between love and chemical dependency. Particularily in the first month of almost any relationship (the only noticeable exception being friends becoming lovers). My observation is therefore by no mean groundless.

    And please, point to me where I talked about escapism?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)02:08:17 No.4292110
    Proper drug addicts ALWAYS downplay their usage to make it seem like they're just occasional users.

    People hate proper drug addicts because other people only exist to get them their next fix.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)07:44:26 No.4294335
    I think it is like most things, what you look like. Take the heavy stoners everyone knows. They rarely shower, always smell like they got off of work. And the like. These people are looked down upon as stoners by regular people. Now when I smoke, it is generally more accepted than them because of what I look like. Nice bone structure, decent clothing and I have the demeanor of a confident ass.

    So if you do not want to be looked down upon, just shower and get some decent clothing that do not make you look like a vagrant.
    Of course this is purely my observation and experience. And it seems others have different ones from mine.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)07:47:44 No.4294356
    Fuck your opiates, do stimulants.
    People will think you're awesome if you are coked up all the way to fuckin heaven.
    Noone ever called me a loser or didn't want to have anything to do with me because I'm a cokehead.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)07:49:53 No.4294374
    Probably because they are jealous that they don't have the self-control that the harder drugs require.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)07:52:42 No.4294394
    Well, on one hand, if you need drugs to get through life, you're weak. Weakness is something to be despised. On the other hand, if you use drugs just for recreation, well - having to be entertained by chemicals is essentially pathetic. Yeah, I bet it makes you feel good, but human beings were not born to feel good, they were born to live. There are other ways to feel good, which are not only more socially acceptable, but also a more worthwhile use of our human faculties.

    All of this applies to alcohol, too. Drunkards are despised, and teenagers with beer cans are ridiculed for being pathetic. The main reason why alcohol is tolerated is because it is, in certain occasions, cultured; and culture is worthwhile, because it's interesting, elaborate and sometimes even challenging.

    Yes, I have drunk alcohol, but not once in my life have I drunk alcohol alone. That's a pretty big difference. Although alcohol is harmful, it would be a loss for civilization and culture on the whole if alcohol were to be abolished completely. This, alas, is not true for drugs, generally speaking.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)08:45:34 No.4294708
    >double tripcode

    pothen ese?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)08:54:40 No.4294774
    >>entertained by chemicals is essentially pathetic

    Your life is just a series of chemical reactions, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)08:58:54 No.4294792
    Actually, in holland (dutchfag here) doing coke, pot, shrooms, acid, xtc and some other random crap which does not involve sticking a needle in your ass is generally accepted. As long as it's recreational. Quite easy to come by too, and if you get caught carrying some, there's no problem, so long it's not enough for dealing, just for own use.

    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:02:56 No.4294813
    Probably people hate drug addicts because said drug addicts assume everyone hates them and get tetchy over them. Therefore, vicious circle.

    Personally I don't hate drug addicts, but as people I find them often pathetic and weak of mind, and as drug addicts usually don't have inhibitions and will do anything for their next fix, it's never too wise to be wary of them.

    My sister's ex boyfriend is an addict who stole shit all the time, notably car radios, before finally getting busted and put in jail for transporting drugs on a flight back home - read: fucking idiot with 0% common sense. It doesn't help that he knows where we live, because we wouldn't put it past him to burgle our house, especially when he knows the contents of it.

    Drug Addicts can be dangerous. People who just take drugs recreationally, not so much. Being wary is good. So hate is inevitable, really.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:05:08 No.4294827
    Because you are a fucking retard. If you are an addict, you are a loser by default. But consuming drugs means you destroy your brain cells constantly, so except you being mentally childish, you actually physically destroy your brain.

    You really do have to be a fucking moron to pay money to lose the most valuable thing humans have= the mind.

    Fucking tool, hope you die.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:07:34 No.4294842

    You see someone who drinks, 9 times out of 10 they're absolutely fine with it.
    You see someone who smokes, 9 times out of 10 they're absolutely fine with it.
    You see someone doing drugs? The only reason anyone found out is because they ruined their fucking life with it.

    It's got more to do with the illegal/legal divide, but it gives people the impression that only losers do drugs.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:10:48 No.4294857
    I hate smokers. And I mean I loathe them. They stink, their houses stink, their pets stink. Plase don't come near me.
    I can't even lend a fucking book to those people.

    I don't care about drug addicts, because they do what they do pretty much alone at home and don't molest the rest of the world with their bullshit (like excessive smokers and soon-to-be-alcoholics) and then go raging nazi when you criticize them for their habits and addicts.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:28:57 No.4294958

    The amount of atoms in your body would be the same if you were dead, but I doubt the distinction is irrelevant to you. Certainly, our bodies are biological machines, but that's not the end-all, be-all of human existence. By treating it as such, like by using drugs under the pretense that it is an adequate substitute for joy gained by real human activity, you're giving up your dignity as a human being. Enjoy being a robot, /r/obot.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:33:36 No.4294985
    Can you tell me the effects of Oxycontin please OP? I've never popped them before. I'm a former stoner looking to get into pills.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:38:36 No.4295012
    All addictions are signs of social inferiority, whether they be an addiction to the internet, alcohol,heroin or masturbation. Anyone who disagrees is an addict.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:43:00 No.4295037
    If you use drugs for fun it's still medicinal. You obviously found that ingesting a chemical substance is the most enjoyable form of recreation for the moment you use it. Which is totally fine. If you take a drug, you're using a tool to make your life easier.

    Technology is what separates humans from animals. Anyone who calls any drug user disgusting is just a silly goose.

    Drug addiction does exist, and while I would not call it a disease, it is still very crippling. Do not think of an addict as lower or worse than you. Think of them as someone with a problem that is out of control. That does not mean they are not capable of regaining control, but while you are addicted you have lost the willpower to not need something.

    One could easily relate a drug to food. Your body needs energy, so you eat protiens, carbohydrates, and fats. Some people's bodies need happiness, so they take opiates. Others need wakefulness so they take stimulants. Those who use psychedelics need altered perspective.

    There's nothing wrong with needing a drug. There is much wrong with taking advantage of others to get the drug, or taking advantage of another person's need for the drug. Help your fellow man, do not harm him.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:49:22 No.4295083

    I hope you die of cancer with massive painful tumours that even morphine can't disguise you nazi troll faggot. Tell me whre you live to dance on your grave when you die and feed your bones to the local stray dogs.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:57:20 No.4295131
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:57:45 No.4295137

    You're the true addict, this is quite clear from your attempt to label everyone else an addict.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:00:56 No.4295159

    This is eloquently worded bullshit. Intelligence and ability to relate experiences and ideas is what seperates us from animals. Human existence is one of moderate hardship. Technology doesn't make our lives easier, it makes our lives more elaborate and more interesting.

    Seriously, if humans had ever wanted to have an easy life, we would never have left Africa, invented agriculture, built cities, fought world wars or went to the moon. We do these things because they feed our ambition, not because they're nice and fluffy. Because they enrich the human experience.

    Alas, your drug usage is probably not going to enrich the human experience any more than jerking off will. Go ahead and do it, but at least have the dignity to feel shame for it. You realize the purpose of shame, right? It's to make you feel bad, so you'll stop and do something worthwhile with your life.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:01:42 No.4295166
    Believe me, I know that I'm an addict (to the internet, Japanese cartoons etc). I was trying to show that it's stupid to try to say that people who do a certain thing are addicts, but that your particular undesirable hobby is somehow better.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:03:04 No.4295173
    the way i look at it addiction is a weakness.

    as for your question i look down on anyone who uses any drug or alcoholic beverage to excess but society has been conditioned to find certain drugs such as alcohol acceptable yet condemn others.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:07:09 No.4295199
    >double tripcode

    are you fucking serious?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:10:26 No.4295227

    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:11:41 No.4295237
    Because you're dumb like hell, thinking you do something "crazy" and can't stop braging about it everytime someone get drunk or smoke.
    "It's for children, I take XXX"
    God, and if you're a raver, you just disgust me with your shitty music, your shitty clothes, and your way of enjoying life by doing barrel rolls in the dirt.
    And yeah, you ruin the mood of every parties with your "hardcore" shit that nobody want to see.
    And that's why, we hate you.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:42:40 No.4295428

    I raged.

    Elitist wanker. I really hate/pity your type. You'll turn 50 and wonder where all the time went, and wonder why you were such an uptight little shitstain.

    I personally have introduced 6 people to weed and DXM, LSD and ectasy.

    Feels good man.
    >> Stoned Anonymous !XUUanJpkos 05/28/09(Thu)10:43:11 No.4295436
    If it works for you, great.
    If you no longer benefit from it, stop doing it.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:44:42 No.4295448
    I don't consider alcohol, tobacco and weed acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:48:30 No.4295472
    you're a hippie and most liekly you are going to be a bum. but you'll be happy with that and thats all that matters. enjoy your meeningless life deemed from the rest of society
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:48:36 No.4295474
    prescription drugs = scum, except for dexies coz theyre fun
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:49:27 No.4295480

    Meanwhile, you'll turn 50, and you won't wonder a thing, because you're legal vegetable. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:54:34 No.4295508
    I have drunkards, smokers, and drug addicts.

    P.S. smoking marijuana means you're a drug addict.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:55:44 No.4295521


    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:58:43 No.4295533
    Druggies often fuck up your shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)10:59:15 No.4295534
    I think you're a faggot for cheating. Yeah, in principle there's nothing all that bad about drug use, but it's, well, cheating. I have very little respect for people who cheat at video games, at school, or at life.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:03:18 No.4295556
    I'd find an elaborate and interesting life full of enjoyment and adventure far easier to live than a life of working hard on a farm. Seriously, being bored is way more difficult than actually doing something you enjoy.

    If you do something you don't enjoy, it's only because you enjoy the end result. Either that or you just hate yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:04:22 No.4295565
    Being bored requires no active effort.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:04:57 No.4295567

    This is exactly the attitude I'm talking about.

    I'm have BA, and I'm currently studying law. I'm not a dropshit.


    I didn't say I was a heavy drug user, I keep my priorities in check. I use drugs for recreation in such a way that they don't interfere with other aspects of my life.

    You underestimate the durability of the human brain. A few nights of drugs and fun when you're young will not turn you into a retard. Everyone should experiment, and most people do. The ones that don't are, for the most part, very dull and/or of sub-average intelligence.

    The only thing I regret is my heavy drinking, dxm use and pot smoking from 17-19. But I've learnt my lesson. People are right when they say moderation is the key.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:06:15 No.4295579
    It's bullshit OP. Fucking society has these inane, backwardass norms that make no fucking logical sense at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:07:11 No.4295582
    Making drugs takes work. You have to test substances, obtain substances (with methods such as growing plants), measure dosages, and many more things. There's a reason why drugs cost money... because they take work to create.

    If you work to create or obtain music that you enjoy, then it's not cheating. Why would it be cheating if you worked to create or obtain drugs that you enjoy?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:09:10 No.4295591
    It does however require much mental discomfort.

    Being unhappy and doing nothing is way worse than being happy and doing something.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:10:32 No.4295600
    This, pretty much. Don't do drugs.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:11:05 No.4295606
    >Being unhappy and doing nothing is way worse than being happy and doing something.

    I beg to differ.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:12:48 No.4295621
    >Why do people hate drug addicts?

    >drug ADDICTS

    I'm guessing you've never met someone who's seriously addicted to a real drug (especially heroin) before.

    I have. They're not fun people. Only time I can say I've almost been stabbed.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:14:21 No.4295639
    There are better things than DRUGS! ZOMG MEDIA PROPAGANDA! Always be responsible of use and do not be retarded OMG I AM COOL I CAN TAKE LIKE 20 WITHOUT DYING LOL!111!111!
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:30:02 No.4295768
    If you really found it better to be unhappy, then you'd have to hate yourself.

    If you hate yourself and liked it, you'd be making yourself happy. So that'd make you a liar.

    If you hate yourself and hated it, you'd probably have some severe mental or emotional issues.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:35:40 No.4295803

    Junkies and addicts aren't the same though. I have been addicted to oxycontin (arguably still am although I haven't used for awhile now) but at no point in time would I have ever called myself a junkie. No one even knew I was doing it but me and the two people I did it with.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:35:47 No.4295805
    I'm lazy, I always assume that doing nothing is better than doing something, no matter what the reward is.
    >> Holland Boy !GaZtwAtvk. 05/28/09(Thu)11:38:21 No.4295833
    ITT: Addicts try to justify being addicts.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:40:45 No.4295854
    Give doing something a try if you would like to experience something new. It's worth it.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:42:42 No.4295870
    Yeah. Pretty much. There's nothing wrong with being an addict. That's the point of this thread.

    Just like there's nothing wrong with being someone who reads in their free time. It's just something they do to enjoy.

    If you think an addict is worse than someone else for being an addict, then you're probably an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:44:01 No.4295882
    I'm sure it isn't. I have no intention to try something new.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:44:40 No.4295887
    because they steal from you to buy drugs
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:46:16 No.4295905
    Have fun sheltering yourself from the world around you.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:47:00 No.4295914

    I sure will.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:47:19 No.4295919
    Drug addicts don't steal from you to buy drugs.
    Thieves who are also drug addicts steal from you to buy drugs.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:48:45 No.4295928
    Going on 4chan's reading and typing. That's doing something.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:51:19 No.4295945
    It's less tiring than breathing or eating.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:52:05 No.4295953
    the most physically addictive drugs are as follows : Barbiturates, Alcohol/Benzodiazepines, GHB & analogues.

    These are all depressants, like opiates. Difference is, all those drugs can cause DEATH if quit cold turkey, unlike opiates.

    Making opiate addiction more managable than benz/alcohol.

    BUT, the risk of overdose with ONLY OPIATES, is higher, since they are often used through IV injection.

    All downers are equally addictive. Don't fucking kid yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)11:54:14 No.4295975
    Seriously, a huge number of addicts are involved in some sort of scam; credit fraud, counterfeiting money, retail boosting, breaking and entering, mugging...
    >> Holland Boy !GaZtwAtvk. 05/28/09(Thu)11:57:55 No.4296012
    And drug addicts who run out of money but want more drugs now become thieves.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:10:44 No.4296117
    Plenty of just get a job to buy more drugs.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:14:57 No.4296151
    >Seriously, if humans had ever wanted to have an easy life, we would never have left Africa, invented agriculture, built cities...

    Did you even read that? Leaving Africa, agriculture, and cities are all things that make life easier. Hell one reason we do agriculture is to supply us with drugs. We fought wars because of economics (to make things easy for us after the war was done). And we didn't go to the moon. A handful of people went to the moon. They went because the United States government was having a dick measuring contest with Russia. All that shit in the speech about "we do not do these things because they're easy but because they are hard" is garbage. We do it because the American government believed Russia was a threat and allowing Russia to have space capabilities we didn't would make things hard for us if the cold war ever went hot.

    Laziness is the mother of all invention.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:21:45 No.4296197

    Your chances of dying from depressant detox is really slim unless you have some pre-existing health condition or an absurd habit.

    Honestly opiates and booze are the only downers I've found to have recreational value. I don't get any kind of euphoria from benzo's, they just make me feel drowsy and slow.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:25:20 No.4296228
    Certain drugs, when used correctly, can greatly enhance the human experience. I'm not talking about using them as a subsitute for real happiness, because that would be moronic, but they have great potential to teach you.

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