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    74 KB Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:27:44 No.4286967  
    Hey /r9k/ you got any good study techniques? I pretty much only got B's and C's this year (mostly C's) so I'd like to shape up for the next semester
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:34:02 No.4287016
    Quit college and go on a shooting rampage. Actually, go on a shooting rampage and then quit college.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:35:24 No.4287028
    No, quit college first. All that paperwork might be a bit of a bitch AFTER the shooting rampage.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:39:05 No.4287053
    I have four F's right now. Go fuck yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:41:23 No.4287065
    Good luck getting a job after going on a shooting rampage. That shit goes on your permanent record, and nearly all employers do background checks now.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:44:53 No.4287088
    I got straight As and didn't/don't study ever.

    Whoops, lol.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:47:56 No.4287111
    enjoy getting straight A's at your 3rd rate college while I'll enjoy the greater benefits of name recognition at a top rate engineering school where a mid B GPA is average
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:49:20 No.4287123
    Highlighting the focal point of the text you're studying.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:52:30 No.4287137
    When I need to learn information, like in a law class or something, I read the text, then go through it again and make a detailed outline of the text, then study the outline.

    Lots of college students don't read the text. In a serious class, this will get you a C, or a low B if you're really lucky. In a stupid class, like women's studies, you probably shouldn't bother doing any of the readings (that was my experience recently, anyways..)

    If I have to write a technical essay, like for economics, I'll write down a bullet list of things I want to say to make sure I thoroughly answer the question/explore the topic. I then write the list in paragraph form.

    Non-technical essays require you to be a good writer. I guess you can go to the writing center if you suck.

    Do your homework. When I start a class I learn how many points are available in the class and then figure how many you can loose and still get an A. For instance, if the class is worth 600 points you can lose as many as 60 points and get an A. So, if you skip three homework assignments worth 25points each, you've lost 75 points and cannot possibly get an A in the class, just cause you missed 3 little assignments that weren't even hard.

    Writing outlines/reading the text is possibly the best tip I can give. You'll learn as you write, and it's less boring than staring at the same page for hours on end.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:54:53 No.4287148
    Seriously, not OP, but I want study tips.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:58:08 No.4287169

    then you have a fucking retarded major
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:00:23 No.4287189
    I'm at the fifth oldest University in the English speaking world.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:00:27 No.4287190

    Well I'm doing the science (physics + math) route so I don't think I can apply the same techniques there.

    Helpful tips though, I'll use them in my other subjects
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:02:25 No.4287206
    two things really helped me out.
    1) You've got the syllabus for the class, so study a week ahead. This brought me from a solid "b" to an "a" mid term in philo.

    2) Ever hear of SQ3R?

    It's a little tedious, but once you get the hang of it, it's faster and gives you a better foundation of knowledge than if you just read from point a to b.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:03:18 No.4287210
    Download anki. Its an srs program. Put all the info that would normally be on a flashcard into it and study it. After a while it will be like breathing.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:03:20 No.4287211
    Make a schedule for yourself breaking out the reading you're going to do for each day, make this reasonable (like 1-2 hours tops) so its easy to finish. Then if you skip a day, double up on the next day. Never skip more than 1 day.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:04:37 No.4287229
    How is high school treating you anon?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:05:34 No.4287242

    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:06:39 No.4287254
    university of aberdeen?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:08:59 No.4287273
    Seriously. Over summer download manic time. It shows how much time you spend on each program ( and I think website). SHit brix when you see how much time you waste on this website.
    Use that time for something productive like studying. Its not like we won't have the same 4 threads all over again after you finish that test.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:11:06 No.4287286

    If you are really that intelligent then you are wasting your potential.

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