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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1243426330.jpg-(138 KB, 951x900, phpIS.jpg)
    138 KB Yet another request for the return of old /n/ †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/27/09(Wed)08:12:10 No.4284300  
    I don't give a shit about moot's politics and business dealings with 4chan's sponsors. I am just going to state why I want old /n/ back:

    13 year old Timmy is an average boy born from middle class parents living in an average suburb. Timmy is at home bored, so he turns on the TV.

    "FOX NEWS. FAIR AND BALANCED." Looks like it's the 6 o'clock Faux News. "News is boring" Timmy thinks to himself. But just as he was about to change the channel...


    "ZOMG" exclaims Timmy, "What's this about?" He listens on...

    "Good evening, I'm Jill Ya'reely. First up on the bulletin, the internet hate group from an internet message board called 4chan has....................."

    "4chan? Sounds cool!" says Timmy. So he turns on his computer and goes onto the internet, typing www.4chan.org. "Hmmm... what's this? /b/ random? lol, I like randumb XP"

    Fast forward a few years... little Timmy has been a rookie /b/tard for a few years now. He does the usual mainstream 4chan stunts like asking camwhores to put the keyboard on her head and saying "LOL NIGGERS" in every second thread.

    Fun things to do... but a little pointless and intellectually unsatisfying. "i herd there wuz udder imijbordz besidez /b/?"

    Location: 4chan's front page. /b/ is a bit shit today... hmm what's this? /n/ - news? LOL I LURVZ NEWZ!!! Like any dumb newfag, he makes a new stupid thread on /n/:

    Invisible Sky Magician: If you don't want cheap Chinese shit, then either demand our companies and the Chinese government to give Chinese workers a fair wage and improve standards or stop buying Chinese shit you hypocritical xenophobic fuckwit.
    >> Yet another request for the return of old /n/ †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/27/09(Wed)08:15:15 No.4284318
         File :1243426515.jpg-(137 KB, 951x900, phpBs.jpg)
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    'Who the fuck is this shithead?' says Timmy 'You're boring, I'll make a new thread...'

    Invisible Sky Magician: Based on the science we have today and our understanding of the world using science, Atheism is the only realistic "belief" and religions, whether they are Islam, Judaism or Christianity are basically tax-free bullshit, you hypocritical jesusfag fuckwit.

    "Him again? What the fuck is he spewing? But I guess he does have a point. If Christianity are allowed to have bus ads, then so should atheism. Now for a new thread"

    Invisible Sky Magician: Timmy, based on your threads, it is obvious that you are a bit ignorant on the way the world works. So I'll just be nice and tell you to watch movies called Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum. Answers to questions like Why Do We Go To War?, Why Are Politicians Corrupt?, Why Does The Human Race Think The Killing Of Children Is Justified (even though they don't say that bluntly), etc. Watch those movies, figure out the answers for yourself and realize how obvious things really are.

    Fast forward a few years... Timmy, along with many /n/iggers are still /b/tards. But he is also now a civil libertarian who uses logic and rational thinking in his internet debates while leaving emotion out of it.

    Fast forward another few years... Ron Paul is now dead. Who is going to replace him as one of the few politicians with integrity? Little Timmy that's who. Little Timmy has now converted his internet arguments into action and he is now going to run for President. His goal, uncompromised by corruption, is to create a better world, a better society than the shit one we have today.

    Thanks to 4chan. Thanks to /b/. Thanks to /n/. And thanks to...Invisible Sky Magician, the Teller of Truth and the Facilitator of Facts
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:16:46 No.4284322
    Man this is gay.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:17:08 No.4284324

    there, now shut the fuck up
    >> lolol !ap.nEwFaG. 05/27/09(Wed)08:19:05 No.4284336
    go fuck a goat.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:19:24 No.4284338
    Coudl've just posted the last 3-4 sentences. Thanks anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:20:14 No.4284341
    why don't you become the next ron paul
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/27/09(Wed)08:20:58 No.4284344

    420chan is unknown.

    4chan, and in particular /b/, is popular and mainstream. 4chan is the link to hypocritical and ignorant normalfags in the real world. While the media is peddling bullshit served as truth, 4chan and /n/iggers will reveal the world for what it is.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:25:47 No.4284367
    how does being a xenophobe make one automatically a fuckwit? it seems to me that you're the fuckwit for making such an ignorant assertion.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:26:44 No.4284370
    I don't give a shit, you will have no options. Take it or leave it.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:26:50 No.4284371
    This thread will go to shit really fast. Have fun, circlejerkers.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:26:51 No.4284372
    Oh hi ISM, I haven't seen, or saged, one of your threads for a while now.

    Invisible Sky Magician, more like...

    ...Invisible Sky buffoon :/
    >> Peanut Butter of plus4chan /n/ - News !JkT8q4gSdA 05/27/09(Wed)08:29:11 No.4284380
    Don't worry bro, we're growing slowly but surely. We're already the largest *chan /n/ewsboard on the Internet, for what it's worth. Give it two or three years, and /n/ will have a large following.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:29:47 No.4284383
    dis woz prety funney
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:32:04 No.4284390
    Timmy after 5 years of browsing /n/

    >> Starlet with Flowers 05/27/09(Wed)08:33:01 No.4284396
    But I like transportation. :(
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:33:19 No.4284397
    /n/ is the result of /b/ and /k/ having a baby together
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:35:32 No.4284406
    A retarded nazi, makes sense
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:35:49 No.4284408
    mmmm yeah /n/ was pretty right wing wasn't it : )
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:36:15 No.4284410
    Sooo, what was /n/'s actual name (like /b/ is "random" etc)

    I don't even remember ever being on the board tbh, but it seems to be a board for unmoderated racism or some shit?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:38:22 No.4284422

    >it is obvious that you are a bit ignorant on the way the world works. So I'll just be nice and tell you to watch movies called Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum

    Congrats, this was probably the first thing in quite awhile on 4chan to actually make me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:39:52 No.4284431

    Yeah, self-enforced guardians of the status quo tend to have a different sense of humor than most
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:43:30 No.4284450
    /n/ was /n/ - News.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:49:09 No.4284483
    >> Peanut Butter of plus4chan /n/ - News !JkT8q4gSdA 05/27/09(Wed)08:50:29 No.4284494
    Come on guise, /n/ is actually better than you give it credit for. Sure, the debate can be pretty dumb sometimes, but it's not any dumber than the "debate" that goes on here at /r9k/. And I find that every tenth thread or so on /n/ is a gem, which makes the rest of the crap totally worthwhile. /n/ is basically /r9k/ minus the relationship threads and BAAAAW I HATE MY LIFE stuff.
    >> The Gay Science !!EMvvyNDhzDm 05/27/09(Wed)08:54:31 No.4284522
    Oh I remember my /n/ewsfag days...
    BRING BACK /n/!
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:58:24 No.4284548
    I like my UNCENSORED /n/+, thank you very much!
    If moot were to bring back old (censored) /n/, /n/+ would die. And that would be bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)08:59:31 No.4284553
    /n/+? what's that
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:00:38 No.4284560
    plus4chan /n/
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:05:41 No.4284593
    New /n/ is infinitely better than old /n/. Fuck off and shit up anothe board.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:07:57 No.4284604
    I wish /n/ was back too :(
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:10:54 No.4284619
    But, ISM, why should m00t remake a dead board that was entirely dedicated to you bitching about the Chinese in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:15:40 No.4284639
    i miss /n/, used to lurk it every day, it was my source for interesting news. i want it back!
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:18:16 No.4284654
    >> Popular・ิ_・ิTripfag !mG5O0Tff5s 05/27/09(Wed)09:20:55 No.4284672
    But we already have an /n/ board. What are you guys complaining about?

    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:21:44 No.4284677
    BRING BACK /5/
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:22:25 No.4284681
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:22:48 No.4284684
    What's /5/?
    mootcocks lulz
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:23:27 No.4284687
    Moot doesn't have to rename the board, we can use it to post news if we want to. Until the mods come along.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:23:36 No.4284688
    wut wus /5/
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:25:00 No.4284698

    New people:
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:25:07 No.4284700
         File :1243430707.jpg-(62 KB, 800x275, 800px-EndofN.jpg)
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    The post that ended it all.
    Also to be fair "new" /n/ as as much legitimacy as "old" /n/ since in the very beginning of 4chan /n/ was also about trains to imitate Futaba's /n/. It only became /n/ews for lack of posts (just like now actually).
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:25:50 No.4284706
    no srsly wut wus /5
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 05/27/09(Wed)09:27:22 No.4284720
    While this is the rare times I actually agree with you, I admit, I would like to see the return on old /n/, I don't think someone as confrontational, divisive, who is largely a one-issue troll, and who many times comes across as egregiously ignorant, has nearly a large an impact on anyone's opinions as just featured in your post. You have quite the ego.

    I don't think 4chan has the influence to change anyone's mind significantly, or at least not a great number of people, because no matter how many sources, facts, and logic you throw at the average idiot when they're wrong, people tend to get pissed off and "harden their hearts" when shown they're wrong. Especially racists, the religious, your average stereotypical anti-American, pedos, and the very stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:28:27 No.4284724
    Not really right-wing. More like batshit-insane tinfoil-hatted racist libertarian.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:29:17 No.4284729
    I used to be a libfag before I found /n/, now I'm a staunch Nationalist who wants to keep this country White, obviously /n/ has the capacity to change minds.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:29:49 No.4284735
    why the fuck would that nigger moot want the current /n/ instead of the other /n/? the real /n/ would have probably been up to 3m+ posts instead of almost 100000. dumb nigger.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:29:50 No.4284736
    A short-lived mod board.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:31:41 No.4284746
    Old /n/ should be recreated if only to redirect part of the cancer destroying the rest of 4chan.
    Same reason /baw/ should be created.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:32:15 No.4284749
    no one asked you. does anyone care about your dumb opinion? no.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:32:57 No.4284755
    you were always my favorite troll in /n/.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:35:38 No.4284778
    IB and ISM are the greatest trolls in 4chan.
    >> LULZ IN A MUTHAFUGGIN BOX christfag !xyWyVn95HA 05/27/09(Wed)09:37:26 No.4284793


    beautiful, quite beautiful bumpu.

    on form today

    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:38:49 No.4284800
    I for one would welcome the return of the old /n/.

    Fill it with race hate, right wing idiots and give us something to sharpen our claws on.

    Being on the left, it's easy to become complacent knowing your views are sane and humane. Then along comes a republican or a tory or a stormfag and you're reminded there's still a fight to be had.

    Bring back the old /n/ and let the haters do their worst.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:39:11 No.4284804
    lolno. ism is a shithead unfunny loser who needs to die.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:40:15 No.4284817
    >i think i no wut im talking about hurr durr
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:41:15 No.4284829
    A Libertarian? Are you sure he isn't still 13?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:42:13 No.4284836

    Thank you for your eloquent contribution to the debate.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:49:01 No.4284880
    /n/ is more intelligent than people give it credit for.
    Sure, some posters are pretty tinfoil hat, but at least they don't go in for retarded HURRR DEMOCRATS and HURRR REPUBLICANS "debating" that you see here on /r9k/.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/27/09(Wed)09:49:49 No.4284890

    I can tell by your eloquence and powerful grasp of the English language that you're a man of formidable intelligence whose ideas and convictions are clearly deeply rooted in logic and fact, and deserve to be heralded as the towering pinnacle of thought in this debate.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:55:04 No.4284927

    *Turns off sarcasm detector*

    Why thank you.

    *Turns sarcasm detector back on *
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)09:59:24 No.4284966
    holy christ you are on your own shit.

    /r/ permanent ban
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:03:18 No.4285005
    We should have a law based on Godwin's except substitute Nazi for Zeitgeist.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:09:37 No.4285042

    Curious, what would typical thread discuss in regards from Zeitgeist? Anything that r9k pretty much can't agree on?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:15:40 No.4285097
    So basically you're saying you don't understand 4chan at all. Okay.

    Cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)11:26:25 No.4285461
    /n/ - the one place for unbiased uncensored news
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)11:43:47 No.4285535
    Ron Paul denies Evolution
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/27/09(Wed)12:08:44 No.4285665
    Some guy in my other thread saged my thread, so I'm bumping THIS thread so that when he comes across it, he'll be like "fucking ISM" and he'll rage or at least, get annoyed, then I'll laugh in real life as he desperately attempts to "fight" me.

    Cos that's how I roll.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)12:13:22 No.4285700
    ISM needs to go the rout of /n/ and get the fuck out of here. sage for typical ISM faggotry
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)12:35:32 No.4285846
    OP is a pe example f why tripfags are gay and incredibly pretentious.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/27/09(Wed)12:51:40 No.4285938

    You are welcome to not post in this thread, you maggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)12:53:07 No.4285946
    It was hard to decide whether to post an insulting image, or sage.

    Why waste a perfectly good image on ISM?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)13:07:53 No.4286015
    sky magician
    this could happen wit any of the other fucking boards, not just /n/
    also, every thread ive ever seen of yours was you bitching about something, are you ever happy?
    lighten up man
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)13:13:28 No.4286059
    I sorta agreed until you started to talk about Zeitgeist, and then you mentioned ron paul and libertarianism.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/27/09(Wed)16:52:25 No.4287556

    The world sucks. I can either forget about it and mindlessly consume shit like every other faggot out there or I can bitch about it on the internet.

    I prefer to do the latter.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:00:11 No.4287607
    get back to britfa.gs lad
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:00:54 No.4287615
    Hmm I remember old /n/ like this:
    Detroit Local news: Niggers kill this
    Washington D.C. local news: niggers rape
    Science news: Niggers are inferior
    I couldn't find one page that didn't have a race war going on.
    >> Peanut Butter of plus4chan /n/ - News !JkT8q4gSdA 05/27/09(Wed)17:01:54 No.4287626
    /n/'s not so bad now.

    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:10:29 No.4287707
    Correct. Restore this board.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:12:18 No.4287722
    got a headache trying to read all the really lame posts. Oh, and this...

    "Hai internetz. I use the word 'niggerz' for not reason. Am i cool nou?"
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:12:23 No.4287724
         File :1243458743.jpg-(41 KB, 220x220, musfree3.jpg)
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    Hey ISM, thanks for putting in the effort to make a worthwhile and entertaining OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:14:57 No.4287744
    Correct. Nigger threads have mostly replaced with chink threads and ISN has replaced ISM as the biggest troll around.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:25:12 No.4287812
    So who else knows that Zeitgeist is 50% bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:45:11 No.4287963
    >how does being a xenophobe make one a fuckwit?

    This is possibly the funniest thing I have read all day
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:53:14 No.4288023

    Tripfags suck, but he's right, this would be a better board with /n//
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:11:28 No.4288133
    ism raus
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:28:07 No.4288304
    bump for quality thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:28:45 No.4288313
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:36:22 No.4288328
    My proposition, Make /r9k/ a combination of /r9k/ and /n/. The Robot will prevent old things from coming into discussion, permitting only new News.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:41:58 No.4288374
    This is pretty high level ass kissing right here. I especially liked "powerful grasp of English"
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)22:50:42 No.4290580
    /n/ was doomed from the begginning
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)22:52:56 No.4290608
    So where does Russophobia come in?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:01:39 No.4290690
    /n/ was fiercely russophobic, where were you?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:03:18 No.4290705
    Use it!
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:07:01 No.4290742
    I thought this shit was perma-banned?

    Either way, it's hilarious moot is concerned about 4chan's "image", and deleted /n/ because of "racism", like that's the worse thing 4chan shits out.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:47:32 No.4291520
    m0o0t is idiot
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:56:36 No.4291577
    What the fuck is this thread about and also I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)08:28:58 No.4294605

    all the other /n/'s have shitty levels of web-traffic.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:19:30 No.4294902

    Newfag. mootblock.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:33:36 No.4294984
    How long before you're band this time? Place your bets!
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/28/09(Thu)12:01:14 No.4296032

    Why would I be banned? Mootblock
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:12:51 No.4296135
    Invisible Sky Magician

    you are the biggest dickfaced shitnigger cuntshart fucker in the entirety of cuntshartfucker history.

    Go fuck a scientist you easy-to-please ethos-focussing bandwagoning attention-whore queef.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:16:20 No.4296161
    Wow, you just did textual autofellatio, OP. I'll give you that.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:26:28 No.4296243
    dumb newfags stop feeding the attention-whore.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:30:04 No.4296282

    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:36:58 No.4296323
    Why do you even bother posting? No one gives a shit what you think; you're just wasting space on this board. Go die
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/28/09(Thu)12:48:35 No.4296411
    I can tell by your eloquence and powerful grasp of the English language that you're a man of formidable intelligence whose ideas and convictions are clearly deeply rooted in logic and fact, and deserve to be heralded as the towering pinnacle of thought in this debate. blox
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 05/28/09(Thu)12:49:16 No.4296415

    >101 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)12:57:28 No.4296467
    moot is a niggerloving faggot.

    how about help him give back the 345435345345zillion dollars hes going to spend if you like him so much?

    maybe donation whore a little so you can scare ythe users back into a NORMAL image board.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:19:18 No.4296626
    that's like saying a septic tank has a lot of value because there's so much useless shit in there.

    in b4 "septic tanks ARE useful". I'm talking about the contents fuckface
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)13:20:31 No.4296639
    Most of them are people telling you to stop posting or how much they hate your fucking guts
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:32:21 No.4297752

    Myspace of sex.

    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)16:10:28 No.4298063
    Bring back old/n/ plz. 2nded

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