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So, how does one cope with being a nobody?

I've always been socially retarded, so I've pretty much grown up with that. Thing is, I like to draw and I post stuff online, getting positive feedback most of the time.

But recently it struck me that I actually suck majorly at this one thing I actually enjoy(ed) doing. So my question is, should I put down the pen and do something else or just carry on thinking people like it?
You should grow a fucking soul and dedicate your life to helping humanity with whatever talent you can muster.

Your "pat on the back club" is about as fruitful as doing heroin.
but talents don't grow on trees, either you were born with an ability or you weren't
Bullshit nigger. It's called practice, and learning something properly as opposed to half-arsing it.
You can get better at drawing though. Browse /ic/ for a bit and read what they recommend. You'll improve.
yeah but then it isn't a talent imo. A talent is something you were born with and not something that is acquired
>>4271495 (OP)
>being a nobody

the only nobody's to me are the people who dedicate their entire lives to achieving some sort of social standard. You have a skill, a talent.... Develop it and use it.

Also at least try and to improve socially rather than accept that you're socially retarded, there is plenty of online material to help you with that.
do what makes you happy
how do you find out what your skill is?
make the best of your current situation and a better opportunity WILL come. I promise with all of my being.
People don't realize that being a nobody is actually a big deal. When nobody gives a fuck about you, you're basically free to do what you want to. You don't have to fake being nice to people, you can just say what's on your mind. You can come and go as you please.

By trying everything until you find something you're good at it.

Pro-tip; practice hard enough and you can become good at anything, takes around 1000 hours minimum though.
you are totally wrong, no one is born with anything. If someone seems good at something at a young age it was only because they were nurtured in that way. Van Gogh didnt begin drawing until his 20's, and only did it for 8 years before he died.
but you have nowhere to go.
I couldn't give a fuck about being popular but if you don't have anything that gives yourself a "signature" that is recognized by other people then shit starts to suck.
Nobody is 'born' with anything. More correctly people start things at a very young age (when their brains are highly receptive to new information) and keep at it. Nobody is born with the ability to compose a concerto or write a movie. Certain characteristics like intelligence probably play a part, but there's no such thing as an innate talent.
Just keep drawing, seriously if you draw enough you will get better at it. Think seriously about your visual perception of your environment and hone the little talent you believe you have. Everyone starts out shitty at what they do, and they only get better through sticking with it.

Plus, if it makes you happy, who gives a shit. Everybody's nobody to somebody, stop thinking about your "place" in society and enjoy yourself.
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here, become one of these guys.
Why do you want to be a "somebody" so badly?

I used to think I drew well too. Realized that although I drew all the fucking time what I lacked was talent so I quit. It was a waste of time anyway.
Thanks for understanding. I've been drawing for years and the feedback I get from posting online is that tiny little acceptance I get from other people, and is really important to me.

Thanks, anon.
yeah well than it's to late to become a pro at something at 21
dude seriously?

I just posted this>>4271624
yeah but his painting sucked, only hipsters think they are good
hahaha well thats kind of true, but you know that gorilla who gets his jimmies rustled all the time, so kind of deal with him only he is or was rich as fuck
by him I mean the artis who drew him

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