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>be depressed
>try to talk to someone about it
>"you just gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself, anon"
>"you're only sad cause you want to be"

yea.. that's it
...but they're right. a lot of /r9k/ needs to just get on with it and stop bitching
>be girl
>be depressed
>try to talk to someone about it
>"oh my god I never noticed!"
>"but you're so beautiful!"
>"oh noooooo :<"
>"may I please eat your shit, glorious woman?"

you fucking faggots just need to man up and get over it. stop being a fuckin pussy

I see what you did there.

You get it.
It's just a shitty advice because you fail to understand what that really means.

Buy it or download it for free using google.
yea I do

how do i accomplish such a feat though?
Why is it that the body can be ill and you get sympathy, yet when the brain is ill you get told to grow up ?
"It's all just in your head, bro"

It truly is awful the stigma behind mental illness. It's sad because people won't even try to seek help simply because of the discouragement of others, they don't even understand that they're hindering that process.

Simply put, if you could easily turn it around and "man up" people wouldn't exist with disorders like panic attacks. As anyone who has suffered with them knows, you cannot control it - it just happens.

With that said, I don't agree with psychiatry or many medications. I believe that physical symptoms should be ruled out first before any type of medication is put into place, even then there needs to be actual hard science behind it to test these pills out instead of creating this miss and hit type scenario.

No one is there to measure your serotonin levels, no one is there to give you an actual brain-scan to see if there is anything wrong with your brain, they give you diagnosis and treatment off face value alone, you can get a diagnosis within 30 mins of seeing one for christ sake, something is very wrong there.

I feel that the problem is overly diagnosing people with what they should already feel, I have seen people go through rough periods over a lost pet or a partner leaving, that is NORMAL human behavior, you are meant to feel shitty in those situations. When you see someone who is actually depressed, you know they're crippled.

"Chemical imbalance" has no hard science to back it up with, it's just a theory otherwise they would have machines ready on hand to extensively find out what is wrong with you.

tl;dr there's too much of an over diagnosis but mental illness is very real
I feel you OP.

I get that a lot, you just want to vent, to talk to someone about something. And their advice is basically, "I have all the answers because I'm better than you. Stfu."

It's never helpful. All you really want is for them to listen and actually emphasize for a second. Whether the reasons behind your reaching out are solely egotistical or not isn't important, their 'advice' isn't what you're after, you just want someone to say 'yeah that's pretty shit'.

Or maybe I'm just projecting my own desires.
ur all just pussies get /fit/ be social

man up
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Just stop thinking about it so much
>>4269140 (OP)
kill yourself and blame those dudes quoting exactly what they said
God I fucking hate it when people say shit like that. This is why those who are depressed don't get help or support, and instead suffer in silence.
Not much you can do for a chemically depressed person other than to medicate them. If it's the other thing then I try to talk it out with them because I'm not a dudebro faggot.
>have friend who always whines about his petty girl problems
>friends say "oh jeeze man thats so rough"
>"I'm always here to listen, dudebro"
>I try to talk to friends
>"Come on anon you're such a downer"
>"Just man up and deal with it, anon, stop being a little bitch"

I kid you not, that's the fucking 4th time today that I have to recommend this book. I won't say why it will help you but it will and all 4 people I told why it will help them said they would start doing it, so right now, you just have to trust me with that, if you are depressed, you want to read this book.
very nice picture
have you considered the possibility that you can actually snap out of it?

not rhetoric, i want an answer.
>>4269140 (OP)
Depression is NOT something you can just talk yourself out of. Those people are stupid. Go see a doctor because what you have IS a mental illness. There are meds that can help. IT IS THE CHEMISTRY OF YOUR BRAIN AND YOU CAN NOT CONTROL IT.
>pretty girl
>being depressed

What do you have to be depressed about?
You can't control chemicals in your brain, but you can, to an extent, control the input your brain gets. I DO recommend seeing a professional about this, but if you really don't want to you can try going out and doing things. It doesn't have to be something big and you don't even have to enjoy it, just do something, anything, that will get you out of your depression-routine.
I'm right there with you actually. People think pretty girls can't be depressed. Well pretty people in general. I'm pretty, I have good breeding, I'm talented and I was in top ten in my graduating class.


There is lots of kinds of therapy, meditation, positive thinking you can do that can help immensely; but what it comes down to is the chemicals in your brain.


I look down on people who use drugs for recreational use, but the drugs you take for depression are very different than that when used correctly.

And some people tell you they make you feel weird. Yes this is true in many cases when first starting. It takes a long time to figure out which meds and dosages work for you. Therefore it feels odd at first. Find a competent doctor. There are different meds for different depressions as well.

TALK TO A DOCTOR. There is no shame in it because you can't control or help it anymore than you can control what color eyes you were born with.
OP here, and Yes I have.

But it was always only temporary. Maybe I'd have a good week or two, but then I snap right back into it

I guess I should clarify that most of my depression stems from a spinal condition I have, so it's not like I'm just whining about nothing.
>>4269140 (OP)
This is why Normalfags don't belong on /r9k/
Anybody who says
"Just don't think about it"
"It's all in your head"
Doesn't belong here.
>implying I haven't tried ignoring my mental problems
and I don't even fucking HAVE mental problems. I'm just depressed and lonely and completely inept romantically with women. I can't imagine what its like for people that ACTUALLY have mental problems
I talked myself out of depression.
>implying beauty = happiness

are you retarded or just a troll?
>I look down on people who use drugs for recreational use, but the drugs you take for depression are very different than that when used correctly.

You look down on people using drugs for the purpose of having fun, but you have respect for the people who use drugs because they cant be happy on their own? Hahahaha. That's a good one.
Some could say that your depression is only a temporary state aswell.
Honestly what has she got to be depressed about?
It's one thing for a person to occasionally need to vent, but when it becomes an every day thing it's emotionally exhausting for everyone around. Whenever I'm sad I don't bitch and bitch and bitch, I get over it.

Sorry, I chose you because I didn't know who else to respond to.
I have successfully gotten myself out of a depression without any help from doctors or medication.

It is possible, just not for everyone.
>just man up
>it's nothing serious just think diffrently
>it will pass, it always does
>nothing to worry about
>I felt down once but it passed
>go to a party and you will feel better
>talk to someone (proceeds to ignore you)
>go to the gym, it always makes me feel better

The list goes on .. I wish it were that easy, but it's not, that's not to say I have not tried, I have. I just fail and fall back and people complain I not doing anything which doesn't really make me want to try again.
>>4269140 (OP)
people think you are a robot or something you can't just push a button and automatically become happy. Depression is a mental illness that you can't talk yourself out of. I know, i'm depressed too and have been for a long time.

>Suicidal attempt
>Diagnosed with "Major Depressive Disorder"
>Realized, fuck it, I can be happy if I set my mind to it.

OP I know it sucks what those people said, but it's true. If you want to be happy, you have to aim for such. The best way to predict the future is to create it. Get to work and predict a future of happiness. But know that above all else, you must want it. If you don't want it enough, you'll welcome depression more easily.
>I just fail and fall back and people complain I not doing anything which doesn't really make me want to try again.

See here is where you make the mistake. You have fall backs? Good, that's normal. Sometimes fall backs make you have to start all over again. But if you managed to 'fall back' it means you actually improved.

Some of the things on your list are actually legit advice for some people. Talking to someone(which means a professional), going to a party, going to the gym. These are things that are effective for some people. Personally the gym and parties are what makes me cope. It helps for me. If it doesnt help for you, thats cool, but you better try it for longer than a month before shooting it down. And dont actually try to make yourself feel bad things when things are looking up again(which includes LEAVING /r9k/ FOR GOOD)
>Sorry, I chose you because I didn't know who else to respond to.

lol Cool with me brah

>It's one thing for a person to occasionally need to vent, but when it becomes an every day thing it's emotionally exhausting for everyone around.

That's a fair point. I'm not sure how many people here that actually relates to though.
This is good advice... but my problem is figuring out what I want to do.

I just feel like I'll be shit at anything I try. I don't really have a passion for anything.

I wish I had that drive, but I don't know where to find it
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Yeah this is basically what I did aswell. I said: 'fuck it, im happy from now on'.

Even though it got me to pic related, it's better than feeling like shit all the time.
Well, fucking duh, you dont have a drive because you are depressed. Just start doing something and try to stick to it. Preferably something that involves physical work.
Can you please stop saying the same things over and over again?

It's already a well established fact that many people are insensitive about depression and it's been posted thousands of times already.

I'm not saying it's not bad but this board is made for original content so please don't post if you don't have anything original to say.
fuck i'm retarded

wrong field.
>I wish I had that drive, but I don't know where to find it

This. All day, every day. I actually envy people that have a passion for something. Or who spend hours doing something because they love it.

I have no passion, no motivation or drive. I'm filled with a generic apathy. I don't care about money, or banging multiple hoes. I don't want to see the world. I have no ambitions or aspirations.
>sage in subject field

Put it in the e-mail field you dimwit.
Working out IS NOT an panacea for depression and other related conditions.
HOWEVER. Regular exercise DOES HELP to improve a person's mood. You'll still be depressed, and feel liek shit and hate life. But you won't always feel so terrible about it. It won't always be at the forefront of your mind. If you work out in the morning, you feel better for the rest of the day. Being in good shap makes you feel better about yourself and actually helps to give you more energy and makes you more perspicacious
But like I said it won't magically make you Mr or Mrs. Happy-Man/Woman, and it won't guarantee that you get the respect you feel you're entitled to
Still, it helps

I only feel terrible when something reminds me of something that makes me feel like shit.
For instance, the other day I heard a song on the radio and I remembered an instance where the girl I like was saying that same line. I felt like shit for a good 20 minutes but then I got over it. The worst is when you're home and trying to sleep, then everything floods in
great pic.

I think that might be my problem.

due to my medical condition I basically stay at home all day. I had to leave school and I'm waiting about 6 months until I can get surgery. So basically for the past 6 months I've just been sitting at home alone. All of my friends are away busy with their lives.

I just sit and wait... play vidya... and brood over things.

It's always 2am
I am not allowed here cause I am not depressed and I have no problems in my life?
Same here, bro. But still, during the day I feel sorta okay. I just play vidya and watch shows and I cant think about things. Untill I try to go to sleep.

So what I do now is I play vidya untill I cant even hold my eyes open anymore so I go to sleep almost instantly.
yes but not stupid people who don't know a shit about depression and such who think the key to happiness is a puch of a button, people who says ''it's all in your head'' ''just get over it''
No you shouldn't be allowed to be here if you are not depressed and have no problems
If you think that you can righteously preach simple and mundane statements like "You're just going through a phrase" or "You'll get over it" thinking they're going to help the masses and that you're such a good and helpful person for saying such things
Many of these man up advice or similar such advice all involve pretending that you're not suffering from actual pain. If it was a physical injury we would tell them to see a doctor.

I got my share of ignorant, stupid, and insensitive advice, and none of it helped. It took me a year to get help, and when I tried to get help it took longer because of medical health personnel are so understaffed.

For all intents and purposes meds merely made my suicidal depression in remission. The suicide thoughts are gone, but the depression still remains, only in remission.

>>4269140 (OP)
Yes, then you suddenly want to fucking die no matter what you do. Seriously, they don't care if you're dead because they're so fucking ignorant about depression.
You're weak and pathetic. Mentally, emotionally, and probably physically. You don't belong here either, you don't belong anywhere, shit head. Seek pro help or gtfo.


Read a book and gtfo 4chan you plebs.
Well it is all in your head but that advice I know is retarded.
The best advice I think is to get healthy, like set up a proper sleeping pattern. Get your vitamins and minerals and exercise. It makes you feel better which may help with your depression. Also go to a counselor or get a bro to talk to every so often.
But its up to you how you get over depression.

When did r9k become a place for only depressedfags?

>Implying you should ignore your problems

Love them instead
She doesn't have an 6'3" alpha 10/10 millionaire bad boy with a 9 incher. And she realizes one day she'll be old and won't get as much attention from her one and only asset (looks/pussy) but by then it'll be to late to develop any life skills. I'd be depressed to.
>You're weak and pathetic
Well you got the second one right
hell yeah
>You don't belong here either
>implying people belong on 4chan
>You don't belong anywhere
Dude you're so fucking cool holy fuck
You DEFINITELY belong here so everybody can be as cool as you one day
>be girl
>be depressed
>tell parents and ask for help
>"my life has been so much harder than yours what do you even have to be depressed about, stop attention seeking"
>mum finds out about my self harm
>"what are you a fucking nutcase or something?"

i went and got myself on anti depressants and things are looking up a bit, no one ever wants to help depressed people. No one i know is aware of the fact i want to kill myself daily.
>When did /r9k/ become a place for only depressedfags
If you reread what I wrote, that's not what I'm saying.
i was more depressed than ever when i dated a guy who was a millionare, millionares are fucking self obsessed , and they dont get so rich by being generous either. never again am i dating a rich guy.
>horribly depressed on and off
>start smoking weed all the time
>finally get that nothing bothers me attitude I had been chasing for so long

Try weed robots. Not saying 420 light up erry day, but it does help make me happy and mellow.
Oh my bad I thought you meant I shouldnt be allowed here also if people act like this they shouldnt be either.
Life has been shit the past year and a couple of months ago got diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. Been having treatment for a month and have since been writing again, social life is slowly repairing and started looking for work.

Had to have so much shit from people saying just brush it off beforehand. If I could then I wouldn't go see the psychiatrist.
Sure but he got to fuck you meanwhile there's a sweet, thoughtful and generous guy out there who you wouldn't give the time of day to much less date. That's why guys become assholes because then they get what they want and after you leave they have someone else in your place.
>>4269140 (OP)
Unless you've been diagnosed by a proper physician and are trying medications to find one that helps, you are a gigantic faggot that is the reason nobody takes mental illness seriously.
Oh, you're too sad to get help? Well then it isn't impacting you big enough for it to be legitimate.

Any scarce cunt that tells you otherwise has never had legitimate depression.
depression is for bitches.
are you a bitch?

No. No shit book will help anyone with depression. I don't even have to click that link to know it's BS.
OP here,I have been diagnosed by a professional. I take anti depressants

I also have a spinal condition and I can't walk for more than 5 minutes at a time.

I am in constant 24/7 physical pain everyday, pain killers are my only salvation. Standing, sitting, lyding down, pain all the time.

What was that you were saying?
Depression is just your mind telling you you are not fitting to this reality. Can't fit? Tough luck. Maybe some meds will confuse it, but don't bet on it.
Now with that mindset you could read the origin of species and be convinced that the earth were created 6000 years ago.
I hate when people, especially depressed ones, mock other people's problems. Everyone has their own way of dealing with problems and problems can affect each and every one differently. No matter how big the problem, you'll never know how the person feels about it because you'll never be able to put yourself in her shoes.
I've been battling depression since I was a kid and now finally at 19 I'm seeking medical help and seeing a therapist. I'm probably dropping out of college also because I've just been slacking off in my own shit since I started it. Hoping that when I'll get more positive I'll start figuring out what I really want to do.

Tl;dr: I ate my father.
>Regular exercise DOES HELP to improve a person's mood.
it doesn't so fuck you and your bullshit
man up! be like me! I'm the best! I can do it! I could be you! (oh god I secretly hate myself)
Why don't you try it before condemning it. Standing up to get food from the fridge doesn't count.

I want you to see how great exercise can be for you, rather than push something that has the potential to improve your quality of life. It's not easy, but worth it. At least try it, and if you have, try one more time.

Not the guy you're responding to, BTW. Just concerned you're harshly pushing away something that could make you a happier person. Of course, I don't want to be the jerk who tries to force someone to be one way when they rather be another. So I'll stop with this one post.
What this shit has anything to do with depression? Self-help books are worthless.
I tried it for months, so fuck you, tldr
My $0.02: Happiness is inevitable.
Chin up OP. I wish you the best of luck.
Guys what pill do i take so i can work like a robot till i die not caring about anything? Just like an average person.
u fucken pussies try to pull off that brain chemical shit just fucken man up and get off this fucken website no one want to here u bitch stop being a fag and be happy mental illness is sbullshit
I didn't expect a reply actually, usually threads die when I reply so I took a shower. So if you're still around I can elaborate on everything.

I tried the gym, people asked if I wanted to go and I did. When I fell back as it were they basically just assumed I had quit and they never really spoke to me about it.
Now I did try to go back but I always made up excuses for myself, besides I wasn't to keen to stand in a mirror lifting stuff anyway, it was boring.

When I tried to go to a party I went with a friend from work, it was fun but he never wanted to go to a party with me again, as if I was magically fixed.

I was shy back then. I did from my part as I felt, my best, people just thought it would fix itself if I was doing what they did.

As time has been going on and I've not really felt like doing anything its progressed .. for the worse I might add.
I panic around people now, I don't want to be near them, I don't speak at all, and the only place I feel safe is in my room.
I've lost whatever "friends" I had, most of them have moved away, like far away.
I regularly browse ways to obtain a gun and off parties just to get to the end already, so far with bad results.

The only place I actually feel people understand what one and another goes through is /r9k/ and to leave here would mean I have nothing left.
they're trying to help they just don't know what to say

i've been feeling bad and was talking to my friend about the love triangle i had with my ex before she found someone herself and i think i made him cry. i was on the verge of blacking out from drinking though so i couldn't really tell

it's hard to comfort sad people
get out.

do yourself a favor
but op it's true. Yet I get what you mean I feel like I feel bad unconsciously. Even in my dreams everything has a bad side. I don't decide to not be happy.
Someone might not ask you all the time to go to a party, but if you liked it, why not ask them if they are going to a party and ask if you can tag along?

Why didnt you go to the gym more often and maybe by yourself?

You know, sometimes we have to do things that we might not like as much, but its to help us stay alive and stay healthy.

You didnt try your best at all, sorry to say it, but you just assume that other people in your life have an obligation to you to help you fix what you have broken in the first place.
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Depression is because of them. They made this society the way it is.

G'mork: Foolish boy. Don't you know anything about Fantasia? It's the world of human fantasy. Every part, every creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind. Therefore, it has no boundaries.
Atreyu: But why is Fantasia dying, then?
G'mork: Because people have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So the Nothing grows stronger.
Atreyu: What is the Nothing?
G'mork: It's the emptiness that's left. It's like a despair, destroying this world. And I have been trying to help it.
Atreyu: But why?
G'mork: Because people who have no hopes are easy to control; and whoever has the control... has the power!
>What do you have to be depressed about?
that's not how it works...
>I can't help being depressed
>it's a chemical imbalance
>you wouldn't just tell someone with a broken arm to get over it
>what? An attractive person I depressed?

Stay classy, r9k
No I don't think people have obligations towards me it's just a nice gesture, doesn't matter now anyway, that was 4 years ago.

>Why didnt you go to the gym more often and maybe by yourself?
Because I found it boring, I can't say anything but that I did not enjoy it one bit. Also some random person hugged the speakers all day and played bullet for my valentine which wasn't helping, no I did not or could not tell him due to being shy, its not something that passes.

>Someone might not ask you all the time to go to a party, but if you liked it, why not ask them if they are going to a party and ask if you can tag along?
But I did, thing is I don't live in the city, they do, I have to plan in a bus in.
And they never gave a straight answer when I asked if anything was happening that weekend. They just kinds said no then they went out anyway since they live in the city after all and I could not come due to being stuck here with no bus, besides they never told me anyway they were going out even after I had asked.

I tried my best when an opportunity was given, however it was shot down as fast as it appeared.

It's all in the past now anyway, I don't leave my room unless I absolutely must these days.
No one can help anyone else, at most they can just be a catalyst for help. Most people even when they feel shit unless they have a specific reason (death in the family, break up etc) they get no sympathy. Since most people will just say I'm fine and get on with it.

How are they meant to help you? After a while what you say becomes a cycle or a self fufilling prophecy of shit. At first you may not be able to control it but in the long run there are so many things you can do about it but you become lazy, complacent with a sense of entitlement.

No one owes you anything, least of all help. How many people have you ever helped? If you say a lot that is probably just how you have manipulated it in your brain and if you think they owe you something then you are selfish.

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