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!!O2iHmeQ3olE 05/21/09(Thu)22:45:17 No.4229762As you may guess from the trip, I'm better off than most people.
conservatism, in both the libertarian and "conservative" corporate
forms, are strangling this country. No, a "free market" will not fix
it. Know what a "free market" with little to no regulation will do?
Enable people who have the power that I do, but choose to wield it in a
more assholish way, to get even richer at your expense. People say "Oh,
well if a business did bad stuff and the consumer didn't like it, they
wouldn't buy". NO. This article does a perfect example of pointing out
how people don't have choices.
Do you want to know where I
shop for groceries? 2 places - an independent organic co-op and market,
25 miles north of me along which there is NO public transportation, and
a Whole Foods to the south of me, about 12 miles. 8 of those miles, no
public transportation. If I had no vehicle and had to be back in time
to pick kids up from school and walk them home or to a public bus, I
could NEVER make it to either of these stores. I would be forced to
shop whatever was close to me, regardless of if I approved of their
products or business practice.
Look at Wal-Mart. EVERYONE
hates wal-mart for some reason or another. If you have two brain cells
to rub together, you hate them for their business practices. However,
if wal-mart's low low prices are the only way you can feed your family
this week and keep them in tube socks, then you're going to
motherfucking shop at walmart, despite how they act on the world stage.
You either patronize that hellish store, or you don't eat.
Is this getting through to any of you? |