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    File :1242632046.png-(518 KB, 801x600, kenji2gfsa.png)
    518 KB Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:34:06 No.4191503  
    What's the point of discussing politics?

    I don't know /r9k/. It always makes me rage when people argue about it, when they're going to go live their lives like nothing ever happened after wards. Same with religion. It just seems so pointless.

    You see what I'm getting at?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:45:24 No.4191560
    Yeah, sort of.

    Katawa shoujo is awesome by the way

    Kenji is so funny.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:45:55 No.4191562
    Discussing with stupid people? There's no point.

    Discussing with intelligent people? You and your partner both come away with both a clearer understanding of the issue and either a sharper conception of ones position or perhaps a modification of it based on evidence/ideas presented. That is, assuming both sides a) demand consistency, logic, and adherence to empiricism and b) are willing to modify their position when presented with compelling evidence/argument.

    I pretty much fell in love with my girlfriend during the course of an argument on abortion in which we both were able to do just that (Yeah, not exactly romantic, but fuck if it ain't true. I'm probably an aspie case. Whatever).
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:50:25 No.4191597

    If a twat like you (and I can tell by your post that you're a fucking pretentious twat) can get a girlfriend, what the FUCK am I doing wrong?
    >> Decepticunt !!rKtUfG3TJi0 05/18/09(Mon)03:51:30 No.4191605
    Being too ugly. Being too shy. Being too nice. Being too mean. Being too skinny. Being too fat. Being too bitter. Being too nice.

    Take your pick.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:53:36 No.4191618
    Protip: Pretentious twats usually have something to be pretentious about. Plenty of girls will go for guys with brains, so long as the guy is willing to flaunt it* (ie, be a pretentious twat).

    *basically true for anything that can be showed off
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:55:43 No.4191636

    You typed "being too nice" twice.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:57:59 No.4191651
    well, if you're involved with your governance, vote whenever necessary and keep yourself abreast of the issues, debate over politics is far from pointless

    so i must agree that yeah, it's pointless
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:58:33 No.4191656
    Because it's the highest human calling and directly affects all of our lives? I dunno, seems pretty important to me
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:58:46 No.4191657
    God damn Kenji is the funniest character I've known.
    >> Decepticunt !!rKtUfG3TJi0 05/18/09(Mon)04:00:11 No.4191664
    I considered playing that off as "well, falling into the nice guy trap seems to be /r9k/'s most common weakness," but fuck it. The honest fact is that I'm too tired and repeated myself like a fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)04:03:29 No.4191683
    you don't talk about politics
    you don't talk about religion
    you fake your interest in sports

    easy game
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)04:06:12 No.4191695
    it's absolutely retarded, no one is going to change anyone's opinions about anything and if you seriously think that you or anyone else is an exception you're deluding yourself
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)04:11:30 No.4191736
    honesty is like flatulence, better to get it out there.

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