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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • img.4chan.org is temporarily unavailable; we're working on it!

    Check status.4chan.org for updates...

    UPDATE: Apparently the DDoS attack is being caused by a trojan some 4chan users have downloaded. If you've downloaded ANY FILES linked on 4chan, please immediately go to this link and download the removal tool: Trojan.Vundo Removal Tool @ Symantec. Otherwise, all users are encouraged to run a full system scan to ensure their system is clean. The sooner people do this, the sooner /b/ & /r9k/ will return.

    File :1242065930.jpg-(36 KB, 1024x129, 12420576105.jpg)
    36 KB Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:18:50 No.4147478  
    Great job, 4chan. You've proven how stupid and gullible "Anonymous" really is. Just so you know, the Trojans originated from raidchan. But you kids are idiots, so you'll probably just download more viruses onto your computers again in a few weeks and go around DDOSing other chans while spouting your "Anonymous is legion WE DONT FORGIVE >:{" bullshit all over the place. Just so you know, 4chan really is dead. You're all cancer. You've made yourself the laughing-stock of the internet; Not because you're funny, no. Because you're fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:22:16 No.4147480
    Oh, have you just noticed this? Welcome to the bandwagon.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:24:02 No.4147482
    I've known it all along, I just needed a decent pic to go along with the post, and the irony in this one does the job well.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:28:05 No.4147484
    da da da da, captain obvious makes his mark

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