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    Updated @ 2:50AM on 5/9/09

    File :1241970181.jpg-(122 KB, 400x400, savingyou.jpg)
    122 KB The truth you need to hear, even if you don't want to hear it. JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)11:43:01 No.4146426  
    How to be an attractive person (You will thank me for this later r9gay)

    1. If you have anxiety problems, go to a doctor and ask him/her to prescribe you anti-depressants. Also start taking a vitamin D supplement, it should help with any depression. Note that these are not a cure-all, but they will definitely help take the edge off of negative emotions.
    2. Get involved in your community. If you have low esteem sign up for volunteer work. Try to be as busy as possible for the next couple of weeks. Also, definitely get involved in some sort of physical sport. It can be anything: swimming, football, baseball, skateboarding, skydiving, whatever. Personally I do parkour and freerunning because I live next to a city. Pick something that appeals to you and will get you some excercise.
    3. Stop masturbating. If you absolutely have to masturbate, only do it once or twice every two weeks. The build up will give you additional sexual energy and testosterone, which will make you more naturally attractive. Oh, and no more porn either. I know, OMG, that's like asking you to stop breathing. Tough shit. Porn has been linked to low self esteem by numerous studies. If you want to go through with this you have to give it up. If it's a real problem, work yourself off of it slowly.
    4. Do things that you want to do, but haven't done due to fear of failure. One good example of this for a friend of mine who liked the whole idea of getting a tan, and getting his ears pierced and starting to become better groomed, but couldn't because he thought his family wouldn't approve. Don't care about what your friends or family think. You have to learn to start being assertive and taking control of your life and this is a crucial first step.

    (continued below)
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)11:44:31 No.4146436
    Mental (cont.):
    5. Get some self help books. Download this torrent: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4846125/__Ultimate___Pick_Up_Artist_s_Book_Collection . The first book you should read is "Magic Bullets." It should be your new bible. After that skim through the "Love Systems Routine Manual" to learn some routines you can run on women when you're just starting out. The rest of the books you don't have to read all the way through, but they will be good references for you if you want to read some additional material. If you feel especially bold you can try and take the StyleLife 30 day challenge (included in the torrent I linked you to), though I don't recommend that until you've built yourself up a bit.
    6. Stop making excuses. Admit that you're not living your life the way you want to be living it and take some fucking initiative. Get ready to put yourself out there and do thing you'd normally be uncomfortable with doing. Trust me, when you're done with all this, you'll feel amazing. I know I do.

    1. Take a shower every day. Not every other day. Not once a week. Every day.
    2. Shave your fucking neck beard and make a habit of shaving once, or even twice a day.
    3. Get your acne under control. If it's really bad, consider dermacare treatments. Order anti-acne pills off the internet or buy them from a store. Get an acne wash and use it every day. Personally, I order both my pills and my anti-acne kit from Nature's Cure.
    4. Brush your teeth twice a day, and don't do it half assed. Make sure you get in there and scrub. Seriously consider getting whitening strips. Actually, forget considering it, you need whitening strips: get them.
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)11:46:43 No.4146453
    Physical (cont.):
    5. Get your white pasty ass in a tanning booth. Make sure you don't skimp out and buy a pass to the older beds, those will get you cancer, get a pass to some of the new generation tanning beds. Once again, don't worry about what your friends or family think, this is about what makes you happy. And to answer the inevitable question you will be asking yourself: yes, you will be naked in the tanning booth, that's how they're meant to be used. Don't wear a bathing suit for Christ's sake.
    6. Get groomed. Pretty clear cut really. Get a haircut that looks good. Schedule it at someplace that's really nice, not a big chain like Mastercuts. Don't be afraid to use a little product in your hair from now on. Go get a pedicure and a manicure while you're at it. Women do notice these things.
    7. Get good fashion. Don't go to /fa/ for help; they're a bunch of faggots. Go into a trendy store and get yourself some new gear. I prefer Macy's or Nordstrom Rack myself, but you'll have to choose a place that fits your own style. Don't try to dress yourself. Convince one of the store attendants to put together an outfit for you. Preferably the attendant should be an attractive woman who looks like she knows fashion, but if there are none work with whoever is there. If you're too embarrassed to just admit you're trying to put together an outfit that will make you look better; tell her you're going to a fashion show and you want to look your best.
    8. Do something permanent to seal the deal. Thus far anything you've done can be undone, and that's bad for your psyche, since you'll believe that you can back out any time. Make sure the last thing you do is something permanent. Get a tattoo where it's visible for everyone else to see, or get a piercing. Let it be symbolic for you making a permanent change in your life. This is more of a mental thing then a physical thing. You have to be in this 100%
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:48:46 No.4146471
    Jesus christ, some of this advice is so fucking retarded it hurts to read it and think some stupid faggot might follow it.
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)11:48:47 No.4146472

    If I keep being myself, I'll eventually get the girl of my dreams.

    Look man, even to get a low quality girl you have to be willing to put yourself out there a little bit. And seriously, how do you know who the girl of your dreams is if you haven't gone out there and dated a few of them? That's like saying you know your favorite type of music even though you've never listened to any music. It doesn't work like that. Secondly, this isn't about changing who you are, it's about removing the inhibitions you have that are preventing you from being who you want to be. There's nothing wrong with that.

    What about my friends and family? What if they don't approve of me trying to change my life?

    Your family will just have to accept you for who you are. If you have one of those really weird conservative families that will actually ostracise you if you act in a way they think is unnaceptable, you'll have to make a decision. Do you want these people controlling everything you do for the rest of your life? If your answer to that question is No, then it's time to start asserting yourself and letting your parents know that this is who you are. As for the friends, if they're the kind of close friends you can be direct with, just let them know up front that you're trying to improve yourself, mentally and physically. If they're not that close, then get get new freinds. Don't hang around people who will try to drag you down, find people who will lift you up.

    Wont I stop getting good grades, stop achieving, and become a total douche?

    No, unless you were a douche before. Once again this isn't about changing you, this is about removing your limiting beliefs and becoming the best person you can be. In fact, this will improve your performance in most aspects of your life, since you'll be more motivated to persue your goals with less fear of failure.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:50:06 No.4146485
    >5. Get your white pasty ass in a tanning booth.
    So you are trying to turn everyone to guidos?
    Get that shit out of here
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)11:50:28 No.4146487
    FAQ (continued):

    What if I don't have the money to afford all this stuff?

    First of all, if you don't have a job, shame on you: start applying everywhere. I'm not going to write an entire guide on how to get a job but I will say this: don't be afraid to remind them that you're applying for a job. Call them at least once a week to remind them that you're enthuistiastic to be considered for the position. Secondly, time to start making some budget cuts. Soda? Drink water from now on. All that sugar is going to destroy your health anyways. Don't eat out. Make sure you cook all of your own meals, and don't get any of that canned food shit (unless it's like canned vegetable and fruit, that's ok, just don't get chef boyardee). If you don't watch TV, stop paying for cable. If you don't have a real use for high speed internet, downgrade to a modem. You're going to be spending more time out and about anyways remember? Just learn to cut around your budget in order to cater to your new life style. You're going to be happier, I promise.

    This stuff is really scary and hard.

    Know what's really scary and hard? Coming off of a crack addiction. Sign up to volunteer and help at a local rehab center. That will give you some perspective on what's scary and hard. Your dilemna is fucking tiny compared to the other problems in the world. So man up and start taking charge of it. Nothing in this world worth having comes easy.
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)11:51:41 No.4146492

    First step is acknowledging that you have a problem.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:51:43 No.4146493
    ITT how to become a faggot

    Fake tans, earrings, pedicures?

    OP, you are an amazing faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:51:50 No.4146496

    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:51:59 No.4146500
    Bad advice is bad, specifically
    5) LOL self help books
    6) Tanning booth lolol
    >7) Don't go to /fa/ for help; they're a bunch of faggots. Go into a trendy store and get yourself some new gear. I prefer Macy's or Nordstrom Rack myself
    LOL enjoy looking like a tool in your True Religion jeans and faggot ass graphic T
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:52:01 No.4146501
    The worst advice thread I've seen in awhile
    >> One for the virgins Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:52:23 No.4146507
    I've got to be honest, I've never had much trouble with my scurity. Cheers all the same, OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:53:08 No.4146510
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)11:55:04 No.4146517

    Just re-investing in the community bro. I've been in the same spot as a lot of the low self-esteem virgins that lurk /r9k/. Not everyone may appreciate it, but if I change even one persons life it will be worth it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:56:00 No.4146525
    l loled.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:05:11 No.4146587
    only good advice was the mental and about half of the physical sections
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:05:14 No.4146588
    >Personally I do parkour and freerunning

    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:05:30 No.4146592
    8 is just terrible advice

    you should only follow 5 and 7 if you're a bro who's interested in generic american girls. /fa/ actually does know their shit if you ignore the trolls, and dressing like a /fa/g will get you far more interesting and cuter girls.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:08:01 No.4146614
    or just dress like an ordinary guy, gosh
    jeans and t-shirts are fine by me
    i don't like emo boys or indie hipsters or whatever
    and the girls they attract are not "interesting"
    >> feebas_factor !4pvEs7ZFxY 05/10/09(Sun)12:10:04 No.4146624
    why was some of this advice pretty decent and some of it

    just shit
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:11:30 No.4146635
    ITT: How to stop being yourself and become a pretentious douchebag.

    Really mate, this advice sucks ass, you are trying to make everyone look like those typical club fags with their popped collars and orange skin.

    My advice? Just try to make yourself a little better, stop doing all the stuff that you know is ruining yourself (You know exactly what I mean).
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:13:36 No.4146648

    The mental part had some value, maybe.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:14:37 No.4146656
    all that sounds hard id perfer to take the easy way but thanks
    >> tl;dr its all about self-confidence and self-esteem Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:14:44 No.4146657
    I don't have to have a tan to be confident. I'm white as hell but Christ that's how I was born. It's like a black man trying to get whiter. Tanning is only a quick fix. What OP fails to mention is that the most important thing is to increase your SELF-ESTEEM and CONFIDENCE, and you DO NOT have to spend money to do that (OP you fucking consumerist). Do some introspection: think long and hard about why you feel the things you feel, why you do the things you do. Try to think of different reasons, and don't go for the quick answer unless you have a few to compare it to. Meditate, spend some time alone thinking hard about your life and where you want it to go and what you have to do to get there.
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)12:19:34 No.4146688

    Jeans and a T-shirt makes you look boring and projects insecurity. Ordinary is usually associated with insecurity because the woman will subconsciously assume you dress in such a way to avoid conflict. Which makes you a pansy in her eyes.


    for 5, no girl is attracted to the idea of a guy who spends all day inside. Getting tan projects the fact that you get out often. It's a programmed attraction switch that exists in all woman. Fashion displays confidence since your willing to be outgoing and dress in a way that look attractive.

    Think of it this way. Which girls do you fall hardest for in terms of physical attraction? The girls who only bathe? Or the girl who tans, puts on make up, dolls up her hair, and wears a dress that shows off her cleavage. Is it possible that there are other girls that see the dolled up girl and say "omg, what a slut, who does she think she's kidding?" Yes. Does it change the fact that she's way more attractive then those girls and gets more male attention? No.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:19:46 No.4146690
    I liked it up until the part where I realized I've done all this stuff independently and am still ronery.

    You fail, OP. You fail like I fail.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:20:32 No.4146699
    bullshit advice.
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)12:21:00 No.4146704

    You failed because you gave up. You have to be stronger than that bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:21:16 No.4146706
    Just accept that you are by far the worst tripfag on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:22:30 No.4146715
    >for 5, no girl is attracted to the idea of a guy who spends all day inside

    I spend almost all my time inside doing projects and things. I don't go out to clubs and other shit often at all. I don't tan or make myself look like I'm a person who parties all the time.

    I get laid often and have quite a few girls interested in me.

    Your point is invalid.
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)12:24:59 No.4146739

    You must have some other things going for you then. None the less, being tan is an attraction switch, and not being tan does hinder you with women, even if you still manage to get laid occasionally.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:25:18 No.4146742
    For srs, those douchebag cavemen that stayed inside the cave all day long couldn't get any tail at all
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:25:40 No.4146744
    ITT how to pick up all the gay men you want.

    Great advice OP. This is the perfect system, if you want a big guido cock up your ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:26:30 No.4146755
    how bout instead of a tanning bed you just go outside every now and then, you know, like in the sun.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:27:36 No.4146764
    The only thing I really have going for me is that I really, really like myself and am completely happy being myself.

    I don't go out just because it might get me chicks, I don't talk about what I think women want to hear, and I don't pretend to be someone other than myself.

    That's all you need, just be true to who you are inside and learn to have fun in your own way. Everything else falls in place when you learn to make who you are outside match who you are inside. And for me, that's being the kind of guy who stays home a lot and persues solitary persuits. I do socialize often, but I don't make excuses or apologies for the fact most of my time is spent inside doing what I want with my life, and women really dig that.
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)12:27:40 No.4146765

    That works too if you live in a sunny area.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:28:11 No.4146770
    olol ITT OP thinks there is a magic switch to flip.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:28:56 No.4146777
    Well, not socialize often, not sure why I put that there. I think what I consider "often" you'd probably consider almost non-existent.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:30:11 No.4146790
    because of this

    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:33:22 No.4146808
    how many cocks have OP sucked?
    0 he never has attractive enough for anyone to put their sausage in his mouth
    >> REAL !DEaL.Ydt/c 05/10/09(Sun)12:34:39 No.4146824
    This true. I am a gay guido and want to fuck OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:35:01 No.4146825
    I'd get a girl if i wasn't so busy with work all the time, I mean I'm a fucking catch, 18 with a good car and a good job.

    I just don't have many places to meet people is all.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:36:32 No.4146836
    I know it's got it's issues, but since the only pier you are around is the company pier, why not try fishing off of it?
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)12:37:00 No.4146839

    Well, since I'm a psychology major, and I hold the theory that all humans are creatures who desperately need and want attention. The idea that you willingly seperate yourself from society doesn't sit well with me. I think you're making excuses, and you're not really being "true to yourself" as you say you are.

    And seriously, how can you ever meet high value women if you never get outside? It just doesn't work that way.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:37:46 No.4146843
    Actually, this looks good to me (I just noticed that I had 8 Gb of porn before I deleted it, and never even used it anyway so that was well done), except for two things: 1. Self-help books, imho, are not going to help you, or at least not the kind of self-help book you recommended. 2. I think that you're right to not recommend going to /fa/ if you've never done anything with fashion before, you're just gonna get trolled. However, just going to a big chain department store and asking an attendant to help you is just an invitation for said attendant to dress you up like a mannequin and gobble up the commission. Try www.wellcultured.com first, you're pretty much exactly their target demographic. Also, remember that fashion is a language; you want people to perceive you as you really are. Not a big fan of the tanning booth either, but I'd chalk that up to personal taste. Surprisingly enough, I'm all for #8, although I'd personally go for a piercing over a tattoo. That's exactly what that sort of thing is for: making a meaningful, well thought out statement about your life, commemorating an important person or event, things like that. Go forth and do likewise, more or less!
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:38:14 No.4146844
    I know myself better than you ever can. Your point is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:40:19 No.4146858
    Haha, good one, but seriously, theres no sea for miles.

    It seems every girl i meet is just immature and stupid, oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:40:25 No.4146862
    Goddammit, you are a fucking faggot. I didn't say I never went outside, I just don't do it often. I talk to women on the phone, or on the net, I get to know them at my pace and the way I want to approach them.

    I approach them when I'm shopping, or going to rent a movie, or at stores when I'm buying supplies.

    I've also met quite a few of my girlfriends through work, and they were some of the best relationships I had.

    Some aren't takers, but that doesn't mean all aren't. I have found some great partners without even realizing it.

    I don't have to do your stupid shit to get women.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:43:43 No.4146886
    I like having low self-esteem. Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:48:18 No.4146915
    >go to a doctor and ask him/her to prescribe you anti-depressants.

    been taking them for 3 years. I am also seeing a shrink every week. I'm still a bipolar, suicidal, lonely faggot.

    >who liked the whole idea of getting a tan
    no. just no...

    >Get some self help books.
    PUA books /= to getting girls
    I read all of them, tried most of the openers, routines, time constraint, negs bullshits and non of them work.

    >Take a shower every day....
    I shower once even twice a day, brush my teeth every after meal, use a lot of facial products...

    >Get good fashion
    I work in the industry

    >First step is acknowledging that you have a problem.
    good job from quoting that from style, Master PUA

    OP, I acknowledge all the typing that you have done here but I believe that you read too much Pick-up artist stuff.
    >> sage sage 05/10/09(Sun)12:50:58 No.4146928
    I am.
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)12:52:39 No.4146940

    Man, if you've been taking anti-depressants for 3 years without improvement, maybe it's time to ask for some more serious treatment. Also, consider volunteer work, it will increase your sense of self worth and make you feel way better about yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:53:02 No.4146943
    >I read all of them, tried most of the openers, routines, time constraint, negs bullshits and non of them work.

    That's because they are merely vehicles to help you get your personality across. They alone can not get you laid if you don't have the attitude to go along with it. If you're relying on the techniques, you're doin it wrong.

    You wouldn't believe the corny shit I've used that's worked.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:56:54 No.4146979
    This is bullshit. It's only skin-deep.

    Consider why you (roneryfag) are unhappy. There is a cause for it, yes? I'm not talking about the sequence of events in the past that lead to your loneliness and, thus, unhappiness. I'm talking about the thoughts and feelings you experience that result in other thoughts and feelings that are, essentially, your loneliness. Don't think that loneliness is a state of being that cannot be escaped through any other means but changing your state of being, meaning, getting friends, a girlfriend etc. There is no law of nature stating that the situation that you are in must cause unhappiness.

    Whether your situation is an unhappy one or not doesn't depend on the situation itself but only on what you THINK of the situation. For every situation there exists a mental attitude that will make you feel happy. Kind of like the saying "look on the bright side of life" but more like "make the place you are be on the bright side". I'm telling you, it's possible and most importantly, it's a certain method.

    This superficial tricks won't guarantee anything because life can still kick you in the balls no matter what you do to keep yourself where you are capable of being happy. The best thing to do would be to become able to be happy anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)12:58:34 No.4146987

    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)13:00:05 No.4147002

    It's easier to be happy if you do things that are socially rewarding. You brain is programmed to be happy whenever you do something that increases your chances of reproduction. So getting out there and socializing and having tons of sex is pretty much guaranteed to make you happy.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:01:19 No.4147015
    some of it is good, most of it is shit...

    However you get your confidence, get it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:01:28 No.4147017
    Okay, you just completely threw out any credibility you had with me.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:04:22 No.4147043
    Alright Jon So you've just tried to help out a board that have lots of problems with this kind of stuff, and i guess you think that you know all about how its done because you've had this experience through this method. Therefore you want to be the know it all etc. Truth is, most of it is b ullshit that only affects people depending on the person, its Subjective.

    You need to be much more general when giving points, and not be a faggot, but i can see you're genuinly trying to help the brobots out so Good effort. Also, don't hate on /fa/ =.= best board around.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:08:43 No.4147070
    OP, what if I'm ugly and have no personality? What then?
    And I do mean it. I've tried to improve my looks by losing weight, getting muscle and getting a haircut - shit actually got worse, people tell me I used to look "cuter" when I was fat. I buy new clothes, but reactions are always negative - nothing seems to look good on me.
    And on personality - I have no passion. I used to love vidya, I used to love my studies, I used to love anime and would do crazy stuff for most of it. Now I've just lost motivation. I keep looking for something to do - I tried writing, I tried drawing, but since I'm not really doing it out of some kind of wish to do it, but because I'm looking for something to do, everything comes out half-assed and again, nobody is interested. I can't even hold a fucking conversation - I only get short replies, though most of the time I can't even think of something to say, and if I'm conversing with more than 1 person, they always just kind of ignore me, brush me off and I end up on the side.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:09:44 No.4147078
    I don't know dude, my shrink told me that I will improve over time. It just needs time.

    >They alone can not get you laid if you don't have the attitude to go along with it...
    I want a girl not just to get laid. I want someone that will comfort and love me. Who will be there by my side... It's just that I also don't have any friends at all... I don't consider the folks I hang out with as friends. They were never really their for me like when I am crying , when I am alone you know shit like that bro.
    I remember I tried that "do you those two women fighting outside" opener then the girl told me to fuck off. I almost cried on my way to the taxi... It just don't work bro, not in my location (not in the US).
    >> JonScholar the "Nice Guy" of r9gay !m31YvoqV3w 05/10/09(Sun)13:10:45 No.4147084

    Well it's a combination of several things actually. I have had success using these methods, and I've seen plenty of other people have success from them as well. But I'm also a psyche major in college, and all of these attraction switches can be explained on an academic level as well. Even though these may seem to be things that would only work for certain people, they're really general methods that anyone can apply to themselves.

    And seriously, I'm here to help. I'm not a troll as some people have been trying to imply. Feel free to ask me anything.

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