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    Updated @ 2:50AM on 5/9/09

    File :1241912406.png-(11 KB, 343x302, i don't belief canada is owning us in un(...).png)
    11 KB Canada added jobs in April Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:40:06 No.4146156  
    >The unemployment rate held steady in April at eight per cent as overall employment grew by a surprising 35,900 jobs, Statistics Canada said Friday.

    Cool story bro, but wait.

    >The rise in the number of people working was the result of an increase in self-employment, the federal government agency said. Self-employment rose by 37,000 in April, while there was little in public- and private-sector employment.

    BAM! It's good to see that this recession is sparking entrepreneurial ambition among Canadians. Meanwhile, we're sitting on our fat asses praying that Barack Obama can bail us out. God I hate what America has become. Even Canadians are more independent-minded than us.
    >> OP here. Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:44:01 No.4146165
    My OP is a little dry. I forgot the sauce: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/ottawa/story/2009/05/08/april-unemployment.html
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:47:39 No.4146177
    >Americans are lazy and unmotivated, with an entitlement complex

    What else is new? Glad I moved out of that soon-to-be-shithole.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:48:34 No.4146180
    this is basically what hilter did during the depression
    kill all the jews, free up more jobs.. same thing
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:49:16 No.4146183
         File :1241912956.jpg-(63 KB, 750x600, 1236872165873.jpg)
    63 KB
    thank you for the 'works cited post'

    Canada has a lot going for it right now, and as a hard working Technocrat, i was just hired on full time 1/2 a week after graduating. The US is doing its thing, and doing well,

    But remember, dumbfucistan is included in US unemployment stats.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:50:34 No.4146186
    >dumbfucistan is included in US unemployment stats

    What part of America is that? Texas?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:57:03 No.4146203
    Did you miss the part in the OP where is said unemployment rate held steady because there's an increase in self-employment? Exactly what the conservatives in "dumbfuckistan" want?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:04:52 No.4146233
    Not true
    Republicans traditionally support oil companies, large corporations etc
    Democrats are supposed to support small businesses. but all Obama cares about is people on welfare
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:30:09 No.4146340

    Small businesses are the backbone of the Republican party. Watch anything Michael Steele has said and try not to cringe from the incessant usage of 'small business'.

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