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    Updated @ 2:50AM on 5/9/09

    File :1241877802.jpg-(181 KB, 500x1000, Untitled-1.jpg)
    181 KB Tolerance and Understanding Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:03:22 No.4145413  
    It really fucking urks me when everyone who preaches this shit turns around into racist, hateful, fear mongering and disrespectful asshats when someone disagrees with them.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:15:06 No.4145425
    How about you start having more conversations with people in real life and stop getting trolled by teenagers on forechon?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:19:46 No.4145426
    stop watching msnbc and reading gay activist blogs
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:24:10 No.4145430
    If you think accusing someone of being an msnbc viewer is a way of calling them out as a liberal then I rest my case, you REALLY need to go outside more.

    and I'm a libertarian by the way.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:26:24 No.4145433
    you're trying to accuse other people of being closet bigots when you are one yourself?

    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:33:18 No.4145441
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    has never watched msnbc past the morning shows
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:38:27 No.4145444
    >>4145441 has never watched it at all

    fix'd. I was referring to your homophobia. what is wrong with gay activist blogs? unless you have a problem with:

    1. gays
    2. free speech
    3. all of the above

    why do conservative morons (you) only whine about OTHER people being bigots and then only when its convenient for them, ie when they want to discredit someone?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:42:52 No.4145449
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    baaaaahahahahahahahahahah-oh wait your serious. well for one you just proved op right. you disagreed with op and there fore he was a douchbag.

    way to go
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:48:16 No.4145453
    No he didn't. He pointed out a contradiction and he has a valid point. Besides, OP was talking about people turning into racists and such, not simply deciding that someone is a moron when they actually are a moron.

    You really don't seem very bright.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:49:25 No.4145454

    How the fuck did you manage to misspell Bibel?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:53:26 No.4145458

    This argument is so tired. Calling people out for being discriminatory (and yes, trying to use government to impose your religion or lifestyle choices on anyone else is discrimination and bigoted) is not the same thing as being discriminatory.

    If you don't want homosexuals to have equal rights and protection under the law, you are a bigot. That is the definition of bigotry, so you may as well stop trying to hide from the label. Simply calling someone a bigot for practicing bigotry isn't hateful.

    tl;dr Stop whining. Aren't you conservatives supposed to be the tough and self-reliant members of society? All I've heard for the last 4 months is nothing but moaning.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:54:08 No.4145461
    no he accused that person of being against gays, free speach and such. really just demonizing.

    i read that post as pointing out that those groups generally are the kind of people op was pointing out
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)11:01:48 No.4145466
    >>4145461 speach

    Tell me this is your way of muutblokking or something and that you really don't think speech is spelled with an 'a'? I mean I can overlook typos and stuff but it really doesn't look like you just hit the wrong key in haste this time.

    Back on point, >>4145444 was referring to >>4145426 , where someone mentioned 'gay activist blogs'. Why would someone use that as an insult if they weren't a bigot? Its fine of you're a homophobe and all now but don't turn around and complain about someone else's bigotry if that's the case.

    Now go read the whole exchange again and try and muster up a valid argument.
    >> Gay Communist Nigger 05/09/09(Sat)11:12:29 No.4145471
    Gay communist nigra reporting in, and I approve of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)11:26:02 No.4145482
    You don't have to hate gays to hate gay activist blogs.

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