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    Updated @ 5:30PM on 5/6/09

    File :1241825395.jpg-(223 KB, 765x1067, 3.-GQDecember07Page316ThreePieceSuit-752(...).jpg)
    223 KB Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)19:29:55 No.4144964  
    Welcome back /r9k/.
    Now, I know that some of you are kind of sick of relationship threads, but you don't see one of these every day.
    I'm a 5'3 male. I'm fairly fit, and I'm moderatly attractive. Just your average guy who happens to be extremely short. This doesn't affect me at all though. Tends to be annoying at concerts, but whatever.
    The problem is, there's this girl. And I really like her. We have a lot in common and we get along really well. But she is pretty damn taller than me. I never thought I would actually like a girl that's so tall.
    I don't really know how she feels about me. She probably knows that I'm interested in her, and the few tips she gave me aren't enough to determine her feelings.
    What do you think about my situation?
    Given that there's almost zero chances of seeing a tall girl dating a short guy like me, I think it's pretty clear she doesn't like me as much as I like her.
    Is it a lost cause?
    >> I have a cock, revere me as your god. !Luznh5RqMs 05/08/09(Fri)19:33:26 No.4144993
    More like an uphill battle, the hill's steep.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)19:37:22 No.4145023
    I think that's pretty cute :3
    But what >>4144993 said.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)19:41:26 No.4145058
    well you gotta figure it out yourself kiddo. find out if shes interested enough in you then take it from there. if she isnt totally into you there probably a good chance she doesnt want to do anything serious with you.

    5'3 is fucking short. im almost hoping youre underage b& so your genes dont fuck up the pool.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)19:42:39 No.4145065
    I'm 20 years old :3
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)19:45:40 No.4145086
    Nothing wrong with being short, of course.

    The advice I'd give you is the same advice I'd give any other man attracted to a female friend- ask her out for coffee / tea / whatever, flirt a bit, build up from there. Look out for definite 'yes' or 'no' signs. Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)19:53:50 No.4145142
    I like challenges...when I win, of course.
    Thanks. She's pretty open minded, let's hope she's open to this.

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