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    Updated @ 2:50AM on 5/9/09

    File :1241823375.jpg-(15 KB, 300x300, 1799918-1-game-over.jpg)
    15 KB Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)18:56:15 No.4144720  
    Help me understand this /r9k/.

    Is it possible to dupe the Grim Reaper, Death, when you challenge him to any game of your choice, using "THE GAME?" (sorry, but you have 30 minutes now.)

    It seems clever, but I'm not quite sure it would work. Help me work this one out.

    Death says you may choose any game you'd like.
    You think you might challenge him to The Game. You lose right there, but you have yet to challenge him.
    You say "I challenge you to The Game. You just lost it." Does that necessarily mean that you've beaten him? So many variables.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)18:58:56 No.4144740
    First of all that would be incredibly awesome on so many levels that he just takes off his cloak and drops his sheath and he walks into the distance and all you can hear is....
    "Fuck this shit..."
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)08:50:59 No.4145380
    And then eat some marble cake!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)08:53:54 No.4145381
    I would challenge death to a walk off myself but your idea could work.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)08:57:06 No.4145384
    you sir have singlehandedly beaten death Himself with your beautiful mind

    i salute you
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)08:59:15 No.4145385
    The problem is that you would lose at the same time, so it would kind of be a draw.

    I'd challenge him to a game of who is the best at letting the other guy live.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)09:02:12 No.4145386

    then he hands you the scythe and says 'congraturations you're the new death, good luck with the game'
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)09:04:02 No.4145387

    no, because you start the game when your introduced to it, it is only a draw if death already knows the game.

    but since there is no porn of "the game" it does not really exist, so if death accepts your game of The Game, he losses, because hes been duped into playing a non-existent game, which means you have outsmarted death himself, but if death says he know that The Game is not a real game, that means he lost the game because he knows about the game, so then it is a draw.

    summary: you can lose the game when your introduced to it, if death doesnt know about the game but accepts then you win, if death doesnt know and doesnt accept then hes not keeping his work about you choosing any game you like, but if death does know about the game and accepts it a draw, if he knows the game and doesnt accept you dont lose so choose another game to play at.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)18:35:44 No.4145968
    ITT: We all Lose The Game.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)18:39:42 No.4145983
    Wait, when was it stated that if you beat Death at a game you get your life back? Is that a common myth or something?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)18:41:19 No.4145986
    Bill & Ted.

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