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This week 4chan turned 9 years old *click*


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>cold Canadia winter
>curled in a blanket and my baggy grey sweater
>drinking apple cidar

so what are you doing right now /r9k/

picture related photo taken on my shitty old phone because crackberry camera is broked.
Thinking about suicide because no qt swami gf
Is it alcoholic?
i would be a terrible girlfriend, lol. don't think about me.

mfw just realized my apple cider looks gross kinda
it has some mount gay rum in it
>>4046242 (OP)
that is the worst looking cider.
>>4046242 (OP)
canadian here, im drinking whisky getting drunk as fuck
it's kinda chilly here but I can't bother to get comfy

I should be going out and at least shopping then taking myself to a nice restaurant cause it's my birthday, but it's raining and I'm still waiting for my parents to contact me and say happy birthday cause they're the only ones that will

This week is so depressing
it only looks bad because rum mixed in it. also cider tends to be darker at the bottom of the bottle and it's not warm cider, it's cold.
About to drink creamy as fuck hot chocolate while watching Sons Of Anarchy with my girlfriend.

happy birthday anon. i hope you have a great birthday- how old are you turning?
I'm 22 now

It's my last birthday in university, I'd really hoped to have got over this stupid social anxiety bullshit by the time I graduated but despite making some good steps I am still very much alone and tons of things today and yesterday keep sending me off into minor breakdowns
Eating ice cream whilst reading some threads.
i hope things get better.

can some anons also say happy birthday to this man?
sons of anarchy is great. same with breaking bad, mad men, and game of thrones.

typical chick shows

good taste
sitting here with strepthroat and under 50 blankets shivering when i should be at class

god fucking damnit
im turning 22 in november and want to suicide before to avoid the bullshit
>>4046242 (OP)
The anatomy of a shit-post:
As you've probably already noticed, this topic has no point. It is simply attention-whoring.
It starts off with a shitty, boring 'story' about what this cunt is doing at this very moment.
You might be tempted to think it can't get any worse.
However, this shit-poster continues to spout her nonsense. She even goes as far as to type 'broked' as if it is cute or entertaining.
It is neither.
Fuck off.
I'm a woman btw

I'm a very happy person really, I have everything in life that doesn't require friends, I could never end it, but this week just really sucks. Weather's been awful and I've had a minor headache on and off as well. Worst birthday in a while.
swami is a dude.
>>4046242 (OP)
what province are you in swami
guys dont drink cider with rum in canada, they drink whisky like men

I would know im an alcoholic

Chill out, play vidya or watch horror films. Happy birthday, robot.

I'm drinking homo milk straight from the bag and I feel manly as fuck.
wow same gurl
thanks for the bump
lol if its past noon in canada you would be finishing your last beer and getting into the liquor for the afternoon/night, not drinking milk kiddo
care to provide a better post you whining cunt face?
really its a refreshing change from "tfw no gf"
my dad and brother used to do that

freaked my mom and myself out
whereabouts in ontario im about 2 hrs away from Toronto
>has no idea what saging is
waterloo. 35 from toronto don't rape me
>>4046242 (OP)

That apple cider looks like horse jizz

Swami confirmed as horse jizz guzzler
So the love for white fluids runs in your family, eh?
can you post a photo of your body without clothes?

we will be meeting shortly
only for my mom and me ;) and any other female in my family who isn't a lesbo
Looks like you might get your identity exposed swami!

>tfw I go to waterloo

I'd meet up and all, but this milk bag isn't going to drink itself.
How do you know this about your mother?

And while we're at it, can I bang your mother?
>work at telstra store
>serial number embedded in pic taken
>im going to look it up tomorrow
Just got out of sauna, now I'm getting comfy as fuck with a blanket and some quality whiskey
Not sure if I'm in the mood to start playing vidya or just watch tv and browse here
What would swami do?
uh i would probably schlick while posting on r9k
but I don't have a vagina
canadians dont schlick, we have sex
then use your penis to commit the act of masturbation for the sheer purpose of pleasure you dummy

>Canadians have sex

Speak for yourself.

I'm the other guy from waterloo
>Sitting on my bed
>trolling through Pandora radios
>trying to decide whether I should bother asking my friend if he wants to come see a show with The Mountain Goats in Grand Rapids with me on the 22nd

I don't know. He's my last friend, but he's blatantly and deliberately blown me off the last 4 times I've tried to hang out with him, so I think we're done.

I don't really know what to do with myself anymore.
Masturbation has lost it's fun, swami.
5 times a charm

call him up. do it. trying never hurts really
>siamese dream
>rainy and miserable outside
>wrapping paper covering big ass hole in door keeps falling off
>mother keeps sticking her head in the hole asking for money for ciggs
but there is nothing boner inducing around

gib skype and strip for me?
I don't know if I WANT to do it. If he gives this less of a shit about our friendship, why should I keep crawling back trying to salvage it?
i'm no whore~~
just do it. don't think about it
You call yourself a whore all the time

Just do it.
well I wasn't horny anyways, maybe we could chat about your influence on this board and other deep subjects?
ok guise

make this thread about the thread topic, not me
hey swami, i like both you and JLH even though you're pretty delusional bitches! keep it up!
you can't expect that while using your trip
yeah i can actually

i sometimes make threads anonymous anyways that get 300-400+ replies because i know a lot of you dislike me

just drank some beer, washed my blanket that hasn't been washed in like 5 years, went outside and lied in the cold sun while the dogs ran around and drank more beer, checked all my open tabs to see if anyone replied to me... nope... gonna go to sleep for a while
Such a disgrace Swami

i'm calling the police and telling them you have drugs

but i'm about to watch tv
>>4046242 (OP)
It's been snowing all day here in Edmonton, and I gotta go out and give my car a fucking oil change and rotate the tires. No comfy for me today.
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Read it in the voice of a 9 year old brat.
..All these children in my /r9k/
and what drugs do i have exactly silly ;s
I'm going to drive 4 hours to where you live and break your computer, Swami

I don't know, but it is clear you're a known drug user on this board, shameful
not my 900 dollar monitor

c-cocaine isn;t that bad

yes it is, it's grown by poor Columbian's, innocent lives can be taken by gun wielding gangs to serve idiots like you

what problems have you got to smother?

nigger, i was abused so fucking much and i don't drink or do drugs to suppress my memories my absent schizoid mind does it for me

>hot brazilian spring it's like summer
>slept all the afternoon
>making dinner and browsing r9k
I was looking for a thread like this!
But I wish it had nicer fall feels, sorry to all the anons out there having a hard time.

Your cider actually looks nommy, OP!

Happy birthday :D

The weather here has been cold and rainy but the sun broke out of the clouds and now it's all lovely out.

Last weekend was my bf's birthday and I got him some nice stuff and spent the weekend celebrating his awesomeness. Feeling pretty good off that.

I'm working on some great art projects right now, and proud of one in particular so far (it's a big woodcut, very intense). And crocheting up a storm, now that it's cold and need to make some hats.

Hung out with my little cousin today, he always gets so happy to see me so I made it a weekly thing.

And now I'm about to go in for an evening class.

My health is pretty poor. So days when I can get out of bed are always an extra blessing. Sipping a coffee and waiting for class to start while I browse threads.
i really can't say i care about those innocent lives
happy birthday anon, try to enjoy it anyway
>tfw too poor for cider
it tasted delicious. i'm drinking hot chocolate now.

going to get fat... mfw only 110 pounds
>'My health is pretty poor. So days when I can get out of bed are always an extra blessing. Sipping a coffee and waiting for class to start while I browse threads.'

get better soon! i'm sick too right now. i've been sick since saturday with some weird bug
>being BR
Wow, swami.

I don't know why, but I'm actually disappointed in you.
Playing some borderlands 2.

D'aw, thank you kind stranger! Stay hydrated, hope ye feel better soon too :)
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>>4046242 (OP)
My mothers GPS's name is Swami. I thought you should know
and I'm working on my shitty art
>and I'm working on my shitty art

could you fish for compliments any harder?
y-you too

chicken noodle soup, apple cidar, hot chocolate, and maybe my own orgasm juices for me only!
i'm used to having people disappointed in you
i made the username swami in 2004 and i found out in 2008 it was some hindu title or something like that. weird.

also nice drawings ;s

seconded. Shit, swami, get it together girl.
i have one friend who is quite autism and ocd about his word and although it looks 10/10 amazing would schlick with he thinks it looks awful

artists perspective i suppose. i am a science and mathematics girl, not an art girl.
>trying to be eeyore
>acting like she hasn't shit posted and created the negative feels

Stay classy.
lel, am i fucked up?
just want to finish college and move out to another country, i was thinking about Canada or some eastern european country
btw people usually say im very polite and smart so i dont think there will be problems to me
ocd about his work**

Who gives a fuck you fat whore.
i post threads depending on my mood & i have eeyore filtered so i don't know what he posts

usually my threads just end up with a couple hundred so whatever. thank you for the free bump though
hopefully nobody. also thank you for the free bump & also
>only 109 or 110 pounds (actually going to weigh myself right now) (i've been loosing weight from my original 115 slowly but surely)
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>watching Mean Girls
>drinking pic related
It's the worst thing ever. I bought it on a whim. It was only 3$
>watching mean girls

my uterus is hurting
also my weight is 107, just checked

why am i suddenly loosing so much weight
I can't tell if you're making fun of me or not
Mean Girls is funny as shit.
i wouldn't make fun of you silly

mean girls is awful and my 13 year old cousin watches it along with all of her friends

her teacher watches it in class too
maybe it's aids or cancer
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>tfw you have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina
no i just got rid of that a couple weeks ago not really

actually i wonder if it's cancer. i'll book an appointment with my family doctor tomorrow. i've been feeling drained / frail / weak lately but i assume it's just because i'm depressed
>i get my period only 4 times a year because my fertility is messed from being on birth control for 3 years straight+
I have eaten something a couple of hours ago. The last time I ate something before that was on Monday at about 1 pm. Felt weird. Also I just watched "The Game" (1997 by David Fincher). A very good movie, indeed.
The only birth control needed is a condom.
I don't have a vagina, but if I did I wouldn't go near any of those crazy injections and whatnot.
condom is the best method because it doenst mess with you period and etc
'crazy injections'


it's just a pill i take like clockwork as soon as i wake up and i get them for free by my insurance.
that movie reminds me somewhat of shutter island and the source code

if you're intelligent enough you can see past a lot of the red herrings and see the foreshadowing they openly put in the movies though
4chanx worked yesterday but i can see tripfags again? what the hell?
There are multiple forms of birth control. Injections, vaginal implants, pills, etc.
I was just stating my opinion on the subject. Not saying they're all bad, I just personally wouldn't trust them.
Anything that alters a natural biological process in the body, isn't something I would voluntarily ingest.
it's an issue with your cookies. if i go through 4chan with my opera speed dial window, i retain my 4chanX but if i type >>, i do not retain the 4chanX script

i have also yet to update to the newest version so that maybe be the issue. try updating and then adding me to the filter
Yes, that's true. Considering the chronological order, these two movies should remind you of The Game, though. Same goes for Fight Club. I really think David Fincher is the best director. Always love his movies.

Feels weird to actually talk to you. But I guess I'm just feeling lonely and you were the only person replying.
i've never heard of any injections but i am aware of the implants which i'm thinking of getting so i don't need to keep taking pills.

or i could always just tie my tubes but i plan on having children some time in life if i ever get into a relationshit

if i tie my tubes i can just adopt a qt polish orphan. then at least i'm interacting with a child from my own heritage rather then mixing my polish / ukrainian / german / genes with some idkwhat gened guy in canadia

or i could just move to russia / poland which i am thinking of doing.
never bothered watching fight club.

i watch a lot of sci-fi movies and thrillers, or plot twisting movies.

just recently watched looper

ok movie, just had a ton of plot holes and foreshadowing i easily saw
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>tfw i'm polish as well
let's make beautiful polish/american babies.
implants are better, what if you tie you tubes and regret it?
the kind of people that tie tubes are women with 35yo+ with children
yeah that's why i probably won't tie my tubes. then again as said i could just adopt.

also the implant in question i mentioned is called 'The Bar' and is implanted into your arm.

feels weird thinking about something inside of my arm actually.
i am the sheer definition of aryan

are you hardcore enough to have polak babbys with me?
Probably going to take a hot bath and just touch my tits and vag. Then drink some wine until I'm tipsy and watch a certain television show from the 70s until I get too tired to continue being awake.
A polak would use a tripcode all the time. fucking scum.
I am 75% polish
Raised on cabbage rolls and bologna sandwiches. What the fuck do you think?
>tfw 1/2 hungarian and like 12 other shades of white

Well, apparently I look like a slav, so...
Fuck, I don't know WHAT I am.
I'm from Ontario too! I feel ya sister, nothing like curling up with cider :3
whenever i take a bath i always seem to crank the water up to maximum hotness and i never burn myself or anything. i also masturbate a lot in the tub / shower too for some reason.

I ALSO put my head under the water with a snorkle because i love the peace and quiet of the underwater. it's a lullaby to me. if i could sleep underwater without drowning i would totally do it.
>he doesn't like QT aryan polish chicks

you're dum
dummy head
I SHOULD be working on this powerpoint presentation for some shitty "Career Research and Development" course I'm taking, but I can't bring myself to sit down and do it.
>cabbage rolls with bacon made by mommy
>listening to mom bicker to family in polish

i am the whitest chick and non slav chick you will ever meet

blonde hair blue eyes pale as fuck get at me etcetc
Just because people can use 4chanx to ignore your posts doesn't mean that you're abusing your power and knowledge of 4chan's system.

I think its sad and ironic that someone who holds themselves so high in regard to upholding 4chan culture, having said you've been here since the early 2000's still deliberately shitting on the rules you only agree with when they benefit you.

But, for the record, this isn't a complaint against 4chan's moderation, rather, my contribution to a thread about swami.

learn how to spell Colombian* before you try to appear to be intelligent you fucking retard.

Swami confirmed for retarded redditor. shouldn't you be making a ragecomic about this instead of shitposting on /r9k/?

>inb4 thats for the bump

Its already on the front page you massive retard
I really don't know what you're trying to say actually.
I've never been on reddit literally in my whole life. Ever. Not even when I heard some Obama 'AMA' was going on.

>be on facebook
>girlfriends like 9fag, reddit, other me-me related sites on facebook
>MUST HIDE POWER LEVEL THE HORROR WHY OH GOD WHY just kidding i don't give a fuck

le xd
Oh god. You already sound perfect.
I've always wanted a beautiful polish gf.

That's what you get for living on the ass-end of the world.
Maybe you should go there then seeing as everybody here hates you.
>tfw you live in Barrie and have been carefully planning the murders of JLH and Swami.

Who wants pics?
i would be a terrible girlfriend. don't flatter me.
>snowed two days ago
>rained today for 2 hours
>leaves just started falling off today

what the fuck, mother nature?
no you all love me~

you know Swami, I used to not mind you, I mean, you have a nice body and stuff, and you're not a dumb as JLH, but that fact you said "loosing," twice, makes me want to smash in your face with a brick.
I do.

Post them on an image hosting site and the link here so the mod doesn't get all uptight.

>no you all love me~

>the last three people to post all say they want you to die
>my families cottage is in Barrie
>our cottage is right next to the director of the Saw movies (James Wan)cottage

anyways, give pictures.
i guess i'll be LOOSING some teeth then if you do that
they'll love me to DEATH
Fair enough. I would still impregnate you to help advance the polish race.
Who else will make god tier vodka?

I can't because I made it all up. I don't really care about tripfags. Just felt like posting something stupid to distract me from the momentous task of cleaning my apartment.
I like broken, people though; I can relate to them far easier than any neurotypical people I usually meet.

Even if the crazy starts up, and there's drama everywhere, at least it's not terribly boring like most typical people are.
Aw... You're a dick.
yeah and we can help fight off the muslim crusade that will eventually come into poland as it has been doing to the rest of europe~
oh ok

i would be flattered and think it was cute though that somebody decided to make up a plan to rape and murder me
i'm not crazy or broken

at least i don't think i am
OMG OP I live in Barrie, we should meet up :)

Where in Barrie do you live?
By the things you post, and the way you act on here, I beg to differ.
it's fine to disagree

i'm sure many people agree with you
swami is a man, man.

No timestamped post with tits or vagoo.
i can pretend to be a man if it helps you jack off

i love to please, after all.
>implying Poland would let those dirty muslims into our sacred country
Mam gleboka nadzieje ze nie robia tego
Still waitin' on that timestamp. Keep dodging.
About to shower. Girlfriend asleep in the bed and then grabbing a slice with her when I throw myself ontop of her once I'm out of the shower. Otherwise, therapy for a car accident I had a few months back and studying for my Bio class, so I can transfer somewhere else and start my RN training.
Nothing would please me more than to see a timestamped pic of your vagoo spread wide open.
>RN training
Good job, bro. Decent money there, but very shitty hours.
Yeah thats the problem, the hours. I don't want slave hours. I just want some regular 8-5s. But I know that isn't possible. I'm in NY, so hopefully.


>>4047851 →
I've been up for about 23 hours now-- I've been relying on caffeine pills, Fish Oil, Choline supplements, and Aniracetam to keep me coherent.
I don't know why.

Can I ask you why you think you don't have severe mental issues, yet you act the way you do?
Have you really thought about it?
we're pretty much the afghanistan of europe in terms of being raided and all..

muzulmanie isc prosze..
>Cold Canadian winter
>Curled up in sleeping bag with fluffly slippers
>Bra and panties only
>Playing Spyro: Year of the Dragon
It isn't. My best friend's mom is an RN, and she hasn't gotten regular hours like that since she started. Just be happy your doing something you enjoy.
On a plus side, you probably aren't getting as many patients as you would during normal hours.

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