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Is it really true that guys don't think females make good friends?

My male friends treat me well, but I've always noticed they seem to have much more fun with each other than they have with me. And it's not just with me, other girls have noticed that too.
You will never be a guy. And they will never love you the way they love their fellow brothers. It's a guy thing.
You're boring. Like most girls. Not too hard to figure out. Only boring people enjoy the company of other boring people.
3 types of friendship: girl - girl, boy- girl, boy - boy.
And if you take a close look: They are all different.
this right here
also if you don't grant them the access to your vagina there is no need for you to be around
> I want the guys to treat me like a bro !
ya unfortunately men arent interested in women non sexually, be more sexy and they will be more interested
>>4044206 (OP)
You are boring. But that's not it, either, I have a female friend that is now dating my best friend and she's honestly really funny and fun to be around. She is selfless at times and will help me out. She will play video games with me and we'll have fun. We'll go drinking and we'll talk a long time, she helps me with my problems and I help her with her problems.

She will never be a good a friend as my bro's, though. Definitely not since she started fucking my best bro. That's just weird. And it always comes down to someone fucking that girl sooner or later, ALWAYS.
>have girl enter our group of friends
>she starts fucking one guy and creating drama
>cheats on him with another bro
>now two bros don't hang out anymore and got into a fist fight

This is why
I'm taken.
then hang out with your bf
why do you feel the need to have the attention of others?
>>4044206 (OP)
Another guy trolling /r9k/. Just knock this shit off.
>She will play video games with me and we'll have fun.
>why do you feel the need to have the attention of others?
Now now, we already have the answer for this.
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>know this guy for a while, we go to the same college
>he's really fun and I consider him a good friend
>classes starting after summer break
>he sees me and says "hey anon"
>he sees one of his guy friends and they enthusiastically hug each other and skip classes to go to a bar
Evidently I'll stomp her, but we make a thing that if she manages to score one time in Fifa or kill me one time in another game, that she wins.

She never does huehuehuheue. It's funny as shit to be dribbling a ball around your own goal and her being incapable of scoring. Or that mini-heartattack where she almost kills me and then fails completely.

It's pretty fun. But it doesnt compare to the competition and rivalry I have with my friends while we call each other a faggot while trying to one-up each other at everything we do.
Manly hugs cannot be done with a woman.
>open arms in the sight of bro
>either ends in snap handshake or hug

>open arms in the sight of friend with vagina
>awkward looks, light screaming and instant cold air

>hang out with bro in any kind of place
>comfortable and fun

>hang out with ladyfriend
>always nudging you to do stuff, expecting shit from you

don't get me started on the god awful conversations, I haven't met a single girl that can keep a steady convo going without help
Oh, as expected. Wew you almost scared the shit out of me for a moment there.
I don't generally make friends with females because I barely understand them and they don't share my interests most of the time. That and if you're too friendly they can assume you're into them.
Fifa is fun as fuck. You can make any casual game into a hardcore one, man. Just play it enough.
Yeah, that's one of the bigger problems. Girls are more into relationship shit. Most of them can't even spend 5 minutes without creating a match-up.
>>4044206 (OP)
Yup. Only good female friends I've had were also my girlfriends. Platonic female friends < male friends.

Simply put there are just things you wouldn't expect to talk to girls about, like other girls/fart jokes/video games/sports etc.

Plus if you're both even moderately attractive then there's probably going to be some sexual tension there even if it's just on his part. You can never be completely relaxed around women because there's always that tension, the chance that maybe you'll become fuck buddies or more than friends. With men that's just assumed to not be the case so you don't care how gross you are around them because it's just what guys do.
Huh? I never said this Fifa game wasn't challenging, please do not misunderstand.
I have some guy friends who we joke around and talk like bros. we get drunk together and shit, but I definitely see a difference in the way we hang out together and the way they and their bro friends hang out together. I guess I'm like one step up from being a friend with a vagina, but it still sucks.
Girls are boring.
>fart jokes
Are you 12?
To be completely honest women are fucking boring.

I am not a misogynist at all it's just a fact that chicks aren't very interesting unless you're balls deep into them.

If you are in a group of friends with dudes that aren't white knights there will still be a strain on the group as a whole because of you gender.

Sorry but it's just the way things are.
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>getting all the hugs
>no matter if male or female friend

I never really liked hugs until my male freinds started hugging me, too. huehuehue
You are only a good friend if you'll have sex with them.
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All you have to do is not be a bitch. Don't get too offended by anything, make rude jokes, and so on.
Most women are defensive about the way they look and act, which is why they are so prude and boring.
Men are generally encouraged to be assertive, pro-active, creative, confident in order to be attractive
Females are generally encouraged to be submissive, passive, compliant and non-confrontational in order to be attractive

Guess which behaviour makes for the most fun, exciting, dynamic and best tried-and-tested friendships?

Develop your character, ambitions and do something with your life and maybe guys will want to do something with you besides fucking.
>Females are generally encouraged to be submissive, passive, compliant and non-confrontational in order to be attractive
oh shit nigga wat u're doin'
I don't even know. I was friends with this awesome, nice guy. We liked the same crap, got a long well ect. Then all of a sudden he stops talking to me. He's still friends with all his asshole friends and girls that treat him like crap or a piece of meat. Why can't I hold all these feels.

He wanted to be more than just a friend ;_;
>implying females don't play that part whenever it suits their needs and go "lolimagirl I can't do this help plz guise :3" whenever things get even remotely though

They make shitty friends because they hold themselves to shitty standards.
I find some of my best and worst friends are female. A good female friend can offer me the caring, thoughtful opinions and input that my bros can't provide. However, a poor female friend is a shitty listener who wants only to regale me with mundane shit about nothing and be "omgsorandumXD" which is embarrassing. Depends on the maturity of your ladybro.
College is my only social life and in the last semesters my only friends were girls because my bros were in different classes, but this semester I'm having classes with my male friends again and it SO MUCH better than being around girls. Now everytime I one of my girl friends show up when I'm hanging out with my male friends I think "well shit, there goes the fun"
But he was friendzoned. History repeats, while females keep wondering why.
I hate how my female friends won't let me just be. If I'm not constantly talking or constantly being entertaining, they complain. I can't be myself around my female friends.

If I'm talking to my bro, I can be quiet for an hour and it's just what happens, no worries. I don't have to be entertaining, I can just relax and be me. I've never been able to do that with my female friends. Plus I've always wanted to fuck all my female friends and that makes things awkward.

I've been getting to the point where I've been replacing my female friends with male friends and it's making a world of difference.
I doubt it.
What if the girl is lesbian? I would assume it works better because you know 100% you're not going to fuck her (just like with guys) so there's no tension. Or does it not work that way?
Even if it's a lesbian it's not the same. A guy can want to fuck a lesbian too.

And it's not just "wanting to fuck" them, it's that girls are just different.
I feel really uncomfortable and (to be honest) bored around girls I'm not fucking. If she's even half-way cute I don't like having to stifle my sex drive or pretend I don't wanna bang the snot out of her, and even if I just lay it out in the open all the veiled ribaldry and sarcasm starts to get old fast.

When a girl isn't into you sexually she tends to be dull, artificial and just kind of a pain and a waste of time to be around. No thanke.
Jesus Christ I relate so much to this.

I used to know this one girl who would always make out like we were amazing friends. In reality she was boring to the point of making me cry, vicious, batshit insane enough to take her scorn out on me when no one else was around to absorb the poison and everything she said would leave me fucking cold.

Girls, I'm sorry, but you make awful friends. Get this through your head now - the only reason, the ONLY reason (most) men put up with you is because they are ruled by their cocks and their biology and they want to slam the shit out of you. That's IT. You can't have decent conversations although in your mind you think you're having one, you're not funny although in your mind you think you are and you can't relate to anything about men because you're barely a human being beneath that seething highly textured with greed, jealousy and lunacy facade of a soul.

Please just stick to shoe shopping and basing your life around hating other people, especially other women. Don't try to be "one of the bros" or some dude's friend, I think I have enough experience at this point in my life to say you absolutely STINK at it, always expecting other people to bring the fun to you and sitting around waiting to take your day out on someone else. Just fuck off.
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Women start drama, and can break friendships between bros.
That is why having female friends around just complicates everything.

Yeah, this too. It's fun entertaining a girl and making her laugh for a while but you can tell she starts to resent you the moment you're not being a little jester monkey.

I never get that vibe from guys and it's just a lot more comfortable to be around them. And this is coming from someone who finds most dudes puerile and annoying a lot of the time.
I don't know how to describe it exactly, but women somehow think differently than men. There are women with whom I am platonic friends, but conversing with them isn't as easy or natural as it is with men. It makes platonic connectivity more difficult.

It doesn't mean that I don't like them- I do. But there always seems to be a barrier.
Guy friends usually want to fuck you so that can but a limit on how close of a friendship you can have. I know my best male friend wants me badly and it's sort of awkward.

It's because it isn't natural, as much as girls (and some idealistic dudes) might hate it, the fact of the matter is that we're sexually dimorphic for the purpose of boning one another.

When you have to intentionally stifle or drown out that glaringly obvious aspect of a relationship between the two of you, it becomes the unspoken elephant in the room and hangs this constant air of tenseness over everything.
It's not so much that they don't make good friends. Most of them try very hard and are sincere about their friendships with men, but we just don't have much in common with you. The things you choose to concern yourself with, your hobbies, your forms of entertainment. It just doesn't interest us. It all just seems inane.
Yes there's this "barrier"

Even if the girl is a disgusting porker I'd never want to fuck I still can't get close to her like I am to my bros.

You can't even really share your hobbies or your interests with girls. I've known girls who loudly told me (and I'm sure they even believed it themselves) that they were fans of [x], and when it came to chatting about it they had exactly jack squat to contribute and either tried to change the topic or fast expressed their boredom.

Just a huge waste of time really.
I have a guy friend that I discuss comics, movies, animation, and vidya with all the time. We go out and get coffee together and give each other shit all the time.
He friendzoned me because he's still in love with his ex
I've come to terms with this and would rather be in the brozone than to not know him or hang out with him at all.
Some of the coolest people and best friends I have had have been girls. But, and it is a big but, (I cannot lie) these girls have all been bro-like a.k.a chilled out, causing no drama, and being comfortable being disgusting (farting, talking about disgusting shit etc). In general girls like this do not make girlfriend material imo.

The rest of the girls I have known are generally boring but attractive. As such I tend to walk on eggshells around them and suppress parts of my personality. It just so happens that these parts are the most bro-like and the most fun parts of my personality. This type of girl is often stuck up and takes offence easily. Overall this type of person can only be described as anti-bro.

TLDR: girls can be good friends, so long as they act like men and don't expect relationships.
>be male
>closest friend who understands and makes better all my feels is female
>we say we love each other every time we get to talk
>only person other than my parents whom i trust completely
>not interested in her romantically, shes dating my third cousin.

>have other female friend
>met on 4chan, she goes to a nearby college and we hang out.
>we have a lot in common as internet dwellers
>not really interested in her (had sex with her sister one time, she goes to the same school)

I have two examples of meaningful female friendships here for you guys. Girls are different than guys, you should all make friends with one to become a more well-rounded person.
Females expect you to provide a good time, doing stuff a generally planning everything out in order to stay friends for a longer time
Males just hang out even if it's boring sometimes. They consider what they're capable of doing with the stuff that is provided and create ideas with it that they both like.

Maybe it's just the other way around with a girl-girl friendship, who knows?
>I've known girls who loudly told me (and I'm sure they even believed it themselves) that they were fans of [x], and when it came to chatting about it they had exactly jack squat to contribute and either tried to change the topic or fast expressed their boredom.
I know that feel.

I know this girl who says she's a huge nerd and anime fan, but everytime I try to talk to her about it I get disappointed. I even got her some anime for her to watch and she never did, and it was the sort of anime she says she likes the most.

Now with my male friends we can talk about anime for hours and we recommend shows to each other and everything goes well.
I'm friends with several of them, male friendships are still much better.
I will indulge people with friendships if that is what they seek, and gender is not an issue seeing I do not wish to purse a relationship.
>be gay
>be able to make friends with any girl within 3 minutes of them finding out I'm gay
>have tons of male and female friends

I usually hang out with girls though.
The only think that I can say is that conversations with females are way more boring than conversations with males.
Even if I don't really know a guy, I can still talk to him and figure out our interests so we can chat about that a bit. With a females it is much harder to talk about anything at all, they answer with short "complete" sentences that doesn't provide you a chance to keep up a convo
Oh man, the complete sentences. I always act uninterested and instantly start talking with someone else when that happens. They mostly panic and try to hold the convo back together.
Females don't put much effort on conversations, specially if you're the sort of guy she wouldn't date because she doesn't want you to think you have a chance.
Why are females so fixed on the objective of dating? Why is that their main thing?
i dont see this with my female friends, generally we try to plan how were going to feed ourselves, share some music, catch up a bit, and walk around or play vidya or color.

Maybe without realizing it, you feel like you need to impress the girl.
>tfw no female friends
>tfw no male friends either because of reasons stated in this entire thread
>tfw no friends at all
>>4044206 (OP)
>Is it really true that guys don't think females make good friends?
>Why are females so fixed on the objective of dating? Why is that their main thing?

What the fuck /r9gay/
>Maybe without realizing it, you feel like you need to impress the girl.
Maybe I am expecting a fun evening/night/whatever and all I got was me throwing some ideas around while I got some whacky half-assed responses that 'That doesn't sound fun'.

That stuff doesn't happen in a male friendship, you figure out what you can do and just do it for the sake of testing out if it would be fun

His whole point is that being her "friend" is worthless since girls only really see you as valuable if you're sexually attractive.
/r9k/ isn't one person turned into a board.
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Are you trying to say that a woman will not be friends with a guy unless she is attracted to him?
It happens, he gets friendzone.
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Are you trying to say it's wrong to generalize a large group of people?
>implying a female made this thread
come on now

my group only has this problem when one of us tries to include a gf, OP
the rest of them might as well be guys, you should probably fuck off because if you're seeing this it might mean one of them wants to fuck you

I'm gay and I hate how females use me as an accessory. Dudes are much more interesting people who actually have passions and interests beyond the banal.
I disagree. I have male friends and I wouldn't date any of them because they're friends, and also because I'm gay [/spoilers]. We just do normal stuff, play videogames, get drunk and talk about which chicks from high school we would bang.
Hanging out with a female friend is just not the same as hanging out with a real bro.

First, beetween bros we can have talks that would be absolutely awkwards with a girl, you know, bros things. The last time I saw one of a bro's female friend trying to fit in, she just was talking trash and sex and it just wouldn't feel the same.
Also we can be total assholes-like while playing games. It's just about crushing your friend with perfect scores and perfect taunts and perfect SSS-RANK shit, and somehow each time you try that with a female she'll show some sort of ressentment towards you or just say at some point : "Ok stop, this is annoying, let us do something else."

Eventually, if we want to hang out seriously while talking serious stuff, a female would be ok. Otherwise, I'm sorry but they just can't take it easy.
>And it always comes down to someone fucking that girl sooner or later, ALWAYS.


Girls also almost always cause drama when they start banging someone, they can completely ruin friend circles and give back nothing in return.
"The only thing that men and women have in common, is that they both prefer the company of men." -Oscar Wilde

While I was looking that one up, I found the most amazingly /r9k/-related quote ever: "Men who cherish for women the highest respect are seldom popular with them." -Unknown
I can sense a lot of different types of men in this thread and they all don't like to hang out with girls.
>99/100 women I meet are not fit for proper friends material
>That 1/100 that is fit out is more enjoyable to be with than most of my guy friends
>not finding flatulence funny
are you female?
>I've known girls who loudly told me (and I'm sure they even believed it themselves) that they were fans of [x], and when it came to chatting about it they had exactly jack squat to contribute and either tried to change the topic or fast expressed their boredom.

Nothin rustles my pajamas further into Abaddon than a girl trying way too hard to be my friend

>her: "what are you doing?"
>me: "_______"
>her: "oh, I LOVE _________!"
>me: "Cool! What's your favorite X about ________?"
>her: "I don't know :3"

>female friend
>boring piece of shit, expects to be entertained all the time

>another female friend
>pseudo nerd, thinks she lives some underground lifestyle
>thinks she's funny
>feminist who always trying to push down everybody's throat how society is opressive to women and how nobody should judge sluts

Fucking women
>>4044206 (OP)
Pretty much, can't joke about certain shit with girls. You don't have that sense of camaraderie either.
>;_; y do gurlz alwais frndz0ne me?

Seriously. Read through what you just said. You are bitter as fuck.
Women with a bunch of men ruins the group dynamic. In rare cases, a woman can achieve bro status.

You're all too sensitive.
Put that stick back in your vagina. Fart jokes are always funny.

I can determine from these few posts of you that you are either:
1. Female
2. Male who loves 'discussions'.
23yr old here. All my life I've tended to be friends more with girls than guys bc there's always this subtle element of competition and aggression between guys, and I'm a pretty passive and nonconfrontational individual
>these few posts
>implying i'm the same person that was replying to you
You are a funny man, anon. Can we hang out?
Nah, you're just hanging with the wrong dudes.
>Fart jokes are always funny.
I bet if a girl made a fart joke you wouldn't did it funny. What now?

Aside from that, saying fart jokes are always funny is just overreeaching.
>how do i into context

No. And sarcasm from a girl isn't funny either. What exactly dont you understand about this? Girl making fart jokes = disgusting. Male making fart jokes = funny.

are you actually going to be autistic because I said 'always'?
>I bet if a girl made a fart joke you wouldn't did it funny.

Did what now?
ITT: Autists arguing over fart jokes.
Is backpedaling only funny when guys do it, too?
>tfw i never had a female friend

feels good man
>>4044206 (OP)
A few reasons.

1. Girls tend to be more sensitive than guys. Women don't like talking shit openly. They're nice to friends (but often don't mean it) whereas we guys like to be rude to friends (but don't really mean it). The banter doesn't work so good. And the problem is that if we use banter on you it comes off as flirting, which leads me into #2...

2. There's always a certain subcurrent of romantic or at least sexual interest. Maybe we don't have an actual crush on you, but we'd still have sex with you if you were willing, and we're also usually open to the idea of transitioning from friendship to relationship. This creates a bit of an uneven way of seeing each other since girls generally don't consider their male friends potential sexual partners, while guys do see their female friends that way.

3. Girls tend not to have interests as focused and in-depth on things as guys do. Men get really into stuff, when we like something, we can get pretty obsessive. Especially us guys on the autism spectrum, we get really into things. Women on the other hand may like something, but they tend not to get into it so much, they're more interested in people.

4. Sort of related to #1, but when a bunch of guys get together, we're really relaxed and we do our thing. When a woman is present we feel like we have to watch our behavior because we don't know how much of the stuff we do she's ok with. Related to #2, it can create tension between guys, especially if one or more of them is interested in one of the girls present. That's why men like their men-exclusive activities, it's an opportunity to just bond with each other without worrying about drama.

I guess it's those four things, mainly.
My male friends just treat me like one of them. And I treat them like they treat each other.

So I guess it really depends.
Women are different from men. Gender roles are real. More at 11.
>1. Girls tend to be more sensitive than guys.
Stop reading there.
It's true. Deal with it, feminist. There's a reason men don't complain about hurt feelings (in public, anyways) while women do.
>>4044206 (OP)
I never really had much more than girl friends.
I was always an outcast in the school among the males so I always hung out with girls. I blame my odd thoughts and ways of thinking on it. I really do have to work hard to have "fun" with my male friends. They really offer me much in the way of free time but I just cant have fun on the spot with 'em.
>There's a reason men don't complain about hurt feelings
LOL haven't you ever stepped outside? Men are the biggest whingers out there. Seriously.
There is a reason why it is called "brotherhood".
It's a deep bound between men which consists of trust and loyality. Chivalry.
The friendship between a man and a woman will never be the same as between two men,
simply because it isn't influenced by love or affectionate feelings.
You know, love is blind. Even if the guy doesn't love the woman,
he will see her with different eyes just because we're all humans and want to procreate.
Also guys don't see themselves as rivals. We don't tell each other how beautiful we look today.
Women do. There will always be a kind of competition in a girl-girl friendship because of this.
Feels good to be a man.
Women, you'll never know what unconditional friendship feels like. I'm sorry.
Not here in Canada they are. A Canadian man won't open up about his feelings in public, he won't complain, hell, he won't even admit when he's lost a fight.

Where the fuck do you live?
I think my bros are usually more shallow with me than they seem to be with their gfs/female friends.

I guess the humor is different though.
When girls are around, sexist jokes are usually less frequently told.
UK. I can tell you've never worked with both genders. My god, you dare to make a man feel even the slightest little dent in his pride at work and holy shit.
Sounds like france or some other faggot place like that
British men must be massive pussies then. Clearly you've never been to Canada.

You should come here some time, and see what real men are like.
Most guys would think girls make bad friends because their friendships consisted of the guy wanting to fuck the girl and the girl friendzoning him.

I think girls make great friends, even better friends than guys on average. But a guy and girl can never have the level of bro-tier relationship two guys can have.
Canadians are just softly-spoken Americans who apologise all the time.
I would argue that would make men more sensitive, because they understand that people don't want to hear about their problems.
Annoying people with your issues is an insensitive thing to do.
>Country ruled by women where feminism took over everything
Canadians are fucking pussies. Your point?
as a Canadian man, I disagree with a lot about what you say. We're not all stubborn, ego-driven fools.
The guys that complain about shit in here, are usually the guy that can't get friends at all because they're social retards.
Nobody said stubborn or ego-driven. We just don't whine or cry about feelings or complain about the situation. We're stoic.
Oh shit nigga, you dumb?

Men are sensitive as fuck, we just dont show it, we are able to leave it in. But shit does bother us, a lot. Bitches are the one that be ice cold when they need to. Men are not as good in being ice cold.
So true man. Girls are super malleable though, so pretty much all the women I hang out with are starting to like all the same shit I like lol
>A Canadian man won't open up about his feelings in public, he won't complain, hell, he won't even admit when he's lost a fight.
More like because if you open up women will just shut you down.
That's the thing. We can be shallow fucks 99% of the time, but when it gets right to it, we can be serious and empathic.
I think it's usually heterosexual females who are the most boring. I have two good friends--one a lesbian, one bi--who are two of the wisest and most exciting people I've ever met.
How they treat you is not how they treat each other when you're not there.
>Men are not as good in being ice cold.
Women are not better at being ice cold than men, it's simply because there's a much bigger contrast between being ice cold and normally caring that it stands out more. Since you don't expect men to generally care as much it's not as much of a contrast between their regular behaviour and being ice cold, so you think they're not as good at it.
I agree that men are typically less sensitive. The funny thing is that guys who usually go on and on about this are just as if not more sensitive than girls.
>Women, you'll never know what unconditional friendship feels like.
Yes I can, all I have to do is pretend to be a man.

>I'm sorry.
No you aren't.
I'm male and most of my friends are female. I just find them fun and nice to be around.
I'm a male who has never had a girl who was just a friend. I like the idea of it. I imagine it to be kind of like having a sister but it's okay if there's a little sexual tension there because you're not related, and it's also okay if the sexual feeling isn't reciprocated because you're friends.
I don't think so, more like you just think they do.
Women, usually special snowflake ones have such delusions.
>>4044206 (OP)

It's not so much that women make bad friends, it's just that being friends with a woman has a pretty high chance of evolving into something bad.

My best friend was a girl, and I've never met anyone cooler.
Had to break it off though, because feelings came in the way. Still miss her.
Blame the princess complex young women have due to men wanting to fuck them 24/7. They think the world is there to entertain them and they make the worst friends.
>be yesterday
>hanging out at a lunch table with my girlfriend and her friends.
>we've all hung out together more than twice, even helped them throw a party so everything is chill.
>fraternity brothers come over
>girls start talking about boring stuff like hair so shift my seat to their table
>we start laughing like crazy at stupid stuff, making up raps, having a good time
>go back between tables,
>dude's table was always more fun
>girl at the girl table starts chanting and clapping and I join in for fun.

(but granted I knew the fraternity guys longer than I knew the girls)

girls have the potential to be fun too, just gotta hang with the right girls.
you hit the nail on the dick, man. When I'm hangin with girls I always gotta be "on" or else shit gets boring and quiet. they'll start sitting their silently because they can't talk about their girl stuff around me and it almost feels like they expect me to say something to continue the convo. with dudes I can just sit there and not even give half a fuck.
it's a little better, but not by much.

I have a mostly lesbian friend who likes to pretend to flirt with me. I didn't feel like putting in the time to bone her.

if they're full lesbian (Ive never known a full lesbian girl as a friend) then I assume it would be better. bi and it's just as annoying.
My sister's best friend is a guy, supposedly they got over any of the related issues years and years ago. They've been best friends for 6-7 years and they live together since she needed a new roommate after her old one split on her. They're more like bros than anything, they just watch movies and play vidya all day when they don't have school/work.

I found it a bit weird once when the guy mentioned another person (actually, another girl) as his 'best friend at college' and my sister acted almost offended to ever not be considered his best friend, even though the other girl was someone he had classes with and was his neighbour back then, so you could see why they might be good friends. He's a pretty normal guy too, relationships are just weird as fuck.
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Men and women cannot be friends. I'm a woman. I only like to have female friend.

Once upon a time, I used to be somebody who thought "LOL I DON'T SEE GENDER I SEE PEOPLE xD" and tried to befriend everybody regardless if they were male or female. It worked... for a little while. Sure, I had some women who hated my guts because of their own jealousy and shit, but I also had trouble in paradise when it came to my male friends. They ALL WANTED ME. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. THIS IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION; EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY PAST MALE FRIENDS WANTED SOMETHING MORE. And when I made it clear, directly or indirectly, that nothing was going to change, guess what? They would blow up at me, I would be hurt and confused, and then we would stop talking. Rinse and repeat.

Finally, I said, enough was enough, and I'm going to stick with just making female friends. I have told this to other women, that men and women can rarely (if ever) be just friends, and all of them would scoff and insinuate that their male friends don't think about them in that way at all. I don't fight with them and let them enjoy their blissful ignorance. They'll learn on their own, after all.

Don't knock down every single woman you come across. Yes, a good number of them suck balls, but you'll come to find a few gems. I've found one and yes, sometimes she gets emotional, but she is honest and sticks to her word. She works hard and she loves to make others happy. I would rather be with female friends and have deal with their emotional up and downs, than have male friends and every single one of them have a hidden agenda that would make my parents blush furiously at such thoughts.

I hope this post illuminates your confusion on this subject.
>inb4 rage

stay salty, monkeys.
I love how everyone here is pointing out that it's impossible to have a totally platonic male friendship.
I had a big group of friends, which was 4 of us girls and 4 guys on average, give or take a couple other dudes, there were two couples in the group before any of us became friends, and me and the other girl were totally platonic in every way possible with the other guys.

Because some people in the world have other priorities but sex -- and whether you like it or not, anons, "biological programming or not", they were better people.
Our group would have fallen apart if the guys prioritized sex and relationships.

It was the perfect friend group...
So perfect...

>Robots here are going to actually believe that it's your fault and that women are worse friends then men.

It's the men that ruin male/female friendships every time, I give every dude I come across a chance, but that doesn't change it is 100% true that the reason men and women can't be friends is most often the men fuck it up.

It's called moving to a whole different city.
I hope you've heard that people do it.
I usually have better friendships with girls, but that's because I am a beta and have more in common with them than other men.
Yeah kind of hard to not make men jealous when you describe in detail how you're off taking alpha male dick up the ass every weekend and still trying to befriend somewhat average looking, maybe somewhat romantically misfortunate guys.

Fuck off, it's your own fault whore.

Or blame them men who want to fuck them 24/7 that cause them to develop the complexes.

The main solution to any problem can be tackled by going for its root.


Holy fuck post of the year.

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Sorry, doll. That's just how it is. It's not your fault and you know it's not, so don't let it get you down in the dumps. After all, what do salty monkeys do when they're upset? They fling shit at you. You're better than to fling it right back, okay?

There's nothing you can do about it except becoming really unattractive, and you know that's not a fair trade when all you want is a simple platonic friendship with others.

You're better off just hanging with the girls. There are good ones out there, you just have to keep that heart open.
Girls who are actually fun to hang out with non-sexually or non romantically are way rarer than guys who are fun to hang out with.

Girls generally just aren't very fun.
It is.
You are trying to speak on the behalf of billions of people because of your dozen of anecdotes.
You can have female friends. But it's usually the partner or girlfriend of one of your male friends. Married couples are the same.
>Oh hey anon! Sorry I can't hang out this weekend, my boyfriend and I are going to a movie

The aspie rage is hilarious

That's one of the reason I don't want to lose anymore weight then I have and stay fat.
So that I don't have to worry about all my guy friends wanting to fuck me.

Which is cool, I'd rather stay single and have guy friends who won't be attracted to me then be hot and never have a real guy friend except my gay best friend ever again.
This is exactly what ive been going through for years now, because i grew up a tomboy. I can get along with girls easily, though, so would you recommend i start only making friends with them?
Guys are much nicer to betas, women are the ones who hate them. Maybe you are effeminate.


since im a straight guy, i dont relate to girls the same way girls and gay guys do. every time i ever got antiquated with a girl, either i was attracted to her, she was attracted to me or both

the only girls ive ever been just friends with are female cousins, even though its rare that i hang out with them one on one. friends girlfriends too i guess, even though im only around them when their boyfriends (my buddies) are around

>Don't have sex
>Don't want relationships
>It's my fault men don't want to be friends and can't accept there's people out there who don't want to date them.

I don't expect people to be like me, but people would be more productive and less useless if they put sex and relationships close to the bottom of their priority list, and they don't.
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>because of your dozen of anecdotes.

Try having 40+ different cases and come back to me, muchacho.

>You are trying to speak on the behalf of billions of people

It's not just my experiences with other men. I've observed this in other people too. When I see a man and a woman talking and being "buddy buddies" I can see the hope in the man's eyes that one day, just one day, she'll take him into his arms. Except she won't.

And in the rare case that the man doesn't like the woman, sooner or later the woman is going to wonder why he isn't so affected by her looks just like with the other adoring men she has to deal with on a daily basis. Combine that with the jealousy she will feel when she sees him dating another woman, and you'll have the case of the "foreveralonegirl ;_;" bullshit.
>I hang out with girls and speak to them more often when I'm single
>when I'm in a relationship I sorta vanish, probably because my lust for pussy is satisfied
>just noticed this
>Try having 40+ different cases and come back to me, muchacho.
If all 40 of your male friends wanted to fuck you, I think you have a serious problem with befriending desperate guys.
The problem with women is that they date/fuck completely different men to those that they pursue friendships with. What they don't realise is that this simply doesn't work.

When you're willing to fuck the alpha type men to no end, yet still come crawling back to the beta types for platonic relationships, you expose yourself as the shallow slut you are.

If you want to whore yourself out to alphas, don't act like you can reasonably be friends with betas. You can't have both, I'm afraid.
lmfao what the fuck am I reading? you're just using "DIRTY MENS TRYIN TO RAPE ME" as an excuse to stay unhealthy
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Sure, why not? It's not like I want you to hate men or anything, but just realize that they're MEN with different ways of doing things than you will. Recognize and appreciate the differences, but don't get too close unless you desire a romantic partner.

If you want to find interesting women to befriend, go beyond the old advice of "derp college herp work" because there's too many women in those two places to find good ones. Join a club that caters to your own interests, and you'll bump into other girls who enjoy the same said interests. Then you girls can go from there.

No, she just had a serious case of befriending men.
This shit literally happens.
girls are not funny
they don't make good jokes
if one manages to pull off a decent joke (the kind bros might chuckle for a second at) it's awkward because that's her best effort and it still is mediocre.
dude here. guys do the same too. when you subconsciously rate a girl a 4 or a 8/10 you're putting them in your fuck pile or your "she'll find someone someday" pile.
I'm not going to read all this stuff, but I think the majority will say women and men can't be friends.

That is true, there is always an ulterior motive to men getting close to women(circumstances do exist, homosexual, asexual, a person who just looking for a friend)

No one probably posted this.

Men know it, Women know it. But there are scenarios where a straight male and straight female can coincide with each other as nothing but friends.

So it's all cleared up now right?

>Girls are not funny
They aren't, you're right.

>Implying that's true.

I don't want beta friends or beta boyfriends.
Everyone I associate with is Alpha-type.
I can't even stand hanging out with girls for too long if they're too "beta" and quiet or don't think for themselves.

I can't stand beta PEOPLE, I want friends who will stop in front of my house in the morning in their car, pull me out of bed and make me go swimming/other activities/whatever.

No, I'm saying "I want to have friends" as a reason to stall my choices.
It's kind of a hard choice, never have a good guy friend again or just be sat and die a decade earlier or something.

>Implying health has anything to do with it for anyone anymore.
>friends with this girl who has a boyfriend
>I get to know one of her friends and get close to her
>after a while she gets passive aggressive saying ''I know you like her more than me''
Bitch are we dating? No.
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>I think you have a serious problem with befriending desperate guys.

Yeah, it's called being a hot chick. Do you want a cookie, Mr. Nye?

Hell, you don't even have to be a hot chick to have this problem; just get a vagina and you'll see what I mean. All of these guys come from many different backgrounds, different statuses (Single, taken, married, etc.), different ages, and so on. And yet, one way or another, they would confess that there's something delightful about me that they want to take it towards the extra mile. Then I would lol and die a little on the inside.

This isn't some magic trick. It's biology. Men love pussy, unless they're gay of course. What do I have? A pussy. By that logic, they will always want more unless I resemble a pile of crap. And why would I want to inspire to appear anything as close to that just to have a platonic relationship with another man?

But hey, keep at it if it makes you happy. The rest of us know what's up.
Admittedly yes, I do.

The difference being here is that I don't specifically pursue those girls I find unattractive and string them along into entirely platonic relationships for no reason. Whereas the vast majority of women would quite eagerly do this with men.
I'm a normalfag, and have plenty of female and male friends

my female friends are easily the most drama oriented, selfish, pretentious fucks ever. they can't take jokes at all, and they certainly don't share any if at all of my hobbies. and heaven forbid if i cancel plans on them because my house is on fire or something, they still manage to make it all about them

another problem, is the girls who give you all the signs of being interested, then being defensive, and even angry when you make a move. then getting even more mad when you tell them to quit that shit.

and when they aren't any of these things? then they nag the SHIT out of you, holy fuck, if i wanted to be nagged, i'd give my mother a call
This so much, it's like female sports, even their best ie nothing when compared to men's.
>The problem with women is that they date/fuck completely different men to those that they pursue friendships with. What they don't realise is that this simply doesn't work.

Except if you're not a complete bitch who develops feelings for every girl you meet it does.

>When you're willing to fuck the alpha type men to no end, yet still come crawling back to the beta types for platonic relationships, you expose yourself as the shallow slut you are

>enjoying your company
>"crawling back"

That makes little sense and all I'm drawing from this is that you're upset they're not having sex with you.

>If you want to whore yourself out to alphas, don't act like you can reasonably be friends with betas. You can't have both, I'm afraid.

Bullshit. I have plenty of female friends but I'm not the sociable type of guy who goes off partying and what not. I simply enjoy their company and I don't care who they fuck just as long as they don't turn into complete bitches.
>He doesn't like Margaret Cho

Look at all this shit taste.

You both clearly don't know any fat girls.
>fat girls
Only fat black women are funny. Fat white women suck.
>fat black woman detected
Fat girls are awful, black ones can be decent if they're ghetto.

I actually agree with you, lol.
lol. can't help but agree with you there. I've gotten really good at cutting off the girls that do that too me. lets me focus on the girls that don't.

sorta related story
>meet chick at work
>get along really well, practically feels like we were meant to date.
>always makes me laugh
>really sweet
>didn't want to fuck because of a bad experience, wanted to wait
>we stopped talking for a while
>get back in contact with her, everything is cool now
>I didnt' want to wait for her to warm up either because she was overweight

>meet current girlfriend
>had little problem waiting a couple of months on and off to stick it in because she has a banging body, loves getting fingered to obilivion, and is still fun to be around.

Who the fuck are you, Billy Joe Bob Crack-Em-And-Whack-Em?
girls for the most part make shitty friends

bullshit drama, manipulation, feelings controlling actions, not apologizing unless to manipulate, talking about guys they've fucked, talking about the dick size of guys you know (WHY), using you as an emotional tampon, never initiating conversations, never initiating hangouts, leading you on romantically/flirting, getting buttfrustrated when you develop feelings, awkward conversations with parents, etc etc etc

sorry, OP
>sleeps with his friends sister

lol okay bud
I'd find it hilarious.
>leading you on romantically/flirting
>getting buttfrustrated

Oh, but see, when it comes to men, a woman merely sitting her ass down on a chair a foot away from him makes him think that she's flirting.

It's not women's fault that men are fucking retarded.
That's the word I was looking for, thanks.

So every female friend of mine is jealous and wants to get with me? I highly doubt that. Dat generalizing.
but that's wrong, atleast in my case anyways
>My male friends just treat me like one of them. And I treat them like they treat each other.

but you're still saying that you treat your male friends and your female friends differently.

Why is it only ok for women to do this?
>Men are the biggest whingers out there. Seriously.
>basing the outside world on what's been discussed at /r9k/
So is it safe to say that a girl must be unattractive if she has no male friends?
>woman merely sitting her ass down on a chair a foot away from him makes him think that she's flirting.

nope. more likely, the type of man who gets into friendships with women will either ignore flirting (oh, she's just being friendly etc) and not reciprocate until the pattern continues for a long time, at which point he develops doomed feelings for her.

>It's not women's fault that men are fucking retarded.

it's not men's fault women flirt for self-esteem and attention, then play the dumb victim afterwards.
>but that's wrong

Except I'm right and you know it. Women can't even fucking glance at a man anymore without him bouncing on his huge balls thinking he's going to get some.

No. Sometimes a girl is smart enough to realize that men and women are too different to be friends.
Except you're wrong, and I know it

i've been on the receiving end of quite a few girls who show massive interest for attention then completely shut the guy down

and girls wonder why guys are douchebags, christ
I detest drama, no I don't, nope, I apologize way too much, virgin so nope, aha nope, nope, I always do, again.. always do cus people just don't, nope , nope and nope.

That may be because i'm an outcast and have always gotten on better with guys. Either way that list you made is bogus.

Then stop befriending the hookers at the red light district. There's other places to be than Detroit, bitch.
>Yes I can, all I have to do is pretend to be a man.

Oh, women. Stay superficial and untrue to yourself in every single way. Half of the world depends on that behavior.
>list is made with the caveat at the beginning "in general"

maybe your guy friends don't like you as much because you're an annoying cunt.
>i've been on the receiving end of quite a few girls who show massive interest for attention then completely shut the guy down

Then you must know some shit-tier women. Which happens often, so I can't exactly blame you here.

But, other women don't do that and men still fall for them.
I know that feel bro, I just want a girl I can hang out with without having to worry about all the bullshit that comes with a relationship.
>women who flirt with their guy friends for attention and self-esteem are whores

so all women are whores, huh? thanks for proving robots right, i guess.
When discussing which girls were date-able, fuck-able, etc, my male friends said they would feel gay if they even thought of me as attractive. Does that mean they consider me "one of the guys"?

or you're fat, and they're using that as a cover
>Then you must know some shit-tier women. Which happens often
>admitting that women often make shitty friends
>still buttfrustrated that guys think women often make shitty friends
No, it means you are butch as fuck.

Time to shave that mustache.
Aha wew someone is mad. I'm just saying some of those things in the list are stupid. Lets not have a hissy fit.

The last statement is also hilarious because you know shit all about me. Just because I disagreed does not mean i'm an annoying cunt. You're just a dramatic bitch.

Even if I tried to sway them that not every single woman is a whore, they wouldn't believe me so it's a losing battle anyway.
>your name calling of me is wrong!
>here let me call you another name!

it's the retard olympics folks
and yes i am aware i'm doing the exact same thing


>I'm just saying some of those things in the list are stupid
>denies everything on list
>"that list you made is bogus"

>Just because I disagreed does not mean i'm an annoying cunt
no, quite right. you could easily disagree with what i said without being an annoying cunt. you didn't do that, though.
>still buttfrustrated that guys think women often make shitty friends

I don't think I even said anything about that, though.

A lot of women have glaringly obvious flaws that make them terrible people, but I can say the same thing about men too.
>I love how everyone here is pointing out that it's impossible to have a totally platonic male friendship.

I love how you ignored all the posts saying it wasn't impossible, rather, very unlikely for a man and women to be friends without feelings developing to better suit your misandrist agenda.

Us silly boys, amirite?
>blaming someone for misunderstanding a vague post

but you can never be a bro....



Nah, you're just being incredibly dramatic.
Somethings said in the list were bogus so yea.. the list is bogus.

Btw, you do not need to dissect everything you see. It's just a flaming comment on a board.
And alright, i'm an annoying cunt but you're a dramatic bitch. I know which one i'd rather be.
>A lot of women have glaringly obvious flaws that make them terrible people, but I can say the same thing about men too.

i agree. but even flawed women/men get along with each other when they're friends within their gender. when flawed men and flawed women try to be friends, it's a recipe for disaster that both sides will blame on the entire other gender.
But, I like my mustache.
Seeing as I'm not fat, and two of them are banging ladnwhales, I'll take it as them accepting me.
>It's the men that ruin male/female friendships every time, I give every dude I come across a chance, but that doesn't change it is 100% true that the reason men and women can't be friends is most often the men fuck it up.
>its men's fault

See this is why no one takes women's grievances seriously. Here we have a thread of both men and women civilly discussion the difficulties of heterosexual platonic relationships between men and women, and why men treat their guy friends differently than their girlfriends and all the Feminist Internet Defense Force wants to do ITT is spin it into misandrist propaganda.

You're no better than the same meathead males given our gender a bad name.

Generalize more, please.
>Somethings said in the list were bogus so yea.. the list is bogus.

just because the list didn't apply to you doesn't make it bogus. i said "for the most part" before it. what part of this aren't you understanding?

>Btw, you do not need to dissect everything you see.

i do it anyway, though.

>And alright, i'm an annoying cunt but you're a dramatic bitch.

because i called you a name on an imageboard? a bloo bloo bloo
my point is proven right here
>Or blame them men who want to fuck them 24/7 that cause them to develop the complexes.

Or don't blame anyone for a natural phenomenon that occurs when two mammals of opposing sexes meet each other in the wild, just because we've created a domesticated civilization.

We're in this together, femanons, those of us males that give us a bad name do so because those of you that give women a bad name, and in turn, those women do so because of those same men.

Its a vicious fucking cycle and we're an old enough civilization for this shit to have ended by now if it wasn't kept in place to keep people in check..

Holy fuck did you only read that post in this entire thread?
1. No, it wasn't that it didn't apply to me. It's because even the notion of some of those things listed were hilarious. You are reading to many threads on this board.

2. Wrong again. I called you a dramatic bitch because you completely flipped not because you called me a name.

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I'm not the guy you've been replying to, but

>And alright, i'm an annoying cunt
>admits to being a cunt to seem above everything
>mfw it makes you look like those "I'm a bitch, deal with it" girls

You're just about done here. Pack your bags and leave.
>even the notion of some of those things listed were hilarious.

like what? i'd like to hear your objections.

>You are reading to many threads on this board.


>I called you a dramatic bitch because you completely flipped out

didn't flip out, i called you a cunt. i didn't even put it in caps.
>makes you look like
Doesn't mean I am one and i'm not actually.
Either way, I honestly do not care what you think.
>And alright, i'm an annoying cunt but you're a dramatic bitch. I know which one i'd rather be.
uhh, neither you dim fucker?
As much as I agree with your willingness to accept the "Way things are", I disapprove of your downplaying of the complications created by platonic relationships between two sexually mature human beings.

I find it sad and disappointing that both men and women are responsible for procreation, but only men get shit for being concerned about it.

I'm sorry I'm looking for a mate to build a nest and start a family with at the moment, and I'm glad to hear that you are not, but for one you don't have to actively search for one, because it is not the females role to do the approaching and asking out, but that doesn't make me a bad person for avoid situations I know won't end well.

If I know she's the type of woman I would develop feelings for, which is likely why we get along so well, why should I still be friends with her?

Why are woman so obsessed with Tantalus?
>You are trying to speak on the behalf of billions of people because of your dozen of anecdotes.

And you're still ignoring the fact that its been said that cases of platonic relationships between two heterosexual partners of opposing genders CAN exist, but are extremely rare, to further support your claim that men are pigs and should be made to feel bad about it.

I have a fantastic male friend that I am sexually attracted to, and the feeling is mutual. And we're very happy being friends.
>I have a fantastic male friend that I am sexually attracted to, and the feeling is mutual
i don't follow, why wouldn't you guys escalate it?
The way you said it gave off the impression you were pretty annoyed.

>Not apologizing unless to manipulate
whut.. just... whut
>awkward conversations with parents..

You dudes must hang out with some right arseholes.
>>Oh hey anon! Sorry I can't hang out this weekend, my boyfriend and I are going to a movie

The irony of this post is that even if this situation were to happen between two males, the male that got blown off would still feel betrayed

>implying women understand the bros before hoes rule

Silly women, you simply cannot into fraternity. Stick to sororities, sewing circles, and book clubs.
>we're very happy being friends.

this is what's called denial, folks. a common defense mechanism that seeks to rationalize a problem by claiming to be okay with it.
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>Doesn't mean I am one and i'm not actually.
Yes, I'm quite sure you're the best person to be the judge of that. You're already 2-1 on people thinking you're a cunt, that's a pretty big indicator.

>Either way, I honestly do not care what you think.
Hence your constant replies. So how long are you going to try to get the last word?
>Which is cool, I'd rather stay single and have guy friends who won't be attracted to me then be hot and never have a real guy friend except my gay best friend ever again.

That's kind of odd, in one sense you're ignoring the human nature of heterosexuality, on the other you're condemning relationships with women.

I have a question for all the girls ITT that would rather have guy friends than girl friends: If you, a female, don't want to surround yourself with girl friends, why would we?
To cut a long story short, he's twice my age, has kids, and isn't really in a position to be dating.

But we have all the companionship of a friendship, and are honest with each other about the situation, and it works just fine. I'm seeing other people and he's genuinely happy for me.
Well I wouldn't know now would I op. I (almost) haven't met a girl I wouldn't like to be engaged romantically with. But as a friend I've only seen just one who I'd think be decent enough.

I have shit male friends though, I'm sure those could be easily replaced with equal or better female friends.

But girls don't share my interests most of the time. Fact is, most girls don't seem to have interests. So.. Yeah. They probably so though.
I'm not the only one to judge that. I
2-1 people........ on the internet.
Over the internet it's pretty easy to come across as a cunt.
I'll keep replying as long as I think your answers are wrong... or I decide to go to sleep. Which ever comes first
>>It's my fault men don't want to be friends and can't accept there's people out there who don't want to date them.

No its your fault that you simply refuse to sympathize with why platonic relationships between two heterosexual members of opposing genders won't work and continue to demonize them by "blaming" anyone in the first place


Oh geez, I wonder why you can't sympathize with the sexual drives of those around you.

Either a. find more female friends, or b. find more asexual male friends
>Not apologizing unless to manipulate

many human beings are manipulative in some way. guys are more likely to be able to deal with male manipulation, and the same with girls (although there are lines in both scenarios that, when crossed, lead to conflict). women who manipulate refuse to believe/admit anything is their fault. if they're ever convinced something is their fault, they publicly defend to their death the assertion that it's not. if they ever admit something is their fault, they're doing it to gain something from it.

not making value judgments on manipulation or saying guys don't manipulate, just saying that guys find this kind of shit INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING.

>awkward conversations with parents

more of an afterthought, but if you ever have a friend of the opposite sex and one of you meets the other's parents, chances are the conversation is going to be awkward as fuck.

I play video games. I kick my guy friends' arses at Tekken and other fighting games. Although I do understand why the concept of a girl regularly playing video games (and I don't mean those shitty "gurl gamers") is weird. None of my friends are that big on video games though, male or female.

Platformers are my favourite though. I'm addicted to Alice Madness Returns. Massacring the residents of Wonderland never gets old.
So much truth, so many delusional princesses refusing to accept it.

If I could, as in if you let me, I would give you my seed simply because I like the way you think, don't think that means I like YOU or anything, Haruko-chan.
>>4044206 (OP)
If you analyse fun you will see that being on the edge of something or being forward. Things that require courage or ballsy-ness or even foolishness are things that are regarded as fun or exciting.

Most women aren't the most forward people. If you got a less prominent guy in your group. How does he compare to you?
My lifelong friend is male and my best friend is male. I get on extremely well with my lifelong friend's parents and I get on nicely with my best friend's parents. She even said I have a nice aura. How nice.

and I have never ever came across your first point. The only things I noticed among the female friends to the male friends is the drama. So I give you the drama point.
My point is, if you both know the score, it's a lot easier. Maybe a lot of people wouldn't consider the situation okay, but it works for us.
>The problem with women is that they date/fuck completely different men to those that they pursue friendships with.

/r9k/ peace prize for that statement right there.

You'd have to be a tomboy for him to disregard all the anatomical differences that makes you awkward in bro-greetings.
>strong circle of bros
>attractive, unattached female worms her way into the group
>suddenly lots of infighting and aggression as they all compete for her attention
>group is fractured

This has happened to me at least twice in my lifetime.
>and I have never ever came across your first point.

lucky girl. i've come across plenty of it.

>i get along nicely with my best friend's parents

that's awesome. however, it's likely his parents talk to him regularly about how he "should hook up with that cute girl who's always coming round!" in which case it's still awkward but you don't see it.
>it works for us.

you keep doing that
>2-1 people........ on the internet.
>"People are calling me a cunt, but since it's on the internet it doesn't count even though no one would defend me or say otherwise."
Yup. Seems legit.

>Over the internet it's pretty easy to come across as a cunt.
I guess if you're trying intentionally.

>I'll keep replying as long as I think your answers are wrong... or I decide to go to sleep. Which ever comes first
So I guess you'll keep trying for the last word. I don't really care anymore. Though I can see why you said you're an outcast now. No one would want to be your friend unless they're equally as much of a cunt as you are.
>dude here. guys do the same too. when you subconsciously rate a girl a 4 or a 8/10 you're putting them in your fuck pile or your "she'll find someone someday" pile.

Yet you don't here guys complaining about girls not wanting to be friends with them because of it ITT
And bros were supposed to be special?

You're fighting like girls around some guy.
>That is true, there is always an ulterior motive to men getting close to women(circumstances do exist, homosexual, asexual, a person who just looking for a friend)
>ulterior motive

Seriously? I can't take any post that demonizes one side over the other to heart. You obviously think men are some how worse at forming relationships with the opposite sex than women.
bros are special. not everything can withstand a male's desire to get his dick wet. if one guy started acting like a dick about it, the rest of them would take him out for a beer, tell him he was being a dick, he'd apologize, they'd all get drunk. but if multiple guys do it, it's not just about getting their dicks wet--it's about competition now, too.
>Everyone I associate with is Alpha-type.
>alpha type
>tends to be competitive
>jealousy stems from this competition
>wonder why alpha males avoid girls that fuck other alpha males instead of them

I seriously hope you're mopping up what I spilling.
I know for a fact it doesn't happen with my best friend's parents.
And though it pains me to say you are right. The mother of my lifelong friend is constantly saying "future daughter in law".. Absolutely kills me when she says it.
Though she is like family and so is my friend so it's not awkward, just annoying.
>I can't stand beta PEOPLE, I want friends who will stop in front of my house in the morning in their car, pull me out of bed and make me go swimming/other activities/whatever.

Would you do the same for them? It seems like you're beta yourself, if you don't wake up in the morning to call your friends, see what they're doing, and plan an event of that scale from there.

Nah, that's too much work, better to find and cling to people that do all the thinking for you.

Typical female logic.
>it pains me to say you are right
>you are right

fuck yes. good talk bro, i'm out.
I simply enjoy their company and I don't care who they fuck just as long as they don't turn into complete bitches.

Most guys don't like hearing about girls problems with other guys. You seem to be an exception.
>Oh, but see, when it comes to men, a woman merely sitting her ass down on a chair a foot away from him makes him think that she's flirting.
>It's not women's fault that men are fucking retarded.

And here we go with THIS SHIT.

This isn't about men's inabilty to pick up on women's subtle body language, this is about why men treat male friends differently than female friends.

Go be feminist somewhere else.
>So every female friend of mine is jealous and wants to get with me? I highly doubt that. Dat generalizing.

I read the post you responded to and fail to see your point.
>Except I'm right and you know it. Women can't even fucking glance at a man anymore without him bouncing on his huge balls thinking he's going to get some.
>special snowflake
>is likely still in high school

Again, stop ignoring the generalizing posts and reply to the posts that aren't so obviously biased.

Oh wait, you like picking fights with people you think you can win against....continue.
>generalizations about generalizations making generalizations

I would impregnate you and raise our family together based on your trolling skills alone.
>Then you must know some shit-tier women. Which happens often, so I can't exactly blame you here.

Its because of the shit tier women that exists, men are less likely to befriend a woman in the first place, and even then, they will STILL TREAT THEM DIFFERENTLY THAN THEY'RE MALE FRIENDS, which was the point of discussion in this thread.

Hell even the women ITT are admitting what we've been saying is true, they just want to bitch and moan about particular guys in their lives that they wish weren't the way they were.
Yes and no.

Its normal for people to hide their truest intentions to blend in with the harmony of the relationship.

If they eventually cut all contact with you, you will know why.
>You're just a dramatic bitch.
>must have the last word in the argument
>calling someone else dramatic

My jimminies have been Rorschached into abaddon.
>I'm isolating this particular group of immature people so that my own immature behavior is justified by their existence.
Why would I date men I'm friends with. If we grow to hate each other that would tear apart our group of friends. I would rather date someone who was nice to me but didn't share any friends or hobbies.
Hate to break it to ya, but he probably friendzoned you because you aren't attractive to him.
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picture relative to the subject at hand
>tfw my best friend is a female
>tfw we love each other in the simplest way
>no uncomfortable feelings or jealousy involved
>have no desire to get sex from her

It truly is the sweetest deal.

Or maybe I'm just not a real man for not pursuing sex.
>A lot of women have glaringly obvious flaws that make them terrible people, but I can say the same thing about men too.

Thread is about why men treat their male friends differently than their female friends.

Check your mad.
Holy shit, am I the only friendless person here?
Only had one female friend, and she wasn't really my friend, she just wanted to date me because of my hair or whatever. She stopped talking to me because she understood that I didn't like her this way.f I also had about 4 male friends.

I'm friendless now, but I want to have friends again. Your description of girls (boring and cold) really fits me, does it mean I'd be better with female friends?
>1. No, it wasn't that it didn't apply to me. It's because even the notion of some of those things listed were hilarious. You are reading to many threads on this board.
>having an opinion

I got your back, bro
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If she's attractive and is a good friend: guys want to date her

If she's unattractive and is a good friend: guys assume (correctly) that she wants to date him

True friendships between males and females happen when one of them is homosexual, when they're family members, or when the girl/guy in question is in a relationship with your friend.
But really tho

swami pls go.

>Either way, I honestly do not care what you think.
>still replying to posts ITT
>"S-so! I'm not! W-why would I even care about your stupid thread anyway, anon-kun!"

Ohhh tsundere-chan, tell me more about how you don't like meee~<3
Different relationships escalate at different speeds, what is "just friends" now, is likely to become more serious as both sexually interested partners get older and older and realize how pretentious and difficult it is to act is if you live above the sexual desire.
I don't understand. Are you saying that you prefer a man to whom you can't relate or who can't relate to you?

> If we grow to hate each other that would tear apart our group of friends.
Why do you have to hate an ex - presuming that the relationship tanked? If the relationship worked wouldn't that be a gain?

By that definition, most women are shit-tier. It's incredibly amusing that women who are by definition glorified prostitutes, still think that they can be anything more than a piece of ass to a man. A womans value is determined by her looks. If she is ugly, fat, or deformed, she is of no use to a man as a friend or a lover.

I know it sucks, but this is just the way people are. And women do the same thing with ugly beta guys, so it's just men that are the problem.
What's the best course of action for a girl who meets men with shared hobbies more often than she meets women with shared hobbies?
So you would date him if you could, but you can't and you're ok with this?

A platonic relationships this web of lies does not make.


*Not just men that are the problem.
>I'll keep replying as long as I think your answers are wrong... or I decide to go to sleep. Which ever comes first

I think she likes you >>4046511-kun
These guys will tell you to stop being an attention whore because it makes them scared and confused to imagine a woman with hobbies that don't revolve around socializing.
>You're fighting like girls around some guy.




Seriously though there are some girls out there that want to fuck one guy in particular, that if they can't get his interests, they'll get under his skin by fucking his friends and making him jealous.

Yes, its not a majority of situations, but it still happens and is likely where that particular poster is coming from.

We must open our mind to all possibilities before we pass judgment.
Stick to your few female friends.
i'm a female and i have some male bro's who i would say im close to, i think because I'm a stoner tho and i hang out with stoner dudes in general its a way for us to relate , plus guys don't get as horny whilst high and conversation gets real interesting. I love having religious or scientific debates or discussions with my dude friends, only a few of my female friends are into physics and atheism and all that kind of stuff, tho i have collected a few awesome female friends along my journey in life who i can talk to about that kind of stuff too.
Boys will be boys, girls will be girls. Girls are just boring, they're too sensitive and they can't take banter like the LADs.
>"Men and women can't be friends because my friends and I have never experienced it."
>point out that you have friends of the opposite sex
>"Well, they aren't real friends because I say so."

Is this thread full of christfags or something?
You seem to argue like them.
you're late for the party
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mad feminist tears are the most delicious tears.
If they just say "men and I can't be friends" or "women and I can't be friends", they'll feel like they're lesser, so they have to impose their lifestyle upon everyone.
>tfw I have a (female) friend who is the total bro-iest of any women I've ever met
>tfw I'd still rather hang out with my guyfriends
I think so OP. I guess it boils down to not being able to see from each other's point of view. It helps so that your friends can get a rise out of you. My male friends can sympathise with my interests and I can with theirs. With girls, even though it may be the same thing, we just can't seem to level with each other.

Its also because I've never met a girl who was funny (not just fart jokes - genuinely witty). They all rely on lol so randum memes.
Males only think females don't make good friends because they're more concerned with fuckin 'em rather than actually BEING friends with 'em
Girls are fucking weird, guys. Have you ever heard a conversation between two women?

>"Omg I can't wait to have babies!"
>"Haha you should just stop using condoms with Gary"
>"Noooo I couldn't! He only makes 50k a year!"

Not. even. trolling. And you guys want to be friends with these demonic creatures
>Not. even. trolling
come on now

I'm not. I'm 23, and all the girls I know are thinking about babies - not even marriage, just BABIES. Idk if it's this weird biological clock thing or whatever but it's creepy and they need to make a male birth control pill ASAP
I've always thought I made a pretty good friend to the guys I know.

I lend them books constantly, have conversations about literature with them, we have (non-girly) tea parties, I'll cook them food and I'm known among them as a great source for pastries. They come to me for help in personal problems too. Or sometimes just to talk and get something off their chest.

It may be because they're not bro/alpha types - they're not looking for someone to go to bars with and talk about sexual exploits. For the most part, my friends (both male and female) just seem to want a quiet retreat and good conversation. I guess I fill a kind of grandmother role for some of them, even though I'm around the same age.

I'm already married, and most of my male friends are too, so that probably also factors into why it works out.
It freaks me out too.
Now I know why some men aim for younger women.

>that feel when your cousin had a planned child outside of wedlock
How the fuck do you even reach that conclusion?
>can't commit to each other
>make something that links you together for rest of your life instead
>white trash logic
I wonder if there is seriously any men out there who refuse to befriend a woman and has all male friends.

Cause I'd date a guy like that. Less likely to cheat and stuff.
I'm a fan of your work
>Less likely to cheat and stuff.
No, men like that are actually much more likely to cheat on you. They'd probably expect you to enjoy their infidelity.
I like to argue with my friends over politics, games, math, technology, and pretty much anything else. I can say whatever I want to my friends and they won't be offended, but every girl I've known gets upset when they lose an argument.

This is obviously anecdotal and any generalizations over this experience wouldn't be accurate in the slightest, but it is the reason why I like my male friends better than my female friends. In fact, I can't hang out with my female friends without the presence of other male friends, because then there would be no one to discuss the aforementioned topics with.

It wasn't vague, I said had.
It means lots of things could have happened.
People move all the fucking time.

If someone said "I had the perfect dog."
People don't usually assume I gave it away, they assumed it died.

So my friends wouldn't have been perfect if we didn't stop hanging out cause of distance.

>Implying you and I aren't one of hundreds who can acknowledge that it's a cycle, and not one or the other's fault.

As social beings, humans, it is wrong for either one to focus on nothing but procreation.
Assuming we didn't live long lives with opportunity and shit, assuming we were just like animals and had to survive, pass our genes on, then die, then your point would be correct.

However, that is not what life for as humans is anymore, and thus, yes you can blame men for being concerned about it, because they're not just "concerned" about it, they make their lives revolve around getting pussy and then get mad when a girl doesn't want to give pussy.

Also, most people who want sex don't want to procreate, they just want sex, so your point is pretty invalid.
Sex is hardly for procreation anymore, most of it is for pleasure only, so you can't say "herp it's just their innocent biological programming to want to procreate."

Technically it's in biological programming to fight to the death for the right to mate, do we accept it if someone does that? No.

It wouldn't even be bad if guys could actually admit that it's NOT a girl's fault for not having sex with him (it's not his either, but it is definitely not hers)

And if they could admit THEY'RE the downfall of platonic relationships between male and female, because they're usually the ones that turn it awkward by wanting a fuck or confusing themselves that they "love" the person.
Not that it's an exclusive male thing, girls have done it, but the majority of males fuck up platonic relationships.



Fucking babby.

I never said I don't want female friends.
I said I don't want any romance of any kind, but I want lots of friends.

I like girl friends for some things, and guy friends for other things, I never said I liked one more then the other.

I like individual people a certain way.
It's stupid to blow off a friend because gender. No difference then blowing them off cause of race.

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