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come on lads, its saturday. lets put on our best pair of chinos, go to the wetherspoons, drink some carling, have some bants and pull some fitties.
>>3998772 (OP)

bants, it sort for 'banter'

I fucking hate lad culture
But I like wetherspoons. They do good food there.
I'm doing my best to decipher this.

"Come on, gentlemen, let's put on our best pair of shitty pants, go to the pub/bar, drink some beer of some sort, have some interesting conversations and attract some good looking women."
all aboard the banterbus.
I'll translate:
Come on good fellows, it's Saturday. Lets put on some beige pants, go to the pub and enjoy some lager whilst having a good crack on. Oh, and fuck bitches.

Or something to that effect
Is sort short for short?
>>3998772 (OP)
>not carlsberg which is 2 pounds at wetherspoons, far cheaper than any other beer there

just saiyan
>tfw my ex now fucks morons like this on the regular.
mad max iii: beyond banterdome
>dating a girl that would fuck guys like that
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come on akhoyas, its infadel day. lets put on our best pair of combats, go to the mosque, pray to muhammed, have some jihads and pull some habeebed sluts.
>implying I dont have green/red chinos

Get on my level, lad.

Nigga best not be mocking wetherspoons. They're good for a cheap mixer and you can get a few bottles of Sol or something for only a few quid.
>mfw everywhere I come Sol costs fucking 5 euro's per fucking bottle.
I have two local wetherspoons: one is chavvy and shit and the other one is fantastic with great food.

Also, I am British and have no idea what bants are.
oh euros
I fucking hate lad culture, especially all the UniLad, Lad Bible etc. shit that's on Facebook, worse thing is my friends like their posts so it comes up in my feed
>lad culture

reasons my life is better without a facebook profile general
at first lad stuff was laughed at....then everyone went to uni and became lads. this is when i stopped going out, didnt wanna force myself to do shit i didnt like to fit in. now just doing what i enjoy...i do miss the old days before everyone reached the drinking age and completely changed

>hurr archbishop of banterbury
everyone here is spot on with the lad impressions...


vice even wrote about them...
bump for more robot talk on banter/lad culture
I've not seen them in cambridgeshire 0_0
Those trips...

I find the lad culture very amusing and tongue in cheek, but I wouldn't engage in it. Its fun to be ironically laddish.

>inb4 hipster
My nigger, Cambridgeshire represent

true dat. wetherspoons here in belfast is cheap and surprisingly not many chavs go there
Britain... What the fuck? What happened? You guys used to rule the world! You owned us before the war! You burned the White House to the ground! And now this? You've changed, bro. We need to talk.
Love, America
Don't even start Uhmerikan.
Thank god that we don't have some kind of "lad" culture in Holland.
That fucking feel

>17 friends like The LAD Bible
>tfw i used to respect some of these people
you serious?
what do lads get up to over there? I mean, you're RIGHT next door to us
wetherspoons is for faggots
where did this shit even come from? it literally sprung up out of nowhere in a matter of months

the world really is coming to an end in 2012
been around for ages in britain, but someone recently posted about it in /r9k/ and all it takes is one person
thanks to the internet other countries can laugh at cultural jokes which would have previously been inside jokes
>in Wetherspoons
You what mate.
yeah im from the UK too. i know theres always been a drinking culture but its changed...probably from social networking and stuff. but i mean where did the whole...look of lads come from and the words banter and lad etc.
Jesus christ, fuck the UK. Is it this bad in Canada? Seriously considering moving there.
Don't know. When I go to a club I don't see any 20 year olds doing those things. Also the part of holland where I live people don't drink before they go out. They drink in a club and do funny/crazy things. We party till 4 AM. Belgium people party till 6 or 7 AM.
In my experience it's nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be. It's just some words that became popular. Everything else is the same as it always was.
it's being going on at least 2 years now
double dub-trips
ye i mean before that....like when it did start, it came about pretty quickly. i dont mean it just sprung up right now
The chino-vintage-instragram shit is about to implode on itself, but "banter" isn't cool anymore. Hasn't been for a while now. Saying banter or screaming LAD doing something stupid will get you laughed and ridiculed out of a party now.
Nothing just "starts". Shit, man, how am I supposed to put a specific date on it?
Two years ago.
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Exactly. Drinking culture hasn't changed. Some words because trendy and then stopped being.

>I have no face when

My hometown is too small for a Weatherspoons; the ones in the surrounding towns are pretty shit though, one filled with miserable old men and gyppo families, the other pretends it's a nightclub and ID's you about 7 times before you can get to the bar.

I prefer my hometown, which is a wretched give of scum and villainy, but on an MCAT frenzy.
God I remember when you could just go down to the pub for a few drinks. Now everything has to be this bullshit #LAD where you go to some shitty nightclub.
>Some words because trendy and then stopped being.

/r9k/ has given me brain damage.
Whoops, didn't even mean to quote you there.
>I meant hive, cunt's sake.
sometimes I wish the entire UK would just sink into the ocean
don't worry man. My english isn't that great sometimes.
What kind of music do they play at clubs in the UK ?
I only know what kind of music they liked in the 90's but not now a days.
I think it's important to clarify whether we're talking about students or older blokes here.

Students make up the majority of drinking culture, although it's a little exaggerated. A lot of the time they're playing up to the advertised image of "the lad" rather than actually being that person. I used to be a student. Me and my mates had plenty of "messy nights" where we'd "get our swag on". We weren't chavs, we were a bunch of fucking nerds doing Computer Science. It's the image, it sucks you in.

In older people, this drinking culture you see depicted everywhere barely exists. Most "normal" guys I know go drinking maybe once or twice a month and nobody says "lad" or "banter".

>anecdotal evidence
basically the same as america
>Also the part of holland where I live people don't drink before they go out.

What kind of shitty part of Holland is that? Also what shitty part of Holland do you live that you only party to 4 AM. Tekneu afterparty till 10 AM, bitch.
Depends major places will probably play a mix of dance, dubstep and indie bands like Kasier Chiefs or Kasabian.
Mostly shitty jump-up with some autotuned woman singing about love. Occasionally brostep but thankfully that scene is dying.
I fucking hate clubbing.
any chart shite. people stuff like nicki minaj, rhianna and drake
wetherspoons = 1.99 a pint and 5 shots for a fiver... count me in.
pretty clear it's cancerous student chino curl-monkey assholes
isnt it usually liquid dnb that has women singing over it about love or some shit?
In Australia Saturday Night Having an Awesome time Friend fucking sitting in the corner I'm havingan awesome time they want to go stand in the corner of some overcrowded nightclub thats ecpensive as shit $20 entry tfw 12pm train home now fuck them
>tfw student
>tfw chino
>tfw curl

Well fuck you, man. I'm just trying to look good, because women approaching me/assaulting me makes me feel good about myself.
If you people invented the language how come you don't use it right?
Hmm not the music like in the movie "weekender".
>wearing chinos
>curling is a big/only part of your exercise
>also a student

yeah you should probably kill yourself
>be 16-17
>go to raves, get fucked up and make out with random girls
>now 20 and whenever I go to a rave I'm to self conscious to talk to people much less get at girls
>hurr durr you should have Hitler Youth, dress /fa/ and only do squats and eat oats because the internets told me so

Haters gonna hate, bitches dig it.
Ecstasy is your friend.
Yeah, no. If all you do is bench and curl you're going to look fucking retarded.
Yet I still look good because I have naturally big legs.

Go and enjoy your t-rex mode.
to you big legs maybe, probably not by anyone who lifts standards. what about even back development? calves? hamstrings? rear delts? triceps? yeah ok, only work out biceps...you wont look weird at all
I have a slight addiction to cocaine which makes e not work as well for me anymore
Drugs in general don't make me confident anymore either
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Keep telling yourself that. I have never heard a single person say that who actually had big legs.
That dude gets a load of bitches, why does he need to do legs?
people have other reasons than bitches for working out properly....maybe people dont wanna look retarded with muscular upperbody and no legs...maybe people want to look porportional. maybe they just wanna feel good instead of "WELL IMMA DO DIS FOR DA BITCHES"
It has nothing to do with proportioning, if you don't have a well rounded work out, you just wont really make gains(the guy in the pic is an exception because of roids)
Squats and DLs pump testosterone and growth hormone


I fucking hate this shit.

>Skezza just KB'd some lass and necked his pint, LAD!

Fucking roustabouts.
The compound -> test/GH thing isn't entirely true, I've known several people that have done nothing but isolation movements as well as bench/ohp who have grown pretty huge.
Obviously that's only anecdotal evidence - but, meh.
this just showed up on my twitter timeline...

After shagging a new girl I often say "wow, I didn't expect my first time to be like that" Just for the look on their face #PostsexbanterLAD
brb getting yucky with the boys
messy as owt
gully as fuck, fam
And what if I feel good because I have a muscular upperbody and getting bitches?
muscular upperbody =/= just biceps

enjoy your injuries
Girls hate skinny legs
>implying I dont do back, core and chest excercises.
>implying you do triceps, rear/lateral delts enough

also your lack of lower body too. and i have a feeling you dont even do back properly but w.e
please just make a thread on /fit/ so they tear you apart, you clearly have no idea what you're doing
ITT: shlads with no mates, chat or banter whine because we're all having a better time than them. And we have way better lids
"Lads" do not say the second one.
>good food

pick one
im from the UK and i can barely understand what you said
>I have no idea why I'm doing X, but /fit/ told me to do it so I just did.

>implying I dont do three types of triceps excercises every day.
Oh right, you're not from the south.

Because you're not #unay enough
>implying exercising the same muscle everyday makes sense

theres a reason bodybuilders (who are on insane ammounts of roids) dont train the same shit more than twice a week. you are over training and have proved you dont know shit. you need time to let things repair. you probably dont train hard enough otherwise the DOMs would stop you from training the next day


>tl;dr u jelly?

GB2/soc/ plz
Oh god, just fucking kill yourself. It's common knowledge that excessive isolation is nothing short of dangerous and will give you no gains at all. I bet you aren't even eating properly.

Get on a bare bones compound-centered routine, sort your eating out, or don't fucking work out.
You still get DOMS after a week training? Lol.

>Implying I ever use the words "shlad" "chat" "banter" or "lid" in an unironic way
>implying I'm going to listen to you
>implying I dont get compliments about my body all the fucking time
>implying I need to know what I'm doing to look good and feel good

And yes I'm currently eating a bag of Doritos. STick with your oats and your gin&tonic, fag.
no...but training EVERYDAY doesnt allow the muscle to repair itself properly. my DOMs go away after a few days. lets say you get some DOMs after day one..muscle doesnt repair from that but you train it again. more DOMs. then again the next day and so on....its stupid. you are stupid. you dont know shit. go curl in the squat rack and wear one of those tight shirts with huge stupid v necks
Dont you understand that you have got me completely figured out and I couldnt give less of a fuck?

I AM that guy you hate so much. But I bet I'm happier than you.
do you even nutrition. diet is like 70% of your aesthetics. i noticed you havent put up a pic to back up your bullshit claims
Why would you deliberately deprive yourself of useful advice that would make you a LOT bigger in a FRACTION of the time?
You're a fucking vainglorious idiot. Enjoy your inevitable injuries, which could possibly stop you ever working out again in your life.
>couldn't give less of a fuck
>continue replying with bullshit

dont you understand training?
He's a troll, just stop
Have you ever considered that I might not like your precious squats, deadlifts and goddamn oatmeal?

I want to look good, but I dont want to reduce the quality of my life. This way, I look good, get compliments, feel good, get girls and do all of this while never having to reduce my intake of beer, fastfood or whatever.

I guess I should not be suprised, /fit/ and /r9k/ are autism central.
>lad culture

How the hell did chavs get into uni?! I thought they all dropped out at GCSE?
>a healthy regimen reduces the quality of your life
this is what people actually believe
>i want to look good but i dont want to put in the effort needed
>implying you look good
>implying the people complimenting you know what real muscularity is
>implying you feel good when you feel the need to validate what you do on /r9k/
>implying anyone not drinking alcohol or eating fast food is missing out, or depriving themselves of happiness

it makes me feel good to be healthy
>doing shit you'd rather not do
>not reducing the quality of your life

Pick one and only one.
theyre worse than chavs tbh.
You don't have to do squats or deads if you don't want to as long as you're working your posterior chain somehow
There's nothing to stop you drinking and eating shitty food
You're going to get injured and make awful gains
Chavs = Working-class idiots
Lads = Middle-class idiots

The middle-class idiots get pushed by their parents to go to university
>discipline is bad for me and I have no interest in bettering myself
>I embrace illness and injury with open arms
>I can keep this hedonistic lifestyle forever
>implying you look good
How long have you gone without a girl telling you 'youre hot!'? For me, a day.

>implying the people complimenting you know what real muscularity is
What the fuck do I care? I care about my peers, I dont care about what some random SQUATSANDOATZBRAH faggot thinks of me.

>implying you feel good when you feel the need to validate what you do on /r9k/
Actually I'm just banned on LoL and I have nothing to do with my time currently. This is fun for me.

>implying anyone not drinking alcohol or eating fast food is missing out, or depriving themselves of happiness
If I would deprive myself of alcohol I would deprive myself of good memorable night's out where we I do dumb shit. It would deprive me of doing something I like, which I dont really want to. I could probably do without the fastfood, but meh.

Why so buttdevastated though? You really spend too much time on /fit/ in their circlejerk. It's much like turning misogynistic from too much time on /r9k/, you actually lost track of what regular people care about.
>>4000000 →
wua ihgiuarhguiahrg iuahrgiuha eruigheruigh
I challenge you to find someone who has followed an exercise and eating plan for a year who will tell you they regret it.
What's so great about discipline? What's so bad about illness?

>let's work out and do roids
>ohshit I died on the floor of a sauna in Bangkok
>well atleast I had discipline and made gains
1) makes you sound like a cunt whos probably lying
2) "i care about my peers" you are a tool
3) sure
4) you are implying that people NEED alcohol regularly or they wont have good memorable nights out.

im 99% you're a troll....but its hard to stop replying here
It's a daily routine on here that someone curses the world because they told him he would get mad bitches if he worked. Thos people then worked out and shit and were still too socially inept to get girls and regretted putting in so much effort.

This is much like the countless of >baww this girl doesnt like me when you people do anything you fucking obsess about it and devote your entire life around it. Chill the fuck out, people.
>implying Zyzz didn't have a congenial heart defect
>implying Zyzz didn't do cocaine/other stims and do a shitty cycle which only aggravated it
>implying Zyzz didn't live exactly the same lifestyle you talk about loving but have it amplified 100x because he actually knew how to work out and make gains

>What's so great about discipline? What's so bad about illness?
Did you seriously ask these two questions? Nah, I'm just dicking with you now. Do whatever the fuck you want, but seriously bro - you're going to get injured and make shitty gains.
Not really. They don't tend to get violent in large groups.
They should be cursing themselves for believing it, and the idiots that told them it would.
zyzz had genetic heart condition, did class a stimulants. pre workouts and roids on top...THEN went into a sauna. and no one here said anything about you HAVE to do roids. just if you gonna work out, do it proportionally
Allow me to explicate, if you will.

"Gentlemen, let us depart for adventure on the following terms: we presently find ourselves on a Saturday, and therefore lack both engagement and obligation on the morrow. Therefore, we should don our Gorringe breeches and attend the local cocktail lounge for a trichotomy of the consumption of alcoholic beverages, a light-hearted social conference between ourselves and, ultimately, to find ourselves beneath the petticoats of the local matrons with whom we shall engage in rigorous bouts of intercourse with."
>What's so great about discipline? What's so bad about illness?
lol what
>generalisations everywhere
>1) makes you sound like a cunt whos probably lying
So a long time, then? I can assure you that I'm not lying.

>2) "i care about my peers" you are a tool
So you care about what random people think about you? Alrighty then.

>3) sure
Pic related

>4) you are implying that people NEED alcohol regularly or they wont have good memorable nights out.
No great story ever started with
>So I was just sipping on my Tonic in the club
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Damnit forgot the picture.

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