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I hope you robots enjoyed your board. /b/ is on the way over. /r9k/ is a goner.

Incorrect, a raid would be highly difficult due to the impossibility of typing duplicate posts, which throws most posts which are viable in raids out the window.

BTW, maybe dubs.
Stay savvy, you awesome man.
I feel like I should probably just keep on getting dubs for a while, which should I do, 99 or 00?
Yes, but any /b/ traffic over here will bee too much, no?
Wut, I got 99?

That's odd.
Doubles! How long I've missed You...
Check my lack of dubs get.
fail by win
/b/ has chosen a good time, 4m get coming soon...

This has been added for content. And this as well. Fuck getting muted.
Well, shall I keep on getting dubs or shan't I?

Great, now I have to get 22.

Thanks for stealing my dubs.
That is certainly a good get. /b/ will make this happen tonight instead of some time late November.


It said I typed it wrong when I obviously did it right, then it gave me a ridiculously hard one the next time.
Oh sit /b/, er, I mean robots, the sun is coming up. I better get to bed.
666 GET NEEDS to be in this thread.

On another note, I think a car near my house is being stolen.

Seriously, it kept on beeping in an odd pattern.
it better be good
Have you noticed there is "le" in doubles? xD
don't know about you bros but it just doesn't feel the same here.
Hell, I may be able to wait out the 666 get. I would call that a good enough win... an disturbance to the force... etc.
I wonder how the robot can store the 1 trillion pictures on 4chan in it's memory without overloading it.

I think I love you.

Here we go. 666 get. Let 'er rip.
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The amount of dubs in this thread is mindblowin!
I can only assume that it would be an improvement. This board may as well be called traps, whores and depression general.
I shall be your servant, master.
NB4 miniature little shit storm.
God dang-it, I was going to post for 666 but it muted me since it wasn't an original post.

I guess I'll be back for 4M get.
Oh Jesus no.
>>3998571 (OP)
lol /r9k/ is a goner you say?

Good luck with these fucking /b/tard fucks trying to get past the filter!

I can only imagine it.
>Bro check it, I got my image of dubs guy.
>Post it BRO!!!!!
>It says I'm muted.
>Try it again bro?!
>Now I'm muted for 4 seconds!!!!
>Fuck this place bro lets go back to bee.
You are the real 4chan b-boarder alfa get getter! Gratz!
4M get! xD
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You better give me these dubs or I will rip your neck off and shit down your throat.

Metaphorically of course.
Thank you.

To my minions, we must find a way to infect the robot. The cancer in /b/ has spread badly enough to jump boards. We can make it happen. No chemo will rid /r9k/ of the malignant growth. The flag has been planted. /r9k/ is going down like your mom on that nigger trash collector.
We must do every post we can imagine that people will post in one of these threads in the future.

Hopefully by 5M the bot will be so full of posts that barely any will be able to be made.
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the more dubs i get
the longer my e-penis becomes
Young Jedi Master, your wisdom is beyond your years.
Why don't I revive this boring old dubs/4m get thread with some more dubs!
>>3998571 (OP)
Having a shitty night. could use some dubs to cheer me up...
If I could get one doubles, I'd choose 77
No dubs for you. Get again.
Not me. I'd take 66
Even if it took me 2 posts to get.
muh dubs
sorry, I'll get your 66
Or FUCK FUCK FUCK 3 posts to get. Fuck. Fuck.
Wait for it. Wait for it. NOW GET!
Ok, just since you said so, I might try.

Though me getting all these dubs seems really unfair.

I might set off an unbalance in the universe.


And you fucked it up...
maybe I'l get 77 after all?
>mfw memearrows and triples
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At first I didn't realize that that was trips.

Then, even after I realized it was trips, it took me longer to realize it was 777 trips.
why the fuck do they want to put so much effort into seeing a random number?
I know what you may be thinking: Tripcode? You tripfag!

But I just know how much you all want to claim my dubs so I thought it was best that I get one just for this thread.
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We got a Beast get and a God get in the same thread. I think this means something. This is important!
Wow, big fail on my part there.

Well, I at least hope that we can get the 4M get.
I'm going to cry in a corner now.

For a really really long time.

I might come out once I have ideas for OC.
OP out. I'm going to bed. I'll come back Tuesday for the 4M get. Unless, of course, trips get again. lol
What about 8888 quads get?

That would be something to admire.
keep up the posts /r9k/. want 4m tonight
Oh god what.

So, whenever I don't try for dubs I get off by one.

Whenever I DO try I get it spot on every time,

It must be a curse

wait wtf just happened

what the fuck

Soudati upon
Oops, I meant it the other way around.

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You guys smell that..?
That new /b/ smell? Smells like beer and seaman.
The next big one is 999999.

which i shall aquire
something get
i see your 33 and raise it to 55
my 55
i said my 55
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>>3998571 (OP)
MFW you think /b/tards will last 2 posts without getting muted
>implying 66
no 66 for you
or me
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I wonder if 999 get will happen...
hell yeah
999 like herman cain
Where is 999?
if trips allah is the only real god
Well, damn, I almost got trips.
Wow you guys suck at getting dubs/trips.

Well, I'm still re-sorting my /b/ folder so I'll be back later.
>>3999000 →

>>3998999 →

Upload it to mediafire, I need to expand mine.
I never really saved much until lately.

Even now it is ridiculously small compared to other collections.
Bumping because I want dubs and I want to see more dubs.

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