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    84 KB Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:19:40 No.3998496  
    Is it bad that I am sort of girly

    ie. I am not into sports, not that physical, im slim, I enjoy clothes, i enjoy celebrity gossip and all that

    Not just for picking up chicks but in general.

    How do I stop being this way because people always say to be yourself but when I do i find myself not really able to relate to the guys or I find myself not really wanting to hang out with girls because i want my own set of guy friends

    pic sort of related
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:21:02 No.3998505
    just go out and try manly shit and if you dont like it then fuck it

    you should realize that even if a man sits down to piss, he can still be masculine as fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:21:05 No.3998507
    Finding a real interest, besides those shitty ones you listed would be a good start.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:21:21 No.3998514
    >ie. I am not into sports, not that physical, im slim, I enjoy clothes, i enjoy celebrity gossip and all that

    I can understand and relate to all of that except celebrity gossip. Srsly, wtf iz rong wit u? It's fine being girly, so long as you aren't a dumb blonde type of girlyboy.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:22:31 No.3998528

    Oh god you are just like me in every way lol, only difference is that i do sport. Aren't we called metrosexuals? Every time that i am dating a girl, and i want to tell her i want something more, she thinks im gonna tell her im gay. Is really sad.
    >> Jake the Snake !j4G6ACBbiE 04/21/09(Tue)21:24:31 No.3998544
    Pretend you are gay, and become a yoga instructor. Fuck the hot students when class is over, their boyfriends will just label you off as a homo when really, your filling her crotch 3 times a week.

    It's only bad that you're girly if you think you're girly. Become manly or don't. As it is, I don't thin there's a good solution to your problem if you are both uncomfortable around men and women.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:27:12 No.3998564
    Thing is that i dont even know where to start with trying out new hobbies because to be honest i dont know what interests me

    Would eating out more and trying out new resturants be something?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:29:28 No.3998587
    It'd be a start. Do you like reading? Hang out at a book store and read there. You like the vidya? Do you know if there's anywhere you can chill and play video games outside of your house, at the malls in my area there tons of places like that.

    If your in school try to find out if your school has a school lounge, hang there for a while.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:31:26 No.3998602

    lol you can really make friends at the vidya gaem stores? Wouldnt you just make some small talk then never see each other again
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:35:15 No.3998638
    Not stores bro, believe it or not arcades with actual good games aren't dead, places where you have to interact with people, and theres a dark room in the back behind the cabinets with games that actually came out after 2006, where you can play against an unholy number of people, of course you have to pay for membership, but you wouldn't believe the people you' run into, also small talk is how things start, you don't automatically become friends with someone, you have to talk, if you like em then you should try keeping in touch with him somehow.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:35:16 No.3998639
    I've made friends in guitar stores before. I start small talk about guitars/music, maybe play a few songs with him in the store. And if the dude seemed cool I ask if he wants to jam sometime. We exchange numbers and I give him a ring later on.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:36:39 No.3998650

    Sounds interesting, how do i go about finding such a place
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:41:38 No.3998705
    I kinda fell over it myself, I was with a girl and she brought me to the mall. I didn't really wanna go but she talked me into it, she brought me to the place. I wouldn't know how to find others, also in larger game stores where they allow you to play games. These places are scarce and hard to come by really.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:41:59 No.3998710

    You won't have the courage to talk to anyone. You will just stand in the corner, grimly watching what is going on. Then you will leave after about an hour and ask /r9k/ for advice on how to be more social.

    - I am You
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:43:18 No.3998724
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)21:47:00 No.3998773

    lol nah i think i am fine tlaking to peopel if there is a common interest. Come to think of it the close friends i made during highschool started off with videogame talks
    >> Anonymous 04/21/09(Tue)23:36:11 No.4000102
    Just to add, i just get stumped when there is nothing to talk about
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)03:58:17 No.4002843
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)06:01:34 No.4003537
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)07:38:36 No.4004158
    Many people think I'm gay too. It's pretty fun and at the same time frustrating. I just get along with most people and I can hold a conversation about stupid shit because I have knowlege about popular culture and shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)07:40:57 No.4004171
    op i want to suck your cock (gay here)
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)07:42:15 No.4004176
    It's never hampered my ability to get laid. You need to hang out in the arty/gay/whatever part of town.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)07:42:36 No.4004182
    Dude, I don't think you're fine talking to people. Not using any language that could be discerned as English anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)07:51:41 No.4004224

    You don't have to stop being any way if you don't want to. Stop trying to conform to whatever is the status quo. If friends are giving you a hard time and talking behind your back, fuck them and find new friends.

    Also, if a girl thinks you're gay because you're not being the stereotypical guy that she's dated before, then again, fuck her and find another one who isn't so closed-minded.

    You have to remember that people are stupid today. I mean seriously fucking stupid. HURR DURR I HAVE TO ENJOY SPORTS TO SHOW YOU I HAVE TESTOSTERONE!

    >> Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)08:26:14 No.4004405
    I get hit on by a LOT of gay guys, but I've sort of found my "rhythm" now.

    Masculine males have focus - a sort of assured and serious idea of what is right and what they want out of any given situation. It's this that make a lot of women weak in the knees. I like gossip mags and shopping - I even pluck my mono-brow and moisturise! But apparently I act masculine, dominant. You may be acting submissively, or unassuredly. While is this is more common in females, there's nothing wrong with it in males. Some women dig whimsical guys - just not as many as dig "take charge" guys.

    First figure out what you want. Are you justifying the way you are? If so, stop. You can be whoever the fuck you want to be and find people who like you. If you want to change, it's really only a subtle attitude adjustment you'll need. You just need to remind yourself (constantly at first) that you are a MAN and you can handle ANYTHING. Take charge of every situation and don't be afraid to screw up.

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