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    American Censorship Day: November 16, 2011
    On November 16th, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" will be heard in Cogress. This legislation, in addition to the Senate's "Protect IP Act" completely undermine and fundamentally change the core principles of the Web. They have the potential to radically alter or shut down sites like YouTube, Flickr, 4chan, others, and all new companies that follow.
    See for more and help us stop these bills from becoming law.

    (Site back online after DDoS—sorry about the downtime. Be sure to follow @4chan and @moot on Twitter and check in the event of future downtime.)

    File : 1321412988.jpg-(74 KB, 552x541, 1314621075331.jpg)
    74 KB Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:09:48 No.398879  
    What happened to /adv/? It seems to have just vanished and there's no posts there.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:10:57 No.398892
    It's still there, but it's like a worksafe /soc/ now.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:12:06 No.398903
    >Before /r9k/ deletion
    Relatively low key advice board

    >/r9k/ deletion
    /r9k/ refugees pour in, followed by the 40% of /r9k/ that is composed of femanons who like being talked about and getting free attention for posting their gender

    >/r9k/ reborn
    Misogynyfags, omegas, betas return to /r9k/, femanon attention whore train follows, /adv/ reverts to original state

    No big deal.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:13:24 No.398912
    Oh joy, another migration of warm bodies sadder than /r9k/. My penis is tingling with anticipation.. Or is it sarcasm?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:13:29 No.398915
    a lot of all them betas and shit came back over to r9k. Also /adv/ never really had a huger userbase, so most of them probably gave up on 4chan for a bit while the DDOS is happening.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:17:04 No.398963
    OP here obviously has made a thread on /adv/ and is upset that noone has responded. Link me to it, I'll help you out bro
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:20:07 No.398994
    i used to be a s/adv/irgin but since this place came back I haven't returned. It was a pretty shitty board.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:29:00 No.399095
    It's not that it's that if I actually go to /adv/, the board itself isn't there.

    Actually try going to /adv/. Also look at the header and the bottom of the page, it's actually not there anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:30:53 No.399120
    looks fine to me... maybe ddos affected your view of it?

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