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  • File :1240279427.gif-(35 KB, 800x800, languages.gif)
    35 KB Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:03:47 No.3985224  
    English is the best language. Its only real flaw is the spelling rules which are generally nonsensical and riddled with exceptions. In all other aspects it is perfect.

    This video contains samples of most of the languages addressed in the image to the left.

    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:04:48 No.3985235
    Oh boy, this looks like a totally intelligent and objective point for debate. Awesome!
    >> George Clinton !!HMIAkafuBVk 04/20/09(Mon)22:06:14 No.3985248
    >English is the most commonly spoken language among businesspeople around the world.

    fixed bro

    thats really all you can say.. gtfo with your "best"
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:06:31 No.3985250
    Well, I agree 100%. C:
    >> Jake the Snake !j4G6ACBbiE 04/20/09(Mon)22:06:35 No.3985251
    >list written in english
    >video spoken in english
    Granted these would both be appropriate if it's true, I still sense bias by default.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:06:41 No.3985253
    French- Je nay plooh fim et toi mon fe lay bonne.


    English- ???
    >> George Clinton !!HMIAkafuBVk 04/20/09(Mon)22:07:48 No.3985268
    Also, cool pic, guy.

    >Chinese. Kanji.

    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:08:36 No.3985277
    SHIT TIER : Herbrew

    have you ever head it? it sounds like the last raspings of a dying person
    >> Jake the Snake !j4G6ACBbiE 04/20/09(Mon)22:10:01 No.3985301
    For what it's worth, english is the most universally spoken and reserved for the upperclass of society for non-english cultures.

    Chinese is only popular in a very concentrated part of the world while English is popular across the globe.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:10:06 No.3985303
    Fucking seconded.

    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:10:23 No.3985307
    You know, those 2000 or so characters that make up their language. The Japanese use them too, but not all of them. Shit sux.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:10:46 No.3985314
    SPOILERS: Languages are not inherently superior over another, all they are is mode of communication. People who prop up one language as better than another language are ignorant fags.

    Oh yeah, and lol at English being "the best language". If you were learning it as a second language like I did, you'd pull your fucking hairs out memorising the shit-tonnes of irregular construction.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:11:42 No.3985324
    chinese characters aren't called kanji in chinese dumbshit
    >> George Clinton !!HMIAkafuBVk 04/20/09(Mon)22:12:08 No.3985331
    I just though it was fucking retarded to use the Japanese word for Chinese characters when talking about Chinese. "Characters" or "Hanzi" would have made a fuckton more sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:12:16 No.3985336
    Don't be so butthurt about it. I'm sure your native language is nice, but it just has flaws that keep it from being up at the God tier with English.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:12:40 No.3985346
    English is the language for the dummies. Easiest to learn.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:13:05 No.3985355
    It's a good thing we aren't typing in chinese, now isn't it?
    >> George Clinton !!HMIAkafuBVk 04/20/09(Mon)22:13:50 No.3985368
    I genuinely hate you people. 5/10.
    >> George Clinton !!HMIAkafuBVk 04/20/09(Mon)22:14:21 No.3985379
    forgot mah sage

    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:14:36 No.3985383

    harder =/= always better
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:15:10 No.3985391
    Native English speaker here, I was thinking of learning Dutch. [y/n]?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:16:00 No.3985409
    oh god, you don't even know the purpose of sage or how to use it correctly. Just get away from your computer and don't come back until you can comprehend that sage does not lower a thread - it simply prevents your own post from bumping it.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:16:09 No.3985413
    trying to troll people over... languages? what? failblox for stupidity :|
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:16:39 No.3985419
    Latin is not God Tier, so I disposed of your shitty list.

    Germanic languages are emphasized for no particular reason. OP mostly rationalizes preference in terms of "of how things sound," which is preposterous if you have a native bias.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:16:43 No.3985422
    Ha ha ha oh wow
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:16:55 No.3985427

    If you do read my post, I never said it was good or bad
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:17:02 No.3985431
    SPOILER #2: Whether one language is better than another is purely subjective. Yeah, English has big prestige in the world, but you were talking about phoneme distribution and grammar, all of which should be studied descriptively. In all likelyness you're probably biased by English being your native language.
    >> George Clinton !!HMIAkafuBVk 04/20/09(Mon)22:17:39 No.3985436
    I know it doesn't lower the thread. It simply doesn't bump it.

    But I wanted to make apparent my distaste for the trolling/ignorance in this thread.

    also, sage
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:18:44 No.3985454
    English: herp derp bwitoo shwang

    It's shit for science/engineering because you have to invent new words often. Most of OP's "High Tier" are much better in this regard (with german being the primary language of science up to WW2, it can be extremely precise while being short.)
    Also english spelling is somewhat irregular, "Ghoti" comes to mind

    Languages have advances and disadvances, the more you speak the better.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:18:50 No.3985458
    Unfortunately, it's going to work. /r9k/ is the most easily trolled board I've ever been to.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:19:06 No.3985464
    Hey boys and girls, it's that time again, time for

    ITT: Opinions!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:19:12 No.3985466
    As long as you keep wasting your time replying to this thread I am succeeding.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:19:56 No.3985474
    English is 'the best' language only because it has no qualms about adding new foriegn words, phrases or even structures, wholesale. This versatility in the language allows for a corresponding versatility in the thought patterns of the english speaker.

    However, it is also true that while english is the most widely spoken second language, it's primary speakers have proven themselves to be extraordinarily resistant to learning a second language themselves.

    I think the versatility in thought processes brought on by knowing more than a single language is much more useful than in knowing one of the most versatile languages.

    English, thank goodness, has never suffered from the sort of artificial stifling of new components that French has. I am almost certain that French would be a much more important international language if the government just let go and allowed the laws of natural language selection apply to it once more.
    >> George Clinton !!HMIAkafuBVk 04/20/09(Mon)22:20:14 No.3985479
    i actually enjoy language threads a lot, im glad to see some more rational people have posted
    >> Antonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:20:30 No.3985483
    You're missing many languages.
    I will doubt your word until you can post this in every language you criticize.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:20:35 No.3985485
    romance languages > germanic languages
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:21:04 No.3985494
    >clear and distinct words
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:22:58 No.3985520
    yeah, for fags who want every word to end in E, O, or A.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:23:08 No.3985521
    How to speak Danish:
    1) Shove cocks down your throat.
    2) Speak.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:23:30 No.3985528
    fuck you and fuck OP.
    Semitic languages have such a unique flow to them.
    >> George Clinton !!HMIAkafuBVk 04/20/09(Mon)22:24:26 No.3985540
    So who is currently learning what?

    Mandarin Chinese myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:27:49 No.3985585
    I'm about to finish my last week of German at University. Maybe if I'd actually use it later on in life I'd continue studying but I don't see that happening.
    Of course, that means learning a new language. I want to master Esperanto but that shouldn't take long so maybe I'll move onto French after that.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:27:57 No.3985588
    Japanese should be added to the list, below English.

    It's surprisingly similar to English in a lot of respects, but it does fail hard for the pointless and society crushing politeness levels and the retarded writing system.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:29:31 No.3985612
    i think french sounds sexy
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:29:32 No.3985613
    Also the keigo bullshit. This isn't the feudal era, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:29:58 No.3985619

    >advances and disadvances

    lol :3
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:30:44 No.3985632
    People who think their language is superior over other languages do not understand basic grammar of their own language or do not study other languages.

    Each language has their own intricacies, their own illogical rules (English spelling, anyone). Only idiots say that one language is better than another.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:31:44 No.3985648
    visit krautchan often, try not to cringe too much because of oddly translated memes (actually could be a good learning experience if you manage to understand how they reached that translation)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:35:23 No.3985697
    What? Doesn't anyone else fucking love the Gummi Bears?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:36:49 No.3985711
    This is pretty much the best argument, to me at least, for English being Top Tier. I've always liked the way German sounds, although I've never spoken it myself so I guess I wouldn't really know. I'm learning Spanish right now. Shitsux, and the only reason I am is because I live in Arizona. Romance languages always sounded really shitty to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:40:42 No.3985764
    OH SHI- *facepalm*
    thanks for pointing that out. looks like a good time to go to bed.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:47:09 No.3985858
    Sapir-Worf, beeeyatch!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:48:25 No.3985875
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:49:38 No.3985891
    The main thing about English that makes it superior to other languages is it's massive vocabulary. No other language has a vocabulary even nearly as large.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:52:01 No.3985925
    ok, clearly op is gay.
    wtf english top tier lol, roxxor 1337, gtfo bitch, its like, yeah im from austria and my language is teh best bekause its so easy to learn, and it was spoken from guise like, you know those goethe dudes.. havent read them but they spoke german so i rokc!

    but, ok, i like english its a smooth language.. but i like sweedish even more.. and french is a great language,it only sounds silly if you hear it from american comercials or from sarkozy.
    german is gay, but just because im austrian, and someone has to tell those germans what german really is.. "Hau de ueba de Heisa mit da Glockn, oda i hau da ane indi Bappen das da vierzan dog da schaedl wogld!" lol
    espanol is a fucking great language, they know how to speak, and portuguese is even better.. tudo bem, brasil style.
    you fucker put arabic at last.. how comes? dumfuck. arabic is a nice language.. just because you connect it with bushthink doesnt mean this language is bad or with a hair in theyr throat.

    but wtf are the people in india speaking, i like the melody of theyr language. they are jsut number 1.
    it has something positive in it.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:52:03 No.3985926
    German is a horrible launguage. Horrible.

    Also I dont know about english being the best...sometimes I just want to express myself in a way the good queens english doesnt allow.
    So i just fap instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:52:19 No.3985931
    Chinese has about 10,000 characters each standing for one morpheme, and most of these aren't even used in daily speech. Just like the most obscure literary words in English force you to consult the OED to find out what the fuck they mean. What's your point?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:53:52 No.3985953
    god tier: japanese
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:54:26 No.3985957
    I would argue it's probably an inability to express what you feel or not knowing what exactly it is you feel that causes this problem, not a limitation of the language itself. Pretty fucking complex ideas have been expressed through English.
    >> sage 04/20/09(Mon)22:55:06 No.3985965

    I like how the French has to change the tune of the song.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:55:46 No.3985972
    oh wow... you sure haven't proven yourself a retard or anything...

    And btw, they speak English in India. Hindi is dead.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:56:41 No.3985993
         File :1240282601.jpg-(260 KB, 1024x768, Novemberblank1024x768[1].jpg)
    260 KB
    Austrian language/music btw.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:58:03 No.3986005
    I speak both English and Spanish (native English) and I would generally agree with your descriptions of both. English however, does have another disadvantage in that it's pretty complex grammatically. There are a shit load of words/phrases that go against normal rules and must simply be memorized. English must be a bitch to learn as a second language.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:58:11 No.3986007
    >Spanish/Italian - Many words sound too smiliar

    Are you kidding? They only have 5 vowel sounds, each consonant sound is very distinct, and most words are composed of many short syllables. In this regard, they are like the opposite of French, but you put them in the same tier.

    You're an idiot, OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)22:59:12 No.3986027
    It is although no one on the internet will admit to that.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:00:25 No.3986045
    English is a fine language with serious spelling issues. Caused by conflicting writing and pronunciation standards at the time of conception, it's still a serious fault of the language.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:01:12 No.3986056
    >all they are is mode of communication
    I'm not saying that English is the best, but some languages are certainly better for communicating ideas. A language could also be superior for the ease in which it is spoken (though this is more cultural), the ease in which it is learned, or even for the pure aesthetics of the language.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:01:27 No.3986057

    I call bullshit that you know a lick of Spanish. There's no way you'd call English grammar complicated if you knew Spanish at all. Have you seen how many different fucking conjugations there are for every goddamn verb? And how many of them are irregular?!

    English grammar is all "He/she/we/they/it went" DONE.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:01:47 No.3986061

    I'd suggest taking a look at that before you make broad generalizations and call trolls retards, especially considering that India has numerous regional dialects as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:01:57 No.3986063
    >English is the best language because it's the simplest sounding
    >Anything with any kind of style is stupid and hard to hear
    >Also I have never learned a second language in my life
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:05:05 No.3986095
    The ignorance in this thread is stifling. I wish I could believe it was full of trolls, not just idiots.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:05:25 No.3986104
    The butthurt is strong with this one.

    p.s. studied French in middle/high school, 4 years of japanese at college + lived in Japan for a year. inb4 weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:13:12 No.3986189
    China should wise up and adopt a semi-alphabetic system of writing like Japan already. No matter how many people speak it natively, having 5,000 characters to memorize (potentially much more if you want to be verbose) will forever make it a non-portable language.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:18:57 No.3986266
    >Have you seen how many different fucking conjugations there are for every goddamn verb? And how many of them are irregular?!

    There are only three verb endings, and two of them share identical conjugations the vast majority of the time. And the 6 base conjugations for each verb are easily memorized with the vast majority of verbs following the rules. Conjugations in other tenses often just consist of tacking on a few extra letters to the base conjugation.

    There's only a couple verbs dozen that are really irregular (and there's even a regularity to most of the irregular ones), but there are not nearly as many as in English. Hell, most of the irregularities in conjugation just tack on an 'i' or a consonant to make the word flow more easily. And although there are a lot of grammatical rules, it's no more than English. And those rules hold true for a far greater percentage of words/phrases than in English.

    No language (except maybe Esperanto) is perfectly uniform. But Spanish is a hell of a lot better than English is in this regard.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:23:11 No.3986344
    I have a question about this.
    How do the chinese type?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:25:18 No.3986377
    >He/she/we/they/it went"

    But each verb has its own conjugation that must be memorized. Sure, there may only be only 2 or 3 forms for each word that cover any subject, but there is no set pattern across words. With Spanish, you learn the 6 basic endings and you can now conjugate the vast majority of the verbs in the language.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:25:42 No.3986385
    OP: English is the best language because I say so. I have no real evidence to back up such a qualitative statement because my argument is entirely baseless.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:25:47 No.3986386

    Both should fix their retardedly complex writing systems. And add the concept of bloody SPACES while they're at it.

    Nonetheless, Top Tier is correct as English, but should add Japanese. English has been explained as the most versatile language capable of assimilating virtually any concept or word instantly without breaking grammar, and I say that Japanese aside from the writing is one of the better sounding languages. And is the main component of animu and shouting loudly.
    Therefore, these two languages are the only ones humanity will ever need. The rest can go die in a burning-shit fire.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:28:00 No.3986417

    the same way they shit, broskalordzwer
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:30:20 No.3986457
    Japanese is the best ANGRY language. It's kind of like a more smoothly flowing German in this regard.

    This is Japanese language's only advantage.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:32:56 No.3986497
    >And the 6 base conjugations for each verb are easily memorized with the vast majority of verbs following the rules. Conjugations in other tenses often just consist of tacking on a few extra letters to the base conjugation.

    So I take it you only studied the indicative tenses.

    Conjugation of "IR" and "TO GO": http://spanish.about.com/od/specificverbs/a/conjugation_ir.htm

    In English, it's just "go" and "went" with extra words. These extra words are the same for every verb. Plus, in Spanish, the subject is often left off, so if you can't conjugate, you can't understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:35:41 No.3986546
    but they don't have letters, just words, so wouldn't their keyboard have to be fucking MASSIVE and just be impractical?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:35:48 No.3986548
    Japanese has a better flow than english, since it's always consonant, vowel, consonant, vowel, etc. However, it has really shitty other stuff. Including kanji.

    But on the point of flowing well, Japanese sounds better.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:36:09 No.3986552
    Pinyin. Basically they type it in phonetic English characters, but usually there are many characters with the same transliteration, so you have to go back and pick which one you meant after you already typed it out.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)23:38:52 No.3986580
    No, I'm well aware that words like Ir and Hacer get kinda weird in other tenses. But like I said, no language is perfectly uniform. Ir is probably the worst verb there is. It's also the most common, which makes memorizing it much easier.

    I would rather memorize a handful of verbs with lots of weird forms, than hundreds of verbs with unique forms.

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