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  • File :1240246053.jpg-(69 KB, 540x540, hawking.jpg)
    69 KB Hawking's Last Stand Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:47:33 No.3978913  
    One of the greatest men ever is on the verge of death and it makes me sad. This man possesses a level of genius we ordinary people simply cannot comprehend. He is, in my opinion, the single greatest mind in human history. He followed on from Einstein and then some. Men like Stephen Hawking don't come along very often, we will probably not witness another genius of his calibre in our lifetimes. With all he has had to endure for so many years and to defy imminent death for so long is an unbelievable thing.

    Hawking, you are a fucking legend
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:48:25 No.3978922
    He's been dying for years, but he's lived so much.
    I'm just glad that he was able to live as long as he did.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:49:47 No.3978933
    I will pray for him.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:50:39 No.3978942
    Didn't his wife get mad at him and leave him stranded in their garden to get sunburnt?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:51:11 No.3978945

    He'll be laughing at you (via his voicebox)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:51:17 No.3978946
    Meh. With enough effort and funding I could be just as great as he is.
    I'm depressed and have social anxiety though.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:51:49 No.3978949
    Go Stephen!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:52:13 No.3978953
    How the fuck do people like Steven Hawking come up with their ideas? You can't imagine what goes on in his brain
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:52:24 No.3978956

    Yep. You will do something meaningless to make yourself feel better because you're supposedly helping him. Hypocrite.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:53:31 No.3978968
    He was supposed to die about 35 years ago.

    Very cool guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:53:48 No.3978969

    Hawking is the biggest Atheist on the planet. And if anyone has a right to disprove God, its that genius motherfucker right there
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:53:53 No.3978971
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    Good luck with that, brobot.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:54:48 No.3978977
    You are a faggot.
    Possibly unoriginal.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:54:52 No.3978979
    Do you people actually know anything about his work? What kind of physics background do you have to be able to evaluate his accomplishments?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:54:57 No.3978981

    He's sick, but he could make it.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:55:18 No.3978984
    He's lived for quite a while with a disease that can kill you after a few years. Indeed it will be a tragic event, but not an unexpected one.

    But don't assume he won't be replaced. Hawking was a genius, but there are other geniuses out there too. Like that asian kid that entered university when he was 8. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Song_Yoo-geun)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:55:36 No.3978988
    Fuck you I'm a fucking genius. I'm just lazy.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:55:48 No.3978989
    What exactly did he do though? Came up with a load of physics theory on black holes that mean what exactly? None of it has any practical value its just pretentious physics bullshit. Physics only exists because we allow it to
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:56:17 No.3978993

    Didn't get the joke
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:57:08 No.3979002
    He's hardly the biggest atheist.

    I remember seeing a quote from him saying that in reaching a full understanding of nature, we will find god.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:57:14 No.3979004
    Looking at his physics he's really nothing special. The only reason you know of him is because of his disease and because he wrote some popular science books. There are men and women of his caliber in almost any university.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:57:41 No.3979012
    worthless husk of a man who played mindgames his whole life
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:58:54 No.3979026
    Then his death will be of no importance.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:59:07 No.3979028
    yup, that's why we're keeping him in Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:59:32 No.3979032
    Clap for tinkerbell!
    This guy has to pull through!
    Not only is he fucking brilliant, but the man's got a hell of a sense of humor too.
    He has the Stephen Hawking action figure from his guest appearance on the Simpsons on his desk, for God's sake. He's the smartest fucking man alive and he still doesn't take himself too seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)12:59:55 No.3979037
    I don't think Hawking believes in God, but he's not hostile to religion at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:00:49 No.3979054
    You can't really argue about whether he was an athiest or not because I doubt any of us can grasp the idea of God on the same level as him.

    Brilliant cripplefag. /salute
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:00:55 No.3979056

    >I am a 17 year old physics student DERP DERP DERP
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:03:47 No.3979101
    You know absolutely nothing about Hawking or physics. What makes you want to speak your mind with such ignorant conviction?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:04:11 No.3979106
    Putin is 100x more a man than this shrived raisin.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:04:23 No.3979110

    >I'm from America and don't know shit about cutting edge science
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:04:52 No.3979116

    Stop. Now. Don't initiate another religion thread. Stop this shitcycle.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:05:31 No.3979122
    he's given lectures at the fucking vatican, of course he's not a religion-hater.

    He's a fucking legend of our time, he probably knows more about the universe then we will fully understand in the next ten years. He's not going to care about shitty religion vs atheist wars.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:05:57 No.3979128
    When he dies it will be like when the pope died to sciencefags.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:05:57 No.3979129
    And he was a NICE FUCKING GUY too. Did you guys ever hear the story of how Jimmy Carr, the comedian, sent him a fake letter pretending to be a disabled boy, and Hawking replied back to it personally and very inspirationally? It was such a nice gesture that it made Jimmy Carr feel guilty and tell the story during a show.

    Hawking is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:10:06 No.3979165
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:12:29 No.3979193

    Thanks, just watched this. Nice segment.

    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:12:42 No.3979195
    get off this guys dick yo

    dude is a mechanized monster
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:13:40 No.3979204
    lol @ cripples
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:14:20 No.3979209
    This is a complete fallacy. Jimmy Carr is not a comedian.
    >> regardless of whether or not we agree in religion Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:14:52 No.3979216
    If I can be a quarter of the man Stephen Hawking is, I will have fulfilled my goals for my life and then some. I am clapping for tinkerbell!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:16:07 No.3979227
    You get to be a legend by being wrong about everything?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:16:24 No.3979231

    Looks like a little lost /b/oy wandered in. Do you know where your mommy is?

    PROTIP: Quite close to my balls.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:16:52 No.3979234

    - got lost on their way to /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:17:26 No.3979245
    Meh, most theoretical physicists would disagree with you OP. He's most notably recognized for his studies on black holes and proposed Hawking Radiation, but there are many other physicists that have contributed much more to the field than Hawking, such as Feynman, Weinberg, etc. Still, if he's going down hill (relatively speaking) then that's a shame, he is a brilliant guy.
    >> : D Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:18:25 No.3979259
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    hawking is almost as revolutionary as the Beatles on the moon..... with George Michaels
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:18:51 No.3979266
    I read an interview...or saw one, I forget - with him and he said if he hadn't gotten ill he probably wouldn't have ever done the stuff he's famous for; being ill gave him time to just sit and think, doing nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:20:16 No.3979280
    OP look up Edward Whitten.

    Described as "The worlds cleverest man" and "Einsteins successor".

    That man is also a genius.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:20:36 No.3979284
    And least she will be able to walk away when she's done.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:21:18 No.3979294

    Not when l'm done with her!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:21:50 No.3979305
    >I'm a britfag who thinks my little island is still the center of the world even though it isn't 1902.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:22:12 No.3979308
    He has since filed for divorce from her.

    Apparently she has fractured his wrist by slamming it into his wheelchair, gashed his face with a razor, let him slip below the water line during a bath and ensured water entered his throat, and left him outside on a hot day to get a sunburn and heat stroke.

    What a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:24:30 No.3979335
    Ok, now see that was genuinely clever. If only I could believe that
    >>lol @ cripples
    was an intentional set-up for it...
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:25:00 No.3979341
    Maybe he should have stood up for himself.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:25:33 No.3979347
    That guy's brother is a producer of House.
    How awesome is that?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:26:13 No.3979353
    I chuckeled.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:27:19 No.3979365

    >I'm depressed and have social anxiety though.

    Shit man, you have it bad.
    Hawking is praying for you, you poor soul.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:27:51 No.3979372
    It's the centre of the UK's world maps.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:28:16 No.3979378
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    Ladies and gentlemen we have a winrar.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:28:53 No.3979384
    He was socially adept in his youth and was reportedly very popular with women.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:30:17 No.3979397
    It's in the centre of every world map.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:30:36 No.3979402
    he has motor neuron disease and everyone is all OMG WTF STEVEN HAWKING IS SICK??!?!?

    Shame though, I'm frankly amazed he lasted as long as he did/has (not checked the news in a while)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:31:41 No.3979417
    That's because the people who decided where the prime meridian would be were British.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:32:51 No.3979428
    well actually the bight of benin is. anyway, the prime meridian like all lines of longitude is arbitrary.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:32:56 No.3979431
    wait do we mean any more sick than his crippling paralysis? or his impotence?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:34:12 No.3979442
    All my Professors at Princeton say Hawking is a quack, and if it weren't for his condition he would never have gotten to where he is today.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:34:57 No.3979449
    The center of the world map is the Gulf of Guinea.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:35:36 No.3979458
         File :1240248936.jpg-(21 KB, 329x327, hawking-787803.jpg)
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    Impotence, they said. Ha ha ha.

    >Prof Hawking, who speaks with the aid of a voice synthesiser, has three children and one grandchild.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:35:50 No.3979460
    When people say that, the proper response is to say:
    "At least he's not an asshole"
    And if they respond with
    "At least I can wipe mine"
    Then buy them a beer.
    >> sasuke 04/20/09(Mon)13:43:19 No.3979525
    Being wheelchair bound and paralyzed brings a lot of suffering, i know i wouldn't like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:49:56 No.3979583
    And he was cheating on his wife, while paralysed.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)13:50:02 No.3979585
    >Men like Stephen Hawking don't come along very often, we will probably not witness another genius of his calibre in our lifetimes.
    i dunno, witten is pretty damn smart.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:04:31 No.3979726
         File :1240250671.jpg-(292 KB, 815x616, Tinkerbell_cosplay_02_by_clefc(...).jpg)
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    Go go tinkerbell
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:19:34 No.3979882

    There aren't many men that look that awesome in zero-gravity
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:22:36 No.3979916
    Haha oh man, he looks cute and really happy there.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:31:57 No.3980012
    Ah, do you not see my naive friends? Try to follow my logic if you can. I know it's hard but give it a go anyway:

    1. He is in a wheelchair
    2. He is a retard
    3. All his theories are retarded
    4. You believe what he said
    5. You are retarded

    You are all fucking cunts.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:36:26 No.3980051
    No, it would appear that you are the retarded one here Brosiah.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:37:54 No.3980061
    Get back to your bible
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:39:37 No.3980073
    I like him because he is a slap on the face of all social darwinists. Eugenics sucks and you're all retards.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:40:46 No.3980087
    Bible? Nice try idiot.

    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:40:50 No.3980089
    if he is so clever why is he in a wheelchair
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:42:17 No.3980104
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:45:25 No.3980137
    Social Darwinism has nothing to do with Eugenics you idiot. Hawking would do well in social Darwinism (and he did, he's rich and famous) because it promotes intelligence, not physical capability. The stupid die, and smart survive. Except now the stupid get welfare instead of dying.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:52:05 No.3980212
    its ok, he will be obsolete once AI surpasses him
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:54:01 No.3980239
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    Exactly. And that is why he is dying.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:55:56 No.3980261
    if he spent less time in his office working on sums and more time out in the sun he probably wouldn't have turned so mental
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:56:05 No.3980264
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    enuff said,
    now bring on the
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)14:59:36 No.3980290

    he already has. its called a hawking hole.


    good thing they are teaching people on 4chan, and he is fucking stephen hawking.

    let me know when one of your professors gets a paradox named after them.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:00:56 No.3980299

    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:03:25 No.3980321

    Not to mention he has Hawking radiation named after him (the theory that black holes are slowly losing mass over a long period of time, atom by atom).

    What else has he attached his fuck-awesome name with? Hawking = THE NAME OF A GODDAMN SUPERHERO
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:03:36 No.3980322
    ITT: idolisation
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:05:27 No.3980337
    That is bullshit for a start. It is coincidence that his name is Hawking.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:11:50 No.3980383


    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:48:24 No.3980768
    Hawking is awesome. I wish him well ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:50:05 No.3980780
    ITT: Kiddies too self-absorbed to respect another human being, even one undoubtedly greater than they could hope to be.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:51:29 No.3980792
    i have so much respect for this man afds;jkl
    i attribute my interest in physics to him almost entirely
    he will be missed
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:55:29 No.3980828
    ITT: Robots stand up for one of their own
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)15:56:11 No.3980834
    Interesting fact: Hawking went to the same college at Oxford as Bill Clinton and the guy who shot Rasputin.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:04:14 No.3980899
    I really hope he pulls through, partially for selfish reasons - he's accepted a visiting position at the Perimeter Institute where I live and I was really hoping that I might get a chance to see him there sometime.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:11:03 No.3980967
    OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO HAVE SOME GOOD IDEAS, HE'S IN A GODDAMN CHAIR ALL DAY DOING NOTHING ELSE. WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO OTHER THAN THINK. I don't think he was all that smart; I just think he had all the time in the world to think about shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:19:49 No.3981047
    technically they don't lose it atom by atom, but energy leaks out. It's just the mass is being converted into energy and things like neutrinos are able to escape a black whole which is why they are potentially able to lose mass.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:24:14 No.3981088
    That's a bit unfair and a logical fallacy. It's not the chair: it's the person. The Thinker has been sitting in contemplation for a hundred and seven years and he's come up with diddly shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:25:10 No.3981102

    He is also made of stone.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:30:10 No.3981154
    Stephen Hawking is fucking stupid. His theories are senseless.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:31:22 No.3981164
    And Hawking's made of circuit boards. So what?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:34:06 No.3981191
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    one of the funniest scenes in family guy

    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:34:39 No.3981200
    My grandma died of the same disease that he has. She went from perfectly healthy to dead in about 5 years, which is about normal. This badass motherfucker has been fending off death for decades. He deserves kudos for just that, and then add on the fact that he's God Tier among physicists and that makes him one cool dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:37:56 No.3981238
    Feynman was the /b/tard of physics.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/09(Mon)16:39:50 No.3981262
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    God damn what a bitch indeed

    >> Ectogasmic 04/20/09(Mon)16:40:08 No.3981265
    He's a statue...
    >> Brutikiss 04/20/09(Mon)16:46:36 No.3981333
    Think about it. They don't have much of a life so they THINK. a lot.

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