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    American Censorship Day: November 16, 2011
    On November 16th, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" will be heard in Cogress. This legislation, in addition to the Senate's "Protect IP Act" completely undermine and fundamentally change the core principles of the Web. They have the potential to radically alter or shut down sites like YouTube, Flickr, 4chan, others, and all new companies that follow.
    See for more and help us stop these bills from becoming law.

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    File : 1321176695.jpg-(131 KB, 467x700, pulp.jpg)
    131 KB it's that time again Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)04:31:35 No.392234  
    write a letter to someone who will never read it
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)04:34:37 No.392238
    dear boyfriend,

    You ask for my help when you draw but when I help you, you get mad at me and then ignore me
    It makes me feel bad, like I'm doing something wrong even though you asked
    I never said anything was bad, in fact, I've always told you I love your style
    You just seem to not take the suggestions well...

    I'm sorry for making you feel bad
    I don't want to do that

    Your girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:19:24 No.392268
    Dear dad

    Fuck you. I hope you die!

    Your lastborn
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:20:20 No.392272
    Dear Liz,

    Picked the wrong guy. Fuck you. Ain't even mad tho.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:21:33 No.392274
    dear republican party,
    please stop. just for a while so we can get things back on track. seriously. it's not funny anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:23:02 No.392277
    >I'm a nigger
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:25:45 No.392286
    perry 2012
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:26:40 No.392293
    Dear You,

    I've cut off all contact with you, because even though I love you and try to talk to you it's almost impossible to get you to say anything back. It's ruining all the good memories I have of you from this summer, so I'm just going to cut you out of my life.

    I think I might hate you, it's hard to tell.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:27:28 No.392297
    >implying not Paul
    >> Tol !!By6GD7cijVw 11/13/11(Sun)12:29:16 No.392307
    Dear Courtney,
    Don't bother coming back to me. Yes, your boyfriend is a dick, and yes he's about to break up with you. But a few months ago you chose him over me. You remember how pathetic he was, how he showed up to your house crying? And you took him back, even though he verbally treated you like shit, cheated on you twice, and then said that YOU cheated on HIM when he was asked about it? And you took him back anyway? Yeah, go fuck yourself.
    Your roommate only.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:31:39 No.392322
    Dear Francesca,
    I know you were lying through your(horse)teeth, I know you were just fucking hungover from last night at the club and didn't want to look like a trashbag with me.
    Also fuck you, because you even lied about your sister, telling me you had trouble with her because she's pregnant. Bullshit, she's not.
    Picked the wrong one, GTFO. Oh, and you are not even that hot, 8/10 at best. You mad? Ye you mad.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:32:43 No.392334
    Hey Alex, you may not think it, but someone does care about you. A lot.

    Just hang in there for a little while longer and someone you least expect might just go ahead and get rid of all that loneliness you feel.

    yours sincerly and faithfully, thatguywhoyoufoundattractivebutseemsuninterestedandabitofacunt
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:33:33 No.392339

    Dear You,

    You didn't have to be a dick and cut off all contact. All the good times we had this summer? How about all the good times we've had for the past 5 years. No interesting conversation sparked because you didn't say shit. Too busy with ROTC and pretending to love me, leading me on for months. Oh and sorry about hacking your e-mail. It really was for good intentions! At least I gave it back to you, right? And still you said nothing. Fuck you.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:34:31 No.392346
    Hey hun.

    I loved the look on your face when I was dancing with that sweet sweet beautiful girl last night. I still like you though. :)
    Oh btw, I thought you hated niggers? Because there was one breathing down your neck last night. Yes I mad :@

    >> Sha/mu/ !ELoSjL144g 11/13/11(Sun)12:37:35 No.392373
    Dear Aditi

    I miss you. We should meet up again some day, for sure
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:44:33 No.392431
    these are fun
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:44:52 No.392435
    Dear hot girl I saw that day in Naples,
    I know you were staring at me like a bear stare at a bearess ass, but your father seemed so fucking overprotective and cock-blocked me hard. I just want to tell you that I would have loved to insert my penis in your vagina and just melt in there until I came a full load of rainbows and ponies. Prolly we'll never see each other again, but I still think about you sometimes.

    With a raging boner, me.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:49:24 No.392472
    >this drama
    I want to know more now
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:49:48 No.392474
    Dear N,

    I didn't dodge a bullet when you chose that married pedo twice ya fucking age over me, that bullet hit me.

    Buit it bounced off like I'm superman, cause I got a job, am doing well in college and a hot sweet girl with a nice smile likes me. I'm gonna ask her out next week, because it'll be my first pay day.

    I'm not saying this to make you jelous, I'm saying this to show that you fucking your own life up, by being kicked out of college, by losing ya job, by being with some guy who is clearly using you, you doin' all that and ruining your own future has improved my future.

    In my future, I will have an average or better job, hopefully be married with kids, maybe living in a warmer country. I'll be happy, but if you chose me, you'd have made me stay being an immature procrastinatin' fuckwit, my future would not be so bright.

    Maybe we'll meet again sometime in the future... I'll be the guy paying you to stip at a friends bachalor party or somethin'.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:57:30 No.392535
    Dear Ex Boyfriend

    I wish you wouldn't get so paranoid over everything I do. We're not even together anymore, so why should it bother you? This is what you wanted, so perhaps you should have thought of that before you decided you couldn't be bothered with me anymore. I know we're seeing how things go, but sometimes you really do act completely batshit. I've done everything for you, I give you money, when you're rich enough as it is, stop talking to people when it makes you nervous, I was always there for you, I was never demanding or controlling. It just wasn't good enough though, was it?

    I really wish over a year of me dealing with your controlling and paranoid behaviour might show you that I do actually care a whole lot about you, otherwise I would have just fucked off by now, but I suppose you can't see that can you.

    Pissed off Ex Girlfriend.
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 11/13/11(Sun)12:58:19 No.392548
         File1321207099.png-(17 KB, 601x695, 1316384832878.png)
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    Dear Lindsay,
    Thanks for showing me all women are backwards and never to believe she's something more.

    Dear Ruth,
    Thanks for being mature, I am for a girlfriend again like you.

    Dear Lisa,
    I'm sorry for what I did, but you didn't have to be a complete cunt about it.

    Dear Brittany,
    It's not my fault we didn't date and you have 4 kids now.

    Dear Jessica,
    Are you dead, yet? Srsly, lying about rape is pretty horrible.

    Dear Ashley,
    You're still sooooooo hot even though you did a cuntastic thing.

    Dear Every girl on OkCupid,
    I must be one ugly son of a bitch. Thanks for destroying any confidence I had in my appearance.

    Dear /a/,
    Thanks for being so cool.

    Dear waifu,
    Why are you so amazing?

    Dear Molly,
    Jesus fuck. You piss me off.

    Dear Jesse,
    Thanks for Demon's Souls. That was the best part of our relationship. Everything else sucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:58:48 No.392551
    Dear Mom,
    I wish I had said goodbye. I knew that if I didn't break away then, I wouldn't have been able to make it out of high school. I couldn't take the stress anymore. There were so many people in that house, and we were so poor. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I just couldn't take the screaming, the name calling, the abuse anymore. Your bi-polar disorder was too much for me to handle as a teenager, struggling with my own depression and emerging mild schizophrenia. You never told me about the tumors... I wish you had. I could have been stronger for both of us. I just wish you could see me now. I made it mom. I'm okay. I have a job, a loving boyfriend, and I'm going to college. I know we couldn't have afforded the medical to save you, but I would have died trying. I think that's part of the reason why you didn't tell me. You know, I found out when I called up Jessica and she said "I don't know if you were told, but mom died." I was crushed. To come so suddenly? I felt sick. Scared. I knew I had missed any chance to see you. I went to your funeral. You were so much thinner. I knew they put a wig on you for your sake. I know its cliche, but with that open casket you really did look like you were just sleeping. I never stopped loving you. Even when you hit me, or called me a failure. You were always my mommy. I always remembered the way your perfume smelled. It pained me to go through your clothes after the funeral because I hadn't smelled that in so many years. I guess, all I really need to say if that I love you, I'm sorry, and I missed you every single day.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:58:58 No.392552
    Dear S,

    Two people who are shit at normal human interaction shouldn't be together. It's better we get in a short relationship with a random chump and learn a healthy dose about typical relationships than continue this. We're stagnating. The fact that you don't believe love can be faked speaks volumes about how we've lasted this long, but I'll be blunt:

    This isn't a good idea, for either of us. Every conversation we have ends in my absolute disgust and loathing of everything you stand for. We never see each other anyway. Why keep going?


    PS: I fucking hate the fact that you love me. So much.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)12:59:19 No.392557

    I'm a passive agressive fucker with absolutely zero self esteem, so instead of actually telling you things face to face like a real man, I'm going to write letters on an internet imageboard to make me feel better!

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:00:11 No.392565
    >All dem females addressed to
    It's like you came from a harem
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:00:56 No.392574
    these threads are fucking lame
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:01:00 No.392576
    The majority aren't even aggressive or bitter
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:01:31 No.392585
    Dear Mother,

    I'm not interested in sorting out my life yet in any capacity, and I look forward to leeching for a long time to come.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:01:57 No.392591
    Hey, I can write to all the females I know as well

    Dear Jodie,
    I haven't seen you in 3 years please respond

    Dear Laura,
    I stole your underwear. Please respond

    Dear Mother,
    Please respond

    See? Easy
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:03:24 No.392607
    Dear God. Where is Satan?
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 11/13/11(Sun)13:03:30 No.392610
    Okay, why didn't you?

    Why would you need to write more than a few words? They'll all be wasted even if they were somehow able to reach them.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:04:11 No.392616
    why is your post blue?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:04:18 No.392619
    Dear B,

    Do you want to be saved?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:04:58 No.392624
    I was joking, brah. I have no strong feelings one way or another about your post.
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 11/13/11(Sun)13:05:22 No.392631
    You probably should delete this post.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:06:24 No.392644
    >refers to himself with a japanese name suffix
    >uneducated weeaboo
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 11/13/11(Sun)13:10:33 No.392695
         File1321207833.jpg-(62 KB, 1282x958, Kevin-kun1.jpg)
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    Funny guy. I actually happen to browse 4chan unlike you.

    Also you must have missed my letter to /a/.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:11:17 No.392704
    Dear (not writing your name because you lurk this board and I don't want you to know because you'll stop talking to me.)

    I have strong feelings for you, and it eats at me everyday because you don't like me in that way and even if you did you think online or e-relationships are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:12:33 No.392718
    Hey jan

    i told you that you didn't actually piss on me when we fucked whilst high as a kite, and that you imagined it, purely because I didn't want you to feel weird

    but I think you've awoken a piss fetish within me
    fuck you~
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:12:38 No.392719
         File1321207958.jpg-(33 KB, 220x360, 1316885655246.jpg)
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    Way to make anyone who talks to other robots worried as fuck son
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:14:55 No.392748
    God dammit I know you're not talking about me but one can keep hoping
    Small hint?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:15:22 No.392751
    He thinks online things are stupid and pointless. Would never want me as a girlfriend. Not trying to worry other people? Just saying why I'm depressed.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:17:05 No.392768
    Dear Sarah,

    I love you and miss you and realize my mistake, it's one I'll have to live with. What I ask is you realize you were never at fault and you've done nothing wrong, it was my own insecurities that drove me away from you. You are gorgeous and intelligent and just fucking amazing, I know you don't see yourself as a magnificent person and gift upon this blighted world, but you are and you deserve the best. Hopefully one day we can be friends until then, goodbye my mos wondrous love.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:17:41 No.392775
    Oh shit I might have said that to a girl but I didn't mean it
    I want to know!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:21:40 No.392824
    Know what? I'm not saying his name. He hangs out here.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:21:59 No.392831
    >And then I didn't work for the rest of the evening, with butterflies in my stomach
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:22:17 No.392833
    man fuck this world...
    >> Macabre !!knNtfy4cPyV 11/13/11(Sun)13:22:41 No.392837
    Dear Elsa,

    I miss you. I hope you and Wes have a GREAT life together.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:22:57 No.392839
    First letter? So I have a 25/26 chance of being sure if it's not me.
    If it is the first letter of my name, we'll see
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:23:06 No.392841
    Dear Grace,
    Fuck you. Ignore me & everything all you want but nothing will ever change.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:23:28 No.392845
    Dear Cat,

    There are no words to describe my feelings for you; but personally, I don't think you deserve to live.

    Sincerely, some asshole.
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 11/13/11(Sun)13:24:53 No.392861
    Man, you should be easier on your cat.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:25:45 No.392874
    I don't want to say because he could read it later. He's asleep right now so it's not you.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:25:56 No.392877
    Dear Liam

    You've been amazing ever since I've gone through the rough time of moving school and you've made me socially active, I occasionally go to parties and out now all because of you. Thanks you're amazing

    Dear Hannah
    You're really attractive, funney etc etc cliche after cliche of me trying to show you how much I like you. But, I feel in a weird zone with you. I feel like I have have half friendzoned you but I still get envious if you get off with another guy. Sorry for being a dick sometimes as well.

    Dear Dad

    Calm the fuck down. You're an Oxford Graduate and yet all you do is whine about how shit the world is maybe you ought to use your Oxford education and Oxford connections to go about changing that.

    Dear Mum

    Stay Classy

    Dear me

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:26:34 No.392884
    Or, aww. I don't know.
    I think phew.

    How far apart are you? Have you met up before?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:27:30 No.392891
    I loved my first Cat, but it died, it never hurt me.
    But my 2nd Cat was not of the feline type, it was a person, who hurt me for teh lulz.
    >> floyd !34iL8kZVTU 11/13/11(Sun)13:30:44 No.392916
    dear j,

    i really thought i could count on you. you know, i don't trust people easily, and i certainly don't spend 10 hours a day talking to someone to have them disappear the next.
    why couldn't we be friends although we have slightly different hobbies? you just want to bang now, and that's fine, i think that's all you're good for, but just going to your place and hanging out with you before sexytimes is awkward for me because i don't know you anymore.

    i loved you. i love you. i don't know what made you change so much. was is the girl? was it the grass?
    i know people change. but i really thought, wished and hoped that our friendship would be stronger than that. nearly 10 years, you know?
    it's so shitty though, 'cause i really wanted to hang out with you again, even if only for a week. i miss the times we've had and your replacements just ain't cutting it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:31:20 No.392920
    I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I've tried. Maybe one day.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:32:34 No.392930
    Dear Aya,

    You will never understand how much lesbian love I have for you in my heart.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:35:06 No.392955
         File1321209306.png-(49 KB, 500x500, 1316218515773.png)
    49 KB
    Dear friend from here
    I love how whenever these threads are made usually 3 or so people confess being in love with someone they talk to on here but we've never had that problem.Just makes me happy knowing how close we are without feelings being misinterpreted
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:35:56 No.392968
    Boy, Have I got news for you
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:36:06 No.392970
    Dear K

    I am in love with you. You are the prettiest girl I have ever seen, you're talented, you're funny, and on top of all that you're a genuinely nice person.
    I didn't do anything until now because you had other things to mind.
    Now I'm too scared to tell you because even though you feel better, I don't want to lose the friendship we built in the past months.
    I think "oh, this is fine", but then we meet up and I see how incredibly beautiful you are and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I can't think of anything else.
    I want to be with you, I want to be there for you.
    I care about you.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:37:00 No.392980
    HA ha ha


    well fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:37:09 No.392982
    What would that be my dear anon
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:37:53 No.392988
    Dear E,

    I love you and i'm sorry i'm not perfect. I will do anything for your love. I'd cut my hair and change my name if you wanted. Please do not replace me.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:39:51 No.393005
    Dear Little Brother,

    Just because I'm in college doesn't mean I'm successful, quite the contrary I'm really a miserable failure of a person. I wish you the best in everything you do and I sincerely hope you don't end up like me. Unlike me, you have so much talent and you're so damn smart. You've shown everyone again and again you can do anything if you set your mind to it. Don't waste your talent on doing something you don't want to do, don't let people pressure you into doing what they want or expect of you. Don't forget, to appreciate the little things. You only have one life so live it to the fullest, don't be so bitter and cold to the world. I know I give you a lot of shit (much more than I probably should) but always remember this, I love you little bro, and I believe in you no matter what other people say.

    Sincerely, Your Older Brother
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:40:55 No.393014
    Dear Mike,

    I'm sorry I broke up with you, I wish uni hadn't changed fucking everything. I wish I'd never went and that nothing had changed and that I could just stay in my happy little bubble with you and I'm going to enjoy uni even less than I already am because I don't have anyone to talk to properly and deeply with now. I'm sorry about all this and I never meant for my feelings to change. I'll miss you, goodbye.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:41:20 No.393017
         File1321209680.jpg-(8 KB, 259x194, aintmad.jpg)
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    Dear A,

    Thank you so much for easing up the love of my life before I met her. Thanks for the bullshit you made her go through, and the fights you had with her. Then when she dropped your sorry ass for me, I gave her a happiness you will never feel in your life.

    And that time when you couldn't handle the jealousy any longer and tried to beat the shit out of me? Thanks for doing that, because after I broke your jaw and arm, the amount of respect I gained that day is more than you will in your life.

    Thanks for making my life great, hope you kill your sorry ass self (:

    Sincerely, C
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:41:39 No.393023
    dear god

    what did i do
    im sorry
    im sorry
    tell me what to do to stop this
    please ill fucking do anything just make it stop

    love, david
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:45:44 No.393059
    Dear Rebecca,
    I love you.
    That guy with the name beginning in R.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:45:57 No.393061
    Very far apart. And no never met up. We met here a few months ago, talked everyday since then. It's pointless really because it won't lead anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:48:20 No.393084
    Dear Everyone,

    I'd like to be left alone until I feel lonely, then I want to talk to you. Then I want to be left alone again.

    Basically, I want what I want. I'd care about what you wanted if getting close enough to you to know what that is didn't make me feel awful.


    An Incredibly Flawed Individual Who's Got Enough on His Plate Without Having to Deal With Your Shit

    P.S. On an unrelated note, my guilt is eating away at me. :)
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:49:49 No.393094
    Dear N,
    I'm sorry things turned out how they did. We used to be close and I love you. Though if you actually wanted to be friends with me you still you definitely could have found at least a minute in the like two or three months since we've talked to contact me however fleetingly. So nevermind, and I'm cutting you out of my life and giving up hope we'll ever be friends again. I just hope you don't ever turn into a douche or a neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:53:27 No.393138
    Dear E

    i do have feelings for you, and it's kinda weird because you barely show yourself to me, i guess it's just about the character, i enjoy our conversations on skype, but you should stop be so passive agressive all of the time, it makes me annoyed as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:53:54 No.393142
    Dear Lily,

    I love you since the last three years. I can't read your feelings. Sometimes I think you love me too but sometimes I don't. I'm confused. Love you.

    Love, H.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:55:37 No.393160
    Why must you act like a robot with me, Traian? I just want us to be friends and to know you better. I thought you liked me. You acted like you did. Why must your text messages be so ...dry and devoid of meaning? I like you, I like you a lot.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:56:14 No.393169
    Dear Mackie

    I'm sorry for perving at you at school. Shit was weird as fuck. Just seeing your name makes me want to throw up from embarrassment.

    Fuck you I'm not putting a name
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:56:15 No.393170
    Dear A,

    You're a piece of shit

    Dear A,

    You're also a piece of shit

    Dear L,

    You're a piece of shit but tolerable
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:59:28 No.393201
    I actually have no one I want to write a letter to.

    Ugh, fuck you for making me aware of this
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)13:59:55 No.393207
    dear s
    what did i do do make you stop talking to me?
    it's actually kind of funny

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:00:27 No.393212
    Dear Precious, Jordan, Mariah, Kristen, Johnathan, etc etc

    Thank you for ruining my self esteem and making me terrified of interacting with people my age. And Kristen, you get special mention for causing me to always suspect that someone who seems to like me is just pretending and will turn against me and laugh at me if someone asks them to. I hope you all die slowly and painfully.

    Love, Hannah <3
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:00:30 No.393213
    hey ryan,
    do you still go on this board?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:01:41 No.393220
    i'm not sure if you understood what i was talking about
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:01:55 No.393221
    How far apart is very far apart?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:02:12 No.393224
    Dear girl,

    I never want you to go, but I know you are going to disappear one day. I would tell you this if you wouldn't freak out and leave. I wish we could be together.

    Love Boy
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:02:16 No.393225
    Dear F,

    We had a good run,i knew we could have become something better if you werent afraid.I remembered liking someone again after all these years but you broke my fucking heart you stupid bitch.I know you were trying to do the right thing but you fucked up so bad that you cant even look me in the eyes,i know i will forgive you because im a stupid guy but there is no point in saying this again but i forgive you,i will always forgive you.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:02:35 No.393228
    Dear Carrie,
    I really should have raped you when I had the chance.

    Dear Jackson,
    Please just shut the fuck up and try not to put your views on me, I get that you disagree with some of my misanthropic views but all you are going to do is get me angrier and hold onto my beliefs more firmly.

    Dear Emmie,
    You fucking wanted it, don't act like I used you you cunt. You know that you were the one that wanted to have sex and you got it.

    Dear Emily,
    Yes, I do stare at your tits in science class, maybe quit wearing low-cut shirts and I won't have to be looking at your D's all the time.

    I have more but those are the 4 that come to mind.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:03:29 No.393232
    Dear everyone on my floor

    I'm really fucking tired right now and I would appreciate it if you would stop knocking on the drunk chicks door. I know your stuff is in there, but fuck that.

    I will end you.

    Love, Tobeh
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:03:35 No.393233
    Dear dad

    get your ass off that chair and go find a motherfucking job. mom divorced you and you feel bad, i don't care, i'm your son, you must feed me, lara is your daugther, she must be fed too, do you think mom can handle the shit? And don't come with one of those stupid nigger jobs you always get, get a REAL job you son a bitch, go work for mc donalds or something, raise monies... fuck off dad, you're a brilliant motherfucker and you're throwing all of it into a ditch of shit.

    Love, your son

    Ps: I stole your expresso machine last weekend, as you haven't contacted me to get it back until now it's mine, thank you for the nice coffee
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:05:13 No.393244
    dear natascha you are indeed the perfect girl for me, and i for you.. but i cannot do relationships or sex due to abuse as a child. i know you think i just don't notice you or that you are interested despite the 1000s of times you have hinted strongly at it. its so adorable all the different tactics you have tried in vain.. and also heartbreaking because i love you. i only ignore you because we click everytime and i know i will run away and break your heart even more than i already have. we are just going to have to stare at eachother longingly and settle for that. i know i can't do more in my current state.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:07:55 No.393256
    Opposite sides of the world.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:08:24 No.393257
    To every girl I've ever met and had any kind of relationship with:

    When I met you I thought you were great. The more I learn about you the more I find to hate.

    Your beautiful exterior hides a shallow ugly core. Beneath the surface lies you're just another whore.

    I have to accept your flaws and your horrible past, yet if I have any you will flee so fast.

    Run rabbit
    The wolf hungers
    Know ecstasy
    Then suffer
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:15:22 No.393314
    dear a,

    get a fucking job
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:18:07 No.393339
    I want to apologize to you. I know it's far too late.
    The thing is, I've only now realized just how much I owe you. I am responsible for the way things turned out between us. And for some reason, you just took it. You were probably too nice for your own good. You should have ruined my life-you had friends, and I did not. You could have spread rumors about me, and people would believe them, but you did not. At the very least, you should have gotten a restraining order. Maybe that would have gotten it in to my thick head that you hated me for what I did, and I would have stopped. I would have forgiven you, of course. But I might have killed myself. So I may even owe you my life.
    I don't deserve the freedom you left me, for what I did. And I'm worried that I might have changed you. I can't forgive myself for it.
    But I don't want to see you again, that would only make things worse. I can't hope to make it up to you.
    I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:18:16 No.393341
    Dear Emalee,
    When I was at your house watching your puppy while you went to a funeral I sat on your bedroom floor with your dirty underpants on my face and masturbated.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:18:22 No.393342
    I only met you yesterday. You are completely different to me in almost every way, and you are also bat-shit insane. I can't stop thinking about you. I will probably never see you again.
    Take care.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:19:58 No.393351
    Dear N

    I enjoy spending time with you, hope you'll have some free time next weekend.
    Good luck with your exams this week!

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:20:07 No.393353
    Hey girl from last night. You are pretty cute and your longer nose gave me an erection. When you were on the couch, your shirt was exposing your sweet little puffy nipple. I noticed you glancing in my direction a few times ad just wanted to say FUCK YOU
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:21:47 No.393367

    fucking lolled. this is why i browse r9k
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:21:50 No.393371
    Dear my love,
    If one day I slip away in the night, I want you to remember me for who I am. I want you to carry on, be yourself, live the life you always wanted to. Travel, explore, live, be free...
    I'll always love you, but with everyday that passes, I'm less me and more him. And I simply just don't want to hurt you anymore, let alone our child. I know you can make it through this sweetheart, trust me. It'l be okay.
    I love you, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:23:22 No.393391
    I love the shit out of you. I really do. I just wish you loved me as much as I love you. But, hey, I guess not everything is perfect, hm?

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:26:54 No.393425

    I'm incredibly sorry for being such a complete sperg. I honestly just really like you and enjoy your company. I was led to believe by others that you liked me back, or would eventually change your mind. I'm trying really hard to give you your space, but I long to talk to you again. I really hope you'd approach me so we can maybe try and still salvage something from our friendship.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:28:19 No.393443
    Dear P,

    You are like the sun which I can't stare at for very long. I tried it once and it hurt my eyes.

    When I do tell you that I love you, will you say you love me too?

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:28:45 No.393450
    dear j,
    The last couple of months have been really fun. I'm glad you decided to take it further. I always knew you were into me, but I couldnt see it too well because of your horribly flirtatious personality. Once I pushed you away just a little, you came running to me. Typical girl. Anyways, im having a lot of fun and i wouldnt mind if you stuck around a while longer.

    Not putting my name on here because I feel like i know people who may or may not browse.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:29:56 No.393463

    >I can't read your feelings. Sometimes I think you love me too but sometimes I don't. I'm confused. Love you.

    this hit way too close to home
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:34:12 No.393496
    Dear future boyfriend,

    Why the fuck do you stop replying to my messages? It pisses me off a fuckton. Fuck you.

    PS I think you're super fine and I'd fuck you in a heartbeat.

    Love, your future girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:34:48 No.393498
    Fuck you, world.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:35:37 No.393505
    Dear Anna,
    you know what? fuck you. just fuck you. i am tired of putting up with your shit. if you think just because i said matt was staring at me and halie that meant i implied he liked me, fuck you and your jealousy. remember when i was dating bradley and you tried to steal him? yeah, i do too. i think it's quite funny how often you have to lie just to get attention. like lying about your "twin", your sister beating you up etc. etc. you always embarrass me too on "accident". i know you do it on purpose. fuck off you raging bitch.
    your bestfriend.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:38:10 No.393527
    Dear G,

    I fapped to the story of when you got raped... I'm sorry...

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:38:26 No.393533
    Dear Kimberly,

    All I ever meant to do was show you how much I care about you and how much you have meant to me. I'm sorry that by doing so I've kind of ruined our relationship.

    You mean so much to me, and, while I hoped by some miracle that we could perhaps have been more than friends, it would hurt me so much to lose you as a friend, too.

    I only hope you'll forgive me.


    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:40:27 No.393552
    I sort of wish you weren't so attractive, it'd make it far easier to ask you out.
    >> Tнє Gєηтℓємαη !!4rfl7wqrAa3 11/13/11(Sun)14:41:20 No.393561
    I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:47:41 No.393617
         File1321213661.jpg-(42 KB, 382x217, 1312773395822.jpg)
    42 KB
    nice john green quote bro
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:48:11 No.393624
    But you didn't write that. It's from a book. A book called Looking For Alaska.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:49:40 No.393637
    ill see you tomorrow a <3<3
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:50:32 No.393646
    go to bed chris
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:55:39 No.393695
    Dear not sure how to start this off but its just how im feeling for now and ive simply dont care as much as for me as i should for you.we should be together all the time we get along great i could never see myself yelling in your face or doing anything to hurt you im really a great person.but ever knowing me all this time i would think you knew that as well and how because of this long distance feeling we have "us" can never happen we really havent let ourselves go for eachother and be what we should be but i still love you and hopefully someday as you say we can get to love eachother the way we wanted to
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:57:48 No.393713
    dear Catia,
    I wish i went for you back then, my judgement was shrouded by bad friends and you were sexy as hell no matter what the fuck they said

    bro's before hoes is some bullshit

    sorry i'm a bit late, ditch the zero and get with a hero

    [that hero is me btw]

    >fuck it i'm sending this to her, idgaf.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)14:59:43 No.393732
    Dear C,
    You need to figure out your feelings. And you need to learn that long distance relationships, while possible, tend to fail in the long run, just like most high-school relationships. He doesn't talk to you very much, and you have sex with guys behind his back, and you tried to put me into that pool, but my willpower prevented that. My body wants that from you, but my conscience can't take it. John was an asshole, and I know that you don't want to hear it, but he used you. I do love you, but not in a lustful way anymore.

    Dear Sh,
    I'm sorry things didn't work out. I just think that our futures are taking us in different directions, and that things would be strained even more than they were had I not broken it off. I'm glad that we can be friends though, because I'd miss you.

    Dear Sc,
    You're a fantastic person, and if I was gay, I'd go for you. You've helped me through thick and thin, and you're one of my closest friends.

    Dear T,
    We need to collaborate already. I'll just pirate Ableton, then we'll work on something.

    Sincerely, P
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:01:44 No.393757
    Dear You.
    I'm really sorry I stopped talking to you, I really want to, but I can never make myself strike up a conversation after the last one we had, I think I love you but I think I should stop and cut you out of my life completely since you are just holding me back, but I can't because you said maybe.
    Which makes me think about you even more.

    I would really like to have any relationship with you, the blank silence is killing me since I saw so much potential.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:02:34 No.393768
    I'm sorry Kat.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:03:07 No.393776
    already have. many times
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:04:48 No.393795

    we probably shouldn't talk anymore, i don't need to deal with it

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:06:05 No.393804

    Please write something please write something please write something. This isn't even your board, I don't know if you even go on 4chan anymore. I want to know how you feel, but I can't ask. Saying anything to you, reminding you I exist, would just be cruel.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:06:09 No.393805
    Dear Laura,

    If only you could show me your tits.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:06:17 No.393807
    Well shit, writing that didn't help at all, I just feel more depressed right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:07:30 No.393819

    Thanks for blocking me.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:09:12 No.393828
    Dear J,
    Get out of my mind. I don't even know you at all. I don't know who your friends are, I don't know what your personality is like, I don't know shit about your life, but you're all I ever think about. You're the prettiest person I've ever met, and something about the way you speak to your friends and move around is enchanting. Just once I want you to speak to me, and look at me in that absent-mindedly thoughtful way, but I know that will happen, so please. Just get out of my head.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:10:00 No.393836
    Dear person I forgot the name off,
    I often see you sitting outside of your apartment building, smoking a cigarette. I've talked to you plenty of times before, but I can't seem to remember your name. I doubt you remember mine. A couple weeks ago, when I went to go smoke weed with a friend, I talked to you for a little while. You're intelligent, interesting, your beauty and curiosity are unmatched. Yesterday, when you waved at me from afar, I wanted to go up to you and ask if you wanted to join me in watching a movie. One day I'll build up the courage to ask you for your number. For now, though, all I can do is admire you from my memory.
    >> Sebas !lSebasl69I 11/13/11(Sun)15:12:15 No.393852

    I have no idea why you still mean so much to me, but you do. It seems like I think about you once every few days, but I still miss you just as much as I did when you moved.
    I would give anything to have you move back. I don't quite get why your dad wanted you all to move, but I really wish he hadn't.
    I thought going out with another girl after you would help to dull the pain, but it didn't at all.

    I love you and I'd give anything to have you back here.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:13:05 No.393861
    Dear H,

    The fuck? You might be cute, and you might be funny, but you're not my type and I'm not interested in you. Would you please - PLEASE - stop this weird-ass dance and friendzone me already? Not only are you making things awkward for the rest of the group, you're killing my grove with the women I am actually interested in.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:13:17 No.393864
    It's funny because this is probably me. Initial?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:13:35 No.393869
    I know these feels man, i know them all.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:18:36 No.393921
    dear myself from the past,

    please stop worrying so much, everything is just fine. you either get what you want, or you learn to deal with with the fact, that you can't get everything.

    you from the future
    >> Sebas !lSebasl69I 11/13/11(Sun)15:21:00 No.393944
    I only went out with her for two months after we met at the 2010 Phoenix Comic-Con, and now she's in Idaho.
    She was just everything I was looking for in a girl, and as hard as I try, I can't get her out of my head.

    Feels painful, man.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:22:38 No.393957
    >that feel of monitoring the thread hoping he writes something about me that lets me know he loves me like I love him..
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:22:50 No.393960
    Dear Quentin,

    I'll show you my tits.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:23:00 No.393962
    Dear M,
    I'm sorry for getting drunk and totally freaking you out last night. I didn't mean to make you feel bad and I hope I didn't ruin everything.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:24:27 No.393982
    Of course I love you!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:26:08 No.394000
    Dear J
    I'm almost sure you know what I did. And yet you act like you don't... Does it mean nothing? Are you now ignoring me because of it or do you just not want to tell me... You know how much i fucking love you. You heartless dick.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:26:14 No.394003
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:26:49 No.394010

    You broke my heart. I thought from the moment I saw you that you were the most amazing and most beautiful girl in the world. Remember when we'd spend hours on the phone, just talking about life? I miss that. I pictured a life together. But you put my ass firmly in the friendzone. After your last break-up, when you called me crying in the middle of the night, I comforted you as best as I could. Then you went right back into the arms of another boy. That was when I decided I was done with you and your problems. I've been trying to ignore you for the past few months, and failing miserably at it. I dream of you in my sleep, dreams so sweet and painful that when I wake up, I feel like there's a hole in my soul that nothing will ever fill. I miss and hate you so much.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:27:05 No.394017
    As I said man, I know them all.
    Thinking about what you did and didn't say, thinking about what you should have said, thinking about what you did and didn't do, think about what couldve been if..

    Restless nights, lots of restless nights man, all of these feels man, id love to just sit down and have a beer with you.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:27:06 No.394018
    Dear Sarah,

    Your boyfriend, Aaron, cheated on you with me. I didn't know it at the time, and I feel really awful about it. I keep going back and forth between telling you because I don't want to ruin your relationship, though I think you should know.

    My apologies
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:27:24 No.394023
    I wish someone did. Thanks though anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:28:40 No.394037
    he probably does, homo
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:30:20 No.394060
    >implying not everyone on rbawwk loves his fellow robots

    get out, motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:31:04 No.394071
    I'm not a lesbian, no.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:34:55 No.394125
    bump because I felt like it..
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:36:18 No.394143
    Dear Erin,

    I know it's almost ten years ago now, but I really hope you're not dead. If you're not, I hope I see you again at some point, just to know. If you are, it really sucks that people who care about you never found that out, but there's only so many notes you can leave and worried 'phone calls you can make.

    Love 'n hugs, still,
    >> Sebas !lSebasl69I 11/13/11(Sun)15:39:44 No.394187
    Google voice, man.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:40:19 No.394198
    This thread is beta as fuck. I started writing a letter but decided to tell her in person instead.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:43:07 No.394231
    Dear Yuko,

    I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I've never really opened up and told anyone this, it's something I keep guarded and hidden, but I'm terrible in social situations and even worse with women, despite any false front I might show to the contrary. I lived alone most of my life before coming to university. You couldn't know, having met me when you did, that I used to be a fat nerd, which had left me with a raft of embarrassing medical problems I was hung up on at the time, problems that took time and a lot of surgery to fix. It should have been as clear as day to me that you were interested, but I just kept pushing you away and treating you worse and worse. You were my perfect woman, and I screwed it up in spectacular fashion.

    I know I tried to apologise to you once before, but you never replied. I wish you would forgive me, so I could at least have some closure. I miss you, and I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:44:50 No.394254
    >It's funny because this is probably me. Initial?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:47:10 No.394288
    Dear you,

    I've been told that men are simple and that they don't play mind games. I'm not sure if I hope that it's true or false. If it is true then I am in fact invisible to you and you didn't notice or remember me being there that day. I will miss you when this month comes to an end although you wont notice that I'm gone. I wish you all the best in life.

    Love, me.
    >> Sebas !lSebasl69I 11/13/11(Sun)15:52:27 No.394344
    Google voice, man.

    And I'd love to have a beer with you.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:52:57 No.394350
    Dear B-

    I didn't know you were getting married when I looked you up or I would have never bothered. It's just that I was terrified because I found out I had a brain tumor, and you were the only person who has ever made me feel safe.

    I ended up not telling you because I wanted you to have a fresh start with the hope that she could give you everything that I couldn't. I hope you've found the happiness and contentment you deserve.

    I'm going to be okay. I still think of you at times, because you were the best friend I ever had, and when friends become more, they take the chance of losing it all. I've never regretted what we had. Know that I never hated you and I've moved on as well. It's just that I can't stand to look at you. It reminds me of all that could have been.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:57:39 No.394406

    Thank you for all the amazing media and literature you have provided me over the years. If there's one dude out there who deserves a non-homo blowjob from myself it's you. Thanks dude.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:59:20 No.394434
    Sorry man, I have to wake up early tomorrow. I'll try to contact you tomorrow, I've kept the address.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:59:40 No.394438
    Dear L,
    Stop FUCKING putting yourself down and saying "it's the truth" when I tell you you really aren't an asshole. You have been a sweetheart since the day we met, and every time you tell me that I deserve a better guy than you, I want to kick you in your face. I'm not some wonderful, perfect being that needs to be worshiped. I am not a good person according to the majority of society. My morals are looked down upon even on the internet.
    But you make me happy. You tell me you love me, you care about me, but you say you wonder why I love you. How am I supposed to prove my love? Do you really not believe me when I tell you I love you? Just tell me what I need to do to show you I do! I've been in this relationship with you for a while, and you can't stop talking about how shitty you've acted towards me and others. I don't remember a single time when you've treated me badly, so just fucking stop. I don't know how to make you feel better when you go off like that, and I hate it.
    You keep saying "You don't know what I did...", but if you're not gonna tell me, how can I see that you're as bad as you say? You can either accept the fact that I think you're fantastic, or tell me whatthefuck happened that makes you a bad person today so I can see you as you say you are.
    I'm sick of you being such a sad sack. If you don't stop this bullshit soon, I may have to leave you...
    And realize that I choose to not acknowledge the existence of "better guys", because, to me, you are the best there is. Except for lately, when all you seem to want to do is make me feel sorry for you.
    Do you think that if I start to see you as happy and independent, I'll leave? Do you want me to see you as this sorry, needy fucker who wants me around just so I can try to compliment you all the time and make you feel better? I don't want you to need me. I want you to be fucking happy with your life, so stop your bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:03:07 No.394483
         File1321218187.png-(217 KB, 435x624, L___Death_Note_by_Crimmy_kun.png)
    217 KB
    I appreciate the kind words, but I'm kind of dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:04:55 No.394507
         File1321218295.jpg-(46 KB, 702x394, K.jpg)
    46 KB
    >I appreciate the kind words, but I'm kind of dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:05:22 No.394515
    Dear B

    I know you're about to die, but I just wanted you to know that I love you and always have.
    I can't actually tell you this because you wouldn't remember who I am in the first place, but that doesn't make me love you less, and I'll miss you when you go.

    With love, anon
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:06:27 No.394530
    dear heather's hot brother,
    you're sexy that is all
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:08:28 No.394558
    Dear me, You know i sit here thinking about myself wondering why I haven't died yet, the thing is i probably have cancer, and i have known it for a whole year and have done nothing about it.

    I don't even know what im doing with my life anymore i sleep 12 hours a day and spend every other waking moment of my life browsing 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:10:38 No.394580
    Dear A,

    Be less fat

    Love, L.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:12:37 No.394600
    Dear science,
    just relax a bit..could u??
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:13:52 No.394612
    Dear Undiscovered,

    Where the fuck are you? Why aren't you here, and why haven't I met you yet?

    From me.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:17:06 No.394639
         File1321219026.png-(522 KB, 550x2000, desperate to know everything.png)
    522 KB
    dear you,
    oh wait. i already did this.
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:19:29 No.394669
    dear r,

    The first time I talked to you was last week. We must have talked for an hour. All the bros in my cohort are unfunny, dumb jackasses, but I saw myself becoming good friends with you.

    And then they found you dead in your car.
    A stroke at 29.
    I wish I could have gotten to know you better. I was invited to the memorial service, but I didn't go. I'm sorry. I wanted to, but my grandma died a couple weeks ago and I just didn't think I could handle another service. I feel dumb for being so moved by the death of someone I didn't know that well.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:19:53 No.394678
    Kid, you are right.

    You are a flesh and blood living soul and nobody can tell you what to do. Anything you can apply for a license to do is something you can lawfully do without asking for any kind of 'permission'. These rights are inalienable, they are yours and only you can abrogate them.

    Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

    National Insurance numbers, Social Security numbers, Social Insurance numbers and Citizenship are cons, these things are all about making you lien-able, opening you up to paying taxes on your income and being subject to statutes. Its all nonsense, these are contracts and are void ab-initio as you were never informed of your obligation under said contract at best, and put upon you arbitrarily at worst.

    The only crime is harm loss or fraud committed against another living soul. No harm, no crime.

    Do not be pushed around, no not give up, study common law, study Magna Carta, study. Enrich yourself and your mind. Do not take the easy path, walk the hard road.

    Stand up. Be yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:22:07 No.394708

    I'm sorry. I love you. I hope you're okay without me. I hope it'd make you happy to know that I'm okay too, even if it's because you're gone.

    I was weak. I'm teaching myself to be stronger. Maybe one day I'll be strong enough to give you a proper goodbye.

    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 11/13/11(Sun)16:22:48 No.394723
    Dear Anya,
    I'm sorry for calling your sister with a skin disease ugly in 5th grade.
    I didn't know.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:23:57 No.394747
    Dear mom, dad, and brother,
    Go die. In a car accident. Or give me away. Let me live. Or just let me do whatever the fuck I want. I want to stay at Connors house forever. I hate you all. I wished dad wouldve taken that job in Texas and I couldve stayed living out here.
    Love, H.

    To his mother,
    Stop being a bitch and stop giving a shit. We're wiser than you and we don't need you to get drunk over us and be a whore. It was nice that you fucked a lot of guys and got pregnant eventually. Without you, I wouldn't have him. But please, leave us the fuck alone.
    Your daughter in law to be.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:25:09 No.394763
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    Dear N,

    Your girlfriend is a fucking bitch. There, I said it. I'm tired of her shit. It's toned down now that summer's over, and both of you are back at your respective colleges, but this shit needs to stop regardless. I realize she's your first girlfriend ever, and you're too entrenched in bullshit puppy-love to understand that she's mistreating you, but I expected more from somebody of your intellect.

    She shoplifts. She doesn't pay for her own shit at restaurants, even when asked. She always needs to be the center of attention. She's got the most annoying sense of 'humor' I've ever encountered - it strikes me as the hyperbolic representation of what a retarded 4Chan meme-spouting 13 year old would be. Shouting 'nigger' at a drive-through clerk as I was driving away wasn't funny. I could go on for minutes about the shit she's done that has pissed me off, but I think you know about these things already. You're just so pussy whipped that you overlook it.

    I realize that this isn't really any of my business, but you're still my best bro, and I feel like it's my responsibility to tell you when you're being an idiot. Spending as much money on her as you have has already been enormously stupid, but this next move you've been talking about is the trump card. Don't transfer colleges to be with this stupid bitch. Don't move to another city just because that's where she is. She's not worth it. This is a horrible mistake waiting to happen. You've gotten enough complaints from me at this point to close your ear on anything I have to say about her, and that's why I wish you were really reading this letter. : (
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:27:47 No.394799
    Dear clingy, vapid whore

    I don't want to be around you at all. why do you keep following me? You have so many other friends.

    "I am going to the store" does not mean "You should follow me to the store and demand that I entertain you the entire time". it means I'm trying to get away from you.

    Please leave my life. It's been three days and you're already driving me crazy. I'm "always alone" because I want to be.

    fuck off
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:28:10 No.394802
    dear zoe,

    holy shit you're beautiful. i wish i had the nerve to talk to you. even if i did, i dont think youd like that very much. you dont seem shallow like the rest of these cunts. i want to wake up next to you, i want to hold your hand, i want you to know i exist
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:33:01 No.394866
    Dear Tre,

    Your girlfriend is vapid, and stupid. I hope you'll realize she's only keeping you around until something better comes along. I'd really hate to see you get so attached and then so hurt.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:35:08 No.394896

    I love you. This is something that will never change.

    That being said, I want you to be happy above all else.

    Whatever that means for you, I'll support you all the way. I was your friend before I developed these feelings for you. So that's my ultimate fate.

    Whatever. When you realize that I'm everything you want, I'll probably still be around. You'll have to find me first though.

    Stay chill

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:40:12 No.394971
         File1321220412.jpg-(185 KB, 500x750, Luckies Love [1].jpg)
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    Dear City Of Li,

    I do fuckin miss you. No I don't. Seriously I don't know if I miss you or not but you know.. When it's Sundae and I smoke my cigarette I cannot not to think of you, the times we were sittin' on your sofa, smokin Lucky Strike and watchin TV, together..

    We have never been friends.. I love you, you don't give a fuck, you love me, I don't give a fuck.

    with Love, or maybe not.
    yo' saiko.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:44:00 No.395013
    Stop leaving used condoms on the bedroom floor, they keep sticking to my shoes :/
    love <3 x
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:44:50 No.395025

    I'm first poster and I have no idea who the second guy is.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:47:14 No.395058
    Dear W,

    You know I love you. That isn't going to change. I know you need to go back to us being friends for now, and I know I can nix the sex stuff and relationship stuff. I can be your friend if thats what you need me to be. But I'm not letting go of my love. You shouldn't of told me what you did, because now I'm never giving up until you tell me, flat out, that we aren't going to be together, that you don't love me. And I don't think thats going to happen. I'll bide my time. I'll wait. I'll let you take the time you need to work things out fully with your ex. I owe you that and thats what you need. I'll be happy when you finally can breathe again. I know it's been stressful, and I honestly can't think of any better idea than what your already doing. So you go and do it. I know it won't last. How could it? You don't love her and your not dumb enough to stay in something bad. I worry for you over it, and I'll be here to support you when you need it. I'll wait for you. I want to marry you. And you told me the same. How could I possibly think of letting go after that?

    Take your time, I'll be here.
    -Love, K
    >> Sebas !lSebasl69I 11/13/11(Sun)16:48:10 No.395072
    I'm actually at work right now and on my phone.
    Sleep well, bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:53:30 No.395125

    This is creepy. Almost exactly what I'd say to my M. And I'm a J too.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:55:30 No.395148
    god damnit this boring endless thread goes back to /b/ circa 2005

    just stop, no one cares, write it in notepad if you really need to get it out
    >> Sebas !lSebasl69I 11/13/11(Sun)16:56:27 No.395157
    Dear M,

    Yes, you are going to be forever alone unless you realize that ALL guys will expect you to put out at some point. You're a nice girl, but in a normal relationship, there is always some expectation of sex at some point.
    Either learn to put out, or stop bitching about guys wanting sex eventually.

    You're a fucking theatric histrionic. You need help.

    Your friend,
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:00:37 No.395194
    Dear T,

    I know you were probably just trying to be funny with those sarcastic (?) gay sex jokes the other day, but you're a pretty alright guy and I probably would. I would have mentioned it to you but I was worried that if I mentioned it everyone (or just you, you probably wouldn't run your mouth about it to anyone) would assume I was a flaming homosexual.
    Stepmania is a pretty fun game, innit?

    >that feel when you wish they actually browsed /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:02:37 No.395214
    Dear N

    I thought we'd still be friends no matter what happened? I thought you needed friends? I don't blame you but you could have said something before leaving me. I hope your life turns out okay.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:03:13 No.395220
         File1321221793.jpg-(26 KB, 500x369, 1313201623645.jpg)
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    Dear Jerkface

    seems you had forgotten all about me, hence why i need to start forgetting you. Good luck with getting back with your ex for the billionth time and always be depressed and mopey about shit. then again, someone who gets hit and willingly goes back kinda deserves it.

    im not gonna miss that at all. remember when u bitched about being alone, when really u werent ? i was alone and i was still willing to help you. I loved you. im gonna miss all the times we would stay up talking about stuff. you are a nice person, but you need to grow the FUCK up...or maybe u cant.

    oh wells, enjoy yourself, you attention whore. maybe you will actually end up alone like the cat lady u keep saying you'll turn into.

    Someone who shouldnt have cared.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:17:28 No.395360
    Dear kevin,
    It's not funny when you say you'll be dead soon. I care about you for some strange reason and I just want to have you forever. Can't do that if you kill yourself. Just hold out forone more year.
    Love, your kitty cat
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:21:01 No.395402
    Dear S

    I love you

    Regards B
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:21:48 No.395414
    Dear Emily,

    You are a manipulative, self-centred bitch who can't not get her own way. When we were together I got very good at ignoring what I wanted when it conflicted with you. Towards the end I actually started to convince myself it was what I wanted as well.
    I'm glad that my friends didn't like you, and opened my eyes to how miserable you were making me.
    Stop messaging me. The fact I haven't replied to a single one in over a year and a half should be a hint that I don't want to talk to you.
    And stop questioning Alice about me and my new girlfriend. She hates it, and is starting to avoid you because of it.
    The reason no guy wants to date you is because you're a frigid, crazy, God-loving bitch hiding beneath a very beautiful and friendly shell. I liked the person I first met. If I'd known she didn't exist and was just a part you played, I'd have run like hell and never looked back.
    I'm happy, you're not, that's entirely your fault and things couldn't have turned out better.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:30:32 No.395502
    Dear Nicole

    You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Every time I see you I have to stop myself from staring. We don't really know each other even though we've been in the same class for more than two years, and we've barely had a conversation, but I still think about you every day. Your shyness reminds me so much of myself and, somehow, I really care about you. I want to help you despite not even being able to help myself, but at the same time I want to stay away so I can't ever hurt you. I'm not sure I even know what love is, but I think this might be it.

    >> Sebas !lSebasl69I 11/13/11(Sun)17:44:10 No.395643
    What's S's name?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:49:52 No.395710
    Dear Cool People Who I Avoid For Some Reason,

    Thanks for being happy when you see me and smiling, even though I've been a dick to you. Some of you have had a really big impact on my life, but I can't bring myself to connect with you because I'm afraid I'll either not know what to do, or that I'll hurt you. I'm pretty insane and for that reason it's better that I spend my life alone. But you will never fully know how important you have been in my life.

    Bearded Shut-In #2345590
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)18:28:10 No.395770
    You ever have a dream where something really bad happens, and then you wake up and realize, with a sigh of relief, that it was all just a dream, and everything is okay? I wish I could wake up that fateful July morning when I met you, and breathe a sigh of relief going "thank god, it was all just a nightmare, I never did any of that".

    But I can't.

    I've made mistakes that I can't erase. We all do at one point or another in our lives. Here, with you, it was all because I had fallen in love (over the internet, no less!) going through emotions and feelings that I never dealt with before and didn't know how to deal with.

    I'm just a boy who fell in love and acted stupid. I wish you'd forgive me for that. I didn't know. I hadn't realized what I was getting into or what I'd be like, and I wish I could stop myself at the beginning, when I first wrote you that confession. (god you have no idea how nervous I was when I sent that to you!)

    I want to start off on the right foot with you this time. As friends, not as a guy chasing a girl. But as equals who bring their own things to the table and enjoy playing the same games together and talking about life.

    The cynical side of me says that you won't believe me. That you'll say 'no guy just wants to be friends, I know he still wants me that way'. I'm an honest man. Yeah, I still got feelings, what red-blooded guy doesn't feel something for an attractive girl? It just goes with the territory. But I know better. We're on opposite sides of the planet, and we've both got lives to live. I'm stuck here for years to finish school, I couldn't leave if I wanted to.

    So you want my ulterior motive? What's driving me to contact you again? You were fun to be around, and I want to make amends.

    Because the way I acted was inexcusable and unforgiveable and I'm hoping, hoping against the odds, that you've the heart to excuse and forgive me anyways.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)18:34:06 No.395825
    ok i'll say it:
    did you give her another chance?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)18:37:39 No.395859
    Sebas, are you fucking sebastian from Prov RI by anychance?
    >> Sebas !lSebasl69I 11/13/11(Sun)18:45:07 No.395916
    I'm Sebastian from Gilbert, Arizona.
    From your letter, I kind of wish that I was from Providence.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)18:51:07 No.395975
    eh i actually like reading these, believe it or not. i'm sure i'm not alone
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)18:52:14 No.395987
    Oh, no, that was not me. I just don't know many sebastians. I have a bone to pick with the one from providence. It's probably better that you aren't him.
    >> Sebas !lSebasl69I 11/13/11(Sun)18:53:39 No.395998
    Just out of curiosity, what did he do?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)19:00:20 No.396061
    God how I wish this was addressed to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)19:17:30 No.396263

    Yeah, I fucked up. My bad. If you decide you still wanna be friends, you know how to get in touch with me.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)19:24:09 No.396311
    Dear M,

    I should be somewhat pissed after you rejected me and It's been almost a week since I confessed and tried to ask you out, I gotta admit that I rushed things a little, but since you failed some subjects and had to re take some classes again I felt that we were drifting apart. So I did what my heart told me for the first time in my entire life. At first I thought you weren't ready b'cause all the bs talked you said about getting out of a troubled relationship, I though you needed more time so I didn't hear you when you said to me that you loved me as a friend like... 3 times during those akward minutes.

    the it hit me when I was jogging and talking to C about what I have just done, after that I felt a mixture of rage (against myself) and sadness, but then something changed, I felt happy for the first time in a long time, it's like I took off that weight from me, yeah, I took the chance and I blew it, but it was the first time in my life that I took it and I'm glad I did. I have no regrets, and I would do it again (and I will).

    I know we will remain good friends, because you're the most caring woman I've ever met, I really value our friendship, I just thought that maybe we could be more than friends, but for now that is not the case.

    So I guess what I want to say is, thank you. I now feel like I can achieve anything, I'm gonna start taking more risks, I'm gonna start living my life, after 24 years of apathy.

    And of course, I'm going to think better before making any moves to another woman, because what I did to you felt sort of rushed, like a banzai charge.

    That is all.

    Love, J.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)21:08:28 No.396346
    Dear T,

    First off, I want to say that I think you're a pretty great guy. Like a really great guy. But I know you're going through shit right now, but I still think we could make this work like we did before. I'm not going to pursue a relationship with you right now, but when you get your shit straightened out and when I get my shit straightened out, I'm gonna send you roses or some shit.

    Second, I'm am kinda surprised that you still want to deal with me. I mean, looking back on it, I was kinda abusive, and I seriously broke your trust, multiple times. I'm not complaining about it or anything, I just want you to know that you still wanting to have anything to do with me, especially in the sex department, makes me think that you've blocked out any bad memories of me.

    Third. I know that you're trying to be this manly man a lot of the time, but it can be really hard to believe when you still squeal and do all these cutesy little things you did back when you were a teenager. Most of the time, I very much like it and I can very much dig the cutesy thing you got going. But some of the time, like when you try to top me, it removes any and all respect I have for you. I know that I push a little bit, you fold and let me do whatever you want. If you wanna be a man, be a man. Act like you deserve to be on top. Take my head, bash it against the wall, and fuck me. And when I try to fight back, push back twice as hard, because you have no idea how much I dig the power play. It is a recurring fantasy to have me squirming under you while you take your sweet time with my bod. And for the good lords sake, stick it in my ass. If I'm not exactly clean back there, I will stop you. As they say, begging forgiveness is a million times better than asking permission.

    Yours Truly,

    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)22:30:42 No.396358
    dear m.

    i haven't spoken to you in a year, which I'm proud of. but i hate how much i still cling to that promise i made to myself. still, you're a stupid cunt and i hope your headphones are forever tangled.

    i hope he can't get it up.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)20:58:50 No.396869
    Dear lady,
    We had a great run, and I love you a lot. I'm afraid I'll always love you a lot. It's driving me nuts though. You've made it clear you want nothing to do with me and have no intention on making the life we had planned together. So why am I still around? It's been three weeks can you just dump me please. I'm not alpha enough to dump you no matter how unhappy we're making each other.
    By the way, you're a whore for not wanting to work things out. I lost a lot of respect for you.
    from, Lua
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:03:30 No.396909
    Dear LulzSec,

    Fuck you.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:05:06 No.396928
    It wasn't LulzSec, christ. LulzSec would be tweeting about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:08:11 No.396955
    Dear S,

    You think I only want to fuck you but truth is, I just want to see you and ease my sorrowful heart at times. Tomorrow, I'm going to do something for myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:17:04 No.397048
    Dear L,

    You do not know how important you are to me. You can easily brighten up my day just by showing up. You mean a lot to me, and I don't want to lose you. We've been through so much together. We've been through bad and good times, and I'm sure there'll be more to come.

    PS. Sorry for falling down a waterfall and almost dying and scaring the shit out of you. I honestly did not mean to do that.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:18:43 No.397059
    Dear man I haven't met yet.
    Where are you? I need you. I need to feel loved and not alone. I want to love you back. I want to be with you forever.
    Love, girl you haven't met yet.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:25:08 No.397118
    Dear B,

    I don't know where to start. I'm falling for you. Hard. You brighten up my day. You make Spanish bearable. You make me laugh. You are a good, genuine person. I don't know how to tell you. I hope you break up with your dick of a boyfriend. After everything you've told me, I know it's for the best. Your list of people, fuck them. Not like sleep with them, but get rid of them. You just need to drop the slutty victim act. Other than that, you are perfect in every way. 10/10 all around. I love you. I wish you could see that in me.

    I love you,

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:26:23 No.397131
    Dear C,

    I have no idea what the hell I misread between us. I clearly did, but your behaviour makes no sense if you weren't interested. It makes no sense if you were just attention seeking either really. It just doesn't make sense.

    I can take rejection, but I'd really love to know what on earth you thought we were doing if you didn't see this coming.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:26:37 No.397132
    Dear Susan,

    I love you. I don't know why you are hung up on that asshole of a soon to be ex? I know you told me you keep praying he will come back, but Jesus Christ, how could you want him back? after what he did?

    Here I am waiting. You said you can't date, because it feels like cheating. That's rubbish... can't you see how I would never abandon you like he did? Do you know how badly I wanted to hold you when we went out? But you told me no. Why? I know you said you wanted to keep your promises. Did he keep his promises to you? No he didn't. I promise I'll take care of you and actually honor my word. Why are you trying to be so loyal to that douchebag who isn't coming back? I don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:27:50 No.397150
    Dear Holly,

    You are a cokewhore
    You are full of shit
    You are a fuck head
    You are a cunt
    You are a dumbass
    You are desperate
    You are pathetic
    You need to be dismembered
    You need to get raped by a horde of niggers


    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:31:07 No.397188
    Hey Chelsea.

    Tuesdays and Thursdays are my favorite day now. I was actually considering dropping the class. But I walk in, and without fail, you give me a huge smile that I can't help but return.

    You're a really cool girl, Chelsea. I hope you think I'm cool, too.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:33:01 No.397206
    ahh mfw my name is alex
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:33:01 No.397207
         File1321324381.jpg-(535 KB, 805x1094, 1319165329158.jpg)
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    Dear S,

    I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
    It's been over two years, and I know I'm still a rotten piece of shit for what I did to you. I knew how much of a delicate situation you were in, but all I cared about was me and what happened to me.
    I still can't believe we've remained friends to this day.
    If we had met under different circumstances, we might have still been happy together today.
    You deserve better than a piece of shit like me.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:34:15 No.397220
    Dead M,
    Despite me being drunk every time we have talked, i am starting to actually like you. I don't want a quick fuck, I honestly want to get to know you better. Maybe us having the same conversations due to me being drunk and forgetting everything but your name has given me a bad image but I'm really not that bad of a guy.
    With care,
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:36:51 No.397246
    My dear,
    I really love you. I've loved you for years, but it's changed now, or it's been changing in the past months and I just now realized it. The thing is, I can imagine my entire life with you. And I want it to be with you. Just give that bitch up and see for yourself how much I not only love you, but how I'm in love with you; and I can see you love me too, you just need to see it and try to make it out. It's impossible that after all these years you are being so sweet and lovely to me - as a true lover, not only a friend - just to mess with my feelings. I know I can make you happy, and that's actually all I want, and I know you can make me happy too, because you do it already.
    Don't let the things we've done and said be in vain, by believing that bitch is the one you need. It may not be me - which I don't believe -, but it's surely not her.
    Your friend, hopefully lover.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:37:06 No.397253
    Dear Ashley,

    I really think you're a beautiful person, and I really like you even though we've only spoken a couple times. Oh well, you're way taller than me anyway, it would just be weird.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:38:39 No.397269
    To the one who call themselves human,
    Would you please all hurry up and fucking die. 7 billion is about 7 billion to many. Your only noticeable characteristics are reproduction and selfishness. Please fucking die.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:39:26 No.397280
    Dear M/B,

    You fucking broke my heart you self righteous hipster cunt. I never loved anyone in my entire life as much as I loved you. Due to your actions and choice of words we can no longer even be friends. I would have died for you and risked my life saving you in the inevitable zombie apocalypse. I wanted nothing more to be with you, I even let you make all the moves sexually as to not rush things. If we had it my way I would have fucked you in a second but nope, I wanted it to be perfect for you. I'll see you in hell you hipster, improv loving, awkward, cunt!

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:39:53 No.397286
    Dear Jenna,

    I'm sorry that you blame me for why your life went to shit. I know we were pretty serious when we dated, but you went too serious way too fast. You wanted to move in after a month, that is moving just a bit too quick.

    Then, a week after we broke up, you had rebound sex with a friend who got you preggers, and you kept the kid, even though the father skipped town as soon as he heard.

    Now, I'm not sorry we broke up, even you know that we were shit together. But I am sorry that you felt the need to try and change who you were.

    You've done a lot over the past few years, and you've raised your son well. I respect your dedication to him, and I just wish he could have been born under less shitty circumstances.

    Best Regards,

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:40:23 No.397293
    Dear You,

    I seriously wish I could read your mind. The time we spent together was magical and you run through my mind hourly. I'm pretty much falling in love with you, and I'm fucking terrified. But if you're thinking the same thing, well, maybe that eases my mind, if only slightly.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:45:31 No.397345
    dear Taylor,

    I still don't know if I hate you or not. I might, or I might have gotten over it, or I might have never hated you and just felt really really hurt because, face it, you really really hurt me. I don't care how happy you are with Rachel, and I never want you to tell me, I never want to know if she was better for you than I was. Even if you liked her much better, you could have told me without breaking everything inside me. God, I cried for months.

    And I think your new haircut looks really nice, I think it would really work with the beard you tried growing back when it was longer. I still check up on you from time to time, even though I kinda puke each time I see your pictures of the two of you, but I'm okay.

    You made me grow up, but in a bad way. I don't hate work anymore, I don't go on adventures, I read a lot now, and I don't pursue relationships. It's like you took all the kid out of me and strangled it.

    you know who this is, and you know who you are, and I just hope you're in this thread tonight because I could never say this to your face.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:46:05 No.397351



    Dear Ginger,

    I liked fucking you, that was fun. I don't know why you are with this guy now though, it was kind of odd to mention that just the day after. I wish someone would stay in my life for more than a month at a time. :/ Oh well back to the lonely months ahead.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:46:23 No.397357

    How I wish that was written for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:47:33 No.397374
    Dear Maranda
    I love you. I always have. I always will.
    But, when the time comes, in 6 months, I don't know what choice I'm going to make. Because right now, I want it. I know that then, I'm going to want it.
    At the same time, I realize that you're in love with him, completely. I know that even if you do want me, it's going to be a fake want, it's going to be a "I'm always going to be there, I'm a good friend, I love you even though you don't love me"
    I don't know that I want this kind of relationship.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:48:08 No.397379
    Dear girlfriend,

    Even though I love you, you can't make me say it ALL THE TIME. That's not how it works. Also, I don't think I love you as a girlfriend anymore, now you're just like a sister who sucks my cock because I don't have the guts to tell you this.

    Your boyfriend
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:50:31 No.397423
    Dear Girl I Don't Know The Name Of,

    I think you're pretty cool. And I think we could be friends even though I'm a moderate traditionalist with some socially liberal views and you're... well, you hate feminism and anything modern, and you also hate Jews.

    The thing is, we've built up this friendly repertoire between us for the last few months (and I think it's clear you are somewhat fond of me) but I think you'd hate me if you realized that I'm dating a White guy since you're against miscegenation.

    Anyway, whatever. I guess I'll just let things be and be happy with the friendly but impersonal exchanges we have going on between us.

    P.S. I think you're an awesome photographer.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:51:05 No.397433
    Dear Rick,

    Thanks for all you've done for me, I know you've sometimes had your own back over mine, but I understand that you have to look out for your number one player. Besides those times, you've always had my best interests at heart. Recently I have been noticing you've been becoming nicer and kinder to people. I look forward to the future you, and I look forward to our future together.

    No homo.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:52:55 No.397464

    Honestly, I wish it were, too. We all deserve a little happiness every now and again. Cheers.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:53:03 No.397467
    Sounds like Rick is a pretty cool guy. Eh never gives you up and doesnt afraid of anything
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:53:30 No.397474
    Dear jill,

    I know you're just as bad as tabitha, don't try to hide it you fucking bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:54:17 No.397483
    Dear Karen,

    I know I was kind of a dick, and then our relationship (shaky to start with) devolved into us getting sarcastic and bitter with each other almost every day. We haven't spoken in months, and at first I was happy, but lately I keep thinking about you. And I just want to speak to you. But I can't.
    I'm sorry.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:55:02 No.397497
    Yeah, but I could never tell him this, it's far too homo.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:56:24 No.397523
    Dear Parents and Sister,

    I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few days ago. Surprisingly, my reaction to the news has been pretty ambivalent. I don't feel much different, though my stamina isn't what it used to be. I keep thinking whether or not I should tell all of you. The cancer is far enough along that chemo, radiation, etc. will only prolong my life, but at the same time reduce its quality. I'd rather go out with a bang, living my life, going to work, doing what I enjoy than survive for a few more months being confined to a bed.

    So, I've decided not to tell any of you about it, until the time comes that I am in the hospital on my deathbed. You all have your own shit going on, and you all have enough stress as is. No need for me to pile any more on. Besides, I fucking hate pandering. I'm sick, but I can still work. I hate being treated like a lost cause.

    All My Love,

    Your Son/Brother
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:56:53 No.397534
    Dear, Pink

    I thought I was a hollow shell with no future. Then I met you and felt something to once. It was love, I love you still even after what you said to me. I tried reconnecting with you after the summer to be rejected again because u misinterpreted what I was saying. I was trying to say I was sorry and i'd missed you. I wish these misunderstandings and other forces that stop us from repairing our relationship had never happened.

    Love, Magic

    Ps. For r9k *insert "over and over" by three days grace*
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:57:50 No.397555
    Dear CM,
    I thought I was over you, finally. this past week was a cloud of neutrality, and it was okay. Weird, not eating myself up inside, but okay.
    And hanging out with you felt good, too. we were friends.

    TWO DAYS! two days it took for me to have a wet dream about you. and the sexiest damned wet dream, too.

    so apparently I'm not over you. I'm going crazy again, out of guilt. I really should dump my boyfriend, it isn't fair to him to have a girl who is so conflicted. Cause I'm not shunting you out of my life.
    actually, this feels like the slowest courtship in the world. I miss you.

    PS. the fuck did you mean that my boyfriend would ruin out friendship? is that supposed to be code for you like me?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:58:13 No.397561
    Dear you,

    I like you way more than you like me, (which is just fucking great). You'll never know this, and you'll never know how volunerable I am. How sensitive I am. How I analyze everything you say. We're so mindfuckingly compatible, I really hope you realize this. I want this. Please stay interested... even though I can hardly talk when I'm with you...

    Fuck. This was not suppose to happen. Ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:58:21 No.397564
    I thought you liked me. You said you loved me, you said I was sexy, you said I was smart, you said I was funny. I was what you were looking for, you were everything I ever wanted and more. It sounded like you enjoyed our conversations. I thought you would never lead me on and were done with playing games. I saved you countless times and protected you. I was shocked in how much you entrusted me, yet I tore down my wall and allowed you inside. In the end, you lost some of that spunk you had in the beginning and seemed less interested although you said otherwise. Then you stopped all contact, no messages, no phone calls.

    Will you ever call back? Or is this your way of saying it is over?

    >> Chip Skylark !dr.SWAG.2g 11/14/11(Mon)21:58:25 No.397568
    To put it bluntly, I really fucking like you. For you, I would lead the forces of Asgard to Jotunheimr to defeat the Jotun king. For you, I would evolve gills and beat the fuck out of King Neptune, then come back and give you the oceans. All of them. For you, I would traverse the battlefields of Ragnarok armed only with some nerf guns, a foam sword, and all of my love. Since the day I met you I've wanted you to ride alongside me into battle to slay the forces of evil. I want to curl up on the couch with you and watch obscure scifi movies. I want to go on crazy adventures all over the world with you. I want to take you to Medieval Europe and go dancing with you in 1918. For one kiss, I'd build a flaming chainsword and use it to defeat your seven evil exes. Just say the words, and I'll do anything you ask. What I'm trying to say is, will you go out with me?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:58:37 No.397575
    Dear Steven,

    We need to fuck eachother.

    - T
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:59:22 No.397593
    I wish you well and send you love.
    >> HATE 11/14/11(Mon)22:01:31 No.397635
    Dear Lord,
    Get off your ass and send me some money. I need about $50k. After all I've been through ya could have someone give it to me, that isn't a enemy.

    I don't give a shit if you think I'm disrespecting you. I've had to suffer 20 years with your retarded humans. & liek no really a good bit of them are retarded. They fucking fail miserably at understanding anything about their own species (more specifically social understanding), or when they finally have a understanding the cost as become too high and I don't give a fuck about them anymore. I've shown them too much forgiveness, as you probably did too. I should have to remind the peons that the goddamn police mislead them for the MILLIONTH fucking time. I mean Jesus ME!

    Oh and some booty and some answers would be nice. Like what have I invented? If so, wouldn't I be a kajillionair by now? Also tell Jasmine to stop being such a cock tease and if she wants my white pepperoni stick then she can show me her jiggly toosh, and tell her that it would help if she proved she was a good SANE woman. I'm not getting into another relationship without knowing if they are sane or not, I learned that lesson with Kate, Chrissy, Jill, and Kay.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:01:51 No.397642
    Where do the dragon dick molds come from? Who makes the dragon dildo molds? Was an artist told to recreate a dragon dick? Why not just buy a normal dildo? Will there ever be a double sided dragon dildo?

    -- Daniel
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:02:14 No.397646
    I can understand your point. And even though I don't know you, so that I can't really say something you should pay attention to, maybe you'd like to have your family knowing this. I mean... You don't want to be treated like you can't take care of yourself anymore, but some more caress is always good. But I can't say it's completely wrong of you to hide, since it makes perfect sense.

    Thank you. And I hope it's mutual in your case too.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:02:35 No.397656

    If a guy asked me exactly that I would fucking say yes in a second.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:03:08 No.397665
    I'm pretty sure there's a site called something like "the naughty dragon" that sells dragon dildos.
    >> HATE 11/14/11(Mon)22:04:15 No.397681
    Also I still don't believe any of the insinuations that any woman would be waiting for me. Kristen AB, is one of them. She's a good enough, cute enough, Christan girl that she could have had at least 1 or 2 other men by now. Not saying she should be waiting, but it's irritating enough fuckers out there are saying, or were saying, that Kate was when there's a high chance she became a prostitute or a damn slut. B/c if I do fucking eventually date again I'll need some damn money to do things the right way. Being $25K in debt (including what's left on the car) isn't going to help anything. & yeah I'd go all out & rent the top floor of the Hilton, w/jacuzzi, if one of them was a virgin. I'd romance the night away with her into the morning. So yea, kinda do need that $50k, kthx.

    I still don't get why they'd wait for me when I don't know some of the people involved and don't know what to say, especially in public to others.

    But after all my bitching I'll thank you for a few things: Gianna Micheals & Rachel Aldana & that Nokko chick (Romanian?). The comedic styling of Daniel Tosh, Dane Cook, Louis CK, Robin Williams, Sarah Silverman, and the hundreds of others. You better be watching over Mitch Headburg, you fat bastard. Thai food, chinese food, traditional Italian food, and German Beer. There's more, but meh.



    P.S. Tell TOM FUCKING FULP to get off his curly haired ass and make Pico 2 already. I don't give a fuck if it's for the NES. He's left us hanging since the 90s for a squeal. I think he's taken longer then Duke Nukem has to make a return. Oh and tell him Alien Hominid rocked.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:04:28 No.397685
    Dear D,

    Whatever the fuck I did, I'm sorry. And I'd give anything just to be friends again. Maybe if you'd just talk to me every once in a while...

    I love you, by the way. A lot...

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:04:40 No.397689
    Dear L,

    Stop being a toothpick.

    Love, A.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:06:49 No.397721

    Zarquon, just tell her already. It was so fucking cute and lovely. There's no way any girl won't melt down for this.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:08:28 No.397747
    Dear J

    Step your game up nigga.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:09:43 No.397761
    I'm sorry that asshole left you when you were pregnant. No husband should ever treat his wife that way.

    Now he's filing for divorce. So WHY do you keep waiting for him? Why are you so insanely loyal to a man who's behaviors show he belongs in hell? I don't understand. I'd never do that to you, but you turn me down because you keep hoping he'll come back and be the man you married? He never was the man you married! That man was a lie. OBVIOUSLY.
    >> HATE 11/14/11(Mon)22:12:18 No.397793
    One more thing God:
    & tell those two chicks at the gym that I saw tonight that I think they're hot. Both have nice bods. I'd be nice to sleep with them, but fuck it. I'd settle for friends.

    & could you send me some damn pills or something to get rid of my damn man problem(s). kthx.

    &....well could you at least answer you ever think people will figure out I didn't want this confusion? And why is everyone so overly concerned about me? Liek no rlly stay the fuck out of my love life/sex life. KTHX!

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:16:17 No.397820
    Dear you,

    Do you exist? Surely you must. The only question I have is, will I live long enough to meet you. I hope I do, because I would like to share myself with you, and I would like you to do the same.

    Also, Mel anie, I'm going to ask you to coffee the next time I see you. You should probably say no, because I am a piece of shit person, and I will only bring you trouble.

    from me
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:18:07 No.397834
    Dear E and B,

    I see the both of you as sisters, so why do I have these feelings for you both? is it because the both of you are basically the same person? Whenever I'm with either of you, I feel like I'm on cloud nine. When I'm not, I think of the both of you. But I know neither of you are interested in me. I've even accepted it. I just wish I had one chance to be with either of you. I hate that you both are best friends. I hate that you're sisters.

    This sucks, K.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:19:27 No.397844
    Dear H,
    I don't know if I love you or anything like that, but for some reason I just can't seem to stop thinking about you. It's very distracting, and a great inconvenience.
    I just wish you'd make a move or drop a hint or something, because I am thicker than a harem protagonist, and I don't think I can sort these feelings out on my own.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:20:00 No.397850
    Dear everyone in love with someone who proved to you a thousand times that is a true idiot,

    just fucking notice it. There's probably someone around you who loves you for a long time, someone who's just waiting for you to let they in, to prove you they're worth it. You just might find out that you can be happier than you ever thought you could be with the dick one. Please, don't ruin two lives just for stubbornness.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:20:30 No.397857
    Dear A,

    I've got no interest in M, she's just a friend of mine. You can go ahead and have her, now stop trying to have beef with me, because I'm a vegetarian.
    >> Chip Skylark !dr.SWAG.2g 11/14/11(Mon)22:22:08 No.397869
         File1321327328.jpg-(516 KB, 633x800, thefonz-2.jpg)
    516 KB

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:25:38 No.397912
    Dear Breanne,

    You have a hot face. Also, dat voice.

    Flapping to the Beat
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:28:55 No.397952
    Dear Catherine.

    I hate how much you're acting like my old self. Because that's what you're doing. Being passive, waiting for things to happen without having to commit yourself to a position. I wonder, i many times have i told you "i told you so"? It brings me nothing but pain. You're still the most important person in my life. More important than anyone i've ever met. When i think of dying (and yes, it has been a recurrent thing, sorry for not being completely honest with you on this), you're the first reason that comes to mind. I love living life knowing you. You make me happy. Certainly you've noticed, i can't help but greet you with a smile from ear to ear. And i know you do to. I know you think of me as your brother. Moreover, i have nothing but disgust at how hidden we have kept our friendship. We're best friends. You know more about me than anyone else, and i know more about you than most. Why can't we act like it? Fuck.

    And you even fucking tell me how you hate your relationship. How the fuck do you expect me to watch you behave so hypocritically and do nothing? Yes, that's why i go have a smoke outside. Because i'm the only one who knows how you're truly feeling, and it pains me to watch you flee from this. You have already lied to him, you have made him trust you, knowing that he was right in being distrustful, you have even played with him. Fuck girl, he used to be my best friend. How the fuck do you think i feel? Do you know how hard it is? Do you have any idea how strongly i have changed, how hard it was to make an effort? You're the reason why i changed, you're the reason why i kept strong. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:29:24 No.397956
    Dear W,

    I've had enough of you. You invade my personal time and ruin my schedule. I know we could be so much together but I just can't stand it anymore. I need to be myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:29:42 No.397957

    You know, i this had happened months ago, i wouldn't have fallen for you. Thankfully i don't love you any more, though, god knows, if you were single and willing, i wouldn't think twice.

    And you have low self esteem? I haven't had a girlfriend for 6 years, i haven't been loved by anyone since, i haven't dated anyone i actually loved, i've manipulated 2 girls into seriously loving me, doing everything for me, only to shit on them later. I'm a 21 year old virgin. I told P to go for P because i didn't think i had it in me, even though i knew at the time that it would be effortless. You were the only person i actually though i could dedicate myself to, but you were the girlfriend of my then best friend. How the fuck do you think i feel? You think i have any self esteem whatsoever?

    But, always, i truly do love you like a sister. I would give my life for you. I just wish you told me just how important i am for you from time to time. You know, it'd help.

    Dear Catherine, thanks for everything. Oh, and good luck with your essay. Hopefully you've finished it already.

    >> Chip Skylark !dr.SWAG.2g 11/14/11(Mon)22:29:42 No.397958
    Eh, I'll try. Sounds a bit over the top though.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:31:03 No.397976
    Dear T,

    I'm really starting to like you, even though I know I shouldn't. You lead almost every guy you talk to on. I just want to be with you, nothing more. My friends all say that I shouldn't talk to you, but I can't help myself...

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:31:59 No.397980
    Dude no.

    No dude.


    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:32:52 No.397988
    Dear Ally

    Did I do something to you? We used to be friends, but you slowly started ignoring me more and more, I tried to keep the friendship but everytime we were supposed to do something you would tell me one hour before you couldn't go. I'm a guy with not that many friends, and I thought you were a real one. I cared about you, and I don't usually care about people.

    I'm not trying anymore, I'm not going to beg for your friendship. It really hurts me, I thought we were friends.
    At least I would have liked to know if I did something wrong.

    Everytime I see you I wonder, Did I do something?
    I die a little inside.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:36:38 No.398023
    dear lisaray,

    suck a dick bitch. more specifically, suck my dick bitch. oh wait, that's right, you're into assholes without personalities that treat you like shit because you like being miserable. on second thought, go suck their dicks. rack up those std's and be that proper whore you've always dreamt of being. and when they treat you like shit, don't come crying to me because i've got a life to live. i'm already over you, good luck finding someone who has already left.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:36:57 No.398027
    Dear Others,

    i only have problems with myself, not you.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:37:37 No.398033
    Dear D
    One wrong move, and your ass is mine.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:38:30 No.398046
    Dear A

    Sorry for whining to you about my social issues basically every time we talked. You're just the first person that really bothered to talk to me or help me out in I don't know how long, and now I'm pretty sure you're tired of me already. You're a great guy and don't really deserve me being annoying and weird at you. I hope I get to apologise in person at some point, though I was probably right and we'll never really talk again now that the conference is over.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:40:38 No.398065
    Dear John,

    I know you're a really good person, and I'm not so much, but I think there's a chance it could work because we like each other any way. I'm trying to be a better person, the kind of person I think you deserve.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:41:34 No.398074
    Dear J,

    I'm sorry that I avoid you constantly. To tell you the truth, I'm honestly scared of you. It's not because I fear rejection or because I don't want to confront you about my feelings. It's mainly because I'm afraid that you'll manipulate me.

    Whenever I look at you, I feel overwhelmed because I like you and at the same time feel like I've lost control of myself. I've had way too many experiences of being manipulated in the past by so many people without realizing it, and now, I'm scared that it'll happen again, even though I know you're not that type of person. I'm scared because I know I would do anything for you. I'm sorry that you had to be the first person I ever really liked, or else maybe I would have dealt with this by now.

    So I'll push myself. I'll beat my fear even if it kills me. I'm not going to allow my past to steal away an opportunity to be with someone as awesome as you. And even if it means battling nosebleeds, passing out, panic attacks, or mood swings, I'll get over it, for you.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:42:42 No.398088
    Dear Carley

    I know we don't know each other that well. We basically don't know each other at all but every time I see you it makes my day a thousand times better. I feel like I'm in love with you and it hurts to know you have no interest in me at all. I day dream about us just standing at the top of a slide at a play ground with you wrapped in my jacket and just standing there enjoying each others company and knowing that we both have each other. But I know that will never happen. I know you'll never read this but I think the world of you and that I love you with everything I have.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:43:15 No.398092
    Dear I,
    Guys love with their eyes, girls love with their ears. Remember that when I take an hour to get ready for every single date as if it was our first date and you hardly even notice, let alone mention anything. I feel under appreciated and being as pretty as I am, I hate to sound vain, but I shouldn't have to ask for your attention. Also, making me plan our 2nd year anniversary and my going dutch? That's just cheap. It's our anniversary! I pay my own way (if not your's as well) on every single date and sure you get all flustered when I bring it up, but then just treat *me* once in a while and you wouldn't have to be embarrassed. Also, hope you've noticed that I've stopped putting out until you either:
    A) Plan a date and take me on it
    B) Do something (ANYTHING!) romantic
    C) Just act like a goddamn boyfriend

    No offense, but you're a 5.5 and I'm a 9. You are replaceable. You might want to realize this before I start window shopping.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:48:36 No.398116
    Just a question to all of you that pour your emotion into your writings: how do you do it? I have trouble writing about anything which requires feeling, but I'm fine when it comes to writing a logical, fact-based essay.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:50:06 No.398121
    Dear Mum...
    Thank you for looking after me for the 13 years since Dad left. You have been my best friend when I'm lonely, my carer when I'm sick and my inspiration in life. Were it not for you I would have killed myself last April. I love you more than words can describe. /r9k/ Can call me a faggot but I don't know what I'd do without you.

    Dear Dad...
    Dad, I love you. I may not always show and I may put on a hard outer shell but that's because of my mistrust for you. I only hope my brother and sister have a better childhood with you around than I did.

    Dear Nanna...
    I know we didn't always get along but I really appreciate how well we get on together now. As the years have gone by and we've got older you've become increasingly more precious to me. I know you're getting older and because of that I will cherish our time together all the more.

    Dear Auntie...
    You used me for 3 months getting over you addiction and constantly pissed me off. Taking my food, cigarettes, my deckchair, watching soaps from 6.30 - 9.00. You were a major factor of my suicidal feelings. I can't tell you this as we would both feel bad because of it. I swear that if you ever come to my house after an addiction problem and tell me to be quiet while you're watching Emmerdale or Eastenders or some shit, I will drag you out of the house and lock the door.

    Dear Tom...
    You've been my best friend for 19 years. You helped me in my dark times and helped me through problems with my Dad when my Mum couldn't help. You are the greatest friend anyone could ask for. Thank you for everything. P.S I miss you since you went to uni and it was good to see you on Friday.

    Dear Sophie...
    I loved you. I don't now. You dicked me over. Fuck you, slut.

    >Feels good to write all that down.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)23:30:07 No.398143
    Dear J,

    Sorry to not really take the time to talk to you, but I just really wanted to have some me time and play Skyrim since I've barely been able to play it. I only talked to you for that hour because I felt bad, and kind of guilted into talking to you.

    I really don't have fun talking to you anymore. You're boring most of the time (but hey, I'm sure I'm that way to you) and we don't have much in common anymore.

    Matthew probably doesn't talk to you anymore for the same reasons. I'm sick of you whining about how he never calls you, then say how you don't want to call him because it would be awkward. You either call him, or stop bitching and don't.

    In the five years since we've graduated, you went to community college, but you really haven't done much with your life. You have a job now, but as long as you live with your controlling mother and spineless dad (who I do commend for trying to help you be an adult), you'll never truly be independent, never fully understand how the world works, never get another boyfriend, and will waste your youth away.

    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)03:03:58 No.398196
    dear d,
    i'm hopelessly in love with you and i wish you'd feel the same way about me. that's why i keep pestering you to call me. you were right, j was bad for me. i'm sorry. i shouldn't have tried to make you jealous. please, can we just talk? i want to see you. i need to hear you and see your amazing smile flash, even if it's just on the computer.
    i can't wait to see you in four weeks. even if you don't love me. your scent (a&f, i'll never forget the smell), your amazing blue eyes, that scar on your knuckle.
    god, why can't you be older. why can't you live here. why can't you love me back.
    best wishes,
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)03:55:15 No.398217
    Dear M,

    I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. I know you love me, but I just can't reciprocate. It's hard, but maybe someday you'll understand. I don't love you the way you love me. I know this makes me sound conceited and I probably am, but I don't know. I'm sorry.

    Love, me.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)05:55:56 No.398235
    Dear you,
    Im sorry i cut off all contact and said i hated you.
    You hurt me but fuck you what did you expect when you broke up with me and told everyone you already wanted someone.
    I have too much pride to admit that i miss you to your face. So im being a coward here.
    I hate seeing you everyday of my life. I hate you not in my life and i hate everything we had that really wasn't there. I hate how you lied to me numerous times and made it to be my fault but you're to mentally incapable to realize what you did. I also hate your hair, dear god i hate your hair.
    The worst bit is, i know we can never be in each others lives again.
    I miss you but i don't want to be friends with you but remember i don't hate you.
    Im sorry this doesn't make sense.
    Im still quite confused myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)06:08:32 No.398237
    Dear you,
    I hate how you say "I don't know why ___ hates me?"
    How can you say that, you fucked me over once again and liked someone basically the day after and broke my heart two times over.
    Don't you dare say you don't know what you did.
    Because you always know what you have done but you're too mentally incapable to admit it.
    I miss you sure but my pride wont let me tell you so im doing it this way.
    Im honestly so sick of having all this resentment for you.
    It's stopping whats important in my life.
    But i do not want to be friends, there's no way in the world we can ever be friends.
    I don't hate you though.
    It's just a shame i miss having you around so much...
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)21:09:48 No.398365
    dear B,

    i always knew it was my fault. but i never knew how, or why. i just knew it on the inside. i was very nice to you, i was always there for you, and protected you from harm and refused to let you pay anything in our dates.

    but then i came on this place called r9k where i learned a lot of things about relationships.

    now i see why you left. you were completely right in doing so. i wasnt a cool tough guy like you thought of me, just a child that likes to look that way on the outside, but is a child on the inside.

    i'm a real man now. but still every day when i see you i see those other guys, who i think are just me with worse looks, and i can barely look at your face without my insides burning.

    but i cant take my eyes off your beauty.

    i know you feel sad and you think you didnt give me what i deserved.

    but i dont want you to be sad. that single tear in your eye flooded my heart.

    i would give everything to have you back but i know it will never be the same, and i know i probably will never have you back.

    please be happy. i can act like i am, all those lies i told you so i could play call of duty with my friends were good experience

    just dont forget me please, because i cannot forget you.

    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)21:20:23 No.398429
    to my ex,
    it has been a week since you dumped me. two years gone so fast. i pushed you away, i realize that now but why couldn't you just be by my side one last time? i tried to kill myself and you weren't supportive. if one of your cunt friends tried to commit suicide, you'd be right there. as much as i hate you and want to hurt you, i have all this love harbored in my heart. i have trouble showing it and i wanted you all for myself but that was our demise.
    i'm sorry and i want you back so badly but i want you to be happy too. i want your next relationship to hurt you and scar you as bad as you did to me so i can have you back.
    stop leading me on your shitfuck.
    i love you.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)21:22:21 No.398450
    Dear W,

    Fuck you, you lazy sack of shit! My god, can't you tell that no one can stand your presence any longer? I wish your mother would finally get over the "I love my baby boy" crap and finally throw your worthless ass to he curb. When is the last time you had a job? Oh, that's right, you can't get one, because no one's interested in hiring a multiple felon, especially one with so many larsony conviction! You make me sick, the way you expect everyon to cater to you, the way you leech off of every single person in your general vicinty. You know wht? I am glad we are no longer friends. I am glad you had a spaz and can no longer look me in the eye. You suck and I hope you really do go through with killing yourself, just like you've said you will all these years. But we both know you don't have the balls for that, coward. By the way, good job knocking L up. Yah, that's just what you needed, a third kid you can't possibly support!

    In conclusion, you're a faggot. (On that note it's time to come out of the clost. No, seriously.)

    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)21:23:09 No.398462
    Dear Daniel,
    You're a gigantic cock. You fucked me over psychologically and destroyed my confidence. I hope you're happy
    With Love, C
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)21:33:10 No.398547

    I remember that night we fell asleep cuddled up close, and woke up with your head on my lap..warm morning, golden, and nothing in the world was better. Now you're gone, and I know it could never be the same.

    So I'm leaving now..I hope I go back to those good old days..
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)21:33:35 No.398550
    Dear M,

    Getting high three times a year and bragging about it does not make you cool. It makes you an enormous faggot.
    Also, you're a lazy douchebag and you have no business trying to correct me on anything. Get a fucking life, you piece of shit.

    -the original M
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)21:42:44 No.398619

    You are the biggest piece of shit ever. I brought you into my life, fed you, clothed you, bought you shit, drove you places. I began suspecting that you were just using me but I couldn't believe it. I haven't had friends in the longest and thought you were a true friend. I'll admit you took care of me too. But how does that justify stealing from me? Using me? Unfortunately, I believe in forgiveness, so I let you back into my life. You seem to be improving, just don't fuck it up. I don't think I would be able to forgive you again...

    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:04:17 No.398821

    Fuck you for getting these whiney faggots going on again about their gay problems that can be easily fixed if they had half a nut.

    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:09:06 No.398870
    Dear Becky,
    You are a monstrous cunt who strung me along for months and then skipped out when I needed you. Go fuck a cactus.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:30:32 No.399117

    Huh, I know a Becky who strung me along for years.

    Although admittedly she is still very nice to me and hasn't skipped out on me for whatever reason. No residual feelings for her now thankfully.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:32:23 No.399136
    Dear Emma,

    If you like me, do let me know. I really can't tell.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)22:35:59 No.399176
    Dear Kennedy

    Sorry I was too much of a faggot to actually take you anywhere.

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:19:03 No.400342
    Dear C,

    Ever since I've worked with you (over 3 years now) I've pretty much known you're totally inexperienced with women. It's obvious that while everyone else was partying at college you were building some type of amazing new computer program alone in your room and never even noticed you were alone. Your lack of apology about your geekiness and virginity was a paradoxical turn on to me. You know when I REALLY got interested in you? That day in the break room when K. asked you if you if you wished you had a girlfriend and you shrugged and said "eh, I'll just stick to computers. I don't understand women."

    Since then, I've had a twisted but serious jones to sleep with you. I've tried flirting, I've texted you with random thoughts and I have come close to coming out and asking if you want to be friends with benefits, but I'm scared you'll reject me. I have a feeling you think girls are dangerous and you feel you should politely decline because you couldn't be much of a partner. Little do you know you wouldn't have to do anything at all.

    I think if I had sex with you once, I could probably get it out of my system and quit mooning over you all day. People are starting to notice and I feel like a fool. Too bad you just think I'm that weird girl at work who always talks to you about movies and Japanese shit. Try me; you'd like me.


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