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    688 KB Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:13:20 No.3903833  
    Hey robots.

    Say you were given a gun right now and some other generic war shit and were forced into battle right this second, do you think someone who regularly plays semi-realistic fps has a better chance of surviving than someone who hasn't? They have the same level of fitness too.
    inb4: fuck off to /v/.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:14:17 No.3903838
    Yes because everyone who's played CoD4 on veteran knows not to stand in obvious places, whereas everyone else has just watched Rambo.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:16:12 No.3903848
    A gun is a gun, although it may depend on who has a faster reaction time. Many things come into factor in a gun fight.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:18:22 No.3903856
    Maybe if you've played SWAT 4 or something like this you might have an advantage in urban combat since it's one of the few games when one shot usualy means death so you know what avoid and how to move inside buildings filled with hostiles. But you'd probably die pretty quickly anyways. GAMES =/= REAL LIFE
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:18:24 No.3903857
    Perhaps he would have a little tactical advantage because he should know to keep his fucking head down.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:19:58 No.3903867
    You don't need to play CoD4 on veteran to know that.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:20:02 No.3903868
    If you ever played OFP you will know that the first thing you do in the battle is look for the next bush AND ALL GO PRONE ALL STEALTH
    >> NO.SILENCE [BROALITION] !bKuf7yo0ww 04/14/09(Tue)07:22:08 No.3903889
    I'm gonna suggest an Operation Flashpoint / original Ghost Recon play would have a better chance than a CoD4 / Battlefield player.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:22:09 No.3903890
    Nothing teaches the art of nade spamming like video games.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:23:19 No.3903899
    Gamers' eyes are apparently trained to detect subtle movements better than your average joe. So i'd say yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:24:59 No.3903913
    ok...once the clip was through most gamers would be done for. we just push a button to reload. it's quite a bit more difficult than that on modern guns i'd imagine.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:25:03 No.3903914
    Taking a bullet wouldn't be the same. You'd wince in pain and whine like a bitch and then they next bullet would end your life.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:27:17 No.3903928
    If only bullets could go through corners and walls like in CS, that would be serious pwnage.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:27:47 No.3903933

    lol, wince?


    that's why aaaaaaahm goin to college so i don't have to risk getting killed for a little money.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:29:13 No.3903945
    I would still blame lag if I die.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:31:05 No.3903962

    lol. this is really simple. i drop the gun and run like a frenchman. in video games you can't escape because the world has boundaries.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:31:08 No.3903963
    Funny I go to college so I can join the military and make a bit more money than all those niggers and spics.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:31:30 No.3903964
    Yes because FPSs desentizised this generation to a point where -unlike in previous wars- most would actually shoot to kill the enemy.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:32:15 No.3903974
    we would be more able to detect movement and know how to use cover

    not everyone on COD4 just charges into enemy fire you know. although on some maps running at them and stabbing them in the face is surprisingly effective.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)07:32:40 No.3903979
    haha, gamers are generally weak lazy fucks with low levels of co-ordination, even compared to the general population

    your asses would get fried

    most kills are made by the machine-gunners, m-16's and the like are mainly used to keep enemy heads down while you flank.

    also, your squad would hate your worthless ass. prob no friendly fire death but you'd want to watch your worthless ass
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:33:04 No.3903987
    > next bullet would end your life.
    or maybe not. In which case you will wince in twice the agony
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:33:34 No.3903993
    This is something that's been bugging me and since firearms are heavily restricted where I live I can't simply test it out either.

    Do people actually die instantly/within a few seconds of being shot or is it just a movie thing?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:34:26 No.3903998
    well A. it said same physical fitness levels and B studies show FPS's increase perception and decrease reaction times.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:35:09 No.3904003
    depends on where you get shot. If you get shot in the gut, you will probably have a long and painful death. IF you get shot in the head or the heart, you'll have a much quicker death experience. Either way, if you don't have medical attention nearby, you would die in a week or two from any gunshot, period.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)07:38:42 No.3904028
    about the only real advantage I can see for FPS guys is if they actually know to work as a team.

    also the same level of physical fitness is faggotry since eye training is a physical trait, just like endurance and breath control necessary for sustaining fire in even a short confrontation

    but keep livin' in your what-if world because it doesn't mean shit and generally lacks relevance
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:41:14 No.3904056




    It's called MAH-GUH-ZEENE, you fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:42:42 No.3904069
    well the work as a team is dubious as in many games the other team members are seen as distractions or meatshields. and this is a hypothetical situation so calm down
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)07:44:05 No.3904082
    fuck you bitch, this what-if world is during the Great War and we all have Mausers

    now hand me that clip of 8mm bullets you lazy faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:46:07 No.3904098
    I can't shoot worth shit with a real weapon, because my eyes don't have a little cross burned into them.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)07:47:23 No.3904109
    I'm saying that in a battlefield situation, it's crucial that a fire team work as an actual team

    did I make that clear enough?

    if the fps faggot can work with his team and pick up on communication signal quickly, he might do better than your average guy off the street

    but I'm betting your average construction worker will have a better chance

    either way, the faggot will be the weakest link on the team and hopefully get left at camp until the military could ship his ass to basic training
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:49:43 No.3904127
    Someone who plays a lot of FPS games will have better aim, at least some idea of how to take cover, and more desensitization towards actually killing another person than someone who hasn't played games.

    Someone with actual military or combat training and experience will still own the fuck out of some FPS faggot, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:49:43 No.3904128
    PROTIP: RL is lacking a HUD and overplayed and thus well known enviroments.
    Enjoy making sense of military maps and confusing communications.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)07:51:39 No.3904138
    my guess is that they would immediately break down from the stress and confusion

    it's hard to find cover when you're pouting like a little bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:52:25 No.3904144
    That's just fucking bullshit why does everyone believe everything they hear.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:52:40 No.3904148
    I think FPS players would have more value of ammo. A person with no experience would go in guns blazing, not thinking about how many bullets they're firing.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:55:17 No.3904168
    >plays a lot of FPS games
    >better aim


    wait no. I got trolled.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)07:56:30 No.3904175
    Hey guys, I like to play tiger woods golf and I'm pretty good. Do you think I'd make a better pro golfer than the average person

    hey guys, I play this game where I pretend to be a surgeon. If they suddenly slapped scrubs on me, do you think the patient would live?

    Hey guys, I can make web page on wordpress, now I'm a programmer!

    Hey guys, my friends think I'm funny, should I become a comedian?

    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:58:43 No.3904188
    What about people who play strategy games? Would they be better off giving orders?

    Considering that, at least in my country, officers are overpromoted incompetents, I'd say that's quite likely.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:59:13 No.3904190

    everybody knows you'll throw a grenade farther if you run and jump then throw it

    didnt see THAT in basic training DID you - motherfucker
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)07:59:50 No.3904196
    Snoipins a goo' job moite.

    Yes, I would be the sniper, you wouldn't be able to find me so I'd win anyway. And best part? If things turn sour, I can simply escape without firing a shot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:01:12 No.3904208
    I bet they don't teach you how to hide and avoid the actual fight in basic training. It's a damn shame, that's a basic survival skill.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:01:47 No.3904214
    You don't happen to be an Italyfag now don't you?
    Among other things, Italys army is a pathetic mess.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)08:02:42 No.3904220
    a cowardly sniper with a 10 second attention span?

    you'd be up for a piss-break every five minutes. I'd hope your spotter did the right thing and kill you with an insurgent ak-47 and ditch the weapon
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:03:13 No.3904221
    i like to think so although some people follow the soviet russia command method which is drown them in our corpses. is it odd i feel bad when my little guys die?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:03:57 No.3904226
    I am, my job is to explain basic physics to artillery officers, and I would have a better time teaching that in kindergarten.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:04:05 No.3904227
    I'm more of a strategy guy myself, both real time and turn based. Oh, and also have researched strategies used in wars since Mesopotamia up to now. That puts me on a higher ground than you faggots, I am leading my troops, you are taking the bullets.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:05:41 No.3904240
    >is it odd i feel bad when my little guys die?

    I feel the same, every time someone dies I scream things like "NO, POOR JOHN, HE WAS GOING TO GET MARRIED AS SOON AS HE GOT ON LEAVE! YOU BASTARDS!"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:07:54 No.3904247
    Awareness of ammo, awareness of cover.
    If you're running around with guns, everyone's probably paying attention to movement around them, so being 'accustomed' as a gamer wouldn't be significant.

    The lesson from school shootings is that some gamers are actually able to get headshots all the time. Not because it is difficult, but because of the psychology of it - normal people (and most gamers) will not shoot another human being IN THE FACE.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:07:56 No.3904248
    it depends what game you play and who you play as

    if im playing as chaos in dawn of war i couldnt care less!

    those bastards WANT to die anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:08:13 No.3904250
    When i first played the original Halo, i watched out for my marines and shed a little tear whenever one of the died.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:08:59 No.3904253
    >if you don't have medical attention nearby, you would die in a week or two from any gunshot, period.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)08:09:27 No.3904256
    I feel bad for the first couple soldiers
    then I get in the groove and go soviet style

    I feel that Stalin's saying, "One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." is applicable to RTS in general.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:12:07 No.3904271

    this is such crap

    the workings of an xbox 360 controller are FAR removed from those of an actual fucking gun - most people know they are shooting sprites - 1's and 0's

    not an actual human being

    NOFUCKINGBODY - will 100% remove that fact from their mind that they are shooting a human - they just make it a bit easier TO shoot a human - but unless you are a complete fucking nut

    you will still know it was a human being

    anybody who argues against this point it FUCKING - STUPID and they bloody damn well know it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:12:31 No.3904276
    That's why I usually play games where fire support has a great deal of power, I prefer to win battles with as little close quarters engagement as possible, because my heart couldn't stand all those losses.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:14:12 No.3904287
    Fucking turtlers destroying my genre
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:15:18 No.3904294
    When I was in the army, video games didn't help jack shit.
    Yes, you do work with your group and shit, and reaction time does play into it a bit, but COVER will not provide protection. Fuck that. Cover will provide concealment, but not more. If the enemy knows you are behind that barn, they will shoot the barn, and you behind it.
    Your best shot would be keeping your god damn head down, relying on surprise, and not wasting ammunition on "automatic fire mode".
    Vidyagamefags don't know shit about real combat.
    Closest thing you got, is maybe Operation Flashpoint, ArmA, Insurgensy and Project Reality. But those are too scaled down and use abstract concepts to simulate real combat.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:16:10 No.3904306
    I thought you were supposed to take cover behind concrete or bricks, not wood.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:17:39 No.3904313

    Go play paintball to try this out. You will realize very quickly that getting shot happens in a instant and almost always from somewhere you weren't expecting.

    Basically, no, playing FPS will not help you at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:18:30 No.3904318
    well in command and conquer i try and keep my allies or americans alive but when i play the soviets or chinese then i suddenly turn into Stalin but angrier.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:19:06 No.3904321
    concrete and bricks usually wont offer that much protection either dude

    a volley of AK fire would go through it - perhaps not all the bullets and they'd be slowed down a bit - but they'll still get through
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:19:29 No.3904325
    No, thats what you learn in boot camp.
    Medical attention AT THE SPOT is the most crucial thing for a persons survival when wounded in battle.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:20:05 No.3904329
    Wrong. Killing humans becomes a job... a reaction. When you've seen shrapnel rip through your best pal since basic, his personality vanishing in the blink of an eye, you realize that these people must be killed when you see them, and immediately. There is no time for thinking, there is no time to feel bad, there is no hesitation.

    Try not to say shit like this unless you know what you're talking about, kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:21:15 No.3904342
    well my favourite strategy is turtle teh fuck out of everything then send out lightning attacks or airstrikes at their resource production while plastering their base with bombs and missiles. then when they dont have enough money to function or rebuild i sweep them away with the best tanks available. its quite easy to get less than 5 losses for the whole game.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:22:02 No.3904345
    Nope. The sheer fact that you can't instinctively swivel your head and point your eyes back and forth in games (easily at least), completely changes your situational awareness compared to real life.

    You know when you're playin
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:24:14 No.3904360
    I prefer well defended artillery emplacements, myself. Building them ever closer to the enemy base.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:26:00 No.3904371
    Well, that depends on the environment where you are fighting. If it's a city, then you are lucky to have cover. On the other hand, fighting in a city is helluva hard, with enemy coming from all possible angles, very unlike videogame environments, where designers can limit accesability.
    In the forest, it's easier one way. Everyone is on the ground, not high up in some buildings. And you have to rely more on stealth and surprise attacks than on speed and cover.
    Also: supporting armored vehicles. I bet your average gamer knows jack shit about fighting together with a tank or something similar.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:26:00 No.3904372
    Assault cube is a good game
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:26:54 No.3904377
    Gamers don't know how to aim. Sure, you could try aiming from your waist like most games but good luck hitting anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:27:38 No.3904382
    i would be a signature forger and laugh at people who thought having similar handwriting meant we were soulmates :3
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:28:29 No.3904386
    I know that if you see an enemy vehicle you had better run. If it's one of your own you had better run anyway, it might have been captured.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:29:16 No.3904391
    Yes, they would be a little better.

    Everyone on here is fucking retarded and is making arguments on why 1337DeathKillers clan on CoD4 would get killed by the SAS. Yes, everyone knows that.

    Obviously, someone with no training is going to be worse than a fucking delta operator.

    The question is a group of FPS kids vs. a group of average people including accountants and soccer moms, I think the gamers would probably win.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:29:31 No.3904393
    *SQUAK* killing all humans is the same - you become a robot *SQUAAAAK*

    got a retard on the com sir

    you've never even been in combat have you? no i didnt think so

    I know some of those guys i saw get killed where somebody's kid

    they had friends

    yeah - killing becomes easier and it's a reaction

    but we are not all fucking robots - if we where - there wouldnt be as much post traumatic stress - because we would have thought we where killing humans and we would be feeling no emotions either

    please.....take this shit elsewhere, spare me this crap
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:30:21 No.3904400
    >They have the same level of fitness too.

    this is where your whole hypothetical falls apart
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:34:09 No.3904415
    i know some of those people i saw die where somebodies kid

    and im not some mindless killing machine either

    you either havent got a clue as to what the fuck you are talking about - or you are explaining it VERY, VERY badly
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:35:07 No.3904420

    I've killed men, I've seen battle, and I did it for money and for little shits like you who will never understand. I don't suffer from any stress syndromes. You won't see me acting like a pussy on your syndicated news tonight.

    It's great that you want to make blind assumptions about things without having any idea what you're talking about. You'd make a great officer. For now, though, you're just a little shit who has some friend or somebody who was a big leaky twat and cried to you, so you consider yourself an expert on the subject.

    Go masturbate and think up something to do instead of failing so hard in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:35:37 No.3904425
    I think if you play CoD4 on veteran without dieing once you are ready to fight IRL everybody else GBTG!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:39:32 No.3904446
    so now that you are back home and shit has died down...

    do you think about any of the men you killed?

    when i say think about it i mean like "man...i had to do it and all..but it was somebodies kid"

    or is it the "nope, i feel no guilt whatsoever" story

    not a libfaggot trying to set you up - i'd actually like to know
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)08:39:48 No.3904448
    you don't what it was like in Nam man. Sure we killed a couple kids but it didn't affect me man. Nope, didn't affect me cuz I'm not a whining little shitbag or a mental weakling like those other faggots. Nope man, didn't fucking affect me at all. I was crazy before I got there right? Fuck yeah.

    Now pass me another beer.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:41:09 No.3904457
    fucking bully for you

    you arent the only guy who's seen a combat zone so take your head out of your godamn ass and stop acting like a know it all and can speak for every soldier who has ever been in combat.

    fuck people like you make my blood boil
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)08:43:04 No.3904467
    man, who cares about a couple sand niggers and mountain trolls from shitghanistan? As far as I'm concerned I did them a favor. Have you seen the pictures man? That place is a shit hole. I'd rather kill myself than live that dump.

    I'm tellin' ya. I did those faggots a goddamned favor.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:43:33 No.3904468
    right - well people saying to somebody else "DURP all killing is the same - regardless of whether you had to do it or you and your pals would die - or if you killed a man just to watch him die"

    are clearly very stupid, morally bankrupt bastards who need to watch those chechan war crime videos, and think if the guys in that compare to their friends who shot a guy in the head, who was clearly going to kill them.

    the answer is they are not the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:44:13 No.3904469
    *passes you another beer - gestures you to continue your story*
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:45:22 No.3904477
    Yeah you are probably right. Everyone would be just as bad, exept the gamers, until everyone had to reload.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:45:42 No.3904480
    War crimes are what winners call what the other faction does.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:46:31 No.3904487
    errrrrrr no

    it's what amnesty international said - neutral party
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)08:46:37 No.3904489
    haha, naw I was just playin off of the mr hardass "I've killed people"

    AM has and never will gain OTG battle experience.

    I completed my enlistment and I'm not going back to that madhouse bureaucracy
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:48:35 No.3904498
    I wonder why you never hear much talk of American or British crimes during WW2, then.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:48:37 No.3904499
    I still think about it, sure. I wish I'd taken more of the motherfuckers out before I took a 7.62 in my thigh, too. Most of my thoughts concern my mistakes and near-hits... call me a perfectionist.
    I didn't say I was speaking for everyone who has seen combat, did I? Calm down.

    I'm not some badass, and I never claimed to be. I'm also no pushover pussy who was pampered by his mom his entire life, and broke during/after battle. I'm just a man. One who took offense to the kid who posted: >>3904271. I have no regrets, and for me it didn't feel a bit bad to kill. I felt bad when I missed, because missing might kill your friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:49:21 No.3904504
    Aside from the fitness bit which I surely would not believe, but for the sake of argument I'll agree to that condition, I still that a lot of average people would beat out gamers. The majority of games don't teach you anything useful, and a large portion of gamers are inept at things that require practical knowledge, like the effective use of a firearm requires. I suspect the gamers would get destroyed honestly.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:50:40 No.3904509
    l2Nuernberg Trails, libfag
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:53:24 No.3904525
    oh im not denying that dude

    it's just a matter of who gets caught

    the chechans made a fucking VIDEO of theirs but and (naturally) it got found

    russians got told they where being bad in chechnia - they show that video to amnesty international

    the russians certainly did bad shit too im not denying that!

    but you see what i mean - some of the bastards who commit the crimes just get away
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:54:28 No.3904529
    except all the people tried had committed crimes that deserved punishment.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:55:41 No.3904546
    the only allies that committed major crimes were the russians and to some extent the french as far as i am aware.there were few if any reports of british or american soldiers committing atrocities.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:55:46 No.3904547
    Sure they did, it's not like some of them were found innocent afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:57:42 No.3904562
    ok i see - well you DO think about it and you do understand that they where somebodies kid, a man who yes, ill admit - you had to kill - and better him then you

    but there are alot of retards who would say you are JUST as much of a bad guy as those people who commit war crimes for lulz - seriously

    you sound like you've kept your humanity through it - which is good

    you're a good example for those chimps who say when you kill regardless of method you turn into a emotionless zombie.

    realise though a man can experience post trauma despite being a hardass - look at special forces dudes

    it affects us all differently

    ps: i hope that leg fixes up too
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:58:19 No.3904563

    Death is death, why try to make sense of it? A body shuts down and a personality is gone forever. It's just part of life.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)08:59:05 No.3904567
    What about Dresden, then? Or the firebombing of Japan? Or the fact that Britain had a penchant for sinking hospital ships? And do you think Russian soldiers were the only ones who raped every woman they set their sight on? At least they were shot for it.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)09:01:06 No.3904585
    By the power of JESUS! I raise thy personality from the dead. ARISE! COME FORTH!


    say hallelujah


    it is good!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:01:22 No.3904587
    The only "crimes" that were considered punishable, were atrocities only the germans commited. That's why carpet bombing or annihilation civilian centres was not considered a warcrime.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:02:13 No.3904594
    Thanks, it's almost tip-top again. As for me being just as bad as the "other guy"... well, you'd be right. I'm no better than anyone I've killed. This is my job.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)09:02:17 No.3904596
    Hiroshima was a military stronghold.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:02:23 No.3904597
    yes all allied nations were responsible for rapes but the vast majority was russian with some french.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:03:51 No.3904608
    My FPS experience: Half-Life, Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, and Quake.

    I'd probably think I'm invincible, Rambo it, then die in 5 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:04:02 No.3904609
    are you one of those people who considers the nuclear bombs a warcrime? please dont be one of those idiots.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:05:01 No.3904618
    are you one of those people who doesn't consider the nuclear bombs a warcrime? please dont be one of those idiots.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:06:14 No.3904630
    Feel like teaming up bro?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:06:23 No.3904631
    fair enough

    i think some soldiers would disagree with you

    for one i dont think you are as mad and frothing at the mouth as some of those guys who want kill their opponents and savage their bodies, or capture them and hack them up

    if i killed one - i'd certainly not consider myself the same as he

    your thoughts?
    >> Riet !!ac2tXooZ+Ij 04/14/09(Tue)09:06:49 No.3904633
    The average gamer? No, of course not.

    But a gamer that actually cares a bit about what's going on in the game world, knows the real-life workings of the pixels representing the weapons he's shooting at the other pixels, has thought about war strategy a bit, actually plays other games like Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, etc so he knows a bit about how stealth is INCREDIBLY important to everything, then yeah. I'd say he'd have a little better chance than the average joe.

    It also helps if you've seen and fired a real fucking gun at least once in your life.

    Also, not saying that Splinter Cell or MGS are accurate representations of sneaking, it just helps to get the idea across that if you get caught, you're in a world of hurt. And no, I don't play on the pussy easy modes, I play MGS3 on European Extreme all the time, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:06:51 No.3904634
    Curious, that's not what happened in Italy.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:08:20 No.3904638
    yeah yeah unnecessary suffering of civilians

    we can agree on that

    every war historian and vetaran soldier would agree that the japanese where ferocious

    spoke to a few old guys about their time in the pacific - the japanese where ferocious

    the nuke was considered by many as the only way to end the war at the time to tell the japs "fuck you, we'll do it again if you dont stop"

    the second nuking however.....weeeeeeeell

    that's debatable
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:09:20 No.3904641
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:09:46 No.3904644
    so the 4 million plus lives saved by the bombs mean nothing to you? would you rather the americans had to shoot Japanese schoolgirls trained to run at them with spears?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:10:29 No.3904647
    And that completely disregards the fact that Japan only surrendered when the Soviets declared war on them, not after the bombs. The constant firebombing had already been much worse for them.

    The bombs were mostly used to intimidate Stalin and show off American power.
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)09:12:21 No.3904655
    hey, those school girls would have died with dignity. good for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:13:08 No.3904659
    it's too bad you wherent there AM

    then you could have told us all another one of your kickass stories
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)09:15:33 No.3904673
    did I ever tell you time that we dropped phosphorous on Ho Chi Minh's hometown and took turns raping his childhood nurse before tossing her onto one of the burning huts?

    good times /b/rothas

    pass me a beer
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:21:43 No.3904712
    fuck you AM you've been here for hours and havent paid for shit

    pay for your own godamn beer
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:26:17 No.3904757
    There area whole lot of internet tough guys in here.
    90% of you would cry your eyes out if you ever had to shoot anyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:27:04 No.3904763
    yeah, i think i would feel preety bad

    even if i HAD to do it and all the usual kill or be killed shit asidie

    i'd cry later on
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:28:21 No.3904772
    No, because 99% of people who regularly play FPS are fat.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:33:41 No.3904806
    That's bonus armour.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:36:46 No.3904823
    A report like this was released a while back and the US Army know this ( hence Americas Army)
    people who have played FPS are better at firing a gun they have never used than a normal person.
    also have on average better reflexes
    there was a case of a year 8 or something boy in the states being able to pinpoint a gun perfectly, having never used one before. he played a lot of CSS
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:38:00 No.3904833
    Dur hurr, I'll rush out and shoot people wildly, get knocked out, and then respawn in 120 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:38:29 No.3904835
    so you think he's just as much a natural born killer as a veteran soldier?

    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:39:12 No.3904839

    he can aim a gun better then somebody who hasnt played games

    what about the flotilla of everything else being a soldier entails?
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 04/14/09(Tue)09:43:57 No.3904865
    yes, that's the crux of this thread as there are quite a few more things to playing soldier than shooting a gun and reloading
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:50:18 No.3904908
    ugh i know

    and doing it all WHILE YOU ARE GETTING SHOT AT

    it's something these retards who think they've got it all figured out just dont seem to be able to grasp

    there is just so much more to it then aiming

    and because you are a bit more likely to shoot a humanoid shaped target after playing gears of war - it doesnt mean you are some natural born killer - you're just that little bit more likely to, it still doesnt proove very much
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:55:17 No.3904931
    We're all pretty much the same. The "bad guys" are only such because we define what bad is. Otherwise, they're just guys. They (mostly) get paid/compensated to kill, as do we. They have their beliefs, I have mine. Thankfully, I have an extremely well-financed unit and they do not. I've had LASIK and they haven't. I have advanced electronics to aid me in detecting them, and they don't, etc.

    If they were plucked, at birth, and given to my childhood neighbors, we'd probably be friends, but we aren't. It really is a game, as it can be nothing else. Emotion, compassion, and understanding can't be brought to the battle. There's no time for it - logic and speed are all that I need.

    Everyone in the situation knows what they're going into, and they know that there are very few ways out. I don't feel bad for their dead, and I don't expect them to feel bad for ours - it's understood beforehand, which is what many of the people herein don't understand.

    You don't sit down to a game of hold'em and reraise with your kid's college fund without knowing there is a (calculated) chance to lose it. I wouldn't feel bad taking it, as we knew upon sitting down what we were getting into.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)09:59:33 No.3904950
    i see what you mean - i can understand not thinking about that while there's shooting going on and bullets flying in the air

    but afterwards - yeah i see what you mean

    thanks for explaining that by the way

    just watch out for retards who'll say you are a monster - presuming to know you better then you know yourself - i think you americans call them liberals
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)10:00:53 No.3904959
    This thread is dumb. Of course it would give you an advantage.

    Yeah, I suppose someone who plays video games wouldn't know how to support an armored vehicle, but the question wasn't whether or not video games are a substitute for training. What exactly makes you think that someone who spends their free time playing basketball would know how to support an armored vehicle without training? At least someone who plays fps would have better reaction times.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)10:01:54 No.3904965
    i get that

    just remember to tell those that there is more to it then aiming and shooting - and a tree doesnt stop all bullets
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)10:10:15 No.3905011
    There's nothing gamers love more than to discuss what it would be like to actually live in the real world. But they don't.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)10:20:25 No.3905078
    Someone who has played enough FPS games would certainly have a tactical advantage over someone who hasn't. Then again, the person who hasn't likely has a mobility advantage.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)10:20:30 No.3905080
    dude, yes - people die fast from getting shot.
    go to a library and check out anatomy, you have huge arteries which when cut will make you bleed out in seconds. gettng shot in the heart is like instant death too.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)10:23:11 No.3905106
    I've played enough fps games to know how to reload most weapons, maybe not in the same amount of perfect reload timing as ingame.
    I know how to shoot, not with the gun at the waist.
    I often go to airsoft, in a huge forest with like 60 other dudes, and slowly stalk the enemy and pick them off. Nothing is better than flanking them silently, and following them directly behind them for 100metres before getting the perfect opportunity to throw a grenade at like 3 lying down then shooting the others. fuckyeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)10:37:48 No.3905213
    Your average m16a2 without magazine weighs around 7 pounds. Your average gamer can barely keep his body up and moving for extended periods of time. Gamers play FPS with your weapons always at the high-ready, so them being accustomed to that would walk around trying to keep their weapon fixed and in a few minutes would run completely out of energy. Of course by energy I mean effort because the bastard probably hasn't ever exerted himself ever in his life.

    Also gamers are all about headshots, general rule of thumb is though, aim center mass. Besides the obvious advantage that it is a bigger target, a 5.56mm round from an m16 or an m4 is optimized to hit the torso. This is because the round tumbles when it hits flesh, causing it to effectivley say hello to all your organs before exiting your body in stylish fashion.

    Have a nice day.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)10:38:54 No.3905221

    not instantly

    they might not even fall over, unless you smashed their legs or got the spinal cord. sometimes they won't even notice it happened until they fall unconscious from blood loss.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)11:04:41 No.3905429
    I'd like to think in a gun fight I'd have an edge due to my mad camping skills. Seriously though, one man isn't an army despite what action movies may have led some people to believe. Unless you focus on getting the jump on a many people as possible you're going to get shot by someone eventually if it's just down to who shoots fastest and most accurately.

    In a war situation, however, you'd be following orders. So you'd pretty much live or die by where you're sent and what your expected to do.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)11:16:21 No.3905538
    except not all gamers are the hurr headshot people. i aim for the chest all of the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)11:39:57 No.3905744
    I'd probably be pretty good. No soldier, but better than you average person, yeah.
    The vidya taught me how to be stealthy and how camouflage works. Thank you, Big Boss and Battlefield.
    Reloadan animations showed me how lots of guns are reloaded, and I could probably figure out how to use most sights.
    Played ArmA, 'Merika's Army, SWAT4, and all that sorta realistic stuff too, so I wouldn't be totally inept with tactics.

    That said, I'd probably still lose to a Somalian with an Ak74.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)11:48:16 No.3905792
    anyone who goes on /b/ would be great in a war

    they wouldn't throw up or anything from shooting people because they've seen a lot worse shit on /b/

    prove me wrong
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)11:50:53 No.3905813
    Bunnyhopping would've won the war in Vietnam.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)11:52:12 No.3905825

    Not to forget quick change melee.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)11:59:09 No.3905876
    depending on the round... bullets do go through corners and walls(once again depending on wall and round)
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:12:30 No.3905995
    I play contra every day.

    I am relatively sure I could mow down entire enemy armies without being shot once, and running straight towards their home base.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:18:24 No.3906050
    I'd believe you if bullets flew that slow in real life, and were the size of baseballs.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:19:17 No.3906056
    same level of fitness? Possibly. Games do give better color detection so have a slight advantage in reacting when you see them. Though, reaction speed is both dependent on how fast you can process some information(how efficient your pathways have been made, and yes, games do make these pathways more efficient[at least the eye -> holy fuck something is there I need to do something about it]), but also how fast you can move your limbs and how coordinated you are. The latter comes with practice in the real world. So for most of the shut ins, if they had to face someone who knew what they were doing, they be fucked.

    But with the premise that the shut in is the one with the advantage of having higher brain reaction speed(even if the physical reaction speed is no different) that still means that they will be a bit faster to react, IE shoot a fucker. So yes, the gamer will have the advantage. Now in real life where the fitness level is NOT equal..... they are fucked.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:21:42 No.3906073
    I do believe people who play a lot of FPS's are a little desensitized to war. They probably wouldn't have a problem pulling the trigger when they need to and are likely less susceptable to the psychological problems that comes with being a veteran.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:24:14 No.3906092

    has never seen combat
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:24:25 No.3906096
    I don't know man, with games being as realistic as they are today, if you pay attention to certain animations they'll teach you how to use the gun.
    I remember the first time I went to a shooting range with my step-father.
    I picked up a nine millimeter baretta pistol and instantly knew how to line up the iron sights, where the safety was, and how to eject the magazine and load a new one.
    No one had to teach me any of that.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:26:35 No.3906114
    pulling the trigger yes. Hitting is another question all together. Shooting a gun in a game aint nothing like shooting a gun in real life. Fucker kicks back like shit depending on the gun which makes aiming a problem if you dont have the muscles to control that shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:26:46 No.3906117
    Yes. I play TF2, so I can rocket jump above the bad guys.

    And blow my legs off.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:29:03 No.3906136

    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:29:27 No.3906137
    Have you fired a real gun? Recoil doesn't take a lot of muscle to control.
    About the only thing I've found that's difficult to hold onto is a pistol-grip shotgun without the stock.
    If you don't brace it against your hip, it can get away from you pretty easily.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:29:43 No.3906143
    I'm in the French Military... 3/4ths of our boot camp was playing video games.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:31:04 No.3906154

    >>I'm in the French Military

    Yeah, fuck your testimony.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:33:09 No.3906161
    ok fine, I didn't mean you have to be buff. Just have the right muscles, hell writing with a pencil needs muscles as well. But I still stand by that aiming in real life takes skill which is not giving by using a mouse to aim.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:34:41 No.3906180

    Troll, there is no such thing as the French military.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:35:34 No.3906190
    I have seen over 500+ action movies completely.
    Of couse I would do better.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:35:41 No.3906192
    True, there are a lot more factors to take into consideration when you're actually shooting a gun.
    It's more than just dexterous fingers, you need stable shoulders and decent eye sight as well, which is usually something video games just give you automatically.
    Being a certain height works well too. Weapons are hard to fire from the hip accurately when you're relatively short.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:37:02 No.3906207
    I see how I worded that a little wrong.

    In a video game, the person you're playing already has good eye sight and stable shoulders.
    Video games won't give you good eye sight and stable shoulders by playing them, probably just the opposite.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 04/14/09(Tue)12:38:27 No.3906221
    What's this game?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:39:48 No.3906235
    No. Moving your mouse around does not equal aiming a gun IRL. And as for finding cover, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn't get the fuck away from a hail of bullets. Besides, in just about any game I can think of, it's totally okay to go hide behind a car or a fence or in a barn, all of which any kind of military grade bullet gladly passes straight through with no problem.

    The purpose of many types of cover isn't really protecting you from a bullet but hiding you from the shooter, so you can surprise him yourself. Games generally follow the same kind of sense movies do: If a part of your body cannot be seen, then it cannot be shot, much like a child thinks it is invisible if it covers its eyes (I can't see you, so you can't see me).
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:39:50 No.3906236
    I'd be IRL no-scoping those bitches like a motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:42:23 No.3906253
    Not at all, OP. In fact, I would say it's mostly opposite. The person who plays a shitload of video games would have the shakiest nerves and would probably be unable to fight, not to mention be too weak to hold a gun like the one in your picture properly.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:42:33 No.3906256
    Not all games are like that though. Recently they've been adding the different types of cover vs different rounds in the gun, and the over all power of the gun itself.
    You do actually sort of learn what's good cover and what will get you shot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/09(Tue)12:44:38 No.3906271
    >IRL no-scoping

    Go for it bro, let me know how you get on.

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