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  • File :1239391784.jpg-(51 KB, 768x490, Untitled.jpg)
    51 KB athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/09(Fri)15:29:44 No.3850685  
    I'll start:

    It's ok for a woman to be a virgin.

    It's not ok for a man to be a virgin.

    Honestly, you women have no idea how good you have it. Stop complaining about how you're called sluts for sleeping around.
    >> fucktheworld !qXDxhOSt2Q 04/10/09(Fri)15:31:06 No.3850702
         File :1239391866.jpg-(28 KB, 500x442, Fela+Kuti+fela20kuti20pottl1.jpg)
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    cry about it u dumb bitch. FELA KUTI OWNS
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:33:46 No.3850740
    I saw this mentioned in another thread, but if a woman cheats, there must have been some reason for her doing it that is somewhat rationalizable and justifiable (man wasn't 'paying her enough attention' or whatever).

    But if a man does it, he's just thinking with his dick and is a pig.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:35:06 No.3850754
    It's okay for a woman to be bisexual/lesbian.

    It's not okay for a man to be bisexual/gay.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:35:07 No.3850755
    A man can't hit a woman.

    A woman can hit a man.

    I hate that double standard so fucking much.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:35:24 No.3850759
    It is NOT okay for a woman to be a virgin.

    Remove that thought from your head.

    I hate virgins. You have to be ridiculously careful with them if you like them.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:35:54 No.3850764
    It's ok for a woman to be jobless

    It's not ok for a man to be jobless
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:36:55 No.3850777
    I don't think thats true. My boyfriend is bisexual and I'm fine with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:37:03 No.3850782
    it's okay for a woman to wear a dress.

    it's not okay for a man to wear a dress.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:37:50 No.3850801
    I think OP is right.

    In the 21st century women have all the advantages of relying on men to fulfill their gender roles, such as asking the girl out and so on, and telling them to 'man up' if they dont, but they're allowed to breach their own gender roles at the same time. Being sluts and whores and so on.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:37:58 No.3850804
    Some people think it's fine but a general attitude towards it is that lesbians are hot and sexy while gays are disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:39:27 No.3850829
    I want my boyfriend to wear a dress. D:

    I have one as well:

    If a young girl dresses like a tomboy, its perfectly acceptable, but if a young boy wants to dress like a girl, his parents freak out, think he will grow up gay, and get him into therapy immediately.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:40:10 No.3850841
    It is okay for a man to fuck multiple women because he is a player.

    It is not okay for a woman to fuck multiple men because she is a slut.

    Wait wat.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:40:35 No.3850848
    Actually the whole tomboy thing is interesting. Because it's perfectly fine for girls to be tomboys, but guys who act a little like girls are called sissies.

    Pity that most tomboys are whores anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:40:42 No.3850850
    Yeah its really too bad.

    Though I find it funny when guys think lesbians are hot, because they're never going to have them.

    Same with girls who think gay boys are hot.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:41:16 No.3850854
    A man with any form of emotional problems (other than rage and too big a sex drive, ahurr hurr!), is a fiend that must be cast off from society and left to rot

    A woman with any form of emotional problems needs dozens of groups taking care of her and all the problems being traced back to her relationships with men.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:41:25 No.3850858
    men have penises.

    women have vaginas.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:41:34 No.3850862
    You are called sluts because it's easier for you to get sex because you're perfectly happy with the gender role of guys approaching you rather than the other way around.

    Can't have it all your own way you skank.

    How many guys have you slept with anyway?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:41:39 No.3850863
    There are double standards both ways, we might as well list them too.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:42:17 No.3850872

    This is the ONLY FUCKING 'DOUBLE STANDARD' that women can cite against men!

    It's like the only fucking thing women care about is sex!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:42:29 No.3850875
    Not always, think about trans people.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:42:45 No.3850880
    Its okay for a girl to be too lazy to walk you to the bus stop.

    It's not okay for a man to be too lazy to walk you to the bus stop.

    AND i have 30 minutes there, she has only 5.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:42:58 No.3850883
    It's ok for a woman to have a vagina.

    It's not ok for a man to have a vagina.

    lol amidoinitrite
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:43:43 No.3850891

    Also, the whole deal with woman owning and using dozens of artificial penises being absolutely healthy and normal, but when a man gets his hands on a fleshlight he is seen as some sexual deviant.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:44:59 No.3850916
    Women know deep down that there are more standards and expectations of men than there are of women, because most men know deep down that most women have the mental age of a 10 year old and thus cannot be held accountable for their own actions.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:45:03 No.3850918
    I wouldn't agree with that. Alot of men have sex toys.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:45:09 No.3850920
    >when a man gets his hands on a fleshlight he is seen as some sexual deviant.
    Not really, all they're seen as are pathetic lonely virgin fucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:45:21 No.3850921
    A penis is a vagina that "popped out" because of testosterone and a gene.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:45:45 No.3850924

    What is wrong with being a virgin? There you go again with the double standards.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:46:09 No.3850929
    Girls have it made, that's that.
    It's really not fair at all but there's not much that'll ever be done about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:46:14 No.3850931
    I guess that sounds better.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:46:23 No.3850933
    Or a vagina is a penis that got sucked in...
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:46:26 No.3850935
    That are to be used on the woman.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:46:35 No.3850936
    >There you go again with the double standards.
    Because that's what this thread is about.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:47:45 No.3850951
    You are a woman aren't you? I can smell your bullshit from over here.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:48:13 No.3850957
    For countries with conscription:

    Men must serve their country in army.
    Women don't need to serve their country in army.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:48:15 No.3850958
    It is okay for a woman to manipulate a man.
    It is not even remotely possible for a man to manipulate a woman.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:48:41 No.3850963
    It is okay for a woman to be uninteresting and have no semblance of a true personality

    It is a death-sentance for a man to not have carved a relatively unique personality and set of interests into himself
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:49:02 No.3850966
    No I wouldn't say so. The general consensus is that men masturbate more then women, so it is acceptable for men to masturbate, while in a relationship.

    My boyfriend has a flesh light. He loves it. It doesn't offend me at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:49:46 No.3850983
    I really hope that you are shitting us, because manipulating a woman is just about the easiest thing possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:49:50 No.3850985
    Jesus, OP, are you that same pussy that expressed his want to be a crybaby virgin in that other thread? Stop being so self-conscious and grow a pair. Why would you WANT to be a virgin?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:50:12 No.3850990
    That's because no women have a personality. All of the women on 4chan are here because of their boyfriends (sluts). Same with video games and stuff, they got into them because of their boyfriends.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:51:04 No.3850998

    No, that was me. I never said anything about wanting to be. I said that it's a double standard.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:51:16 No.3851000
    I got into video games because...I like video games. :/
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:51:49 No.3851006
    No you dont you filthy whore, you got into so guys would give you attention. Everything revolves around sex for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:51:49 No.3851007
    >It is a death-sentance for a man to not have carved a relatively unique personality
    Not if you're gay it's not. You can act like the stock cartoon gay man IRL and get away with it all you want.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:52:03 No.3851012
    An ugly and fat guy is to be laughed at

    An ugly and fat chick is to be pitied.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:53:02 No.3851029
    That's what i thought too until I started going on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:53:15 No.3851033

    Don't forget BBWs! One of the reasons I dont hate fat men as much as I hate fat women is that fat men dont go around calling themselves 'big beautiful men'.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:53:54 No.3851040
    i'm pretty sure they're both to be laughed at, actually
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:54:03 No.3851041
    IT'S A TRAP!

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:54:04 No.3851042

    I don't know any guys that pity fat chicks. We all just make fun of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:54:57 No.3851051
    It's completely cool to compliment a man on his mustache.

    It's completely not cool to compliment a woman on her mustache.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:55:14 No.3851054
    I cant stand all the date rape and molestation seminars and shit offered at my college. Like, they just assume every male between 18 and 25 is out to rape everyone.

    How about some fucking respect seminars? How about seminars on having worth to society? God I hate college girls.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:55:16 No.3851055
    >It is not even remotely possible for a man to manipulate a woman.
    Are you serious? Are you people THAT stupid?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:55:56 No.3851063
    I started playing video games when I was like 8 years old, dumbass. I didn't even thing about "men" then.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:56:03 No.3851066
    If by "get away with it all you want" you mean "most likely have someone beat the shit out of you, tie you to a fence in the middle of nowhere like a scare crow and leave you there to die."
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:56:03 No.3851067

    Why the fuck would a guy show 4chan to his girlfriend?
    Also, videogames? Isn't it established beforehand that you either like them or you don't?
    You don't "get into" videogames if you get a gamer boyfriend.
    You just play them more than you normally would, but you're still not a gamer.

    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)15:56:19 No.3851072
    Oh god this. It's horrible.


    Yep. Gotta love "OMG MANLINESS IS TEH GOD" attitudes so prevalent in society.

    New favorite robot in this post.
    Um...depending on how you meant it. If you meant pre-op, yes. If you mean that even post op they are still men or women, you are my least favorite bot.

    Well, there are traps, and it was actually a woman that got me into 4chan. An unattached woman.

    But that doesn't matter.

    Um, let's see...
    It's ok for a woman to be a stay at home mom
    It's rarely ok for a man to be a stay at home dad.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:56:24 No.3851074
    Grow up you manchildren, blaming others for your problems will never make them go away
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:56:27 No.3851075
    Most girls at college have sex with a lot of dudes and take their tops off and shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:57:18 No.3851084
    Well statistically women are more likely to be raped then men. Yes, there are cases of men being raped by women, but its quite a bit less.

    It is unfortunate that is has to be that way, but its better to be safe then sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:57:35 No.3851087
    I have been caught out on my bullshit on complaining about how 'bad' we have it compared to men.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:58:16 No.3851099

    Women have rape fantasies.

    I honestly see nothing wrong with rape for that reason alone.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:58:42 No.3851106
    No actually, I just glanced at this thread and it is terribly disappointing. MAN btw
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:59:13 No.3851112
    Yes, I meant pre-op because its all about their mental gender, if that makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)15:59:45 No.3851123
    Men have rape fantasies
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:00:06 No.3851129
    Rape fantasy =/= Rape.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:00:40 No.3851138
    I showed my boyfriend 4chan.

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:01:01 No.3851143
    women are allowed to be late when your supposed to meet them because it takes them "2 hours" to get ready

    if your girls meeting you and your 5min late your fucked
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)16:01:15 No.3851147
    I'm a transgirl, so it makes perfect sense.

    You shall receive one internet for being one of the few I encounter here that gets that (I also find it amusing that one of the "corrections" for not capitalizing internet is INTERNET)
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:01:42 No.3851154
    Which brings us to the next double standard.

    It's ok for a woman to flash her tits in public.

    It's not ok for a man to flash his cock in public.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:01:53 No.3851155
    The problem with this is that you assume there's a complete overlap between the kind of person who disrespects a woman for sleeping around and the kind of person who respects a man for sleeping around. In reality, the people who think the latter will never think the former and vice versa.

    Seriously, calling this a double standard is like claiming that everyone in the world are racist, because some people like caucasians and some people hate black people, even if the latter actually hates all people and the former likes all people.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:02:24 No.3851166
    It's ok for a woman to be pregnant.

    It's not ok for a man to be pregnant.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:02:32 No.3851168
    A man that admits to being superficial means that he is the most horrible thing in existance

    A woman that is thrice as superficial is a strong woman who knows what she wants
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:02:51 No.3851170
    Since when is this okay unless in a party setting? Do you people ever get out at all??
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:02:52 No.3851171
    It's okay for a woman to have a vagina.

    It's NOT okay for a man to have a vagina.

    don't hate guise
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:02:53 No.3851172
    When women get raped it's horrible.

    When a man gets raped it's funny.

    If a male teacher has sex with a female student he's a pervert.

    If a female teacher has sex with a male student it's hot.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:04:34 No.3851191
    Brah, it's typically males that make the second part true. And since when is anyone being raped funny?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:04:49 No.3851195
    I honestly hate when women tell me they have fantasies about being raped. Rape by its very definition means it's NOT enjoyable. All you want is to be dominated by a stranger, NOT RAPED. God damn.
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)16:04:55 No.3851198
    I was in a class where this was going on. I mean, like I was classmates with the student in the class the teacher taught. She got busted, it was all over the (local) news, pretty damned hilarious. Her husband looked pissed though.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:05:06 No.3851201
    And WHO made it acceptable for women to flash their boobs in public? Oh, yeah, that's right, MEN. You can't have it both ways.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:05:36 No.3851209
    >>If a male teacher has sex with a female student he's a pervert.

    >>If a female teacher has sex with a male student it's hot.

    That explains why Debra LaFave was charged for statutory rape. Cause it was hot.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:05:56 No.3851213

    >And since when is anyone being raped funny?

    I think Anon meant when a man gets raped by a girl.
    I guess it depends on the entire situation, but that thought of calling that "rape" makes me giggle.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:06:13 No.3851219
    Oh yes, I think I met you on /d/ once? You're quite the lovely lady.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:06:17 No.3851221
    It's okay for a straight women to want to be treated like a bitch in the bedroom.

    It's not okay for a straight man to want to be treated like a bitch in the bedroom.

    It's a bit of a ...personal problem of mine.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:06:19 No.3851222
    It's okay for a woman to have a boyfriend.

    It's NOT okay for a man to have a boyfriend.

    peace n love 2 u
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:06:53 No.3851226
    Do you want to flash your cock in public?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:08:24 No.3851240
    I refuse to have sex with a non-virgin woman.

    They are all sluts.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:08:38 No.3851242
    Yes it is. There are plenty of male subs.
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)16:09:51 No.3851253
    Very likely /d/. Those were fun threads. And thanks.


    Yeah a submissive male gets a lot of crap it seems.

    So, how about the it's ok to pay women less than men thing?
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)16:10:22 No.3851261
    Oh they exist, and aren't too unplentiful, but society still despises them
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:10:28 No.3851262
    which thread are talking about
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:10:38 No.3851265

    Actually they do- they call themselves BHM's. Guess what it stands for.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:11:05 No.3851268
    Good luck finding a virgin in this day and age, buddy.
    >> Holland Boy !GaZtwAtvk. 04/10/09(Fri)16:11:22 No.3851272
    For that first one, not to me it isn't. Boring girls get the cold shoulder.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:11:28 No.3851273

    Since when does rape have to be not enjoyable?
    It's forced sex.

    Plus it's a fucking FANTASY.
    You act out this FANTASY with a guy.
    Meaning it's consensual. And not actual rape.

    No woman wants to be raped by a stranger.
    Well, maybe a sick select few.

    But most women have a FANTASY of being raped.
    Get it? Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:11:50 No.3851277
    Yes, thats true.

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:11:50 No.3851278
    It's okay for a woman to wear high heels.
    It's not for a man ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:12:13 No.3851279
    If it gets me shiny bead necklaces, yes.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 04/10/09(Fri)16:13:06 No.3851295
    girls can go in guys restrooms without being thought of as a creep

    guys cannot go in girls restrooms or they will be thought of as a creep (unless they are gay)
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)16:13:07 No.3851296
    And a shame it isn't. I think men would have a newfound appreciation for what a girl does to pretty up if they tried it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:13:52 No.3851303
    Actually, it's

    When a male teacher has sex with a student, it's assault.

    When a female teacher has sex with a student, it's an affair.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:14:13 No.3851309

    Two words. Prison Rape.

    If you smirked just now, thanks for proving my point.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:15:25 No.3851323
    possible or 'not ok'?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:16:17 No.3851339
         File :1239394577.jpg-(20 KB, 280x280, pampers.jpg)
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    You know those pampers ads?

    its ok for a woman to kiss a babys butt.
    what would happen if a man did that?

    >> anon !!WuYNnPZ/f0U 04/10/09(Fri)16:17:11 No.3851346

    this this this.

    I know girls that have dumped their boyfriend for wanting to be dominated.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:17:29 No.3851349
    When a man talks about suicide, it's time to tell him to buck up and not be a pussy

    When a woman talks about suicide, it's time to gather several organizations and say more resources need to be spent on our horribly ignored girls
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/09(Fri)16:17:33 No.3851350
    Anyone else find it funny how the women who tell men to 'man up' for whatever reason are usually the most submissive, personality-less, boring, demure, docile fucks in the world?

    Why do some women have this idea that having sex with a lot of men makes them 'strong'?

    How fucking stupid can you get?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:17:35 No.3851351
    A lot of these "double standards" seem to be just opinions of closed-minded people.
    Do what the fuck you want, and people will be okay with it. (Referring to gender role standards)

    And all the others are just plain stupid and shouldn't be done by either gender.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:18:19 No.3851357
    I got two other words that would help you with your point,

    Goosh Goosh.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:18:54 No.3851360
    Fuck yeah anon!

    I loves you.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:19:08 No.3851362
    Women's only interest is sex.

    Honestly, the only thing a girl between the age of 18-25 cares about is sex.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:19:41 No.3851365
    Okay, Johnny, time to go back to your cell, computer time is over and we need to let Tyrone have his turn.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:23:13 No.3851404
    Tits do not equal cock, a vagina equals a cock. What you should have said is "It's okay for a man to go around shirtless but if a woman goes around without a shirt you hide the children."
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:24:48 No.3851420
    That's just a cultural thing. Some places in Africa have niggertits on show all the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:27:01 No.3851443
    It's okay for a girl to wear pants.

    It's not okay for a guy to wear a dress.

    It's okay for a girl to wear really short shorts.

    It's not okay for a guy to wear knee-length skirts.

    I want to be pretty too, dammit.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:27:24 No.3851450
    Sorry, I was talking about the USA not Africa or European countries. Oops.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:28:52 No.3851463
    Its ok for a woman to force a man to have her child.
    Its not ok for a man to force a woman to have his child.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:29:09 No.3851467
    I'm not extremely offended by double standards, except the one ultimate double standard: Double standards relating to females are the only relevant ones.

    If females would stop their whining about double standards and accept that the genders have some distinct difference in behavior, I wouldn't need to say anything else about it.
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)16:29:24 No.3851470
    Well, more, it's not ok if you are read as a guy. But amounts to the same thing. Then again, Scotsman get to wear kilts...

    Not that I'm implying at all that a kilt is a skirt at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:31:07 No.3851480
    Why do you people think any of these things are okay? What is wrong with you??
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:31:16 No.3851482
    its not a skirt if you're not wearing anything underneath.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:34:08 No.3851498
    It's ok for a woman to go in the women's bathroom

    It's not ok for a man to go in the women's bathroom
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)16:35:07 No.3851509
    I see. I'll remember that ^-^.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:36:04 No.3851517
    It's ok for a woman to be celibate

    It's not ok for a man to be celibate
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:36:45 No.3851523
    It might not be 'ok', but it happens.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:37:51 No.3851533
         File :1239395871.jpg-(32 KB, 313x400, Aiming To Please by Gil Elvgre(...).jpg)
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    It's okay for a woman to smile at a kid in line at the grocery store, but if a man does it HE'S A DIRTY PEDOPHILE!! Beat him with your purse!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:39:08 No.3851550
    It's OK for a man to take control of the situation.

    If a woman does it, she's called bossy, or a ball-breaker.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:39:09 No.3851551
    -A woman with glasses is automatically smart & funny, a man with glasses is a sad nerd.
    -Shy women are hot, shy men are horrible
    -Women can sleep around and still be innocent, men who sleep around are bastard
    -Women cannot rape men
    -Women always get the children in a divorce, even if they are drug junkies and the husband is a perfect parent
    -Women who date a man for the money are simply entitled golddiggers, men who do this; i.e. date lonely, rich widows get a visit from the police
    -A woman who achieves anything is hailed as if they were the new messiah, men who achieve are disregarded.
    >> literalist !ZOH7fwTKsc 04/10/09(Fri)16:39:12 No.3851552
    The only standard I can think of that women might not be okay with is the confederate battle standard. Any two other standards together is fine, regardless of towards whom it points.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:39:51 No.3851559
    If a woman tells a man to man up, she's just trying to settle down a crybaby.

    If a man tells a woman to act more womanly, he's a sexist pig.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:39:58 No.3851563

    I'm inclined to agree... unless you're a woman. In that case, GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:41:47 No.3851578

    Similar to this, I think some airline made it a policy that if a child is travelling alone, a man is not allowed to be seated next to him/her, but a woman can. Because women cannot be paedophiles and all men are.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:43:15 No.3851604
    >date lonely, rich widows get a visit from the police

    Care to elaborate? I don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:43:28 No.3851606
    ITT: socially frustrated robots indulge in misogyny

    Overgeneralize much? Israel and China both draft women.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:44:53 No.3851619

    Shh... the men are talking, dear.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:45:44 No.3851629
    Saw it on a few cop shows and read a few newsreports about this. Basically they're afraid the man will kill the widow once they get into the will.

    Fuck that shit, in order to get into the will the man often does all kinds of chores, helps the widow with everything, treats them well etc. The same cannot be said about golddiggers.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:46:22 No.3851640

    A state that's constantly at war and a state known for a shitload of human rights offences. Good examples, dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:46:53 No.3851651
    If a woman complains about male behavior, she's telling it like it is.

    If a man complain about female behavior, he's a misogynist.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:46:53 No.3851652

    It's not misogyny if we're copying from you.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:48:37 No.3851670
    When a woman gets with a new boyfreind, she can phone up the government to check that he's not on a sex offenders register. A man can't do this check on a new girlfreind.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:49:37 No.3851683
    A shy male will die alone

    A shy female will still get laid
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:49:59 No.3851693
    >Women can sleep around and still be innocent, men who sleep around are bastard
    Uh, sorry bro but I think you have this reversed. Women who sleep around are instantly labled as sluts while no one really gives a shit about the man unless he is cheating on someone.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:50:31 No.3851700
    fat chicks are to be laughed at
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:50:42 No.3851702
    The man is always made to look like a dumbass in advertising, or is always shown up by a woman. If the woman was ever made to look stupid, there would be a shitstorm and boycotts because of "sexism"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:52:44 No.3851725
    This is retarded. There are more pedophile males than females. Therefore, giving the vacant seat to a woman statistically lower the odds that anything happens. It has nothing to do with saying that women *cannot* be pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:53:20 No.3851734
    V... Vlada?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:54:52 No.3851755

    lol fucking this

    my sister is currently crying over her bf and is being helped through this by everyone in sight

    ive had clinical depression for 4 years now and can't even get anyone to help out with finding a psychiatrist.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:55:05 No.3851757

    Yawn. This is the ONLY double standard women complain about. Aww, poor thing. You have it so hard don't you?
    And men automatically "must be gay" when they don't want to fuck your used-up pussy, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:55:53 No.3851774
    girl is into shota she's just weird

    guy is into shota OMG FUCKING PEDOHILE KILL HIM!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:56:33 No.3851786
    PROTIP: Seat the child alone and in the front for maximum protection!

    Stewards would be more effective for protecting a child rather than having one woman next to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:58:06 No.3851808
    I was expected to be out of the house and supporting myself as soon as I finished High School.

    My sister is flunking out of the Uni they are paying for and they just bought her a new Jetta.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:58:31 No.3851815
    Women can treat kids like pets, men have to be this awesome father or they're 'molesting' the child.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:58:46 No.3851820

    I think that Eva Mendez should have a bigger ass if she's latina.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 04/10/09(Fri)16:58:55 No.3851823
    Women get to wear dresses and no one says a thing.

    But if a MAN does it, oh boy, you better get ready for some awkward glares.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:59:07 No.3851828
    ITT (Yes i'm doing it!): Angry Misogynists overplaying Double-standards to make their current mental status validated.

    Seriously. Double-standards piss me off as a guy, but bloody hell a lot of you are pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:59:42 No.3851831
    I'll be honest. It's easier being a fat guy than a fat chick.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)16:59:45 No.3851832
    Men who browse 4chan all day are pathetic lonely virgins.
    Women who browse 4chan all day are bored (XD, etc) because their boyfriend isn't doing anything with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:00:11 No.3851838
    I can't believe this wasn't brought up earlier. Think about Chris-Chan, for instance.

    The "Virgin with rage" obviously has a shit-ton of problems, but he still hasn't received any help. Professionals need to intervene in his case.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:00:15 No.3851840
    Well, in America, African Americans are more likely to commit a crime than a white person (see crime data in http://www.runet.edu/~junnever/bw.htm ).

    So, would it not also be fair to avoid placing children next to black people? It's risk reducing, after all.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:01:06 No.3851858
    fucking this! TV shows too. The only show I can think of right now that doesn't have this happens to be my favorite: King of the Hill.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:01:07 No.3851859
    A girl pretending to be a guy, that's a new one.

    Also, here's another one:

    - Every girl in the world has a boyfriend or has had a boyfriend.

    - Only guys die alone.
    >> KLC! !.drPJ9ny1M 04/10/09(Fri)17:01:09 No.3851860
    News flash: other girls will give you shit for being a virgin just like guys will.

    Don't make it a male vs female thing, you're just a sad and angsty virgin
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:01:28 No.3851864
    Some men are like coals in a boiler. Women are the passengers.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:02:08 No.3851876

    Dunno about China, but Israel doesn't draft women, they're just allowed to serve in the military.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:02:15 No.3851878
    Seating the child alone is not always an option, since you know, it's a plane and people pay to have seats. Stewards already have a job to do or they wouldn't be there. And those are "better ideas" which concerns airlines and not the post you quoted. Go mail them to airlines.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:02:59 No.3851883

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:04:07 No.3851895
    And on what statistics do you base your explanation? For all I know, the male sex offenders might only get more media attention/get caught more often that the female ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:04:55 No.3851900
    My good man, I could recommend you to take a peek at the post found over in this direction
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:05:10 No.3851903
    You can MOVE PASSENGERS. Changing the seating of a child DOES NOT kick anyone off the plane. Additionally, the Stewards wouldn't have to exert any effort to watch the fucking kid - they'd only be keeping him in plain sight of everyone on the airplane.

    but nice try
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:07:13 No.3851933
    Women are incapable of being rapists.

    However, if a woman decides, after it's done, that she didn't want that sex to happen, THE MAN IS LOCKED UP FOR RAPE.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:07:47 No.3851938
    Well, I've never seen a male trying to win an argument by calling the female he's arguing with virgin.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:08:16 No.3851940
    >>3851860 other girls will give you shit for being a virgin
    That doesn't happen on the same level. The burden of seduction is on the man. Mocking a woman for being a virgin is akin to saying "you're way too shy". For a guy, it's akin to being told straight in the face that he's worthless and inferior to all other males. It's a bit more than saying "you're shy", wouldn't you say?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:09:21 No.3851953
    Seeing as female virgins don't exist and a woman can (and will) lose it whenever it doesn't really make sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:09:23 No.3851954

    Aha, posing as a guy to have your viewpoint validated.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:09:35 No.3851955
    How many women do you know (assuming you know any) who do not fit perfectly into some stereotype (goth, slut, artfag etc.)? I don't know any, they are all without personality and originality. Men have to be funny and intelligent and either be macho or have a great personality.

    Maybe women act differently when they're among themselves. Any femanon care to comment on that?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:09:41 No.3851956
    That's because men have logic, and do not need to use ad hominem attacks.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:11:13 No.3851977
    As I see it, this thread is full of oversexed men complaining about all the sex women can get at no charge.

    ITT: Men who want to be women.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:11:13 No.3851978
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:12:44 No.3851992
    Fuck yeah if I was a female equivalent of myself I'd have a bf and we be in love n' shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:13:06 No.3851996

    Boyfriend issues are more important than depression. Are you fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:14:09 No.3852007
    Isn't that a good thing for us though?

    I mean, women basically copy us, they have no real interests, they just copy the video games we like and the movies we like and so on. Take a look at the movies that women like that aren't influenced by a male's taste. Shit like 'Love Actually'.

    Women are whores.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:15:26 No.3852021
    Well, yes, changing the seating of a child so that he's seated alone instead of with a person will logically kick out a potential seat. That will potentially kick out a person if that seat has to be occuoped. And yes, stewards are busy. The company is risking lawsuits again for letting a child alone without any supervision. They want someone next to him. And finally, these "protips" do not concern this matter. You're pretending that they're a comeback to an unrelated post. Didn't you read already that you should GO MAIL THESE TO AIRLINES.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:17:32 No.3852043
    women can wear pants

    men cant wear dresses
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:17:53 No.3852047
    Well it's true that this makes men superior, they aren't just copycats but actually form a personality of their own. However it is a double standard and getting offtopic might get you banned here since this is a serious board for serious people.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:18:19 No.3852054
    All women care about is sex and boyfriends.

    For a man, depression is like losing his home to the repo men and having to sleep in his car, arriving into work unshaven and so on. But still fighting onwards like some kind of stoic hero of old.

    For women depression is when their boyfriend doesnt call them for a few days.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:19:13 No.3852070

    I had to go to one of these. Us guys all sat down in a room, and the very first words out of the instructor's mouth was, "Men, you are all rapists. Every one of you is going to feel the urge to rape a defenseless girl at some point in your college career."

    I just stood up and left.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:21:40 No.3852102
    Good on you. Fucking idiots assume everyone fits in the same box.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:21:49 No.3852104

    You are serious fucking business bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:23:00 No.3852121

    Ok so you're wrong in that people can rearrange their seats. This shit happens literally every single fucking day in AT LEAST 20% of flights. You get to the airport, and they give you an assigned seat away from the people you are traveling with. No big deal. They could easily do the same with CHILDREN. MOVE THEM to the FRONT of the plane and move A PERSON in the front to the back. That person CANNOT DO SHIT BECAUSE THE AIRLINES RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE SEATING ARRANGEMENTS AT WILL. RTFM, aka THE BACK OF AN AIRLINE TICKET STUB.

    And not only have you failed to address the excellent point of "Well then why do they let black people sit next to children, because they have a noted propensity to greater crime records," but your butthurt is painfully obvious.

    We don't want tits. Just GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:23:07 No.3852122
    Huh? What about the virgins?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:23:33 No.3852132
    I bet that as soon as you left, she pointed toward the door and said that you had violent urges and were afraid to talk about it :D
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:23:40 No.3852135
    I went to one of those. Instead of walking out I just said "HELL YEAH!"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:24:28 No.3852144
    I Lmao'd.

    what college do you go to bro?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:25:19 No.3852156

    Finally a real man. Not a pussy that gets butthurt and leaves.

    Cain <3
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:25:44 No.3852168
    Men are agressive, stoic, and strong
    Men do things, they are in control

    Women are passive, emotional, and weak
    Things happen to women, they do not have control

    Pretty much all double standards are based on these stereotypes
    >> ­Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:26:47 No.3852182

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:27:08 No.3852186
    >> KLC! !.drPJ9ny1M 04/10/09(Fri)17:27:17 No.3852188
    I've seen plenty of girls try to win arguments against other girls by calling them virgins (and getting called sluts in return)
    Lol. You clearly didn't hang out with females in high school. Everyone is a slut, or a pathetic virgin. No middle ground.
    Men can lose their virginity too, it's not that hard, you just have to leave your room every once in a while. Of-fucking-course you're not getting any action, you spend your day on 4chan.

    You guys really are pathetic virgins, and you're not pathetic *because* you're virgins, you're virgins because you're pathetic. :)
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:28:06 No.3852195
    how do you fuck up a meme that simple?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:29:42 No.3852219
         File :1239398982.jpg-(25 KB, 573x508, 1239248537437.jpg)
    25 KB
    Dude you're breaking my heart. I concede, I am a big poo-poo head
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:30:32 No.3852231
    >Men can lose their virginity too, it's not that cheap
    >you're virgins because you're poor.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:31:31 No.3852242
    >>3852188 Men can lose their virginity too
    What the fuck? We CLEARLY said that men CANNOT lose their virginity. What makes you think you can say something like that??
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:32:00 No.3852248
    >I'm still a virgin because all I do is sit in my room all day drinking soda and eating cheetos
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:33:18 No.3852265
    um excuse me cheetos are awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:33:24 No.3852267

    I actually lol'd. Fuck people and their formulaic memes.

    Take the xzibit meme for example. It's funny because of its relevance to pimp my ride and the humor that results from its creative usage. Then people like you fucking baww when someone writes 'yo dawg' instead of 'sup dawg'.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:33:28 No.3852270
    I go to the gym and I go out every weekend. I got my first kiss in a club by some hambeast while I was drunk in october of last year. I'll be a virgin for life.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:34:37 No.3852289

    Compared to the average sex partner, this is not a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:36:00 No.3852298
    well aren't you just so smart and creative
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:36:05 No.3852301

    I'm sure she did. I didn't care. :D


    Yeah, the whole way it was introduced just did not make sense to me. I was a virgin at the time, so their claim that I was a rapist was just that much more ridiculous to me.


    I think this is one of the big problems plaguing gender relations today, actually. Everyone just makes all these blanket assumptions about how everyone of the opposite sex is/is supposed to be, and we just make ourselves miserable with them, because the generalizations are the things that we often hate to see.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:36:08 No.3852302
    There is middle ground, but only for the people who are the "long-term relationship couple".
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:37:34 No.3852319

    No, I'm just a man.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:39:26 No.3852343
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:39:53 No.3852347
    See, there you're doing it again. I don't care what females argue amongst each other, my point was that a male wouldn't use virginity against a female. However, in any thread where there's potential for a female to get butthurt, she'll go straight out and call the males pathetic virgins.

    It's actually very interesting when people claim that females are only good for sex, and a female will call them a virgin for it, because stressing that people you hate are virgins, you are basically acknowledging that the only reason to stay on a woman's good side is to get sex.
    >> KLC! !.drPJ9ny1M 04/10/09(Fri)17:40:08 No.3852353
    yeah, which everyone knows actually doesn't exist (in high school)
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:41:34 No.3852370
    A good argument could be made that you get called a pathetic virgin not because women are "made for sex", but because you're a pathetic virgin.

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:43:02 No.3852395
    ahahahaha, oh wow! This thread.... ahahaha...aha...aha...a....ahhh....

    So much pent up rage that's now being directed towards entire genders.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:43:03 No.3852396
    you know guys, i'm really disappointed this wasn't blocked by the robot. i don't think you guys truly appreciate cheetos.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:43:21 No.3852402
    Why the fuck is it called misogyny anyway. I'm not missing a damn thing.
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)17:43:24 No.3852403
    I'd have a field day with such a fallacy, whether I was presenting male OR female at the time :P. That's just asinine.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:47:32 No.3852451
    Women dislike virgins because virgins dont exert the effort to go out and get them.

    This could be because they have low self-esteem, because they're lazy fucks or because they simply dont care enough.

    Very few virgins actually TRY to get women in the first place (even ugly fucks who try enough will eventually succeed).

    This is why women hate them. Their attitude is one of 'how dare people not notice me and this new style I found in Cosmo!'

    All women are whores and have no real interests outside of sex.
    >> Edward Cullen 04/10/09(Fri)17:48:19 No.3852456
    .ITT: bitter virgins amirite?
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 04/10/09(Fri)17:50:29 No.3852478
    I could go on and on about this subject for hours, but am having a bout of the lazies right now, so maybe another time.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:51:08 No.3852483
    Misogyny = hating women. Look up the etymology, it's not that hard to figure out.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:51:40 No.3852486
    Nope, that's not a good argument at all. See, to state something as a fact, or even just speculation, you need something to base it on. The only thing I could possibly imagine that you're basing the speculation of me being a virgin on is that I cannot get along well with women when I'm willing to talk about them the way I do. And since all you have to say is that I'm a virgin, it doesn't seem like you'll miss out on anything else than the sex by not getting along with women.

    However, if you're basing your speculation about my virginity on anything else, I would be glad to hear it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:51:42 No.3852487
    I've seen you in these threads before woman. You never have another argument apart from that.

    Is logic anathema to women?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:53:50 No.3852515
    its like arsenic to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:57:09 No.3852556

    Tell me, what's YOUR method from getting dried semen out of your hair?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:58:11 No.3852560

    until she gets ugly, then the hard truth of reality sets in. women may have it better than men in their early 20s, but this is the peak of their status. men pretty much move up the ladder until 40.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:58:22 No.3852567
    bumping cheetos for great justice
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)17:59:54 No.3852579
    THANK YOU ffs what is wrong with everyone
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:00:23 No.3852588
    He was joking.

    But the etymology is something that annoys me. It's something of a propaganda word. You can use it on anyone who just says something slightly controversial about women, and by doing so, you're branding them a woman hater, which instantly gives an image of some evil man who abuses innocent women. The effect of this is that people will be afraid, often unconsciously, of saying anything negative about women at all, because if not they'll be seen as a woman hater.

    Perhaps not as extreme as stuff like the Red Scare, but there are some striking similarities, and there's no reason we should just accept it because it isn't as bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:00:29 No.3852590
    So what you're saying is tantamous to:

    Male Virgins are egoistic, narcistic, borderline jerks/bastards who expect to get approached by women because they're so awesome/funny/smart and tend to get butthurt when they're still virgins/no women ever expresses interest in them.
    => Conclusion: Women are shallow whores who go after complete 'jerks' (jocks, hipsters = people with a life and personality).

    Women are egoistic, narcistic, borderline jerks/bastards who expect to get laid/approached just because they're so incredibly hot/wear sexy skirts/have a vagina and get butthurt when not all males in the near vincinty ask for their numbers/ask them out.
    => Conclusion: If I'm getting ignored by them, then they must be gay/pathetic/sissies and still virgins.

    Detecting a pattern here? I sure do.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:00:39 No.3852593
    mmm, cheetos.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:02:09 No.3852609
    Nobody said the male virgins expect to get asked out.

    Only women have this expectation. Women are whores and only care about sex and swallow cum.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:02:30 No.3852617
    bumping for great cheetos
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:03:17 No.3852620
    cheetoing in a cheetos thread
    >> Cantonese Orange !.JeS8NKync 04/10/09(Fri)18:03:24 No.3852621
    ITT, you are all butthurt.

    Yes, it's easier for women to get sex. Yes, it's easier for men to get respect. Surprise surprise. This is the quintessential troll thread. A subject that contradicts the body of text of the first post, about a broad topic that nearly everyone has a different opinion on. OP only had to post twice to get you guys started on this shit.

    If you're all so tired of double standards, just stop perpetuating them. I've told girls to man up, shit's hilarious.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 04/10/09(Fri)18:03:42 No.3852623
    Oh I will leave you with a nugget of wisdom, guys.

    In juvenile hall, girls are not allowed to have hotdogs or bananas. There were two girls who were apparently caught smuggling a bunch of them in their shirts.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:04:02 No.3852626
    >>(jocks, hipsters = people with a life and personality)

    yeah that makes much sense, you have a personality because you do what every other kid do
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:05:39 No.3852636
    you know what i love about cheetos?

    we might argue and bicker about the genders, and there might even be hateful words tossed around, but cheetos will always be cheetos.

    the great uniter of /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:05:47 No.3852638
    Wait what? What does this have to do with double standards. Also cheetos.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:05:55 No.3852641
    Then explain to me why we're all sitting around here, discussing silly double standards nobody IRL gives a flying fuck about and fapping to hentai where the male lead suddenly gets swarmed by pussy without a real reason behind it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:06:39 No.3852647
    I love my bros, bros, but I gotta say: a lot of the points you are making are great and all, and a lot of them are right. Women have it tons easier, but think about this:

    Since the beginning of time men have been classified as the providers, they are protective and territorial, and women have always been the weaker ones who are built to have children and be nurturing.

    Basically, chill out. Women do their own thing and we do ours. If you don't like the way they are, that explains why you're here complaining, right? There'll be a girl for you that doesn't make you rage one day...you just have to open your mind enough to find them.
    >> Edward Cullen 04/10/09(Fri)18:06:54 No.3852651
    cheetos are gross, but those 'natural' cheetos are pretty top.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:06:59 No.3852653
    don't forget cheetos
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 04/10/09(Fri)18:07:07 No.3852654
    Guys could have hot dogs and bananas and girls couldn't.

    And what to Cheetos have to do with anything?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:07:48 No.3852659
    they're fucking cheetos
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:07:51 No.3852660
    Cheetos are fucking awesome. What the hell is wrong with you people.
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)18:08:36 No.3852664
    ITT cheetos.

    I approve of this new trend.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:09:20 No.3852668
    I'll offer myself as a more realistic example on the first one:

    I have many things in life I see as more important than sex. Therefore, I put minimal effort into seeking it out, and I'm still a virgin. I see this as a natural part of choosing to remain passive about sexual/romantic interests as a male and don't complain about it. However, if I were to get a romantic interest, I would approach her.

    However, it causes me some slight annoyance when someone sees me as a lesser man just because I've never prioritized getting laid.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:10:12 No.3852677
    >If you're all so tired of double standards, just stop perpetuating them. I've told girls to man up, shit's hilarious.

    Or how about you realize that you're on 4chan and that discussion is accordingly intertwined with trolling and drama for the sake of amusement. Stop reading into every post and concluding people are butthurt and excited over the issue, when in fact they're just trying to create some amusement.

    Serious. FUcking. Business.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:10:38 No.3852684
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    cheetos in a cheetos thread
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:11:29 No.3852690
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    All females are going to criticize the tendencies of boys, not men.
    All males are going to criticize the tendencies of girls, not women.
    All of you need to grow the fuck up, and stop hanging out with children.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:11:32 No.3852691
    Well that' just like your opinion man.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:11:33 No.3852692
    >I've told girls to man up, shit's hilarious.
    May you tell a bit more about how they react to this? I would be very interested to hear that.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:11:50 No.3852697
    My rape fantasies involve being the rapist, but if you meant to include that, then sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:12:32 No.3852703
    >my rape fantasies involve cheetos
    >> sage Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:12:39 No.3852704
    Absolutely true, but it doesn't make the original blanket assertion any less wrong.
    Compulsory military service does not mean women are required to serve in combat. I apologize for overlooking this distinction.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:12:40 No.3852705
    Personality is not about shutting yourself out from fashion trends. Personality is about developing a set of values (which may be shared by other people as well) that are important to you and by which you want to lead your life and sticking to them. And guess what, you're not going to 'find yourself' by doing nothing and avoiding social contact/shuning people you think are below you.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:12:42 No.3852707
    What relevance does doujin escapism have to anything?

    And the reason I'm contributing to this thread is because by and large it is ALWAYS women who complain about double standards.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:14:34 No.3852722
    Anyone else noticed that shy girls tend to turn into fucking sluts when they go to college?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:14:42 No.3852724
    hey you guys, want some cheetos?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:15:13 No.3852728
    I don't mind this philosophy. What I do mind is when women oppose this philosophy, create double standards, and then ignore these double standards and use every opportunity to bring out all these HORRIBLE DOUBLE STANDARDS that the EVIL PATRIARCHAL MISOGYNISTS use to PUT ALL WOMEN DOWN and FORCE THEM to be their SEX SLAVES.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:15:48 No.3852737


    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:16:55 No.3852747

    It's shocking how many people fail to realize this. But half of them are trolls anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:17:29 No.3852754
    so how bout that chester cheetah
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:19:03 No.3852776

    QUICK! Someone alert the scientist's institute
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:19:09 No.3852777
    I never said I'm any different. Hell, judging by your CAPS LOCK = more credibility reaction I think I hit the spot right on. Dude, we're all in the same boat.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:20:10 No.3852789
    i prefer the small, crunchier cheetos.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:20:28 No.3852795
    Remember this: Every war ever fought was caused by women.

    Feminists say: (Dworkin) 'Men start wars, so they should have to fight them'.

    I say, men will stop fighting wars when women stop loving men who do.

    Same goes for violence in general. Nothing gets a bitch wetter than seeing a guy beat the shit out of another guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:22:00 No.3852810
    you all get trolled lol there is no wimminz on the internets
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:22:23 No.3852817
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    Cheetos are fucking shit. Oreos ftw.
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)18:22:27 No.3852819
    I think it more likely men will stop fighting wars when there is no need to fight over land, religion, resources, or to be awesome.

    Only removing one of those will not stop war. i.e., war will never end.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:23:14 No.3852830
    >And guess what, you're not going to 'find yourself' by doing nothing and avoiding social contact/shuning people you think are below you.


    >> Cantonese Orange !.JeS8NKync 04/10/09(Fri)18:23:44 No.3852835

    Generally either blank stares, violence against my person, or a combination thereof. This is, however generally followed by said manning up.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:24:09 No.3852841
    I think women need to stop being dumb, unfunny whores and loosen the fuck up.
    Men need to stop being sluts and need to learn that not everyone wants their horrid penises or semen.

    Seriously, both Adam and Eve need to grow the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:24:12 No.3852842
    Well, the way I use the terms, "jock" or "hipster" doesn't refer to someone with some jock/hipster traits, it refers to someone who uses it like some kind of all-in-one personality package.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:24:18 No.3852843
    ITT: soon-to-be gays
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:27:14 No.3852875
    >loosen the fuck up
    Absolutely not. Women are loose enough already.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:31:52 No.3852919
    Exactly. I always use the male-oriented terms for myself. "Dude", "waiter", shit like that. I never liked people being "OMG YOU HAVE A VAGINA BE LIKE THIS".
    Fucl y'all, I laugh at fart and rape jokes and find most women to be insufferable. Men are funnier mosof the time, but they also need to calm the fuck down off their high horse. Places where men rule completely are shit holes, places where it's more equal are usually much better.

    Gender is retarded; everyone should stop being idiots.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:32:38 No.3852927

    but you can manipulate a teenage girl just fine, my last lay was 14yo, lawl amidoinitrite mootblawkcses
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:36:43 No.3852976
    hi m00t
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:44:53 No.3853057
    >>ive had clinical depression for 4 years now
    >>can't even get anyone to help out with finding a psychiatrist.

    so you were clinically diagnosed without a pyschiatrist? thats cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:49:13 No.3853106

    >>It's ok for a woman to be a virgin.

    It's good for women to be a virgin, espeically when you get to be the one to pop their cherry.

    men are allowed to be fat, women aren't.

    Women have to be thin, men should be ripped.

    Women can be housewives, men have to work.

    Men can sleep around, women can't.

    Men who work in porn are heroes, women who work in porn are whores.

    I fucking love being a man.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:54:34 No.3853159
    >men are allowed to be fat, women aren't.

    This is something a lot of you guys are missing. In the real world...not the standards of 4chan it is more acceptable for a guy to be fat. I have a 300lb+ friend who's fucked some pretty good looking girls and he has awesome purple stretch marks too.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:55:39 No.3853176
    People on 4chan are all doctors that can diagnose themselves. I know I'm fucked in the head...I know what I feel but I don't know what I have.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:58:00 No.3853205
    Men who work in porn are uneducated pricks and I have no respect for them.

    Though they aren't degrading themselves (usually) to the same extent the women are.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)18:59:56 No.3853233


    I would think most guys on 4chan fall into the second catagory. Most women here as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:01:36 No.3853250
    Men dont give a shit about whether another man is a virgin if they prove themselves to be a good person.

    I've never met a man who believes fully in shit like 'love at first sight' or 'first impressions' or actually valuing how someone looks above other more tangible properties.

    Women value these things far more than men.
    >> Zahlman !GlqXwJT1NM 04/10/09(Fri)19:02:27 No.3853268
    My view: Things that happen by mistake still happened. That includes being born with the wrong set of chromosomes. Chromosomes determine gender, as I define "gender" and "sex". Sex is as in sexuality, and it's whatever the fuck you feel yourself to be. The terms "male" and "female" are for biologists, and refer to what you physically are. The pronouns "he" and "she" are for laypeople, and refer to what you logically are.

    >So, how about the it's ok to pay women less than men thing?

    No, it isn't. It's against the fucking law. All those statistics are bullshit. If you actually do equal work, you get equal pay. I refuse to believe that the law can be worked around to nearly the extent that is claimed. 70 cents on the dollar my ass.

    And for what it's worth, I understand that women in the porn industry can expect to make about triple what men do. Of course, there's really no way to equate the work that men and women do in the porn industry.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:04:32 No.3853280
    >I would think most guys on 4chan fall into the second catagory.
    Well, this is well-spread myth.
    4chan population, while not perfect is closer to average than to morbidly obese.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:05:18 No.3853292
    Gay men are much more likely to be thought of as pedophiles than lesbian women.
    >> Cassanondra !5J6skG3.rQ 04/10/09(Fri)19:06:50 No.3853306
    Well, I suppose I'll find out myself eventually, but even then it will be hard to tell. I don't know for sure if it's true or not, but I have heard some anecdotal things around women being passed over for promotions because there was a man, who was actually worse at the job, around.

    Also, most psychologists see it the other way. Gender is your mental classification of yourself, sex is what your body is.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:06:55 No.3853308

    They're getting paid to fuck wimminz. I bet they're crying themselves to sleep at night knowing that you don't respect them.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:07:49 No.3853318
    this is also partially due to dominant/submissive sex roles in my opinion. A guy who fucks multiple girls, steotypically, is getting off on using them for sex. A girl who fucks multiple guys, stereotypically, is getting off on getting used for sex. Again, these are generalizations, but I think that's the primary reason for the slut/stud problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:08:30 No.3853325
    yeah, the skinny nerds are actually more prevalent and counterbalance the fat ones
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:12:46 No.3853373
    Actually I remember a specific case in the military were a man was selected for a command position but was replaced by a woman because there was not enough "diversity".
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:13:58 No.3853386
    Moar liek phallacy amirite?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:19:18 No.3853446
    It's ok for a woman to ditch her job and spend time with their kids.

    It's not ok for a man to ditch her job and spend time with their kids.
    >> Zahlman !GlqXwJT1NM 04/10/09(Fri)19:20:22 No.3853464
    I know that's how they usually use the terms but this way just makes more sense to me. And of course anecdotes don't prove shit. You don't take the angry white guy who was passed over for a job "because there was a quota" very seriously either, do you?

    BTW, Canadafag here, affirmative action is not even on the political radar. I support the ND fuckin P, but the idea of associating AA with left-wing politics sounds like some kind of joke to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:20:56 No.3853470
    >men are allowed to be fat, women aren't.
    >Women have to be thin, men should be ripped.

    This is due to the different ways that the genders attract each other. If no fat/chubby guys could get nice pussy as fatasses, a lot of them would get in shape. On the contrary, no attractive man wants a fat girl.

    If women want to see less fat men everywhere, the hot ones should come up to guys with great bodies like me and openly offer sex. Why the fuck should I have to work hard on my game when I put in all my efforts at the gym?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:21:59 No.3853481
    Get a fucking job you loser and stop spending so much time at the gym.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:24:08 No.3853514
    if a man is fat it's ok he can still be funny and everyone will like him

    if a woman is fat she is completely worthless no matter how nice she is

    oh wait sorry wrong way around
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:25:35 No.3853532
    It's ok for a woman to become upset and express it in screams/ignoring/crying and blame it on their 'emotions'


    When a man becomes upset at his girlfriend for being irrational, illogical and does something that pisses him of the girl will actually become angry at him for being pissed off.

    They honestly think their feelings are all that matters in the world and have no extroversion in terms of thought or emotion.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:26:21 No.3853541
    Jealous fatty detected.

    I'm a full-time student and still work 20 hours a week.

    During the school/workweek, I spend maybe 5 hours a week in the gym, tops.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:26:50 No.3853546
    crushing blow
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:27:46 No.3853564
    If a girl turns down fucking a guy, its cause she doesn't feel ready or someshit

    If i turn down a girl, im instantly gay because i don't wanna fuck the drunk slut who wandered up to me and starded grabbing me, shit they have the nerve to say "If you don't want all this (points out nasty tits and used up pussy, you must be a faggot"

    when the girl turns a guy down she'll just say "I'm not ready/im too drunk/im too w/e"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:31:08 No.3853615

    THANK YOU sir for pointing this one out.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:32:56 No.3853643
    It's okay for a man to have a sex drive.

    It's not okay for a woman to have a sex drive.

    It's okay for a man to fart.

    It's not okay for a woman to poop.

    It's not okay for a man to sexually harass someone.

    It's okay for a woman to sexually harass someone.

    It's okay for a man to eat.

    It's not okay for a woman to eat.

    It's okay for a man to not care about shopping/clothes.

    It's not okay for a woman to not care to some extent about fashion/looking good.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:34:30 No.3853663
    The girl calls you gay because the girl is insecure you faggots.

    The girl who said she isn't ready thinks you're a creepy rapist who is trying to take advantage of her.

    Basically it goes back to >>3850755
    >> Actwoven !!6DbgT+wwyGr 04/10/09(Fri)19:36:19 No.3853692
    Dunno if someone did this one yet, but when a male teacher bangs a female student, he is a filthy pedophile.

    If a female teacher bangs a male student, that kid's one lucky sunuvabitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:36:54 No.3853696

    Pretty sure it's okay for women to eat, bro. Otherwise what the fuck are we all doing taking them out to dinner?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:38:01 No.3853714
    No, its cuz the ugly girls can't handle rejection, they're not even in my league (there a 5-6) and think walking up, grabbing my cock and giving me sloppy kisses without saying more then 10 words means i should be happy as hell im gettin her

    And when you turn them down, they usually cry, i fucking love making girls cry when they try to get me and i say no, cuz they're fucking skanks who deserve to be hurt
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:38:16 No.3853720
    fat, horny, smelly, ugly, classless, disgusting cumdumpster detected
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:38:49 No.3853725

    Are you fucking retarded? It's NOT ok for a man to have a sex drive, but it's fine for women. Do you know how fucked up the stigma is around male sex toys? For women it's like "oh cool, so you have a rabbit by 'X', I had one but it broke I much prefer the 'Y' model" but do you have ANY IDEA how sad it is for men to have a rubber cunt or something?

    It's fine for women to eat. Who the fuck cares? The only people that think it's not ok for women to eat are the individual women.

    It's not ok for a man to not care about clothes, you look like a turd and people think you don't care about yourself.

    All your points are as invalid as you yourself, providing you're not just a big troll.

    What an ignorant cunt. 3/10
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:39:05 No.3853729
    Protip: stop looking in such shitholes to find women.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:39:15 No.3853731
    PS girls don't turn me down, shit your imaginary girlfriend would probably jump me on site

    I just see them doin it to buddys and shit
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:39:15 No.3853732

    >It's not okay for a woman to have a sex drive.

    Yes it is... how would we procreate as a species without it.

    >It's not okay for a woman to poop.

    what the fuck 'Everybody Poops' you would die of constipation.

    >It's not okay for a woman to eat.

    Women would die if they didn't eat and we wouldn't have anyone to fuck. You stupid shit.

    >It's not okay for a woman to not care to some extent about fashion/looking good.

    No it's ok for them to not care they are just to stupid to realize it doesn't matter that much. This is why they wastse 3 hours in the bathroom every morning for no reason and 30 minutes in the bathroom every time they have to go pee-pee which is every hour. Thinking they're becoming 'fabulous' putting makeup on.


    You are a fat woman
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:40:26 No.3853750
    ITT we ignore the fact that most of the social stigmas women feel forced to live up to are imposed upon them by other women.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:40:56 No.3853756
    "It's not okay for a woman to eat."

    bullshit, I hate it when women don't eat and then put on the "I'm fat" routine. Also, women who genuinely don't give a shit about their looks are a huge turn on for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:41:47 No.3853767
    Not really a shithole really, some of the nicest bars and clubs in town

    its just funny how when a girl gets up the nerve to approach a guy (me) they think i should bust a nut and do w/e they want.

    So its funny to tell them no, and to close there legs cuz the stench of fish is covering up your 180$ cologne
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:42:19 No.3853774
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:43:30 No.3853794
    >by other women

    By themselves, son. Most other women don't even give a shit, it's the individuals themselves that fuck about like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:43:31 No.3853797
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    I have several. If only to keep my minions in line.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:43:38 No.3853800
    Yeah, all femme anons in this thread

    your all fucking fat and ugly .Don't lie to yourselves, if you've ever posted pics here, your fucking ugly, thats why no one gives a fuck about your opinion

    I would not fuck any femme r9k'r i've seen here, the virgins just give you false self esteem that your beautiful

    at best your all plain, at worste your all fat
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:44:08 No.3853807
    >It's NOT ok for a man to have a sex drive
    It's EXPECTED for dudes to have a sex drives, much more than females. I agree with you that it's more acceptable for a girl to buy toys, but I think that's mostly because guys are just expected to use their hands when masturbating. But guys are always depicted as wanting sex.

    >It's fine for women to eat. Who the fuck cares? The only people that think it's not ok for women to eat are the individual women.
    That is completely false. If you live in the US, you should know that our eating is completely fucked up. Most girls are completely insecure about their eating for a reason: the media.

    >It's not ok for a man to not care about clothes, you look like a turd and people think you don't care about yourself.
    But it is much more important for girls. You can't deny that guys at least have a standard outfit to wear when they want to be dressy: the suit. Girls have dresses, slacks, etc, all in different colors that they have to coordinate, with makeup.

    >What an ignorant cunt. 3/10
    What a stupid little shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:44:29 No.3853813
    Okay, so what's YOUR theory as to WHY?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:45:49 No.3853839
    Shut up you ugly fat beast, no one gives a fuck about your opinion cuz ding ding ding


    Keep beliving men should accept all this shit about girls like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:45:53 No.3853841
    >But it is much more important for girls. You can't deny that guys at least have a standard outfit to wear when they want to be dressy: the suit. Girls have dresses, slacks, etc, all in different colors that they have to coordinate, with makeup.

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:46:19 No.3853849
    >if you've ever posted pics here, your fucking ugly, thats why no one gives a fuck about your opinion
    because girls are only good for their beauty, and their opinions are only worth listening to if they look good while delivering them, amirite
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:47:44 No.3853864
    Yep. They have to coordinate outfits more than dudes do, so they have to care more about their clothes.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:48:16 No.3853873

    Yeah, welcome to the real world.

    I wouldnt give a fuck if some ugly fat bitch started ranting about this shit, hell i'd tear into her pointing out her every flaw till she broke down in tears

    and i'd go home with her friend who only brought the ugly fat chick along so she'd look hotter by comparison
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:48:33 No.3853878

    >> One for the virgins Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:49:33 No.3853892
    >But guys are always depicted as wanting sex.

    Yeah, and is that ever put in a positive light? I'll make it easy for you: no. Get fucked, spastic.

    >the media.

    If you're the sort of idiot that pays attention to media coverage fo airbrushed celebrities, you're not worth bothering with, you ignorant cunt. It's YOU. You're the one paying attention to this shitty glam-rag-mag coverage. If you buy into that, open your wrists, you ignorant spastic.

    >You can't deny that guys at least have a standard outfit to wear when they want to be dressy: the suit

    I'm not even going to bother with this. Guys can't wear a suit in all situations without either being an overdressed pomposity or a loser with a fallback. Just don;t even try, that was weak, you ignorant spastic.

    You at least got me to reply, but are either seriously misguided and thick as pigshit, or a troll, as I earlier stated. Your 3/10 stands.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:49:34 No.3853893
    >Yep. They have to coordinate outfits more than dudes do, so they have to care more about their clothes.

    They don't HAVE to coordinate outfits more than dudes, they WANT to coordinate outfits more than dudes.
    Lets stop pretending that fully grown adults HAVE to do anything in relation to social situations.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:50:05 No.3853900
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:51:58 No.3853928
    Girls, think their clothes and earring matter.... funny. Because I'm not looking at your clothes, I'm trying to see if you have a good figure you stupid sluts. Just wear a skirt or something I don't care. And your obsession with shoes.... you might as well not wear them because I don't notice them you fat insecure bitches.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:52:08 No.3853930

    Also for every fucking dumb cunt there is like you

    theres 10 hotter who will follow my fucking every word and do what i tell them too

    You baawww about all this girls have it hard shit? well tell it to your cats when your 50
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:52:19 No.3853934

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:52:19 No.3853935
    >I wouldnt give a fuck if some ugly fat bitch started ranting about this shit, hell i'd tear into her pointing out her every flaw till she broke down in tears
    You do realize no self-respecting ugly fat bitch would break down in tears at your pointing out her flaws? Seriously, nobody gives a shit that you're insulting them when you can't even debate.

    Where was I illogical? Where did I talk about my OWN mental deficiencies? I said most for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:52:48 No.3853943
    this, pretty much

    ladies, and gentlemen for that matter, stop blaming your insecurities and deficiencies on soceity/the media/whatever else and own up to your own problems. You're all being whiny bitches
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:55:02 No.3853970
    I am starting to realize that this is just a troll thread

    and nobody believes what they are saying

    and it calms me
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:55:47 No.3853983
    Men of r9k

    I must say this

    I understand alot of you are ugly, or virgins, or w/e

    but don't give the fucking beasts of women who post there pics here the time of day

    I'm the guy you wish you were, and i'm telling you your giving these girls false confidence and shit, so it just makes them bitch louder when men don't follow there stupid excuses.

    Look at them closely, ugly, fat, disfigured, and your all saying "YOUR BEAUTIFUL I LUV YOU" god the way the women talk on this bored, and how they look, in real life i'd have them fucking crying on there way home to slice there wriste for even talking to me
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:56:12 No.3853993
    lol yeah sociology is sooo fucking ridiculous what a lame science
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:58:08 No.3854021
    ITT: Misogynistic men and really butthurt women duke it out in an endless shit flinging contest of "UR FAT" and "NO UR FAT"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:58:18 No.3854022

    >Where was I illogical? Where did I talk about my OWN mental deficiencies?

    You are to fucking stupid to understand it and just proved my point you dumb cunt, get in the fucking kitchen. I won't waste hours trying to explain something which should be staring you in the fucking face.
    >> tired of being this guy: :3 !cmRc0/MAvM 04/10/09(Fri)19:59:19 No.3854035
    its ok for men to pay for things, drive long distances for a woman, and in many cases not be able to have close female friends

    its perfectly fine for women not to pay things, not drive or spend money on gas and have as many close flirtatious male friends as possible
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:59:33 No.3854037
    If you live in the US, you should know that our eating is completely fucked up. Most girls are completely insecure about their eating for a reason: the media.

    I'm sorry, the media is not a valid target of blame.
    Theres just as many 'perfect men' in the media as there are 'perfect women'

    I know plenty of girls who eat exactly how they want. The only girls i have ever known to have an eating disorder are pathetic.
    You can't blame a lack of self-respect or self-confidence on anyone but yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:00:56 No.3854061
    Okay buddy, you only accept a girl doing that cause your desperate

    Most of you guys only accept shit like this cause your desperate

    Lay down the fucking law, tell them to lose it or your gunna be hanging out with your friends who are girls
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:04:03 No.3854111

    anwser to all of you for most of your bitching, especially if the double standard applies to your girlffriend
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:06:00 No.3854139
    Almost any woman will leave you IMMEDIATELY if you tell them to pay for shit, let you have/stop letting them have flirtatious friends, and for them to drive to places instead of you.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:06:22 No.3854146
    Girl : "So I'm not allowed to have friends???"

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:07:40 No.3854165
    Really they won't, they will if you say it now cuz your a fucking doormat

    lay down the law from the getgo

    women auctually like a man who takes charge, they just tolerate doormats like yourself
    >> tired of being this guy: :3 !cmRc0/MAvM 04/10/09(Fri)20:08:29 No.3854172
    actually, i'm not desperate, my gf just gets butthurt when i dont want to drive an hour. but when she doesnt wanna drive i say "ok, well maybe anotther time" and she gets pissed that i dont suggest driving the hour instead

    but whatever. no sweat off my back if she gets mad for no reason
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:09:47 No.3854191
    hey guys are we still talking about cheetos or what
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:10:09 No.3854193
    Yeah, I find this one odd. Unless it's after dark and you have to walk through a bad neighborhood to get to the bus stop, because then, fuck no, I am not walking back to my place alone after I drop my man off at the bus stop.

    That reminds me:

    It's not ok for women to walk through bad neighborhoods alone.
    It's ok for men to walk through bad neighborhoods alone.

    I am fine with this, even though he's about as likely to get mugged as I am to be raped.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:11:02 No.3854203

    I purposely got a DUI just so I wouldn't have to drive. Spent a while in jail. Now she drives to my house and we watch movies while I browse 4chan. Does this mean I'm sexy?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:12:16 No.3854213
    samefaggin it

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:13:01 No.3854224

    No it just means men are strong and women are weak.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:13:58 No.3854232

    I've had this with every girlfriend I've ever had.

    I start to tell her about some girl in class who said something interesting, and they freak out and accuse me of infidelity.

    I tell her that I think one of her male friends is trying to fuck her, and she freaks out and says I'm an asshole for accusing her of infidelity.

    BTW, I've never cheated on anyone, and never would, EVER, and the girl I just described turned out to actually be fucking that guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:14:43 No.3854242
    the stereotype is along the lines of "a woman walking through a dark alley is a victim, a male walking through a dark alley is a rapist or murderer or mugger". Same stereotype exists even more between economic classes and races
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:15:43 No.3854257
         File :1239408943.gif-(141 KB, 920x537, 056f904c9fdfa01320815ab808d247(...).gif)
    141 KB
    itt we exaggerate between group variability
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:26:00 No.3854410

    To be fair, the girl was asking them to do work, to finish a report that was needed, and to stop sitting around doing nothing. The report was needed by lunchtime, usually around one, and it was obviously after the workday started, usually around nine, so there was only four hours at most to get the work done, depending on the nature of the report, that might have been a tight deadline. She was being an uncomprimising taskmaster, and getting things done.

    The guy was complaining about five misspelled words. Correcting that problem would take around five minutes, at most, and doesn't warrant such an aggressive talking down. What a bitch.

    So if the gender in the two cartoons were reversed, the first one would still be a reasonable, if aggressive and driven boss, while the second would be a nitpicking, megalomaniacal boss.

    So this cartoon is only effective in that it points out the irrelevance of such outdated gender ideals in the workplace.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:27:20 No.3854424
    Did you miss the comic title? "OPPOSITE WORLDS"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:33:22 No.3854508
    When women complain about sexism they get heard, but if a woman abuses a man and beats him, people laugh at him and do nothing!! FUCK YOU WOMEN.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:33:38 No.3854510

    I was under the impression that the title meant that in this opposite world, ball-busting women in charge were looked up to, and ball-busting men were reviled.

    Perhaps they meant that in opposite world, female bosses make reasonable demands, and are respected for it, and male bosses make unreasonable demands, and are not respected for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:42:16 No.3854596
    cool thats your only one? id take that over being DRAFTED TO DIE IN WARS YOU DONT WANT YOU STUPID CUNT
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:45:03 No.3854628

    Let's go throught the motions shall we?

    Let's assume for a moment that we are both logical beings of somewhat average mental intelligence talking in real life.

    Now that that fallacy is out of the way, let's look at gender sterotypes.

    A man is almost always the first to 'initiate'. This is true. Girls giggle and fawn as they wait for the alpha male to ask them out/take them to the moves/dance/blowjob.

    It is, and always will be, easier for the average female to get laid than it will male.

    Now that we have that proposition, examine this. Since it is easier for a female to get 'the sex', why should we reward them for it? It's like rewarding a dog for fetching a stick. It's not just in their nature, the whole of female society raises them to be that way, just look at any female magazine.

    Sex tips? Guide to commitment problems? How to find a rich handsome man? Ring a bell? Note that it is not how to find a man, but how to find the 'perfect' one.
    Most of the time it's not 'help! I can't find a boyfriend!' it's 'help! I can't find a boyfriend who is x,y or z!'

    Now look at men's books.

    Neil Strauss 'The Game' is just about how to pick up women. Preferably hot ones, but not just. They know their target audience has no room to be picky.

    The average male will always work harder to get sex than the female. Fair enough, its a simple yet efficient form of natural selection. Yet, this is why we reward men for it. Because its a challenge (for most) men to pick up women. I'm just talking base actions, going up to a girl, chatting her up, feeling the situation and then going full speed. Jokes, pick up lines, wing men, amusing anecdotes and balls of steel.

    What does the average female do? Stand there with a drink in hand until some hard working male gets in there.

    So, that's why we call girls sluts and men players. Because we reward actions against challenge, not actions without.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:53:55 No.3854739

    Not who you're replying to and I somewhat agree with the point you made. But I think as a biological measure men don't like sluts because they don't want to spend resources on a child that doesn't have their DNA. This moves into natural selection. When a man sees a slut, does he not think innately "I wonder how many cocks have been in her". Now why could that be? He is wondering if she is already pregnant.

    Furthermore, biologists have confirmed that certain types of sperm don't even try and impregnate the egg. These 'soldier sperm' are programmed to attack other men's sperm.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:26:24 No.3855157
    This is the most pathetic thread I remember seeing in my over 3 years on 4chan. Even by r9k's shitty standards of bawwwfests and relationshit posts, this is goddamn terrible.Thank god this is 4chan, otherwise I would think all you niggas are not just trollin'.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:30:10 No.3855197
    Oh man, that soldier sperm thing is awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:31:14 No.3855207
    someone been readin sperm wars

    >> The Red Barron 04/10/09(Fri)21:34:08 No.3855239
    >500 replies

    After reading some of this thread lol women trying to defend themselves
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:37:02 No.3855263
    I have a vagina, therefore it's perfectly acceptable for me to be jobless and rate men on how well they can take care of me and buy me things.

    Also, because of this slit between my legs, I can get away with almost anything, have free liberty to hit/abuse/and almost kill a man, without getting into any trouble at all.

    AND, it's expected of all men to be chivalrous towards me and help me do almost everything, and bend over backwards lest they be called a jerk.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:39:27 No.3855283
    It's okay for a man to not shave all of his body hair, to fart or burp occasionally, to just generally show that he is a human.

    It's not okay for a woman to do these things because it is unladylike and nasty and blah blah.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:42:09 No.3855305
    It's okay for a woman to suck cock

    It's not okay for a man to suck cock
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:44:17 No.3855335
    this thread is wonderful and should be archived if possible
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:45:43 No.3855360

    It's okay if you want to suck my cock bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:46:38 No.3855373
    Woman: needs a man to define her existence.

    Man: does not need a woman to define his existence.
    >> KHANEX 04/10/09(Fri)21:49:57 No.3855412
    weak decadent homosapiens! IT IS I, KHANEX, the unfeeling, unwavering flame that will burn and enlighten the path to your pathetic destructions! why do you persist on such trivial and meaningless topics when your destruction is nigh? to rid you of these falsities and illusion, i will burn these frailties out of your mind, with my unquestionable intellect, collected from across the galaxy!

    whilst you ponder about love and carnal pleasures you seem to forget only one thing is certain... not love or friendship... BUT DEATH! yes the sweet promise of your demise is what makes life so much more.... tantalising! like a string set on fire at the other end slowly burning towards the barrel of gunpowder next to your tied and gagged body that lies in a puddle of filth and decadence! wasting your time on such meagre topics such as this bores me! WAR IS THE ONLY CONSTANT! BOW BEFORE KH4NEX!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)22:01:47 No.3855542
    You've lost in love haven't you?

    It's okay Khanex, we understand.

    Let it all out.
    >> Juventus !!Oo43raDvH61 04/10/09(Fri)22:16:44 No.3855723
    I don't have time to skim this entire thread (which seems epic by the way) so forgive me if this is a repeat but:

    If a girl dumps a guy then he isn't the right one for her

    If a guy dumps a girl then he becomes the biggest dick ever
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)23:08:59 No.3856330
    I remember being 12 and flying on an overcrowded flight and they had to separate me from my family. I was seated between two guys. At any time they could have molested/raped me (I'm a guy), but they were decent people and talked to me nicely when I was all OMG WTF THATS A COOL CAMERA YOU GUYZMUSTBE PROSLOLOLOL. Basically they put up with my shit all through the flight, and I thank them for that.

    Another time I was in the same situation, except next to a creepy old woman who kept grabbing my knee. I am positive that if I had complained, absolutely nothing would have been done.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)23:50:50 No.3856747
    some places in africa have 4chan on show?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)00:07:25 No.3856917
    It's okay for guys to play video games, but if a girl does she's being a dirty attention whore.

    It's okay if guys criticise and put down women at every angle, but if a girl does she's being a dirty femenazi whore.

    It's okay for a man to enjoy sex, but if a female does she's being a dirty whore whore.

    It's okay for men to be loud and extroverted, but if a female is she's being a dirty bitchy whore.

    It's okay for men to enjoy sports, but if a female does she's a dirty butch whore.

    It's okay for men to be so ronery ;_;, but if a female is she's being a dirty lying whore.

    It's okay for men to be ugly, but if a girl is she's worthless.
    >> bump !j5bbaJ/5hM 04/11/09(Sat)00:11:13 No.3856958
    I must admit this one
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)00:19:51 No.3857057
    Looks like somebody's being a whore.

    >It's okay for men to be loud and extroverted, but if a female is she's being a dirty bitchy whore.
    Not really, if a man is being loud and extroverted hes usually being loud, obnoxious, and a dick.

    >It's okay for men to enjoy sports, but if a female does she's a dirty butch whore.
    Most men would love a girl who enjoys sports.

    >It's okay for men to be so ronery ;_;, but if a female is she's being a dirty lying whore.
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 04/11/09(Sat)00:20:39 No.3857067
    I'd just like to break up the misogyny a bit and say that these seem to be mostly 4chan double standards

    >It's okay for a man to enjoy sex, but if a female does she's being a dirty whore whore.

    >It's okay for men to be loud and extroverted, but if a female is she's being a dirty bitchy whore.

    >It's okay for men to be so ronery ;_;, but if a female is she's being a dirty lying whore.

    I've never met a guy irl who actually held these views. If you're a guy and don't think a woman can enjoy sex, which is the source of my greatest turn on, you're all dumbshits. Most of the people in this thread are trolls anyway. They're either trolls, or they never get laid. Or both.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)00:21:24 No.3857074
    I don't have a life outside the internet so my experience is pretty limited.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)02:20:07 No.3858294
    I am thoroughly pleased with the success
    these Gender based threads have been having as of late.
    Truth != misogyny.
    Truth sees no sex, color, no respects any imaginary deity.
    What truth does is shed light on injustices.
    These threads are serving their purpose quite well,
    thank you fellow anons.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)03:44:21 No.3859116

    You need to familiarise yourself with the points Jim Jeffries makes with his Sluts & Studs bit. It's tailored to entertain, obviously, but is also valid.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)03:55:04 No.3859201
    OP, I dunno where you got the stupid idea that being a female virgin, one never gets problems. Bullshit. I've heard the same dumb insults people give to male virgins (assumptions no one wants to fuck me for insulting reasons or that I must have mental issues since I haven't fucked someone yet).
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of Slavonic descent. !nzcH8FLamA 04/11/09(Sat)03:59:09 No.3859242
    I do not know what kind of peasants you hang around with.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:04:02 No.3859287
    If a woman goes out and fucks some guys then she's a slut.


    But if a guy goes out and fucks some guys then he's a faggot. WTF
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:18:09 No.3859412
    Women are dumb, boring, useless whores, rite?
    I think most of you guys should just turn gay.
    That way you won't have to deal with them dumb cunts! And you get anal all the time!
    >> The Red Barron 04/11/09(Sat)04:19:26 No.3859421
    Oh if only trannies were so plentiful, I would gladly oblige
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:21:19 No.3859442
    ITT angry creeps that can't get laid

    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:22:15 No.3859451
    I love how gullible and easily trolled you are.
    It makes 4chan fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:24:14 No.3859470

    well we hit harder...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:25:59 No.3859486
    guess everyones gay after all :D

    im available for anything
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:28:48 No.3859508
    ITT: Angry men ranting while athens writes it all down for future trolling attempts.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:29:06 No.3859512

    I got into video games when I was a child, long before I knew what "boyfriend" even fucking meant. I posted this in another thread, but I kick ass in tournaments and in matches with pros.

    Shut your fucking mouth, virgin.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:29:48 No.3859517
    Fucking double standards.
    They made me fail 63 times
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:31:12 No.3859529
    I'm a trap!

    Anyone up for a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:33:10 No.3859544
    this thread is awesome. misogyny never gets old because it's merely stating the obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:35:36 No.3859562
    You can call a random man you don't even know a virgin loser creep.
    You cannot do that to a woman, it doesn't even make sense.
    /terrible double standard

    harhar, I love that generic insult, it's like calling white people crackers. No sting.

    It is acceptable for a woman to be a housewife while the man earns the money.
    It is not acceptable for a man to be the househusband while the woman earns the money.

    Kids, don't forget that there are always exceptions to the rule but, as usual, exceptions do not alter the rule since they are exceptions, ie. Outside the rule.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:38:54 No.3859582
    ( . )( . ) <------------
    I I
    I v I <--------------
    I I
    l l
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:40:08 No.3859590
    That's bullshit, I smile all the time with kids, play with them and such. It's how you act with kids that people will trust you. Also how you look. You probably are a pedophile.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:41:58 No.3859609
    Who gives three quarters of a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:42:45 No.3859615
    Women look good naked

    Men do not
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:45:28 No.3859631
    Big boobs look good on women

    not on men
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:47:34 No.3859648
    Women shouldn't wear bras
    Men shouldn't wear bras either
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:50:52 No.3859670
    I'd put my vagina in her vagina.
    If you know what I mean. ;)
    >> Corruptchan !!TiDx5FHol2l 04/11/09(Sat)04:52:01 No.3859681
    Men who are higher up in a company got there by working their way up.
    Women, meanwhile, must have sucked every cock on the way up. (While I'm sure that's true for some women, I highly doubt that's what they all did.

    Also, if you're MtF you have some people behind you telling you to go for it and comforting you.
    If you're FtM you just need to 'experience the "greatness" of being a woman'. Or you're a dyke.
    (This is just my opinion though. I don't know many trans people, so I can't verify.)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:57:21 No.3859723
    Let's all suck cock
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)04:59:48 No.3859750
    Every single thing written here is false.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)05:02:42 No.3859778
    By which I mean the implication is false; people do not believe this shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)05:03:31 No.3859786
    Nope. You just made teh circular argument

    OH SHI-
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)05:17:25 No.3859874

    I dont get this whole "I think i'm a woman therefore it makes me one" thing. If i think i'm a turtle my friends shouldnt be supporting me in having a shell surgically attached and going to live in the ocean; they take me to a therapist. No one made a mistake and accidentally made you one gender instead of another. You are what you are.

    inb4 'like you said: you are what you are. I'm a woman so fuck off'
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)05:48:40 No.3860121
    it's okay for a women to leave the toilet seat down

    it's not okay for a man to leave the toilet seat up

    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)06:24:55 No.3860412
    ITT: Men rage at women.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)07:29:14 No.3860849
    Men love movies about being a super hero, astronaut, funny guy, some type of champ.
    Women love movies like "Pretty Woman"... they want to be like Julia...surprise, surprise bitches... she's a WHORE in that movie!!!
    All chick flicks are about a woman feeling like shit until they have...surprise, surprise... a fucking guy that finally gives in and gives her attention. DUUUR
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)07:34:59 No.3860892
    Israel... but that's the only one i can really think of...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)07:43:46 No.3860960
    ITT: butthurt fags confirm double-standards cited by angry virgins.

    GG dipshits.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)07:50:25 No.3861006
    So many untruths in this thread. Quit yer bitchin'.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)08:04:54 No.3861112
    In Spain, if you are a woman and you beat your husband you get HALF as many years in jail as a man who beats his wife, by law.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)08:14:08 No.3861178
    congrats on your one example. the social standards are still the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)08:24:30 No.3861229
    That makes sense. Women are weaker, the physical damage they can inflict is potentialy less.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)08:28:56 No.3861251
    ITT: We all learn how to get a 400+ thread.

    [Misogynist go]
    >> Pretentious. You proletarians make me sick! A fine tripfag of Slavonic descent. !nzcH8FLamA 04/11/09(Sat)08:33:47 No.3861273
    That's actually a pretty down to Earth law.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)09:18:09 No.3861510
    But women are 30% weaker, not 50%.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)09:23:17 No.3861547
    It's OK for a man to fuck loads of women and be praised for doing so.

    It's not OK for a woman to fuck loads of men and be praised for doing so.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)09:27:09 No.3861573
    if you can't munipulate a woman you aren't doing it right. Target the friends.
    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 04/11/09(Sat)09:38:14 No.3861655
    Its fine for women to be bicurious.

    Its not fine for men to be bicurious.
    Its OK for a woman to be unemployed.

    If a man is unemployed he's a lowlife loser.
    A woman can hit a man.

    A man can't hit a woman.
    A woman can look at nude art be considered artsy and intellectual.

    If a man looks at nude art he's a pervert.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)09:43:55 No.3861697
    If a woman plays video games, she is hailed as a goddess.
    If a man plays video games, he is a sad nerd.

    Fembot here. feels good man
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)09:45:13 No.3861707
    another fembot here, you're a stupid bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)09:46:28 No.3861718
    Archive the thread please.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)09:50:40 No.3861745
    hahahahaha fuck. I love you.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)09:51:57 No.3861752

    For an unknown readon, bicurious guys are a turn on for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)09:59:41 No.3861801
    It's okay for non-whites to complain about whites.

    It's not okay for whites to complain about non-whites.
    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 04/11/09(Sat)10:05:18 No.3861828

    I'm bicurious but I doubt I'd be a turn on for you lol.

    No one in RL knows I'm bicurious. I'd get so much fucking backlash it wouldn't be funny.

    That's the main reason why I haven't tried it yet.

    Women have it so easy. They can go out and grind pussies with their friend until they turn blue in the thighs and no one would object except maybe their parents but if two male friends agree to experiment they're faggots and should be lynched.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)10:07:46 No.3861842
    This just in: Athens isn't a virgin
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)10:13:45 No.3861868
    Women do have the mental attitude of a 10 year old.
    Men do have nothing on their minds other than how to get their penis into some fleshy hole.
    Women will never get serious respect from a man.
    Men will die alone if they are not confident,etc.

    These are all truths. Man/woman the fuck up and deal with it faggot/dyke.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)10:15:15 No.3861880
    ITT: Weak faggots who allow themselves to be ruled by social standards.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)10:33:56 No.3862007
    Yep it's true that women get mostly treated with satin gloves. But only as long as they are young and beautiful. But what happens when their 20's are over and their beauty fades? Noone gives a flying fuck about them anymore. Just look at how fat girls are treated by men because they are not perceived as beautiful. They get ignored or even laughed at. This is most cumdumpsters future, and deep within they probably know it.

    As a men, you get treated harsher. But you get treated mostly the same, no matter if you are 20, 30 or 40. And you don't stop existing all of a sudden when you hit 30 or 35.
    >> Fantastic Mr Fox !KEBONGbqsU 04/11/09(Sat)10:50:33 No.3862113

    >Why the fuck would a guy show 4chan to his girlfriend?

    thank you for sharing your opinion. now shut the fuck up.
    >> Fantastic Mr Fox !KEBONGbqsU 04/11/09(Sat)10:54:04 No.3862146
    your post is so stupid, it made me cringe.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/09(Sat)10:56:04 No.3862161
    Figures a thread like this would get 500 replies.
    >> Bitter 04/11/09(Sat)10:58:01 No.3862178
    Dammit Athens, you're the only reason I became a namefag, how did I ignore this?

    Anyways, I'm 24 hours too late, but time to take a stab at this. Being a slut is not necessarily a bad thing, just so long as she's responsible about doing it, ie using condoms, not getting STDs. And it was her right to be a slut in the first place, she's not doing anyone any harm (Unless she's doing it wrong, see previous sentence), so what is their problem? Men can have lots of sex too, and you know what they're called? Tomcats.
    >> Bitter 04/11/09(Sat)11:00:57 No.3862210

    Because half the board agrees with Athens, and half knows he's wrong.
    >> Fantastic Mr Fox !KEBONGbqsU 04/11/09(Sat)11:07:29 No.3862272
    >just so long as she's responsible about doing it
    too bad this only applies to a very little amount of women.

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