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  • File :1239334476.jpg-(25 KB, 520x391, powerbook_g4.jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:34:36 No.3841647  
    Lets try and keep this civil as long as possible.

    I don't understand what the major attraction with Macs is. I was hanging out with a friend after class, and we were talking about music. He said I just HAD to listen to this one band, so he gets out his laptop and starts it up. Of course, its a Mac. He starts blathering on about how great his Mac is, specifically these features:

    1 - It turns on.
    2 - It plays music.
    3 - It has speakers.
    4 - It can record music.
    5 - It "just works"

    I had a PC/Vista/Windows/Whatever you want to call it in my bag. It can do all those things too. So what is the difference between it and the Mac?

    Inb4 complete shitstorm of insults towards both sides.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:35:58 No.3841664
    The only difference is marketing. I hate Mac laptops because they are overpriced.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:37:30 No.3841680
    Macs are more user friendly.
    aka macs are for people who dont want to take the time to learn how to use a regular laptop.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:37:36 No.3841681
    That little apple logo on the back makes it cost 4 times as much, so it must be better
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:38:55 No.3841697
    Macs are more user-friendly and have better advertising. That said, I don't care for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:39:46 No.3841708
    They're for people who are pretentious while also knowing nothing about how computers actually work.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:40:06 No.3841710
    MacOS manages to hide the system from the user more than Windows. This is not to everybodies liking (for example me), but he likes it.
    I guess you'd have no problem unmounting a USB pen drive from explorer (after you used it to copy some mp3 on the HDD to play it with WinAMP) but to him I can imagine this looks horrible. It's the "how do we get there?" where each of the somewhat distributed OS' differ.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:40:15 No.3841714
    i really don't get it either... aesthetics?

    maybe they just have too much money to spend.

    my dell laptop is 3 years old, runs better than ever. i'm pretty computer literate, but by no means am i a wiz or anything. it just takes downloading a few clean up programs, and it stays awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:40:43 No.3841722
    A mac has been designed so that it looks pretty. It also has some amusing nick knacks, such as the two touch scrolling function. When you get right down to brass tacks, however, you pay double for the exact same shit, more or less. People pay double for luxury cars all the time, same principle.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:41:57 No.3841735
    It's basically a caged in OS that is absurdly expensive. That's it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:42:20 No.3841740
    Just your average computer repairman right here. Two different things about Macs than Windows.

    -Virtually idiot proof.
    The drawback to making it idiot proof is that they are FUCKING FRUSTRATING BEYOND FUCKING BELIEF TO WORK WITH WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG.
    -Good preloaded programs.
    At the expense of choice.

    Macs are basically for college girls and "underground" bands.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:42:44 No.3841748

    Either of these.

    I had an art teacher who swore macs could do anything PCs could do a zillion times better and she loved her mac and it allowed her to be a god at computer graphics.

    she does not know how to resize images and wrote it off as her mac doesn't do that.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:44:30 No.3841776

    Anyone under age 30 who doesn't know how to do that should an hero immediately.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:45:11 No.3841789

    this are you an idiot?

    [ ] Yes

    [x] NO

    oh ok. then dont buy it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:48:38 No.3841838
    As a macfag, the only difference that really matters to me is the OS. I feel that OSX is a bit more fluid, where Windows feels rigid and structured. It kind of feels like the difference between vector and bitmap graphics, but that's probably way oversimplifying it. I just find that the two operate a little differently, and there's neither one has an inherent advantage over the other. It's all personal opinion/what you want your computer to do.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:48:53 No.3841842
    OSX is for soccer moms who couldn't even work the simple interface found in Windows.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:50:19 No.3841860
    I had XP before I had this mac, and even though it was a fairly high-end computer, I still had to deal with constant 'dings' from the firewall, reminders from XP that I should enable the MS firewall, and a thousand little annoyances that individually were very small but collectively added up to a pain in the ass. With this mac, there are none of those things. At the time I wouldn't have thought of it as being important, but now that I have basically 0 annoyances, I notice that my user experience is a lot more pleasant.

    Don't get me wrong, MS could probably equal this by being really strict with their vendors, not allowing any pre-installed software, giving me the premium version of Windows without any bullshit, making Photoshop work quickly, etc. But MS didn't. Apple did make it work. That's why I (and other mac buyers) are grateful - with MS I often felt like a serf begging for crumbs from my master (and being grateful for every speck that I got), whereas the mac never gave me any 'attitude,' if you will. Turns out that buys a lot of goodwill, if you do it right.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:53:25 No.3841907
    Cool, vector graphics are the future, thanks for admitting that macfag.

    You best be trolling nigger. Otherwise maybe if you took the time to learn how to work your computer you could have had a nicer user experience.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:54:42 No.3841927
    I think we have reached consensus.
    I openly admit to have no Mac but to follow up on my description above regarding USB/mp3/multimedia let me guess the MacOS way:
    You plug in the drive,
    Itunes (always running in background) automatically indexes the songs,
    you open the frontend to Itunes and hit a button to add them to your library (lord knows where that thing resides) permanently and one to unmount the drive.

    That's about 4 clicks, 0 doubleclicks, but you don't know what it does exactly.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:55:37 No.3841946
    There was a time when Macs our performed PCs in "creative" software. That was partly in the era before OS X and definitely before their switch to Intel.

    Really, the things apple has going for them is that they have a stable, BSD based OS with few security issues. Since they control their hardware carefully, there aren't many driver problems. You can install windows, osx, and linux on a mac, but not os x on a PC (without using some work-arounds)

    The obvious downside is that they cost more, not everyone cares for their look, they don't offer much flexibility when it comes to initial configurations.

    Everyone in this thread going "durr hurr, macs hide more of the system and are for n00bs r0fl" neglect the fact that on a mac, you can launch a terminal, write a script to do whatever you want in perl and customize the fuck out of anything you want. In windows... uh.. yeah. The only people who make this argument are PC gamers who think that patching a game is an example of computer savvy.

    Personally, I'll stick to my HP because I've yet to see anyone else make a convertible tablet with a decent video card. To each their own.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:56:23 No.3841954

    hurr durr what is regedit????

    also what is services.msc?

    what is run?

    i dont need to run i have a mac!
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:56:27 No.3841955

    Yea, thats the thing that bugs me about it. I hear all these horror stories about people who lose their entire music collections to iTunes or their iPod or their iMac or whatever.

    I want to know where my mp3s are, and be able to access them, just in case. Inb4 DRM argument, just saying that I want to know how the shit works.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)23:57:35 No.3841970
    ITT: mac faggots and ipod fanboys.

    I never had an ipod or mac. fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:00:03 No.3842009
    Yeah and what if you don't want it to do that? Too fucking bad that's the mac way and you'll like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:00:14 No.3842014
    Computers should be easy to use. Knowing how to use a computer doesn't make you part of a special club, if a computer isn't user friendly, it's the fault of the people behind the operating system, not the user.

    OSX and Windows both fail pretty hard at this. OSX has many of it's features inaccessible unless you have a good knowledge of how to use Terminal. While I'm sure it makes faggots who majored in Comp Sci feel like they're part of a secret elite, it's irritating as hell to the average user.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:00:31 No.3842017


    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:01:15 No.3842028
    People are willing to pay for comfort. He probably doesn't care that much about these annoyances to learn how to fix them. This could also be the reason why Apple dongles their OS to their hardware, because this level of polishing is costly work. I doubt they could compete with Microsoft when offering a 250$ OS for the general PC platform.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:01:46 No.3842034

    I was a postgraduate student in computer science, regularly opened my box and added in RAM and switched things out, and spent an ungodly amount of time 'optimizing' my MS experience (some of the most wasted weeks of my life, sadly). I read the A+ book and there's a good chance I could have been certified as a PC tech, should I have chosen that line of work. Does that make me a god of computing? Of course not; it's also perfectly possible that you do fun web side projects on ruby on rails all the time, and are way more 733t than me.

    But my point is I am vastly more interested (and knowledgeable) than the average computer user, even the average young computer user, male or female. And I still found that learning to work the computer wasn't a simple matter of reading a few webpages, etc., or looking at a book now and then, but was practically a never-ending process of learning about the registry, changing this, editing that, etc. And for what? To learn the ins & outs of a proprietary system that's going into planned obsolescence every few years?

    Mac does a similar thing, in its way, but at least it's based on UNIX, which will stay around and will not get completely turned around and thrown in the junk heap at the next OS unveiling. And the user experience, in my 'blind taste test,' was just a lot more pleasant. Do you want me to change my answer, to make MS look better? I'm sorry MS sucked for me, but in the end, it really did. It's better for games (no doubt) but the general user experience was fairly crappy; Apple just had to be decent to good to beat it, and it did. So that's why I like my mac, less hassle, less headache, less 'time to go hunting on the Internet to find out some meaningless detail that will makes this or that work better.'
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:01:55 No.3842037
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:02:29 No.3842044
    if you do not know how to use windows you are a fucking retard. what the fuck did you do in school?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:04:16 No.3842072
    It takes less time to learn how to perform basic shit on Windows than it does to work the hours you need to pay the extra fee on your mac.

    Again, Apple does things one way and one way only, if you want to change something then Steve comes and gives you the finger personally.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:05:48 No.3842094
    > I'm a computer science fag who doesn't know how to disable services/notifications in Windows
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:06:33 No.3842103

    a postgrad and i took you weeks to customize your registry?

    i call bullshit. it took me at most 3 hours to edit every aspect of MS, down to using resourcehacker to edit individual strings. oh and omg you had to google things!?

    poor you.

    fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:07:26 No.3842113
    went to parties

    not everyone on 4chan is a loser
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:07:37 No.3842121
    About the only real upside to Macs that I can personally think of is better battery life.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:09:04 No.3842136
    Just you then?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:09:10 No.3842139
    insert USB
    in itunes: file menu>add to library>select the songs>OK

    itunes doesn't have to automatically index the files into the itunes music folder
    you can select/deselect this in the application's preferences
    it does help to let itunes consolidate the files, though
    if you were to move the files into, say, another folder
    itunes loses track of them and goes into a panic

    I've never understood the supposed horror stories about people losing entire music collections to itunes
    seems like user error/ignorance to me
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:09:10 No.3842141

    >>3842103 here.

    oh look. an entire fucking list of everyhitng you can do in regedit. OMG WHAT GOOGLE HARDSTUFFS

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:10:26 No.3842170

    gl at Uni. Loser.

    oh shit i mean community college.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:14:51 No.3842227
         File :1239336891.jpg-(31 KB, 256x359, BottlePride.jpg)
    31 KB
    >>3842044 here.

    ffs troll, 0/10

    guess you didnt get the whole master your high thing.

    maybe a lil too much Bro Light and not enough lsd?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:15:37 No.3842235
    Wow, my guess was pretty accurate then??
    One question, how do you unmount the USB drive?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:18:35 No.3842295
    Third party software. Not part of the basic experience. That's like saying just because things like wget and grep have been eventually ported over to windows that windows offers those conveniences. While it's true that they're all outside the OS, regardless of system, on windows they're very obviously shoehorned in after the fact and feel out of place.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:20:30 No.3842319
    Okay, I'm on my Macbook right now, using Firefox, browsing 4chan.

    Firefox runs pretty shitty on Mac compared to Windows. Crashes every now and then, occasionally raeps memory, can slow down to treacle. Doesn't always happen, but it happens. This is common with Mac - you're often dealing with shitty ports that screw stuff up. This is the downside of using a minority platform - less attention from malware makers, but less attention from niceware makers as well.

    Using a pref pane plugin called Multiclutch, I've set up a bunch of gestures to improve my browsing.
    Three-finger swipe left or right = change tabs in either direction
    Three finger swipe up = back (previous page)
    Three finger swipe down = forward (next page)
    Pinch-in = close tab
    Pinch-out = open tab
    Rotate-clockwise/counterclockwise = reload.

    Plus there's two finger scrolling, and the single finger responsiveness is great, single finger and double finger tapping for left-click and right-click are great as well.

    It's pretty awesome, and the trackpad is probably what I would miss most about using Windows again.

    Also, installing Growl (and HardwareGrowler and Growltunes) gives OS X the perfect balance of notifications. I've tried Snarl on Windows, it just seems awful.

    Another thing that peeves me about Windows, now that I've used OS X for a bit, is how every single interface element is so eager to state-change for mouse-over/click. It's really, really excessive.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:21:49 No.3842336
    and you too.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:22:15 No.3842339

    no. that would be like arguing USE LINUX WITHOUT DISTROS.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:23:01 No.3842350
    the USB will appear on the desktop as an icon
    you may:
    drag the icon to the trash
    open the USB and click the eject icon in the window
    in an open folder window, in the sidebar under devices, click the eject icon next to the USB
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:23:30 No.3842357
    I have a PC laptop. I love it, it's an awesome computer. That said, it constantly feels as if every single part of it, both hardware and software, was built by the lowest bidder and assembled in the shakiest manner that allows it to retain its shape. The computer runs incredibly hot, the hard drive makes an obnoxious whirring or ticking sound constantly, and windows frequently freezes up or craps out and has to restart whenever I try to put it to sleep. I can't fix this because I can't download the new service pack, because the service pack updater is broken. I downloaded the patch to fix this but windows updater is broken. This causes an infinite loop of failure, which is frankly unsatisfactory. Besides this, the laptop does everything else I require of it splendidly.
    By contrast, I've had time to play with my friends and my families' Mac laptops as well. It's not a very big difference, but every part of it feels like it was actually made to go where it does- because it was. It's like the difference between a fancy modern chair and a plywood chair from Ikea. They're both relatively comfortable and they certainly can support your ass, but one of them is more pleasant in terms of the overall experience. (That said, the design aesthetic of OS X can choke on my wang, and trying to fix things on the rare occasions they go wrong makes me want to put my foot through the screen.)
    TL;DR: It comes entirely down to personal experience. If the combination of style, reliability and simplicity is important to you, knock yourself out with a mac, but weighing by any one factor it comes nowhere close to justifying its cost compared to PC, and even the optimum setting is shaky. If you are poor as fuck and/or want to have another reason to wag your e-penis in people's faces for buying the WRONG THING, buy a PC. If you're a normal person, weigh the facts and make your own decision and STOP BITCHING ALREADY
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:23:35 No.3842359
    There's nothing better about macs really that justifies the massive price inflation.

    Enjoy your apple tax, kiddies.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:24:56 No.3842372

    There are two or three Firefox add-ons for mouse gestures for both systems.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:25:38 No.3842384
    Never understood why so many people invest themselves in the Mac vs. Windows circlejerk. I use both (Windows for gaming; Mac for design work). I'd be cool with using some flavor of *nix if the UI wasn't so consistently shitty.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:25:51 No.3842387

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:28:36 No.3842419
    I think you're missing the point here buddy. Windows is a distro, OS X is a distro, all the flavors of linux are distros. This is because they're distributed as a single unit. Windows, as it ships is very bad at scripting and automation. I'm sure some linux distros are too. OS X and most linux distros are better providing that sort of functionality.

    Using nothing, I've setup nothing to improve my browsing.
    Ctrl-tab/ctrl-shift-tab = change tabs in either direction
    alt-left = backl
    alt-right = next
    ctrl-f4 = close tab
    ctrl-t = open tab
    f5 = reload

    You've got to go to your keyboard to type the address into the new tabs anyway, why would you take your hands off to move to the trackpad?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:28:48 No.3842421
    on an unrelated note, I'm guessing you have no friends too
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:28:50 No.3842422
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:29:12 No.3842426
    thank you.
    >drag the icon to the trash
    *shudder* fast, but doesn't feel good
    >open the USB and click the eject icon in the window
    that's nice
    >in an open folder window, in the sidebar under devices, click the eject icon next to the USB
    I'd prefer this.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:30:14 No.3842439
    are you trying to trool?
    that's like trying to blow up the world tr- >OH I GET IT
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:30:41 No.3842448
    I don't get how people say Windows isn't user-friendly.

    Shit, I got VIsta, and it took maybe 20 minutes to edit out the shit I don't need.

    The virus arguement is horseshit too, if you're not a complete fucking idiot you won't be getting viruses. Ohh, wait, someone sent me an email with an attachment.. "super cool video.exe", BETTER OPEN IT UP

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:32:09 No.3842464
    ejecting is unecessary if you have delayed write turned off, and ssds only fail on writes

    >you're an extra step loser
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:34:17 No.3842484
    didn't edit enough
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:36:55 No.3842519
    you're right, but do you know 100% if the kernel mounts the drive with -noatime and can you guarantee that not one single program has done anything?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:38:32 No.3842537
    PC= mac + windows operating computers

    mac commercials brain washed you into thing a PC wasn't a mac so they didn't have to overtly say they were better than microsoft

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:41:12 No.3842555
    forgot to add: I leave delayed writing on, because I figure it reduces writing accesses and I'm not willing to buy the drives with guaranteed 10000writing cycles.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:41:14 No.3842557
    Troll. You think Macs don't have keyboard shortcuts? I tend to browse within a very routine set of bookmarks, so I don't spend a lot of time typing URLs. And I would caution you before you bash my setup out of hand, it's something you should try first. Having all of your navigation set up on the trackpad, using organic gestures (pinch in to close a tab, pinch out to open a new one... makes sense, right?) is a really cool experience.

    More to the point, at the moment, it's something that just not possible on Windows PCs. Many PC manufacturers are playing catchup, implementing multi-touch trackpads, but Apple was there first, pioneering this tech, and their implementation was excellent right off the bat.

    While I say that it would only be when Windows PC-manufacturers catch up to Apple in terms of this tech that I would consider jumping ship, Apple's track record is to pioneer, and always be one (or more) steps ahead. The iPhone is a good example. They pioneered a completely new standard for interfaces (multi-touch with momentum) and NAILED it first try. Same thing with the App Store. Now everyone is playing catch up, although Palm is onto something with the Pre, which seems to be bringing some really good ideas to the field.

    Part of the reason why Apple can keep a step ahead is because they have complete control over the three components of OS, drivers and hardware, so it's just easier for them to do this shit - and they've built a reputation partly on doing just that, which hopefully they will try to maintain.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:41:21 No.3842560
    I find the UNIX underpinnings useful for using terminal commands in all things, including communicating to my web server. Security is pretty tight for these things too, in terms of random memory locations, bla bla. Lot of under-the-hood stuff. But yeah, when I'm not being geeky, I like the candy ease-of-use, too. And they really are one of the last great tech firms to spend up to 45% of their budget on R&D (Google is catching up) and consistently innovate, both under the hood and in terms of the UI most of you people deal with.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:41:52 No.3842569
    >PC wasn't a mac

    PC isn't a Mac. Mac is a subclass of personal computer. However "PC" came to mean Windows/DOS machines coming from "PC Compatible" / "IBM Compatible" the same way we call all facial tissues "kleenex" or all electrostatic photocopies "xerox."
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:46:01 No.3842611
    There are many minor differences and a few major differences....

    Major differences:

    It is very hard to customize macs
    macs cost more
    macs don't have a good selection of games
    macs only have a few known viruses

    None of that matters much, though. If you pay for a mac or windows, you're paying over $100 dollars for a long series of 1's and 0's. A lot of the money just goes to Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, both known faggots.

    Really, Linux Ubuntu is easy to get used to and good for most anyone. And it's free and doesn't give money to fucktards.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:46:02 No.3842612
    And the problem with that is what exactly?

    I see we've yet to implement the wordfilter on "pretentious."
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:46:23 No.3842615
    >we call all facial tissues "kleenex" or all electrostatic photocopies "xerox."

    Maybe where you live, but here we all say "tissue" and "photocopy"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:47:20 No.3842627
    my ssd devices are limited to mp3 players
    in and out
    im talking about what 99.99999% of 4chonners have, which are disk drives
    in b4 flash drives, those are only for cp, and when the feds bust down your door you won't have time to eject
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:48:06 No.3842636
    Bro, I have a PC with a multi-touch SCREEN, not just some stupid little touchpad and I can tell you, a keyboard is STILL much faster and easier for navigation. Could just be personal preference though, I prefer keyboard to mouse or trackpad and love terminal apps.

    I don''t care if you think it's a "really cool experience" or not. I want to be able to do what I want in an efficient manner and having used computers all my life, keyboard shortcuts are much faster and intuitive than drawing little circles. The swipes I could see, even if up and down aren't the most reasonable directions for last and next, but rotate to reload? That's fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:49:02 No.3842646
    >in b4 flash drives, those are only for cp

    Clearly never went to school.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:49:47 No.3842650
    I use a mac, windows xp, windows 7, and i feel dumb for saying this, but the uninstall of a mac confused me. I kept looking for the add/remove equivalent.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:53:15 No.3842683
    loading "virus.exe" to the school's mainframe isn't really that hilarious at any time
    and web-based mail...does you know it? Given the vulnerabilities of a flash drive, I wouldn't trust anything that had a grade relying on it (em discharge [it happened to me], physically losing the drive environmental exposure, small size, etc.)

    yes, flash drives are for cp...no one here has a job worth talking about that would actually require one
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:56:16 No.3842716
    Well, rotate was a last-minute addition. Kind of running out of gestures at that point. Add on four-finger down for expose, four-finger up for show desktop, and shit gets awesome.

    As to multi-touch screens, I'm sure you've noticed that a) most computers aren't designed so that their screens can be touched ergonomically and b) the current OS user interface paradigms have nothing to do with multi-touch screens. Win7 makes some steps towards being touch friendly, but most of the comments on it are that it's only skin-deep. What you need is a complete reimagining of the user interface, ala the iPhone, for shit to get started.

    And, as I was saying before, yes, my Macbook still has a keyboard, and yes, the keyboard still has shortcuts, but how shortcuts basically come down to remembering arbitrary inputs and ingraining them. I appreciate that you're more of a keyboard man than you are a gesture man, but still, my gestures trump arbitrary shortcuts for intuitiveness, and having all of my navigation flowing seamlessly from the trackpad is a pretty cool guy.

    Try it before you knock it, and, most importantly, peace.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:58:02 No.3842743
    Lol, okay. I'm just glad you happen to have e-mail and a connection fast enough to handle 600+ MB files quickly and easily. And work only in labs with internet connections. and find it easier to upload, send, check, and download, then to unplug something and walk to a different machine.

    >EM discharge
    You've got to be fucking kidding me.

    >losing the drive
    >small size

    Shit man, I hope you never have keys or anything. Probably safer and easier to just leave all your doors unlocked. Fuck, are you even old enough to be on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)00:59:06 No.3842754
    ((sacrifice for the robot))
    >in b4 flash drives, those are only for cp
    ...or not in university.
    Flash drives are cheap and AWESOME and can live pretty long if you don't repartition or change filesystem (both very bad!) or turn off delayed writing (so and so bad).
    >> olly olly oxen free 04/10/09(Fri)00:59:43 No.3842763
    I have a PC at home, but have used macs for art and other whatnots. The interface of a Mac is much more user friendly, looks nicer in general, and it is much better at handling art programs. Butbutbut, when it fucks up, your only hope is to restart it in the hope that it'll be ok, otherwise you're fucked.
    Like everyone has been saying, PCs are much harder to use because of all their intricacies, but they give you more control if you know what you're doing.
    That being said, I still want a mac for art. :'( (if only they didn't cost an arm and a leg).
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:00:01 No.3842769
    I have both, Thought he mac is around 4 years newer then my windows. First thing I did when I got it was install firefox, Then looked up what I needed for Bootcamp. I now have both.
    Mac is slick, fast and get the job done. However I torrent games and movies, Installing UT2004 on the mac side was a fucking maze. Same with Simcity 4 but other games are a breeze requiring one click or two and you play.
    So fuck macs, It really is the retarded mans computer. My dad loves it becuase its "so easy" and always lol's at any of there ads. My father also watchs Fox news and Bill o'riley. So macs are for Fox news retards. You thought bill could use windows?! THATS WHAT THOSE LEFTISTS WANT YOU TO BUY.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:00:08 No.3842772
    As an IT guy they're indispensable. I load up all my tools for the job. Saves a lot of time when customers have poor/no internet connection of their own (for instance, college girls whose laptops only see the internet at Panera and other coffee shops.)

    During school I use them for quick files as well. But like you, I just don't trust them enough to have that be the only copy. Luckily I can always throw those files on a mapped drive on the school wifi/vpn.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:02:17 No.3842796
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    The thing that amazes me is the anger towards Macs and Mac users. I understand how someone can hate the stereotypical Apple Store Douchebag, but most of /g/ hates an unassuming, cool person just because he has a MacBook. "How DARE you spend your own money on something I don't like! Allow me to enumerate the ways in which your logic has failed you!"

    Why do they even care? Are they Dell and HP stockholders? Or just faggots?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:03:21 No.3842808
    Fair fair, but I feel like I should point out that I HAVE tried macbooks with gestures, and bleh. Also, things like ctrl-tab are change window / tab in damn near every app ever, where as three-finger slide is only going to work for you in FF. And this works on both windows and linux apps by default. I THINK it works on OS X stuff too.

    At the end of the day, I'd rather have a shortcut that's universally recognized on every machine and platform (like f5=reload) then having something that was hardware specific. The command v. control placement drives me nuts when I need to use photoshop on a mac. Also, the inability to use menus with the alt-key on a mac makes me cry.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:05:11 No.3842828
    I've been using macs since 1998. my main pc is currently a windows box (we have 2 mac laptops and 3 other macs in the house), but when i move out i'll buy a laptop, which will become the main computer

    Mac OS X is nice to use. That's really all i can tell you. Some people like Linux, some people like Windows, some people like Macs
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:05:15 No.3842830
    Ridicule is the best way to oust stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:06:18 No.3842846
    maybe for cs majors, that presents a limitation, but guaranteed, no one else would ever need one
    and yes, my school's email system can handle up to 250mb attachments, so I can't say I've ever needed anything to fill that requirement. as for moving from one station to another, how often do you do that? if you're sitting down for work, you're there for a while, no?

    im a minimalist. Two keys (separate) with a speedpass, my wallet and phone are all i have on me. its one less thing to lose, and a superfluous one at that. but that's just me. though I would like to inquire as to what use you put your drive to

    and hurf hurf i meant static discharge. im a bio major, sue me.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:06:38 No.3842850

    Oh, and people who say you cant control macs, or that macs that have problems are just replaced just suck at computers period.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:07:08 No.3842857
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    Well, Multi-clutch is pretty sweet. It really depends how far you want to go setting things up on different programs. And notice the 'Global' tab. I'd recommend all Macfags with sweet trackpads check it out.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:07:15 No.3842858
    of course you never pack originals on there without backup.
    I don't trust some company my data unless I encrypt it first. Upload from home is also not so good (1 MBit/s)

    I use online data havens often, but I use Flash drives simply more: They're private (unless lost, but unlikely) and have at least 12 MBit/s everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:07:55 No.3842864

    Couldn't agree more. I'm a web developer and at work we use linux, but I use a mac at home and I have no problem porting over code and programming in quite a few languages. (Perl, PHP, Javascript, basic web design shit.)
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:08:11 No.3842866
    This argument is dumb. Argue either OS or hardware, not both.

    Apple's machines are less plastic and have a specific look to them. That's pretty much all that makes them different.

    OS X v. Windows is a whole different can of worms but has nothing to do with "mac v. PC" Macbooks are just shiny PCs that come bundled with OS X rather than windows.

    Now, if you want to go back to the PPC days and argue the G3-G5 vs. the x86 equivalents at the time, THEN we have an interesting conversation.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:09:24 No.3842878
    > I'm a web developer and I use perl.

    Hello 1998.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:10:22 No.3842890
    i stand corrected. but i suspect you're one of the very few with a legitimate need to carry one at all times
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:10:58 No.3842899
    RISC just never materialized as a competitive platform. Your mom.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:10:58 No.3842900
    I seriously can't wrap my mind around what a mac does better. People always say they're good for music or art, but any program on a mac I've seen has been easily matched or trumped by software a PC could use.

    I guess its only appeal is that it works, but that's only because everything was built to work and nothing more.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:11:07 No.3842902
    I bought a Mac laptop so I could take notes in class and wouldn't play video games on it, basically force me to stay focused on school with it.

    I loves my PC desktop, I loves my Mac lappy.

    When I inevitably upgrade, though, it'll be a PC.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:11:19 No.3842906
    well macs are like tricycles, you can go on 'em, and not crash but you won't go very fast. takes no skill

    pc's are like motorcycles. if you don't know what you are doing you're going to crash. you can do way more things with it as well,
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:11:41 No.3842908
    He doesn't say he uses perl FOR web design. You'd be amazed how handy a few scripts can be for doing automated installs of various things. Not so much for the website stuff itself (RIP cgi-bin), but for the administrative things perl is nifty.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:12:36 No.3842916
    You know what's amazing?

    /r9k/ is having a Mac vs. PC argument where a good chunk of the responses are non-troll and non-flame. Unbefuckinglievable.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:13:07 No.3842918
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    Macs are like tricycles
    PCs are like bicycles.
    Solaris is like a unicycle

    Linux is in the picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:13:28 No.3842924
    I have a netbook with an Atom Core Duo, a solid state drive, and a 9 hour battery. It runs a stripped down version of XP and has benchmarks that destroy pretty much every mac notebook currently offered and only cost me several hundred bucks. If you sit down and read for an hour or two, you can understand every thing important about my computer, from changing batteries to swapping ram; from hiding notifications and cleaning out the registry to diagnostics and running bios.

    It's more portable, powerful, and inexpensive than the entire line of macbooks.

    If you were to spend a grand on anything else, you'd research it and figure out how to use it. Why are computers any different?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:13:40 No.3842927

    It's mostly the OS itself. Things as simple as spotlight and quicklook really add up

    Then you get to the big shit like Time Machine
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:14:33 No.3842939
    Lol. Anyone who's not a total retard knows that three-wheeled vehicles have major stability and cornering problems compared to two-wheels.

    Two-wheels good, three wheels bad, essentially.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:14:53 No.3842943
    I see in your line of work you might not need one, I could imagine when using some modeling tools for biochemistry.
    My case: GIS. Fucking huge maps, had problems of "not enough memory"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:15:11 No.3842949

    So, your 1.3ghz atom is faster than a dual 3 ghz macbook pro?

    I smell a troll
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:16:18 No.3842962
    Well, if used a metric like frames per battery charge, then yes, yes it is. lol
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:16:54 No.3842970
    Yeah, they're pretty nice if you have to do different tasks, it might be like Automator for the Mac.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:17:22 No.3842976
    ts for people that spend less time with technology/don't want to spend time learning it

    that's not necessesarily a bad thing. In the same way that you buy clothes from a store instead of making them yourself, the convenience of not having to learn/know much about computers to use OSX is a big selling point for a lot of people, hence the reason why they are viewed so negatively by certain people. It's not the band, its their fans.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:19:13 No.3842990
    I always lol at the people in these threads who have some kind of misguided instinct that windows is more honorable or takes more skill or some shit
    protip: actual people couldn't give less of a shit about which type of glowing dots you spend all day staring at, and no one will ever be impressed by your 1337 MASTERY over any computer device.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:19:23 No.3842996

    Web designer here again, yes this is completely correct.

    One thing we my...um, company (don't know if you can call 5 guys in an office that), does is CSS modifiable templates that users can pay for (sort of like a word press thing)

    Anyway, it got fucking annoying to download them from the graphics dude, upload them to the webserver, and copy all the files into the proper directory.

    So I wrote on perl script and it's done.

    Just another example, one time we had about 50 php files with an outdated line of SQL code - but only about 30 files had the line, so instead of going through each one I just wrote a perl script that takes a string and searches through each file for the string and returns the filename.

    Pretty handy stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:20:53 No.3843010

    That's battery life. not a speed benchmark

    i should mention that the 17 inch MBP gets 8 hours of battery life and is faster than your netbook in almost every metric (every metric if you buy a SSD)
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:21:59 No.3843027
    Macs are for women. Windows are for men. Linux are for FBI agents.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:22:21 No.3843030
    so it's settled, some have a purposeful use for them
    write delay away
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:24:58 No.3843070

    1.6ghz Dual Core Atom 330 benchmarked faster than a 2.3ghz Core 2 Duo on all processor intensive activities. Combine this with the fact that my HDD is solid state and yes, you'll see at least comparable speeds on a lot of applications.

    Also >pretty much every mac notebook

    One day, you will learn to read.

    Also, there is no 3Ghz Macbook. It only goes up to 2.66, and the lower end version of that computer is $1850 more than mine was.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:25:38 No.3843077
    One plus for OS X yet unmentioned is the lack of Internet Explorer. I'm sure my fellow web-dev anons can attest -- hacking CSS for that piece of shit has been my bane. I'm no fan of Safari but at least it is fucking standards compliant.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:26:43 No.3843093
    Oh, forgot: My university gives us not much harddrive space (500 MB or so), so since there are important projects, belonging to various tools, eating up my space I better take all these PDF etc. home.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:26:50 No.3843096

    We refuse to support IE6 at work and development on IE7 is shaky if at all.

    Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:26:55 No.3843099
    also, CHIME would pretty much the only one, at least at the undergrad level
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:27:06 No.3843100

    im sorry, you all failed the eye exam.
    Itunes only syncs external media if you want it to. You can simply drag and drop from a USB drive as well.
    As for "lord know where that thing resides"All itunes files are kept in the Music folder.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:30:44 No.3843140
    that's complete and utter bullshit. it most certainly does not. lolmootblock.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:31:01 No.3843143
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    No longer an issue.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:32:20 No.3843159
    Guess nobody looks at the Specs page, they go to 2.93 for Macbook Pro.

    2.93 GHz is close enough to 3 GHz for me to let it slide.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:32:21 No.3843160
    Only took them 14 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:33:41 No.3843178

    The library resides wherever you want it to. Defualt is *user*/music folder
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:34:30 No.3843186
    >i dont know computors i just read wikipedia and put together phrases i hear ppl say

    no dual-core atom moran
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:35:55 No.3843201
    here's one example of macs OS vs windows:
    Windows: 16 or 32 bit colour
    Mac OS: "Millions of colours"

    sure, it's dumbed down, but its less BS at the same time.
    Macfags feel superior cause they pay more, PCfags feel superior cause they change more shit
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:37:46 No.3843220
    When I started out, I was working for a company offering support for IE 5. Shit was not cash.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:38:32 No.3843230


    Kill yourself. Seriously. It's been out since last year. Netbooks aren't shipping with them yet, but you can order them and swap, which is what I did with my Samsung NC-10.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:38:34 No.3843231
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    Sync Music is not checked, therefore when I plug my mp3 player in I choose what music goes on it by dragging and dropping.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:39:36 No.3843242
    I don't understand why anyone who knows anything about computers would use Windows.
    I mean, you value being able to change things, right? And you know shit, so why are you not using Linux?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:40:31 No.3843255
    i've seen people laud their macbooks over my desktop windows box for reasons such as it's more portable. oh macfag, thank you for showing me the light. i never would have guessed a desktop was less portable than a macbook, i shall convert immediately. i also have an older brother who works at the apple store and he is an elitist, but he knows both mac and windows quite well. he also doesn't mindlessly trashtalk. i am convinced that for video, macs are much, much, much better. macs also deal with hardware better, but are by no means perfect, which i am led to believe. my father was throwing a huge tantrum because his mac needed a driver for his printer to work, and because macs tend not to need them, he had absolutely no clue what to do.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:40:53 No.3843258
    Ricer vs. Ferrari debate. Replace cars with computers, voila, same thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:42:49 No.3843283
    this, i believe, is rather common among mac users, and whenever they have issues, instead of looking up solutions themselves with google, they overpay people to spend 15 minutes doing something that any asshole can do. i also know this from experience, as my brother is a house-call computer tech in his free time, as supplemental income. i like how macs run lots of stuff without too much fuss, and i love the little quirky things that macs have. automator is an awesome program, and i fuck around with it in all the mac stores i visit. (usually just retarded pranks like opening up a billion windows every second, or opening porn popups, or making sticky notes pop up every once in a while saying 'get me out of here,' etc etc.) at the same time, a mac just feels foreign to me. i hate the way they set up navigation through directories, and i never really feel like i have control over a mac. i also had the same problem with vista, which is why i downgraded my box. i don't know too much about computers, but i'm by no means an idiot. i have plenty of problems with my xp computer, but they are problems that show themselves clearly, with solutions that are likewise transparent. tl;dr, i like both, but to me macs are more of a gimmick thing, with fun quirks, whereas windows are utility products with a no nonsense attitude, which i appreciate.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:45:35 No.3843322
    Dual 1.6 Atom performs below the speed of a 1.3ghz Core2duo. Do you morons really think an ultra low-power netbook CPU can trump a 2.4ghz c2d?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:48:11 No.3843359

    >I believe, is rather common among mac users, and whenever they have issues, instead of looking up solutions themselves with google, they overpay people to spend 15 minutes doing something that any asshole can do.

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:48:33 No.3843363
    A Cyrix with a Pentium rating of 166 will beat a Pentium 233.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:50:01 No.3843381

    gotta mute block this one

    >Computers should be easy to use. Knowing how to use a computer doesn't make you part of a special club, if a computer isn't user friendly, it's the fault of the people behind the operating system, not the user.

    ITT: we want everything handed to us and have no desire to learn how shit works and just have to rely on other people to make it work. "if i can't figure it out, it's not my fault."
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)01:52:46 No.3843412
    Used PC for a long time, got a mac about a year ago.

    I like it more. I don't give a shit about how you think I'm a retard for buying this product. The experience is easier and more pleasant. Computing isn't a special club.

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