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04/09/09(Thu)19:51:16 No.3839141God this fucking makes me rage, op, no offense, but I cant believe you can believe this crap.
How the fuck will replacing a monetary economy with a resource based one fix things? -people
are the way they are because of instincts, this has science behind it,
If you dont believe me, you probably didn't graduate 1st fucking grade. -Recources
just replace money, its like saying with no religion you wouldnt have
war. People would just base it on something else, like race.
fact of the matter is, the few actual identifiable "plans" wont work,
and Ive seen the whole global warming/cooling thing debunked over 9000
times now, so that can go die in a ditch. This person has obviously not
experienced life enough to actually know that these problems stem from
not just human nature, but animalistic nature. We are predictable
creatures, almost every function is meant to have evolutionary benefit,
war, increase of tech, even destroying the environment are technically
all efforts to help make the saturation point higher (Malthus theory)
Also tell me, the media today has a spin against: War, Big corporations, Capitalism So how the fuck is that chart correct? Ask
the average person, do you think we should stay in Iraq? Theyll say no,
because the media said so. Ask people if they think that unions should
get more rights, most will say yes. tl;dr YOUR WRONG |