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  • File :1239153553.jpg-(109 KB, 500x500, scabies_leg.jpg)
    109 KB Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:19:13 No.3811989  
    FAO: bumblebros

    ITT: if your life is worse than the poster above you, you must make a post about your current situation

    I have scabies but I can't afford to get any medication because I have no money in the bank, and I just found out the other day that my application for an overdraft was rejected, and my bank are charging me for going over my balance. I can't find a job, my scabies is getting worse and I have no one to borrow money from. I am literally living off biscuits and flour that my flatmate (who is on holiday) left in his cupboard, and it will stay this way until my brother bothers to pay me back the 80 pounds he has owed me forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:22:25 No.3812025
    I have crabs and they fucking burrow into my skin. Shit hurts. And I cannot pay the rent and i'm probably going to get kicked out. I am also gay and recently i broke my dick
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:26:09 No.3812067

    OP here. I thought I had crabs too but when the lice cream didn't work I figured it must be scabies, then I went to the doc's and lo and behold, scabies. I wonder which is worse.

    I hope you don't get kicked out of your house bro. That shit was going to happen to me too, but I had 500 in the bank which is what I owed her, and I figured it would be better to be in trouble with my bank than my landlady, so I emptied my balance into her pocket and opted to live in dire poverty for a few weeks.

    Not sure if that was the best option now. I really want a bowl of fucking cereal but I can't buy milk, I'm seriously considering stealing some milk tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:29:41 No.3812108

    well I think your situation might be worse,so good luck man
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:34:26 No.3812174
    Scabies will crawl out if you drop oil on the skin they burrowed under. Then you can use a twizer to pick them up and dispose of them. That's how we usually treat them anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:40:14 No.3812240
    I don't think this thread will get much longer..
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:41:57 No.3812258

    Who is 'we'? And what kind of oil? Do you mean petroleum jelly?

    Also, it's quite sad that people think this thread won't get much longer. It makes me realise that I am approaching the bottom of the barrel.
    >> The Red Barron 04/07/09(Tue)21:42:28 No.3812265
    Yeah lol

    Shit is finally looking up for me
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:43:13 No.3812277
    Well, you aren't at the bottom yet. But the people at the bottom generally don't have access to a computer, so they can't come on here to tell us about how they had to sleep on a bench in the public park last night.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:45:01 No.3812298
    Holy shit. I am leaving r9k forever, I knew you people are pathetic, but now I'm afraid some of the EPIC FAIL in this thread might rub off onto me. Basic hygiene, you need it to GET ANYWHERE in life. No one will hire you, sleep with you, want anything to do with you if you can't do basic things like brush your teeth and shower regularly. FUCKS SAKE! Come on people.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:45:06 No.3812299
    Vote for the candidate with a free healthcare system so you don't have to suffer from an easily preventable disease for the simple reason you're poor.

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