/r9k/, Im here to let you know ive had it.I never been a racist, but this post might make me sound like one. I personally believe this country (canada) is overwhelmed by immigrants and foreign people. Its so ridiculous, the last few years Ive been waiting at a bus stop, I have never overheard one english conversation, ever. It's always in Arabic, Chinese, Punjabi or Moonspeak. But today I reached my limit:http://www.cbc.ca/ottawa/Today it snowed for the first time a few weeks, it hit pretty chilly weather today. But these fucking Tamil faggots decided to hold this Darfur protest right in the middle of downtown Ottawa today, holding up traffic and causing me to see my bus go by overcrowded 5 times. I yelled at a few bus drivers, flipped off the others. I've fucking had it. There is no English being spoken in my country anymore, it's ridiculous. Anybody in the US feel the same way? Anybody in Canada? Anybody, in general? Why are there so many FOBS?!
I live in Vancouver. Same thing happening here, except it's the Asian population.Canada's biggest mistake was not really encouraging people to meld into our culture. In the US, you are American. It doesn't matter where you came from, you're now American. It isn't like that in Canada.
Stop apologising for having perfectly reasonable reservations about immigration, you fucking cunt.>HUURRRR O NOEZ I DON WANNA BE MADE A MINORITY IN MY OWN COUNTRY I MUST BE WACIST
This reads like some very very old copypasta to me - two to three years old. However, I'm not certain - maybe racists are just unimaginative?
brotip: learn to speak french and move to montreal or trois rivieres
Yeah, because white people are native to Canada. So much so, they sprouted from the dirt.
>>3811169yeah you have a good point. although i am not a minority, i feel like one most of the time. i dont want to call myself a racist, but i wont correct you if you call me one. i have lots of multicultural friends, but i think the overwhelming influx of people from other countries needs to be regulated. my two cents
Dear CanadaWe have the same problems with Mexicans. At least you guys have a legal, actual pair of official languages, I'm told. See, you guys can at least say "Oh, you want your voting record in durka? Well, I'm afraid that isn't english or french, motherfucker"Here, we get activist groups bitching if we don't put up road signs in spanish.
Maybe Canada will make it's way towards a new esperanto in the future, a mixture of English, Brazilian Portuguese, Serbocroatian, Tamil, Chinese and French. Awesome y/n?
>>3811188That's beside the point, it was founded to be a nation of French people (and then they got owned by the English, so it became a nation of English people too lulz).
>>3811161You talk as if Asians are not already a majority minority in Vancouver. It's no longer happening... it IS.
>>3811206Spanish has been a minority language in the States ever since 1849 and still it isn't official in spite of your occupation of Puerto Rico and the fact that the 200 miles north of the Mexican border are not even mixed anymore. I believe the Mexicans need their own civil rights movement to knock some sense into your fanatical protestant heads again.
>>3811236Shut the fuck up you fucking beaner.
>>3811236I was fine until>fanatical protestant headsGTFO papist
>>3811212majority minority?
dude, try living in LA without knowing any spanish. shit gets RIDICULOUS. some places, nobody for BLOCKS knows ANY FUCKING ENGLISH.i have nothing against mexicans in general, they are usually pretty chill people (if they aren't cholos or something), but if you can't even speak english, why the fuck did you even come to america?
Man, you don't even know. I live in an apartment complex here in Oregon, and it's so rare to even SEE a white person around, let alone hear English spoken.I don't care where you came from, or if you want to keep your culture and speak your language, but if you're going to live here, you better fucking learn the common language. I wouldn't move to China without knowing Chinese.Also, observations are not racist.
>>3811236spic / spic-fucker detected
Torontofag here. I actually approve of the immigration (or did until out economy tanked and i'll probably support it again after we get back on track). It brings educated people and culture into Canada from around the world, something which keeps us from devolving into the isolationism that is USA.But yes, I agree these parade things are just too much. A bunch of people crowding a street being a general nuisance without achieving anything is fucking retarded. Every fucking world cup Bloor street grinds to a halt because some faggots want to rub their "victories" in everyone's faces.That aside, immigrants bring delicious food with them.
>>3811285Another LAfag here. I don't really mind it. I mean, none of the Spanish-only neighborhoods really have anything decent anyways, and as long as they keep supplying the county with delicious food and deliciouser brown women :3 I am fine with the arrangement.
>>3811236Fuckoff. Falling over the border in droves and leeching off our health care system doesn't give them the right to have everything listed in fucking spanish. Learn english like everyone else, and if someone decides to put something in spanish, its a courtesy, so be thankful.If mexicans tried anything, I think we need to call Spain back over here. Their "children" are getting out of line, and their economy could use some conquistador boosts.
>I personally believe this country (canada) is overwhelmed by immigrantsEvery Western country believes this.I therefore disbelieve it, because there just aren't enough malevolent immigrants in the world to conquer the entire West. I guess you're just crazy.
I think that if someone is going to immigrate to the United States they should give up the old bullshit from whatever shithole they left. Sorry, I don't give a shit if it's part of your worthless backwards culture, we believe in freedom of speech and women's rights here, assholes.
>>3811161Pretty much. But generally, the Asians are pretty good at being white. It's the Sikhs that are pretty bad at blending. They're nice people, but Christ.
>>3811306I should also mention that in general, its the Mexicans shitting things up. You don't see any Peruvian, Argentinian, Salvadoran, or Panamanian people whining about not speaking spanish or any of that la raza/reconquista bullshit. No, they come here, look sexy and open awesome restaurants.
>>3811312LolEnjoy retiring in a third world shithole, faggot.
>>3811313>we believe in freedom of speech and women's rights here>women's rights>r9k2/10
jj3290jf239f023fm032fm023fm2309fm23iok>>3811301>Immigration brings educated people and culture into Canada from around the world, something which keeps us from devolving into the isolationism that is USA.How is America isolationist? We have a very "active" foreign policy often to a fault, are a large exporter and importer, and have more immigrants than you, both historically and statistically.This is why everyone hates Canadians.
>>3811132LOL OP Try living in the SF Bay Area. We got chinks, wetbacks, Pakis, Towelheads, japs, Flips, gooks, kooks, Polacks and krauts. And most of them dont speakie the engrish very well.
>>3811323It's funny because those countries are mostly white anyway.
mootblocks>>3811306>Fuckoff. Falling over the border in droves and leeching off our health care system doesn't give them the right to have everything listed in fucking spanish.You've been oppressing them for centuries and destryoing the economy and political stability of their home country, thus making it uninhabitable, and now it has all come back to you in a familiar replay of imperialist mechanics. San Diego, Brownsville, El Paso and even LA have ALWAYS been bilingual, if not monolingual, towns and the fact that you still maintain this 1950s NO SPANISH IN THIS STORE mentality only explains why all the immigrants are so proud of their original cultures. I was appalled as well when I met some people of my ethnicity from America, and found that they had lost the hard R and adopted your ugly guttural germanic speech. They were also pretty fat. And no, I am not Spanish, ir even Spanish speaking.
Halifax, Nova Scotia.While we do not have many immigrants around here, we seem to be getting an influx of asians. This is not bad, many are getting great educations and others are opening shops to sell their delicious food.I have only met one Mexican in my entire life, suck it fags.
My stand on it... immigration is not a problem. Asking for special treatment, is however. If you want to move to X country, you learn their language first. Simple as that.Also, the problem will slowly work itself out as assimilation does the job over time. Nearly 100 years ago, Americans were worried that Italians, Germans and Chinese immigrants would change American culture or that they would never fit in, but I'd say they've assimilated well.
ITT herp and derpPeople move, idiots, national borders are increasingly irrelevant and what color you are or what language you speak ultimately means very little compared to life's actually important struggles.One would have hoped that two hundred-odd years of philosophical development would have cured the West of this kind of tribal stupidity. If your fear and hatred were more widespread, the West would like Africa, which is still a shithole.
>>3811377>You've been oppressing them for centuries>YouFuck. Right. Off. No, HE hasn't. Other people before him? Yes. I bet you are one of those people who holds current living white people responsible for slavery, or thinks reparations should be paid.NO ONE LIVING OPPRESSED THEM, ANCESTORS DID.
>>3811461>NO ONE LIVING OPPRESSED THEM, ANCESTORS DID.That's a lie, becuase all of it is still happening. Mexicans are second class citizens. I don't blame white people for slavery, I blame them for the racism that's going on right now. If you are American, there is about an 85% chance that you're a racist and a 40% chance that you're a Christian bigot, so why am I even trying. You're all monkeys, unlike us European PEOPLE.
>>3811377The same way we've been oppressing and destroying Canada? No, sorry, Mexico is a mess created by Mexicans. As much as you'd like to pretend that the poor, helpless little brown children across the border are being crushed by the mere presence of the US, the truth is they control their own country and they run it badly. And that "1950's" mentality is the standard in almost every non-white country in the world. If I go to a country with a different language and demand that they put everything in my language because I refuse to learn theirs, the response would be a lot more hostile than what the Mexican immigrants get in the US.Perhaps those guys aren't truly part of your ethnicity anymore. You're appalled because you want your people to take over and push out everyone different from yourself.
>>3811421I don't mind Japanese and Koreans. I do worry about letting the Chinese in though, look at what's happening to Australia already, the Chinese will be running the place in a few years.
>>3811495Really? Do I even have to point out the obvious trolling in half this post? The bullshit statistics, the misinformed facts, the blatant EU complex?Look pal, you don't know me. You don't know the community I live in. I don't treat people differently for who they are, or what they speak. I don't agree on a lot of policies, and views SOME people might have, however, if you can't be bothered to learn my language, I'm not going to help you out in any way.Come live where I live and tell me we're racist against the Mexicans that make up 90% of my apartment complex.
>>3811495Obvious troll, but I still raged 10/10. Europeans are extremely racist, they just don't want to admit it.
>>3811445People can move back, too. Except they don't want to because the west is far more progressive and less tribal than anywhere else in the world. Oh no, how could the west not have "cured" a "problem" that most of the world still considers to be a good thing? How dare the west start to think about acting like everyone else in the world for a change?
>>3811445All that makes Western mulitcultural societies sustainable (for the moment) is the fact that 1) the West is vastly more powerful and wealthy than multicultural societies elsewhere (say, Malaysia or South Africa, for example), which minimizes conflict, since everyone's happy to be richer than they would be were they elsewhere (even the blacks to an extent), and 2) whites remain the majority of all Western societies. Once whites become a plurality rather than a majority, the situation may change for the worse.
>>3811377Laughable troll is laughable.
>>3811619Good point. Ironically, Western societies are the least tribal on earth, and as Westerners become a smaller percentage of the population of their own countries (as a result of their openness to immigration), the societies they live in will become increasingly tribal.
>>3811132I researched the Sri Lankan genocide when the protest happened in Toronto. 100,000 people have been killed over 61 years. Now this may seem a little insensitive, but more people have died from car crashes over the same span of time. The reason the UN or any other country is stepping in is because the Tamils plan to overthrow the current regime and support the Tamil Tigers; a militant group. I am not impressed with this "genocide." It's more like casual shootings.
>>3811495"Second class" doesn't mean full equal rights under the law, and US immigrants already have that. But it might mean the kind of problems all those rioting Muslims in Europe have.
mootblocks>>3811561>The same way we've been oppressing and destroying Canada?If you've been funding dictatorial governments in Canada and keeping the standard low so the factories you built there didn't have to spend as much money, then yes. >If I go to a country with a different language and demand that they put everything in my language because I refuse to learn theirsagain, Spanish has been an unrecognised minority language of the US since the mid 19th century. What part of this statement do you not understand?>Perhaps those guys aren't truly part of your ethnicity anymore. You're appalled because you want your people to take over and push out everyone different from yourself.There are about 2 million of my people in total and we have a history of ethnic victimization by neighbouring countries. I believe immigrants should retain their languages and set up schools to teach them in. I believe citizenship is not measured in ethnicity, language or religious affiliation and that no citizen should be discriminated because. There is nothing wrong with people speaking whatever they normally speak when not engaging in contact with state officials, and no citizen of the US is less an American for speaking English poorly or not being white.
>>3811677Those rioting Muslims want to bring their backward ways to other countries. Sorry, if you want our higher GDP you can't go around cutting peoples' heads off as honor killings. Not how that works. If you want to live like a savage, go back to living in a cave in durkastan.
France will become a new AlgeriaBritain will be an interesting black/Pakistani hellhole unlike any nation currently in existenceAustralia a new SingaporeSouth Africa a new ZimbabweThe United States a new MexicoIsrael a new LebanonGoodbye Western civilisation ;_;
>>3811702"rioting Muslims". lol, this is what Protestants actually believe.
Canadian fag here, living in Winnipeg and lived in Edmonton. Edmonton has a relatively high Asian population and I usually hear them speaking English. Immigrants generally stick with their own language for a generation or two. It's no surprise. Plus a majority of the country is still English speaking. You are just a reactionary prick.
>>3811710Canada will be a new Somalia, the fuckers are everywhere.
>>3811710Leave Israel out of that. They're a special case of being a different kind of durka that hates the rest of the durkas, and are hated in return. They're not western civilization. They're sand niggers with better guns supplied by western civilization.
Dear OP, I was at the Toronto Sri Lankin protests.Friggin annoying. Was funny though because I couldn't get passed the guy with the megaphone so I started chanting with them.Sincerely,I still love Canada so whatever.
>>3811690They can retain their language and still learn English dumbass. It's not like you can only know one.
>>3811730Lots of Haitians as well. The Haitians rioted in Montreal just last year. It didn't get much press because we have to pretend that diversity is our strength and whatnot.Personally I'm pretty sick of this immigration and the PC bullshit that makes it so you can't be opposed to it without being a horrible monster who stomps on babies heads.
If it werent for immigration, Canada's population would be in decline. Seriously, we have a negative birth rate.
>>3811710The only problem with Mexico is a the drug gangs. Being the next Mexico wouldn't be that bad. America is going to have it easy.
>>3811132hard to believe traffic could get worse than yesterday. Took me 1.5 hours to bus from Orleans to fucking GLADSTONE.I should have walked from bay FUCK YOU 85
People who speak several languages are usually kind of smart. Whenever I hear someone complaining about other languages, I assume they are retarded assholes.
I've lived in Miami nearly all my life. I feel ya, bro.
>>3811784>only problem with Mexico is a the drug gangs.That, and it's full of Mexicans.
>>3811784It won't be the end of the world, we'll just move in to gated communities and hell, we'll be the new elite, won't that be fabulous!We'll be the elite of a Third World country though, and we probably won't be a superpower anymore, if California's present is anything to go by.
To the >>3811690 troll, I believe you live in a fantasy world where your people have been oppressed, when in reality, nothing has been done. The United States as a country has had a few scrapes, land disputes, battles etc. back in the country's younger years, but all that has come up as of late is immigration issues. It isn't even that Mexicans are coming here, it's that they won't immigrate legally like every other immigrant or try to learn English. You must live in the south or something, because where I live, there isn't rampant racist remarks flying around about Mexicans, it's really more just 'I wish they would learn English.'
>>3811784and corruption at every level of the system. I'm not talking about the US style "oh ho ho I'll give my friend's company a contract', I mean "There is a good chance you'll be assassinated if you try to change the status quo"
>>3811785lol, and you people actually complain about being late because of protests. I would be glad knowing that a) I have a legitimate excuse and b) protests happen because people feel strongly about some cause and are thus pretty much inevitable.It's like with the people who oppose gay parades because they "create traffic jams". Makes me sick to the bone.
Here in Australia we have the same problem....... according to the media.But it's a load of fucking shit, Australia lets in bearly any immigrants, It's rare for me to see someone of coloured skin (have not seen a black person for more than a year) and the only people who I see are immigrants are middle eastern people and asians, both of which open delicious restraunts and bakeries and other food related corner stores everywhere.Only places where Immigration seems to be a problem here is Sydney, but that's because everyone there is a fucktard.
The problem is that they're dragging their culture here. Back in the day, you came to the country to be PART of the culture.
>>3811823I wasn't talking about traffic today. I was talking about yesterday, when shit weather hit.so FUCK YOU
>>3811793You can always...leave, anon. That's what I'm planning to do, anyway. Not because of the language situation though, just because everyone is a fucking moron.
Immigrants > children of immigrantsIn your hearts you know this to be true.
>>3811789Choosing to learn another language out of self-edification is smart. Having a large populace arrive, make no attempt to learn the local language and instead demand you speak theirs, is not.
>>3811831If you don't see how being dominated by China in future won't be a problem, I don't know what to say to you.
>>3811810>You must live in the southcan't comprehend that there are places other than America. Congratulations, Billy Bob, let's go for burgers and shoot down some brown people on the way! YEE-HAW, as they tend to say on the uneducated continent.
>>3811833That was before liberals and right wingers started messing with it. Assimilation is a two-way street. We learn from their culture, they learn from our culture, a slightly different and better culture emerges.
There's still hope for Italy. Even though there are lots of gypsies, they're being fingerprinted from childhood and marginalized by the government. As for the Arabs that try to cross the Mediterranean in their inflatable rafts, most of them drown before reaching Europe. The immigration standards are pretty tough too. There's a 10-year waiting period for citizenship if you're not from the EU, 3 years if you are. Of course, anyone that can prove their parents or grandparents are Italian can become citizens immediately because of jure sanguinis (right of blood).
Fun fact - Japan does this right. "Come to our country. You can speak your own language. We'll even be polite to you. If you wish to be viewed a foreigner and tourist, this is okay. We don't expect anything more. However, if you wish to immigrate here - you learn our language. Our legal forms are in Japanese. Our merchants may speak english, but if they don't you really have no right to get mad. If you want to immigrate, then stop disrupting the fucking "Wa" and join our society"
>>3811132Britfag here, we have exactly the same problem & I'm actually releived to hear we're not the only one who has it.I wouldn't condone racism either but multiculturalism is a fucking retarded joke, it just doen't work & isn't good for anyone. If you're going to go & live in someone elses country you have an obligation to fit in, learn the language & the rest of it.
>>3811866How about you make an attempt to make an educated retort, instead of picking at the most mundane part of my post? Your whole problem was Mexicans as second class citizens in America, so no shit we're talking about America.
Welcome to the modern world.
>>3811852... because less than 5% of our population is Asian this makes perfect sense.
>>3811910Sucks to be a weeaboo then.
It's common sense, nay, courtesy, to learn the language of a country before you live and work there. Tourist? Shit, you could be deaf and mute for all I care, but if you live here, how fucking dare you make part of my day impossible because you're speaking another language behind a cash register at a store, and then have the nerve to bitch that you can't read our roadsigns or send your kids to our schools when you haven't bothered to learn a lick of the countries official language.
Racial homogeneity is more important than linguistic homogeneity.Canada was fine when it was just the English and the French.
>>3811690>again, Spanish has been an unrecognised minority language of the US since the mid 19th century. What part of this statement do you not understand?English has always been the dominant language and the language of the government. A country needs a common language to operate efficiently. Language barriers cause many serious problems."People spoke it 200 years ago" is not an excuse to cause problems today.Sorry, but I've met brown women fresh off the boat struggling to learn the basics of english who are already more American than any of those "JAJA NO HABLO INGLES" Mexicans who have been here for 20 years will ever be.>If you've been funding dictatorial governments in Canada and keeping the standard low so the factories you built there didn't have to spend as much money, then yes.Doing business with the country while it was under a corrupt single party's control isn't oppression. The US may not have helped at all, but their problems came from corrupt Mexican leaders oppressing other Mexicans.
What the fuck are you talking about, I hear tons of English every day.Immigrants are what makes this country, sure, the first gens, especially the older ones, don't adapt that well, but then they have kids, and those kids are completely Canadian.Besides, everyone in the Americas is an immigrant.
>>3811769>>Personally I'm pretty sick of this immigration and the PC bullshit that makes it so you can't be opposed to it without being a horrible monster who stomps on babies heads.This is the part that annoys me the most, it seems everywhere nowadays, you can't have the moderate opinion of something like that. You're either for the total multicultural package which today consists of groups of people going 'Fuck you, we're here now, accommodate us' or you're a xenophobic bastard who hates anyone who isn't the same as you. There's no such thing as a middleground anymore it seems
>>3811980When I lived in WA state I used to think like that. Then I moved down to California and experienced LA. Some immigrants have here for 10 years and still don't know english.
>>3811980>Immigrants are what makes this country, sure, the first gens, especially the older ones, don't adapt that well, but then they have kids, and those kids are completely Canadian.Nonsense. White people are what made Canada.Not all immigrants are the same. Haitian immigrants do not benefit Canadians in any way at all.
>>3811690That leads to balkanization and more problems then it solves. It's fine to install your ethnic cultural history into your children, that's fine. But when you start talking about having separate schools, then we start to run into problems.
>>3811973>English has always been the dominant language and the language of the government.Oh I'm sorry, you Americans don't understand the meaning of "minority language": Almost as bad as the English, only more stupid, vicious and aggressive. I'd explain it to you, but I'd be too long, and I don't want to strain your reading comprehension too far, knowing how you people tend to be.
>>3812050>leads to balkanizationIsn't that the point? Divide and conquer.Look at South Africa for example, were politicians can get away with blatant corruption and still get voted into office thanks to people voting along racial lines. Isn't that the dream situation for any politician to be in? It's no wonder they are so frantically flooding us with third world immigrants.
>>3812012lots of french nurses.
1) Bring back segregation.2) Use chemical agents to reduce the fertility of troublesome minority groups, and ultimately reduce their population (maybe put it in the water?).3) ????4) PROFIT!
>>3812107I think the South Africa's NP government did a lot of research into this particular area in the 1980s. They were afraid to actually go ahead with it though, because they knew the world press would go nuts if they tried to stop the blacks having their 5+ children they couldn't take care of.
>>3811495If you're a person then there's a 100% chance you're racist. It's not unnatural, but it is cruel. You can't control how you think about groups of people, just how you act towards them. What people need to do is forget the macro-bullshit power plays and just start living for the here and now, for the person who stands infront of you; not the hatred fueled bullshit thrown around.Saying that, I do fucking hate radical extremist Muslims and anyone who goes along with their shit. They are seriously going to run every good thing about the world into the ground with their 'do it our way or face the consequences' attitude. Fucking hell I hate Islam and the fuckers who pervert it for their own gain.FFFFFUCK IM RAGING LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER RIGHT HERE
>>3812055In other words, you have no point, you have no argument left, and all you can do is throw a few random insults before giving up.
Ottawafag reporting in, let the Arabs stay, shawarmas are the shit
>>3812137And now look what's happened to South Africa now that it's been 'modernized' and introduced to the holy light of multiculturalism. It went from the shining beacon of civilization on that god forsaken war-torn and plague ridden continent to just another shit hole.
>>3812137The Apartheid-Era government did all sorts of crazy shit. There was a lot of talk claiming that their nuclear program was part of the ultimate scorched-earth policy should ever a race-war spring up in the state. It's going to be really interesting when they finally give full access to the government achieves.
>>3812218We have so many fucking shawarma shops per square km it's fucking rediculous.But this city still rules.
Well I must agree that it's very disheartening to live in Canada when the majority of jobs on the West Coast require you to speak Mandarin or Korean. Especially when they are neither the official languages of English or French. Discrimination much?
>>3812247The Nats did a good job of trashing the archives before they left office (Clinton and the major EU powers were breathing down de Klerk's neck around 1991 to destroy every trace of all nuclear and other WMD programmes before the ANC took power).
>>3812274Jesus, imagine if they hadn't. You thought the Islamic Bomb was scary, how does the Nigger Bomb sound?!
>>3812288Looks like a melon, smells like chicken.
>>3812288They would have to get a white person to launch it for them anyways. It's not like they would be able to figure it out on their own.
Quit being such a fucking baby. This country wasn't yours to begin with.
>>381205How many minorities do you have in yougovernment? Milirary officers? millionares.Not as much as the US.We are probably the least racist contry on the planet.
>>3812361Nah, you're right, Canada originally belonged to the French :D
Tbh, I don't have much of a problem with immigration. Most immigrants who come to my country (Denmark) are there because they want to be and can learn the language. The issue I have is with all the fucking refugees we have to take in from faggotry like the Iraq war. Most of those people will NEVER learn the language or be productive because they don't want to be here, really. But because of Americans and their constant wars (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq again) and how 3rd world countries are allowed to treat their citizens, the rest of us get flooded with people who don't really wish to be here and can't be sent home due to the situation there. This leads to them being in some sort of hellish limbo where they leech off social security, don't learn our language, can't go home even though they want to, as well as a good portion of them also have various traumas that go untreated because they aren't integrated anywhere.I have no fucking clue how to fix this broken system of UN conventions and I don't think going colonial to force the various tribes of Africa into the industrial age will work very well either. As much as it sucks to do, it would probably be easier for the west to ignore its ideals about world order and peace outside their own regions and let the various tribes fight it out until a clear winner can be decided and then help develop them. Because as it stands now the only place all these refugees have to go to is the western world because it's OUR ideals and frankly because we're the only ones making enough money to support the burden of hundreds of thousands of people suddenly showing up.Pic related. Blue is where people go, brown is where people leave and green is a status quo of roughly equal people arriving and going. Grey is no data.
>>3812268Are you fucking kidding? The MAJORITY of jobs? You're out of your mind.Either way, I for one welcome our new asian overlords. Zerg rush and all that shit.
>>3811132They did it in Toronto not long ago too, fucking things up here.I live in Toronto, bro. Anything you're experiencing anywhere else in Canada is nothing compared to here. In two or three generations, you won't see a single white face in this city.All you can do is marry a white girl while they still exist, and hopefully move out to a small white city or town. That's my plan. I have no desire to live with human beings who don't understand the social contract... or soap
Hey brah I'm moving to canada.Don't worry I won't force my culture. I'll only speak english and it'll be the language I'll first teach my children.
>>3812461I live in Toronto, I see no problem with what's going on.I'm white with a bit of native background. I don't mind the minorities here. Lot of blacks and asians, a few muslims... shit is fine. Moar asians please though, they're hot.
>>3812536Enjoy your Chinese subversion. Seems to me an awful lot of Chinese immigrants are loyal to the mothership.
>>3812536You don't see a problem with crime?
>>3812562We actually get quite an even spread of asians; Chinese, Japanese, South Korean, North Korean (yes), Vietnamese...
>>3812581Nice charts, but not necessarily the full story.Doesn't it just indicate that those three other factors all have a positive correlation with crime, and therefore that all three of those factors are most common within black and hispanic people? It still doesn't establish that crime is related to ethnicity as opposed to simply those social circumstances.
>>3812631>as opposed to simply those social circumstances.The correlation between violent crime and the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic is 0.78 even when poverty, education, and unemployment are controlled, versus 0.81 when they are not. In layman's terms, the statistical results suggest that even if whites were just as disadvantaged as blacks and Hispanics the association between race and violent crime would still be almost as great.
>>3811132>the last few years Ive been waiting at a bus stop, I have never overheard one english conversationAnd? In an informal environment like this you can't fault people for using the language they're most comfortable using. They're not talking to you, so you don't need to know what they're saying.I live in the US, and as a linguafag it thrills me to hear languages other than English being used in my city. As long as they're making an effort to learn English and using it when they should be, I don't see a problem.That said, I believe English should be our national language. Not English and Spanish. English. There ought to be a law that requires public institutions to use only English. Similarly, potential immigrants should be able to pass an English test before being granted citizenship. At the same time, immigrants should be encouraged to speak their native language at home and pass it down to the next generation. That way, everyone wins. Derp derp.