The main reason for me is that there is too much uncertainty. There is no concrete way to "win". It's much too subjective. You cannot decide the actions of others, just your own. Same reason I dislike English class.In games, sports, fighting, etc... you can out perform the opposing party. If you're in a fight the reasons you do not succeed are simple. You were not as strong, quick, or as clever. You can improve your skill and there is no question about who is the winner. The same with video games, sports, etc... You improve your skill which is next to completely objectively measurable. The reason you lost is because your skill was lower, not because "lol they changed their mind".In social interaction, there is nothing definitive. Someone can simply say something in a different tone and people will disregard what you said. Someone can change their mind at their whim. Nothing is certain. What works one minute, may be terrible the next. Much like English class. I did book reports on the LOTR trillogy + hobbit all 4 years of HS. I literally reprinted the same essay with each different English teacher. I got varying grades from each teacher, and the assignment was the fucking same for every class. it's a school wide independent reading report. I got a D+ Freshman year. B+ Sophomore, B- Junior, and A Senior. I did not change a single thing in my essay. I literally wrote it freshman year and just reprinted it. It reminds me of how interaction with people goes.Random as fuck, not way to control it. However, in other activities you have much more control over the outcome with practice since people cannot "Decide to be faster, decide to be stronger, decide to be smarter etc..."
I wonder what it's like, living such a sheltered pathetic life.I suppose if you're enjoying yourself, that's grand-But I can't imagine being afraid of uncertainty.inb4 not afraid, just dislikeyou dislike it because you're afraid.
>>3809744Not afraid, just dislike. Let me put it like this for you. Are you afraid of cleaning a Public Men's room, or do you dislike it since it feels like a chore?
mutecoxDEM ASSES
tl;drYou should stop being a prick and be more likable. The average person won't automatically call you ugly or spit on you, that's what friends are for. Welcome to the real world unsocialfag
>I did book reports on the LOTR trillogy + hobbit all 4 years of HS. I literally reprinted the same essay with each different English teacher.Oh, I don't know, couldn't the reason for the steadily declining grades be that higher grade level teachers expect better writing than those in the lower grades? Just maybe?
>>3809832The grades went up. Lrn2/reading comprehension.
Because I'm afraid. I'm walking blind in a minefield.I feel I can't be who I am or do what I want on my own terms. Social interaction has its rewards (unattainable from almost anyplace else!), but I'd rather be doing something at my own pace.
you think english class was subjective? fucking art classes :/well OP, life is just random and variable. want to just quit, at least you know you'll have one outcome with that. or not, many people have failed.
Talking to people is not hard.
>>3809710>There is no concrete way to "win"If you think conversations are contests, you should probably just hang yourself now. Or become a politician.
There is so much wrong with OP's perspective on life, I can't even begin to pick it apart.The majority of life does not fall into winning and losing. Driving to the bank, doing laundry, chatting with a neighbor, and petting a dog or cat has no win/lose scenario. Women should be the same way.
>>3809926He's no better than an 'alpha male' who focuses his life on 'winning' and 'sexing sluts'
>D+ Freshman year. B+ Sophomore, B- Junior, and A Senioryour grades went up steadily.thats, unlike life, earth, your entire enviroment or the universe, not random.
I'm fairly socially adept, I can make people like me easily.I do avoid social interaction though, I always feel like most people will never really understand me.
>>3809932The majority of the people who are successful, truly successful with women do not play a domination game of it. You aren't successful with sex unless the other party is happy too, whether you're pursuing women or men. The womanizers regularly chat up many many women and simply lean in the direction of bitten bait. They don't hunt one to death.
Wow. Is everything some kind of competition for you or something. God, you don't need to be TEH BEST at everything. This is why nobody likes you.
Like 90% of 4chan, OP has a phobia of abstract thinkingnothing to see here boys
>>3809710Bro, there are incredible ways to win social interaction and it is something you can get better at.The social game is about this DHV or Displaying High Value. There are also DLVs - Displaying Low Value. Anytime you get on your cell phone at a crowded party and pretend to be texting -- it's a huge DLV. Anytime you are talking to two girls and two other girls come up to say hi -- it's a huge DHV.There are also IOIs and IODs -- and more advanced stuff. But the social interaction game is a real game.And when I go to a party and me and another guy are talking to a girl? Guess what, I have to outperform the other party if I want that girl. Either I end up that night with her, or he does, or neither of us do, but if he ends up with her I never make excuses. If he ends up with her, it's because I did poorly.If I am at a job interview with 3 other candidates -- that's a social interaction where you can win by getting the job.You need to start looking at the social game with an objective. Accomplish your objective and you win. Fail and you fail. But never make an excuse.
>>3809926Fuck you faggot. I can pet my cat better than you could.
>>3810004This post is correct./thread.
I dislike social interraction for much the same reasons as OP. It's so uncertain, you don't know where you're going with anything. I have some very close friends, and a BF, but I hate getting to know new people. Strangers are ok, but when you get past the 'potential friend barrier' it gets troublesome for me. It's like it's a game or something, and everyone has a hidden agenda, and you have to say the right thing, or else you're out. Of course then I get to nervous to say anything funny or interesting, or even show my true self, and I'm out. Gah, most people probably enjoy this stuff, and find it perfectly natural, but I always wonder how it feels to be calm in these situations.And also, why is that girl with the biggest ass orange?
>>3810014Meh, too complicated. I pass.
>>3809850lrn2notbeanantisocialretard YEA WUT NOW FAGGOT?
I dislike social interaction because my mind goes blank or I'll say something stupid/offensive.
I don't like social interaction because I don't like most people. Simple as that.
>>3810153Now you go back to your homework, before your mommy gets mad and turns the computer off, little Timmy.
Social interaction is the game of kings. enjoy madden 2009 plebeians.
I don't think it's very intellectually stimulating. Not when compared to other things.
>>3810014Jesus Christ. Fuck this shit. I just want to have fun with other people.
...OP, I really really wish you could just realize how ridiculous you sound
That's actually one of the only things I like about social interaction -- when it's freewheeling with no clear purpose. I hate when conversations are predictable and stilted, it's suffocating and makes me want escape as soon as possible. I hate small talk. I hate call-and-response conversations and one-sided conversations and nostalgic conversations. I hate forced intellectual conversations. I hate when people tell jokes or make wisecracks that are obviously prepared in advance or recycled or plagiarized. I hate when people make references to Family Guy, Simpsons, Big Lebowski, Holy Grail, etc. I hate when people rant and whine about how the world is going to shit. Etc etc etc.What I like: just fucking talking about whatever comes to mind with someone who's cool and friendly and sincere and spontaneous. It makes me feel great about being alive when I really connect with someone socially.
>>3809936I re-printed and turned in the same paper each time dumb shit. Just diff teachers.
>>3809710I feel the same way OP. Conversations just ..SUCK. I find it easier to emotionally disengage from them. Do you have a memorized list of go to responses for most conversations too?
>>3810507There is no "fun" in social interaction. It's a dog-eat-dog world where you can either be a victim or you can step on everyone else in order to reach the top.
I'll go have sex with my bf while you sit here scared to live life.
>>3810014Yes, no shit it's a competition. Except it has no CONCRETE RULES. There is no way to win all the time time, or most of the time (I guess getting really rich makes people like you, or pretend). However, in other areas you CAN win if you're the best almost all the time. Hypothetically, let's say I'm a MARSOC Sniper. Can shoot the dick off of a humming bird no scoped at 400 yards. No matter what that sand nigger does he is dead unless he shoots me first, and hits me first. If my aim and speed are better I WILL ALWAYS WIN. Same with activity XXXX. Both these skills develop with practice. And you can insure your victory or next to guarantee it.But with social interaction, "Better" is a complete matter of opinion. What one thinks as better, the other might hate. And there's not much way to "get" better by practicing, at least in my case. Practice has done nothing for me literally. But even if it did help, someone can simply "not like your voice" and it all goes down the shitter. And the rules change from person to person, and from setting to setting. Stupid.
>>3811859Yeah, because we should all go and try to catch those fucking grapes.Brotip: just because they aren't sour doesn't mean another jump is worth it.
>>3811796This is true for me, I dislike it. Does everyone feel this way?
Shit, how boring would anything social be if it could be predicted or easily defined.Also, since when is it possible (or important) to "win" an conversation?
>>3809926If you think there's no winning/losing scenario for those scenarios, you must not have a good imagination. For instance, a way of losing while driving to the bank would involve running a red light and getting ran over by a semi. An example of losing while petting a dog is it bites you and you die of rabies. An example of losing while chatting with your neighbor is if a satellite falls from the heavens and crushes you when you should probably have been avoiding your stupid neighbor in the first place.
It's funny, you pretty much just listed the reasons why I love social interaction. Activities with a clear objective where you just have to follow predefined steps are boring; I'd much prefer to do something more abstract.
>>3812128Those aren't 'ways of losing', those are base possibilities. OP is afraid of risks that go against him in the 'social arena' and just doesn't play so he won't suffer the shame of embarrassment, or 'losing'what kind of faggot doesn't do something because they might fuck up?
I love social interaction. Most of the time I just troll irl because of how incredibly boring the conversations people have are. I'll usually respond with something that blows peoples minds. The reaction is usually silence because they think I'm an asshole, or silence because they're minds have just been blown into smithereens. I like to think the latter, but if the prior is true as well, I'd be just as satisfied, since I know I'm not really an asshole and you've just been trolled. Of course, trolling never really gets you anywhere, but its a great way to put up with having to talk about whatever boring ass story is in the news or whatever it is that is the hot topic of the week. Fucking shit just kill me now please.
>>3812230I dislike it because there is no clear way to play, little structure, and no way to insure you will perform well, not even practice will help as I said before "if someone doesn't like your voice" or "is in a bad mood" etc... In almost every other area it doesn't matter as long as your abilities (WHICH CAN BE IMPROVED) are honed. No one else gets to decide the outcome, unless they truly perform better.I never said I'm afraid, I said I don't like it, you fucking stupid nigger.
because most people are kinda annoying, and i can't cope with that. not meaning that in some misanthropic "FUCK THA WORLD" way, theres just very few people i dont find annoying in some way or another
>>3811859I'm impressed, anon did not fall for obvious troll bait.
>>3812315quit trying to rationalize your fear and face it head on, OP. stop taking it too seriously. i don't care if you don't like social interaction, i'm just laughing at your reasons why.
I just find most people to be complete dicks or bitches, every time I interact with someone, they try insulting me in a subtle way and it just lowers my respect for them until I just don't want to be around them at all. I'm usually very nice and cordial to people, I guess they are just jealous and want to put me down to their level.
Keeping track of facial expression, tone of voice, and body language all at the same time is the most exhausting thing I have ever done.
My problem is that my dick is too big, Some like it, some fear it.:_:
For people who aren't retarded the delicate chess-game of social interaction can be one of the most satisfying things in life. Watching a girl squirm under your mixed signals until she's looking up at you like a dog waiting for a "roll over" order is the power trip from hell.
>>3812453I have the feeling OP is just autistic.
This is why bitches enjoy conversations, because they don't require a logical pattern that must be followed.Since bitches are illogical creatures, they feel like a fish in the water when conversing.As opposed to men, who are more logical driven and find small talk disgusting and pointless.
>>3812470That's what makes this game so awesome, now step up and stop whining, let go of controll...
>>3812476This means something when you are worth squirming for.
I have trouble reacting to people.I'll hear something genuinely funny, saddening, or whatever, and I don't react.I have to think "Okay, now do this"I'm blank almost ALL the time.And I'm impulsively cold and mean. I alienate anybody that tries to be friendly with me unintentionally.It sucks so much shit.I have no impulse when it comes to facial reaction or tone, which make people friendly, but I do have an impulse to be a complete asshole.Fucking hell.
*is a sociopath**wonders why life is terrible*
>>3812557>is a ten year old>wants attention
>>3812545dude you must be mewhen did I post this?
>>38125884 minutes and one second ago.On the plus side, you occasionally feel like house.Bitter, cold, rational, and alone.So alone ;_;
OP needs to embrace the chaos that is other people, and/or bother to get to know other people. Once you know someone well, their actions are predictable, as yours are to them. That's why friends are awesome, bro.
>>3810668I am agreeing so hard with this post. I am learning that there are people who will just talk bullshit so it sounds like they have something to say - i can't stand that shit. Rehashed conversations are the fucking worst.
>>3809881I'm mute in rl, its actually pretty hard to talk to people everyday
>>3812507best courage wolf i've ever seen
>>3809710People who communicate so well, who perceive the emotions and thoughts of others through how they speak and act, are far, far better at social interaction than you are.In fact, they've beaten you so fucking badly, you didn't even think you were playing. What. A fucking. Faggot.
>>3809920muteblock5899302>Or become a politician.antisocialfag here; I've decided that's what I'm going to do.see you other anitisocialfags in Congress.