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  • File :1239128266.png-(153 KB, 298x400, steamingdicks.png)
    153 KB Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:17:46 No.3807268  
    What's the most surreal thing you've ever seen and/or done?
    >> Flavor Flav 04/07/09(Tue)14:21:07 No.3807293
    u mom
    and u mom
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:22:41 No.3807307
    Standing at the window of a french cottage with my cousin at 2am, making screeching noises at passing bats.
    >> Holland Boy !GaZtwAtvk. 04/07/09(Tue)14:23:28 No.3807311
    Cough syrup.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:25:04 No.3807319
    Travelling in a taxi at 3 in the morning, cruising along as if we were serious bastards, with 'gangsta' music blasting away. My 2 friends were wearing a sonic the hedgehog and a badger costume, respectively.

    Looking back, it was a bit odd.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:26:20 No.3807335
    Making candy while thumping Illmatic by Nas at three in the morning, with a group of friends, most of whom were unclothed.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:29:11 No.3807365
    Psilocybin mushrooms for the first time on the Appalachian Trail on a beautiful summer day.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:36:18 No.3807447
    At a party, completely sober watching a random guy dance in the kitchen to "My humps" (when the song was not playing) with a chicken leg, stopping only occasionally to eat it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:39:26 No.3807482
    With drugs or without?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:40:38 No.3807496
    without, drugs make it too easy.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:43:07 No.3807518
    Meh, thats nothing sirreal about you. Crazy people are everywhere...

    I had some vivid and surreal dreams.

    And there was this lady who read my fucking thoughts. I always forget about this. But thinking back to this I really can't explain how this happed or worked.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:44:11 No.3807534
    Suddenly, apples with wings, thousands, everywhere.

    Lol so random xD has ruined surrealism.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:45:42 No.3807554
    sitting in the rear facing seats of a golf cart driving through the offroad trails of the zoo, while an old man drives me from point a to point b in the middle of the night while im wearing a suit but I dont have any shoes on. Behind us, the antelope, rhinos, and countless other savanna animals get smaller and smaller as we drive away.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:49:09 No.3807593
    standing on a sand bar in the middle of a river, it must look like I'm walking on water from the boats that motor past me.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:49:20 No.3807597
    Both me and my friend said tomato out of nowhere at exactly the same time, for no reason, we both just felt like saying it. It was deadly quiet, and we were walking back home at 10pm then all of a sudden "Tomato" at EXACTLY the same time. We didn't see one, nor could we think of anything in the day that would have made us say it. Needless to say it was strange.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:55:07 No.3807650
    I touched someone all across the internet, in that special place.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:57:44 No.3807676
    this could be a really good thread
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)14:58:47 No.3807687


    Why did I lol so fucking hard at this?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:00:02 No.3807703
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:00:42 No.3807708
    Slept on a desolate beach after running away from home when I was fourteen.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:01:09 No.3807716
    I was lying in bed, trying to sleep. Still awake, or semi-awake, because I had the intiative to consider whether I was dreaming.

    I looked to my left and an object that looked like the pillow I was lying on was floating purposefully to the door. It had translucent squid-like tendrils probing the air around it. I couldn't see it perfectly because it was dark but it was emitting a faint lunar glow. I lay there curious for a while, I was too tired to be afraid, and then the pillow fell to the ground when it reached my door. I got out of bed and picked it up and went to place it back on my bed, but no pillows were missing. I still have that extra pillow.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:03:24 No.3807745
    I rode the notes of Ode to Joy for a while. They smelled and tasted like blue. Then I realized that I was in a sacco sack. I declared deep friendship and teamed up with it against the funiture in the kitchen, since the chairs were mean assholes... They tried to steal my pie.

    Acid and 'shrooms combined makes one crazy trip.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:04:00 No.3807749
    It can't be any more poetic than the situation it described... it's rather concise.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:04:57 No.3807763
    also in a suit.
    also in the middle of the night.

    you ever been to- wait, been inside the open range of zoo in the middle of the night? Let alone while wearing a suit? These are the things of nightmares my friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:05:52 No.3807777

    I can't think of any off the top of my head that weren't dreams

    I mean my dreams are just

    it baffles me

    the fuck is my sub conscious doing

    I was in the office building from the Do The Evolution music video with a guy who was supposedly my best friend in the dream, and we were robbing it I guess. It was an old ladys house, and we were both wearing cardboard robot/gundam armor. We had just broken in after getting out of the white van we were sleeping in outside, and were rummaging through it, but it already looked abandoned and ransacked. Then the old lady is like, there, out of nowhere. My friend says "quick, shoot her with her own gun!" and hands me this NERF sniper rifle, except it has like... two machine gun ammo belts in the back. And she laughs and doesn't say anything but I "hear" that she thinks it doesn't fire real bullets and she would know because its hers. So I shoot her dead, and then we escape through the window and back into the van. I don't remember what happens after but then I'm in some ruined convention center in Japan looking for someone, and I got off a buss with old classmates and it was a field trip

    I didn't know what to make of any of it
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:07:52 No.3807797
    I was stalking a favorite actor of mine at a hotel where he was filming a movie. I snuck into his dressing room and stole his cigarette butts. Some Hispanic maid asked me what I was doing and I said I got lost on the way to the bathroom.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:07:56 No.3807799

    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:12:40 No.3807842
    When I posted a post about a girl I had a crush on on /r9k/ and a few months later some troll posts the post again except instead of the girl's name it's my name.

    What. The. Fuck. If I meet the prankster IRL I'm going to slit his throat.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:14:26 No.3807862

    C'mon david. it was just a joke!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:15:12 No.3807868
    this thread is a stupid fucking pile of shit

    everyone is trying to outweird each other but in the end everyone sounds like a tool

    go to /x/
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:15:13 No.3807869
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:16:36 No.3807883
    I'm with this guy. This thread failed.
    >> The Red Barron 04/07/09(Tue)15:16:55 No.3807885
    I did a bunch of crazy shit to/around my exgf that didn't really seem like it should be there at all, so I guess that's surreal, right?

    Wrote a letter in blood, looney bin etc most of you have heard it but the shit was still pretty insane to actually sit through.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:20:24 No.3807930
    My entire life is a collection of surreal moments. I like it better that way. Normal reality is so boring.

    I've dressed up in a suit and convinced people they were heirs to some vast and strange fortune, like 500 square acres of Antarctica, or a collection of ancient alchemical manuscripts.

    I often walk around downtown, finding what could be interesting and making it more so. Showering flower petals on strangers, giving people huge obscure origami artworks, putting up plaques for seemingly unimportant events: "Here a man once stopped and saw the perfect bolt of lightning." Leaving odd symbols loitering around on wet pavement, signing things with fake names. Frank Zappa was here, and he made this, even though he wasn't and he didn't.

    People's lives get much better when they're exposed to the strange beauty of the world, in the cracks of the normal.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:23:45 No.3807967
    I think I love you, artfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:24:24 No.3807973


    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:24:52 No.3807978
    hurr durr i'm so deep and such a genies and no one understands me but i get everyone. You don't live in a Pinter play, you are just an arsehole
    >> The Red Barron 04/07/09(Tue)15:26:31 No.3807989
    This isn't surreal, it's being a fag
    I agree tenfold
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:26:43 No.3807993
    Noone I've known has ever minded.

    My favorite thing was handing out handmade truffles to people who promised to do a good deed that day. Even if they didn't, they still got their fortunes told.

    Build something, make something, change something. Sitting around criticizing doesn't do anything besides get you stuck.

    Paint graffiti with watercolors, and watch it melt in the rain.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:27:41 No.3808003
    Where do you get the motivation? Where do you geht the strengh? I would like that very much
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:28:09 No.3808015
    >>And that's why I'm on /r9k/ being a social reject
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:28:48 No.3808022
    You're my favorite kind of person.
    >> REAL !DEaL.Ydt/c 04/07/09(Tue)15:28:51 No.3808023
    A couple weeks back, I made some teeth out of that Fimo plasticine stuff that my bro gave me, put them on a bit of paper and wrote "REAL TEETH", then I stuck them under a bin in a park.
    >> Captain Indigo !aR10YHrTDg 04/07/09(Tue)15:28:51 No.3808025
    Gary's dream snails.
    >> The Red Barron 04/07/09(Tue)15:28:53 No.3808027
    Jesus Christ I hate you so fucking much you attention-whoring ADHD fucking retard

    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:30:33 No.3808048
    i put a blanket over an owl.

    it was OUTRAGEOUS
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:30:37 No.3808049
    Fucking hipsters get out of /r9k/!
    And then /r9k/ was empty.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:31:33 No.3808062
    I lost my mind after 4days awake and a cocktail of drugs (~30 pills, coke, ket and I ate a fist-sized ball of resin) I went on a rampage, I remember everything perfectly but I can't beleive I did them. There was nothing left of 'me' in myself, I was someone else completely. I'm genuinelly surprised I didn't get put in jail or get severely hurt for the things I did in those 8 hours of pure insanity.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:32:16 No.3808072
    I've always figured one should live life as a work of art. And everyone dies. Why wait around for change, why wait around for something to take you places, instead of just doing it yourself?

    I function perfectly fine in my dayjob. I'm human, I do get pissed, I do get hungry angry tired annoyed unhappy. Doesn't mean one shouldn't try to make things interesting. Would you prefer a life without anything strange or wonderful happening?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:32:31 No.3808077
    I laughed. I laughed hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:32:40 No.3808079
    One day I was with my friend at my house, smoking pot. I live in the middle of a college neighbour (5+ blocks full of universities, pubs, clubs, bars, etc). We went out to buy some beer, high as fuck. It was Saturday night. There was no-fucking-body in the streets. Not a single soul. No cars, no sounds of any kind. I freaked out, but we kept walking. Then it started to rain. On summer. Then the wind started to blow like a motherfucker. Still nobody in the fucking street.

    Shit was bananas.

    The fuck?
    >> Captain Indigo !aR10YHrTDg 04/07/09(Tue)15:33:11 No.3808084

    Keep it up, the world needs more people like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:33:14 No.3808085

    This would be an exquisite troll but it is probably earnest, or more likely, what this gay anon wished he was like.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:34:38 No.3808106
    Is sincerity really that scary for you?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:39:23 No.3808165
    what;s so fucking special about that, junkie
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:40:02 No.3808172
    Once saw a guy riding his bike down the street with only one wheel.

    Not a uni cycle, just a one wheeled bike. Had to do a double take on that.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:40:36 No.3808177
    Maybe he was a mexican.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:41:23 No.3808189
    I once set up fifteen mannequins, all dressed up in various ghetto clothes right in the middle of the sidewalk.

    I nailed apples to their heads, and put targets on them.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:43:05 No.3808203

    the sheer dimwitted narcissism of what you say scares me
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:43:54 No.3808208
    Welcome to /r9k/

    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:44:06 No.3808211

    apples and clothes were stolen right?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:44:53 No.3808221

    yo this place sucks balls

    hipsters and baawwfags everywhere
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:45:35 No.3808234
    Apples were. Clothes were from goodwill.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:47:14 No.3808249
    I saw a man in a bright yellow chicken suit about two years ago downtown. He was playing the harmonica as he shambled past the street cafes.

    I quietly fled the scene.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:47:22 No.3808251
    this one time i died, shit was awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:50:00 No.3808277
    I wish I could l live with your frame of thought. Seriously, give me some sites or books to read so I can do this. Free me from my dull routine.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:51:44 No.3808308



    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:52:46 No.3808320
    I once replied to my own thread on 4chan, thinking it was someone elses.

    When I realized just what I had exactly done, I astral projected all over the room.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:53:39 No.3808329

    This this a million times this. This man is a genius. You don't have to buy into what everyone's selling as normal. You can choose what you want.

    Make someone's day a little bit more interesting. Seduce someone, and leave them a bouquet of handmade paper flowers after you're finished with them, each one carefully painted with symbols you find appropriate.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:54:38 No.3808344
    I listen to rap. I don't drink coffee. I've never read Ezra Pound.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:59:18 No.3808400
    /r9k/'s surreal is my hipster garbage
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)15:59:19 No.3808401
    i liek this thread let's post more.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:00:11 No.3808416

    Now THAT'S some fucking poetry.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:00:33 No.3808420
    What am I reading? I was hoping for a simple blog or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:00:57 No.3808425

    Then go on and tell us what your surreal is.
    >> Iamthebaker 04/07/09(Tue)16:01:38 No.3808435
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    5 hits of LSD
    Most surrealistic experience so far in life.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:01:54 No.3808439
    You are reading the Temporary Autonomous Zone. The very essence of what I'm talking about.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:01:58 No.3808441

    Melting clocks, giraffes on fire, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:02:55 No.3808450
    I had sex once, very surrealistic.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:04:06 No.3808462
    Deliciously stereotypical. Also boring and overdone.

    Do something NEW.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:04:11 No.3808464
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:04:26 No.3808469
    Once, while I was rolling on X, I went to a local coffehouse with some friends.
    By the time the X was setting a good hold on me,
    two females walked up to where I was sitting.
    They were dressed alike, in matching white togas,
    that may have been actually bedsheets.
    Plastic fruits & vegetables were attached to the togas in random arrays.
    One girl walks right up to me, thrusts her crotch in my face, waving the plastic ear of corn attached to her groin at me, and says:


    I was so shocked, and was rolling my nuts off, I just sat there, & didn't say anything at all.
    I began wondering if I had imagined the entire ordeal,
    yet it was confirmed later by my completely sober friends who were also there, that the shit ad indeed happened exactly as I've just explained it.

    tl;dr Fucking weird-ass corn-tranny toga girls fucking with my head.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:05:08 No.3808475
    This is not not the guy who said >>3808400 !! I am him. I said >>3808464 . Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:06:29 No.3808489
    and >>3808441 was just the shit that I was calling hipster garbage. fucking hipsters up in here.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:07:29 No.3808498

    New is the new old.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:08:13 No.3808506
    It would make more sense if he actually explained it and put it in context for a normal human being.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:08:14 No.3808507
    i was giving out free hugs on the street when i noticed after hours of hugging that i enjoyed hugging men more than women.

    mind was blown. and when i met another guy down the block doing the same thing i was doing, cock was blown as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:08:34 No.3808514
    I fucking lol'd.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:11:51 No.3808561
    ULTRA RUN DOWN: It's possible to create areas within a society where normal societal norms are not in effect for short periods of time.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:14:09 No.3808580
    I used to tutor this guy in high school. Typical jock look and social group, but we had been friends in elementary school so he was always nice to me. Well, one day he pinned me down and started making out with me. Eventually I was balls deep in his ass.
    He stopped moving after a few minutes and asked me if I heard something. There was a yowling coming from downstairs. His cat had been to the vet recently so he made me stop, we got dressed and went downstairs.
    His younger brother was fucking his cat. When he saw us he freaked out and jumped up, hit himself in the chin with that cone thing they put on animals and fell and hit his head against the coffee table.
    We cleaned him up before we took him to the hospital. The cat bled to death before we got to the vet.

    Jock dude was a major christian and took this as a sign that God was angry he'd hooked up with a guy. I never got another look at that sweet ass :(

    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:14:35 No.3808586
    it really isn't that complicated.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:14:49 No.3808589
    Also known as New York City?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:16:50 No.3808606
    Fear and loathing mode lol
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:19:48 No.3808637
    A person landed on the pavement like 5m away from me. True story.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:23:36 No.3808683
    why do gays derail every topic they post in with their lame fantasies? Show some fucking self control, and maybe we'd respect you a little bit more.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:24:17 No.3808690

    i stayed over my friend's house one night, when his mom was dying of cancer. that afternoon he brought me in his parents bedroom along with his 2 little brothers and his father, and the mother lying in bed breathing into a respirator and tubes coming out of her everywhere. they were catholic, so all of us, even myself, prayed the entire rosary around her.

    she died 3 months later.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:27:11 No.3808716
    Create a new religion, preach it with force and verve.

    Reveal it means nothing.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:28:44 No.3808723
    Woke a drunk friend up at 7am, dressed in ushanka, overcoat and Burger King mask with (unloaded) airgun pointing at his face
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:30:59 No.3808746

    How was this surreal for you?
    Seems like he'd be the one to perceive it as such.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:31:17 No.3808748
    Riding a bicycle on a freeway at night, alone, while the freeway is empty of any person or vehicle.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:34:14 No.3808778
    One time I posted in a surreal thread and no one believed me :(
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:34:47 No.3808783
    The very concepts and coordinates that you shift around to turn the normal world weird are depressingly mundade. Social norms, pop culture, flowers...

    The very people who fancy themselves surrealists are often less imaginative and see the world more shallowly
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:35:41 No.3808786
    i got in a car crash on acid
    i wasn't driving, the driver was sober, but we got hit by a drunk driver
    that was pretty surreal
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:36:35 No.3808799
    Take the normal. Make it abnormal.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:36:44 No.3808800

    was this you, Mr. Burger King?:
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:38:19 No.3808817
    The two lights of the Berlin main station diverge into the night sky at a slight angle away from the building to both sides. Viewed from a certain point in Berlin when the sky is just clear enough, they make it look like the sky itself is opening like a doorway.

    The most surreal half hour of my life was spent walking towards that light, high as a kite, in the middle of Berlin at night, not speaking a word of German.

    The next day I fucked a German punk loli in my hotel room, shit was very cash.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:39:46 No.3808831
    Tell me more about this. I'm going to Berlin this summer, I need to know everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:40:51 No.3808840
    Something tells me if he had made that exact post with hetero sex instead, you wouldn't have said anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:41:14 No.3808844
    Something really surreal wouldn't be something quaint, striking, funny, pretty or psychedelic.

    It would be totally incomprehensible and fuck you up, if it wasn't unnoticeable
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:43:50 No.3808873
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    I can't explain this. I don't believe in witchcraft or hocus-pocus nonsense. Anyway I shat some serious bricks.
    Pic related: This was my face back then...

    When I was about 10 years old, my mom pulled me, by lying about her real intentions, to this lady who was some kind of non medical practitioner or something. I remember the house and her horny dog, trying to hump my leg.
    I thought me and my mom were just visiting a friend of hers, which would have been still pretty lame, but somehow I agreed and went with her. The real reason my mom dragged me there was that she thought that there was something wrong with me. I was a bit unmotivated and lazy, nothing serious though. Apparently a reason for my mom, who was or still is into this homeopathy kind of stuff, to get her little son checked out really good. I never believed in those things and still don't.
    The non medical practitioner / witch / crazy person or what the fuck this woman was looked at me and told me that I'm wearing too much metal. (Talking about the substance. My music taste evolved a few years later) Well, I had my awesome digital watch and a wallet. - "These things are sucking out your energy and making you tired". - Yeah? Fuck her ! My watch runs on batteries! And by purse was friggin cool and matched my bundle of keys perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:44:54 No.3808882
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    Then my mother and the strange woman talked for a long time. During their conversation in the basement, where this woman had her mumbo jumbo equipment and her office, I had some fun playing ball with the dog and the dog tried to have some fun with my legs.
    Time passed and I got annoyed by the horny dog. Then they called me into the basement. I was really bored and wanted to go home. My mother told me to sit on a chair that was located under a door frame, because that woman was going to look inside my mind. The woman was boiling a pot of wax. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave, things were really strange and I stayed because my mother told me to. The moment expanded and got intense. The woman, standing behind me, held the boiling wax above my head and was concentrating really hard on looking inside the pot of boiling wax and into my mind. My mother stood in front of me, crying and... WHY THE FUCK DID SHE CRY?... And I sat there between those crazy women, under a door frame, trying not to think about the stupid dog humping my leg. (Surreal moment anyone?) If she was going to read my mind I had to think about something nice. Of course I had a really hard time thinking about something nice. I discovered porn a few months ago and pictures of tits, vaginas and dicks where flying around in my head. I concentrated on something really nice. Something, that I couldn't relate to sexual activities at that time. Flowers. Flowers are OK, right? They grow in nature and seem to be neutral. So I sat there concentrating on flowers.

    As we finally left the house and went to the tram station, I asked my mom what the crazy lady saw in my head. My mother said: "Oh nothing, just things that are normal for a boy about your age...

    and flowers."
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:45:41 No.3808891
    That the world is a fucked up place yet we accept these fucked up things because other people tell them they're normal and reject other fucked up things that people tell us are abnormal.

    brb, going to talk to my imaginary voices
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:45:54 No.3808894
    I was stoned in scranton PA in the middle of the night on a school trip, and a hebrew school or something let out, because suddenly the empty street was full of guys with beards, hats and shylocks.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:47:04 No.3808906
    One time my dad brought some Hell's Angels to my house. They smoked weed and drank beer and left.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:47:46 No.3808910
    You ever think... that... you only imagined that you posted that post? And that was a completely original post?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:50:21 No.3808933

    even the abnormal is normal

    the truly abnormal cannot be thought up by a mere human
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:53:04 No.3808957

    This has happened to me, too. But instead of "tomato," it was the phrase "when the cows come home."
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:55:47 No.3808989
    LAfag here. There's a freeway in hollywood that is always crowded (like every other street in this fucking county amirite?). I don't know how it happened, but one time my friend got on right before they closed it off, so it was entirely empty except for his car. I guess it doesn't sound that weird, but man...

    Text really doesn't do surreal things justice, huh.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)16:59:59 No.3809030
    Similar thing happened to me and my friend, I had my guitar out, and he had his keyboard. We'd idly been talking for a bit and I'd occasionally plucked the odd note on my guitar.

    Than just as we were talking I plucked a C# and gently hammered on a D#. He did the exact same thing on his keyboard at exactly the same time as me. It was genuinely bizarre.

    Even when you've been jamming with someone for ages and you get to know them pretty well, you never have things as precise as that happen. Freaked us the hell out.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:03:30 No.3809059
    Leaving a note in a bottle on the street, telling the person who received it to go to a certain address and wait.

    I met the person therem, dressed all up, and handed them an orange, a bottle of canola oil, and three small worthless gems. Told them Agent Blue would be back the next day, and he would have the proper instructions, and to guard these items, as they are of incredible importance.

    He came back the next day. I was across the street, reading a newspaper to keep from being noticed. I'd go there every so often.

    The man still goes there every now and again. I still have not learned his name.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:11:00 No.3809142
    Spray painting SHIT COCK BALLS on every tee green at a local golf course at 12 midnight.

    shit was pretty crazy.
    >> Fantastic Mr Fox !KEBONGbqsU 04/07/09(Tue)17:14:42 No.3809186
    but abnormal refers to the not typical, hence the term abnormal, right? above normal?

    oh, you're trying to be deep. go ahead.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:15:33 No.3809198

    I don't believe your tale.
    If he went back expecting a liason, and Agent Blue
    never showed up, why would he return again & again?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:15:59 No.3809200
    Post your own experiences. Stop being a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:16:42 No.3809210
    People always want to believe. If you give them something powerful, something out of the ordinary to believe in, they will always return.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:16:50 No.3809213
    Any other Southern Californians here? If not, I'm gonna try to explain to you a little something called the Santa Ana winds. Hot dry winds that blow fucking strong and dusty in late fall. It's not a twister or anything, but street signs, trees, etc. can get knocked down. Weird things are in those winds, and if you are driving down a boulevard with just a friend, street signs swaying, traffic lights broken, nobody else on the road, you feel like you're in the middle of that God Speed You Black Emperor song. Which song of theirs? Any one. Shit is just fucking uncanny. Or to quote a couple writers much better than myself:

    "Los Angeles weather is the weather of catastrophe, of apocalypse, and, just as the reliably long and bitter winters of New England determine the way life is lived there, so the violence and the unpredictability of the Santa Ana affect the entire quality of life in Los Angeles, accentuate its impermanence, its unreliability. The wind shows us how close to the edge we are."

    "Those hot dry winds that come down through the mountain passes and curl your hair and make your nerves jump and your skin itch. On nights like that every booze party ends in a fight. Meek little wives feel the edge of the carving knife and study their husbands' necks. Anything can happen."

    People on 4chan always talk about how much they wish a zombie apocolypse would come, but I've already seen what the end of the world looks like.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:19:47 No.3809241
    Once facked a crop circle, 100 square feet. Never been so tired in my life. It was fucking worth it though. There were various surreal moments scattered through out the night. Such as when in the complete dark I mentioned that shitty film, Signs immediately followed by the wheat starting to shake up ahead. Turned out to be a fucking hedgehog.

    Me and my friend ended up sat on the back of the bus going home, stinking of grass and laughing our heads off at what we had just done. We went to the local tescos and sprayed ourselves with fabreeze. Shit was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:20:01 No.3809242
    I was hiking through the deep woods after the woods got too tight to drive my atv anymore, i was 25km into deep woods and there were hundreds of more km of forest infront of me (my province nb = 85% forest)

    Anyhow im walking, headphones blazing

    I go past this earth cave i decide to check out, it looks right dead, empty, theres nothing anywhere (according to google earth)

    so i go deep in the cave and find a dirty curtain

    I move it, and shit theres a guy, huge beard, dressed right nice, in a fucking cave

    roots coming from the ceiling and shit, he had a fish tank, an older tv, solar panel, a ton of books and more curtains seperating other rooms, an older recliner, older couch and plastic moving boxes (clear) filled with mushrooms and masonjars filled with mushrooms

    He just looks at me and says hey, havn't seen you around here before

    This is in deep fucking forest

    His name was allaine, he was a french guy who just one day decided to quit his job and escape from life.

    He told me all this random shit, he grows tons of shrooms, legal mushrooms, herbs, spices, he grew tomatos, pot, kale



    Where i thought i'd be the only person

    He was right cool too, aparently his wife left him, and he decided he had it with normal life, he used to run a governemnt office (Department of Mental Health and Services in town) and talked with so many crazy people who said things like this, then when his life left him, he said it all made sense, he donated EVERYTHING he had to chairty (made 100g a year) well, he kept some shit but everything there was less then 6000$ total (it was a nice place, very clean, toilet, shelfs, completely wrapped dirt in plastic to keep clean


    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:20:54 No.3809256

    i'm the one being deep and not >>3808329?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:22:27 No.3809276
    surprisingly good thread, one of the few I read through and there is a large amount of good posts. A+++ would read through the whole thing again. Let's not fag it up with outside links.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:24:30 No.3809293

    holy shit i want this life
    >> Fantastic Mr Fox !KEBONGbqsU 04/07/09(Tue)17:32:59 No.3809407

    at the beach, during the night. I went out of our lodge and went to the shore. I stood on the shoreline, and the ocean made a wave that made it barely on my feet. as rolled back, it made the sand on my feet kind of drift away. it felt really fucking good, as if the ground beneath me was moving. I continued to just stand there, looking at my feet, and then looking around me to find absolutely no one else around.

    it felt really great, now that I think about it
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)17:51:41 No.3809655


    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)18:04:12 No.3809811

    I also would like to hear more of the mushroom man & his fantastical cave-dwelling exploits...

    Don't just leave us hanging like that...
    The Suspense! It's killing me!
    >> Camel Turkish Royal Guy !F3JgrWHOP2 04/07/09(Tue)18:07:03 No.3809854
    yesss tell us morrreee
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)18:13:11 No.3809922

    Or, you don't get hung up on a tale of one random hermit, and tell your own fucking stories.
    >> Camel Turkish Royal Guy !F3JgrWHOP2 04/07/09(Tue)18:15:54 No.3809947
    Guess which of these are mine!

    Here's a hint: There's more than one.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)18:18:17 No.3809977

    I also have posted my best story ITT.
    but when Anon says "continued",
    he damn well better continue the fucking story!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:22:21 No.3812024
    It was about 7am at my University and I getting to class very early so nobody was around and it was in that twilight hour when the sun isn't quite up yet. In the middle of this courtyard, there was some weird hobo looking guy who clearly didn't belong there sitting and playing acoustic guitar and singing one of the verses to Hotel California very softly.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:22:56 No.3812035
    I probably would have crapped my pants.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:26:56 No.3812077
    I encountered my doppelganger and saw sound, then experienced complete and total ego death.

    Most intense acid trip evar.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:30:16 No.3812117
    One more acid story: one morning, right around sunrise, I was walking home from a rave, still tripping balls. It was maybe around 6am and I was walking past the state capitol building, and there were dozens of people duct-taping mattresses to all the poles and streetlights. Extremely WTF-ish, especially with a head full of acid.

    Found out later that it was in preparation for some bike race that was going to be passing through there later that day.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:32:51 No.3812154
    this morning while I was about to take a shower, i said in my head that i hadn't posted here in a while. I thought of a thread I would make and IT WAS A THREAD JUST LIKE THIS. I COME HOME READY TO POST, AND THIS SHIT IS ON THE FIRST PAGE. AGGH.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:35:58 No.3812194
         File :1239154558.gif-(8 KB, 320x224, Earthworm Jim 2 (SS).gif)
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    You call for me, OP?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:37:38 No.3812211
    Stopped at a red light with my window rolled down and the guy in a convertible next to me I ask: "What's the retail on one of those?"

    He responds:
    "More than you can afford pal."

    Then we proceed to street race on green.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:38:01 No.3812216
    I went into my dorm's common room and some guy was pooping on the table. I... I didn't know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:41:37 No.3812252
    I got in a fender bender on the highway. I had an hour long internal monologue in the .7 seconds before I got hit.

    Was fully aware I could die but was like "fuck it, I wonder what its like"

    Other guy was going 70 the wrong way, I hit somebody else...
    >> robocrat 04/07/09(Tue)21:47:34 No.3812323
    one night I was taking out the garbage, and looked up at the sky. There was a full moon, and the light from it was reflecting off of the clouds. The clouds were moving south very quickly, so it looked like the moon was speeding across the sky in the opposite direction.

    It was freaky as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:47:57 No.3812330
    smoked some salvia, thought i was a clock tower
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:52:51 No.3812378
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    i fell asleep on my mom's bed one day with my head hanging down between the metal shit at the end of the bed..pic related.. in such a way that a lot of blood must have rushed to my head. I had a crazy dream about something that involves a bright orange ball of light coming down on a flat surface. I also dreamt about an object that was both small and big at the same time... It is really hard to describe right now but occassionally i'm able to fully feel what I felt in that dream and describe it better.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:59:45 No.3812456
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    it was midnight and I'm on top of my roof. I'm wearing my painter's mask and snorkel goggles. I look north and see fire. I look south and see fire. The air is clay colored and carrying the same thickness. The santa anas blows ash and hell towards me. The hills are filled with what looks like little windows. Inside these little windows in the hill, light emanates. A family of flames sit in the hill house, and their light, all of the family's' lights, roar from the hillsides. I stood there for hours on that red midnight roof. My snorkeling mask, a device made for water and moisture, was dried up and covered in ash. My painter's mask, full of the burnt remains of trees, house, and brush. They say that every time you breath, there is high chance that one of those molecules you are inhaling was in Caesar's last breath. That night I knew that the filter of my painter's mask carried the remnants of a person loved. I witnessed the end of the world and it's descent into hell from my roof
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:04:08 No.3812493
    One time, in my room watching tv or some shit, when on a whim I decide to take a look out of my window, across the road from me, I see a little boy walking along, he stops, pulls down his pants and proceeds to squeeze out a cleaveland steamer, after which he pulls up his shorts and walks off. I watched the whole thing through a pair of binoculars.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:07:31 No.3812537
    drug surreal is easy as hell but real life surreal is the good stuff. everyone on here talking about their trips are boring as hell.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:08:06 No.3812547
    THIS JUST IN: Things taken out of context don't make any sense.

    FOLLOW-UP: Trigger Happy TV shit doesn't make you beautiful or deep. It's disingenuous and most everyone will wonder for half a minute, then shrug it off to go back to their normal lives.

    PS: Normal does not have to mean dull.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:09:38 No.3812566
    A schitzophrenic black man on us-19 in Pinellas Park, Florida. He has a tree branch and was swinging it low on the ground, as if he was fighting something off. He had this big clunk of nigger hair slopped on top of his scalp and his eyes were as a yellow as a school bus.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:10:35 No.3812572
    Watching horses roll down hills. Seriously this happened. I live near a ranch that takes up a large amount of hill and there was this herd of horses near the top. Apparently, something spooked them, they try to run, one trips and creates a domino effect and I get to watch 6 horses come rolling down a hill end over end.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:16:48 No.3812640
    I was at work one night, in the middle of summer. Like, after July. Being as I work retail, I end up seeing all kinds of people. And really, the occasional "odd" customer isn't exactly uncommon.

    But this one night, there was an abnormally large number of clowns. As in circus clowns. Buying things ranging from dish soap to soda to extra balloons, etc.

    I asked one of them if there was a circus in town or something where there'd be a lot of clowns around, and he said "No, why?" And I explained that there have been at least 20 clowns in the store that night. He shrugged, said he didn't know anything about it, paid for his soda and left.

    Fucking weird.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:23:39 No.3812724
    Minus your gay description, it's a cool picture
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:25:06 No.3812744
    Going to a farm in a business suit after a speech and debate competition,
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:25:24 No.3812749
    i liked that description its what i imagine living in a wildfire would be like...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:26:49 No.3812762
    me and a friend were watching an episode of the simpsons, and the episode was marge became blind, and near the end, they were unwrapping her bandages. Then, just as the last part was coming off, his screen went into sleep mode.

    Shit creeped us out
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:27:21 No.3812768
    the world is a pretty surreal place
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:31:05 No.3812803
    My family and I were eating dinner, and we saw this white trash family in the lot next to our house, digging through the mud. We watched them for about 30 minutes, wondering why they were doing something so seemingly pointless.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:31:38 No.3812805
    I once went outside and spoke to someone.

    That was pretty surreal.

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