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    179 KB Enviromental Shit Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)17:57:42 No.3796373  
    Sup r9k, so the enviroment has been going to shit for a while, but i want to feel peace of mind by doing my bit, even if in the big scheme of things it doesn't matter. Where can i find information on things i can do to help out, reduce carbon footprint and all that BS? Or what are you doing?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:04:20 No.3796458
    Mars and Jupiter have warmed at the same rate as Earth. Don't sweat that shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:05:19 No.3796473
    I am a scientist. Its all a bunch of crap, the models suck and the feedbacks are all wrong. Just relax and ignore the crazies...
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:07:27 No.3796495
    Mars is a barren lifeless rock and Jupiter has no land at all.

    Sweat that shit, bro. Sweat it hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:08:26 No.3796508
    It's machine code.

    >Mars and Jupiter have warmed at the same rate as Earth. Don't sweat that shit.

    No they haven't. Stop lying and bullshitting.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:10:14 No.3796525
    Stopping another bullshit global warming thread with supported evidence, citations, references and facts:


    And the scientific consensus:

    >> NoV/a °д° !!yB+kxKCdV3x 04/06/09(Mon)18:11:10 No.3796535
    I've seen some interesting documentary on National Geographic that explained it could be caused by the fact that both poles will eventually exchange sides... North and South, that is. T'was pretty cool, they said it happened few times before too, and cause the Earth's magnetic field to become weaker and thus the solar pew pew etc. Anyways, it may not be the only cause. So keep the planet clean, OP :3 I love you.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:12:38 No.3796551
    i am also a scientist and you are wrong. besides even if you are not saving power, recycling and using less fuel is never a bad thing.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 04/06/09(Mon)18:15:12 No.3796576
    I was just going to make this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:17:24 No.3796599
    I'm in support of the shrinking sun theory. Most of the planet in our solar system happened to be in the life-allowing radius from the sun. Mars is a barren rock now and will soon turn into a gas-planet much like saturn.
    Eearth will wither and become the new mars while venus will allow for life as the sun retracts.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:20:20 No.3796637
    last i checked the sun was getting brighter and within a billion years the earth will be too hot to allow liquid water
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:22:19 No.3796655
    Here is a link to a large number of peer reviewed studies that show that global warming is not caused by man.


    Don't listen to the lies, recycle and pollute less but don't do it under the guise of saving the planet from catastrophe. This whole theory is designed to give the west a way of controlling the emerging economies in third world countries by forcing them to grow "green crops" that they will buy back ridiculously cheaply
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:29:15 No.3796735
    As a person with a scientific background all I can say is that both sides of the isle are bullshitting and Al Gore is an idiot. As far as facts go all anyone can say is that within the last hundred or so years it has gotten cooler and then warmer and that there are really good hypotheses about whats causing the warming but no actual cause. Also real science is not a consensus, it is or it isn't. E doesn't equal MC2 just because the majority of scientist say so.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:29:38 No.3796744
    OP, I don't know. You might want to check out greenpeace, since you'll find there the whole range of environmental minded people: from radicalists to esoteric types to "meh, i guess it's important". Also they're pretty tame compared to others because they're such a huge organization and want to appear good, so they actually fund some research next to the PR stunts.

    From personal experience I also suggest joining/starting a food cooperative, specializing in local products (organic if possible), since this is the best way to reduce your energetic impact.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:31:05 No.3796769
    Sorry bro, but lrn2planets
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:33:33 No.3796804
    I want to think you're kidding, but it sure sounds like you're serious. That "theory" is terrible and burns at my soul.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:33:51 No.3796807
    Just because we're not the reason our planet is getting mildly hotter doesn't mean you shouldn't recycle or try to conserve energy, and it doesn't mean we shouldn't seek alternative energy sources (nuclear).

    But if someone tells you to do so for the environment, don't listen to them. Crazy shit is getting passed under the guise of being "green" and the more public support it has, the easier those shenanigans will be to pass.
    >> The Guru !!GUJgcWVW8Zk 04/06/09(Mon)18:34:35 No.3796815
    I ride my bike to work, unless im sick or running late.

    You could use canvas bags to pack your groceries when you buy them OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:34:53 No.3796819
    Having an undergraduate degree in computer science doesn't make you an expert on climate change, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:40:37 No.3796895
    well what qualifications do you have? i think im the only one here with any education in environmental science
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:46:50 No.3796970
    I just remembered: meat only once a week (meaning a burger or a steak a week or a low, low amount each day)

    the reason: agriculture uses huge amounts of oil and 1g meat needs 6-10 g in other agricultural products (soy), which can be problematic for other reasons, too.

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