I've found out I honestly like playing games and drugs more than flirting, partying, dating, sex etc...I spent the last few months being a "normal social human being" and going out with my friends, flirting with girls, and going to parties. It constantly felt like a fucking chore. Not enjoyable. I did it multiple times, not just once so I could say i tried. It never got more interesting or fun. Just a hassle and a fucking job to fit in. I don't get how anyone likes it.I'd much rather play Crysis on Multiplayer, or TF2 then go on a date or go out to a party/club/bar. Drugs are better than sex too. Some weed and some pain peelz and it feels good man.
Crysis's multiplayer is fucking horrible. Probably like your taste in women.
moar women for me then.
same way. open up the game and join and it's instant fun almost. sex takes hours, days, or weeks to get. relationships take hours a day maintaining. it'd be like if I had to sweet talk entertain and convince my PC to start up every time. would be a waste of time.
>>3751625>My crappy computer is shit tier and I hate Crysis since I cannot run it. I refuse to upgrade and believe I should be able to torrent every game on my 10 year old PC and run it on high.
Op is some ugly uninteresting faggot that is shunned in the real world. That's why you don't enjoy females or socializing, because you're just a loser. Prove me wrong.
>>3751625No, it's quite fun actually if you ban Vtols and Helis. Strategy, big maps, etc.... Power Struggle that is.
>>3751634No, it really is fucking terrible. Enjoy your broken air vehicles.
>>3751585>l spent the last few months being a "normal social human being" and going out with my friends, flirting with girls, and going to parties. It constantly felt like a fucking chore. Not enjoyable. I did it multiple times, not just once so I could say i tried. It never got more interesting or fun. Just a hassle and a fucking job to fit in. I don't get how anyone likes it.tl;dr version:>I am an ugly faggot and cannot pull women. So from now on I'm going to be high 24/7 and play the vidya, as this way of living is far more fulfilling.
You can get high on pain pills? Explain more, please.
>>3751665You put them in your mouth, and you swallow them. You get a euphoric body high. They contain opiates, the same thing that heroin is derived from.
>>3751665Is this a serious post or a fucking troll? Really? I thought everyone who has their wisdom teeth pulled abuse the left over vicodin.
i'm kind of the same only a female, so video games and drugs > boys. mostly i just smoke pot, snort oxycontin and play vidya in my free time. :[
>>3751643So have you considered banning niggers, douchebags, idiots and retards in real life? I think it would make it more enjoyable and balanced for all.
Welcome to the end of the world chummer!
>>3751724You are a fucking idiot. A better analogy would be say, eye gouging in MMA. Since both are GAMES/SPORTS. And yes, it is banned.
My boyfriend says robots are better then sex.Then I punch him.With love.
I'd rather watch movies or play L4D than go on dates too. Works for me. Easier, and more fun.
>>3751740But this thread is not about MMA, and making an MMA analogy would not have only been out of place but completely without humour as well. I believe you are the idiot here.
>>3751710>girl, weed, videogamesin b4 500 replies
>>3751875Are you being intentionally dense? Both sports and vidya gaems have rules you play by be definition. There are a set standard of rules anyone who wants to play has to obey by. "socialization" has no set rule set, it constantly changes.I prefer the activity with a set rule set.
fuck chix. i play vidio games cuz they make my epeen hard
>>3751625>I don't enjoy it, therefore it is categorically a bad gameCool open-mindedness bro.
>>3751585Crysis Wars is better than standard Crysis but there are far worse games to be playing online.
>I'd much rather play Crysis on Multiplayer, or TF2 then go on a date or go out to a party/club/bar.if you hate partying then why do you bother doing it after playing vidya games?
>>3751923Yes, I was being intentionally dense. Absurdity is a common characteristic in jokes after all.
At least go out and get some sunlight. Socializing once a week is recommended.
I agree with you OP, I would much rather have access to drugs and things that I enjoy rather then go through the hassle of fucking some bitch.
Why does people care if somebody chooses to be a 'loser'? It's not like he cares what you think anyway and surely you don't feel that you've accomplished something, do you? You don't, right? I respect our choice op, and I'm looking at the bright side of your decision; 1. I don't have to see your ugly smug face because you'll stay inside all day long and 2. more wimmenz for me. You know what's better than sex or drugs? Sex on drugs.
>>3752554>our decisionyou probably mean 'your decision'learn to type plx
Eh, I think it's a game of diminishing returns and finding the right balance.Currently I am into videogames sun-wed and sat (during day), girls/sex/parties/socialization thur-fri and sat (during night). Sunday during day becomes social only during football season.It's a lot cheaper. because 2 social nights can cost me from $40 to $200 whereas videogames are ridiculously cheap (buy things that have high replay value, pirate that which does not, and then WoW covers like 24hrs of gaming a week if you like it).So yeah, financially it makes sense. However, I only combine video games with alcohol, never drugs. I combine drugs with socializing. So it's kinda two scenes.
ITT:ppl that fail at live.
>>3752020Haha, I haven't talked to anyone for 4 weeks now.No-one. Unless 4chan counts. And I feel great.
>>3752573He did type 'your decision'.
>>3752619weed and video games rocks. playing rockband on a HDTV with surround sound after having smoked 2 bowls is fucking unbeatable. especially when you get a song that does the "indie genius video shoot" as the stage venue. that shit is TIGHT!
that's going to bite you in the ass when your balls shrink up and you start shooting cold cum, bro
And then John was lost his humanity
Imo if you enjoy video games more then sex, either you've never had sex, or you've had really bad sex.
even better is smoking and playing the vidya with your gf/wife