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Poor feels thread?
I'll start.

tfw Eating cereal with water as a kid.
my computer is so fucking old that I can barely play bf1942 and I can only dream of using extensions like 4chan x and watching anything in HD


shitty bike
I always eat cereal with water. Fuck milk.
Mongoose master race here.
That feel when you have holes in your clothes from rats because you lived in a shit hole.
>tfw watered down ketchup
>tfw your mom tells you about how she never pays her bills on time
>tfw dial up in 2010
>tfw can only play video games at friends houses
>tfw you will never make it out of poverty and are doomed to a life of being a second class member of society through no fault of your own
>>3742073 (OP)
My first lol in days!
Why couldn't you just eat it with nothing on it at all?
I wear and wash the same tiny amount of shit. My clothes are falling apart
>>3742073 (OP)
>not eating cereal dry
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>tfw have a cheap Nokia phone
>go a month without electricity because after the divorce my dad had no money, had to get surgery, insurance wouldn't pay shit for a month at least, mother still demands regular "child support" payments while we're living at dad's house mostly, sister throws a multiple day tantrum to make dad blow his last $100 dollars on a homecoming dress, and my mom gets mad when I make my sister cry by telling her what a worthless cunt she is.
Because my mom wouldn't let me eat it regular.
>tfw down to 2 dollars in my account, and don't get paid for another week and a half
and i have very little food ;_;
>anon, you wore that shirt yesterday! and those pants!

I live in a tool shed and I'm not joking.
>tfw bread in cupbard right now is 2 months old and you have to ration it out and scrape off the green parts
>tfw keep adding water to shampoo/soap until it's just stagnant water you're squirting on yourself.
My poor kid feels
>powdered milk
>corn meal all the time
>mayonnaise sandwiches
>waiting in the welfare office
>Putting off thanksgiving/Christmas/birthdays until there was money for it.
>cable regularly cut off, sometimes power/water
>dat empty fridge.
Get some bread from your local food bank and freeze it, sometimes they have cookies if you get there early enough.
I don't know why, but that made me laugh.
OP, a cheap meal would be to mix a tin of beans with your cereal. Try mixing sauces instead of beans for variation. It tastes even better when microwaved.

This is the kind of stuff I subsisted on as a poor university student who couldn't cook worth shit. I preferred muesli over corn flakes (healthier!).
>tfw stealing napkins from stores to use at home
>tfw saving ketchup packets to use at home
>tfw refilled gallon jugs with neighbor's water, as water bill was constantly off
>tfw listening on radio for where they're at to see if they're giving away sandwhiches
>That feel when you are so burned out on Peanut Butter n Jelly, sometimes just peanut butter
>burned out on bologna
>get told to shut my mouth and stop being stupid when ask for a mcdonalds meal JUST THIS ONCE
>the off chance your dad calls in a pizza is THE GREATEST DAY EVER
>all your friends talking about a movie or cable show and you just had one basic tv with bunny ears, wait until a movie comes out on VHS and it ends up on the cheap old films before you see it
>What did you get for christmas? Clothes...most of them bought from yard sales
>What did you get for your birthday? Mom took me to the pawnshop where she had some store credit and let me pick out a 5-10 dollar nintendo game and it was the best ever never mind the game was balls you were just glad for a new one
>oh what N64 game is that cheap?
>it was a Super Nintendo game, my uncle gave me my cousins old SNES when he got a N64

And yet my mom still always found money for her marlboros and daily quickpicks and step dad found money for his budweiser and copenhagen every damn day
My God. This shit is horrible. Do all of you live in the US? In western democracies? WTF
>tfw shoes are more holes than shoe
>tfw some hipster kid thought it was some fashion trend and said "I like you shocks"
>dry ramen all day everyday

I hate my mum.
This makes me so sad.

I just wanna cuddle you and tell you it'll be okay. I'm a girl, so it's not creepy.
>tfw sole completely rips off one shoe
>tfw the people at taco bell and little ceaser's know you by name
>Having to fap using your imagination because you couldnt afford the internet or porn
>tfw mom always complains about financialsituation
>tfw when stress about money since birth
>tfw when dick who lives by himself gets more food at the food pantry than my entire family
>tfw the food is always expired

>blankets nailed over the doors to keep the heat in the rooms during winter because no heater
> embarrassed when mom waves her foodstamp card in the cashiers face making sure she knows this is foodstamps, not credit
>telephone cut off and mom sends you to neighbors house every week to ask if she can borrow theirs
>neighbor is obviously agitated and asks for money to use it now after several months of taking advantage of them
>mom gets mad and both neighbor and mom take it out on you
>go to church and bible camps to eat since you're missing out on your free school lunch
>tfw no computer so you post feels about feeling feels at the library
>That feel when money is directly related to status and prestige
>That feel when women find prestige to be the most important thing in finding a man
>That feel when you'll NEVER have a girlfriend, even if you have a fantastic personality and work out to get a good body

because its life's fault you'll never amount to anything
>tfw you have to live next to niggers because you are poor
>tfw as a kid, I thought my family was poor when we were actually rich

when I was four or five we went on a vacation to Florida, and my parents asked me if I wanted to go to disneyland. I said no. Because jeez, that had to be like, twenty bucks! That's a lot of money! How I squared that with "but they can afford to go halfway across the country on vacation", I don't know.
>a group of teachers offered to buy me a year book in 7th grade
>going to church thanksgiving/Christmas meals for the poor
>same for presents some years
>helping my grandma by going dumpster diving with her
>that year when my family was "adopted" by some rich fucks and I actually had to open my gifts in front of them and their children in my living room for their amusement.

I live in California in the suburbs.
>tfw only enough money to buy dinner or booze and not both


go on, judge me
I would kill you in real life without taking the time to put my shoes on.
>This entire thread


Fuck, i can't feel my lungs and kidneys now.

>I live in a tool shed and I'm not joking.
>tfw stealing napkins from stores to use at home
>tfw saving ketchup packets to use at home
>tfw refilled gallon jugs with neighbor's water, as water bill was constantly off
>tfw listening on radio for where they're at to see if they're giving away sandwhiches

My Lungs, wherefore art thou, my lungs.

No, i'm not laughing at your plight it's just that some things in here sound so extreme, almost to the point of absurdity. We need some reogranizarion of society right now if people in a 1st world nation are actually living like this
>tfw you can buy red bull with food stamps but not alcohol
>mom is broke
>she still spends all her time in the casino anyways
>that feel when for the first time in like 5 years she comes back with 5,000 dollars
>that's the most money either of you have seen
>you go out to the buffet and it's very nice and luxurious
>happy days
>you know people that eat their weekly and you get to go maybe once every 2 or 3 months and stuff your face once while they see going there as "slumming" it when eating out
>your mom even buys a bag of chips ahoy when you ask and you are more excited
>she's back at the casino the next day bright eyed hoping to triple that and make it big finally
>she comes back broker than the day before cussing about how the games are all rigged
>at least I have cookies ;_;

This hasn't changed much either. She goes less but that's because the local casino shut down and she has to drive 3 hours to the next closest one.
>that year when my family was "adopted" by some rich fucks and I actually had to open my gifts in front of them and their children in my living room for their amusement.
fuck you, rich pricks.

thank you for the shirt thought ;__;
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>tfw I'm calling out of work tommorow because I only have enough gas to drive to the gas station when my direct deposit kicks in
>tfw you were seven years old you saw a man get shot but
>No one came along for a long time because it
>happened in a remote parking lot in Las Vegas
>And you were waiting for your mom to come back from working the blackjack table at the Circus Circus casino
>And that night your mom said that the two of them and the now dead guy
>Were the only 3 people who ever lived in Las Vegas.
>Everybody else just arrived, ate their complimentary shrimp cocktails, and left
>tfw have to scrape the lube off your cock and put it back in the bottle so it can be reused
>tfw my brother and i both reuse the same bottle of lube
>tfw sleep in same room, same bed as brother
>tfw have to use butter knife to scrape the lube off your dick
>tfw have to use a toothbrush to butter my bread because can only afford one set of silverware
>tfw have to use a pencil eraser as a toothbrush because can only afford one toothbrush

Im not as poor as some of you ITT and I don't complain, just contributing to the thread
>Baggy clothes
>Not much for birthdays I didn't care because I wasn't a pretentious cunt
>Shoes literally fall apart school shoes more than 4 times
>Wear $10-15 shoes from Kmart/spend less shoes
>Grandparents have to pay for my education
>I go to a private school on a scholarship
>Fucking raybans errwhere, kids pay out the second last edition of the text book
>Getting most of my text books second (or third) hand from family friends
>Being kicked out of your house and living in a family friends house for a couple of months
>Live by the train tracks so can hear the trains I dont mind, the internet is faster here
>Abusive Dad because he's Having a mid life crisis cause poor a nigger
please tell me this is a joke.
>tfw always $1 noodles / mac and cheese for lunch everyday for 3 years
# of Goldman Sachs employees: 35,500
# of lobbyists: 49

# of US citizens below the poverty line: 49,100,000
# of lobbyists: 0

This shit is intolerable. I seriously hope you people are registered to vote -- and do so.
>tfw no toilet paper
>might as well take shower to wash off shit
>water turned off
>last pair of clean clothes
>no washer or dryer
>no money to go get clothes washed
>sneak into neighbors backyard to clean myself
Things have gotten slightly better now. Still occasionally have that random turning off of water or lack of toilet paper.
I enjoy sticking bottles in my anus
how the fuck.
gg, getting the fucking secure tripcode

>tfw no toilet paper
>might as well take shower to wash off shit
>water has been shut off
>tfw running outside and collecting leaves to wipe your ass with.
>tfw blowing nose with leaves
>tfw I want to cry and give you all a safe nice place to live with all the food and clean water you need with your own personal assistant that drives you around in a limo.

>tfw this stuff legitimately depresses me.

>human suffering feelsreallyfuckingbad.gif
>That feel when your mum always asks about discounts/coupons/if anythings any cheaper
>The embarrassment when she tells the sales person that we're poor
Goddamn that embarrassment.

You niggers made me think of that, so fuck you.
>Actually thinking people clean their teeth with a pencil sharpener.

Yeah dude, that one was a joke.
When I was a kid, we were broke as fuck. I remember one thing I used to do with painful clarity.

>Print out the lyrics to songs I liked on school computers instead of buying the CD.

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tfw when I'm so pathetic and petty that I save girls facebook pictures and use them as fapping material. All placed in my fapbook folder. har
I've discovered the cd section at my local library. Ripping tons of cds from that place. They got a wacky collection. picked up some afrikaan music today. not sure what they're saying but I love it.
>tfw born into an old money family
>tfw i was already set for life before birth
>tfw reading this thread and now feeling like shit for some reason.
>tfw rich guilt

I'm fucking sorry guys, i didn't create any of this i was just born into it. How can we even begin to rectify this as a society?
>had a job.
>had a place of my own.
>had to pay off car/insurance.
>working poor
>couldn't afford to feed myself 3 times a day
>tfw eating canned food
>tfw when other shit happens that cost money to fix
>had to litterally go days without eating.
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Pic super ultra related and fuck captcha with a rusty chainsaw.
>tfw no one gets the reference
>friends planning to go see a movie
>ask me why I'm not going
>"oh I'm going to my grandmas during the same time. Maybe next time."

I wasn't going to my grandmas. All my friends thought we were a super close family or just loved the fuck out of my grandma as often as I had to use that line when they went to do something or anything, be it go out to get some food or catch a film or go see a baseball game
You could donate to our paypals.
>tfw you won't.
>tfw posted my paypal anyways
>gross apartment with giant blood stain on the carpet and blanket instead of door, curtains were newspaper
>kept getting headlice so my mom shaved my head (I'm a girl)
>got beat up and called faggot a lot since kids weren't sure if I was buzzcut girl or feminine looking dude
>raised my brothers because dad was always working and mom was piece of shit drug addict
>food bank items always expired, now have knowledge of everything that can be eaten years after expiration date
>donations are usually old shit rich people find cleaning their garages, once found pie mix that expired in 1966 (this was '94 or so)
>picked on for wearing giant worn-out sweatshirts and ugly old lady jeans inherited from my parents
>picked on cause I dropped brothers off at school/made lunches, parents were drunk on the occasions they went to interviews
>picked on for being greasy and dirty as fuck (no shampoo, had to try and wash self with bar soap stolen from truck stop)
>got attacked by a feral raccoon in the house once
>always had parents' friends dump their crackbabies on me to watch while they hit the bars
>dad made his own liquor
>black and white 9" TV with 4 channels
>uncle would buy pizza when he came to visit, fuck yea (even though it was Pizza Hut horseshit, it was awesome compared to old Hamburger Helper)
>swimming in disgusting raw-sewage beach during summer, 90% of kids would have pink eye

man remembering my childhood makes my shithole apartment feel like a palace, but there's an odd nostalgia to it.
haha I'm scared

That sucks.
I'll love you

Almost 2 months without electricity until I finally had to leave the house because the neighbors finally called the cops.

Nigga get on my poverty level.
>tfw I live in vegas
That shit really happens. Ever watch bum fights? Thats not scripted, bums do that shit daily.
were gonna need to take down the US govt.

>tfw you befriend a rich person
>tfw going to their house
>tfw telling them how nice their gigantic house with like 4 bathrooms is
>tfw they don't appreciate anything
>tfw want to murder every rich person in their sleep
>Mother, brother and I kicked out of the house or be killed, easy choice.
>Father gets caught with embezzlement/financial fraud, pays top end lawyers to split debt before divorce is executed in court.
>140K debt, a mother who hasn't worked in 20 years and has no skills, 2 young children
>Get ass-fucked by social services, alimony wrongly subtracted from social check
>Try to make ends meet for 6 months with 90 bucks a month
>No electricity/gas/cable/internet for 6 months
>Sold furniture/did odd jobs
>No fucking bed, only a mattress to sleep on
>Did homework using candlelight

All this in the motherfucking Netherlands. Because we had a mother with shit with brains, a psycho father and legal binds up the ass. First world countries still cater to cold hard cash. Don't be fooled.
Donations qualify.
Inb4 everyone asks for money. As long as you don't act elite because of you're money, i'll be alright with you.
I just realized I have never been truly poor. Sure i'm not rich either by any means, in fact im a welfare mutha fucka. I get ssi, food stamps, and medicaid up in this bitch until 2014

>That feel when you can always pay the rent, buy food, and all the vidya you can handle
Can I see what you look like please?
The only shocking thing in this thread is how many people are surprised that the stories are based in the US. How can America be so divided that the well-off don't even realise the poverty existing a few suburbs away?

*shit for brains
>tfw I also dwell in this shit hole of Clark County Nevada.
That was actually a joke but this is true:
>no toilet paper, steal a roll from the dispenser in a restaurant. walk out with it hidden under your shirt
>eat one gas station hot dog a day. add extra cheese and chili to not die from starvation

i lived in a motel when my parents kicked me out. and i think i made $200 last at least a couple months this way
That was honestly one of the most demeaning events in my life. I didn't understand why they had to come to our house at the time. Now I know my whole existence to them was probably just an easy way to teach their brats a lesson by taking them to the side show for an afternoon.
Well, for starters, section eight housing doesn't look the way it used to. Hell, you can barely tell the difference.
>church brings over food donations
>Shit is always expired canned food from like 10 years ago, expired cake mixes or pie mixes or cornbread
>and that huge bulk bag of baking powder that your mom threw out instantly, didn't have to even open it knowing weevils were in it
>maybe get one potato in a bag that wasn't rotten
>all in all the only thing usable or edible in it all would be cooking grease, a giant jug of maple syrup, and one can of corn

Every time. I don't know how or why but it was this way every single time. Rarely did it deviate like this. I get that people want to help out without working or doing anything but simply cleaning out your pantry of the expired shit and giving it to us isn't going to help or do anything in the long run. There for a time I thought it was the rich trying to give us food poisoning and kill us off like you would a roach infestation.

That's why I don't feel as bad for car hopping wealthy neighborhoods. Shit just give me your ipod and lose change and I'll carry that shit to the dumpster for you and we'll be legal and square. But nope I gotta do this the hard way.
>I was using windows 98 and dial up until 2009 when my Grandma bought us an xp desktop and gave us money for real Internet so I could do my schoolwork
>We found a lot of cool shit in rich people's trash. My family would drive around rich neighboorhoods to find stuff sometimes
>Over the years we got all kinds of furniture, action figures, a vacuum cleaner, and a decent color tv
>Even with the TV, we only had 6 channels
>everyone at school would be talking about tv shows and cartoons and I never understood
>I got a car when I was 18 because I got a job and my great uncle helped me pay, but it is a shitty old caprice classic that I pieced together from mismatched junkyard body parts
I am on section 8 right now and I live in a really nice neighborhood with nice schools for my younger relatives to go to.

I think that's mostly due to the housing in my area being over saturated with rental units.

Also, poverty is easily hidden in the US. there is plenty of shit out there on this subject if anyone were so inclined.
>poverty is easily hidden in the US

Except when it comes to most of San Fran, LA and all of Detroit
who is the chick in op pick
Tfw I can pinpoint when I became a beta (due to poorness)

>be 5
>live in one of the richest counties in NY
>be one of the only poorfags in school
>all the kids have nice lunchboxes stuffed with foods from all the foodgroups
>each day my lunch consisted of one item
>a single slice of yellow american cheese
>think this is normal
>see other kids sharing and trading lunch items
>somehow thought my contribution would have value on the market
>ask cute girl Becky if she wants some cheese
>she screams "EWWW" and runs off
>So poor that our roof constantly leaked
>We had buckets to catch the water but it was never enough
>The house got so flooded that I could literally boogie board to the bathroom as a kid (and actually did so).
>Our house was freezing cold because of the water
>I would wake up with my room flooded
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Google Cheezytatas.
pic is more of her.
>she screams "EWWW" and runs off

Oh god my obliques
Detroit became a shithole because the only reason it became a city were factories.

Then all the factories were shipped to china.
>christmas was always a poor affair
>barely any gifts
>mostly clothes but by god i was so happy when i got new socks
>Dad gets a new job
>works for a month but gets laid off for some odd reason
>Christmas time
>actually have money for gifts this year
>head off to relatives in LA
>me and little bro are positively giddy since trunk of car is packed with presents
>Me and him sing christmas carols all the way there
>stop by supermarket and buy a feast before arriving
>family greets us outside
>Parents don't want to spoil surprise and keep gifts in cars
>spend loads of time preparing food
>right before 12 parents go out to get presents
>car is gone
>presents are gone
>dads wallet was inside car
>End up selling most of the food we made to other poor neighbors to scrounge up enough money to pay for bus tickets home
>Christmas meal is canned beans and bread with orange juice
>go back to same odd socks and shirts from K-mart routine for every christmas
I'm talking about poverty in general, not just homelessness. There are way more people living below the poverty line than there are homeless people in the US.
I was poor, Jewish and went to schools that were 95% rich kids.




If you ask /pol/, they'd actually think that you're lying
>Bread with sugar
>rice in sugar water

>Poor in murderapolis
>Section 8 housing in town homes
>Free food
>Free gas
>Free wifi
>$800 per month
>$300 per kid

If you're family can't do one better than the generation before you then you're the problem not the system.
>be in 8th grade
>poor fag status
>go to fancy charter school
>school starts a food donation
>really got into it and donated my families own food
>at the end of the week the school gives my family the donation
>realize were really poor and people think were poor
>feels bad man

also my mom had a really fucking shitty taurus, barely ran, rich fags parents all had nice cars.

Also that feel when your mom is the lunch lady at your school ;_;
>Donates families' own food
>Receives donated food

Did you get a bigger lunch than everyone else?
This thread just mad me realize i forgot to buy milk, fuck!
>grade 1
>teacher is going around checking out what kids are eating for lunch
>no food
>oh shit what if she sees
>uhhh can I go to the washroom
>sit in stall for rest of lunch
>tfw you used the same bottle of ketchup for 5 years
>tfw never owned any game consoles or video games
>tfw you asked for toys on christmas, and got $2 math exercise books
Fuck, it makes me feel bad that my parents spent what little money they had trying to give me a better future
Yeah really, you could start by spreading your wealth, you rich useless fuck. I can't wait until the poor kill all of the rich, cuz there's so many more of us.
>that feel when heat gets shut off during winter
>that feel when taking cold showers
>that feel when internet/electricity randomly shut off
>that feel when parents won't take care of the family cats
>fleas everywhere, ankles constantly itching
>that feel when you don't get your birthday/christmas money until tax refunds arrive
>that feel when eat $1 banquet tv dinners everyday
Very rarely has 4chan given me a sad. This thread, though....

>tfw used the same gallon of mayo that was 5 years old
Oh, we got money, only it's in the form of prime real estate, which happens to be buried under the world's biggest hoard of useless antique electronics equipment. The fat old kikes refuse to move it in a reasonable time frame (they need 6 months to pick out the 10 valuable things), so have failed to sell the property (worth millions, and I'd get a substantial cut) for 15 years.

Free 100k for me. Sittin there. Just sittin'. There.

fuckin jews

i think emily is / was a druggie
>Have to poop in plastic bag because no running water
>family steals plastic bags from grocery store
>when we buy monthly food with food stamps
>fill up water jugs and old milk jugs with water at friends houses or parks
>do dishes at friends houses
If I had enough money, I would help all of you guys out.
>Lived in the middle of the woods
>2 room shack, 4 people living there
>My sister and I slept on the floor, parents slept on the couch
>sheet over the hole where the front door should be, and one of those baby gate things to keep out possums
>House had couch and table in one room, other room was bathroom, toilet and shower that didn't work
>My sister would read the bible, collect bugs and play various games together (one of which I know realize is oral sex, which explains an incest fetish I now have)
>Somehow, every week we had 4 packs of ramen and 2 loaves of bread on the table every monday morning, we always saved the ramen for fridays because that was a cause for celebration or something
>This was my life until I was 7 and we moved in with my slightly less poor cousins
>oral sex
yes proceed
did she give it or you or what
>live in trailer
>I'd give names to the mice and would honestly get sad or upset when a mouse trap went off and snagged one of my little buddies
>mom would get mad at me or give me spankings every time i set one off hoping she didn't know it was me
>now that I'm older realize it's because those fuckers got into our food all the time that wasn't in the fridge or canned
>also realize mouse traps mean fuck all when you have a hole in your kitchen floor and nothings to keep them from coming in
"/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts. "
"1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily."
my siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiides

dont worry i was and still am a poorfag.
>be 14
>payless shoes with no support and tearing within a week of continuous wear
>clothes that ripped up if you moved too much in them
>only $5 a week i had to beg for
>live in dilapidated house
>ask mom why we can't live in a nice place
>says it's because i keep asking for money
>tells me the only way to have somewhere nice to live is to fix it myself
>find out years later that mom had money but only wanted to spend it on junk to fill her fucked up house with
You think? Dude she totally still smokes weed every day and she at least use to snort coke. She may have stopped the coke though.

Also I'm pretty sure she is into tons of rough sex seeing as a decent number of her older songs involve her being tied up or hit and being fucked by random strangers
>tfw 2 seperate winters with no gas(so no stove/oven, hot water)
>tfw kids would make fun of me for smelling funny(hmm I wonder why)
>tfw cable, phone, internet would be out for months
>tfw went about 9 years without a family car
>tfw havn't had a dryer in a decade probably, don't even know what warm clothes feel like anymore
>tfw never had money for anything, no movies, sports games, etc stuff with friends
>tfw same crappy clothes every day(didn't you wear that yesterday, etc)
>tfw abusive drunken horrible step father terrorized my mom and I for about 12 years, he always had money for booze I might add
>tfw several occasions we had to move out and stay with family/friends because of him
>tfw hearing my mom complain about paying bills late, no money, etc for my entire life
>tfw been contemplating suicide since 3rd grade
I hate growing up poor in the US so much. Currently going to uni(financial aid) for CS major. I actually have a real passion for programming and technology in general, I can't wait until I land my friend ~$70,000 a year job, and won't have to worry about money ever again.
>tfw I live in a comfortable middle class neighborhood where my parents live below their means because they are saving for retirement and I plan on making at least $100,000 a year and not donating any of it to you poor fags
You better help your mother.
Wouldn't take charity from you anyways cocksucker
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>>3742073 (OP)
>be typical poorfag
>a bit less than poor
>Tiny ass apartment with 4 other people
>1 change of clothes etc etc
>be 13
>walking home from school at 8 o'clock because I was tutoring kids for 5 bucks an hour
>walk by a hooker
>"you poor or sonething?"
>"I guess so"
>"tell me your story kid"
>"my name is anon and
>my dad is a vet who is bed ridden for the rest of his life
>mom is 5 dollar an hour 2 job girl
>only is able to spare me 10 bucks a month on essentials"
>"that's a crying shame,kid,but I think I know what will make you feel a bit better"
>"what could that be?"
>undoes her coat to reveal her naked body
>we go to her car and she lets me fuck her for an hour
>"well,it was a nice change of pace for me,anon,so do you want a ride,home I mean".
>she drives me to my apartment
>don't ever recall telling her my address or street
>or if I used a condom or not
and that's the first time I had sex
Hey assholes hating on "rich" people: This is not a poor feels thread. This is a

>examples of why poor people shouldn't be allowed to breed thread

How is it my fault that your parents decided to behave like sub-Saharan niggers and fuck even though they didn't have the means to support a child?

I work a shit job in a convenience store at $8 an hour and can easily afford a place to live, clothes to wear and food to eat. I sure as shit couldn't maintain my quality of life if I had a kid though, so guess what? I don't have one!

>implying that being poor in America is ever the result of anything but personal choice
I had a Christmas exactly like this =/ The one year my mom got a good haul, and the car was stolen that night. I didn't know for years, because apparently the whole neighborhood chipped in to buy me presents.

>Mayo sandwiches (sometimes with American cheese, shit would be cash)
>Mom always tried to get me to eat at friends' houses, understood why years later
>Dialup until 2006
>Same clothes for 7-10yrs at a time
>Teachers from grades 1-5 offered to buy me books all the time from the book fairs at school
>Remember having a delayed start in school because mom had to save up to get me vaccinated
>Being dragged to the shitty part of town to donate plasma in a sketchy room for food money at age 12. Got hit on by a 50 year old who started calling me a bitch/cunt/whore when I told him I wasn't interested.
>Art teacher didn't believe we couldn't afford paper towels. Called mom to verify; never brought it up again and started asking if I needed things/food/school supplies.
>Stealing silverware from restaurants
>Didn't have food for like a month after Angel Food Network died, relied on parents/in-laws

>That feel of being too rich for help but too poor to live
Oh wow this

I wasn't necessarily poor, my dad was an electrical engineer and a landlord but my cuntbag of a mom would never spend a dime on me.

>tfw I had to save up money and beg my mom to take me to the clothes store to buy clothes
>tfw I had to wear the same pair of jeans for a whole year and the five or six shirts every week.
>tfw when everyone at my school noticed
>tfw when a few kids teased me about it.
>tfw my mom would ruin my clothes by bleaching them

Fuck you mom.
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I normally wouldn't have much to contribute to this thread, but there was this ONE summer..

>>taking summer classes at university
>>living in shitty freshman dorms again
>>dining hall has restricted hours during the summer, not open on weekends
>>no fridge or kitchen
>>dont have dosh on hand for eating out
>>go to dining hall late on friday, grab two burgers, wrap them in napkins
>>next day
>>turn on netbook, open several games, play multiple episodes of kamen rider at once
>>heat up burger bite-by-bite with the exhaust
sure yeah

>making a serious change to the appalling economic situation for millions of americans

pick 1

Try saying that when you're 12, have a little brother to take care of and a mother past 50 that nobody will hire.

>Not Amerifag, btw.
>working your ass up to save enough money to dramatically improve your own and families life as well as being able to move out
>getting $12,000, nearly enough to get everyone out of the shithole and set up somewhere actually decent with prospects for at least a few years as well as finally being able to make up for missed christmasses and birthdays
>coming home one day to find you've been robbed and they got your bank details and now you have nothing
>taking on triple the workload so that your little sis won't be let down that she doesn't get that dress you promised her in a week
>finding out a week later that your mother took your card and blew it all on her gambling
>nearly deciding fuck it, may as well be in prison for life because that way you won't have to pay the bills
>can't let your sis down, gotta look out for her, plus you're not a horrible person
>white hot rage sustaining you long enough to power through and sort it, getting the one person you care about away from that bitch and giving her the best shot at life
>willing to kill anyone who'd try and take her away from you
once mom bought me a new shirt from sears. still remeber it. I was like 4, happiest day in my life.
Now I just got a job at 65k age 22. Dont really know what to do, part of me wants to eat out everyday, part of me feels guilty.
Wtf dude. Youre poor but you eat fast food? Do you have any idea how cheaply you can eat when you prepare it yourself? Quit being a fat american swine and learn how to take care of yourself.
Oh boy...

I'll talk about AFTER being poor.

>Join the Army
>Get $20k bonus
>Make $40k overseas
>Feel like a millionaire
>Buy the toys I wanted as a kid on ebay
>Buy toys for my younger siblings
>Give parents $500 every month to help pay bills, food, etc
>Buy groceries for my grandparents
>Family thinks I'm a savior
tfw: Smoking resin out of a homemade budweiser can bong
>>3742073 (OP)
Those are some amazing tits, and an awesome face.
>tfw you used the same shitty halloween costume from kindergarten up to grade 5
"anon, you're a fireman again this year?"
Those are the cheapest of the cheap fast food. Taco's are 89 cents and all the soda you can drink. Get off your high horse fucking eurotrash.

We kicked your ass in WW2 and will again in WW3
Keanu is a very nice and humble guy
How about you brush your fucking teeth, you dirty little prick.
Those are very nice.

>Tfw your mom bought a pair of breeding mice and fed all the babies to her lizard when I was a young child
>Tfw the Breeders were my pets and watching their babies die was fucking terrible
>tfw you have to take the state quarters out of your dead brother's state quarters collection book to buy a Little Caesars pizza

Just did the conversion. 13 lb of potatoes, 2 bucks if you play your cards right.
>Stays married to an abusive asshole that was a giant dick to Anon and his family
>Not even related to Anon
Are you fucking serious, pleb?
I'm poor as in I was raised on welfare and child support but I always had something to eat, clothes on my back, and a video game to play.

My mom isn't an addict of anything so yeah, that helped.

I guess I don't know what it's like to be poor.. even though I'm poor by US/first world standards.
>Not killing your mother
Put another way
>Killing that bitch
>My teeth begin to fall apart
>Dont tell anyone because I know I cant afford it at fucking all
>It gets worse and painful
>finally my Aunt and Grandpa get together and try to find some extra cash to help me out
>Go to the dentist to get the surgery
>Find out the surgery isn't as bad as they expected and will cost a lot less than planned
>Pay the dentist
>Can't afford groceries and rent
>Lie to folks and say I spent it all on the surgery
>Continue to afford to live another month

I feel like shit for lying to my folks about their money just so I can eat and live in my house. I swear Ill make the money soon, but my new job wont start until next month.
>Implying it was America vs Europe.
Are you SERIOUSLY that stupid?
>Implying America even did shit in WW2
Try helping out if Russia wasn't fighting, you star spangled faggot fuck.

Kill yourself.
all these poor feels make me feelsbadman.jpeg

all i've got is:

>totally dependant upon parents for all income and monetary support at the age of 22. They pay for school, car, food and my sports. They tell me not to work in the summers, tell me to enjoy them. Feelsbad.
yo, you don't need to explain yourself to us
>using computer heat to heat up food
That's one of the most clever things I've read.
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>mfw your countries are tiny and filled with sand-niggers yet you claim to better than the greatest country on earth
>greatest country on earth

I don't even know if you're trolling or not.
Not as bad as most of you guys, but it was still a bummer, and one of the many reasons I'm sketched out about women/marriage
>pops' ex wife was a cunt and divorces him because she found someone else
>had two daughters with her, and he still had to pay child support for both of them for the first ~8 years of my life
>dad would send them gifts at christmas/birthdays but ex wife would just rename them under her name
>almost never had money for field trips and stuff. teachers always offering to pay and shit
>luckily our school had a reduced/free lunch program so that's where I got a lot of my food early on
>anything nice I got was only gotten because my grandma lent my pops some cash

While that changed at the end of grade school (younger half sister turned 18, making support negated) I had a house fire the year afterward. It's crazy. Went out to eat at a restaurant, then you come back and everything but what's in your pockets, on your backs, and in the car, is gone. thank god for insurance, though
>middle-class family
>never appreciated how good i had it
>I do now

I feel bad for kinda of boasting about it here but dammit, my dad did fucking good providing for me and my sister.

Also, schadenfreude a bitch.
>My sister would read the bible, collect bugs and play various games together (one of which I know realize is oral sex, which explains an incest fetish I now have)
Why hasn't anyone picked up on this? Please give us the sause
>grew up poorer than dirt
>once i got out of high school, parents somehow acquired incredibly well paying jobs
>have 2 younger siblings who are spoiled as fuck now
>meanwhile live on my own as a full time student and full-time gas station employee making piss poor wages and only sleeping 4 hours every night
Oh well, I think I'm still pretty well off
I know that feel OP

>tfw wearing your mum's boyfriend's dirty, oversized socks to school as a kid
>tfw your mum sells your nintendo 64 and pokemon cards to buy heroin

So what needs to be done about this?
Their present to themselves was feeling powerful.That is borderline sadistic.
>>3742073 (OP)
I don't know these *feelings*.

My family had enough money to get me an education.
>Having holes in your only pair of sneaker, and consequently wet socks everytime it rained.
>Only eating an apple for lunch because no money.
>Walking km and km everyday because you're too poor to pay the bus.
>No telephone because your parents couldn't pay the bills.
>No electricity because your parents couldn't pay the bills.
>No car anymore because your parents couldn't pay the bills.
>Empty fridge.
>We would have end up homeless if it weren't for my aunt's financial support (Bless this generous woman).

I thank the YUropoor socialized system which allows me to go to Uni for minimal money (5 euro a year). Since I was academically gifted, I did get a good diploma and was able to ascend socially. I'm now upper middle class, and I don't complain about paying taxes.
>dial up until 2010


Fuck can we get some PayPal donations for this anon?!?!
Poorfag feels
>when you know your parents are going hungry so that you can eat
>having to skip groceries for the week so they can make house payments so we're not homeless
>free government lunch
>not being able to buy new uniform clothing (Amerifag, when to public school but they made us wear uniforms) and not being poor enough to get free clothes so everything is all washed out and faded
>Only having uniform clothes to wear
>Haven't been to the dentist in 10+ years, went 8 without seeing a doctor until you get a job and they require a physical
>Suicidally depressed but can't say anything about it because it costs money to go to the doctors
>When your Dad tells you he wishes he left your mom so you could get public assistance

>TFW your boyfriends is loaded (not quite 1%, more like 10-20%) and the way he and his family spend freaks you out.
They have two houses and six cars for a family of four. This summer he went to Scotland and Seattle, in the spring he took a tour of Europe (the second time he's gone), the summer before that he went to Japan for a month. His dad is a lawyer who worked hard but holy shit, it still weirds me out.
>TFW your boyfriends is loaded (not quite 1%, more like 10-20%) and the way he and his family spend freaks you out.

Sucks being a girl and being able to marry into that just because you have a vagina, doesn't it?
that's why you were poor, your bum father was a drunk and your mother was a heavy smoker who wasted money on lottery tickets, I'm sorry you had to live like that because of adult greed and addiction bro ; ;
It's okay I got broadband now. Finally convinced mummy cable wasn't worth it.
>implying I have a vagina

Nice try though. Take your women hating back to whatever wizard thread you came from
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I honestly had dial-up until this March this year.
It wasn't so bad, I went to friends houses and libraries if I needed fast internet though.
All of these feels are relatable.
>husband and I have an argument
>he tells me I don't know what its like to "suffer" and be "broke"
>tfw grew up poor. sometimes to the point where my mother couldnt even afford "feminine products" for my sister and I scrounging up the last few dollars for the cheapest most generic ones possible
>tfw sometimes my mother would get my sister and I food and not eat herself
>tfw sister and I would convince her we could share with her
>tfw we had to choose between bread or milk
>tfw second hand furniture that flaked wood chips everywhere and smelled funny
>tfw living in cheap, rented houses and having to give away our dogs because they weren't allowed
>tfw 3 of us living in some guy's rumpus room for a few years (house was son the waterfront and when he was out we could watch movies he pirated, shit was cash)
>tfw living next door to a crazy schizophrenic guy on one side and crazy psychopathic guy on the other, both of whom stole shit from us
>more like 10-20%
And his family spends money like that? That's just irresponsible. How the fuck did they make it through 2008? You might be underestimating his wealth.
Most of you guys weren't really poor, you just had shit parents.
We try to avoid his family's income as a topic. I know his dad is a lawyer, and his mom is either a homemaker or works from home. He told me his dad could pay for his college tuition in a week, and his tuition is between 15k-20k, so his dad makes between 780k and 1million a year. I don't know what 'percent' that's in- they don't seem like typical rich people though. They're not burning money, and they're pretty respectful towards me even though they know I'm poor.
Fuck you.

Walking 4 miles to save a bus fare
>Family qualified for food stamps
>We are a family of proud motherfuckers and didn't accept them because we could still get by without it
>Come to think of it I'm too proud to go seek a counselor when my friends keep suggesting it, but I digress
>Us kids started filling out job applications as soon as we were 16
>Worked for everything that's handed to me (except of course for food, roof over my head, education etc. we were taught to be grateful for those things)
>I feel like it built character and taught me to appreciate what I have now
>tfw glad I grew up poor
>dad has heart condition and could die instantly if he lifts 50 pounds
>mom has blood cancer and spinal injuries from her old job (she receives no compensation)
>sister has tons of mental illnesses (her consciousness exits her body and shit, not even kidding)
>no one has any healthcare to speak of

yay america!
Why, what good will voting do?
>Typingon shitty as fuk keyboard i got for $6 since cant afford better.
>stealing unsecured wifi with chep broken netbook that keyboard on has long ago broken. Sometimes wont turn on and will nee to restart if it goes on stndby mod s it freezes.
>Travel 2h to work since everywhere local wants insane experience, always call back and getturned down.
>Make 60 bucks a day, working with mexicans and indians 10 hour shifts, but 1hour off the clock so they dont have to pay overtime
>cant afford train so learned how to get on for free illegally.
>regularly miss last train and have to wait 3 hours for first train in morning.
>Only time i get to eat is when im working.
>just quit because cant handle the stress of getting caught illegally getting on train any longer, nd train ticket ould cost 1/3rdmy earnings.
>Terrified where to live and how to survive next month.
>entire wardrobe from ebay and thrift stores.

Help me.
>tfw mum wouldn't bring us to the doctor when we were sick to save money
>tfw she used to just give us old antibiotics and tell us that we didn't need to see the doctor/we were faking it
>tfw used to be sick often and for weeks at a time because mum wouldn't get us antibiotics/our immune systems were shit from terrible cheap diets

Always had money for booze and cigarettes though

fucking awesome song

to everbody in this thread, make your way to south africa, shit is dirt cheap here compared to most overseas countries, its friendly, its awesome, and the standard of living here is amazing, my family has literally had no spare money for anything at the end of the month, and have been paying off debt for the past three years, yet we still live in a massive house out in the bush with a swimming pool, pretty big rooms, we still have our TV and all our basic foods and all that.

seriously, move to SA
I really like this goth rock band from South Africa:

>tfw poor and bipolar
>tfw proper medication (lithium) costs hundreds of dollars
>so GOD DAMN UNIMAGINABLY TORN over what to do with my minimum wage paycheck
>I thought about saving a bunch of money, writing you win, and jumping with it off a bridge
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>tfw you have cheerios
>tfw no milk in sight
>tfw you have red bull
>tfw cheerios with red bull
>Son, I think its time to live on your own
>Here is $20, have fun!

And so began my teenage years of homelessness...
>dat feel when I eat crackers, tinned veg and drink tea all day because I'm too poor most of the time to afford other things and these are usually on offer

Sometimes I'll treat myself to some meat especially if it's reduced because it's about to go out of date
>tfw running over an hour late to work
>"Whatever, my boss shouldn't be in 'til this afternoon"
>mfw he came in early for once
>only able to go out with a former fuck buddy for steak and lobster twice a month

I hate living on my own.
>tfw obese because I was taught to eat EVERY FUCKING THING put on your plate because you know what its like to not get anything else for the next 2 days

>tfw I still associate food with love and other unhealthy things and I'm trying to break bad eating habits
You need to talk to my good friends Mr Lentil and Mrs Rice.

If you're lucky, they'll have a swinger's night with Ms Ginger and Mr Chilli.
>you get fat in you finish your meals
no it's because you're a disgusting fatass who eats between meals and thinks meal means a table full of different kinds of shit food

fuck you FATTY
>tfw elementary school classes always adopted families at christmas
>tfw i didnt give you poor fucks anything
>rich friend who's parents pay for everything
>works on the weekend
>tells me she has 10k saved
>"Lets go to Japan, how much have you saved, anon?"

There's only been one instance in my entire life where being poor affected me. My family masked it very well. I never wanted or needed anything I didnt have. Then we all got up on our feet, before I knew what was going on.

Anyway, I was a bag of jelly beans for Halloween. My mom cut some holes in a trash bag and filled it with a bunch of little balloons.

Shit was great, except sitting down was a bitch.
>"Hey anon you should eat all natural organic food!"

Bitch, I get whatever the food bank is willing to give me. Usually old cans and Mac.
>shut lights off on halloween
we don't have no candy for you, go away!
pssshh leech, who pays for your internet?
All my part time job money goes to rent and utilities. I don't have anything left over for food so I visit the local food bank every month. (like food stamps I guess?) In Canada
God DAMN what a bitch, did everything go alright?
why don't you all just enlist? It's a guaranteed job with crazy benefits

Being a poorfag is a state of mind.

Before you haters start hating, I have less than $20 to last me till next monday!

Am I moping, acting like a poorfag? Hell no!

I got books to read to keep me entertained, bit of TV, gardening, riding my bicycle; all sorts of shit that keeps me happy and healthy.

Being a poorfag is a state of mind.
>No hot water
>internet until I was 13 years old
>can only eat 2 meals a day
>Finally got my own room at 17 years old
>3 pairs of pants, 5 shirts
>Shoes lasting 1 year
>1 vidya game per year

>Dad is plastic surgeon with a penthouse in Miami, I've asked him for some help now that I'm getting a job.
>tells me to fuck off.
>tfw I was provided with everything, but they were all supermarket basics
>tfw my fizzy juice was orange squash and sparkling water
>was a spendthrift in mid-late teens, walked everywhere, no new clothes except for school, durable shoes, patched up all socks etc, no luxuries as I had all my entertainment online
>as soon as I started receiving money for attending school, parents figured that I wasn't spending much, and would borrow hundreds at a time and only return about 30-40 in very small installments, hoped I wouldn't notice, I quickly learned that if I didn't spend it right away, someone else would
>now receiving about 300-400 for uni, and as soon as I get it I spend the lot, now about 500 in debt

I'd be surprised, but I read it all in some Cracked list ages ago.
>being poor is a state of mind
ur a dumb cunt mate
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>tfw earning 40$/hour
>everyone lives in america

>tfw wear the same pants to school every day
>tfw try to mix clothing other than pants as much as can
>tfw the pants are 100-ish euros black slim fit jeans
>tfw my shoes cost 85 euros
>tfw parents are doctors and can afford this kind of bullshit
>anon the military will take anyone!
>anon McD's will hire anyone with a pulse!
>anon Security hires anyone!

> Bulking
> Had to force myself to consume ~4000 calories yesterday
> See this thread

I'm so ashamed.
Take all my chicken breasts, Robots.
>Tfw when not poor and reading this thread.
>Tfw I participate in a charity organised by the local cops to give a gift to a poor kid every christmas.
>Tfw you give them Lego or a RC car or something that's about 20-50$
>Tfw I give all my used but not too beat up clothes or furnitures to a state-owned thrift shop that has an employment program to help unemployed poor people work.
>Tfw I give the usual cans at the food collect around Chritmas but also desert mixes, cookies, chips and soda so they don't spend their christmas eve eating canned corn.
>Tfw I never brag about this and just write this here because I'm anon.
i wish i could do this
but i am not that easy with the money myself
Continued with rage feels
>Tfw someone throws food because "hurr it's 1 day past expiration"
>Tfw someone throw some food because they took a fuck huge plate.
>Tfw people throw their electronics because a new version is out
>Tfw people think that all the people on welfare are lazy shits.
>Tfw you see lazy sacks of shit giving people on welfare a bad name.
>Tfw you see poor kids and their mom/dad is smoking, drinking and gambling.
>Tfw seeing a kid's potential being wasted because he can't afford to pursue his education.
>>Tfw someone throws food because "hurr it's 1 day past expiration"

Thats just good health practice anon
Not at all

most of those expiration dates are simply best before.

I buy expired food all the time for %50 off. Tastes good.
Oh fuck!
I don't remember the specifics but i remember very damn well when my mother would use me to ask things in her behalf because i was a Supposedly cute little kid and she though i didn't know what SHAME was.
If its best before it will say best before

if it says due date, its the due date
>tfw no iphone! ;-;
>Create jobs
Keep in mind that most the poor have a mentality that goes with it and keeps them poor and makes them horrible people.
So create shitty jobs but give support to their children. These are the ones you can help.
Hearing of only the bad things that happened i can't help but build a positive image of you, but how much did it fuck you up? In your situation i would probably become bitter as fuck, have no conditions of developing a good personality.
something by metric... what's the name?!!?

aaargh its killing me
Excuses as to why you justify being a wasteful faggot
This so bad.

I personally usually buy a huge bag of couscous and pour tabasco sauce all over that shit. It's not as heavy as other carbs but still makes you feel full and it's not too pricey.
>never owned a cellphone
You just reminded me of a time i was walking on the street talking with some buddies and drinking a mcdonalds coke.
That thing was too big and i couldn't drink it anymore, just wanted to get rid of it. Two trash recyclers where coming on the other direction pulling their cart full of paper and cans and i didn't think twice, stretched my hand and offered him my coke.
He grabbed it and i kept walking. One second later judging by how little weight had been lifted from my hand i realized that i gave him just the watery icey leftovers of my coke.
I looked back and the look on his face was like he was the victim of a cruel joke, and i guess he was.
I didn't mean it though.
>"Anon. Your pants have holes in them. You should put on a new pair"
>"I am wearing a new pair. These have holes in them too"
>"All of your pants have holes!? Why don't you buy new ones"
>"I cant afford to"
>"LOL! Anon. They're only like $25"
>"....Oh. Wow. Uh.... Well I mean the holes in your pants add style I guess"
>Tfw when you're a little six year old trying to trick an adult
>hoping you'll fail so you can get caught and receive the help you need and at the same time hoping you won't get caught so you don't have to face the shame.
The adults are stupid, don't care about you and you succeed.
>tfw when NHS
feels good yo

I am serious. Being a poorfag is a state of mind. I am on paper, a poorfag:

>For the last 10 years I usually have between $10 - $50 left before pay day.

>only rented by myself once, rest of the time with flatmates (had 64 flatmates across 3 states now)

>No car, just public transport and a bike.

But I do not consider myself to be a poorfag. I truly believe being a poorfag is a state of mind.
being poor is about how much money you own

being a poorfag is about how much you moan

or at least that's what this other anon is trying to say, im not sure whether i agree with it also that rhymed.
Stuff like this makes me feel so privileged despite having been dealt a raw hand. My dad was on a 70,000 pounds salary while I was growing up, my childhood was pretty much faultless. He became an alcoholic though and my mum didn't work/have any qualifications, he became gradually more abusive and drank himself to death. My mum divorced him, but since I was next of kin I had to pay off all his debts, 60,000 pounds. Total fucking bullshit. We had to sell all our stuff, and now we live in a welfare house in a semi-rough area. I go to one of the top 5 world universities though now, so I hope to change my fortunes and help my mum out after all this bullshit. My dream is to marry some girl and save her from a bad life because noone deserves this shit.

How difficult is it to emigrate from the US? I'm guessing you would require a 2 year or 4 year degree in a job that is in demand over there.

I doubt it's even possible for people to break free of the paradigm, just pick up and leave and go, not knowing where, and still making it out alright.
>never ate breakfasted or lunch growing up
>in year 4 everyone was eating lunch besides me, a teacher asked me where's mine.
>told her I forgot it but she saw threw my lies so she gave me her apple, felt so embarrassed.
>avoided that teacher, had another catch on but they got the idea that I won't accept their charity (didn't want to be bullied, wasn't a pride thing)
>some of my beds/furniture were found on the streets during bulk-pickups
>mum never bought me clothes, or any other basic nessecitiess
>In year 11 had no clothes for school wore my grand dads shirt, it was really old, teachers and students bullied me alike
>grand parents had to buy me shoes was taught that it was a blessing in life (in the sense not the belief) and that I should be eternally grateful
>been working since I was 14 giving my mum $100 a week for 4 years then $150, I'm now 21.
>she hasn't worked a full time job in all my life
>never was allowed to shower and if I was it was for 3 minutes
>from 4-17 had a drug addict alcoholic mothers boyfriend abuse me, combine this with all the poor feels and school bullying.
>in a tinychat with online friend (19yo college freshman) and about 10 other people
>he starts playing with his dad's revolver, faking russian roulette (yes, i know this is dumb)
>he fucks up
>bullet in chamber
>shoots himself
>nobody sees flash or hears a shot
>his cam is really dark, all you can see is a lamp
>can hear weird breathing noises, friend is off cam
>everyone thinks he must be playing some sick joke
>those who don't believe it's fake can't do anything about it (4am and nobody online at the time has his address)
>nearly an hour passes
>i leave
>later that morning, another friend calls the cops to check it out
>found dead in his room
>some still think it's part of an elaborate hoax
>see obituary
>story leaked to local media, gets reprinted worldwide
>i email the detective to help out, give him my account of what happened
>he tells me some details about the accident

mfw that poor fucker bled to death while we just watched and listened.
mfw his parents were upstairs asleep and the gunshot didn't wake them (apparently this is uncommon).


never play with guns
Anyone have bro teachers that bought you lunch sometimes when they saw you were starving?

They don't even make that much either.
>uncle would buy pizza when he came to visit, fuck yea (even though it was Pizza Hut horseshit, it was awesome compared to old Hamburger Helper)

>pizza hut horseshit

you deserve to be poor you worthless fuck
Fuck me daddy, im your worthless whore
>is richfag
>no internet until 13 too (because parents thought it was bad for me)
>only eats 2 meals a day because that's how my eating habits are
>wears only 2 pair of jeans and a few tees/shirts he likes, each costs 200$+ at least (/fa/g here)
>My fav boots are lasting me over 2 years now, looks fantastic (were around 600$)
>doesn't even play vidya (pleb hobby)

>Dad is multi millionaire business man, every time I asked for shit told me to fuck off and earn my own money, so I did.
>I know your feels bro.
So you earned that expensive clothes?
No, no, you really, really don't. Did you pay for the house you live in? Do you pay for your education? Do you eat healthy, quality food on a consistent basis? Did you pay for your /fa/ clothes?

You have a safety net. If you fail to care for yourself, Daddy will catch you when you fall. We don't fucking have anyone to support us, most of the people ITT were lucky enough to receive government support.

Our parents were imbeciles who shit us out when they couldn't even care for themselves. Your father is successful and wants you to value his standing in life, rather than be an ungrateful little shit. You sound like an ungrateful little shit.
I worked since I'm 16. Now in uni, living in a little flat I pay rent for and working part time as a bartender + translating shit to English, because my English teacher got me into it at 11th grade, though shitty money (not USA fag).

And yes, quality clothes lasts you a few years at least. Now days I barely buy clothes because I'm pretty much set on what I like to wear and what I have.

But yes, I had a much better childhood than most people who posted here. World is a cruel place and not everyone has equal chances at life.
>pay for education
>not studying good enough to get free education
I am not aware how it is in USA, but where I live it's how it is.
>that feel when your only birthday wishes are automated
>that feel when still in love with your ex
>that feel when the only thing you still enjoy after work is anime
The second one cuts the deepest. I really miss him even after all the horrible things he said about me after the breakup.
That's cute, you ignored every single other point that I made and tried to redirect the discussion back towards how shitty the US is.

Does your country take care of your housing, groceries and clothing, too?
We could have a whole thread dedicated to mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters that we would kill. You should at the very least make your mother swallow her teeth.
Why are you posting here then?

You'll be getting millions in inheritance from your dead parents.

You no know "poor" feels
>tfw dad fucked off 2 weeks ago
>have to move soon
>mother earns minimum wage in a demeaning job
>even though she has a fucking economics degree (but not recognised here)
>now under pressure to perform academically
>need to get A's to get into a decent university
>at least welfare isn't bad here, NHS in case we get sick
>feel sorry for USA poorfags, can't imagine what it's like with even worse welfare
Oh, and I forgot that my job could very well be going away because the company wants to massively cut wages/benefits, and is threatening to move all manufacturing to Mexico if we don't like it.

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