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  • File :1238705784.jpg-(37 KB, 494x371, 04-Squatters' tenement in Monrovia. Phot(...).jpg)
    37 KB What's your RENT? Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:56:24 No.3739220  
    Sup /r9k/

    I was curious as to how much you pay for rent and where you live? Does this include rent? How many bedrooms/bathrooms do you have?

    I currently live in Bushwick Brooklyn and pay $633 a month for rent. I have two other roommates that pay the same. We each have our own bedrooms and we have one bathroom. This does not include utilities, which run us about $150 a month. so in total for our apartment it is $2050 a month.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:59:12 No.3739251
    My mortgage is $1000 for 2100 sq. feet.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:01:24 No.3739278
    I pay about 390 USD every month for rent. I live in central Gothenburg, Sweden in a one-bedroom-apartment by myself. Utilities, internet and cable included.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:03:31 No.3739317
    I used to pay $275 when I had my own place.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:05:26 No.3739341
    Feels good man
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:05:48 No.3739349
    I live near center of one of Finland's biggest cities. Total rent is 906e, which is divided among 3 people (so 302e per person, you mathematically impaired). Includes water and electricity. The house itself is 3 bedrooms + Living room + Kitchen + 2 bathrooms + 1 closet.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:06:42 No.3739360
    BRL 380.00 rent
    BRL 150.00 tax
    BRL 140.00 condominium tax

    total BRL 670.00
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:07:28 No.3739372
    Me and my three roommates pay $200 a month for a four bedroom (technically, one of the bedrooms is a converted office), two story house near downtown Omaha, NE. Big house, awesome roommates. Plus, the utilities, electric, and cable/internet usually only run another $125 or so, so I'm living pretty good and cheap.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:08:23 No.3739382
    300 Ca. a month, includes everything, but we have no cable, which is okay. Living in london in a house with a roommate.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:08:49 No.3739390
    Two bedroom apartment with two other roommates. We each pay about $500 a month, plus utilities and whatnot.
    >> heartsonfire !lvotQ395OI 04/02/09(Thu)17:10:30 No.3739401
    I live near Tompkins Sq. Park and I pay a little under $1200 a month, including utilities.
    >> BRDude !!SqoyMKRJaSy 04/02/09(Thu)17:11:06 No.3739408
    Around U$ 290 (R$ 650).
    It is a really small room, with a smaller bathroom. And that's all.
    However, It pays the energy, the water, the intrawebs connection and it comes with a refrigerator, a microwave oven, and the basic forniture.

    Quite good huh?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:11:18 No.3739414
    Oh, and this is San Jose, California.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:11:26 No.3739415
    GBP 210 a month utilities included (thats 309 dollars)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:11:45 No.3739417
    I rent a full house (3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, undeveloped basement) in Calgary, Canada for $1500 (about 1200 USD) between me and my two roommates. Utilities are about 75 bucks each a month.

    Its not too bad of a deal though; I've seen main floors and basement suites going for 1500 themselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:12:53 No.3739427
    Downtown Raleigh

    Studio apartment $485/mo. Includes water.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:15:41 No.3739455
    $350 including everything

    I make $550 a month though
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:20:07 No.3739499
    mankato, minnesota

    three roommates including myself, four bedrooms, two bathrooms. include utilities except for electric, 315/month

    next year, i'm moving into a 3 bedroom with four roommates, two bathroom, and we'll be doing 229/month with only water included.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:21:08 No.3739513
    this is my house bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:24:55 No.3739544
    I pay 300$/mo for a room in a 3-bedroom/ 1.5 bath house in Santa Barbara, California. This is actually insanely cheap for the area, usually the cheapest you can possibly find round here is 600 for a room. ~35$ in utilities.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:25:15 No.3739548
    Sherbrooke, Quebec(canada)

    $620 (canadian) for 3 bedrooms + 2 other rooms + bathroom, we're 3

    $205/each + $50/each for power = $25

    I make $600 to 700 per month at my part-time glorified minimum wage job. ~$1500/month during the summer when I work full time.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:26:47 No.3739567

    I'm from Brooklyn. That is a shit load of money for a 3 bedroom in a shitty part of Brooklyn.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:29:37 No.3739597
    1350 GBP/month for a 1 bedroom flat

    Central london ftl
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:31:09 No.3739609
    If you're from brooklyn you'd know that all the uppity niggers from manhattan gone and skyrocketed our rent prices.
    Goddamned uppity niggers.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:31:34 No.3739616

    where in brooklyn do you live and what do you pay?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:31:54 No.3739619
    Holy shit, you could probably save a crapload by taking a train or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:32:06 No.3739620
    Pittsburgh, $1200/month for a 4 bedroom apartment split 4 ways, about 150 each for utilities.

    post your property taxes, slut
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:33:10 No.3739631

    I got a 2 bedroom in Bensonhurst for $650 a month.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:34:24 No.3739642
    325 GBP per month for a one bed apartment in the city.
    Includes rates, but not electric/gas which hardly costs me anything anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:34:37 No.3739645
    yeah but I like to wake up late :)
    >> heartsonfire !lvotQ395OI 04/02/09(Thu)17:35:54 No.3739656
    And it looks like Bushwick in particular is getting pretty trendy. I'm in college and most of my friends are either in Bushwick or SpaHa.

    :( Sorry for being one of those Manhattan uppity niggers, anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:37:20 No.3739670
    EUR 250 for one room of about 10 square meters plus a walk-in closet, that's about $336 for 100 square feet. I live in Eindhoven. It includes utilities. I also have 9 roommates, two bathrooms and a gigantic living room and kitchen. It's a big house.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:38:21 No.3739680
    625 a month for a 3 bedroom/1.5bath townhouse plus about 100$ for cable and T.V. and about 100$ a month for utilities. We don't pay for water.

    Northern California fuck yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:41:32 No.3739712
    Berlin, Tiergarten. I pay 290 a month for 52 square feet. Its alright, right next to the Spree and close to the shops... I could be paying the same on the other side of the city in the trendy places and be getting 20 square feet.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:47:47 No.3739766
    why there's a german flag in that picture?
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 04/02/09(Thu)17:47:47 No.3739767
    Got a house from my grandpa when he died

    Fuck yeah grandpa
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:50:35 No.3739794
    >Bushwick Brooklyn
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:51:00 No.3739800
    230 EUR/month more or less, utilies and internet included
    3 bedrooms, 4 housemates (me and another guy share the biggest bedroom), kitchen, bathroom.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:53:39 No.3739826

    hipster? how about someone who can't afford to live in Manhattan or West Brooklyn?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:03:03 No.3739936
    100 m2 / 1100ish sq. feet house.
    Like 100USD add 120$ more for adsl, TVcable, electricity, cellphone bill, and three taxes (land, land and water).

    Third world country, FTW!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:05:54 No.3739965
    That has to be either a great find, subsidized or rent controlled.

    I've seen damn few in the city that were under $2000 that weren't one of the above.
    >> heartsonfire !lvotQ395OI 04/02/09(Thu)18:09:02 No.3739995
    Really good luck? I don't know, it was on a random Craigslist posting too. I only have one other roommate, so yeah. Living's pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:15:54 No.3740050
    I live in Fort Greene, Brooklyn and pay $1450 a month, including water and heat. It's a rather large alcove studio (like a 1 bedroom) with its own private backyard. My electricity is negligible, something like 20 bux a month, and gas is around 10. The most expensive bill I have is internet. Fucking Time Warner.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:19:09 No.3740077
    Oh wait, do you each pay $1200 ? That's more in line for that part of town. I thought you meant $1200 total.

    Still not bad for a 2 bedroom. Not "such a deal" but not overpriced I guess. Can I come visit? I'm in Westchester Co. NY

    I pay $800 mo. for a cottage, live alone, electric included, but I pay for propane heat and HW, which killed me this winter, added almost another $150 a month to my rent and that's amortized for the year.

    Also, every time I see your name, the tune "Wheels on fire" plays in my head. I need sleep.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:25:54 No.3740129
    Still live with parents. I give them 60GBP a month
    >> heartsonfire !lvotQ395OI 04/02/09(Thu)18:29:11 No.3740180
    I typically like my internets and rl not touching each other on my dinner plate.

    >Also, every time I see your name, the tune "Wheels on fire" plays in my head.
    Ha. That would have been a cooler tripfag name. I was bored with playing faceless and I saw my earrings (they're from a company with the same name). So lameness ensued.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:31:21 No.3740200
    slightly related question. I'm an 18 year old currently mooching off my parents. I'm about to start school and it's driving me crazy. How does one find an apartment and become independent? I have virtually no credit history and can't take out a lease for an apartment? If I were able to find a shitty low tier job making o' say 8-9 dollars an hour part time, would I be able to afford a 400-500 dollar a month rent?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:07:19 No.3740566
    I live in central Florida. The mortgage is 1100 for 3 acres, 2200 sqft, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, plus a mother in law apartment. The electricity bill runs anywhere from $600 to over $1000. 5 people live here now, it was 7 a week or so ago. The ceilings are 20+ feet high and that's why the electricity is so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:14:19 No.3740634

    if you are in a smaller area, you can probably get an apartment for first month rent + security (which costs as much as the first month's rent)... usually small-time landlords don't really do credit checks. if you are nervous about it, offer first months rent, last months rent, and deposit.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:15:56 No.3740651
    $425/mo for a studio apartment in Terra Haute, IN

    its a converted motel
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:16:02 No.3740653
    OP is either a fucking Nigger or Hipster trash.

    Pic is probably where he lives.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:18:40 No.3740680


    neither, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:18:52 No.3740682
    700$ a month for a small 2.5 bedroom house with a crappy basement

    Utilities are usually about 300$
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:20:09 No.3740693

    Get the fuck out of Bushwick then.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:20:27 No.3740702
    I live with one roommate and each of us pay $665 a month in Santa Barbara county (Goleta to be precise). 1 bed one 1 bath. Its pretty spacious, and gas and cable/internet are included. Utilities (trash water electric) run us about 70 a month which we split down the middle. I plan to move to a cheaper city after I get my degree.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:20:43 No.3740709
    texas, 1 block from the university

    400 rent
    160 water/elec/gas
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:26:23 No.3740751
    the loan+ rent for my apartment is about $1000 and with the money I owe my stepfather thats another $850

    So about $1850 a month. Alone. Now add bills and food on top of that. Had no problem paying it before, when I made $3.700 a month. But then I lost my job. Now I collect about $2000 a month for unemployment and my moneyreserves are running low since I use more money then what I recieve.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:30:39 No.3740799
    Nashville TN

    My mortgage is $900/mo for a 1000ft2 2BR house.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:37:00 No.3740859
    are there any texans here? im looking for a place of my own within a few weeks and wouldn't mind some help. im over in denton/lewisville area.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:42:41 No.3740915
    985/month 1bed/1bath. welcome to silicon valley...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:03:36 No.3741826
    If you live in Arkansas, you've lived in or near a Lindsey apartment property. They're huge here, and they're expanding into the surrounding states.

    The place I'm in right now is $350 for 1BD/1BT or $450 (I think) for 2BD/1BT (all without utilities, which can run about $100 more), but there's a maximum annual income limit of about $20k -- in other words, it's for poor people and students from the local university. Their non-limited places are only a little more expensive, though. My neighborhood is pretty decent, but some of them aren't.

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