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  • File :1238703973.gif-(10 KB, 400x283, RD.gif)
    10 KB Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:26:13 No.3738820  
    Why do people claim that Democrats and liberals are so smart when they represent and are supported by some of the stupidest fucking people in the country?

    Sure, Republicans are not perfect - they could really stand to lose the religionfags - but damn... Democrats lobby for groups of people most of you despise anyway.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 04/02/09(Thu)16:27:19 No.3738844
    Hey, let's group together millions of people based on some general label they give themselves!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:28:29 No.3738863
    How about you vote on the issues you care about and what your representatives support instead of their party?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:28:30 No.3738865
    Ironically, all the gay people I know are Republican.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:30:05 No.3738893
    that's because they're rich since they have 2 incomes in the household and no kids
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:31:31 No.3738921
    Actually, they're in highschool.
    >> Y !YYYY.O6U/I 04/02/09(Thu)16:31:36 No.3738924
    on average democrats have spent more years in higher education than republicans
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:31:36 No.3738925
    That's what intelligent people do. But that's clearly not how the majority of the country goes about voting.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:33:19 No.3738953
    Its that danged liberal bias o reality
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:33:38 No.3738956
    No, that's not true at all, it is about even among the two as it relates to bachelor's degrees and graduate degrees earned.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:34:34 No.3738968
    That's what we call self-hating.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:36:23 No.3738990
    Republicans: people with money (and thus, prefer lower taxes, and more freedom to do what they want with their own hard-earned dollars)
    Democrats: people who don't have money (and hence want higher taxes, because it doesn't affect them and their lowest-tax-bracket income, but it provides all the social services they can't afford due to blowing too much money on vices, addictions, and other needless shit)
    >> Y !YYYY.O6U/I 04/02/09(Thu)16:36:30 No.3738991
    Fuck off
    TOTAL Democrat Republican
    No High School 64% 35%
    H.S. Graduate 55% 44%
    Some College 51% 47%
    College Graduate 49% 49%
    Postgraduate 58% 41%

    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:37:21 No.3739003
    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:

    Political discussions on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:37:25 No.3739004
    "higher education" doesn't really mean anything.
    4 to 8 years of "literature" is just as worthless as no college at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:37:38 No.3739006
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    I fixed it.
    Prepare for truth.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:38:57 No.3739023
    thats because college professiors are, next to possibly hollywood, the most liberal group of people in the country. they brainwash their students into thinking leftist. those who pursue higher education generally make more money, and thus, are generally more republican-oriented. highschool dropouts make shit wages and/or live on welfare, so they prefer the democratic approach to things.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:38:59 No.3739024

    the more educated one is the more likely one is inclined to view life from a socially liberal lens. economic conservatism can go either way because the more educated one is the more likely one is inclined to earn more money which would lead to economic conservatism sheerly out of self interest if not ideology.

    but in general, the educated demographic is leaning democrat by quite a good margin. especially in this last election the numbers were striking.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:39:18 No.3739027
    That's cool.

    How do independents factor in?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:40:01 No.3739033

    What anon is talking about is generally true. Liberals do in fact spend more years in college and give more money to higher education in doing so. Why? Because they tend to have the lowest grades and the worst work effort. From experience here, the liberal campus fags spent all their time smoking pot, protesting stupid shit (like more equal rights for fags on campus when somebody wrote "fuck gay people" on the bathroom wall...) and trying to get their dreadlocks JUST right so THEY TOO can join in a fucking drum circle.

    Oh, and before you accuse me of being a staunch Republican, I am actually a moderate and independent. I just think liberals are the biggest fucking tools in the box.
    >> Y !YYYY.O6U/I 04/02/09(Thu)16:40:15 No.3739036
    CNN didn't tell me
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:40:19 No.3739038

    also, conspiracy theorists
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:40:23 No.3739039
    Add "old people" to the democrat list.
    > baaah i want my SS check, fuck you alll, i don't understand half of the shit going on in the world but i'm going to vote for the people who give me free money baaah
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:41:09 No.3739046
    ITT: whiny conservative populism
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:41:21 No.3739048
    "incorrect."? seems someone didn't go to college, for you'd know that statement is grammatically incorrect. ya pompous, condonscending, liberal douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:42:10 No.3739056
    American politics are weird. Liberalism is all about the free market, which Americans love, yet they generally tend to hate the Democrats from what i've seen. I really don't understand it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:42:49 No.3739067
    If you think so, you're welcome to add it.

    Any other amendments to The Great Party Chart?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:43:14 No.3739072
    i pretty much agree with you, but i'd narrow down that last statement to "liberals who attend college". too stupid to form their own ideas or think for themself, so they just jump on whatever stupid bandwagon presents itself to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:43:17 No.3739073
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    How do you explain why almost all Negroes vote Democrat?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:43:56 No.3739077
    Probably because your stance that Democrats have higher education on average is based on how people voted.

    You didn't consider that Democrats recieved MORE votes.

    You didn't consider the registered Independants at all

    You didn't consider that maybe Republicans of higher education didn't think the 2006 election important. (Both my parents have masters degrees, are registered Republican and didn't vote in the 2006 election)

    You didn't consider the individual candidates. Which could lead to a registered Democrat voting Republican, as well as a registered Republican voting Democrat.

    Really, that evidence flimsy at best and intentionally misleading at worst.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:44:24 No.3739086
    American liberalism is different from Classic liberalism.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:44:27 No.3739087
    because they are uneducated niggers who view republican=cowboy lynchmob driving a ford truck, and democrat=BLACK MAN/people that give us da welfare cheques
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:44:27 No.3739088

    cynical polysci students
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:44:52 No.3739094
    You obviously don't grasp American politics.

    Democrats favor a socialist economy with more government control in private lives and corporations.

    Republics favor a laissez faire economy with less government control in private lives and corporations.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:44:59 No.3739096
    thats a gross generallization worthy of a right wing, hack, blowhard, commentator; which is probably where u learned to regurgitate that sort of pablum.

    higher education is now co-opted by big business. have you been to a college lately. pepsi or coke on campus? who funds the science dept? who funds the foundations? its run by big money and the professors get in line with the new paradigm. college professors as a gross generalization are more liberal, buts that simply because it is impossible to remain at a lower level of fear based thought: xenophobia, etc. when you have educated yourself out of that level.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:45:26 No.3739101
    OP just happens to be a young, college Republican.

    You're a sick freak, what the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:45:42 No.3739104
    The Party of Inclusion right here, ladies and gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:46:01 No.3739109
    Can you blame them for voting Democrat?

    If someone said "Vote for me and I'll give you free money for doing nothing" and the other guy said "It's better for everyone if you work for the money you earn" who would YOU vote for?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:46:05 No.3739110
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:46:58 No.3739117
    Then why do they call themselves Liberal? From what I read, the Democrats seem more like the U.K's New Labour, but even less Socialist.
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 04/02/09(Thu)16:47:40 No.3739128
    OP gets 2/10. Mediocre political troll, but r9k always bites.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:48:25 No.3739133
    incorrect. the word incorrect is legitimate. are you really trying to argue that its not?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:49:23 No.3739143
    The Democrats have had niggers fooled since 1866. Lincoln was prepared to cut them a fair deal but he was assassinated. Andrew Johnson got into office and ended up leading the plans ALREADY laid out for a reconstruction of the south so the niggers were all jumping for joy. They gave credit to the Democrats for the plan the Republicans had already laid out.

    The funniest thing is that Al Sharpton, to this day, blames Abraham Lincoln for not giving blacks the promised acre of land and a mule. HE WAS FUCKING SHOT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD YOU STUPID FUCKING SPEAR CHUCKERS!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:52:56 No.3739181
    Liberal was actually a negative term conjured up for the EXTREME left Democrats in the U.S. This term has since been adopted by the Democrats as their second name though as the extreme wing of the party has taken it over. American and European Liberals and Conservatives are very different so you need to discard that thinking immediately.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:53:10 No.3739184
    Perhaps you're referring to classical liberalism, rather than the modern "welfare" liberalism.
    In the case of classical liberalism, the Democrats agree with the belief in personal freedoms, but tend to disagree with the belief in laissez-faire economy, or anything close to it.

    That's what makes people hate the Democrats. Also note that a great number of Americans (I hesitate to say the majority) have misguided political opinions and do not consider them thoroughly enough to correct them; this applies to Democrats and Republicans alike.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:55:40 No.3739211
    I tend to find most people that vote Democrat have little idea what the party even stands for. I remember talking to one girl who was a naturalized citizen from Macedonia. She had just voted for Al Gore the day before and asked me who I voted for. When I told her Bush, she asked me why and I explained all the policies I agree with (anti-abortion, pro death penalty, pro gun owner rights, etc.). She then goes, "I agree with those too!" She voted for Gore because people told her that Bush was evil and Gore was going to make dreams come true.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:56:33 No.3739222
    To be fair, Republicans do it too.

    Really, both parties are guilty as hell of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:57:29 No.3739235
    Repuglicans are just known for being self-centered and want to hoard money for themselves, that's why they are usually so stupid.

    Also there's the moral crapvoters, which tends to include toothless rednecks.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)16:59:17 No.3739252
    >the Democrats agree with the belief in personal freedoms

    Like freedom of association? Oh no wait they forced everyone to integrate.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:00:35 No.3739267
    All smart wealthy people are Democrats, see Warren Buffet :D! Nicest man ever, saw this economy shit from the beginning, and he's best buds with Bill Gates! So by the transitive law Bill Gates is a Democrat >:D..

    What's wrong with women? Every time a large amount of women enter the workforce the economy improves, there are some correlations and studies if you want to actually educate yourself.. Also, if you go to a private school in the north, I can guarantee more than half of the kids and their parents will be liberal, because they are willing to pay higher taxes for a functioning country..

    About minorities voting Democrats, this one is easy... Republicans hate immigrants, the stupid vocal ones are simply outright racist and constantly keep drumming up legislation to help out "real" white America.. This scares off minorities, rightfully so, so they go for the Democrats..

    Vegans, so what? Are your beliefs any better than theirs? Sure some can be very annoying, but most are not really that annoying at all.. Don't condemn a whole party because of a vocal minority..

    Now, about the cool to hate Bush kids.. It's RIGHT to hate Bush not cool, he literally just took away and ignored half of our freedoms, looks like the terrorists got what they wanted..

    btw I was jking about the Bill Gates thing, no one really knows what he is, but he is most probably a Democrat...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:01:29 No.3739282
    No the Democrats are the selfish ones, they want to take other people's money for themselves. The Republicans think that people should be able to keep the money they earned. That's not self-centered at all.

    Republican voters donate more money to charities than Democratic voters.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:01:52 No.3739288
    This is someone who votes Democrat.

    Vote straight Republican 2012. You don't wanna be THIS guy.....do you?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:02:34 No.3739296

    Jesus fucking shit, not this anarchist shit again.. When someones belief begins to arbitrarily restrict another groups freedoms, you think that is right? An integrated human race will be much more effective than a divisive one, get your head out of your ass and into a vat of acid..
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:03:05 No.3739306
    Why are there so many fucking Libertarian faggots on the Internet? You're a bunch of morons.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:03:08 No.3739308
    Republicans donate a fuck ton more money to charity than Democrats do.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:03:10 No.3739309
    How can it still be Liberalism if one of the key features has been changed though. That'd be like calling an ideology with low taxes and public spending Socialist.
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 04/02/09(Thu)17:03:21 No.3739316
    very subtle but very rage inducing.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:05:46 No.3739347
    Americans are Capitalist because they don't understand anything else.
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 04/02/09(Thu)17:05:54 No.3739350
    This thread: Everyone makes unsubstantiated arguments

    I revise prior rating to 3/10, OP is counter trolling and enhancing total value
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:07:36 No.3739376
    >When someones belief begins to arbitrarily restrict another groups freedoms, you think that is right?

    Like the Liberal's belief in racial equality which causes them to restrict everyone's freedom of association?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:09:06 No.3739395
    Democrats favor more control in business, less in private.
    Republicans favor more in private, less in business.
    Libertarians are ANARCHY LOL!!1!1!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:11:03 No.3739407
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:11:12 No.3739412

    Wait what? Like how? Give me an example that really pisses you off...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:12:12 No.3739424
    Don't forget that Democrats have done away with the basic right to freedom from discrimination.

    Thanks to them Asians and Whites are discriminated against due to their race, because on average they are too successful. So they are passed up for jobs and denied schooling just because of the colour of their skin.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:13:05 No.3739429


    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:13:30 No.3739436
    There sure are some cool kids in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:14:15 No.3739442
    Oh, fuck you. I'm a furfag, and I'm definitely not a Democrat. I'm a somewhat liberal Republican.

    Liberal/Conservative have just about nothing to do with whether you're Democrat/Republican. Democrats don't understand how the economy works.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:15:05 No.3739450

    Oh shit people cannot be this retarded.. I thought the kids in school were joking but.. holy shit..
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:16:10 No.3739458

    Incorrect; blacks almost unanimously voted Republican up until the 40's until FDR's big government social programs enslaving their entire community to dependency on the Federal government.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:17:27 No.3739469

    Well no not for that reason assjockey, Republicans also switched their ideology around...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:19:10 No.3739485

    I think alot of furries are republicans

    because they are childish retards
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:25:39 No.3739555
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    Liberals win.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:25:58 No.3739558
    watch the mayfair set if you think republicans understand the economy

    no one understands the fucking economy
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:27:21 No.3739577

    What the hell do you mean they changed their ideology in the 40's?

    Have you read history on the Civil Rights Movement?

    Since Abraham Lincoln, Republicans have been there for blacks when it counted. Nevertheless, Democrats invariably take all the credit for the success of the civil rights movement and invariably fail to give any credit to Republicans.

    To all blacks out there: It disappoints me that your families and neighborhoods continue to be degraded by the Democratic party.

    "The Representative becomes the master by posing as the servant."
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:27:31 No.3739579

    She really is the easiest person to hate in the world. When she dies I am going to have a party and it will be the best party ever!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:27:38 No.3739580
    econ major here. this is the wisest person in this thread so far
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:28:19 No.3739584

    lol you dont know about the party switch you are a retard
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:31:46 No.3739618
    Only if you're Welsh.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:33:02 No.3739629
    The amount of times I have seen that fucking graph on here
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:34:07 No.3739639

    Or northern or compassionate or anything other than upper middle class
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:36:02 No.3739659
    Because the rest of the world are democrats and are all superior to America both in test marks and success.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:40:05 No.3739699
    I like how business owners are seen as more worthwhile than professors, and how wealthy successful people doesnt seem to include people such as bill gates, george soros and the majority of arts related professions.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:47:36 No.3739764
    No they actually proved statistically democrats are smarter than republicans. Looking at the linguistic skill of Obama and Bush proves this too.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:04:38 No.3739952
    >Looking at the linguistic skill of Obama and Bush proves this too.

    If you balance out their flaws in speaking you'll find that they're about the same.
    >> Tanaan Hathei !!ZnNQJxuQi28 04/02/09(Thu)18:08:06 No.3739985
    Democrats and Republicans both fucking suck. Third parties (that are never going to get elected because of the shitty two-party "Democratic system") for the win!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:10:08 No.3740007
    I'm a furfag and a Republican.

    I just hate the jesus freaks, warmongers and hyper-capitalists, aside from that the GOP has its shit together
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:20:21 No.3740088
    Democrats also have scientists, since Republicans LOOOOVE to cancel their funding based on bullshit dogma.
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 04/02/09(Thu)18:24:52 No.3740117
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    >rest of the world more successful than america
    >USA largest GDP by a huge margin
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:26:30 No.3740138
    Not to mention debt.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:27:33 No.3740155
    You guys do realize the "questionan your maturity" is a classic tactic used by Republicans since they can't defend their views with logic, only appeals to emotion? Right?
    >> Attention Whore !!ItIkrFwnmZB 04/02/09(Thu)18:27:39 No.3740157
    GDP doesn't measure living standards in ANY way. USA is a perfect example of that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:27:59 No.3740161
    If Democrats had all the women then they would every single national election.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:28:14 No.3740167

    You consider that success?

    No wonder your country is going to burn to the ground.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:30:06 No.3740190
    >Douche bag college profs.
    liberal biased? you have apparently not encountered the countless republicunt christfag colleges that exist below the few high tier schools we have
    pieces of shit? you have apparently not encountered the few high tier schools we have that lead by a large margin in research
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:37:12 No.3740245
    Liberals generally have smarter policies, it's as simple as that.

    Legalized Abortion > Illegal Abortion
    No Death Penalty > Death Penalty
    Legalized Drugs > Mandatory Drug Sentencing
    Abiding by the Geneva Conventions > Breaking international treaties and shitting all over the world community
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:39:29 No.3740260
    >No Death Penalty > Death Penalty

    Explain how banning the death penalty benefits anyone other than the people on death row.
    >> LiberalIsolationist !!rppEdCr8cS6 04/02/09(Thu)18:39:47 No.3740263
    Both parties are far too interventionist for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:40:49 No.3740273
    I wonder how much of that GDP was "produced" by the Financial Sector that is now crashing and burning.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:41:41 No.3740282

    1. Business owners aren't restricted to being republicans.
    2. There are plenty of white males 25-60 who are democrats. THE PRESIDENT is one of them, obviously.
    3. Wealthy people are an insignificant voting minority
    4. Jesus-freaks and rednecks are a larger portion of the population than every minority listed under democrats combined.

    Deal with it, republifag.



    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:41:51 No.3740283

    Families of people on death row, tax payers, America's reputation to the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:42:20 No.3740287
    >No Death Penalty > Death Penalty

    This is wrong. Very wrong.

    Also, Democrats are pro-gun control and pro illegal-immigration.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:43:05 No.3740293

    President isn't white, but #2 still stands*
    Silly me.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:43:09 No.3740294
    so republicans are racist too?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:43:38 No.3740298
    You're a complete fucking idiot.

    Legal costs from the appeals from death row inmates cost the state more than keeping them in prison for the rest of their lives.

    People who are innocently convicted don't deserve to die, and innocent convictions happen far too often to be negligible.

    Death sentencing is inhumane.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:43:46 No.3740300

    Since when is the president a 25-60, white male?
    >> LiberalIsolationist !!rppEdCr8cS6 04/02/09(Thu)18:45:31 No.3740322
    >Democrats are pro-gun control and pro illegal-immigration.

    It is very sad that certain members of the supposedly "pro-worker" democratic party advocate lax immigration laws. It is also irritating how democrats will talk on and on about how important the Constitution is while trampling all over the 2nd Amendment.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:45:35 No.3740324
    Show some evidence.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:46:11 No.3740331
    Because societies that have banned guns have far lower crime and murder rates than america. Simple as that.

    Pro-illegal anything? Are you that fucking dumb?

    Also, almost all of the scientists I've done research with in my entire university stay have been democrats. And if you think the most educated people in this country are douchebags, I think that speaks volumes in itself.

    Also, implying that you own a business or are wealthy has absolutely nothing to do with moral character. lrn2utilitarianism, and you can see why the republican party is really, really shitty.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:48:36 No.3740354

    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:48:36 No.3740355
    If you've WORKED with scientists, you'd understand why your comparison between two different societies is bad data, and a very faulty assumption.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:49:04 No.3740360

    I'm for the death penalty and anti-gun control. I voted Obama. Do I give a shit about barrel shrouds and certain assault rifles being banned? No, because I'm a realist. You can still get them if you care enough to plow through the red tape. Or you could just buy them from under the table gun show deals like everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:49:05 No.3740362
    ITT: Republicans suck, Democrats suck worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:49:21 No.3740367
    Furfag here. I accidentally republican. Is this dangerous?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:50:58 No.3740385
    Biased source
    Biased source
    Editorial citing biased source
    Editorial citing biased source
    CNN citing biased source

    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:51:41 No.3740389
    >Also, Democrats are pro illegal-immigration.

    What? Nice straw man you fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:51:57 No.3740392
    Okay, so disregard all the evidence, WHILE PROVIDING ABSOLUTELY NONE OF YOUR OWN. Excellent strategy!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:52:16 No.3740400
    You don't know what a straw-man argument is.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:53:11 No.3740417

    >societies that have banned guns have far lower crime and murder rates than america.

    Not only is this patently false in general, but in specific, gun-crime rates have been shown to go UP after gun bans.
    >> Realpolitik 04/02/09(Thu)18:53:16 No.3740419
    The Democrats make me ashamed to be an American.

    The Republicans make me ashamed to be a human being.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:56:21 No.3740450
    dude, two words.

    Sarah Palin.

    An uneducated creationist was about to become the vice president. A FUCKING CREATIONIST.
    What does this tell you about the republican party?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:00:16 No.3740482
         File :1238713216.jpg-(20 KB, 573x353, Homicide Rates for Selected Co(...).jpg)
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    I dunno about specific causes, but it's pretty clear america's homicide rate is xbawks hueg
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:00:55 No.3740493
    And it has nothing to do with guns.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:02:38 No.3740510

    Nobody is pro-illegal immigration you fucking numbnut. Except for Bush, of course. How many millions of illegal immigrants did he grant amnesty to, again?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:02:42 No.3740511
    >uncited graph
    Boy, I am very convinced! I believe that this graph is 100% accurate, no questions asked!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:03:20 No.3740518
    What are the factors that make it higher than the next 3 countries on that list combined?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:05:10 No.3740542
    One word.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:05:17 No.3740543
    Who knows, probably our culture.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:05:51 No.3740548
         File :1238713551.png-(100 KB, 800x406, 800px-Map-world-murder-rate-re(...).png)
    100 KB
    Talk about a biased graph.

    Pick out the few countries in the world with extremely low homicide rates, and compare them to the USA, which has average homicide rates.

    Or we can be fair and unbiased and compare worldwide, like my picture does.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:06:40 No.3740558
         File :1238713600.gif-(7 KB, 355x480, MurderRateGraph.gif)
    7 KB
    Not gun related, but death penalty related!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:07:59 No.3740571
         File :1238713679.jpg-(191 KB, 612x742, homiciderates.jpg)
    191 KB
    Here's another. Funny how things become totally different when you remove the bias...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:09:07 No.3740582
    But we're discussing gun control. There are a huge number of factors that would raise homocide rates in countries like russia and countries in south america and africa, where police forces are far less capable.

    If you look at countries that have similar other sociological factors, like canada and europe, the US is pretty high in comparison.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:09:48 No.3740586
    Dude, I love generalizing massive groups of people too!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:10:57 No.3740600
    Most of the countries at the top seem to be either 3rd world countries or ex-soviet states. I don't see countries like britain, canada, or any other "western" society on there.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:11:01 No.3740601
    Russian police (HOMO) can kill you with one punch. I challenge you to find me more capable police.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:12:01 No.3740612

    I liked the part where 1.2 was higher and lower than 1 at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:12:25 No.3740616
         File :1238713945.jpg-(2 KB, 78x98, putin smile.jpg)
    2 KB
    I agree! I order this shit all the time!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:12:55 No.3740622
    An armed society is a polite society.
    An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
    Best quotes ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:13:19 No.3740629
    Now I see it, USA has the highest murder rates amongst 1st world countries.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:15:02 No.3740641
    you are stupid arent you? of course we are comparing the usa to the few countries with an extremely low murder rate. the usa claims to be the fucking best doesnt it?

    and EXACTLY that point is disproven by showing the diffirent countries that are way more democract leaning then the usa is ( ie, social security, wellfare state, etc ).
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:15:02 No.3740642
    The republican party appeals to the religious and racists.

    Do you really want to associate yourself with those two groups?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:17:13 No.3740663
    that would be the ideal base, yes. if people where logical. however, they're not. thus, people get angry, and if they have a gun, they will kill earlier. thus, more murder. hooraah. I dare you to find a flaw in this without screaming "LOL NATURAL SELECTION, SOCIAL DARWINISM FTW"
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:19:10 No.3740684
    Requesting breakdown by state. Compare states with strict anti-gun legislation against, oh, say, Texas, Idaho, <your favorite gun-toting redneck state>.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:20:47 No.3740711

    cool ignorance bro
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:21:38 No.3740718
    can I request the same for the other countries? ie, breakdown by province? perhaps by the number people per square kilometer? that compared to the number of guns around?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:23:17 No.3740730

    Funny how that's got almost nothing to do with the death penalty and everything to do with socioeconomic geography and culture.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:23:36 No.3740732
    No point, really. Most countries other than US have blanket laws that don't differ by region.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:23:36 No.3740734
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that fact that they illegalized guns would increase crime rate considering now there's a gun crime for anybody who even owns one.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:23:54 No.3740737


    A well cited argument strongly in favour of people being allowed to have guns. Download the .pdf - it'll answer practically every single question you have about gun control as well as debunk common myths and 'facts'.

    Everything is well cited, with a lot of information coming from world governments themselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:25:13 No.3740745
    Yes, actually, I do.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:26:40 No.3740755
    basically the handful richest are rich enough to spend some to delude the poorest and the most retarded en masse, which is unfortunately necessary due to this "democracy" bullshit, but it's easily circumvented as you see.

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