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>tfw college isn't one big orgy where people party 24/7

Let down expectations post? Let down expectations.

Also, I'm dying alone because no one has sex here.
>no one has sex here.

Shouldn't have gone to waterloo
>OP confirmed for attending shit college
I go to University of Lincoln at Nebraska.

Its my second week, freshmen year, and I still haven't gotten laid.
>i go to waterloo
>bang guys there

I'm sure at least some people are having sex there OP.
you not having sex = nobody having sex?
>tfw me and OP are at the same college.

where you staying at?
I just finished the first week of my second year at a public East coast university and I haven't gotten laid yet.

Keep in mind, I'm a commuter.
Eh, just transferred into a major-ish university in the midwest. No wild parties, no wild sex, none at all. I don't think it's happening nor do I really care. I'm spending way too much on student loans and worked my ass off too much on scholarships to give a fuck.

C'mon man.

Even the neckbeards get laid in college.
Are you a ax murderer?
I'll tell you if you promise not to kill me

>Even the neckbeards get laid in college.

29 year old virgin here, went to 4 year college, liberal arts degree (lots of girls in classes), lived on campus for 1.5 years, never got kissed or held a girl's hand. Not a neckbeard either, although I am your typical scrawny geeky guy.

And BTW, I've actually gotten laid in Lincoln, at a fraternity party, when I was 19, dropped out of everything, and was simply there for the weekend.

Just wait for a football game, you'll be rolling in the poon then.
>first day at uni dorms
>people handing out MDMA and having sex all over
>take mdma
>have sex with a girl who's name I don't know
>wake up
>realize I'm still me, but in college even guys like me have sex
caltech>the outside world
>tfw your prom date friendzoned you after you confess your feelings
>tfw she started university 2 days ago and all you can think about is her getting fucked every night by asshole college guys
I'm not in a frat and have no football tickets. What do?
>don't talk to girls at all
>wonder why you are a virgin
But I do, anon.

Party it up after a football game. Sneak into a bar. Hell, go to Captain Jack's Friday night on 12th for the US men's soccer game. Tell em AOKC sent you, hang out with those guys, bound to be bunch of college bros who will hook you up.
Only frats have crazy outlandish orgies like what you see on those amateur porn sites, and that's seldom. If you want to go to a decent hangout party with some nice people and drink a little and make some funny stories (like what actually goes on in college) join a club and make friends.
>tfw engineering
>tfw live on engineering floor in dorms

Interaction with women is zero. It's my third year of this bullshit and I can count the number of opportunities on half of one hand.
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Recognize this?
bumpan for answer
>tfw going to a hood community college and all the girls have STD's and nigger boyfriends

you gotta find someone in your college town who doesn't go to school to fuck
ITT: Lies lying to liars


1) In some colleges, it may not be 24/7, but it's really close. Ever seen that list of top 10 party schools they release every year? UMASS for example is famous around here in western mass for the amount of undergrad sex in dorms

2) Not all colleges though, as you said, are party havens. E.G. isf you attend some engineering school where >70% of the student body is male, don''t expect any outrageous orgies or vibrant party scene at the school, but even then, keep an eye out for off-campus college parties.

3) Just because you're not getting ass, doesn't mean that other people aren't. College students are alot more promiscuous than you'd l;like to think

No, why?
every engineer at every school is in the same situation
RIT is not unique
RIT dropout reporting in. got my dick sucked by a tri-sig (ugliest sorority on campus)
>freshman in college
>parties on frat row every weekend
>parties every night where there isn't class the next day
>sex everywhere
You must go to a shitty school

My nigga, you don't understand. I visited Caltech, i visited MIT, i visited RIT.

Unlike the first two, RIT HAS this unhealthy 8 to 2 male to female raito. Yes, there are nerds in every school, but you ought to find it rather odd that at RIT, not being some autist dressed in a plain-color t-shirt, a pair of cargo shorts/pants, new balance sneakers and a fedora makes you the odd one out.
The thing is, pretty much every decently large undergrad school can be a great place to get laid. You still have to go out of your way for that to happen, but there are way more opportunities.

Basically if you're a big enough fuckup in high school, there's a chance that'll translate over to high school too.
You're just too beta to get into the orgies, OP.

Freshman 15 doesn't just refer to weight

>Dick sucked
>at RIT

Please tell me how.

For the robots who have never been to this school or have never heard about it.... picture a university populated almost entirely by the typical /g/ and /r9k/ users.

Yes, that's RIT.
>picture a university populated almost entirely by the typical /g/ and /r9k/ users.

Good god, you mean there exists a school where i can just fit in without too much trouble next year?Yes, i'm a HS senior, but i'm 18 tho
>tfw have gf
>tfw am having sex with a girl in college but its my gf from highschool
I feel like it doesn't count.
it doesn't
>Go to a real university where people are here to get an actual education
>People are quiet, first years dress sluttily but thats about it
>Only frat to be found froshing people was kicked off campus

And then I got my bachelors degree. If I wanted to party I'd just get shitty job, an apartment and invite people I hate over every weekend


Seriously though, if you're worried about getting laid, just go to the bars on the weekend in a college town. You'll have no problem, even if you're underage.

>that feel when your school isn't like your typical college town school, where the college is nothing more than a collection of buildings placed somewhere in the middle of the city in an area that's loosely defined as being distinctively college property and not city property
>instead your school is separated from the city entirely and is like some secluded military camp in the forest.
>I was too much of a loser to party let me pretend I didn't really care about it
Any OU fags here?
>go to college to have sex
What a fucking idiot.

>I went to university to get a degree, a job and do research for the rest of my life
>It required work so I had no interest in partying like a high schooler
>I'm the loser, not of the wasted arts major
The "wasted arts major" will have a happier and more fulfilling life than you.

My god, i'm nerdier than the most autistic out there, and finished school with a 4.0, but even i realize the importance of forming and retaining basic social connections with others, even in an academic institution such as a college.
>Implying you ever got laid
>Western Mass
Get out of my room.
If you go to college here, go to smith or Mt. Holyoke parties there all girl schools so guys get the girls at clubs rule (Free before 11).
>Go to college with 60% female population
>Go through 4 years still a kissless virgin.
If it didn't happen there, it's not going to happen.

You're doomed. I could at least understand the RIT fags, because i've seen it first hand. But with that many girls, you should at least hold hands or something

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